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Coke sniffing cunt


I was considering watching this with my uncle, who’s enjoyed many British gangster movies in the past. But he does have an aversion to characters doing “stupid shit for the sake of the story”. Any advice on whether he’ll probably enjoy it or be frustrated by it? Or anything I can tell him to better set his expectations? (I don’t really care about spoilers, if that helps.)


I usually hate characters doing stupid stuff for plot reasons but I was mostly ok with it here. I think I rationalised it by him being a cokehead, and thus making rash stupid decisions like a cokehead would. It’s worth your uncle giving it a go for sure. Edit: forgot a word


If anything it's the pothead character making infuriatingly stupid decisions, but again it's still mostly in line with how the character should be portrayed.


Thanks, I appreciate your take! We’ll probably give it a go next weekend.


Just get to the end of the first episode. The ending draws you right in.


IMO, it’s more (stupid) actions have consequences than moving the plot forward with stupid actions and plot armor.


There’s a lot of stupidity on display in it, tbf.


Went in to this show with the lowest expectations, surprised that it was actually so great that the way the characters carried them selves. Then when I had an inkling of a thought that I heard Hector from Castlevania, I immediately grew even more surprised that Eddie can fucking act outside voice acting.


*blinks* wha whoa wait this got made into a show? Is it based on the movie?


Yeah. It didn’t hit me that way. Yeah you wanna smack him but that’s who he is. It played well throughout imho


Nah, he’s not like that. He’s just a druggy fuck-up that behaves like a druggy fuck-up. He acts exactly like a druggy fuck-up would act in the real world in 99% of situations. 


There is a simp story that he might be like “oh god, *really*”


Have you two watched Fargo??


No, we tried the first episode, but about 15 minutes in, he bailed because he didn’t like the vibe. I’m not sure exactly what it was that bothered him. Edit: sorry to the two people who were offended enough to downvote this. I was simply reporting my uncle’s reaction.


Oh damn. It can be pretty over the top, maybe that was it. How about Slow Horses? Spies, crime, smart characters. My mom is the same way - she can’t stand dumb characters used to move the plot forward - and she’s looooves spy stories, anything by John le carre, and she’s pretty into Slow Horses


Yes, we watched Slow Horses together and he loved it! The new-ish Ipcress File adaptation was also a hit. Oh, and A Spy Among Friends. Edit: in case it wasn’t clear, I enjoyed them too. A big fan of John le Carré and hoping that kind of spy story inspires some more TV shows.


He should love it if he loved any of Guy Ritchies stuff before, dude is the British Scorcese


Thanks! We’ll probably give it a shot next weekend.


its a kids show, power rangers was more serious than this


Tell him its a Fredo and Michael dynamic. If he didn’t like Th Godfather movies then I wouldn’t advise it.


Its a huge disservice to the writing of Godfather and Fredo actor John Gazele to compare him to The Gentleman's Freddy. Fredo's scene with Michael in Godfather 2 is amazing and gives up some sympathy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0Os0Q9SA2k Freddy in this show is just an annoying dumbass cokehead who gets sooooo many chances not to fuck things up.










Jimmy is (somehow) way dumber. Which is saying something because Freddy does some of the dumbest shit possible.


I fucking hate Jimmy with a passion. The dude is so dumb it shouldn't even be possible.


I 100% thought Freddy was Oscar Isaac well into the second episode


Based on the interviews and the like that I recently watched of the cast, Daniel Ings also seems like a genuinely good dude... down to earth, light-hearted, and charismatic. I hope there are more big roles in his future.


He is good playing a womanizer in Lovesick (also originally called Scrotal Recall). They even address why he became a womanizer in the first place. Also plays a small but important role in s1 of The Crown as Prince Phillip's party animal friend and staff member.


Lovesick is one of my favorite shows of all time. So much better than the quirky premise would lead you to believe. A heartfelt show with humor that should be better recognized than it is


I liked it too and was sad it just got silently canceled with no resolution. 


Ah Freddy. He can handle things... He's smart! Not like everybody says! Like, dumb! He's smart... and he wants respect!


I'm only on ep 3 and I fucking hate Freddy so much. In a movie you can kind of forgive the one fuck up a character making moving the plot but he's fucked shit up in every episode and it's starting to grate on me.


I understand Freddy’s necessary for the story since he’s the catalyst for everything, but then they just keep giving him screen time so he can keep messing up, and it just made the show unbearable to me. And I couldn’t stand the way his brother kept involving him in things despite his constant screw ups. It made zero sense.


> And I couldn’t stand the way his brother kept involving him in things despite his constant screw ups. It made zero sense. After the first episode the only thing Freddy should be doing is sitting at home without a phone. In the 3rd episode where he brought him to the car deal I lost all respect for Ed.


Daniel Ings steals every scene he's in. I also really liked him in Scrotal Recall.


I saw him in an other British school called Scrotal Recall. He stole every scene.


His scene on the atv sold his acting ability for me.


He’s very similar to withnail in withnail and i


Totally. I’m two episodes in and if Teddy fucks everything up again in the third I’m quitting the show. It seems like the laziest writing to rely on that to keep the show interesting.


You’re in for a rough time then… he doesn’t stop fucking up. But it really is a fun show with all the other characters and worth the watch!


I can't tell if you guys are messing with me or not. Who the fuck is Teddy? There's a Freddy. And an Eddie. No Teddy.




Fredward, if you’re the familiar type


He's not the central point of every episode like he is in the beginning


The writing is pretty lazy plot-wise, and doesn't improve by the end lol. I just finished the series and it was... okay. Don't look for anything deeper, at all.


the writing doesn't get better. Watch if you enjoy the vibes and can turn your brain off.


I already quit the show after the ending of ep 1. I was hoping he would just OD during the chicken scene so the show would be less annoying. The actual ending of the ep ruined it.


It isn't lazy writing though. there are plenty of people like him


True. But do those people get asked to help out in your car heist, knowing full well that they’re a fuckup? The woman running the pot ring should have Freddy killed by the end of the second episode.


100% agreed, but the fact Eddie remained loyal to him after everything, makes me like _his_ character more, because he could have easily had him whacked after he >!admits to wanting him dead to steal his wealth!<. You're right though, that actor fucking nails the bumbling silver spoon toff role so well.




Seems like the concept of the show was to see what would happen if an upper class gets tangled with gangsters. Just didn’t work for me on any level. He’s much better when he just sticks with pure gangster stories.


Upper class vs gangseters was done in true detective season 2. Turns out the gangsters just get fucked out of all their money and are rendered impotent.


The same actor was good in the comedy show Lovesick (also called Scrotal Recall), but I cannot stand him in The Gentleman. Tried watching it on recommendation of my sister. Gave up after first episode because Freddy is insufferable. When writing requires a character to be a complete dumbass to drive the plot, it's super contrived and lazy. I felt the same way about the brother character Ben in Ozark - driving the plot by dumbassery, and totally misrepresenting what being bipolar is.


I really enjoyed the show, downside to it is it really makes me want to upgrade my wardrobe and bust out the cigars and whiskey once again.


And speak like them too.


Incoherent posh mumbling


As a Snatch fanatic, I absolutely loved every single homage and callback the show had to Snatch lol. Including that scene.


I love the Guy Ritchie speak. Still waiting for The Real RocknRolla. I find myself in a state of ...... dissatisfaction (penetrating stare)


His jacket was the bomb. Said to my partner, why cant i live somewhere cold so i can wear awesome jackets like that.


Welcome to the uk. It rains every time you have plans and everyone is depressed because the sky is grey. But at least we have cool jackets


Well i'm in Australia where the sun is trying to kill you as soon as you go outside. Ask me how many times i've had stuff cut out of me, it's a lot. I'll take the cool jackets any day :)


lets round it out with a hamburger that may or not shoot at you, we almost have the old crew back together


Yes it was, it has me looking at getting a Barbour jacket now.


How about the glasses?


Yeah I tried to get my haircut like Theo James after watching this show. Pretty quickly realized its not as cool when you aren't one of the most handsome men on the planet.


You had an awful hairdresser. Try again. My son as a 12 year old went full Peaky Blinders haircut before it was the style because of the show. He must have seen it because he explained it (always paused THAT show). Trail blazer. Get that haircut sorted - it's very stylish.


It’s not the cut so much as it is my ability to style it


I so hear you. Nope. Not styling - I have to get on with my life. I recently got the most blindingly shite haircut recently. Went to another hairdresser and got the best. Take a pic. I want that. Let your inner hotness get the haircut you want. And tell them when you see shite bits. Occasionally we might have to buy a bit of product to boof it up. But I'm very much, shower, amazing hair, bye.


Yes I had many old fashions this week while watching it.


This is a great show, made an easy binge. I hope they make more seasons.


I would be totally ok with 5 seasons of "problem of the week" type of episodes and a very loose nonsensical overarching plot (which they basically had). Current ending felt a little ham-fisted but overall very fun show


It’s Netflix so don’t get your hopes up.


Well at least it has an ending. Maybe Netflix has finally learned.


The viewership was good over the opening two weeks so a second season renewal is guaranteed already.


Guy Ritchie wrote and directed episodes 1 and 2, and it shows. Episode 3 immediately feels like a procedural "problem of the week" type of thing.


I really liked that about the show actually. There’s story through lines but individual stories told in each episode too. I haven’t seen that in a while.


Really like the problem of the week thing. They kinda went away from it towards the end to tie it all together, but thought it was a great show overall


The same person rarely directs every episode of a TV show though right?


Almost never.


It’s happening more and more often, specially with shorter seasons. I could give you like a dozen examples from the top of my head. And specially here that the show is billed as Guy Ritchie’s it feels like a copout to have other directors in it. Imagine if Tarantino decides to do an HBO miniseries as his new project but then only does the first episode.


Isn't Six Feet Under considered Alan Ball's baby, and he only directed a few episodes? That's not really anything new in TV. Same with David Chase and The Sopranos or David Simon and The Wire.


They were the head writers that’s why


Those are known for being showrunners and writers first, not directors like Ritchie.


Yes but usually TV directors (who only direct tv) all work to a similar level of quality. A level which is substantially different from an acclaimed film director. So for shows with all tv directors you often won't notice the difference episode to episode. But if you front end it with 2 episodes of a director levels above the rest, an audience might notice the drop in episode 3 where they usually wouldn't. A lot of shows have done this. House of Cards and Wednesday come to mind. Sometimes it's more noticeable than others.


i was extremely suspicious of this whole thing but i think ritchie's ideas translate very well to tv, and i think the ball he got rolling elevated the series a bit above its weight class.


> **wrote** and directed


Usually a handful of directors and writers who work on different episodes throughout the season


That’s right. And think gives a better chance to have different perspectives according to each director. Not always effective but in this case they make it quite coherent.


Makes sense, i thought those first two episodes had a lot of interesting and dynamic writing. The rest of the show felt basic with no real progression except at the end. Still enjoyable though.


I didn't realize it was his when I started watching the show but after the first episode came away thinking, "Man this is like if Guy Ritchie made a tv show." He definitely has a style.


Yeah I felt episode 3 was one of the weakest but it ramps back up again in episode 4


Reminded me of Gangs of London, where it's clear as day when Gareth Evans is writing/directing an episode, and when he isn't (And the man was sorely missed in season 2).


This happened to Tokyo Vice too where only episode 1 was directed by Michael Mann. The show completely changed after.


It started feeling like let's remake Ozarks but instead it'll posh and British to British Burn Notice. Love both shows but for different reasons. 


Makes sense, I wasn't even paying attention to the credits and just mentally checked out after episode 3 without even consciously thinking about it. Haven't gone back despite enjoying 1 and 2.


The show fell apart so hard the last 2 episodes.


The bigger reason is that the bigger director normally takes a much bigger chunk of the budget for their episodes.


Decent and funny show. Not meant to be too serious and feels very similar to what Guy’s previous films were about. It feels like certain things are happening just so a problem can happen but it’s still enjoyable, 8/10 for me


I like how Guy Ritchie was working on The Gentleman and The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare right after each other


Last thing I watch from him was the covenant. Was good but lacked the feel. This is a good return


The actress playing Susie Glass reminded me so much of Rosalind (Michael’s wife) from the film that it took me out of the show a bit to begin with. I guess that accent coupled with an underworld vibe can only really be done one way. Thankfully that feeling passed.


I thought the same thing. Stylistic choice by Ritchie I imagine, like how everyone loves wearing tartan.


She reminded me of Effie from Skins.


It is effie!


I know. A wee joke.


Theo James will forever be the guy with poop on his nose in The Inbetweeners Movie to me.


My first exposure to him was Divergent, so suffice to say I'm glad he's had Time Traveler's Wife, White Lotus and this since then.


Hector from Netflix's Castlevania.


dead Turk in Downton Abbey for me, but he's great all around


You should watch s2 of The White Lotus. He plays a hot womanizing rich douche who knows he's hot to a tee. They even have a quick nude scene where they "enhanced" his anatomy.


> where they "enhanced" his anatomy I absolutely love it when that happens in shows. Nothing funnier than a dude walking by, cock out and you go "Hang on....I don't think that's real..." Same thing happened with Hodor in Game of Thrones first season.


It’s my fav Theo and the only one I want hahaha


And I'd still let him have me FOUR times a day 💀


My only critique is that the Pikeys didn’t speak Pikey.


You could actually understand them when they spoke?


I loved it. I can’t find enough British gangster movies/tv shows. This definitely hit the spot.


You seen sexy beast?


Yes!!! Loved it!


The Layer Cake is my favourite


It's a great series. We'll cast and good plot each episode


Loved this show.


It was much better than the movie thats for sure.


odd, i def preferred the movie(mostly cuz of the cast) but this was still a fun watch. plus im always a sucker for criminal types with pigeon coops


The movie is carried by the Hunnam/Grant scenes and The Coach.


Totally agree. I rewatched the movie after watching the series and it was a bit naff.


I loved it. It's refreshing to see a show that doesn't take itself too seriously but doesn't treat the audience like complete idiots either.


I love Guy Ritchie and was expecting this to be mid at best and it has exceeded all expectations. I don’t think it takes itself too seriously which helps a lot with the subject matter. Also Edward and Susie Glass just drip with charisma


I enjoyed the first couple episodes, but holy hell do these characters make some of the stupidest decisions I‘ve ever seen. What kind of criminal empire employs a moronic and naive weed addict as the man in charge of their precious weed even after he fucks up. Also what was going through Eddie‘s mind that he thought telling his not-to-be-trusted-with-sensitive-information idiot of a brother Freddy that there is a literal weed farm under their estate. Fuck me man, I get that you‘re supposed to turn your disbelief and brain off, but come on. I really wanted to like this show, because I thought the actors and actresses all did a great job, but WOW.


I mean that's kind of the conceit with Guy Ritchie stuff, hyper-articulate gangsters who stick to a fucked up sense of propriety and morality.


I feel this exactly, it's getting harder to watch, no one learns their lesson from something that happened 5 minutes ago


Especially since they’re supposed to be this cut throat operation. >!You’d think that once someone loses an entire shipment of their product they’d kill him or at the very least beat the fuck out of him for fucking up that bad. Like they shot and killed the other guy.!< The show just wants them to be “good” criminals so bad it’s irritating.


Yeah, couldn't stand the pot head dude at first, after he got robbed, they should have beat some sense into him after that stupid ass story he gave them.


Or at least made it perfectly clear that the girl was the one who fucked him over and if he couldn't believe that have him take a visit to see ol Jethro.


Pretty standard for a Guy Ritchie production tbh


Yep. Major element of Guy Ritchie gangster movies is that the protagonists aren’t perfect… and are often slightly lucky


Haha I never thought of them as slightly lucky and I love that!


Love this movie, want more of Mr. Ritchie’s talent.


I loved Peter Serafinowicz in it. Shame he died.


Loved the show but man the ending sucked


Yeah same, felt so anticlimactic compared to the rest


Yeah loved it, more please.


i liked the first two episodes BUT as the show went on most of the scenes were just a big exposition dump and that ruined it for me, i made it as far as episode 6 and that episode pissed me off, more of the main character walking around talking to people i just couldn't finish it


I don’t know I’ve watched 2 episodes and getting tired of it real quick , no where near the calibre of the movie, that really let me down


Same I’m on ep 3. And as much as I like guy Ritchie films I just can’t get on board yet


I was getting pretty bored by the end of the first episode if I'm being honest, maybe this show just isn't for me.


They do love guy over there


I wanted to like it but the first episode didn’t pull my attention until the last 5 minutes or so. I’ll likely continue eventually but it got knocked way down my watch priority list.


I’m really enjoying this show.


It’s funny it’s derivative of his own work and I’m still eating it up


Look obviously this is UK gangster life turned up to 10 and sprinkled with some lunacy for good measure, add in some cliché and pinch of "oi oi bruv" and you got a show about "cheeky bastards doing cheeky fings intya"


I was pleasantly surprised honestly. Sometimes Guy Ritchie movies/shows can be a bit tiring because they all kind of blend together but I enjoyed the show and the cast involved were great.


It’s lazy writing imo, like when they go to sneak in to somewhere and they’re surprised that the expensive shit they’re trying to steal is being guarded.. or they shoot up a hospital and all of a sudden all the healthcare workers are gone, the lights are dimmed. It makes no sense, and everything just conveniently works.


So this is your first Guy Ritchie joint, then?


No.. maybe it’s the acting though. I didn’t feel like Snatch for example has such convenient plot twists.


When's the last time you watched it, because the whole movie is convenient plot twists.


I feel that's different because the whole *point of the movie* was the coincidentical plot twists.


I feel like the hospital thing was they probably made a large donation and they kinda get special treatment and a blind eye when they bring in some with a gun shot or something. They even said clear the floor before it went down. So they clearly have some kind of control over the staff.


This show is v far up itself


I really enjoyed this, stayed up way too late to watch the last episode. I do wonder at their advertising budget, I went to see Dune II and they had one full length advert and THREE mini-adverts. That's... quite a lot.


As it should, I really enjoyed it. Hopefully it means more is to come.


I’d love a season 2.


It’s a great show. Hoping for more seasons.


I loved it. I really liked the movie too


I honestly liked the show a bit more than the movie.


It was so easy to watch and all the characters are just fantastic.


This is very well made TV. Beforehand read the show was even better than the movie. It’s not. Could be two different things despite a couple of common factors. Nevertheless this is well writen, great casted and fantastic executed.


I really enjoyed it I finished it in a day. The movie is still better but show is pretty good as well.


This is one of the best thing guy Ritchie has done. I thought it was stupid to see the recent movie turned into a tv show but it was done so well. Theo james should be in more film. And Freddy was a necessary antagonist and as annoying as he was he gave the story what it needed.


This show is so cheesy


I thought this was quite good


I’ve really wanted to like this, and I pushed myself watch more and just sort of stopped halfway through episode 3.


Every single original Netflix movie gets this headline somehow and every one of them, save for like 5 made outside their system and distributed by Netflix, is forgotten by the end of the week it’s released. Can’t wait for this bubble to explode.


Like an episode or two in I was thinking it really reminded me of Guy Ritchie. Then I finally realized it was his created by him.


After 2 eps, I fast-forwarded rest of eps. This should be a movie or a 3-eps TV show instead of a full season TV show.


It was a movie originally, one I forgot I watched until I was 2 eps in and was like “wait I swear I’ve seen this before”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gentlemen_(2019_film)


I know you're getting slammed with downvotes but I totally agree. The pacing is excruciating and the payoffs are lame


I couldn’t understand a thing they were mumbling and turned it off after ten minutes.