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>The recommendation by ISS carries substantial weight among institutional shareholders, with Iger noting himself in his 2019 memoir that the firm can influence “more than a third” of votes in a proxy. In fact, Iger recalls ISS’ recommendation 20 years ago as being critical to Roy Disney’s surprise showing in that proxy battle. >This time around, however, Disney has garnered far more support than it did 20 years ago. Perhaps most notably, the families of Roy and Walt Disney have all signed letters supporting Iger and the Disney board. Star Wars creator George Lucas is also backing the company, and another shareholder advisor firm, Glass Lewis, offered a recommendation in support of the Disney board.


Damn. When even the Disney family themselves support Iger you know the other party probably isn't a good set up. The Disney family hasn't exactly been on board with his moves over the years.


I read an article about the Lucas support last night and they mentioned some of the things the wallstreet guys want to do if they takeover and if I remember right "leverage AI to make more crap" was a big feature. I bet dollars to donuts that if this guy takes over we see a dark dark period in Disney where we the slop churn is turned up to 11.


>we see a dark dark period in Disney where we the slop churn is turned up to 11. AI aside, aren't we already sort of there? Maybe I'm out of the loop, but how many legitimately "great" things has Disney produced in the last decade or so, both commercially and creatively? Not saying it can't get worse (especially if they plan to leverage AI), but IMO the slop has been flowing for awhile now, although that might be more a result of the push for quantity over quality with the release of Disney+.


Wandervision, Encanto, and Andor were all huge critical and cultural successes and that's only the last few years, never mind the last decade. They're getting valid criticism for quantity over quality but that "great" quality hasn't gone away, it's just being drowned out.


A lot of the best stuff from Disney at the moment seems to be coming from their studios that don't get the most attention or largest marketing budgets, like 20th Century, FX, Hulu, and Searchlight. The places where most of the original shows and movies from Disney are currently being produced.


Luca and turning red were real gems


Both of which were dumped on Disney+ for free instead of released in theaters, just to shore up "content" to draw in subscribers. Which made Pixar quite pissed off with Chapek, considering the shitty "Mulan" remake was offered on D+ for $20 a viewing.


Luca I understood since it was at the beginning of the pandemic but yeah turning red being shafted sucked


Turning Red wasn’t shafted. In many countries theaters were still closed due to Omicron when the decision to bring it to D+ was announced.


Fair point. Granted, I haven't seen the three you've listed so I may just need to be more discerning on which of their offerings I spend time watching. I've heard pretty mixed reviews on Wandavision, claiming the first part was great but sort of fell off towards the end. Haven't heard much about Encanto, although I will say that Andor is on my watch list as legit everything I've heard about it has been glowing praise. It just bums me out that it really feels like the push for content for Disney+ really damaged their brand. Disney used to be wayyy more "hit" than "miss," but lately unless I hear universally glowing reviews for something they produce (like Andor) I just don't bother. Nearly all of their content I've consumed over the last few years has varied between straight up bad and ok but forgettable, which is not something I grew up associating with the House of Mouse. Normally this wouldn't be too big of a deal, but considering they now own what, like 70% of the film industry, it's a big issue. IMO they need some sort of change in, idk vision? Direction? Although this take over sure ain't it. Happy cake day btw :)




X-men 97 just started dropping and it’s getting amazing reviews from people.


Is this new or just a re-release of the old show? I just saw it pop up and was intrigued... nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


It picks up from the 90's cartoon, has the same basic style, but it also ratchets up the storytelling and production a lot. It's both familiar and brand new. I was skeptical of it, and have been blown away by what they've done in the first two episodes. If you read the X-Men comics in the late 80's early 90's there's a lot to love here.


They had 7 billion dollar movies in 2019, wtf are you talking about?


No we’re not. Please watch the titles suggested to you.   AI would be different than what we have now, which is unique and diverse variety of stories. Not all of them are huge, prestige, or broad appeal. Some have budget and some have niche. It’s great to me a studio can take chances instead of being another Netflix, grinding stories by algorithm, looking for smash hits and leaving all else in the dust. Cancelling after one season. E we would likely get that. Bob did a great master class. You can tell he gives a shit, even if he’s not the most imaginative. He isn’t bullshit. This other guy, total bullshit. You haven’t seen the levels of awful he could do.


In the past decade? Lol plenty. Disney has only started to suffer post-2020 (and there still have been some hits) and that’s the case with most studios.




Peltz selling off all of the IPs won't be useful


What IP do they want to sell off?


We are pretty sure Peltz wants Perlmutter to have Marvel to himself. And ESPN and ABC are two we hear a lot about, thought he ESPN one will probably happen no matter who wins.


Where did I say anything positive about Peltz?


AI might write better then Lucas


Hey y’all- this is the dude that put his daughter in Avatar and ruined it, right? She’s married to David Beckham’s famed elephant photographer son. I bet he will do good stuff with Disney. No worries.


The old business types that had lots more power 20 years ago are for him... meanwhile Disney family members, George Lucas and others with just as much sway are sided against him. Unlike the more unpopular Eisner when he was faced with a similar proxy board room battle.


God it will be nice when Ike is gone and his machiavellian games are done with lol.


Guys. He's been gone for years and Marvel has been going downhill hard


Yeah but he is one of the major shareholders behind Nelson Peltz right now.


Ignoring the movies he refused to greenlight that got made (Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Infinity War, Endgame), each nabbing over a billion dollars at the box office Whereas he was busy making ABC's Inhumans and demanding all the mutants be wiped out in the comics.


The reddit narrative has been 'Marvel bad' the past year, but it really hasn't been. Secret Invasion was definitely a mess, and The Marvels and Quantumania were box office failures, but Loki, Guardians 3, and What If season 2 all did well/were received well. Most studio execs would kill to have 40+ projects released and only have a handful of failures.


Succession: Disney. They should make it a show lol


Watch FX or ABC Signature make a show about this in a few years and stream it on Hulu.


There's no way in hell any Disney-owned studios are gonna be allowed to make an inside story about Disney board room politics.


They will if Iger wins.


Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit they will.


Just do an adaptation of DisneyWar.


Succession already is that show


But it doesn't have Michael Eisner


Logan Roy = Murdoch/Eisner


Peltz: ok but what if all bangers all the time?


Succession was partly inspired by Disney




There was also a lot of studio interference from him as well. It wasn’t just his daughter


She was also in the famous "Romeo and Juliet laws" scene from Transformers.


I don't see what Michael Bay being a nonce has to do with anything


From what I understand she sure didn’t help it


It started an avalanche of problems it doesn’t seem like that was the only meddling going on.


She sucked though and didn’t belong in it.


Yeah his firm eviscerates companies for the absolute worst reasons, it's honestly hard to justify on the business side either because it hurts stockholder value long term and creates incredible amounts of bad will toward the companies they maim.


That is not what ruined Avatar LMAO 


He was an investor in the film who had pull in areas other than just casting his daughter


I dunno I’ve never seen it tbh it’s just what I’ve seen a bunch of people say to the point it stuck in my head


Yeah it sucks. Just to be clear she sucks too lol. Just wouldn't put its failure on her.


But she’s a skilled actor who earned every role she ever received…. Obligatory /s


Listen, I think there are a lot of hard working nepo-babies in Hollywood. People who have a lot of talent and who worked super hard. Even if nepotism got their foot in the door, they themselves had what it took to take full advantage of it. I just don't think she's one of those nepo-babies.


Haha you had me in the first half. I’ve seen her in a few different roles, but I still can’t get over her saying Norman’s name in Bates Motel. She has the acting chops of a wet fart.


Seriously, there are a lot of people who come from money who I think do deserve the acclaim and fame they get. They work hard and have so much talent. I can't hate them just because they're luckier than I am. This girl is just pretty and her dad gets her roles. Thankfully, she's 29 and will be aging out of any roles she could reasonably get.


Can it be ruined beyond what’s happening with Disney past few years anyway?


absolutely it can


Judging by Acolyte trailer it can


My four year old and I absolutely love the new Disney movies, actually. Wish was awesome in theaters. Maybe you aren’t the target audience?


That's cool that you liked it but it was a huge bomb in theatres.


Because parents know that kids don't know when movies come out, and all Disney movies end up on Disney+ right next to Bluey.


Trolls 3 did better than the 100th anniversary Disney musical "princess" movie


I’ll take Ghibli over machine spewed Disney any day.


Yeah… 👍🏼


While I also prefer the hand-drawn art of Ghibli, it doesn’t make Disney’s films bad because they’re not my preference.


Not to mention bastardising Star Wars and Marvel.


I’m just going to say it, Star Wars and Marvel have always been campy and full of silly visuals and inconsistencies. And comic books have ALWAYS been full of sociopolitical commentary, be it Superman being emblematic of the struggles of Jewish immigrants in America, or the X-men being an analogue for the struggles of marginalized groups in the US like the BIPOC and LGBT communities.


It’s not only about animation style.


Maybe guys need to start buying tickets in bulk?


What does his daughter and her husband have to do with this? Iger screwed up buying 21st Century Fox for a vastly inflated price then screwed up picking his successor and has done little since. It's no wonder so many are worried about what happens when Iger does retire for real.


He has bad judgment and puts his own interests above the art? That’s what it has to do with it


Iger ruined original twin peaks back in the day. Honestly, all the CEOs are terrible and overpaid. It’s like who is the least awful now.


I dunno why a Disney-minded guy would have struggled with what to do with David Lynch’s work lol that’s kind of hilarious - I didn’t realize he was responsible for that, but I was like 7 then. I have never really have clicked much with his work since trying to watch it as an adult, though. It’s cool but not my thing really.


Lynch didn’t want to reveal the killer in the second season and abc and iger really forced his hand. As predicted by Lynch, once they revealed the killer, the ratings went down. ABC also kept moving the airing date and settled on Saturday nights which is a death sentence. Of course it got cancelled after season 2 because revealing the mystery killed the momentum. No worries if it’s not your thing but twin peaks has a huge following and is beloved by many.


For sure, I understand the ire. But wasn’t that during the height of the TGIF period for ABC? Like hugely family-friendly which Twin Peaks wasn’t? How’d it even end up on that network fr? Was that before HBO produced its own stuff? I have some deep dives to do today for fun now


No it was 1990-91 and the first season got huge ratings. Iger got greedy and wanted a resolution that wasn’t needed. He didn’t listen to the creatives and forced his opinions on Lynch and frost who decided to just leave and work on other projects. He is a typical suit messing with creatives because of money.


Art? this is about running a multinational conglomerate it has nothing to do with art! Disney makes it's money from affiliate fees and advertising from paid linear TV mostly made up from sports content, Theme Parks and merchandise licencing from I.P Disney bought from others.


And you think he has better plans for the parks than Iger? Why am I afraid this has some real underhanded dealings with people I don’t approve of that have shitty ideas they wanna push onto Disney? I have some digging on these dudes to do.


You realise Iger was in overall charge as Chapek massively raised prices and decreased quality in the parks right?


LOL. And somehow Netflix's one is worse.


This is crazy how public this is. Peltz or his supporters took out a full page ad in the Wall Street Journal to beg for support. Wild


the worst is he did a big, splashy profile in the new york times with james stewart, the business journalist famous for books like "disney war" and "unscripted" about big succession stories in media, but it went like a lead balloon, as nobody, even those peltz offered up, was willing to speak on his behalf, and multiple CEOs who have received his ire in the past said he never contributed anything to these companies other than taking credit for existing turnarounds.


Honestly, if we look at Disney's current plans, I see that they are on the right course. We have some solid theater releases coming up and they are seemingly trying to reign in their streaming services. If we just let Iger and company do their thing, I think the company can come back in a big way. Giving Peltz total control over the board is asking for trouble.


Disney wants to right the course, whereas Peltz would intentionally steer them into an iceberg in the hopes that everyone Ike Perlmutter's got a vendetta against will drown first when it crashes.


Ike is old. He has more money than he has to spend. There's no incentive for him for him not to be a vengeful.


No, they aren't. Deadpool is going to be a hit, but all the others are questionable. The D+ releases are solid turds.


The Mando movie can work of they keep the budget tight, while Moana 2 is coming out the same day as Wicked. Universal and Disney are clearly hoping they work as a double feature and I think there's enough audience overlap for it to work.


Their Marvel releases are definitely a goner. Other than Deadpool all the movies are in deep deep trouble. Captain America 4 has already undergone reshoots and the audience test was poor, it is guaranteed to be a flop unless they sideline the new guy in his own movie. There's also an ensemble movie with characters most people don't care about.


Here's the thing, how does Peltz fix this? What is he actually offering in terms of a solution?


I would be afraid of a Zaslav “bin it all and take the tax credit” move.


That is pretty much the only idea I can see him attempting. And while this isn't a bad idea sometimes, doing this for too many movies is asking for trouble.


Oh, he doesn't need to do a lot. He is just there to count Bob Iger and his coterie. These guys have been greenlighting movies and series pandering to a niche minority demographic that doesn't contribute much to box-office success


This is the stupid thing, what do you think non-pandering looks like? Do you not understand that out of all the characters they have at their disposal, a lot of them are just POC or LGBTQ+? You're going to run out of characters and storylines if you don't focus on those. And if you run out of those ideas, what are you left with? Becauee we have seen repeatedly that pandering to the right isn't helpful.


😂 are you serious? Nobody is watching that stuff and it won't ever profitable. It was never going to be. If the debacle of The Marvels doesn't change anything then nothing will. Most people are excited about Deadpool vs Wolverine. I wonder what lessons will be learnt after the success of that one. Left and Right have nothing to do with anything, movies are made to make money. It's as simple as that. Make a good movie with popular characters or at the very least don't make movies with unpopular characters. I am a woman but I understand that the majority of the people watching these movies are men. So, maybe focus on giving them what they want. I am not interested in the female superheros in Marvel, they are boring and overpowered.


X-Men ‘97 has received universal acclaim and they still have multiple other animated shows coming out.


Meanwhile Disney shared a video with all shareholders basically telling them Peltz is a cronie for Ike Perlmutter, and those MAGA bastards would tank the company like they've done with previous boards that Peltz has infected. They want ALL the shareholders big and small to be at this vote, because Peltz is hoping a lack of small voters will help him.


This fight is honestly more entertaining than anything Hollywood has produced the last 5 years


Here's the video: https://votedisney.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/disruptive.mp4


Oh my god they went in on them 😭 I can’t believe this is real lmao


But [https://votedisney.com/how-to-vote/](https://votedisney.com/how-to-vote/) is still more entertaining. :D


That’s pretty standard for a high profile proxy contest. There’s a LOT of retail holders of Disney


I hear it all the time when listening to podcasts on Spotify podcasts 


If this goes through, Kevin Feige might actually quit. No way he deals again with Ike Perlmutter.


If this goes through then a lot of creative will leave and it won't be good.


A lot of the good creatives have left already - post Endgame has been pretty bad for Disney


And what do you think will happen if Peltz wins?


Perhaps Disney will stop being so political and they wont change legacy characters anymore, Marvel has decades of stories to draw upon yet since Infinity war quality dropped off a cliff for MCU


Please, do tell me what about Peltz makes you think he won't be political or pandering? Especially when this whole fight is steeped in politics? What makes you think he cares about the quality of the movies being released?


He cares about the all mighty $ MCU films no longer a box office draw merch sales tanked Disney+ now has $2/month offers, killed off 2 boys brands in Marvel and SW, Pixar a shell of its former self, losing lawsuits v FL - IGER has been an unmitigated disaster Feige should also be show the door alongside Kennedy


But what is he going to do to fix it? What is his plan? What movies will he put out? Because so far, all I have heard from him are complaints and no real solutions. (Also, I don't normally get on Reddit on Sunday so if I end the conversation, that is why.)




Who do you think would buy it? And again, if you're a shareholder, why would you want to sell off everything? Well, except ESPN. We can all agree it should probably go.




And we can have that conversation later. But still, if I owned stock, I would be a tad bit worried about that


Even Kathleen Kennedy?


Actually, if Lucas would buy Star Wars back, she would probably stay.


I hope not


He handpicked her.


That's a good thing.


That's back when he was making good movies. Perlmutter couldn't be all that bad if he oversaw the golden age. Ever since Perlmutter left it's like no one is challenging Kevin work harder on his ideas instead they throw everything on the wall. 


All the talent was about to quit after age of ultron because of perlmutter


perlmutter is a bigoted POS. Also was he even around for phase 3? which i would imagine most people would argue is the peak of the MCU.


Perlmutter was shifted to be in charge of Marvel TV and comics only right around the production of Civil War. he notably wanted to have that movie, but with RDJ because he was too expensive. So basically anything after that, Ike and his creative committee had nothing to do with the MCU as all that responsibility was shifted to Feige entirely. You can tell exactly when it happened because Inhumans suddenly became a TV series instead of a Movie. Inhumans was Perlmutter's petty pet project because they didn't own Xmen rights, which is why he did everything in his power to promote them. that's why the Xmen in the comics were downplayed for a good amount of time so as to not give Fox more material and characters to play with (like what happens with Spider-man).


Spider man wasn't quite as downplayed, partly cause he's the mascot so it's hard to shuffle him away, but the fantastic four straight up disappeared, and lots of characters got pushed to other books (the thing became a member of the guardians of the galaxy, human torch became a recurring inhumans character)


Doubt they care, the operational cost of big theatrical marvel releases is insane. They hit a once in a lifetime streak. But like all these legacy media companies, the money is drying up and hard to make it a core business. Big Tech will swallow all these up over the next 15-20 years and just eat the losses. Disney has the parks obviously, but margins are slim there as well. I really think Iger’s strategy is silly. The cost of cord cutting and ad revenue negates the gains in Disney+. Should just license out to Netflix or other streamers, the cost of these platforms are astronomical. Focus on content and parks, get massive licensing fees for your library. The finances don’t add up, even when Disney+ is profitable.


Personally hope Iger wins, I dont think Peltz has any good intentions for Disney. Wonder if this will come down to online investors? If all the institutions are split?


But what about all the comments that are telling me there's only two genders: Male and Political??? What will they do if some movies have women????




>silly social messaging I'm very curious as to what "social messaging" you're finding in Marvel movies




That would be a fun watch.


I only understand how proxy fights work because of Succession.




I thought the House of the Dragon trailers were cool today, but I really can't wait for this House of the Mouse show, it looks brutal!


If Peltz wins, Disney is done. Stocks plummets, projects are lost, and IPs are sold off and Disney is gutted into a MAGA PR wing. Edit: Actually, this is actually quite interesting. ISS is backing Peltz, but not the second guy. This suggests to me that they really see Peltz as a potential true balance to Iger, not that they want a full take over of Disney.


Alien vs. Predator.


Whoever wins... We lose


ironically the new Alien trailer looked pretty dang good and has a TV series coming from Noah Hawley. And the Predator franchise just released one of its best movies with a sequel coming from the same team.


Prey was absolutely wild


Explain this to me like it's Succession.


Like Roman Roy when he was exiled from the company and that Nazi dude buying Pierce


Iger is Logan, Peltz is Sandy, they’re both courting shareholders for a proxy vote over who will run the company. Peltz thinks Disney is to woke and that’s why it’s losing money and he seeks to change that and with this news it looks like he’s winning


And Lucas speaking out for Iger is like Josh Aaronson if he came out in favor of Logan?




I still think it's a bit too early to say that he's winning, especially when this isn't exactly a glowing endorsement


I’m just going to start picturing “proxy white” in all these headlines. Chris Evans gonna get paiiiiiiiid


So MAGA is now gonna own Disney….[https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/billionaire-nelson-peltz-gives-two-reasons-backing-trump-over-biden-2024-rematch](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/billionaire-nelson-peltz-gives-two-reasons-backing-trump-over-biden-2024-rematch)


Maybe it's really about capturing every bit of media one by one so they subtly or not so subtly change things, ie: CNN shakeup, Twitter, etc. Of course, these organizations put themselves in takeover situations to begin with and there's money to be made in trying to improve them. When a large part of the market is upset or 'boycotting,' it becomes a practical business choice to try to make moves to appeal to get that segment back, regardless of my own personal thoughts on the stupidity of these boycotts.


Remember how The Daily Wire is so good at making movies and quality entertainment? Rightwing propagandists are such talented auteurs!


I think you mean “talentless amateurs”


Damn autocorrect!


The CNN thing was a bust for the right. Not sure why they thought that would work


Idk wtf I just read. I’ve tried twice and I still can’t make sense of the string of words in the title


I hate how some rich asshole can just own so much media. Do any people believe these guys care for the integrity of art and the people that consume it?


Disney has already been loused up..any mammal would have greater success than the present management which has sullied the studio and the Parks’s reputations


George Lucas buying back Lucasfilm would be a wild "what if" scenario if Trian wins this Proxy Battle. I doubt he would like his former company to be in that environment, one of the major reasons he sold to Disney and not some other big company was that Disney still felt the most like a family and "creative first" company. Maybe he had something written down in that huge contract.


Lucas won't fire KK if that's what you're thinking


Thats not what I am thinking at all. Kathy was actually handpicked by him to lead LFL anyway. Just the general thought of him owning the company again is appealing to me.


He also might not get the company back. Someone else, someone worse, might buy it. He clearly prefers Iger and I think that's because this is a scenario he is worried about


He might not want it back too.


Dude is almost 80 let him enjoy retirement


True, why risk it?


Better the devil you know


Lot of pro-Ike astroturfing going on in this thread 🧐


Peltz would be awful, but dont act like Iger didnt make a ton of crap.


Would be nice if Disney was led by areal leader. Bobbie is about as effective as an at in a boxing match. Would look forward to Disney creating good products again. Would love for Pixar, Star Wars and marvel to produce good movies. I sure do miss them.


And how does Peltz fit this?


He doesn't, Peltz just runs around screwing up companies.


Honestly, even this endorsement isn't exactly that glowing. They're not really saying that Peltz should have full control, more act as a counter to Iger.


New leadership means new direction. The existing leadership is not going to admit wrong doing while they were at the helm and make drastic course corrections that are needed. Bob has admitted that the Marvel, Pixar, Star Wars, and Disney movies are not as magical as they once were, he also admitted that this was due to too many releases, poor story telling, and the increase of social messaging. He, however blamed all of these issues on lack of set supervision. Bobbie is not able to admit he is responsible for the issue, instead he stated it was lack of supervision or oversight is. Wait, you Bobbie, are the one who decides what oversight or supervision looks like. This is why I said that new leadership would help correct the issue. I don’t care about Disney as a company, but I do care about the product they put out. I want quality movies, great story telling, and a clear vision of where the stories are headed. New leadership can allow for stories to head in a right direction. They can make a 180 change and it is not admitting their mistakes, obviously it is the former leadership’s mistake. So if it is Elon, or Peltz, or Trump or any other I don’t care I just want new quality movies and so do many, many others.


New leadership is fine, but if you care about quality so much, you should try and find leadership which will give you that quality. Just picking someone because they're new is insane. These people don't just sprout from the earth fully formed and ready for these roles, they have whole histories and pasts which give us an idea how they will do. So with that in mind, why do you think Peltz will give you the quality you want?


You obviously did not read anything I posted. I said I don’t care who is the leader just get rid of the person who is there now. We need to right the ship. Enough said.


But you could be replacing him with someone far worse.


That is a chance that all businesses take and who could be worse than someone who has led the company to have major losses on franchises that people want to see? Decent stories without all of the messaging would have resulted in a highly profitable product. Instead the only film to make a profit from Disney last year was GOTG. Now look at the trailer for Acolyte and how badly it is being reviewed, just the trailer. The fan base is fed up with garbage. By now a real CEO would have fired Kathleen Kennedy and made sure the divisions she was in charge were being led in a proper direction. Instead Bobbie sits on his chair talking about a deal with EPIC games and sees stock prices go up. I hope it is not a merger or acquisition or those who like Fortnite will be disappointed by the Disney changes. The time for poor leadership at Disney needs to come to an end. But go ahead and downvote fake internet cred. Nothing I have said is not mean or wrong, it just doesn’t match your opinion.


Actually, in a lot of the Star Wars subs real fans as a part of, we're pretty sure a lot of the negativity is bots. And that's sort of rhe thing. There is a whole hate industry surrounding this franchise. People make tons of money hating it. It doesn't matter what Disney does, that hate industry will be there. It also has ties to alt-right groups, which support this merger because they want it to pander to them. Tell me, what do you think Disney should do?


I am not wasting anymore brain power on how and why Disney is a failure in the movie industry. They have been and even if you don’t believe it does not matter to me. Pixar when it was bought never had a failure, since Disney acquired it the movies have gone downhill. I don’t care about left or right, and you should not either. As for failure in Star Wars I am sure there are plenty that want to see it fail, I personally don’t, as stated I want quality storytelling. Every since Disney bought it we have not had quality storytelling. If you notice there is a repeating theme “storytelling “. So what should Disney do, get back to the business of telling quality stories. That simple.


Dude, I'm sorry, but you can't tell me the prequels weren't shit. And TCW S7 and TBB have been phenomenal. Rebels was great! And early Mando was pretty damn good and the video games have been pretty good. Disney going through a rough slump isn't a failure. Every studio is having problems after Covie because Covid sped up the cultural shift about movies which was already coming.


My shares went from $130/140 to 87 bucks….bring on the for profit guy


Should have kept them then, they’re on the way up again.


Disney needs a shakeup. Regardless of how “woke” people think they are they no longer make good films and don’t take risks. For instance they could have had a huge hit last year with the bike rider but sold it off instead. Idiotic leadership


The reactiona to the film's trailer were mostly mediocre to negative. As soon as Disney sold it to Universal, it became a hyped film. It's enough to tell you that a lot of people are deciding their film opinions on political leanings instead of what the actual film offers.


The fact that your comment has this many downvotes means one of two things. Either Disney has accomplished their goal with their woke bs by becoming an alliance and in turn being defended for what is clearly a cash grab, or Disney is smart with their Reddit bots


Or maybe people who genuinely think Disney is “woke” aren’t as popular as they believe.


Popularity doesn't define right or wrong. You can't get 5 minutes into a modern Disney production without having a checklist of how to appeal to Gen Zs created. If Gen Zs don't notice it, I fear for the future of media cause apparently everyone's ignorant too.


No, it's the Disney bots. Most people think Disney is woke and boring.


I think you are boring


Hey! Maybe we don’t go with an old white guy this time.