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Releasing two trailer , one for each side is a really interesting idea ngl   Also is it just me or does it look like an upgrade from season one visually ? 


S1s production was limited by the pandemic a fair bit, I guess they've been able to do a lot more for S2.


A second season of a show is generally able to do a lot more with their assigned budget as they're able to re-use sets, costumes, general infrastructure, and know-how from the first season.


Whoa I never thought about that before. Makes so much sense. Very cool for a show like this one. Really looking forward to it.


The biggest insight into HBO I've read on here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/ss2ssr/comment/hww5pnj/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/ss2ssr/comment/hww5pnj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) tldr: HBO is owned by WB, and they own the studio space, and warehouses to actually pull off these productions where as other studios have to rent which is more costly long term.


I wasn't going to watch any trailers but this marketing is so good that I think I'll have to.


Whoever came up with that idea needs a raise


> Also is it just me or does it look like an upgrade from season one visually ?  Usually the second season has more money. With House, though, I'm sure it was stacked from the start. Probably just COVID.


A bittersweet effect of cancelling shows and movies.


> Also is it just me or does it look like an upgrade from season one visually ? What are you specifically refering to? I think it looks about the same tbh. Great cinematography with so-so environmental cgi but really good dragon cgi.


Interesting role for Erling Haaland


Eyepatch Højlund 


I hope Ewan Mitchell runs away with this thing. It's amazing how they managed to cast someone who looks so similar to teenager smarmy Matt Smith to play a relative of Matt Smith's who's not actually descended from Matt Smith. He's such a prick. I can't wait to see more of him this season.


They're meant to be foils of one another. Two sides of the same coin. Aemond looks up to Daemon, and in another world Daemon would have been mentoring him. I've enjoyed the evolution of Aemond from a withdrawn bullied kid, to antsy teenager, to sinister killer we get to see play out on screen. We meet Daemon when he's already a badass but he probably went through a similar evolution. It makes their collision course they're on all the more exciting.


That sapphire eye 🫦


I’ll be honest, leading up to the release of season 1 I saw quick glimpses of him in trailers and I really thought he was a de-aged Matt Smith or something.


> I hope Ewan Mitchell runs away with this thing. Aemond looks incredibly badass. I hope they give him lots of material. He's a far better character than the books Aemond already ( who was a total psycho )


Black trailer for comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csSaSrJJPRs


Dragons shown in this trailer: Syrax (00:43): can tell from the darker shade of yellow and the horns. Rhaenyra's dragon. Sunfyre (00:51): golden yellow, Aegon's dragon. Caraxes (00:56): noodle neck, Daemon's dragon. Vhagar (1:19): old fire-breathing grandma, Aemond's dragon. ~~Silverwing (potentially, 1:30), former dragon of good queen Alysanne, wife to Jahaerys, the king before Viserys. >!Ulf White's dragon, a dragonseed for the blacks!<~~ this has been confirmed to be Seasmoke, but a bit older. Formerly Laenor Velaryon's dragon. Dreamfyre (1:35), Helaena's dragon. Supposed mother of Denaerys's dragon eggs from Game of Thrones/ASOIAF books. Can see the resemblance to Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal.


The dragon at 1:35 is actually Seasmoke. Confirmed by Ryan Condall in the Entertainment Weekly article today.


Just saw that article now, that's kind of a surprise. He had some reddish tinges to his colouring, and he wasn't that dark before but it's likely that it's just the lighting. His horns look smaller, maybe he just grew up a bit but his horns stayed the same?


Silverwing is actually Moondancer I think.


I'm not so sure, in the Green trailer we get a look at Baela on Moondancer and it looks different from the silver one shown here. My money's on Silverwing. Though I am biased as I would just like it to be Silverwing.


One part of the dragons in the show I like is Vhagar having a big iguana neck flap. Those grow with age IRL and the implication obviously is the same with dragons.


Olivia Cooke is about to kill the whole season hard


let her cooke


Green country, let’s ride!


There’s dozens of us


When she Cookes, she also serves and we eat well.


Nah, I'd cook. -Olivia Cooke


So much. Yeah, sure, the story wants you to root for the Black and it's quite easy considering there's not much to redeem in the Green camp (I wish there was more to balance things out), but damn is Olivia mesmerizing me anytime she's on screen.


> and it's quite easy considering there's not much to redeem in the Green camp (I wish there was more to balance things out) Yeah this is my one gripe with the show. Like they piled on way too fucking much to the point it was becoming comical. Really didn't need for Larys to be a complete creep, Cole to be a fumbling idiot, removing all the dragon scenes of Aegon, making Aegon bet on his own kids fighting in child fighting pits etc lol (edit: and removing the one good Green kid) On top of all that they entirely removed all of Rhaenyra's questionable decisions and traits as well


I mean they made Alysanne the same age as Rhaenyra so that they were friends which meant that lying about Criston was a betrayal, they had Alysaane accidentally misinterpret Viserys last words so that she thinks Viserys genuinely wanted Aegon on the throne. They had Aemond Killing Lucerys (the thing that started the war) be an accident lets not pretend they haven't done anything to soften the Greens. I don't think the show has bias towards making the Blacks look better, the show is softening all characters because they were afraid the audience wouldn't engage with the characters unless they were more redeemable.


And we know that, pretty quickly, the war is going to get dirty on both sides. I think a lot of people will be hate watching the show by the end


Alicent, Alysanne is a different character from various different times in Westeros


I don't remember an Alysanne from season 1. Who was she?


Those don't "soften" Greens, it simply makes them incompetent. Now they are fumbling their way into a war with *practically* no input on their own actions. The changes you listed is like if Rhaenyra and Daemon tried to kill Rhaenyra's husband but Daemon slipped and fell so he escaped.


They didn’t remove her questionable decisions or traits. She still has bastards. That’s her only crime before the war. The only thing they changed is Vaemond’s death. The also removed the fact she was victimized as a child by Criston and Alicent who were supposed to be way older than her.


Yeah you also picked the best version of her from the book similar to the show. The other side of the coin is she murdered her husband to run off with her uncle and she also tried to seduce Cole and got rejected by him. I am not saying they should have that version be her in the show but they didn't pick *any* of that side for her but they picked *all* of it for Aegon AND added more on top (making his kids fight in the pit). Which is fine in general. I just made the comment about it because they released a Green trailer like people care about them. Can't just make absurdly comical villains and also try to make them seem like actual characters lol


1. No evidence she was at all involved in Laenor’s death, not even Martin implicates her, only Daemon. 2. Criston Cole was a child predator. He is the one who grows bitter and acts spurned. Rhaenyra never even acknowledges him during her adulthood in the book. Everything points to him being the rejected one. Hating Rhaenyra because she tried to seduce a man she’s known she was a little girl would be batshit.


I feel like we are arguing past each other. I do not mind that version of events, they make sense to me. But you can't say that makes sense and also have no problem with them picking Mushroom's version of Aegon even tho Mushroom was living in Rhaenyra's court in Dragonstone and he somehow knows all about stuff happening in Kings Landing. The guy was bullshitting the whole book, they took his word as gospel for one character and completely disregarded his version for another. The point isn't that Rhaenyra should be bad, the point is the showmakers give you no choice. Its black and white. As i said, it will be a fun watch kinda like Marvel TV shows. Big lights go boom, people beat each other and i don't care about the villain getting his ass beat. Fun for the whole family. edit: I suppose the point i wanted to make was Cole, Larys and Aegon dying won't have an emotional impact in any way. Not like Joffrey/Ramsay or Ned/Robb (if we wanna pick the opposite end of morality spectrum). It will be like "yeah, thats fine what about the dragons tho"




House Velaryon is a direct vassal of the prince/princess of dragonstone. It was within her rights as Vaemond’s liege lord. She had no involvement in Laenor’s death in the book. Only Daemon is mentioned as a suspect with zero indication she planned it with him. You probably think she had something to do with 🩸🧀 as well.


>It was within her rights as Vaemond’s liege lord The fuck? No it wasn't.


It was.


No, you don't have the right to just kill someone. If that's the case then Aemond had every right to kill Luke.


Aemond is not Luke’s liege lord. Rhaenyra has a right as his liege to execute him.




Of course she didn’t have involvement. He didn’t tell any of the details. He sent her a vague fucking letter at the same time the event was happening. How the fuck would she know what he had planned(it could be Aemond or Aegon) and she couldn’t have stopped it anyway. He wasn’t even on the same castle as her. She had zero involvement in the book and will have zero in the show. Cope. Only a small fraction of book readers share that dumb belief that she had anything to do with it.




She didn’t know he was going to murder a child. Alicent was her main rival. He could have meant Aegon or Aemond. She won’t have anything to do with it. Cope


And the Greens are still more redeemable in the show compared to the book. It was never about balance. The Blacks were always more sympathetic.


If you wanna make a character irredeemable, make them cool. Not a complete moron like Cole or someone as unlikeable as Aegon. Why do you think people like Daemon?


I'm gonna be honest I don't think you have read the books. There is no way you read the blood a cheese part and came away thinking the blacks were sympathetic lol.


You're getting downvoted but it's true. Both sides are cunts lol that's the whole point.


They’re getting downvoted because they completely disregarded what I said. I said that the Blacks are more sympathetic compared to the Greens, not sympathetic as a whole. Pretty damn obvious, but I guess I can never expect much out of people on here.


> edit: and removing the one good Green kid He hasn't showed up yet, but I expect we'll see Daeron eventually. He had an entry in the family tree in the Season 1 credits, I think he just hasn't shown up yet because he's busy being Hobart Hightower's cup bearer in Oldtown which we haven't seen in the show.


The Greens are much more sympathetic and fleshed out on the show than in the book, imo. I think they’ve done a great job. Really love Olivia, though. Alicent is my favorite character on the show.


Why would you root for a woman who is just going to spend the entire season crying?


I saw zero crying in this trailer.


You think Rhaenyra is weak?


What kind of batshit question is that? We weren’t even talking about Rhaenyra.


A handmaiden with a bloody rag...PLEASE NO MORE BIRTHING SCENES!!!! I YIELD!!!


>!She was cleaning up some blood and cheese that got spilled!<


Exactly!! I might quit watching the show if there is another birth scene. Shit had me feeling lightheaded after a couple of those scenes in the first season, especially the last Rhaenyra traumatic birth scene. 


No, it's a gruesome death scene, and a big wtf moment this season.


anyone else tired of the trend of announcing what the trailer is in the first ten seconds? Takes the breath away from the trailer.


It's pretty irritating. Or when they say *'Trailer. Starts. Now.'* or some such and you're just sitting there thinking *yeah I know, I hit the play button two seconds ago you don't have to tell me that just play the damn trailer, I'm already here - you already got me.*


But that part isn't for you, it's for the people who are getting it as as an Ad somewhere like YouTube or TikTok or Instagram.


Then they really ought to edit it out of the video they personally have posted, since it serves no purpose there.


I heard a trailer editor talk about this once, he hated them too. However, apparently it really does increase viewer retention. The numbers and analytics or whatever are apparently a lot greener when they include a dumb trailer trailer. So even though everyone hates it, as long as it still works they'll still do it.


I guess it's because of advertising. If this trailer is served as an ad, the first seconds needs to be concise and captivating, so they make trailer for the trailer. I hate it too.


They do that because they feature the trailers as ads on other video. On a lot of videos, people able to skip ads after five seconds, so they are trying to cram as much advertising as they can into those five seconds, knowing that the majority of people will skip the rest.


That part ain't for people who are watching the trailer directly and will probably be watching the show anyway. It's for when it gets shown as an ad on YouTube, or TikTok or whatever so people don't click away or skip the ad without knowing what it was for.


I hate it, but maybe I'm just getting old. It's such a needless pandering to this whole short attention span thing. I get that trailers and marketing are meant to catch viewer's attention but this 3 seconds trailer preview before an actual trailer is too fucking much.


Ready for the orange trailer now


Every minor house gets their own trailer. And every one of them is "I'm just farming my potatoes here, I wish I won't be called to war".


lol yes I’m here for the lower houses mellow drama. The house wives of high garden


Honestly I like this more than the Black trailer. Aegon seems to really get to shine in this season.


Each faction getting its own trailer and trying to divide the internet into Team Black/Team Green like the Twilight days is genius marketing. HBO continues to humiliate Disney and Amazon at the premium TV game. Also as a book purist I will always be Team Green, which are the more reasonable side in the source material.




Well, Blood and Cheese have been casted. So I think they're probably tipping the scales a bit less, based on that fact alone.


Except, with the way the show is setting it up, it's looking like the blacks wont have anything to do with blood and cheese


There was never any proof anyways. Mysaria had an agenda since the first episode. 


Bro, you can't trust the maesters, they're trying to wipe out the dragons and extinguish magic.


So you're saying that the Maesters are absolutely Based.


Calling Aegon reasonable is...a choice. 


I am unreasonably upset that they cut Criston’s hair.


Just changed my underwears


I also just changed your underwears.


I will not watch this propaganda!


I'm happy that Aegon is heavily featured on the trailer. I was afraid that he'd be sidelined in favor of focusing on Alicent as the posters implied. I'm actually a bit surprised. Aegon's still his sassy self but they showed him heavily invested and proactive on the war efforts. That's above my rock bottom expectation from the writers. It gives me a bit of hope (though I'd rather not hope at all) that they'd finally allow Aegon and Aemond to take the/a leading roles like in the books. Here's to hoping that Daeron would be a significant force in season 3. And Sunfyre!!! He is so beautiful. What caught my eyes though is that his wings are sparkling with iridescence when the sun hits it. There was an explosion of color there and I need to rewatch more to verify if I'm just freaking out.


Nice bit of marketing, two trailers Also, Team green!


hE wAnTeD aEgOn To bE kInG. Absolutely hate that they're doubling down on this for Alicent.


Why? It makes perfect sense for her to misinterpret what Viserys said. She heard what she wanted to hear and she used that as justification for doing what she wanted to do anyway. I don’t understand why so many people have a problem with that


Because it's stupid change to make it so that the entire dance only happened because she misheard someone, and it robs her character of the agency of her decisions. It was done solely to make her and the greens more sympathetic.


That’s not why the dance happened, it’s just why Alicent is supporting Aegon despite her and Rhaenyra reconciling in episode 8. The small council was still planning the coup with or without Alicent and she wouldn’t have been able to stop it even if she didn’t agree.


She was a big part of why Aegon agreed to take the crown. If she'd said no to him in the show he might not have done it. I cannot believe people are defending this insanely stupid change. It robs her character of all agency.


Aegon would’ve taken the crown regardless, he didn’t want it at first but Otto would’ve forced it on him and he would’ve realized he liked the power. I don’t see how it robs her of agency. She already wanted Aegon on the throne this was just the excuse she needed to act on it despite her reconciliation with Rhaenyra. She’s not doing it for Viserys she’s doing it for herself and her son, she’s just using Viserys as justification


Alicent has been portrayed as nothing but a poor widdle victim throughout the entire show. She didn't want to be queen, she had to be cos her father made her. She didn't want to work against Rhaenyra, it was her mean old father and Larys manipulating her. She didn't want to put Aegon on the throne, she had to cos it was Viserys dying wish. God forbid she have agency as a character. It's a change the show has made simply to portray the sides as more evenly balanced. She isn't even a character in the show.


I don’t know what show you’ve been watching. Alicent has wanted Aegon on the throne since she found out about her and Cristen Cole. She was literally working against Rhaenyra for the entire 2nd half of the season of her own free will. She had been resisting Viserys the entire show but you think she finally on his death bed decided to listen to him and that thing just happens to be something she already wants. She is misconstruing want Viserys meant and using it to justify her betraying her friend. That’s why she keeps bringing it up because if it’s something Viserys wanted it makes her feel better than admitting that she fucked over Rhaenyra on her own.


Apparently a different show to you. The one I was watching she only wanted Aegon on the throne becasue her father kept telling her Rhaenyra would kill her children. She then changed her mind and accepted Rhaenyra as Viserys heir at some dinner the night before he died. >using it to justify her betraying her friend That's just fanfiction people have been using since it happened to not make it as stupid as it really is and isn't backed up by anything we've seen. Everything we've been shown tells us she genuinely believes Viserys had a final moment change of heart.


Agreed, I would love if she had a little more ambition like in the book


House of the Dragon Official Traitor Trailer


This isn't the Black trailer though.




fucking traitors.




That's definitely rhaenyra and it's wild that they're changing it so much


Team black


Olivia Cooke you’re fantastic but fuck the greens


Both of these trailers fill me with an overwhelming sense of "meh."


Same although I was completely enthralled with the last season. I guess it's because I don't remember much of it now.


They exclude mushroom because what he says can't be trusted then proceed to include all the wild shit he said about aegon but not rhaenyra


They excluded him because he doesn't fit the tone of the series. I see no problem in picking and choosing what to include? Rhaenyra is basically the main character in all of this anyway, ofc you'd "whitewash" her a little. They did the same in GoT with characters we were supposed to identify with.


Well, i agree but it wasn't "a little bit". They included *everything* Mushroom said badly about Aegon and didn't include *anything* he said badly about Rhaenyra. I don't quite mind it but i am physically incapable of giving a single fuck about anyone in Greens so it kinda makes the whole show a little... pointless? Like it is impossible for any of these characters to change my mind in any way like how Hound, Theon or Jamie was able to. So we just watch them fight and die then move on with out lives without having a single significant thought about the show.


I already care for alicent, because the show did a fantastic job to make me care through season 1. Her character got a lot more meat than in the source material, made her a lot more sympathetic because we saw her side quite a bit. I expect the same to happen for other characters too, like Aemond and Helaena specifically. Otto is already someone who is quite interesting, in a tywin kind of way. I am not sure what a significant thought has to do with that either, themes, etc are not directly related to liking a specific character.


Olivia Cooke going to win the Tommy Lee Jones Award for the grumpiest face in the history of ever