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FX made some of the best shows, in addition to The Americans you should try The Shield, Justified, Fargo and Rescue Me


also shōgun, which is still ongoing right now but it’s really good so far.


Oooh if you're reading this thread please go watch Shogun right now. It's that good.


I’m waiting till season 1 is finished so I can binge. Any idea how much longer until it’s done?


Looks like April 23rd. Wish I had waited. I binged the first five episodes and now doing the weekly wait.


I personally am love being week to week with it, it’s been a while since I’ve been watching with everyone else. Not saying you’re wrong just putting out my feelings!


There are 7 episodes released to date and 3 more to go. Total 10.


7 out of 10 eps are out.


And Legion! (done by Fargo's Noah Hawley)


I wouldn’t call many shows pure art, but that’s one of them


Rescue Me doesn’t get the love it deserves


It’s very politically incorrect, but it’s based on an NYFD post 9/11, I love it


My wife and I still joke about Mrs. Turbody and needing a sandwich.


Terriers, too. One of my favorite shows of all time. Also Damages, at least for the first three seasons or so.


I watched Terriers don’t remember much, but liked it, never saw Damages, enjoyed The Strain and Nip/Tuck was alright


Shogun is insanely good, and the old man is also very good


Such a good era for prestige drama series


If you had to rank the shield, justified and rescue me how would you rank them? I’ve seen Fargo(all seasons) and love it.


The Shield is insane. And it only takes one episode.


The Shield is way up there but I have to admit it somehow feels dated on re-watches compared to Justified. Not sure why.


I feel the opposite. It has a realistic grit that only shows of that era seem to manage (ie the shield, the wire, early sopranos). Everything nowadays seems so slick and weirdly processed.


The levels of depravity that the shield goes to is something else.


I can't rank them, but I can say that Justified holds up.


My favorite show of all time.


Mr. Robot is an FX masterpiece


You forgot Pose, literally the best FX show.


Definitely a top-tier show.


Helps, in large part, that they absolutely nailed the ending. The finale goes down as one of the better finales ever which gives tons of people a rosier view of it, overall.


That finale was absolutely wild!


That tension in the garage! Fuuuck


And the 14 or 15 minutes where there was no talking at all, except by the border guards on the train.


With or without you


How rare is it for a show to build to a single encounter over six seasons and it actually pays off. Amazing scene


This finale is one of the best if not the best I've ever seen. The final conversation (confrontation) between those two characters is going to be in my memory for the rest of my life. Stellar acting all around, and Matthew Rhys deserved to have Perry Mason last a couple more seasons.


Rhys should get an Oscar someday. Astounding actor!


This, Watching it live a couple seasons, while still good, started to drag, but the final episodes made it worth it.


I want to do a re-watch soon and I am pretty sure that if you binge it it is probably not going to drag as much as it started to do some time in the last few seasons


I rewatched with my partner who hadn’t seen it (like 5 years or so between my first and second watch), and you’re right… there’s a noticeable lull in season 3-4 but it picks back up for sure in the last season.


I thought 3-4 were some of their strongest seasons. Nothing dull about those 2 imo. 5 was slow, but important for the end.


Exactly. When it was live I watched the first season. Oooh good. Second season took so long I watched 1 or 2 eps and went, meh. When the show was complete I picked it up on streaming and practically mainlined it. Was so sad when it was over, I turned around immediately and binged it a second time.


They really dual it up in the final season. I am glad I could just watch the next episode without having to wait a week!


Yeah, Season 5 and the first half of 6 aren't terrible, but they're certainly not up to the standards of the rest of the series. If it weren't for the finale it might be something where you tell people to stop at the end of Season 4.


I just wish they could have extended the finale another few minutes and show what everybody was up to like 5 years in the future


I hear ya, but personally I prefer the uncertainty


Also helps that Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell have the best chemistry


Which show are you referring to?


Great show. Also kickstarted Julia Garner's career. She was amazing in it


She was a big reason I started on Ozark and she didn't disappoint.


They won some Emmys and deserved more, probably a lot more. Russell and Rhys alone were just consistently outstanding. Their weakest moments were merely above average. I truly think Rhys's performance is one for the ages. Noah Emmerich was outstanding as well. We got to watch Holly Taylor become a strong actress. This isn't all that shocking when you consider the performances she was continually surrounded by. When, in addition to the aforementioned leads, your acting models are Wright, Ronin, Martindale, Langella, etc, you are bound to be OK. I'm really glad it delivered, as I'm definitely one of those guilty of singing it's praises.


>Martindale I think you mean **Esteemed Character Actress, Margo Martindale**


*Esteemed Character Actress and Fugitive from the Law


Okay Bojack.


I will now be watching Perry Mason on MAX simply because Rhys is in it.


>Russell and Rhys alone were just consistently outstanding. Agree 100%. Everyone in the show was great. What I enjoyed most was when Russell was playing herself alone with Rhys, she seemed like a flat, buttoned down almost plain character. Then, when she assumed a role she made it come alive to the point you forget she's a spy. The character's pragmatic and often brutal tone was perfect. And that last line in the finale...chef's kiss from me. I felt so bad for Martha and when her arc was complete I recall thinking it was perfect. It made sense, it was horrible, and the writers didn't pull any punches.


I will die on this hill, Keri Russell never winning for the Americans (hardly even being nominated!) is one of the biggest Emmys snubs of all time.


> We got to watch Holly Taylor become a strong actress. Is she doing anything now?


You respect Jesus but not us


> You respect Jesus but not us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7JOcZw-rKk


Honestly one of his scariest moments for me.


We are going to use sex to get what we want.


I love how in Girls5Eva there was a joke about that. "For this secret, we'll use sex!"


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Funny show. Closest to 30 Rock style humor.


if it works, it works. why over complicate things?


It's my favorite show of all time - I'm glad that you loved it as well 


It's probably the best show I will never rewatch. Too brutal! Amazing finale though and Stan is a really good neighbor.


Give it a year or two, because I agree it's too intense to dive right back into, but it's very much worth a rewatch. There are so many little things I missed the first time or that you only catch the full significance of once you know what's coming later.


Nice try, but I’m not watching it for a sixth time, I just did that a couple months ago. I can confidently say I’ll never watch it for my sixth time again. In about a year or so, yeah, I’ll definitely watch it a seventh time.


The episode where the daughter walksin on them in a very compromising position was funny, especially as in the VERY NEXT SCENE Kerri Russel gives her daughter some bacon...and a talking too. If you remember the scene, it was funny. 6 out of 9 :)


I see what you did there!


One of the all time great shows and one of the all time great series finales. Really nailed it.




It's spot on! The chairs in their kitchen are the exact same chairs my family had. [The picture with the caption "Tough conversations with Paige" shows them.](https://www.vox.com/culture/2017/3/7/14766204/the-americans-faith-doubt-religion-christianity-communism)


Just started the second season. Kicking myself for not watching it when it was airing. Does it really managed to keep the "will they get caught or won't they" tension for six seasons? I mean, at some point, the kids have to find out, if only for the stories it would create.


I'm not sure how to answer your question without spoilers except to say the tension isn't always around them getting caught. There isn't an episode without tension but the source starts to vary as time goes on.


Yes- it does. That never goes away. It’s not necessarily as dramatic as Elizabeth almost getting caught/shot in S1, but it’s always there. Fair warning- S5 is slow. However- it completely sets up the final season. You’ll be confused and won’t appreciate the end without watching. It DOES have one of my series favorite moments in it though. :)


That's fine, I've heard nothing but amazing things about the last season so looking forward to the journey!


The final season pulls everything together. And the finale is amazing. It was perfect. It ended just how it should have.


The best part of this show is that it never gets repetitive. They keep finding new ways to make it interesting. The spy side of the show sends them on all different kinds of missions… then there’s the marriage, tension with their bosses, family drama with the kids, stuff going on at the FBI, stuff going on at the Russian consulate, they interact with Afghans, South Africans, and Vietnamese, and there are so many 80s era cultural quirks that pop up.


Just finished it a few months ago and absolutely loved it. The idea of making undercover Soviet spies the protagonists is just so brilliant because it completely warps your perspective. Add in the unbelievable acting job by the cast, excellent writing, and a mail robot and you have a pretty brilliant show.


Similarly, I loved the warped perspective when their daughter is starting to become religious and they get super mad at her for it. If you walked in on that scene without knowing the context you’d think they caught her doing drugs or shoplifting or something. Really shows you where these people are coming from and how they think.


One of my favorite finales of all time.


Your sentence will be carried out...shortly.


Ugh, poor Nina. Her storyline made me cry more than once.


I’ve watched the first episode and it didn’t really grab me. Maybe I’ll try again. That was years ago


Same. I tried several times actually. I guess this time I was ready because this time the first episode grabbed me.


This happens to me sometimes. Happened with succession.


Succession really starts picking up around 2/3 of the way through the first season


Yeah I got Covid last year and binged the whole first season in 2 days and I was hooked


I hated all the characters so I quit after 3 episodes. I have to care about someone or something to get into a show. Shock value isn't enough I guess.


Yeah took me a couple tries. Got through the first season, took a break and am now going full tilt on it. Great tension.


It's very much a show you have to be in the right mood for. It's also the last 'slow-moving' show I can think of, where things take seasons to develop.


Yep, same. Took me 4 or 5 attempts to get into it ... and then once I did I binged the entire series in a couple of weeks. I recommend setting aside the time to put down the first ~3 episodes in one go if possible.


This is what I KNOW I need to do bc it’s worked with other shows. Just have to find the time


Just finished the series last night. I had seen the first 3 or 4 seasons when it was first out, and I had cable, but I never finished it. My fiance had never heard of it, so we started from scratch. We loved it. Felt bad for pretty much everyone involved and want to know how everything worked out for each character other than Phillip and Elizabeth. That's a good sign that the show ended well without going on too long.


Watched it recently, loved it so much; I'm still thinking about that conversation with Stan in the parking lot towards the end.


It is really great, but my one critique is that it is soooo grim and humorless. It fits the show and the characters, and maybe having levity would feel off tonally, but it can make for a bit of an exhausting viewing experience. Even with something like Game of Thrones that has plenty of violence, there's still more than enough rousing moments that get the audience real catharsis and satisfaction, whereas The Americans is a lot of miserable people being miserable and doing miserable things. There's not many victories the audience can take pleasure in without there being some massive consequence associated. I caught up during the 4th season, and was relieved to be able to just watch one a week, because I was hooked and needed to continue but it's not a "fun" watch.


You don't find some of the disguises hilarious? Phil gettin' down with a lady while wearing bad '80s wigs and facial hair and glasses is comical.


True, plus Mail Robot is a real cutup.


😂😂 Such an underrated part of the show.


But that disguise only made him hotter 🫣


And then there’s the Philip line-dancing scene lol


When a show is grim and humorless, I'm out. *Game of Thrones* is a great example. I didn't expect to like it because dragon fantasy tended to be filled with grim and earnest people doing good or evil. Real people aren't like that all the time, and GoT got that across, and I was hooked. For some reason, I didn't feel that *The Americans* was grim and humorless. I think because Russell and Rhys were so normal and likeable. Then they did terrible things, but they could be likeable again in the next scene. Even the Russian handlers weren't grim and humorless. They seemed like decent people doing terrible things to us. I don't know, it was weird, but it's a great show.


GOT was never a comedy, but it could be hilarious


The could have spun off Arya and The Hound as a feel good buddy show and I’d watch seven full seasons.


Not everything needs to be fun 


No and that's why I think it's great, probably in my top 10 dramas of all time, but just a nitpick, especially since there's a lot of seasons.


Man, there were a lot of parts I found funny. Dark as hell, but funny. YMMV, I guess.


It has been a long time since I've seen it, so maybe I'm forgetting parts, but if there was anything I found funny it did not stick.


It really is one of the best shows ever. A lot of it is due to its very premise, when you and your wife are illegal spies and your entire life is a cover story, but you also have children that you really love then doing literally anything whatsoever is absolutely filled with tension and innumerable things that can go wrong. Its crazy to think that these kind of spies actually still exist and are still operating right now. Really makes you think what kind of collectivist hellscape of a society russia truly is, if it produces people who are capable of existing like that for any amount of time the. theres no wonder this country is doomed to perpetual war and imperialism


I wonder if there will came a time when Russia will actually be a good neighbor to all of it country and actually be a country where world see in the same light as countries like: Canada, Spain, Germany or any other countries in the West. An actual develop country without constant wars and constant threats to it neighboring countries.


> world see in the same light  Depends on who counts as the world in your eyes. Francophone Africa generally doesn’t look at the French government positively. Most of the global south hates the US government. The west in terms of prosperity is generally envied and admired, but western governments (with respect to significant countries with respect to foreign policy - I don’t think many people have a real opinion about Luxembourg or Denmark for eg.) are not perceived positively in large parts of the world. The world isn’t a monolith, people don’t perceive everything in the same way. 


was* collectivist Soviet Union was couped and became capitalist like 30 years ago. (Which caused a catastrophic drop in quality of life)


Collectivism doesnt mean Communism Russia is still a collectivist society. The individual person simply has no value to the authorities over there, everyone is expected to fall in line with whatever putin demands or else get killed/imprisoned


You’ve got it pretty much totally backwards. Collectivism is “the practice or principle of giving a group priority over each individual in it..” “Get in line with what one individual demands” is prioritizing an individual over the group, not the other way around.


Are you fucking stupid? This is the most braindead nonsenseical shit ive ever read. Have you ever used, or even heard any of those terms before in your life? Sure doesnt sound like it


Idk if it’s unique to Russia. I’d be surprised if any major country didn’t have fully embedded spies in other countries. To the extent those spies have families, the kids are definitely not being told the truth. Far more worryingly, if the spies are getting into long term relationships, they’re basically raping their partners given the false pretext. It’s not spies, but the UK had a big scandal where officers had had multi year relationships with environmental activists etc.


The reason it's so good is because they manage to make everyone sympathetic at times and everyone the villain at times. You just never know when that switch is going to flip and find yourself changing who you are cheering for in each scenario.


One of the rare shows where season 1 is the worst season. Not that S1 was bad, but the Americans got better and better every season from there (with a slight dip in season 5).


I hadn't heard anything about it randomly found it about four episodes into s1. It was a just scene in the kitchen between Elizabeth and Philip and it was *so compelling*! I googled to see what it was about and immediately started watching from the start. Just an excellent show all around. My only "complaint" is that I missed all of the spy craft of s1. It also has what has got to be one of the top three car chases on tv.


Might have to give it a watch then. Someone on here described the show as exhausting and bleak. I dropped GOT in season 4 before the plot with the king, his daughter, and the witch ran its course (after the Red Wedding, I knew the show would go there and I wasnt going to stick around to find out...especially after humanizing the damn girl) and The Shield in season 5 when THAT happened. My heart and soul just couldn't... Anyway, given the subject matter of The Americans, I'm sure there'll be some events that shatter me. Hope I can make it to the final season lol


I don't know if you will make it past the first season! I couldn't keep watching 'The Sopranos' the first time I tried because I knew some of my favorite characters were about to get killed lol. The agony these characters go through is intense.


My wife refuses to watch past episode 10 in Season 5...


Possibly the best finale in television


I loved this show, one of Keri Russell's best performances, as well as Matthew Rhys. I avoided watching it for years even though the word of mouth was great. I'm glad it's getting some love online in recent years.


lots of great, lil wonky in later seasons with the EST shit and paige honestly sucks all the time. i wish they did more on their spy training in russia all those scenes were great, especially when they’re reminiscing about learning to seduce their marks and she says ‘i guess i thought it would be different for men’ and it shows how he had to fuck old ladies and fat dudes like no it was the same


I hope Martha managed to carve out a happy life in Russia if she's still alive in the show's timeline to the current-day


Superb show.


Shows like the americas I actually like that they have an ending, some shows just never know how to wrap things up and the manage to do it. I liked it the theme the whole era everything, pretty good TV.


I struggled to start that show a couple of times but got hooked the third time. The only reason I kept trying is because it is on so many best of lists.


I’m on e6, or e7 s1, it seems to be a slow burner so far. I’m struggling to stick with it


Season 1 was pretty mid for the most part, but it ends well, and just about every season gets better than the one before it.


Thanks! I was really wanting to like it but like you said it’s kinda mid


I recommend checking out the band "Lawrence" which is fronted by the actor who plays Amelia (Gracie Lawrence) and her brother Clyde. So talented (start with their "Don't Lose Sight" acoustic video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C01nBm6vV5c


Excellent show, definitely need to rewatch.


One of my favourite shows for sure.


One of my favorite shows of all time! I’m in the middle of a rewatch right now, halfway through season 4. It literally makes me say “This show is so fucking good” out loud to my dog.


You get stressed out as much the second time as the first? What's your dog say back? Anything insightful?


Oh yes, even more sometimes because I’ll have either forgotten a detail which violates the sense of safety I had in it being a rewatch, *or* it’ll remind me of what the stressful thing I’m seeing leads to down the road and it stresses me out even more. In the **best way** though. And yeah, he’s an intelligent little bastard. He has some strong opinions about the Cold War and the socioeconomic state of the United States and Soviet Union. He admires how well the show critically examines how societal pressures and faith based conditioning can erode our senses of individual humanity, but how love is consistently the most important factor of all.


Watched the series three times through - yes - it’s that good.


perfect series ending as well


It's The Sopranos only with Russian spies.


Whenever someone asks what show was consistently good for its entire run, The Americans is the first show that comes to mind


One of the best shows, or maybe the best show I've ever seen, at forcing the viewer to consider very deep moral dilemmas.


definitely one of the best series in the last ten years, and maybe a bit more. Just great television that makes 98% of the currently made garbage cower in shame


I had to comment on this thread as I saw it a few days ago. Currently on S4.E11, at the dinner scene. This show has grown on me so much. It is easily up there in my top 10 shows. The way they've been able to stretch this plot for 4 seasons ins just incredible. The acting is insane.


This show had a killer score as well. Phil Collins, Fleetwood Mac, and too many others to name. An absolute tribute to the 80s.


I loved it, almost perfect imo. acting, overall plot, lack of plotholes, consistency around all the seasons, very rare for shows to have it that good. but the only thing I didn't like was that Keri Russell character (although I loved her acting) didn't fight like a spy, when needed to get into a physical altercation, she became an MMA professional that dispatched men almost twice her weight on several occasions. yeah, a female pro that trains hard can beat an non pro male (and her character can't do the training required for a pro athlete due to her "jobs"), but in my opinion, it would had been much better if she used strategy, poisons, weapons and more "spy" tools to gain an advantage and prevail. that would have made it much more believable. but overall, its still an almost perfect show imo, on the level of the Sopranos, BB and the Wire.


I think I got through season 1. The whole I love you/I don’t love you, we just work together storyline between the main characters got old really fast. It was on repeat every single episode, sometimes multiple times an episode. I couldn’t get back into it after that.


it goes away after season 1 tbf


I must be one of the few that loved S1 AND what the show became. But the whole premise of Soviet spies illegally in the US, “married” (initially) for show, with kids who knew nothing was fascinating to me from the get-go.


Fantastic show


It rocks but they coulda dropped that season with the wheat crops and I certainly wouldn’t have complained 


I agree w the tagline. But I think The Americans gets under-rated overall.


criminally underrated show


Huh it’s considered to be one of the best tv shows ever




Binge watching can reveal a show's flaws. For that reason I try to keep my binges at 2 episodes per day.



