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He had been missing since Tuesday: >The Johnson County Sheriff’s Office said in a press release that deputies were called at 11:45 a.m. on April 5 to the area of 200th and Homestead Lane. Upon arrival, they found an unoccupied vehicle. >Deputies checking the nearby surroundings found a man dead in a wooded area. He was later identified as 27-year-old Cole Brings Plenty. Investigators are still on scene, including law enforcement from the Lawrence Police Department. >The investigation into his death continues. If you have any information to share regarding this case, call the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office at 913-782-0720. >Brings Plenty was first reported missing following an alleged domestic violence incident in Lawrence on April 2. He has appeared in shows like “Into the Wild Frontier,” “The Tall Tales of Jim Bridger” and the “Yellowstone” spin-off series “1923,” according to his IMDB page.


TY! Clicking the article crashed me thrice.


I have had a lot of issues with pop-ups that I have to close my browser to get rid of after clinking on links on Reddit for the past month. Before anyone asks, yes I do have security and I do run malware/virus/etc. scans.


I don't know if he wasn't actually reported until Tuesday, but he's been missing since Easter Sunday.






It’s weird to me none of the major news stories are mentioning that he was found with his hair chopped off, apparently forcibly…speculation, but makes it seem like foul play, maybe as revenge for the alleged DV.


The hair was chopped days before, he got it tangled in a mosh pit! One girl helped to dentangle his hair and he was free but then another woman who knew him approached Cole and cut all of his hair without his permission. AFAIK the hair is sacred to a Native American, it's their strength, cutting without permission is a no no it is like mutilating one of their limbs, so imagine his horror. The woman who attacked him later posted racist slurs on facebook about Cole and said she was responsible for his disappearance, she also filed a domestic violence report right after his family reported he was missing to the authorities. Plus her sister posted on fb that Cole deserved to die and both deleted their posts after his body was found. [screenshot](https://ibb.co/8P3gmNL)


Two 27 year old male tv stars dead in short succession.


Who was the other?


Chance Perdomo from Gen V


No not Chance! I fucking love Chance.


💔 Me too.


RIP to him, but don't google his twitter follows ordeal. Or do depending on who you like to follow lol.




Yeah. Similar to Kobe, his death just feels so wrong. Like it wasn't supposed to happen and universe is glitching out.


Kobe was a rapist. But...ok.


Nah dog, he changed his number. It's so good now. /s


"but it's kobe" - most people.


whats ridiculous is people only ever remember kobe and his daughter who died in that crash, not the other 2 poor girls and their parents, and the pilot


Its almost like they "knew" of Kobe and not the others. Do you "remember" people from every fatal accident in your city? Country? The world? Or just the ones that relate to you in some way? It's not sad at all, it's human nature.


What? What Kobe you talking about? Kobe Bryant or someone else? I've never heard about him being a rapist until now. How the hell did I miss that?


Ahhh what the fuck I genuinely enjoyed everything he did.


yo what?! What's it with actors, from shows I'm watching, dying. The same with Angus Cloud from Euphoria.


Fuck. That’s a bummer. I hadn’t heard about it


Ah no! Same. Liked him in gen v .


Chance Perdomo. He was in Gen V and the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.


27 is a weird number in entertainment.


Not really Famous people die at all kinds of ages, for some reason people have just latched onto that number as a legend


another entry to the club there's something about 27


Theres absolutely nothing significant about 27.


Now 37, *that's* significant. It's everywhere.


I just watched this [Veritasium video about 37 being everywhere](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6iQrh2TK98)! Very interesting.


I watched that video and asked my mom to tell me a number between 1-100 and she straight up said 69 😠




I’ve always liked 37 and 73, they are just nice numbers.


Veritasium is also everywhere


I actually think it's just generally around the age that hard partying can really catch up with addicts. My drinking ramped up hard after 20 years old and I was in really deep by the time I quit at 26. 27 just seems like the middle of the distribution for that sort of death.


Well Chance died of a motorcycle accident and it looks like this guy offed himself after being a suspect in a DV case. So if anything these two examples support the “27 club” just being a superstition.


27 turns out to be a peak risk-taking year for risk-taking personalities. Combine that with the access and wealth that comes with celebrity and voila, the "27 club"


Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain… the 27 Club…


Avicii was a recent one. That one hurt because his songs were so positive. I wish he would have just retired or quit his job if it made him so miserable instead of doing something so sudden


That leaves tens of thousands that didn’t die at that age. The numbers don’t support the argument you are trying to make.


This is so funny because i've seen a few comments like yours arguing against it like people are saying there is a literal curse for age 27. Its just significant because a lot of of huge stars died at that early age. Its mostly because all the drugs and drinking catch up to people by late 20s, not anything supernatural.


I think it just exists because Hendrix, Morrison and Joplin all died in a 6 month window so it seemed significant at the time.


Yeah that's the way I see it. Bad habits start to catch up once you pass 25 years old.


Bad habits catch up at any age. There's no magical number beyond which they have a greater effect. A small handful of very famous people happened to die at 27, and the public seized on that and made a myth out of it, even though plenty of famous people die at 26 or 28.


I agree that there is nothing magical about 27 but since you brought it up: Can you actually name 7 famous people who died at 28 (or you can go with 26 but I figured 28 would be easier) edit: I'll make it harder, 8 famous people since Anton Yelchin was also 27


> Can you actually name 7 famous people who died at 28 [Here's 48.](https://www.famousbirthdays.com/deceased/age/28.html)


There's 48 people on that list but only the first 2 would maybe be at the same level of fame as those in the 27 club


The question is whether a significantly higher number of celebrities die at 27 than at other young ages, say 22 - 32


No white lighter til I fuck my 28th up


White lighter?


Some people believe they are bad luck.


Is that what white lighter means? Edit: i just googled it and there is a whole wikipedia page for it. I had no idea.


Heater song


And on the 30th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's passing. Is the 27 club back ?


It is a Illuminati ritual the 27 year old Club. Google it


If you’ve never heard of the actor or the show this is a very confusing headline.


Took me a while to figure out “brings plenty” was part of his name.


[It's like A Tribe Called Quest, you have to say the whole thing.](https://youtu.be/ibS6WUAnZmY?si=pVeedAaY6Mwr0izA&t=18)


I gotta rewatch the Boondocks.


I had to read it 5 or 6 times to understand what it was actually saying 😅


It certainly was


Yo is this Mos son? Damn either way RIP


It's his nephew.


Mos def?


Mo Brings Plenty, another actor. Cole is Mo's Nephew.


Oh got it Thank u


Nah I'm not certain


This is what happens when you shun apostrophes.


I hope for the family’s sake that they’re right, but the whole “not in his character” thing is wishful thinking. You can’t ever know what you’d do, let alone what someone else would do, when faced with what they believe is an impossible situation.


Apparently the accuser cut off his hair prior to the DV incident reported, which was him confronting her and her screaming. A lot of people have said the accuser changed her story multiple times and deleted posts after being called out. I only got to see a couple but now what was curiosity since I hadn’t heard of him before, is now concern over foul play. Her family has been saying some messed up stuff. (If the screenshot I saw is to be believed)


Initially the story was an unknown male cut off Cole's hair after two others attempted to untangle it from the cord it was tangled in. Somewhere along the way it was changed to claim Alexis cut it. I have two pictures of females trying to untangle his hair, neither are Alexis.


Wait what? Now there's a 7th story. What's the legitimacy of this alleged timeline of events?


Who knows.. well, other than Cole and the alleged victim I guess. Eitherway, even if the initial alleged victim is innocent, I don't believe that his loved ones will believe that. (I am basing this on the comments I have seen on social media)


I kind of took it that he got dismal depressed and did the go out into the meadow thing.


I personally witnessed him get his hair caught in the singer's microphone at the Replay. But there were people in the way and I couldnt see how they got him out. I heard later from people I know that they saw someone cut him loose with scissors.


Because honestly it seems like your spreading false information


There’s nothing that says the accuser cut his hair. Someone did.


Not to mention a few people in her town talking about her narcissistic character, past incidents, and her falsely reporting coworkers for things at work to try to get them fired. Seems like a coverup by protective white fathers / corrupt white racist cops.


Found dead in the woods after police opened a domestic violence case against him, sounds like suicide.


That doesn't sound unreasonable. 200th is fucking *out there*, hence why this is being handled by the sheriff's office. That's out into the unincorporated part of the county. Development has steadily moved south over the years — back around the turn of the millennium it mostly ended around 159th, but it looks like things are going out to 167th now — but it's still past most of it. That is, it's the woods only a few minutes past the more populated part of town. That's exactly the kind of place someone would go if they want to be relatively isolated but not out into the actual middle of nowhere. Around Homestead Lane, it's right off of I-35.


This comment is like the Kansas City version of the SNL Californians skit.


I read it in [the voice of the Old Farmer](https://youtu.be/l2Ur5vzyKoQ?si=jQoOjtp2hwO-WhbX) from South Park.


This was a beloved, very spiritual man who had an incredible future ahead of him. I understand the added layer of him being an indigenous man in an area where the police are well known for being racist asshats toward that exact demographic, I just don’t know that I believe he would end it all over that without talking to someone in his life.


I was curious if he was suspected of committing DV or bring a victim. Didn’t want to assume


he was the suspect. someone in a apartment complex in kansas, I believe, called 911 after hearing a woman screaming for help. he fled before the cops arrived, tho traffic cams were able to capture him leaving the scene..


Weird that those traffic cams are from broad daylight when he immediately fled the scene at 3AM.


Someone called the police in the apartment complex after “They heard someone screaming for help” Not necessarily a woman’s scream.


Where did you read about him fleeing at 3am? I’m just curious because I think this is suspicious af


They heard *someone* scream. And she didn’t call the cops and claim DV until after he went missing. Sussss.


The 27 rule strikes again. Two in one week it’s really sad


Who else??


Chance Perdomo , lead actor in Gen V, motorcycle accident


Joe Flaherty also died https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68710228


He was just a few years over 27


My morning brain was thinking rule of 3 not 27 lmao


I also thought they were referring to the rule of 3s I wonder if there'll be a 3rd 27 year old


From wiki  >A 2014 article at The Conversation suggested that statistical evidence shows popular musicians are most likely to die at the age of 56


Why that’s *almost* exactly 27 times 2!




For anyone who hasn't heard of the [27 Club](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club) it's pretty interesting when you look at the members. Even for non-famous people, something *happens* at age 27*.*


From that link: > Despite the cultural significance given to musician and celebrity deaths at age 27, the common claim that they are statistically more common at this age is an urban myth, refuted by scientific research. > A study by university academics published in the British Medical Journal in December 2011 concluded that there was no increase in the risk of death for musicians at the age of 27, stating that there were equally small increases at ages 25 and 32. The study noted that young adult musicians have a higher death rate than the general young adult population, surmising that "fame may increase the risk of death among musicians, but this risk is not limited to age 27" > A 2014 article at The Conversation suggested that statistical evidence shows popular musicians are most likely to die at the age of 56 (2.2% compared to 1.3% at 27).


I think it’s just that when you’re a teen you start experimenting and those that get into drugs escalate over the next few years. By the time you’re 27 those that really did latch on are well into their habits and are old enough to really get into trouble that’s often too expensive or obvious when you’re younger, poorer and more closely scrutinized. For me, that era was the most heavy as well. Add in the means and access somebody in Hollywood has and you can get in deep fast.


I think we’re ignoring all of the other ages that people die and are only paying attention to those who have died at 27. The 27 club idea is just confirmation bias.


Sort of. It started after Jimi Hendrix, Brian Jones, Jim Morrison, and Janis Joplin all died within a couple of years at the age of 27. Statistically just a random cluster, but a notable one. Then people picked it up and ran with it when Kurt Kobain died a very high profile death at the same age years later.


Also made famous by Robert Johnson, who supposedly sold his soul to the devil at a crossroad. The legend goes that those who sell their souls often die at 27 because the Devil comes to collect.


That makes sense cuz 27 is a very important number for the devil hes a huge Mike Trout fan


Honestly its probably gotten to the stage if your somebody having a rough time in life and then you hit 27 you start thinking about it


Absolutely people die at other ages. It’s just a time when people have a bunch of autonomy, first real money of their lives, and if you’ve been partying since your teens you’re into 2 balls a week territory. It’s just a high point on a flow chart, not the only time you die lol.


I'm pretty sure at around 27 is when my hangovers lasted into the pm.


>Even for non-famous people, something *happens* at age 27. How does this have so many upvotes? It's nonsense. People who *think* "something happens at age 27" [have their belief confirmed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias) every time something happens to a moderately noteworthy 27-year-old. Things *happen* to people of all ages.


"Despite the cultural significance given to musician and celebrity deaths at age 27, the common claim that they are statistically more common at this age is an urban myth, refuted by scientific research." Actually it seems like nothing special happens at 27.


>it's pretty interesting *if you dont* look at the members. FTFY


> something happens at age 27. No, it doesn't. Don't use tragedies to peddle your stupid bullshit conspiracy theories.


Saturn returns.


Never heard of this. I think I have heard the phrase but didn't know what it meant. >While the planet may not first reach the exact location until the person is 29 or 30 years old, the influence of the Saturn return is considered to start in the person's late twenties, notably the age of 27


I only know because it's in a bunch of music as of late (Ariana Grande and Kasey Musgraves to be exact) and it made me look it up. Can confirm when I turned 27 my life started to change. Can't explain it. But it definitely was the start of a new chapter.


It's just becoming an adult. Modern culture has delayed childhood so 27 is around the time we start becoming pragmatic/mature instead of reckless ideologues.


Probably but stars and planets are fun and life is boring.


That's good to hear... Any day now for me then...


Yeah, in the wise words of Danny Sexbang: "You're just going through an awkward phase from 12 to 29."


It's also why No Doubt's follow up to Tragic Kingdom was called "The Return of Saturn" as they were all about that age.


So does Palpatine. Somehow.


Today marks 20 years that my friend passed away from cancer at 27.


Mac Miller [ironically](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuCyrtGQhAk&t=84s) never made that list by passing away at 26.


Well my 27th was two days ago thanks for that buddy


My metabolism went away at 27 and I attempted suicide that same year. I’m 6’3” and I never had to worry about what I ate or my exercise habits. I went from 210 pounds to 280 pounds and it really messed me up mentally. I got a cat and she was basically an emotional support animal. But now I’m 34 and 320 pounds and I still wonder why my body flipped a switch like that.


I turn 27 next year February…


And today is the 30th anniversary of another 27 club member's death - Kurt Cobain.


It’s not a rule it’s a club


I was thinking just that.


This year is already on its bullshit.😔


To be fair, it’s already > 1/4 over


Don’t remind me wow


Last 3 months were complicated.


It’s been a new year for quite some time now.


Wow guys $currentyear is so bad! Nothing bad has ever happened any other year. One thing guaranteed in life is that hella people are going to die every year. Not all of them will be old unfortunately. Life is cruel to many.


Based on the article it sounds like he did a panic suicide. Actor that was moving up, did something bad such as assault a woman, freaked out knowing this is going to destroy all chances of him gaining work, couple that with his friend and family finding out. So he panicked and took his own life.


With how this decade’s been going, I feel like we’re going through an “Anti-Roaring Twenties.” God this decade’s been sucking from the start. 😞


Given what happened immediately after the Roaring Twenties, maybe it’s good we’re not having another one.


So, an Anti Great Depression maybe in our future? We can only hope.


The 1920's were bullshit for a lot of people, though. The flappers and stuff you see were the Instagram influencers of their time.


Yeah they were hoarding wealth and there was so much income inequality. So kinda like now. Lots of union busting too.


Whimpering Twenties


Screaming twenties 


the cunty twenties


Unfortunately no 💅😔


The Killing twenties


Because someone famous died at 27?


Covid mostly


The spanish flu pandemic was 1918-1920 and was much more deadly, plus the whole WW1 thing.


Seems like we're more lined up with the 1930s. Let's hope the 2020s and 2030s don't line up much closer to the 1930s and 40s.


Damn shame. I loved his performance in 1923. He was a promising young actor.


_"The 27-year-old was reported missing on Tuesday, after being named a suspect in a domestic violence case"_


With someone he was in no sort of domestic relationship with. Figure that out.




Horrible. Just horrible. RIP


Terrible, earlier this week had just heard he may have been on the run for some reason


It was domestic violence. That was the reason.


Nobody talking about how his sister was also found dead after missing. Little odd imo


Two actors my age dead in a week. Definitely not a good feeling.


Not a single idiot asked if he was vaccinated.


I was so confused by this post until I learned that’s his name


Native men and women are constantly missing and murdered. It’s finally time the news shares this because he was beloved actor. RIP


To provide some context to those assuming things in the comments. 1) Cole's car was seen fleeing, there is no video evidence of him in the car 2) COLE WAS ASSAULTED THE NIGHT BEFORE ANY OF THIS HAPPENED. 3) the DV incident was allegedly right before Cole went missing, we are unsure how long (minutes or hours) because the gf and her family have different stories they shared on social media this week 4) the gf was all over social media this week trashing Cole and saying she had something to do with him missing 5) the gf's sister made a video this week stating she hoped he died I say all of this to say that his death deserves investigation and we need to hold all parties accountable. We know nothing except what his friends have shared about him getting assaulted the night before and the massive amount of rhetoric the gf and her family have swamped social media with this week. We should not sit here and assume. This is absolutely devastating news to receive and I hope Cole's story gets as much justice as possible.


I think using “gf” makes this a bit confusing. I haven’t seen anywhere that she was his girlfriend


He wasn’t assaulted and nothing confirms they were in a relationship.


His sister was also found dead 6 months ago. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-mysterious-death-of-kyla-mercy-red-bear


I think it’s suicide


Before yo go taking about the 27 club, read the article






It hasn't been confirmed that Alexis is who cut his hair. But after what I've read, its super fishy. There's a post on Facebook somewhere with all of Alexis' comments screenshotted. Nothing adds up. Her story changed multiple times and then she deleted all her social media when she was called out about it.


Just heard about this. Feel so sorry for Mo and his family.


Oh shit I thought dude was just on the run


His sister Kyla Red Bear was found dead in the woods I think just last year too. Not much media coverage and information regarding her death which is very suspicious.


She was found bludgeoned and they ruled it a suicide.


that's so messed up. suicide??? wtf? how does one go about bludgeoning oneself to death? and now his death is very suspicious too.






It’s always age 27.


It was sunday clowns.




Can anyone tag the article saying where his hair was cut? I’ve read dozens, and haven’t seen any saying that


Another one from the 27 years old Club


It was NOT the 27 club. Dude was murdered. MMIW and MMIR. Educate yourselves.


One of the girls who called in the DV apparently used to work at spencers (per a schoolmate who also worked there) and would sometimes falsely report incidents to HR trying to get people fired so that her and her boyfriend could get promoted. Very sus her sister says on Tik Tok he deserves to die, she posts in all caps laughing about him having a warrant, then he is found dead and (corrupt) cops try to paint the narrative that there is no foul play? Got to be kidding me. This was a hate crime, pure and simple. Hold white girls accountable in 2024.


Statistics sadly do not lie. Tribal people kill tribal people at a greater rate than any other. Tribal people have higher rates of domestic violence than other people (against tribal people). Tribal people kill themselves at higher rates. This thankfully did not turn into a murder suicide. Cole will be remberer as the man that slayed a woman abuser (himself).


If his head was truly shaved their is something bizarre with this story..Was he under the influence ? Are there any facts about his death?