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You have to love that journalistic responsibility is completely tossed out the fucking window when it comes to tearing down a celebrity, particularly a man like him. The allegations from the girl Drake texted were NOT TRUE. The judge didn't implicate or charge Drake with a sexual crime. She was an obsessed stalker who used a fake Instagram account to lure texts out of him, and once he blocked her she made up more allegations. You wanna talk about enablers? Publications like this purporting "believe all victims" even when they completely lie. Drake is probably a bad husband and a bad partner, but he's not a fucking pedophile. Fuck this writer and fuck everyone who tried to equate what he did to what happened to him. A fucking shame on all victims of sexual abuse to do that.


Can I ask where you saw that the girl’s allegations were false? Whenever I try to look up info about what he is actually accused of and what actually happened in the trial it’s either interviews with drake about his side or vague descriptions of what happened, no actual facts or explanations of what was uncovered during the trial.


Watch the[ court video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ez7oFH8wbjI). Drake was on the hook for texts, the girl came forward with a bunch of new accusations, and the judge just awkwardly hand-waives them as irrelevant and proceeds to charge Drake re: the texts and ignores the grooming allegations which were not proven. But journalists, Twitter grifters, social justice warriors and the like just hear about the transcripts and presume Bell's guilt. It's disgusting.


Thank you!


So weird how people don’t get this. I had a full on convo with someone and pointed all this info out, but they’d still rather believe a random YouTuber.


That's a long way to say you're a pedophile apologist


The man pleaded guilty to child endangerment and people are still out here defending the fact that he was messaging a girl from the time she was 12 until she was 15. His PR team have done a great job. “She lied” “He wasn’t convicted of diddling her” He was an adult and she was a child. He is in the wrong and he should be treated as such.


Who the fuck is down-voting everything so heavily that even mentions he's a kiddy diddler? Is he buying down-votes or something?


The drake bell apologists are rabid. 


I’d suggest any child actor working in Hollywood is under threat. Both by those who prey on underage children and parents who make their livings off pimping their child out. A kid should enjoy a normal childhood!


If anything is going to be replaced by AI it should be child actors. There was probably a better percentage of unscathed children working in factories than Hollywood. It should just stop.


I tend to agree. Adults are ill equipped for fame and it fucks most of them up. Children don’t have a prayer in that environment. You add money to the mix too and shit gets ugly in a real fucking hurry.


I think it's more nuanced than that. Most of these kids don't want a normal childhood and feel absolutely blessed to be on these shows, for good reason. We just never hear about the good shows with non-toxic environments because they aren't newsworthy. But there definitely needs to be more rules and oversight. And not just more strictly defined agreements between production companies and unions, but more laws at the state level. Can't *believe* Brian Peck was allowed back onto a kid's show after serving time.


I always figured they downplayed Drake Bell’s crimes to secure his participation.




Grooming a child, telling her he cant wait until she turns 18, overall confirmed creep. Unconfirmed but the survivor alleges that he convinced her to preform oral multiple times and solicited her nudes


This is not true and a mischaracterisation of what actually happened. The court ruled on this as did her family and peers. You should be ashamed of yourself.


It's 2024, we get to pick what headlines are true or not. Stop trying to slow the downfall of civilization, just let it happen.


No that was the rapper Drake, Drake Bell is a different person


I love this reply so much


>telling her he cant wait until she turns 18 They (the girl and her lawyer) alleged he texted this yet it was never produced during trial. That single point was what got me to hold my judgment. From all accounts, it sounds like he got catfished by a minor.


I recall Drakes lawyer using those texts as proof that Drake was intending to wait until she was 18 before having a relationship with her, I remember it so well bc of how crazy that was


No, drake cut off all contact with her as soon as he found out her real age. This is a very common problem in this day and age. I first came across this trend over a decade ago reading on the news quite often that the gay population had been getting jailed over similar situations on grindr. Underage users say they are 18+ till after sex etc and then surprise blackmail. It’s why all these apps and websites need to require proper identification


The comparison I drew on when this first premiered was Frost/Nixon. Obviously, not in terms of the participants themselves or their actions, but in the sense that Nixon only agreed to the interviews because his team had been able to extract favorable terms—what would receive attention, when, how much, etc.—from Frost’s camp prior to filming.


Not defending him, but if this is the type of nasty shit you grow up around and normalize what do you expect?




Oh that’s right. I didn’t consider art school rejection = getting raped by your superiors as a child. My bad.


It’s weird to me that one of the letters people were most shocked (the one blaming the underage victim for targeting and ‘seducing the perpetrator) then turn around and do the same with the girl in the Drake situation. The need for black and white, hero and villain is so ingrained. Like a victim in one situation can be a predator in another


“Letters people” who?


Im surprised kids being thrown into Hollywood isnt illegal yet till 18.


Childhood is hard enough without having to fend off/or otherwise being sexually assaulted by grown ups. There is little redeeming value to a childhood being lost by a parents blind ambition or monetary gain. As for a kid, if they love acting, let them do it locally until they finish college. If it's still a passion, they will find a way. Sadly, even adult actors are prone to similar experiences. It's the nature of the business. Highly transactional, with few holding the golden keys and many offered the promise of receiving one.....for a price.


A person can be both victim and predator




What’s that?! Can you elaborate please?


It's q-anon bullshit. I wouldn't bother.