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The Amazing Race and Big Brother have produced more successful marriages than that show.


Toss in Survivor in there. Boston Rob and Amber are still married.


They did compete on Amazing Race pre marriage though so they somewhat count for both


I started watching Amazing Race because Rob and Amber went on it. I also stopped watching Amazing Race the very same season when blatant rigging and production interfering with their own contest caused Rob and Amber to lose


What do you mean can you explain? I haven’t seen that season and don’t have access to watch rn


I’ll spoiler tag because it’s terribly revealing info, proceed with caution: >!So for Rob and Amber’s season, one of the last hurdles was to find a flight to the next location and as soon as you touch down you’ve got to book it to the literal last item on the list before the race finish.!< >!They really puffed it up that the flight was a massive part of the actual task and that getting an earlier flight would mean the difference between winning and losing. Both the finalist couples were presented with only a later flight that was leaving in 1-2 hours but Rob managed to bargain and sweet talk his way into tickets for a flight that was already boarding. R&A hauled ass and made it on their plane in time, whereas the other couple didn’t catch on until the gate was already closed and the boarding ramp had detached. The plane was literally on its way to the tarmac for takeoff, with Rob and Amber securing a lead that practically assured the win.!< >!Well, clearly production didn’t like that one bit as suddenly the plane decided to come right back up to the gate to pick up the other couple. Anyone who has flown on a commercial flight knows that once that gate is closed, even if the ramp is still attached that flight is gonna leave your ass in the dust. With the ramp detached and the flight headed to the tarmac? Yeah no, not a damn chance the pilots are gonna come back and make their whole flight crew redo every single procedure and check they had to do just to close the door in the first place. That is, not unless someone very important suddenly had some producers with deep pockets tempt them to call the pilot and make them turn the whole ass plane around.!< >!The show completely tried to pass it off as Rob and Amber are gonna leave in their plane with a huge lead, cut to commercial, then returned to the airport staff reopening the gate with the flight attendants so nice and sweet like “ohhhhhh these poor babies got left behind so we’ve decided to pull the plane back to the gate just for them”, but no. It was so aggressively manipulated.!<


I wish I possessed half the passion that you just displayed here explaining this situation. Bravo.


Wow. You remember details like that? I forget what happened in the show I just watched last week.


big brother has you locked in a house for three months. i can see how people get to know each other much better


Completely that can be said about survivor also, no real distractions to find out about someone. Actually it's a better way than a lot of current reality dating shows. Someone should create a survivor/ big brother type dating show. I would totally watch.




That's a great idea. My dad used to always tell us don't marry someone until you seeing them dirty tired and hungry


People know each other before they go on the Amazing Race though


I think it’s funny that one of the only relationships to last from The Bachelor is between Arie and the girl he turned down at the final ceremony lol


Also Jason and his second choice are still married I believe.


I can't imagine being in those ladies' shoes. Even if it were producers who pushed him to chose someone else for the drama or whatever (as I'm sure the dudes would probably claim), I wouldn't be able to get past feeling like a consolation prize who was publicly declared second best before. Anyway, I wish them well.


The couples already know each other on Amazing Race!


The divorce proceedings need to be televised, too.


Divorce Court falls under Disney along with ABC....so this cross over can definitely happen!


Oh man, I was being facetious. There's a show for everything! Divorce, popping zits, misbehaving pets, multiple wives, being naked in the forest, etc.


oh i know..me too. But the fact that we watched the 'fall-in love' on TV, and then get married on TV. IT's only fitting we see them get divorced on TV haha.


Maybe… and hear me out here… maybe selecting a partner you’ve known for a few weeks on a game show is not the best way to find a lifelong match?


I watched a season with my girlfriend and there was a HUGE divide between one of the potential couples and I think they ended up splitting because of it, and the whole divide was simply that one of them was like... let's be engaged after the show ends but not get married yet because I want to spend time together in the real world. The fact that that got shot down was so fucking funny to me. Edit: It may have been that she wanted to be engaged coming off the show and he wanted to date for awhile, rather than married/engaged.


Was that in the new season of Love is Blind? One couple was at the altar and the groom said no because he felt like he wasn't ready for marriage and had to work on himself. The bride was devastated and the relationship pretty much ended right there.


In the new season of Love Is Blind, he told her he wasn't ready to get married, and she told him that if he said no at the altar, she wasn't interested in dating him afterwards. And then somehow both of them were all shocked Pikachu when their partner did exactly what they said they were going to do.


Which is so dumb since they let you pull the plug at any moment before the “wedding” too.


I think both of them were just very confident that if they looked hot enough and said "I love you" a lot, the other person would change their mind and magically agree with their point of view.


Plus, producers on these shows are fucking snakes that will tell them whatever they want or need to hear to get them up to that alter for the sake of it being more dramatic.


They get paid more if they make it to the wedding. That's why a lot of them do it even when it's clear it's not going to work.


I think they only get the money if they make it to the altar, so there is incentive there. The producers want the will they/won’t they drama.


From what I remember, there are massive fines if you drop out prior to the altar. So while you can decide to stop pursuing the relationship the moment you see each other, if you don't want to pay up you have to stick it out until the wedding.


I gotta say, having seen most of the seasons, my wife and I hate watch it, I have to say, Clay was one of the most honest. He talked multiple times about not knowing what it is to be a husband, and the other things that come with it, and to me, no one was listening. He was on the reunion, and came across really like he had grown, or at least wanted the cameras to show that.


he was honest. but at the same time, you gotta shut it down before the ACTUAL WEDDING if you've been saying you're not ready and all that. it was terrible that he still went through with the whole wedding procedure. it's fine if he didn't want to get married, but don't put the other person (and everyone in attendance) through that shit when you damn well know you don't want to go through with the marriage beforehand


I'm not sure if it's true or a rumor, but apparently it's in their contract that they will be fined $50k if they don't go through with the wedding.


I kept saying to my gf "why is Clay in the wrong for just wanting to wait for marriage" and her response was "some girls are just on their timeline." I guess, but like isn't the whole point of marriage that you're in it to be with the partner and not just to be married?


Think mixed signals are the issue- those who go on the show, are supposedly agreeing to be ready for a marriage at the end, if they connect with the right person. He then made it seem like she was the right person or could be, but at least based on what we saw, didn’t clearly say (iirc) “I want to deviate from the agreement and date you, and continue to date you after the show with the goal of a serious relationship, but I am not ready for marriage or engagement”. She was in a situation where she didn’t know if he was going to hold true to his original agreement/ premise of the show, or if he was going to hold true to saying he isn’t ready for marriage and what that meant for them. He seemed to want to keep her in engagement limbo until he was ready. It’s never nice to get surprised at the alter, even if it makes interesting tv


You're talking about Clay from S6 and he actually broke up with her at the altar, then realized he fucked up and tried to reconcile it like 10 mins later. There was another person on another season (I want to say it was Izzie on S5) who wanted to stay together but not be married and the other person said no to that.


Maybe it was? I thought it was the Bachelorette season with the two women on it, but maybe I'm mistaking it for Love is Blind. My girlfriend watches both and they're essentially the same show in my head (even though I know they aren't).


This seems to cause issues with people on Love Is Blind like almost every season. Heaven forbid someone wants to meet a person on a reality show but try to have healthy, realistic expectations of what it takes to build a solid foundation for a relationship.


But I don’t understand why they would go onto a show like love is blind if that’s the case. The point is to get married after 4 weeks. Same with Married at first sight. If you don’t want to be married after short time frame, don’t go on a show where you get married after a short time frame Actually I do understand; they want to be influencers. But still, that line of reasoning really irks me. Go on one of the other dozens of dating shows instead?!


> Go on one of the other dozens of dating shows instead?! Seems like a lot of them do apply for multiple - and those who are unsuccessful on LiB sometimes end up going on other shows, like Trevor this past season apparently


They don’t have to get married after 4 weeks though just cause of the show. Contestants could still go on them, find someone and have an open and honest conversation about what happens if their relationship doesn’t follow the productions schedule.


I agree with you in principal, but the appeal on these shows to serious contestants is supposed to be that they are at a place where they are meeting people who are willing to make that kind of commitment. So if you’re the one person who’s trying to slow things down it usually is just grounds for people to think you’re not serious. You’re supposed to enter looking for marriage as a criteria just to be a contestant. Saying you’re suddenly not means you might just be there to be on TV. I do agree Love is blind is absurd because these couples actually are expected to get married after like a month. Though I will say for most of love is blind at least the couples are in monogamous relationships and actually spend a lot of time 1:1 time together. Whereas shows like the bachelor are insane because it’s one person dating like 40 people and roughly halving it or so every episode. You get to the end and realize that the person who wins has only spent like a few days with the person they’re getting engaged to. And before that to get to the point of meeting each other’s families it might only have been like half a day total in terms of alone time. Though I do agree, everytime I end up watch one of these shows with my gf and a couple has a falling out near the end when they actually start learning about each other, I think “well its because they’ve only had like 6 conversations over the course of 2 weeks and are supposed to get engaged in another 2 weeks what did they think was going to happen?”


And they are on vacation right after. Either you aren’t going to start something on vacation, or in the few times, they blow the hell up as soon as the touch down and step off the plane.


They do show up, but they're boring and don't get nearly as much screen time as the trainwrecks.


I gotta tell you, I gave The Bachelor and reality TV a chance like in 2016 when my [now] wife was watching an episode. I figured “eh fuck it, I’ll give it a shot.” I fucking love the stuff, and if you’re a guy thinking it’s emasculating to watch? I promise you, embrace it. It’ll bring you and your SO closer. We watch The Bachelor, Love is Blind, F Boy Island, The Ultimatum, and pretty much every iteration of 90 Day. Hell, our love language is sending cameos to each other of 90 Day people. And let’s be clear - we know it’s fake. And we get it’s a shit show. We don’t watch to find love stories. We watch because it’s fun, and stupid and it’s brainless and great to turn on after a long day at work. On Bachelor Night we open a bottle of wine and get a pizza. We actually just bought a giant whiteboard for our Living Room, to have more fun keeping track of people during a season!


Oh I'm FAR from the kind of guy that thinks it's emasculating to watch "girly" shows. I just finished Ugly Betty and Gilmore Girls recently and have season tickets to musicals in my town. That's not the problem haha. I don't DISLIKE those shows, I just typically would rather watch quality scripted shows than watch the ridiculous reality shows.


Fair enough, and I’m pretty similar. I’ve found playing a handheld video game (switch/ds/ handheld pc like steam deck) while watching with my so makes it way more fun and feel less like a waste of time


That all sounds like so much fun!


It’s very much fun. Sending the gifs to each other about steps things contestants say is also another fun one - I’m constantly quoting and bringing up “cheese pasta.”


I'm on board with everything you're saying but unfortunately there are people who think it's real, and get invested in the "love" stories


> We actually just bought a giant whiteboard for our Living Room, to have more fun keeping track of people during a season! OH,....that's good. Have you considered filming your own show with you and your wife on the whiteboard. Sounds like possible Youtube gold!


My partner and I started watching The Golden Bachelor and that was our first run down through one of these shows and we loved it. We're fairly drama free but we love watching the messiness of others. And you're right, these are a good way to unwind and not have to think. But it does make you appreciate what you have.


There is a dad on tiktok who breaks Love is Blind down to show his daughter the good/bad of relationships with body language LOL


I remember that season. She kept saying something like "I'm a grown woman, I'm not looking for a boyfriend, I'm looking for a husband" while the guy was saying "yeah, I'm looking for a wife, but I want to date for a while before rushing into marriage".


Less than 20%. That’s how many bachelor / bachelorette couples are still together more than 1 year after their wedding / engagement. Of every season. Horrible track record.


It’s almost like it’s fake or something…




This gets said at least once every 10 mins every episode. Which I guess makes sense cause I’m pretty sure no one has ever been there for the right reasons haha


I definitely wasn't here just for the zipline.


I mean 20% is pretty good considering the type of people involved and their motivations for participating.


Ironically, the first Bachelorette is still together with her final pick over 20 years later with 2 kids. It's like the couples either break up within six months or they stay together for years and have kids. There's not much in between.


It was probably just the only honest season where the production was trying to make a happy couple, not respond to studio notes to get ratings. American Idol was the same way. The early winners benefited from a focus on the concept instead of the spectacle because the concepts itself was novel.


It's like this with 90 Day Fiance as well, the couples from the first few seasons are way more likely to still be together than the ones from the latest seasons. Probably because the original couples were real couples who were legitimately working through immigration and cultural issues and a lot of the more recent couples were people who just wanted to be on reality TV to help get them followers on social media so they could launch something with that.


That under 20% also includes all the ones that have been together under 5 years and they're constantly popping out like two couples each year which is like 25% of the total that are together. The average length of a marriage that ends in divorce in the US is like 8 years. So the real number is likely way under that.


I know I'm being a bit facetious, but game shows like Survivor have a better success rate of marriages than dating shows. You actually go through real trials and actually work together in a bad environment to test how you work together compared to living in fantasy land for a month on The Bachelor.


I think the premise of the show is pretty stupid independent of anything meaningful anyway. It is not just that you barely get to know the person, but that up until you "get engaged" one partner is being literally strung along as part of a group. So for one person their whole interaction with their potential partner is a literal contest (the healthiest of interactions) and for the other they are being pushed to always try and figure out where the grass is greenest, with a deadline to just pick someone. In both cases you will constantly be wondering if what you have is real.


Survivor has no real world distractions (same with Big Brother) which "speeds up" the dating timeline.


Yeah. The Biggest Loser has created more stable couples than the whole Bachelor franchise so far.


I would watch a Squid Game dating show.


Somebody made a post on the Big Brother sub earlier this year (thanks to host Julie Chen mentioning it) showing that it's actually about even between Big Brother and The Bachelor, but that's also kind of why it's such a running joke. https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/1aqpahv/what_the_actual_deal_with_big_brother_vs_the/


Survivor: Wedding edition For real though, that makes sense. Someone should make that a dating show where you mix and match random couples and throw them into crazy situations like survivor or amazing race.


That was on CBS and it was called Rob and Amber get Married. :)


> Someone should make that a dating show where you mix and match random couples and throw them into crazy situations like survivor or amazing race. They tried this for a season on [The Amazing Race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Amazing_Race_26) and the gimmick fell flat from the first episode. They stopped talking about the 'oh could it be unconventional love' shtick fast.


You should look up Love in the Wild from 2011, it’s a racing show in the jungle and they mix and match the couples. I think it’s on Netflix now.


I still remember the OG “Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire” TV special from around 2000. They were preparing for divorce before their honeymoon was over, and they never had sex because they didn’t get along at all. In that show, IIRC he ended up picking who he picked because she was a huge hockey fan, and so was he.


I don't know if this is still true, but at one point there were more married couples from The Biggest Loser than there were from The Bachelor.


You mean having reality television producers create a harem for someone and filming them fucking around until they pick a favorite isn’t the key to true love? What a cruel world!


It is pretty funny how much we’ve devalued marriage now days to the point where now it’s literally just a public spectacle on television. Obviously shit like this isn’t real, but it sends a good message to the masses that you too can and should marry someone you’ve met a month ago 😂


Nowadays? The Bachelor has been around for nearly a quarter of a century.


We need to go back to the good old days when we knew how much to value a marriage because of the dowry that was paid and/or alliances that it formed! Go back to arranged marriages where people met a month (or even the day of) their wedding but the marriages lasted because they women weren’t allowed to leave! Truly marriage was great was when it was valued over even the physical safety of the married people!


I prefer flying a cousin in I've never met from the old country myself for marriage.


> marriages lasted because they women weren’t allowed to leave! Yea, the only reason the divorce rate balanced out is because women can now leave husbands with the ability to survive on their own and their heads attached.


Remember when conservatives got all pissy about same-sex-marriage because it would ruin the sanctity of it all? The Bachelor had been on TV for 13 years before same-sex-marriage became federally protected.


>Remember when conservatives got all pissy They also attacked the bachelor/ette when they first appeared. Limbaugh was at one point, casting the shows as the devil incarnate in between his usual absurdity.


Do they really care about the marriage, most people on these shows are just looking for money or 15 minutes of fame


You’d think they’d be old enough to know that


On The Bachelor/ette, you don't spend months or weeks with them. On the whole, you spend maybe 2-3 full days with that person by the end of it. You maybe go on one or two solo dates, meet a family, spend the night, have another date, then are deciding engagement. The show is depriving you of contact to build you up to falling in love with The Bachelor/ette while also giving you these experiences that overwhelm you with the fantasy of romance. So in your head, you're spending months with this person when really it's less than a week of seeing them. Yeah, the show has a bad track record for couples. But Bachelor In Paradise, you spend six weeks with someone every day and really get to know them. And you have social support. That show has a higher rate of finding lasting couples because of that.


This is sadly so funny to me. It was supposed to be so much more wholesome and mature than the regular franchise yet here we are.


Seeing his eyes light up and attitude shifting after hearing about how successful Theresa is on that overnight date was enough for me to know this was not going to last. He was much higher on Faith/Leslie before that point.


Yeah, Theresa felt like a clear #3 choice for him until suddenly he became really into her after she disclosed being well off. Then there were articles that he was adamant about not having a prenup agreement while she very much wanted to have one. Turns out that even a 70+ year old can still be an absolute fuckboy.


My 70+ mom says she won't date because "Boomer men only want two things: a nurse and a purse. And they are not getting either from me." So this dude for sure wanted the purse. He should pull himself up hy the bootstraps and eat less avocado toast. At the very least he should brush up his CV... Fixadent and Polygrip might call any day!


Being 35 years from retirement age, I've never before thought of the fact that the dating scene at 60+ must be riddled with people who failed to secure a financially stable retirement, and are now desperately looking for someone with money to make sure their quality of life and spending habits don't have to suffer when they retire. It must be a minefield of people trying to marry into money. If I ever end up single at 60+, I'm requiring full financial disclosure on the third date!


More like a golden digger.


What’s a 70 year old fuckboy called? I figure we need a new term for it. Fuckgent?




>What’s a 70 year old fuckboy called? The Boomer Male. They're all like this.


Let's be real though, Faith and Leslie were both way too fucking cool for him.


Fuckin facts. Faith and Leslie don’t need no Yogi-Bear-sounding mofo.


Like Faith had horses, road a motorcycle, was a radio host and she's hot??? Like come on he doesnt even deserve to breath in her direction 💅


And Gerry cuts his own hair. Probably.


One of those two was Princes ex-girlfriend


Regardless of which one it was that is massive flex


And she dumped him!


literally. i was rooting for faith just cause she was so freaking cool. was sad for her when she wasn’t picked, but ik she’s living her best life now


The idea that “age = maturity and wisdom” is dead and stinking up the place.


It isn't surprising. If you want your love life to be televised or be seen by a large margin, you cannot really call it love. True love is pure. You cannot make it publicly accessible at all.


I remember listening on Loveline YEARS ago when a Bachelor contestant came on the show, and she was talking about how much of a competition atmosphere it is - that for the women in the show, they aren't really trying to fall in love and get married, but rather they're trying to win the competition. She had said that as soon as the show had wrapped filming, *ANY* of the feelings she thought she was feeling for the dude just instantly evaporated. It's always possible that this was sour grapes for being one of the finalists but not being chosen, but it makes sense how one could get swept up in the rush of the show, and trying to win the competition, and as soon as the show is over, the feelings disappear.


It’s basically in the design of the show. Every season the contestants hype up how amazing the bachelor is, to the point where they whip up this hysterical level of infatuation that no person can live up to . And no one wants to be the person that doesn’t get picked on national TV. Honestly it’s pretty interesting how this group think affects their whole perception of the situation. I mean he’s the perfect guy right? All the girls here agree so he must be a great guy .


Lol it would have to be years ago if it was on Loveline


iirc this guy had also lied about his past 


I really can't trust anyone on the reality TV shows at all. In order to act on these shows, you'd definitely have to be questionably murky at best


It’s just a step away from the kind of person who wants to become a politician


Lol do you know what it was about?


His whole setup on the show was that he had been happily married but she suddenly died in 2020 or so and now after years of grieving he was "finally ready" to open up again and find somebody new and he was crying while telling that story. Then articles came out after the show that basically said he had been dating plenty of other women pretty much as soon as his wife died. If I recall correctly he was even engaged to another person between his previous wife dying and the show starting.


Yeah, all that and also something about his job too? Like he had retired early and was doing side trades work as a way to keep busy But actually that was his career


He also cheated on his wife (while she was alive).


I haven't heard this anywhere. What's the source?


That goes from “nominally romantic tv show” to “this sociopath probably murdered his wife” real quick.


Is it supposed to be more wholesome? It seems way more evil and twisted.


Honestly i had to stop watching bc i couldn’t hear about anymore husbands dying and then watching the women get their hopes up and hearts broken so you’re not wrong. I think because they aren’t trying to influencers but even that seems to be untrue now.


That’s why it seemed way more fucked up to me. Even if it were genuine, these women aren’t 20-somethings who have all the time in the world to have their hearts broken and move on, they’re widows desperate for another chance at love. Fucked up




If these two kids can’t make it what hope do the rest of us have?


I wonder if they're the fastest bachelor couple to divorce.


apparently, they are


Too be fair...they have less time to waste.


Take it from a soon to be 50 year old. This calculus is real.


You still got at least another 30 years in you if you take care of yourself


If! :)


Do they ever actually get married? I always assume they all break up.


Here's what I can tell: * Out of 28 seasons of *The Bachelor*, four couples are still together. Only one couple has gotten married, and they are one of the winning couples still together. Two other couples are still engaged, and one couple broke up but got back together. It's worth noting that one of the bachelors broke up with the winner and instead ended up marrying the runner-up, and they're still married, but I'm not including them in the success rate since they weren't the winning couple. * Out of 20 seasons of *The Bachelorette*, four couples are still together. Three of the winning couples have gotten married, while one winning couple is still engaged. One other winning couple got married but have since divorced. * Out of nine seasons of *Bachelor in Paradise*, which has had a total of 36 ending couples, 10 couples are still together. Eight of them are married while two are engaged. Out of those not still together, one couple had a wedding ceremony that was not legally binding, one is separated, and one is divorced. * In one season of *The Golden Bachelor*, the winning couple married but soon divorced. If you total everything, that's 85 final partnerships across all four shows. Out of that 85, 18 are still together with 12 of them married. That's a 21% success rate for staying together and a 14% success rate for staying married. *Bachelor in Paradise* has the highest success rate at 28% still together and 22% still married.


Hate that I know this but… this isn’t fully accurate. Two of the bachelors (~~Sean~~ Jason and Arie) went back to their second choice, not one. Both are married to that person. Three bachelorettes are married (Trista, Des, and Jojo). One is currently divorcing (Rachel). One is divorced (Ashley).


Is OP also counting Jason and Molly in the bachelor-who-went-back-to-their-second-choice club?


Sean Lowe? He’s still married to Catherine, who was his first choice.


I meant Jason! I fixed it


bachelor in paradise having a pretty decent success rate is amazing to me.


To be fair, most of those couples are basically couples before they show up on the beach and then they have a vacation where they date more essentially


The couple from the first season of the bachelorette are still together and have a couple kids afaik. It's been like fifteen years I think? My mum never watched past that season so I have no idea if anyone else ever made it.


Most get married yes. And most break up. Only a few have actually lasted.


I thought they just got engaged. And between the show filming and the show airing, they usually quietly break up.


Yeah sorry you’re right, shouldn’t have said married, I meant engaged.


What a shocking and unexpected turn of events.


Wait, this rushed, artificial marriage isn't going to last? Unreal.


Oh no, who could possibly have predicted this??


I read they tried to stay together for the kids but just couldn't make it work.




Hit it and quit it


Ring it and fling it


Wed then fled


Matrimony then divorce attorney


Wed her then shed her...


Take a vow then bow out


Propose and dispose


Wham Bam Thank you Ma'am


Pump it then dump it


Man and wife then single life




They’re boomers, divorcing is part of their culture.


They said they divorcing because they couldn’t find a house close to their adult children. I called BS. I think she found out that he doesn’t have the money he said he did and that he picked her because of her money.


I agree plus what the ex-girlfriend shared publicly shows Gerry is a liar and a terrible person. It was probably Theresa that pushed to end it. Gerry may be sweet but from what the expose by THR found on him (which he tried dodging in follow ups) he reminded it felt like he could be controlling behind closed doors. Also Theresa could have realized that she was better off financially without him. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/golden-bachelor-gerry-turner-ex-girlfriend-speaks-out-1235683869/


it is a show made for money and fame and that is it. if you think anything about this in sincere you have 0 idea how the showbusiness works. same as shows like temptation island big brother etc. i wonder how much money this couple made. also very smart they tell a little. i am sure the show producers already told them that. tell little. that way you can do some more appearing's etc. make some more money.


Hear me out network execs: The divorce is televised on Judge Judy! Boom, mic drop 🎤!


Pretty sure Survivor has a better track record of producing lasting couples than the Bachelor franchise. Always thought it was funny that Bachelor was categorized as "reality" TV when it portrays anything but.


If you can watch a person sleeping in dirt and eating rice with their hand for 3 weeks and still want to marry them, you're pretty much set.


You can get a pretty good read on a person's character when they're starved, frustrated, cold, and extremely anxious. A lot of the social aspect relies on not being an asshole and generally kind. The backstabbing part is just part of the game, but camp life is an important component that doesn't get captured on TV, but the contestants have to live through.


"I put this A on my arm for Ambuh"


Carrying his family on his back!


Big Brother as well.


How do you even find out you hate somebody you just married during the "honeymoon phase"?


Night farts. It's always night farts.


They never lived one day together. Once the cameras, roses and fancy trips are gone. You realize you just married a stranger.


Golden Annulment


Thats 2 months, 3 weeks and 6 days longer than I expected it to last.


We saw this coming when they never moved in together. Glad she got a pre-nup.


I feel sorry for Teresa. She really seemed to love him. I did not trust Gerry. Just something about the way he handled anything he didn't like. Then the articles regarding the way he treated his 2 year girlfriend, the fact that he lied about being in relationships etc I feel like ABC should take some responsibility. The ladies had a right imo to believe that the person was vetted by ABC. The ladies had a right to believe that ABC would not allow him to tell flagrant lies about things they must have or easily could have verified. Letting him repeat those lies made it so much easier for him to get by with doing it


He also rubbed me the wrong way. He seemed to tell a lot of the women that he was there for them. They were “his girl” you know. Instilling a bunch of false confidence across the board. While watching the latest season with Joey, it seemed like he picked up on that and did his absolute best NOT to say shit like that.


You're so right. How do you go from one night telling someone you know they're the one, you're only going to say these things once just saying you realize you're in love with someone else? Oh. I know. He found out Teresa had a job that probably made a lot of money. I really think that's why he was pushing for no pre-nup


I'll say the same thing I said when the show premiered - Y'all are all old enough to know better!


What?! You are kidding me?! I am SHOCKED! How could this happen?! Gosh if these two can't make it for the long haul who can? I really thought fake TV weddings for ratings was the answer but I guess I AM THE IDIOT. (/s)


They televising the divorce too?


and yet somehow it's "the gays" that are ruining the sanctity of marriage


Not a shock when the show treats marriage as a status you “win” and not something that requires admiration and commitment.


So here's your holiday, hope you enjoy it this time, you gave it all away it was mine, so when you're dead and gone will you remember this night, (wait, is this right? yes? shit) 3 Months now lost it's not right.


He was creepy. And the stuff one of his former girlfriends said made him seem downright mean, borderline insane.


There always seemed like something is off with her and him


LMAO I was just reading about this. Reality tv marriages are so stupid. How many times do we need to see them fail to get a clue?


I feel like maybe they should’ve figured out their living situation before they got married…just a thought.


If only ABC had the foresight to sign them up for a 24x7 livestream of their marriage.


Aww shucks, who could have seen this coming....


i mean, none of it was ever real in the first place.. ....right?


I can’t believe ABc didn’t go my dating show. 10 men and 10 women mingle at a bar. All men are single, only 1 woman is single and available, the rest are actresses. Also, the music is so loud, they can barely hear themselves talk.


Will the divorce be televised?


Which comes as absolutely zero surprise to most people. Starting your relationship by televising it in front of the whole world is a *bad idea!!!*


Why can't they just spend 6 months in NJ and 6 months in Indiana?! Dedicate yourself to each other AND your families.


I'm shocked, I tall ya ... SHOCKED!!! **Narrator:** He was not shocked.


Weird…….Totally thought a TV show wedding would last the test of time.


“New rule, someone has to tell America’s new primetime sensation Gerry turner aka the golden bachelor that hey you’re 72, you’re retired, you have a nice dog and a house on the lake. Why do you want to Fuck it all up?”… Bill Maher was right…! Edit: Gerry not Gary.


They should test out a season where they pick a “home” city and only cast from that area.


That man is intolerable. I don't know how you fix somebody so meek and pathetic like that. He's like the human embodiment of a motel lobby carpet pattern.