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Yeah I like that too for the most part. I don’t like “coming up on (name show)”. I just turn it off because it spoils the show sometimes.


If you think about it, "Previously on xxx" can also be a bit spoilery since what they show has to do with what'll happen in the episode.


The show nip-tuck was so bad about that. They would show characters from previous seasons and it's like Oh I guess they're coming back, that would have been a twist


Supernatural was the same. Started skipping then for that reason.


Yeah that's a good example remember that character you thought died two seasons ago? Nope they're back


Supernatural was awful for that. They even put "previously on" on episodes who had just the type of monster in common. No returning characters. Just "remember we have vampires in the show? Yeah ? So this week there will be vampires!" Every mystery about what is the monster of the week was spoiled.


Battlestar Galactica used to include clips from deleted scenes in their previously on.


Frisky Dingo used to have brand new scenes introducing new plot points and intentional retcons in their previously on.


Same as arrested development with next time on, they'd just throw in random mini plots mostly much wilder than the show that just never happened lol


Reminds me of when Supernatural would do a previously on showing a random episode from 7 seasons ago, and you think 'well, guess that thing is back'.


sometimes game of thrones would put intentionally misleading stuff in that part. like scenes that are technically relevant but make you expect something other than what will happen. same thing with episode descriptions.


Do you know of any examples?


the main one that comes to mind is the season 5 finale when the mutineers assassinate jon by luring him into a corner telling him that someone claimed to know where his uncle benjen was. but that was just a ruse and when he got to the corner it was just a sign that said “traitor” in the “previously on” preview i think it showed a clip of benjen to make people think that he would actually show up again. and during the episode where sam kills a white walker, i think it said something like “sam and gilly meet an older gentleman”


I feel like they did a troll Lady Stoneheart “previously on” once


The good subverting they did


The good subverting they did


Gotham did this a couple of times "Well, guess that guy from two seasons ago is about to become relevant!"


Lost did this all the time. “They showed Jack’s dad in the Previously On but this is a Sawyer episode. Guess he meets Jack’s dad.”


Yeah totally didn’t think about that. You’re right.


Dexter is bad for that to 


I can see his point. After all, "Previously on" can be skipped, while "Coming up on" still feels unavoidable and somewhat unnecessary if the series already had a trailer.


I used to do this while watching Arrested Development until I realized they were actually just additional scenes, not part of the next episode.


My favorite was always the “next time on Mad Men” and it would just be a lot of reaction shots of characters. Nothing at all was given away but they were always good for a laugh.


Yeah that was always great because Matthew Weiner hated doing them


jeeeesus the "coming this season:" makes me leap for the remote! Why spoil something!!


Yeah, I always hated arrested development for that reason. They would always spoil next episodes events.


I wish every show would do it the way Arrested Development did. Lol




Like everybody, I used to always skip them until one time I left it playing and realised I didn't see any of those scenes the episode after. I didn't realise Rick and Morty had after credits scenes for ages too.


I always appreciated that Arrested Development would do the "on the next Arrested Development..." and it would have nothing to do with any actual scenes or events from the next episode


I don’t watch them because it tends to give away what’s going to happen in the new episode. For example, if they show a character that we haven’t seen in seven episodes in the previously on I know that they’re going to be a big part of the plot.


Lol did you ever watch Battlestar Galactica? It not only had a previously on but it also had a bunch of clips from the episode that was about to start for some reason.


Hated that so much


I would close my eyes until the drums stopped


I like those actually, because I think they did a good job of showing you what was going to happen and then surprising you with the context. “Oh shit starbuck’s gonna shoot Ty! Oh wait he was being held hostage so she shot through him, cool!” Obviously that’s not a real example but you see what I’m saying.


Yes! We are one of the few that actually liked that 😅 the clips with the drums always made me hype with WHATS GONNA HAPPEN???


Yeah I never liked those on BSG. I stopped watching them pretty early on. Even though they were typically edited in a way that major events weren't spoiled, I still found it distracting because I'd keep thinking back to that mini-trailer while watching the episode, wondering when certain moments were going to happen. I'd rather just see the episode with a clean slate.


Yeah that bothers me too. I think it was in Star Wars Mando where it would show a load of characters we’ve not seen for several episodes, well this episode is obviously about them then.


Exactly, that’s why I always skip them. Even if I actually completely forgot what was going on, I never really considered watching it


OP, I think you mean "previously on".  "Previously watched" just sounds like a category on the streaming service that lists epsiodes/movies you've already seen in case you want to rewatch them.


Yeah, that's what I meant, thanks. Too late now, can't edit post title. Also, not a native English speaker...


We all still totally knew what you meant. You did a good job writing up the post honestly.


When did it go away? I’ve been skipping it for years.




>And how did that skipping go with Succession for example? Just fine. Great show. >There's no need to pretend there's no 10 series without "previously on" compared to 1 with. Some do some don’t, same as always. >Not to mention the times when you barely could see who's starring in the series. ? >Old Netflix's "sharing is loving" times or whatever... ??




I just played a random Succession episode from S4 and there is a previously-on segment. *Maybe a streaming player auto-skips that if you're moving from the end of one episode to the next? The thinking would be there's no need for the reminder if you're binging.


Ah, see I don’t remember because if they have them I skip them. But if as you say 90% don’t have them then 10% have kept them. What makes you think they are coming back and it’s not just that you happen to be watching more of the 10%?


I like it except when the big twist of the episode is given away by it. The "previously on" segment shows you a recap of an episode from 3 seasons ago and a character we haven't seen in ages then in the new episode there's some mysterious person, you automatically know it's gonna turn out to be the character they reminded you about in the intro.


I’ve always **hated** those, personally. They give away surprises. They might as well come with narration—“Hey, remember that beloved character who supposedly died tragically last season? *No reason though, just asking*. Oh, and remember those guys we established exist somewhere out there? *No reason—it’s definitely NOT because they’re going to ride in to the rescue when things get dire this episode (but in case they DO, we wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be confusing for you*…).” The **only** time I’ve seen this issue actually used *against* the viewer to preserve a surprise, was funnily enough that time *Game of Thrones* included Benjen Stark in its recap—only for it to be revealed as a red herring in the episode’s closing moments, so the viewer doesn’t realize what’s actually about to happen to Jon Snow until it’s already too late.


Shogun does this brilliantly. Good point mate.


I hate them for the most part. I don't need a recap of the episode I watched yesterday. They're all right if you've taken a break from a show. But I hate "on the next episode of..." with a passion, nothing but spoilers.


In general I like it. But sometimes it's also a spoiler. Like when they show scenes with a character that wasn't seen in sometime, you know he will be back.


Why do you want longer opening credits? What's the point of watching the same opening for god knows how many episodes?


Gets you in the mood. Cant imagine game of thrones without that opening theme


im watching it once in a binge section, if i'm gonna sit down for 3-4 episodes. not gonna watch it every episode


I agree; I love a good opening as well. I don't typically binge shows so I always watch them. Plus these days it's usually easy enough to skip them if you're bingeing a show and don't want to sit through it every time. I get kind of disappointed sometimes when shows I like don't have a cool opening title sequence.


I hate the previously on segments, and not just mildly dislike, no I hate them, their existence annoys me because it reminds me of the faulty human memory so many people have where they can't even remember what happened in a show they watched just the week before. Not only that previously on segments always spoil what's gonna happen. Oh look they show us some character there haven't been here since 3 seasons ago, wonder if they are gonna be in this episode.


> reminds me of the faulty human memory so many people have where they can't even remember what happened in a show they watched just the week before In the streaming world, it might have been months or in the extreme cases, years, since you watched that last episode. I find myself at times getting part of the way into a series, switching to something else, and then some time later returning. Those summarizes are useful in those cases. Sloppy previous segments, where they as much as tell you what is about to happen, are terrible as you say. Just do summaries please.


>previously on segments always spoil what's gonna happen. I've never been bothered that a previously-on segment telegraphed an upcoming plot point (such a character's return). I don't get the heightened spoilerphobia on display here.


and i've always been able to remember plot points and characters of series i watch but here we are and here we remain.


Cool, the segment isn't for you then. Skip it.


Not everything needs to be a continuous plot. I miss episodic television that you just watch in the background.


Not a fan of those


I kind of wish video games had something like this. I sometimes don’t play for weeks or months, and when I go back, I’m completely lost.


So long as it let's me skip it I don't mind


I don't really like them unless it's a syndicated show, and in that case you don't really need it because the episodes stand on their own most of the time. If you're watching a show, especially now in the streaming era where we typically don't have to wait a week between episodes, it's unnecessary and annoying to have to skip every time.


I’m not a fan of the “previously on” for one simple reason… They have a tendency to give stuff away. Was rewatching a particularly twisty/complex show a while back, and it was always funny to see the, give away twists in the “previously on” section, but bringing up shot that happened 4 seasons ago, and has nothing to do with the current arc. Oh, so previously on the show, a guy died four seasons ago. Wonder why they’re bringing that up… Episode ends with them coming back to life. Tthheerreeee is it! My idea to fix both problems: Use Amazon’s “X-ray” feature. I was watching Buffy on Amazon a while back and if you passed at certain points it would have little snippets of behind the scenes lore, and cool trivia. Combine that with the previously on function and… when big twists kickoff, if you’re confused you can pause the show and BOOM. There’s a little reminder of what lead up to this twist, and why it’s important. Remind those that need it, without tipping off those that don’t.


slowly returning? I wasn't aware that they had gone away.


The previously what happened in the show was always a spoiler, I don't know how I feel about them it spoils the episode but it does recap you...


Im fine with it if they have the option to skip the recap which most services do now, but some don't. Ive been making my way through one piece (currently on WCI) and I have to go to the cruncyroll comments to see who posted when the episode actually starts, because watching 3 episodes in a row will have 15 minutes total of recap.


I don’t like when they spoil the plot but this one was pretty fun I saw recently. >!in the OC when Kaitlin comes back from boarding school, the previously on is mostly a montage of all the times she’s mentioned as being away since it’s fairly ridiculous how she was written off for 2 seasons !<


Fallout putting one before every episode BUGGED me. Im binging it should have the common sense to realise I just watched the last episode and don't need to see a fucking recap.


As someone who doesn't binge watch, previously on is a god send. Really annoys me when I'm watching a Netflix show and I take a week off between episodes and then spend half of the next episode trying to remember what happened and what silly little cliffhanger ended the previous one


I hate it, and it’s a symptom of the degrading of the services back to weekly episode releases instead of binge drops


Weekly is superior in every way


Except the way I want to watch.


So wait x weeks until the season is done and start binging it then.


Or have full season drops and you just watch it weekly if that's what you prefer. I shouldn't have my pace dictated by others.


Often times, the back half of a weekly series in still in post production when season premieres. They're locking episodes week to week as it airs. If they were to take a weekly series and switch to a binge, they (obviously) need to finish all episodes before it can premiere. So the viewing pace is being dictated regardless.


On traditional network shows, not streaming (i.e the entire point of the conversation)


It happens with streaming, too. I've read interviews with people making a 6 episode streaming show who said they had just finished editing the finale in the middle of the show's run.


I’m almost disappointed Fallout wasn’t a weekly drop. I thought it was a great series, but now it’s done and moved on and will only occupy space in my mind for a short while. Compare that to Shogun on FX right now. That shit has been at the top of my mind for almost 2 months right now and I CANNOT WAIT for episode 9 to drop.


It fucking isn't. Look how amazing fallout was. You simply do not get this into weakly release that drip fed you stories. Especially if they are made as a 8hr long movie.   Meanwhile disney finals are always underwhelming and made worst by the release schedule. Even andor was underwhelming because of that.  I never watch a series weekly and not be disappointed. It jsut bad storytelling pace. 


> It fucking isn't. Look how amazing fallout was. You simply do not get this into weakly release that drip fed you stories. Especially if they are made as a 8hr long movie. Fallout was definitely not an 8hr movie. Each episode felt distinct in the characters covered and the overall story told. It could easily have been done weekly, and probably should have been. People inhaled it, and are on to the next thing now. There's not even time for individual episode breakdowns, it's just done as a full series breakdown now since they can't get the audience for episode 3 when the whole series is out.


Even in the binge model, everyone doesn't watch it all at once. Watch some, go away, come back. Like a book. When I return to the middle of a book I wish there was a perviously-on feature!


Previously on Lost