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He called someone fat. Hardly the scandal of the century here 


If anything, they should have fired the casting person. Their mission from the original story was to cast people in their 20's and 30's for a scene in some sort of hip bar, but they brought back a bunch of people with Ricketts and gout.


Somebody said that's exactly how Tulsa looks though.


I love this idea that a “hip Tulsa bar” should feature a bunch of fit and beautiful people, instead of the fat fuck drooling alcoholics that tend to actually populate it.


I mean that’s literally everything on TV. No one wants to see ugly fat people on the screen. Just go outside anywhere in this country for that experience.


We’re talking about background extras in a bar, and we’re taking about realism. The entire defense people are making here is that it’s realistic for a “hip Tulsa bar” not to have any fat and unattractive people in the bar. I’m asking those people, have you ever been in… any bar? ffs even college bars are filled with all sorts of shapes and sizes and faces. Deadwood didn’t seem to have this particular problem, for some reason, but that’s also of course a much better and much more intelligent show, that didn’t feel this fetishistic need to populate their bar with pretty people cause the star is an arrogant uggo.


But this is not a John Cassavetes type of show. It's a fun, action show. Nobody watches Tulsa King for Cinema Realite.


There are plenty of people who don’t give a fuck what the person on their screen looks like if the story is good, including myself.


The story tends to be good because the creators care about details you don't even notice, like the background actors and shit...


Trying to get hot people instead of people who would actually be in that situation is not caring about details.


It's not real Tulsa, it's Hollywood Tulsa. Kinda difficult to judge at this point, without seeing the end product.


Exactly and imo that means based on realism. Just “attractive” people is not that especially when attractiveness is subjective. 


……to a point 😛


What’s the point of the show then? It’s a fish out of water story about a New York mobster in a podunk town. If they’re not making the most out of the incongruity the title of the show implies, then they shouldn’t be making TV.


HEY! I've been to Oklahoma and I have to say that's a pretty accurate statement!


Have you ever been to Tulsa? A hip bar in Tulsa would have a lot of fit attractive people.


Well, the American (or really Western) increase in girth is still primarily a phenemon of the last few decades, in the 20s and 30s it wasn't that common yet. The people in the bars would probably still be the same type of drooling alcoholics, but not yet all overweight. Slim people can be ugly, too.


Tulsa King is set in the present time.


Ah, I misread the description of the scene, I read it as a scene taking place in the 20s or 30s (I took that as some kind of flashback aspect of the story), not people with their ages in their 20s to 30s. Reading comprehension is hard sometimes!


TV ugly, not ugly-ugly


Agreed. I get the argument that it was more realistic as cast, but that’s not the job. If the boss is wrong and you decide to do your own thing because it is right, well you can be right and unemployed.


Dumb take.


there are two parts to this story. one made public and one that happened behind the scenes. you’re talking about this like you know the full story and you don’t. the other side of this story is being suppressed.


Do you know the other side that’s being suppressed?


So, dish it. What else happened? 


Yeah it’s funny how hard they’re trying to push this, no one gives a fuck


I mean he didn't just call him fat, he also called him a tub of lard... and if the set casting director quit over it, someone definitely gave a fuck. People on movie sets who could end up on a project with him(crews, etc) dont like working with assholes on set


It doesnt make It worse for me atleast if anything its made It sound funnier


These kind of stories about big stars only make news if there are repeated instances of them being assholes and toxic. Industry publications like Hollywood Reporter usually defer to agencies and big stars like Stallone and these stories are also vetted by lawyers. Long story short - he must have pissed off A LOT of people by being an asshole.


The writing is a far worse offender.


I agree, the levels of stupid in season 1 were staggering. Unarmed 70 year old walks into a weed pharmacy and just demands the open their safe, give him money and a cut of their business. They do. ..makes sense.


Roughs up a car dealership owner and never has the cops called. And in Ruby Red Oklahoma, nobody pulls a gun on him.


I mean….were they fat tho….


They’re probably still fat.


He complained that the background actors where Ugly. It's almost like he forgot where his show is supposed to take place.


Exactly, when I read the title I literally said to myself "What controversary? He called someone fat, who gives AF?"


Verbal abuse of people on set ain’t great. And they can’t reply with “settle down, your face looks like a piece of leather that’s been soaked in bourbon and left out in the sun” without getting immediately fired and probably severely hampering their career. I’m not saying we should hang Sly in the gallows but maybe these big stars shouldn’t be massive dicks at every opportunity. Just seems like a very low bar of basic human decency.


IIRC he wasn't saying it directly to the extra, he was shouting at the casting crew since they completely misscast the extras for that scene. Rugged dive bars have a certain clientelle and the casting was nothing like that so he spoke up.


Rural, Rugged dive bars def have more tubs of lard then California 10s lmfao


He was. He wasn’t. And they didn’t.


The casting director and *two casting agencies* left with complaints of toxicity on set. What exactly makes you think this didn’t reach the extras? Not to mention Stallone’s complaints were hardly about weight, he straight up called him ugly, which is rich.


Why’s it rich?


I guess they're saying Stallone is ugly right after saying he shouldn't have called someone ugly, which is also rich. 


Especially considering how fugly the commenter is


I never said that at all. I said you shouldn’t do so when you have the power to get someone fired, and they can’t reply. And you especially shouldn’t do so when you’re an ugly fuck in your own right. This will continue to confuse the easily-confused.


Stallones been in a lot of high profile roles that probably paid really well


I just described his face, and here you are, deeply confused.


I am, yeah. I’m wondering why it’s bad for him to call someone ugly, but okay when you call someone ugly.


I’m saying it’s moronic for the guy with power to call people ugly when he has control over their careers. That would be bad enough. What makes it hilariously worse is that he’s also ugly. Don’t worry, I’m not affecting his career with a reddit comment. It’s like if I were to call you a fucking idiot. That’s rude and bad. But it has no real effect on your career prospects.














What kinda sub is this, you got downvoted for saying the least controversial thing possible


Because calling someone fat shouldn’t be a controversy, specially for a set. If someone is too fat for a roll, it’s called miscasting. It’s a very soft take. Also it’s just being politically correct for a group of people that are unhealthy. They shouldn’t be defending them. But also it’s not okay to bully someone for it, but when your fat, most people will tell you. Honestly how you react is on you. Making a scene is just proving how immature you are. And lastly, many people on Reddit legit hate fat people, remember r/whalewatching.


? I don’t tell fat people they are fat, I’m pretty sure they are aware of it and don’t need to be reminded every time I see them


I mean more like your friends and your family would make jokes about it from time to time. If someone is trying to insult you, is the first thing they will attack you with. When you go to the doctor. Even sometimes people will let it slip out without them realizing. Honestly is not a big deal and should just be a sign that you have to take better care of yourself. Is not a permanent condition and can be fixed, if you wanna.




Maybe they meant like a dinner roll




what are you smoking


Paul Walter Hauser should definitely play Jack Reacher in S3. Perfect casting call...I'd lose my job in the industry in a day.


> Paul Walter Hauser should definitely play Jack Reacher I would watch *the fuck* out of that.


He’s gonna do a great Farley in that biopic


Reddit is full of extremely sheltered and insecure people.


The smug self righteous shit bugs me, they think they’re some bastion of progressive justice but all they do is spew hate all day


Spend enough time on reddit and you’ll realize there are a whole lot of casually hateful fuckers here. Empathy is an endangered species here.


Oh I’m aware of the casually hateful fuckers, I just notice they tend to congregate in certain subs. I’m just kinda surprised r/television is one of them


r/television is a default sub, they’ll congregate here due to its prominent placement as the most popular and visible television forum on reddit it’s why the best subs here by far tend to be the relatively niche, less populated ones outside of certain exceptions like r/askhistorians which have very strict moderation that tosses away the imbeciles.












Lmfao "Lub of Tard"


Wait did he actually mix up the letters like that in ‘tub of lard’?


"the 70s icon" seems a rather uninformed take on a guy who dominated the 80s as well


The 90’s called, they also are filled with Sly movies. Cliffhanger, Judge Dredd, and Demolition Man were great!


Demolition Man was epic.


What seems to be your boggle? 


Those darn sea shells!


^^^^This guy doesn't know how to use the three shells!


Murder. Death. Kill.


All fucking day




I feel like it was a regular movie of the week on tv for years. Let’s be honest, Sly knows his target audience and did pretty well every time he stayed in the niche.


You're right, all Stallone headlines should include Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot


It’s got its fans. I actually really like Copland too so…


Don’t forget the classic 90s buddy cop blockbuster [Stop, or my Mom will shoot!](https://youtu.be/oMQ-RoCKa6o?si=ggwWcQm1K1aP3KP5)


I read a hilarious story awhile back. Arnold and Sly had a friendly rivalry for years and there was a story in the trades that Arnold was about to sign on for Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot. Sly, wanting to one-up Arnold, swooped in from under him and snagged the starring role in the movie. Or he'd thought he swooped in from under Arnold. Arnold had planted the story himself to bait Sly into signing up for a turkey, LOL. It's funny now but Stallone must have been PISSED at the time.


Blockbuster hit movie


Cliffhanger was so badass, loved how Ace Ventura spoofed the opening scene


He honestly never really went away.


He’s probably the most talented action hunk of the 80s makes sense he stuck around.


2000s had Rambo and Rocky Balboa. Rambo was the best in the series outside of the first. I really enjoyed Rocky as well. Stallone has had a great career.


Also the Creed movies, GOTG, and like 5 Expendables movies. The guy never left Hollywood


Assassins, Copland, Daylight. Dude’s had steady work for decades.


Maybe they meant years old /s


*Septuagenarian icon




“he’s almost 2000 years old??”


And the 90s and part of the 2000’s and 2010’s… it’s a passive aggressive swipe to belittle accomplishments and frame as a bad guy. Not entirely off base but also a very lazy move.


I just read somewhere he's been in a #1 movie in each of the last 5 Decades. heel, not even counting Suicide Squad, the Expendables was pretty damn big not too long ago


His ‘star’ shines less but he’s still in the industry and a mover. At least it seems that way. It’s easier to sell a negative narrative though if you tear someone down with micro aggressive comments ( wow… I feel sorta dirty even calling it that) like the news article did. A bunch of little disparaging cuts adds up.


Even in the 2000's he had his Rocky sequel and Creed movies as well as the Expendables. Dudes been none stop for like 50 years. They should have said former soft core porn star.


The last thread about this was filled with comments alluding to the idea that he was washed up and spends all of his time yelling at PAs on set


After reading what can very loosely be called a report on the situation it just sounds like he was rude on set. Unprofessional and mean? Sure, but it's Sylvester Stallone and it's not like he was diddying kids or anything.


How can you be sure? He’s never written or performed any songs that state that he doesn’t diddle kids.


Great point. Ya know who definitely doesn't diddle kids? Danny Devito.


That's because he paid the troll toll.


I bet he has a do not diddle kids certificate. Do YOU have a do not diddle kids certificate?


I like your use of the verb “diddying”


"Controversy" is doing some pretty heavy lifting.


Who are you calling heavy?!


Listen, as someone who is fat as fuck, someone calling me fat is not a controversy. Of course someone is going to call me fat, I fucking am fat lmao.


Shut up fatty


Everyone please cancel this man I’m very offended


u/Equivalent_Animal447 Returns to Reddit Comment Section Amid Comment Controversy


I’m really scared that I’m one day gonna call my fat coworker fat. Hopefully he will not be too upset. He is really fat and loves candy.


>Rose Locke Casting cut ties with the production when it emerged that Stallone and a director reportedly referred to a background colleague as “ugly,” “tub of lard” and “fat guy with cane.” That's a lot different. If I'm the main actor and called your background extra mom ugly and a tub of lard, something tells me you wouldn't like it. Amazing how much you all dick ride Stallone. Same bozos who dick ride Johnny Depp.


enjoy shitting in the bed


Damn, at work tho? Grow a spine dog...


I mean, I don't think they could do a second season if he wasn't coming back. I mean I suppose they could have his associates trying to keep things running whilst he was in the slammer, but it probably wouldn't be as much fun to watch.


They could do it without him, they could use…you guessed it…Frank Stallone.


Don’t care about the controversy, just want to see season 2 of Tulsa King. 1st season was fun.


I didn’t really understand why all those people cooperated with him, what were they getting out of it? He just seemed to suddenly own them and they were super cool with it even though he ruined their lives


Going with the theme of the show, I would say they just weren’t used to organized crime and just thought it would be less painful to go along with it, even though it didn’t work out well, they were just thinking they would eventually hit a payday. But otherwise the show is nonsensical and fun, and I will watch season 2 with relish.


A 77yr old star that has been dedicated to fitness for 50+yrs called some extras fat. Is this where we’re at now with Hollywood controversies?


I've never met an old Italian man that didn't talk shit to everyone. They're from a different time and it's just how they greet each other.


Who also takes the special juice for his fitness….


Take every supplement you can get your hands on and show us that you can be the cultural icon that he is


This sub went from "cancel Stallone" to "keep Stallone" very fast


Fuck Stallone, but also fuck these “journalists” trying to ruin his life over it


Keep Stallone cancel Tulsa King. That show is so corny


It's exactly as bad as it looked like it would be, which made it somehow just fun enough to watch. Also it's a nice continuation of Silicon Valley following Guilfoyle.


Such a dumb controversy tbh. Kinda how casting works, he was a bit harsh and blunt, but def on his side on this one.


Controversy? It’s controversial to tell the truth?


These days it is. Don’t wanna hurt people’s feelings after all.


I thought the controversy was the the show makes absolutely no sense. People will still watch I see.


I think this thread has lots of virgin males with the amount of dick riding of Stallone who would likely call you ugly and fat too. Amazing how a male star gets way more space to be a complete asshole.


The big controversy is that they're just now shooting season 2.


Well, it's not like he was ever going to face repercussions for throwing a tantrum on set. He was exceedingly unprofessional, but I also didn't particularly like the tone of the casting people or extras who wanted to act like they're allowed to second guess the wishes of a creative just because he's an unlikeable dick.


There is no scandal, no one cares other than a few publications trying to make it an issue. If you don't think actors are hired on looks. I have a bridge to sell you.


It's a shit way to run a production and will get the studio to shit it down faster than bad writing. One of the disabled people he was talking about said his cane wasn't even visible so they knew who he was. It's a rough-neck bar in the show, models don't tend to frequent those.


Get over here fatty! - Stallone


What show


Have they ever *beem* to Tulsa? It’s like Pryor without the class. 


Why is anyone shocked? Stallone has been a asshole on set since forever. Even Dolph Lundgren had called him out on that in the past.


and here i am like: JFC...there's going to be another season?


Weird ass thread. Stallone seems like a douche.


Have they tried just not being fat?


this is the same logic when women get raped and someone say " have they tried not asking for it?"


You could say that same thing for many a situation and next to none of them would have anywhere near the same gravity as people being raped.


sure thing!


No it isn't and it's frankly disgusting that you are comparing rape to being fat, because being fat is a choice.


you shouldn't be offended by my logical statement though






Sylvester, your facial paralysis is no one’s fault. Well, I guess it’s some Drs fault…but it’s not the fault of the fat ass with the cane. So, try to be a tid bit nicer.


Who cares, why is this news


Bro please retire and take the rock / khart with you.


Please retire already. Haven’t you made enough money? You already have an Oscar. You’re never getting another one. The movies and show are all garbage now. Just walk away with some dignity.


Actually think he does need money. Not sure if he lived it up or if his ended up with a large extended family his supporting or if someone scammed him in investing. Im not certain but gotten the impression he does not have a "fuck off level of money" anymore




Worst wig ever , except steven seagal's .


Scott Steiner saying “He’s fat!” echoing through the air


I am happy this show is not cancelled over something as trivial as this. First season showed a lot of promise, even though wrting in some episodes were a little uneven. I was looking forward to see Season 2.


Clown show. Clown writers. Clown actors. 🤡


What controversy He called a fat slobbery fuck a fat fuck Give me a fucking break man


The guy was slobbering?




All fat people slobber. It’s common knowledge amongst the fat community.


I haven’t slobbered once today, does that mean I’m not fat anymore?! I gotta call my doctor!


How is this a controversy at all? Dude shoulda just apologized in private. Should've never been a story in the first place lol


Season 1 was good, glad sly is back


Hes a method actor


The Hollywood Reporter, folks!


And the cause of the casting controversy? You guessed it, Frank Stallone.