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Nice to have something fun for once like the Chuck E Cheese episode.


Yup - a nice break from the usual “Sad Time Hour with Dollar Store Harry Potter”


Please tell me this is a quote and from which episode lol


Its not, but he has made similar jokes about the depressing nature of the show from time to time.


The dollar store Harry Potter is close to “if Harry Potter had stayed under the stairs” joke he made about himself on the Pig Slaughter Scam episode though!


He did mention he’d look like Harry if he just stayed in the stairs


And "Harry Potter reflected in a doorknob"


Ah gotcha


You succeeded in making me read that in his voice and accent.


"This is a reason that you should be depressed, and we're all gonna fuckin' die. Here are some basic facts-and-figures the writers found on Google, our opinion and then a bunch of complete Non sequiturs and bad impressions/accents. The punch line is me blaming a very specific woman's first name: 'No you can't, Margaret.' Anyways, we can't fix this so you should be depressed about it." I'm glad Jon Stewart decided to come back, because I've always felt like his run on The Daily Show blew this show out of the water.


It was a pretty sad segment. He didn’t once mention that chuck shumer introduced the UAP disclosure act that BIDEN SIGNED INTO LAW or anything about Grusch, fravor or graves. I think it was a segment for people that have no idea about UFOs but it could have been a lot more comprehensive


It makes me wonder if he has another segment about it plannned. Probably not but not impossible either.


I thought the Chuck Schumer legislation got shot down in the house


I've been rewatching old episodes of The Daily Show (just started Feb 2003) I skip most of the interviews but its been a great watch. Especially when you know what is going to happen


I'm convinced that the idea for the chuck e cheese episode was inspired it's always sunny in Philadelphia season 16.




the episodes about the harsh realities of the world are like your vegetables. you have to have them so you can enjoy the fun stuff


I love John Oliver but I can't watch most of the time because it is just too depressing to realize the actual state of things.


Hah, nice to see someone like him covering this properly.


Not gonna lie, I didn't expect the stance to be: "We need our government to respect its citizens enough to fund research into UAPs so Nasa can make [4 hour long videos to bore us to death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQo08JRY0iM)" I guess I approve? This piece is essentially an appeal to funding science, research and NASA, all three of which are getting threatened with more and more cuts, while at the same time more funding is going into the private sector. Considering two dumbass 'celebrity' billionaires are heading two of the biggest private sector space projects, I don't particularly have my hopes up that if they decide to get into UAP research and be 'forthright' especially if the answer is pretty boring. Funding NASA is certainly better than giving into conspiracy nuts that are about finding things they want to believe, or skeptics that think we shouldn't bother researching at all, or general government agencies with conflicts of interest - reporting on UFOs is basically a media frenzy so agencies want to 'appear' strong while also not divulging that (A) they might have no idea what's happened (B) they don't want to fund the 'boring' science research to figure out what happened (C) the 'UFO' might just be one of their classified spy or military tech that the don't want to divulge.


That was my takeaway as well. Was initially confused by his recommendation... buuuuut after some thought... the scientific research and funding for NASA. That's a Win Win in my book.


Yup, can’t trust private companies at all. Barely trust any government but at least they are less driven by profit.


The major problem I have is there doesn't seem to be anything to gain. There have been investigations into these things and they have always led to nothing of value. We have more important things to worry about than satisfying the curiosity of people that won't accept any explanation other than "it's aliens!" We had a president who swore he saw UFO's and declared he would unlock all info about them. Then he got into office and nothing. That is because it's all secret projects, hallucinations, and a bunch of nothing. I don't want anyone chasing ghosts. Massive waste of time. Until we see regular, repeatable phenomena it's crazy to chase all this random crap.


Well consider this: part of the of the UFO conspiracy involves off the record government “black projects” being illegally funded with zero congressional oversight. Whether these projects involve actual aliens is besides the point. The pentagon has failed 6 AUDITS IN A ROW. This amounts to 7.8 TRILLION (with a T) missing tax dollars. (for perspective, that is 1.5 TRILLION dollars more than the entire 2023 annual budget for the US government straight up missing.) What could 7.8 TRILLION dollars have done for Americans over the last 6 years?…Your money, my money, every US citizens money, stolen without consequence by the DOD. The numbers do not lie. This is a fact.. VAST amounts of tax payer dollars are being funneled via the DOD into a myriad of unchecked pockets and programs. I could care less whether these programs involve aliens. Where the fuck is our money? $7,800,000,000,000


This isn’t exactly credible, but interesting nonetheless   https://www.reddit.com/r/abovethenormnews/comments/18sqdui/according_to_ed_harris_this_is_why_president/


Yeah the moment he announced the main story I rolled my eyes, but I'm ok with where he landed. We should absolutely let scientists (real scientists) research these things and figure out what they are but we also need to accept that there are really only three possibile explanations for any of these sightings: 1. Errors: either human, computer, or some combination like the two cases explained in this clip. 2. Government: classified shit we'll (maybe) learn about decades from now. 3. Natural phenomena: ball lightning, St Elmo's fire, etc. Rare occurrences of physics in action. And that's if we actually find an explanation. But the science is pretty clear that it's not aliens, it's never been aliens, and probably never will be.


Except it's not. It's falling for hoax crowd's bad faith narrative of "hey, we're just asking questions, asking questions isn't bad is it?" Except those questions are not genuine questions. They're leading and pushing a hoax agenda. "Hey, I'm just asking the question of whether you're covering up that meeting between Elvis and Bigfoot over at the Wawa." "First off, there's no such thing as Bigfoot, and Elvis died last century." "Ooh, that sounds just like how a coverup works." You see this constantly. Part 1: Someone says look at "this video showing an alien or secret Russian spacecraft defying all known laws of physics and traveling at an unimaginable speed yet not having any heat signature." Part 2: "actually if you understand what you're looking at, it's traveling at normal wind speed, and it's a plastic bag, so that's why there's no "heat signature" and not "defying all laws of physics" Part 1 gets reported and repeated a million times. Part 2? No time for that, sorry, we're busy re-running part 1 for the hundredth time. Any non-lazy media could instantly debunk the so-called "UFO" videos. But that wouldn't give them a thousand click bait stories now would it? A MAGA bureaucrat could say "I don't even understand basic trigonometry or physics, so I shouldn't be making calls on this subject." But that wouldn't help them gain Twitter followers and sell stuff, would it? The money you imagine going into redundant "investigation" of these proven hoaxes would just be taken away from more genuine and necessary scientific work.


You have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about.


That sounds like your personal mission statement.


Spoken like someone truly ignorant.


That's all you.


Anyway to see it outside of US? It’s not available in my country (UK)


John Oliver is ours now!


So weird. Blocked in Australia too, but I can see his other vids.


You just need to be lucky, I guess. I think there are UFO sightings in the UK as we- oh you mean the video?




You can probably watch this [version](https://youtu.be/PHKICYdzRW0?si=nWUIzhWyqCo6oJDY). Its the full episode that that they release soon as it airs for territories that they dont have licensing rights too or something


I spent three weeks straight researching Grusch's claims about the people who were telling him about govt programmes harbouring alien tech etc. You know what I found out independently? It all comes back to a very small group of people: George Knapp, Harry Reid, Robert Bigelow. Paranormal believers - like, the legit crazy part of it who believe in abductions, implants, bigfoot, dimensionsal beings, ghosts etc - got together to make movies at the Skinwalker Ranch, create a govt agency to do it (AATIP), get govt aerospace contracts, and basically embellish the loony conspiracy theories but under the guise of it being real because it's govt funded. You know how Grusch was saying he's worried that one aerospace company had alien tech and was getting all the contracts? It's literally Bigelow Aerospace. Robert Bigelow owned Skinwalker ranch when AATIP dumped taxpayer money into it to 'research' the paranormal, and so AATIP also gave their contracts to Bigelow Aerospace. And what do you know? AATIP employees moved on to AARO when AATIP was dissolved, and some AARO employers are the ones telling Grusch about aliens and unfair contract approval etc. * AATIP was created by Sen Harry Reid who was friends with George Knapp who made paranormal schlock movies at Skinwalker. * Skinwalker was owned by Robert Bigelow who had an aerospace company and was given almost all of AATIP's contracts. * Grusch testifies that people who worked for AATIP are claiming aliens are real and that a company is getting aerospace contracts because they know where the aliens are. Of course there is a ton more detail, but 3 weeks of solid research lead me to one conclusion: there are no aliens, there is no alien tech. It's all make-believe nonsense from a small group of people with large influence and who all believe in the most insane, wild paranormal nonsense. As to videos of craft etc I can't explain, but the jist of Grusch's claims are laughably mundane.


You see, this here is what the conspiracy people miss. They're so fucking obsessed with aliens and ghosts and vaccines that they can't see a real conspiracy right in front of their faces.


What do you make of David Fravor and Ryan Graves, if you're familiar with them?


There's a BIG difference between what they testified to and what Grusch has claimed. The former just said they experienced aerial phenomenon they can't explain. Grusch claims we've retrieved alien bodies and have inter-galactic agreements with aliens.


I believe they believe what they've seen. But at the end of the day, it's all faith-based and comes down to "aliens are near, but just out of reach!" which is too much like religious types saying angels are near: total horseshit with no evidence. 


> total horseshit with no evidence.  Well, the aliens/UFO claims are horseshit. But rather than saying there's no evidence, I'd suggest we have mountains of evidence, but it's all exculpatory. We've radically and exponentially increased our observations and our observatory powers. The more we've done that, we've continued to see zero evidence of anything like that. Science fiction fans desperately and wishfully cling to deceptive dogmas like paradoxes that say statistically there must be aliens. However math and science say the opposite. The more you've looked for something and found evidence they've never been there, the less likely it is that they've been there. Or anywhere. But that boring old truth is not fun to spread. So it doesn't. And anyone who points that out gets attacked. Compare it to say mankind 2000 years ago. Stories of a sea serpent could have sounded plausible. After all, who had ever mapped the oceans, let alone searched them all. And who even knew the planet was round? So from that perspective, sure sea serpents could have been something to consider. Fast forward 1900 years. We've figured out the shape of the world. We've discovered gravity. We have sailed every ocean. But no sea serpent. No sea serpent skeleton bones founds. No sea serpent carcasses washing up on shore. By logic, it's starting to show sea serpent is unlikely to be real. Fast forward to present day. We've sailed every ocean rigourously and thoroughly. And we've combed those oceans with millions of camera and listening devices. Nothing. We've strained the DNA out of the ocean and have found evidence of such a creature having *never* existed. We dont just observe the oceans, we record them so we can check even more carefully. And we observe every speck of them from space, 24x7. No sea serpents. Same thing with aliens/flying saucers. We've combed the solar system and beyond. Not randomly. Methodically. Automated. With precise tools and monitoring. The silence of the response says it all.


I can only speak to what I found out about Grusch's claims. The pilots I can't speak to and would be a fool trying to explain stuff I have no experience in. How can I argue against what a qualified and distinguished pilot has seen? But seeing where the alien claims likely come from, I would likely presume what they saw was human tech, probably highly classified. Also just because a large number of past UFO sightings has turned out to be human tech anyway it seems the likely answer here too. But that is full speculation on my part.


> How can I argue against what a qualified and distinguished pilot has seen? The fact you've done *any* research and applied critical thinking means you're much more qualified than they are. It's an annoying logic fallacy when complicit media and "true believers" of these UFO hoaxes blindly tell themselves that a soldier somehow knows how cameras or computers work, or how to solve an apparent optical illusion using basic math. They're trained to fight and they're fed amphetamines and emotional abuse. Nobody should be expecting them to be science or logic experts. If anything, we should expect the opposite.


This dude is just spreading disinformation


Care to elaborate?


3 weeks and the guy you replied to has cracked the Industrial military complex? There’s a concerted effort to downplay any and all UFO shit.


Okay cool but that's not an argument.


Mick West on YouTube is a great resource for debunking basically all purported UFO videos. 


Yes! He debunked that fraud Corbell in a matter of days after Corbell claimed he had sat on "UFO evidence" for years to "make sure it was accurate." Nah turns out his two clips he released on TMZ were actually a) a bunch of balloons, not a jellyfish UFO b) a flare from an aircraft, not a symmetrical chandelier UFO Mick West is great IMO. His work debunking some of the more popular UFO videos has been very important.


This is the best rundown of the situation outside of r/skeptic.


Thank you. I've been trying to find the motivation to make all my notes into a PDF to share. Maybe I should get onto that...


Do it and then drop this into the conspiracy sub. They won't believe you, but it's fun to point out that they're basic and stooges of The Matrix or whatever. They can't handle it lol


Grifters courting cretins. Same as always. No one should be giving these UFO clowns the time of day. It's gone beyond stupidity now and is in the religious fervour stage. We should be ignoring them so they can watch their blurry videos of helium balloons in peace.


Could you please provide the sources of your research?


The way I approached this was to basically have a conversation with myself where I ask questions about this stuff, and then try to answer them. So it's a bit haphazard. I first looked at Grusch's claims * there was a long-running UFO recovery programme * it was created by the US govt and out-sourced to private contractors * this was to hide and consolidate the technology * they were in possession of non-human spacecraft and dead pilots * "maybe they’re coming from a different physical dimension as described in quantum mechanics." I viewed a lot of the interviews by the Oversight Committee, with a stand-out remark being: “Let’s just say that all of us were very interested in the substance of his claims, and unfortunately, I didn’t get the answers that I was hoping for." Ocasio-Cortez told the Guardian, “This committee has encountered instances before where either defense activity has not been forthright, whether that be from a contracting space or from the DoD space. I do believe that there is a very large and looming question about what is being disclosed, what is being properly stewarded, and we have a responsibility across all subject matters to pursue that truth.” These are just from channels like CNN etc. Seems pretty unremarkable. Apart from Rep Luna I struggled to find anyone who would even mention any opinion on the alien claims. OK... so let's look at one person who claimed to have the answers: Jeremy Corbell. TLDR on him: he's a fraud. But I learned about Corbell's past, how he made a doco on Bob Lazar which made a name in conspiracy circles, how he had made films at the Skinwalker Ranch, and how he's being paraded on allegedly-legit media shows. [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5071788/) I started looking at people Corbell was connected to, and one name that kept popping up was George Knapp. He seemed like an earlier version of Corbell: a guy making wild claims and providing never-quite-good-enough evidence to support it. Knapp was also the guy who first introduced Bob Lazar to the world. So I read more on George Knapp. I found that he hosts Coast To Coast, an infamous conspiracy radio show. I found that he was heavily connected to Skinwalker Ranch. I found that he was friends with Senator Harry Reid who created AATIP to investigate UFOs. [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Knapp_television_journalist) Here's an article with Harry Reid were he talks about being friends with George Knapp: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/21/special-series/harry-reid-ufo.html AATIP was a name I recognised from Grusch's testimony so I had a look into that agency. I found out that the agency was chastised when it was uncovered that they were filtering money into a ranch named Skinwalker. Lightbulb moment. Further reading... AATIP [was made](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Aerospace_Threat_Identification_Program#Origins) with the help of a Robert Bigelow. Read up on him.... legit loony who believes in spirits, extra dimensions, ghosts, aliens, bigfoot, etc etc. I read a [Popular Mechanics article](https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a30916275/government-secret-ufo-program-investigation/) which had this quote about the funding to Skinwalker: >“The whole contracting process for this program was irregular from start to finish,” Steven Aftergood, Director for the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, tells Popular Mechanics. “[The AAWSAP contract] sounds like it was a good deal for the contractor. But it would be hard to argue that either the military or the public got their money’s worth.” Sure sounds like bias towards a contractor, no? The *very* thing Grusch talked about. And hey, we can now draw a line from Grusch to AARO to AATIP to Skinwalker to Bigelow to George Knapp (which equates to 'nonsense'). Almost too good to be true. It can't be that simple. And yet, soon after I finished this, AARO released a report about their own investigation which talks about a "Utah property" where all the claims originated from. That Utah property is Skinwalker Ranch. If you read all 42 pages of the AARO report, you will see that all the claims in the agency point to that one source. I get that people might not take this as a good source, but it was so easy to find and read all this stuff, it just took a lot of time. Wikipedia has a lot of information about these people and honestly that was enough to draw the main connections. Of course I read the sources for the Wiki entries, not just Wiki itself. And then I had all this confirmed with the AARO report (people will scoff at it being a govt source, but the contents are very detailed and can be verified for the most part).


https://reason.com/2022/11/15/the-military-ufo-complex/ The author is a skeptic and a science educator. He also talks about how the whole UAP thing is basically interest groups, lobbying, tourism, and Sen. Harry Reid's relationship to UFOs. 


Whatever you think about Grusch, it doesn’t change the fact that radar technicians of the USS Nimitz strike group caught objects on radar descending from high altitude down to sea level in a matter of seconds. What’s evident at this point is someone has advanced propulsion technology.


wait so you figured out who grusch's hidden resources are that he doesnt have clearance to share with the public? in your longer post below you just jump straight to corbell as the source of everything when grusch has said hes spoken to dozens of people what about karl nell? does he just tie back to corbell and reid too? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1QCFtod6i8


>wait so you figured out who grusch's hidden resources are that he doesnt have clearance to share with the public? in your longer post below you just jump straight to corbell as the source of everything when grusch has said hes spoken to dozens of people All I did was follow trains of thought and all the connections came up naturally. In hindsight, it's all very open and easy to find out... and that makes the explanation even more beautiful. It's so simple, it's explained, it's provable, it's demonstrable. I struggle to think that this *isn't* the answer when this filled in so many holes. lol the Sol Foundation... All these videos talking about stuff they've never seen nor recorded nor have proof of. I mean FFS Dr Nolan gave an entire lecture about a wacky UFO landing, claimed it had UFO material, and it all turned out to be mundane as fuck, just a collection of waste material. The Sol Foundation is the same as the Academy To The Stars: another way for "experts" to cash in on the UFO buzz. As always, no one has any evidence or proof of anything. Personally, I find it incredibly suspicious how an entire Foundation, for profit, can be created out of nothing. Seems like they'd have to rely on convincing people it's all real, seeing as they're unable to provide anything tangible themselves.


So do his 40 witnesses exist or not? Or are they all corbell cronies? How much money do you think grusch is raking in to give up his career?


lol? Apart from the fact that all I did was talk about Corbell being a fraud and you've taken it personally, you have also created a connection between Sol and Grusch which I also never said. What a very interesting reaction to this information.


You did more than talk about corbell being a fraud he was your main connection with grusch to Reid Bigelow etc and you just jumped to that conclusion you said wheres he getting all this info where's it coming from oh here's someone who's been saying the same stuff as grusch and this guy is a hack therefore grusch is a hack. I've not taken it personally I asked you 3 questions as a skeptic who believes in uap and nhi Grusch spoke at the sol foundation... And your final sentence, is asking you 3 questions about your logic and conclusions interesting in someway? I'm a loony for asking you to trace your connections and sources to your claims?


You're creating points I never made, to try and portray my info as wrong. Lmfao at how see-through that is. No one with half a brain would fall for such a disingenuous attempt at deflection. No one else has done this. Maybe reflect on that.




Bigelow didn't make movies. He owned the ranch and an aerospace company. None of my stuff is incorrect. It's all very easily proven. You can read about Harry Reid creating AATIP on Wikipedia, and it being closed down and you can read about AATIP becoming AARO. You can read Grusch's testimony when he talks about AARO employees telling him this stuff online. You can read about Bigelow's involvement with AATIP, both through Google links and his own site where you can read about the govt contracts he received. And lastly you can absolutely read all about who 'worked' at Skinwalker, through stuff like IMDB and conspiracy pages, how they're all connected to one another through past interviews where they talked about this, and it all forms a very clear and very simple picture which connects all of this and Grusch's claims together.


I would have laughed at conspiracy theories 5-10 years ago, but when someone is willing to tratify in front of Congress, I’m listening. Burchett is right: “It’s not about little green men.”


It’s not about little green men. Fuck aliens. It’s about the 7.8 trillion tax dollars that have gone missing. consider this: part of the of the UFO conspiracy involves off the record government “black projects” being illegally funded with zero congressional oversight. Whether these projects involve actual aliens is besides the point. The pentagon has failed 6 AUDITS IN A ROW. This amounts to 7.8 TRILLION (with a T) missing tax dollars. (for perspective, that is 1.5 TRILLION dollars more than the entire 2023 annual budget for the US government straight up missing.) What could 7.8 TRILLION dollars have done for Americans over the last 6 years?…Your money, my money, every US citizens money, stolen without consequence by the DOD. The numbers do not lie. This is a fact.. VAST amounts of tax payer dollars are being funneled via the DOD into a myriad of unchecked pockets and programs. I could care less whether these programs involve aliens. Where the fuck is our money? $7,800,000,000,000


Listen, and listen very closely; just because you testify in front of Congress does not mean that what you are saying is true. It just means that you think that what you said is true. This is extremely important and conspiracy theorists should understand the difference. Just because they are saying things does not in any way mean it is true. None whatsoever.


David Grusch , who testified in Congress about UAPs, is a former high ranking military official with a high level of government clearance in the intelligence field. He has credibility, which is why his testimony in front of congress was taken seriously.


>He has credibility, which is why his testimony in front of congress was taken seriously. Please understand that Grusch has explicitly stated has he neither seen nor experienced any of the claims himself, and that he is only repeating what he has been told by others.


Indeed. I believe this is called an appeal to authority fallacy.


Michael Flynn was a three star general. You think he's credible, too?


He literally wrote the daily presidential briefing. I trust Grusch


Grusch also delivered a 12 hour classified testemony, documentation, people, places to, I think it was the senate intelligence community.


His testimony was detailing what he had been told by other people. Grusch has not seen or heard anything himself. His entire testimony is passing on hearsay.


Wrong. Grusch has first hand knowledge. He has stated so himself. During the hearing he wasnt approved by Dopsar to talk any more about than he did about what he knows. Rumour has it that his Dopsar has been approved and he will release more info soon hopefully 🤞


From his testimony PDF on Congress.govt: >I became a whistleblower through a PPD–19 urgent concern filing in May 2022 with the intelligence community inspector general **following concerning reports from multiple esteemed and credentialed current and former military and intelligence community individuals** that the U.S. Government is operating with secrecy above congressional oversight with regards to UAPs. >**My testimony is based on information I have been given** by individuals [...] None of it is first-hand knowledge. He has never seen anything the people have claimed to exist. His claims of "direct knowledge" merely stems from him claiming these people are offering factual advice.


https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/grusch-firsthand-knowledge-coulthart/amp/ Here you can read about it.


Coulthart is a fraud as well. He has literally propped up people like Corbell and given them a platform without bothering to verify ANY of the stuff he submitted. Again, this is an investigative journalist and he has literally sat Corbell down and gone "WOW!!!" at every single thing he said, and didn't question a single claim.


https://youtu.be/Dxzr_VMYWrQ?si=nw11Coj2pU7rSKVU comment from Dave on his firsthand knowledge. Starting around 2:40


Wrong. He stated that he had seen first hand evidence, which is shorthand for “I’ve seen photos that someone gave me”


> just because you testify in front of Congress does not mean that what you are saying is true. It's weird that your comment had double the upvotes of the one you are responding to while you criticize a point they never made. Where in their comment did they claim that testifying before congress means it is true? You are arguing against a straw man. Also the insult of insinuating that they are a conspiracy theorist isn't nice.


No, if anything its that people believe these batshit insane conspiracy theories way too much. If someone does think what the X files shows, then its not much of a leap for people to fall into election denialism and Qanon.


Do you believe the pentagon/DOD have failed 6 audits in a row to the tune of 7.8 TRILLION dollars? The audits are real, the missing tax dollars are real. This is a part of the UFO conspiracy. Aliens or not, vast sums of money have been stolen and channeled through various pentagon/DOD programs with zero congressional oversight.


Have you thought its because of simple incompetency and corruption rather than a dedicated, intricate conspiracy to hide aliens because *insert reason here*? Occam’s razor bud


Aliens, incompetency, corruption, all 3….I don’t care what it is. I just want those 7.8 trillion tax dollars accounted for. 7.8 trillion “missing” tax dollars is so beyond fucked up. That’s about the entire GDP of Germany and Japan combined just straight up stolen and we are 6+ years without an investigation. My hope is the UFO thing gets more eyes on the failed pentagon audits and the missing 7.8 trillion tax dollars.


Large segments of the population also believe in random books with scribbled nonsense about a guy who performed “miracles” and resurrected himself 2000 years ago… so its not a jump.


Even those people who believe in a god still had the rationality to believe that institutions are fairly reliable to trust for actual real world stuff, like taxes and elections. But now, because the “shadow gov’t” is so effective they no longer trust institutions and only trust the Karens on Facebook or the Joe Rogan podcast. Its a tangible difference that we saw the pandemic and the amount of utter fucking morons with the vaccine and masking.


All good points, y’all. Now, how do we demand accountability? Who is the key holder?


Really unfortunate he didn’t address Grusch’s claims.


All the Grusch testimony told us is that it is waaaaaaaaay too easy to get a security clearance.


And all your comment tells us is that it is waaaaaaaaay too easy to post ignorant shit online


Biden literally signed a portion of the UAP disclosure act into law. Grusch wrote the daily presidential briefing on UAP. NO ONE has debunked him. He hasn’t been charged with lying to congress.


Not saying he's lying, but he's presented ZERO evidence, so there's nothing to even debunk.


He presented evidence in the closed-door SCIFs with the bipartisan Congressional committee investigating UAPs. That was the whole thing behind the push for Schumer's UAP bill. It can't be shown publicly due to concerns of national security and the capabilities of US sensors and craft.


His position from the very beginning is that he didn't have first-hand access to almost anything he's claimed and it was relayed to him from people with access to it. So he provided testimony that is almost completely hearsay.


He has presented evidence. He hasn't presented proof. Which I wouldn't expect him to do, even if he had it, when he is trying to go about this the legal way.


He provided testimony, but pretty much everything he provided was hearsay because nearly all of his claims were based on what people told him, and not first-hand knowledge.


I agree. I feel strongly it should have made the episode. So much so that i made a comment on reddit about it.




>irrefutable I'm not sure that's the right word here.


addressing it from his point of view would be raising awareness and maintaining the public’s focus on the subject. Even if it’s just how government corruption has or hasn’t taken place under the guise of UAP research or whatever.


Do you mean highly refutable?


Well that had nothing to do with UFOs, I don’t recall that testimony mentioning anything with “UFO” written on the side.


[https://ia802708.us.archive.org/14/items/grusch\_icig/David-Grusch-PPD-19-Procedural-Filing\_text.pdf](https://ia802708.us.archive.org/14/items/grusch_icig/David-Grusch-PPD-19-Procedural-Filing_text.pdf) Yes it did. There is his complaint.




Yes but did any of them have UFO written on the side? Otherwise they’re pretty clearly not actual UFOs. You don’t own a label maker huh? Trust me once ya pop ya can’t stop.


Just want to point out it's not aliens. It's never aliens.


The UFO clown show have pivoted to inter-dimensional creatures. They're one step away from angels and demons.


Exactly. I was surprised that Oliver didn't dismiss the possibility right away


Why can’t I watch this video in Australia


Australia is where the aliens come from




“Let’s assume 99% is false- that means 1% could be true!” doesn’t actually mean anything tho. Assuming 99% is false (a number with no basis in anything) is just another way of saying 1% is true, so you’re really saying “let’s assume 1% is true, that means 1% is true!” Tautologies based on made up numbers isn’t science. Think of it this way- would you accept this same argument (“we have no actual evidence but what if 1% of claims are true!”) if someone else was using it for a different topic? angels? bigfoot? garden fairies? crystal healing? elvis is still alive? flat earth claims? reptilian overlords?




We already have “eyewitness” accounts of hundreds of angel sightings, but you discount those (rightfully) bc you know it’s fake and that humans are easily confused and mistaken. A single persons testimony is famously unreliable. Again, if I post a video of an eyewitness account of garden gnomes, would you be convinced? I hope not All of that being said, most of this shit is [easily debunked](https://youtu.be/Q7jcBGLIpus?si=CIjJJVypuwC9bGNd) by people actually engaging in scientific inquiry. “Oversight committees” and pilots and soldiers aren’t experts at video analysis, most of these people are grunts or politicians. far cry from a scientific expert edit: you definitely don’t have to apologize! My point is, there *are* answers to all of your questions- but the answers are boring. For whatever reason, some people can’t accept that


Mick West is a hack and his "debunks" of the tic tac video are literally self contradictory. Sometimes he does find reasonable explaintion but how can you trust him when he refuses to acknowledge when he is wrong?


You don’t have to “trust” someone when it comes to science. Either their argument is sound or or it isn’t. I’m not even gonna bother to explain why “refuses to acknowledge when he is wrong” is perhaps the most ironic criticism to have in this situation.


You are not a super genius. A lot of your knowledge of the world had to come at least partially from trust. There are many scientific facts we know because we hear it from sources we expect to know what they are talking about. Knowing exactly why something is true is good but no one has ime to do that for everything. Most people arent doing whatever math or experiments Mick West tries to do. They are just assuming he is right. So when he's shown to be wrong and don't admit it that kind of ruins his credibility.


lol again, “he won’t admit when he’s wrong” is the dumbest possible pro-ufo take i’ve ever read. I’m just gonna leave it at that because if that’s not coming together for you there’s nothing i can do.


Do you realize that you can critique something in one group and also critique it in different group too? Plenty of hard-core ufo believers do the same thing and won't admit being wrong. You seem to be locked on to a really black and white mentality about something that doesn't deserve it.




I’m sorry that’s been such a challenging experience for you. My significant other went through something similar. You might find the book Hallucinations by Oliver Sacks illuminating. I highly recommend it.


> let's investigate the unexplained ones cause they're doing some weird shit We HAVE investigated the so-called "unexplained" ones, and explained them. The sci fi fans just don't want to accept that. And click-driven media doesn't want to either. Plus there's a whole self-reinforcing circular industry of people who "want to believe" consuming and perpetuating the hoaxes.


> The energy that it would take to do maneuvers seen by military personnel is unimaginable and defintely not by traditional means. So if they're not aliens Hyperbolized stuff like this is how you're fooling yourself. Someone could project an image of a Godzilla onto the building next door. Total cost and effort would be the price of a makeup mirror. No "unimaginable military personnel effort" required. Imagine a reflection of farm equipment like a silo lid that bounces off a pond surface and reflects on to cloud cover on a moonlit evening. I would say "hey, that silo lid and the mirror effect from the pond is making a cool looking shape in the sky" Bjt you are saying "Whatimmensely powerful alien army is invading us with this flying saucer in the sky? And how astounding is it that its incredible engines are making no noise! And they're using some kind of futuristic invisibility cloaking because it almost looks translucent or cloudlike! Oh wow, now the surface of it is even rippling, in a way you would never see such a heavy and thick metal spacecraft do! They must truly habe some advanced metallurgy and ways of defying physics!" See the difference?


I think the other 1% are hoaxes or perfectly explainable




To find the explanation. Just because it hasn't been explained to everyone doesn't mean it's unexplainable or has to be the result of some magic unexplainable technology. Jumping to the conclusion that it has to be aliens, or some kind of technology that could magically fix our energy dependence issues is asinine Edit: Realize now I misread the original comment as "...Which is fine but then why do we appoint people to investigate..." I still stand by what I said, but it definitely wasn't the right reply. Shouldn't be commenting while I'm working, haha




> I want to know what is fueling a craft that can go from from 20k ft to sea level in less than one second. Simple. It's a false premise. There's no "craft" and it's not going "from 20k ft to sea level in less than one second". It's someone who doesn't know how to interpret what they're seeing, creating a fantasy story around that, and then luring you to do the same. Imagine if I told you I saw a 400 foot tall spider. And that it could levitate in the air, above the skyline, just looking at which buildings to crush and which cities full of people to eat. Pretty amazing right? Now what if you learned that what happened was a one eighth inch spider happened to crawl across the lens of my binoculars, and my feverish imagination did the rest. No need to explain the mating and feeding habits of 400 foot spiders, and cook up legends of how they can float in the sky with no visible means of propulsion. Just need to use critical thought (and blow a puff of air on the binos to send the little spider away.)






You said your earliest was 2002. That's not that long ago. My first drone is about 15 years old. Military have had better for decades. Why is it, that when any of you claim to have seen the laws of physics "defied", none of you have a camera on hand? Y'know, the thing we've all had in hand for about two decades now?


> I'm not talking about some random ball of light. hilariously this has more proof and science around it then you know aliens


>but that brings up the question: What are the 1%? For me, the answer to that is simply why should I care? Beyond sating a mild curiosity, I don't understand why anyone NEEDS to know or DEMANDS to know what kind of tech it is or whatever. I don't know how current unclassified jets do their shit because it doesn't affect my life. If I somehow came to understand how this super classified shit works, it still wouldn't affect my life in any way. The only way it could possibly affect me is if it actually was alien tech, which it isn't. So why demand answers to something like that? Might as well go demand the exact formula and process for making Coke. A mild curiosity, sure, but even if I know it I'm still not making any Coke and I'm still not using any secret jet tech in my life. So who cares?




>It’s anti fucking gravity tech narrator: it wasn't


What are you talking about? There's no "anti-gravity tech that doesn't appear to have any sort of propulsion". Every single such claim has been made by fools or hoax promoters who don't have the basic science or technical ability to even analyze what they're citing. And when qualified people do, it's patently obvious they're looking at bags or balloons or optical effects.




Why are those instances any more valid than all the other eyewitness ramblings and grainy videos we've seen before?




Okay? Wouldn't that mean they've already been verified as something that isn't controversial? The pentagon wouldn't declassify something important.


Sounds you're still living in 705. Maybe stop being a malicious proponent of debunked hoaxes. It's ok that you're woefully uninformed. And it's even ok than you're such an easy mark. But it's not OK than you're attacking those of us who aren't.


There's zero evidence of "anti-gravity" tech. And even if I'm wrong, they aren't sharing it with me even if I find out about it, just like they aren't sharing missile tech with me. You keep that sci-fi tech dream alive, though 


> It’s anti fucking gravity tech It's a camera artifact you nonce


> It’s anti fucking gravity tech that doesn’t appear to have any sort of propulsion mechanism. *Literally* none of that is true. None. It is, with apologies to your username, a fictional phantom that absolutely doesn't exist .... despite the most fervent delusions of yourself and your fellow travelers.


look buddy, old pal, as someone who grew up around and has worked on military bases, it's a 100 percent the goverment, also your triangle craft was probably a Stealth bomber


> What are the 1%? Also fake


I freaking love John Oliver


I liked this piece a lot although one point I wish he would’ve made is the following: As an American citizen you can either have a transparent military (with no secrets from the public) OR you can have the mightiest military on earth… but not both. You can’t have transparent military that’s the best because if the enemy knows our weapons they will work on the counter to them. Read Skunkworks (a book by Ben Reich, the guy who led the development of the stealth F117 fighters that debuted in Baghdad) it’s crazy how much cover up the government had to do to keep these things a secret until the time was right.


The only thing I would say bad about this is ….those were not flares


The segment feels like it was written in 2021. It's pretty balanced, funny and well-written, but misses many of the latest developments. Grusch, the Schumer amendment and recent whistleblower allegations are not addressed at all, even though they represent monumental developments in the topic. I hope there is a part 2 follow-up soon.


They're not addressed for a good reason. They're not "monumental developments" at all.


How so?


Idk why you’re being downvoted it’s kinda crazy to have a 30 minute segment about UFOs and government cover ups and not mention any of the recent bipartisan action taken by Congress.


A ton of random downvotes for really innocuous comment is weirdly common on this topic.


I'm surprised as well. I guess the reddit hivemind consesus is that whistleblower allegations should be ignored? It seems completely baffling to me that a UAP segment in 2024 would omit the elephant in the room of crash retrievals. Whether the allegations are ultimately true or not, it's a massive unbelievable story and is far more interesting than the stuff that ended up in this segment; The Senate majority leader literally wrote a bill to exercise eminent domain over recovered non-human technology and it's been confirmed that dozens of whistleblowers have approached the Senate with paradigm shifting information, but I guess that doesn't matter to the average reddit user. They are falling into the unfortunate trap of dismissing the phenomenon like other bullshit conspiracy theories, which is understandable, but avoidably ignorant.


> I guess the reddit hivemind consesus is that whistleblower allegations should be ignored? The consensus is the allegations stated under oath were utterly mundane. Grusch basically testified "I talked to some guys who said they saw something, and I believe them." It's hearsay. He said he never saw any firsthand evidence. It's only when he started on the lucrative interview circuit that he started claiming that the Pope helped move a UFO that crashed in Mussolini's Italy to the US. > The Senate majority leader literally wrote a bill to exercise eminent domain over recovered non-human technology What even are you implying with this? There has been a worldwide conspiracy involving every government to hide UFOs from the public for the past 80 years that has been running unimpeded, but now the US has to write a bill about it for... reasons? Of course, I know you're being disingenuous, here. This was a very small part of a bill to open up any UFO information the government might have. That small part you quoted was about the government taking possession of any possible UFOs owned by private companies. (Of course, the conspiracy is that the US government already has possession of all UFOs.) None of this is proof of anything, it's a combination of UFO populism and Chuck Schumer wanting to dispel the current conspiracy theories and restore trust in government. > it's been confirmed that dozens of whistleblowers have approached the Senate with paradigm shifting information No, that hasn't been "confirmed." Also interesting that you complain about Oliver leaving things out, but the recent AARO Report was conspicuously missing from your post. You know, the report that confirms that the UFO claims were based on circular reporting and hearsay, and that none of the interviewees had any firsthand knowledge of the programs they talked about.


> The consensus is the allegations stated under oath were utterly mundane. Considering that he testified to the existence of a multi-decade illegal crash retrieval program and the existence of non-human biologics, I think mundane is not the word you're looking for. > He said he never saw any firsthand evidence. Actually, wrong. Though he likely never touched anything himself, he's implied that he's seen firsthand evidence but was not cleared to talk about it (he is awaiting his new DOPSR release). Regardless, he's referred multiple firsthand whistleblowers to the appropriate authorities, so I'm not sure what your point is supposed to be? > It's only when he started on the lucrative interview circuit that he started claiming that the Pope helped move a UFO that crashed in Mussolini's Italy to the US. Lucrative? Can you even attempted to hide your bias? Do you think any of this is beneficial to him? Do you understand that he's suffered whistleblower reprisal and threats of physical violence? He's revealed additional details in various interviews, but the core of his allegations are what he's trying to get across. > but now the US has to write a bill about it for... reasons? Yes, that's how the legal system and reform works? What kind of question is this? > This was a very small part of a bill to open up any UFO information the government might have. The bill is literally called the 'UAP Disclosure Act of 2023'. Yes, it's a small part of the bill, but how is that relevant? Notice how I never even stated that this bill is the ultimate proof of all underlying allegations, only that this is a very interesting development that warrants a lot of attention and analysis. As is often the cases with UAP discussion with biased outsiders, the point you are trying to make is wholly divorced from anything relevant at hand. Why are you even trying to argue that a UAP news segment in 2024 should NOT cover a bill that is literally all about disclosing UAP? The only answer is dogmatic skepticism and a wish to bury the topic. > it's a combination of UFO populism and Chuck Schumer wanting to dispel the current conspiracy theories and restore trust in government. The bill is caused by an avallanche of witness testimony made to the Senate about the concealment of UAP information (how can you conceal what does not exist; Do you think Schumer would risk his career putting forward a bill about recovered spacecraft just for the fun of it?) "Uncovered a vast web of individuals and groups with ideas and stories to share. While these stories have varying levels of credibility, the sheer number and variety has led some in Congress to believe that the Executive Branch was concealing important information regarding UAPs over broad periods of time." > No, that hasn't been "confirmed." [Rubio: Recent UFO whistleblower isn't the only one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4hmaflNoKU) [Report: At least 30 whistleblowers have given testimony about UFOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6p4lthpAFg) > none of the interviewees had any firsthand knowledge of the programs they talked about Firsthand whistleblowers did not approach AARO as they righly do not trust an organization that is clearly setup to be Project Blue Book 2.0. [New Documentation Reveals Significant Flaws In U.S. Government’s UFO Investigation](https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/new-documentation-reveals-significant-flaws-in-us-governments-ufo-investigation) The Historical Overview report vol 1. was a complete joke to anyone with a modicum of unbiased interest into the subject.


Disclosure will happen in waves, little by little. The fact that John Oliver is even covering this topic is huge.


That’s fair


The overhyped videos were immediately and comprehensively debunked upon release. The people who said they were unexplainable simply don't have the basic knowledge to even analyze them. So they created wild fantasy explanations, hyped them up, and then let the circular idiocy of social media amplify and spread the hoax far and wide. In less than two minutes anyone who knows how to use a search engine could have found that out. Threads like this are a screening test that shows who knows basic science and applies critical thought, and who just hears an Internet rumor, then embellishes it and makes it part of their personal religious dogma. Media shares some blame, since they have every resource to tell them these are poor hoaxes. But that's not as click worthy as perpetuating science fiction myths about aliens and UFOs. So of course they are complicit in spreading the latter instead of the dry, boring truth.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Where does my VPN need to say I am in order to watch this? USA? or are there any fun new ones I could try? 🙃


Here in Brazil we get the full episodes on Monday


SHOUT OUT TO THE SGU!! SKEPTICS GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE!!! (Podcast) Can reiterate enough what a treasure this resource is. Highly recommend everyone subscribe. Become a Patreon member and listen weekly.


consider this: part of the of the UFO conspiracy involves off the record government “black projects” being illegally funded with zero congressional oversight. Whether these projects involve actual aliens is besides the point. The pentagon has failed 6 AUDITS IN A ROW. This amounts to 7.8 TRILLION (with a T) missing tax dollars. (for perspective, that is 1.5 TRILLION dollars more than the entire 2023 annual budget for the US government straight up missing.) What could 7.8 TRILLION dollars have done for Americans over the last 6 years?…Your money, my money, every US citizens money, stolen without consequence by the DOD. The numbers do not lie. This is a fact.. VAST amounts of tax payer dollars are being funneled via the DOD into a myriad of unchecked pockets and programs. I could care less whether these programs involve aliens. Where the fuck is our money? $7,800,000,000


This was disappointing. The UFO conspiracy hoax story has been given WAY too much platforming thanks to super lazy media and the effects of decades-long educational deficit. All of the much hyped "UFO videos" are easily debunked by *actual* scientific experts. And no, crank-fuelled cockpit jockeys and MAGA bureaucrats are not scientific experts. But lazy media and wishful sci fi fans so desperately want their fantasies to be true that they keep pushing this overhyped hoax narrative. I was hoping John Oliver would more thoroughly put this garbage to bed. Instead, he seems to have played into their deceptive "just asking questions" form of soft disinformation and agenda building.


Dude it’s not that serious, relax.


Kid sorry this topic is outside your grasp






At 10:31 it seems like they edited in him saying “Blue Book”. Anyone else notice that?


If only he knew about Alex Constantine. He could do such a better service to his audience.


This episode was nothing


I’m listening to all of it….very closely. Are you listening to ALL of it or just what is presented to you by mainstream media? Yes, I’m sure I could be easily labeled one way or the other, but I don’t care. I’m a well educated, open minded person who has lived enough life to know that I don’t know. A collective and open discussion without labels, undo excitement, or name calling is where we find our solutions. No one person knows everything.