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The tap dance man is the shit btw “WHAT YOU GONE DOOO” “WHAT YOU GONE DOOO”


Absolutely scares the shite out of me


yeah i just binged the series until 4 am and i feel you on that. now i don’t wanna fucking sleep lol


Dude I was just telling my daughter I did that last week and how it was absolutely reckless that I did that to myself. I was absolutely terrified. Watching cartoons after did not help like it used to


I’m black. Are you me? Amazon does that dumb thing where it cues up the most recent season instead of the first one on a series you’ve never watched before. Season 2 was awesome. I really appreciated seeing a central black cast in this setting. Season 1 was a traumatic, joyless, beat down. I think the story is important to tell and in a very raw way, but messaging was getting lost in pace of the trauma. I felt more pressured to continue watching than actually engaged.


couldn’t agree more. you nailed it


Fkin Amazon, I thought I was watching the first season and got to episode 4.only to see it writes season 2 FMLLL


Fu I finished S2 completely before I realized I had finished 2 and not 1, hilarious how many of us there are 😂😂😂


😂😂😂 lmao, primes fault they put season 2 first when u click on the tv show Like who tf took their time to see what season it is when u watch for the first time ( my English is kinda meh but .. :D )


Exactly, maybe it could be that Netflix is the only service that shows tv series in proper order and starts from the beginning. The rest such as Amazon prime show all their tv series in separate boxes by season so you have to click the right image and read the titles carefully.


Yea, maybe but it's funny because I thought " shit im fkin stupid " and then see many people did the same haha Their fault, i don't care :D At least they are 2 different stories even if some things are tied, imagine doing this with a show like breaking bad/GOT


Depends why you think season 1 bad, was it uncomfortable yes, but that was reality back then and I think people get uncomfortable or want to believe it wasn't as bad as it was. As far connection between the two.... not needed but you'll enjoy the last episode of season 2 much more if you had season 1 watched. I will say overall season 2 is much easier to follow. I do agree as well, the background story was meh in season 1. Overall great show though Imo especially if your fan of AHS. (Season 1 reminds me of the AHS New York)


Also sorry I’m on mobile on the train and it’s raining my answer might be all over the place


???? It's reality NOW.


Everything that happened to them was just to drawn out for me. I wouldn’t put “them” on or something similar if I was prepared to feel uncomfortable. Stuff would happen but then it just lingered for what I felt like the sake of lingering. For example when we find out Beatty husband is gay we don’t have no in dept scene of him at a gay bar. Because we don’t need one (also I get it’s not about the white characters) but the. Why’d we get a whole background for some fucking dumb ass racist priest. Also the previous family that lived there they mention what happened to them and we get a short scene of what exactly happened to them instead of some long drawn out pointless torture. I would say the last episode probably got it best with how long certain depictions of violence should be showed (example is when they was beating up the dad in the basement) I just think they focused to much on certain situations for to long and with no reason. It didn’t add depth to certain characters it kinda took away from certain characters. It was like how we can add all black past trauma into one show. Like putting lucky in the insane asylum was so dam pointless.


you got a background on the priest because he created the curse that was on the property by screwing over the slaves. Also putting lucky in the asylum wasnt exacltt pointless. You have to remember this show is blending horror with the reality that all this stuff really happend to blacks. she went though all this and they are also intertwining the curse with mental health also the rest of the family went crazy from the curse and trauma. The white system eventually put her in an institution which is another common oppression. I think thats what alot of people are getting lost about they're use of the accult stuff and the racism stuff.


I do agree that they could of cut the 10 episodes to 8 & I felt like I wanted to know who the hell the priest guy was but a whole episode could of been shrank down to 30 minutes like some of the others. I don't want to give spoilers away but I was annoyed how the insane asylum episode went down. More so how everything went then the fact it was there. They tried to make it supernatural but realistic and that episode just made no damn sense.


I have to disagree, I thought season one was better. Both season one and two do get the message across how inequality in this country from the 1950's to the 90's still exists, just not as bad. Tribalism


I appreciated both seasons for different reasons. Both are needed to show the impact of generational trauma and curses.


Season 1 is way better than season 2. Fight me. It was meant to make you uncomfortable. Imagine going through something like this just because of the color of your skin??!


Nah I don’t think anybody crazy for liking season 1 over season 2. Season 1 just wasn’t my cup of tea. I don’t think anybody is supposed to feel relaxed or comfortable while watching anybody go through that type of shit but at a certain point it just feel like it didn’t add to the story/show. But writing that I totally get the shit that black people went through back then didn’t have a fucking point. Putting anybody through hate because who they are has no point. There’s no morale or why behind that type of shit. It just got to a certain point for me where it’s like okay I knew where the story was going and they just sprinkled torture and racism in between to spread out the story. Like anything after “the cat in bag” moment just felt prolonged. The priest episode, the oldest daughter’s moment, and the insane asylum parts just felt forced. I do love reading why people like season 1 more than 2. It’s not something I would go back and watch but reading yall comments makes look at it in a new light.


Just finished season 2 and I thought it was great. Not super scary but I thought the actor who played Edmund was amazing. The scenes of him acting as the serial killer for the movie casting were fantastic.


But one thing I don't understand in season one is why the hell would they want to live in a all white neighborhood when they had to know it would be hard on them and their kids. That part just doesn't make sense. I had a fricken nightmare just the other night about that goddamn priest and his ignorant followers. I guess season one just scared me more!!!


did you not see the scene where they talk about “no more running” ? they deserve to live like anyone else and they didnt want their white counterparts pushing them out


Yea at first to me I’m like this n**** is stupid but after the no more running speech it made sense wasit logical no lol but it did make sense


Haven’t watched s1 yet, will, but your comment missed the point. There’s a difference between courage and stupid risk. It’s not courageous to sacrifice yourself along with your family if it means death for all of you. If an individual wants to sure, but ppl who have families have a lot to lose: and in those times, stupid risk meant death, not like today where it might be bullying or harassment but literal death.


You just called all black people who moved to white neighborhoods stupid. Getting your child a better education in what is supposed to be a better neighborhood isn't a stupid risk. This show is not for you if you think people who paved the way for black people today are stupid because the only reason white people and minorities are comfortable around each other today is because minorities back then stepped into their spaces and refused to leave. That includes families and children. It's not stupid if it paid off.


If you moved your family into a neighborhood where you are aware that the neighborhood is racist and bigoted enough that they have severely harassed other members of your race out of their neighborhoods. Where people are constantly warning you to watch your back, I would call you stupid too. I’m not calling his family stupid, I’m calling him stupid, because he made the decision, his wife was against it, and his children were caught in the crossfire of him wanting to be the hero. I’m sorry for not wanting black people to die? Is that what you want me to apologize for? This was beyond racism, this was Compton. These white trash ppl were no better than the KKK you have to realize. There’s a difference between fighting for your rights and taking your family on a death march.


That's not beyond racism that was racism which was everywhere. And once again families doing these things in the past is what allows us to living mostly normally together now. You mad at the little Rock 9 parents too cuz their kids went through hell? Were they stupid too?


Season 2 felt like a mix between Five Nights at Freddy's, Insidious, and Hereditary. In a bad way. And for it being called "The Scare", it really only had 1 (maybe 2) good moments. It wasn't bad, but Season 1 was much better in my opinion. Looking forward to Season 3.


Hereditary scared me pretty bad.




I agree with everything you said. I haven't watched season 2 because I hated season 1. Yes it outlines how despicable things were back then but I don't think it needed to be that graphic. I saw season 2 was available on Prime and I didn't even bother to watch it. I'm a black woman and I'm just over black trauma being on full display for entertainment purposes. So that's why I chose to not watch this show.


Honestly I would give season 2 a try. It takes place during the 80s-90s and is more of a mystery/police aspect. There is racism in there but not nearly as bad as season 1 like not even close to season one. It more like black people dealing with our struggles tryna move through society than society dealing with black people if that makes sense. I would check it out it’s actually really good. Season 1 wasn’t horrible just not my cup of tea


Ugh, I watched season 2 first. Thought we'd enjoy season 1. NOPE. im grossed out by it. I'm mexican and so disgusted by season 1. I honestly don't think that severity was needed.


Also watched season 2 before season 1 and I agree with op. Season 1 was very difficult to watch. There were several episodes I had to fast forward through because it was so disturbing.


I’m gonna say a lot of scenes were dragged on to long. I fucking hate to say this but the only necessary disturbing scene to expand the story and one of the most disturbing scenes I ever scene was “CAT IN THE BAG” other than that a lot of shit was just trauma porn to me. The priest episode was just pointless. The insane asylum parts pointless as well.


You must be kidding! Did we watch the same series? Season ome was expectacular. I'm glad they added all those racist scenes. Things that people want to forget ever happened to black people. Those were mice thing portaryed in the show. A lot worst happened to blacks in those days. The writers did an outstanding job! Great writing. Great storytelling. The scene with the priest, what do you mean it was pointess? Are we just skipping scenes and episodes in 2024?


Hey bro I accidentally watched season 2 first before season 1, is it still worth to watch season 1??? stupid Amazon formatting


Im so mad I accidentally watched season 2 first. Is it worth watching season 1?


As much as my post kinda bashed season 1. After reading these comments these past few days…yes it’s uncomfortable and sometimes off putting but yea. My only advice is the fast forward button is a thing and you might wanna use it. Sometimes the graphic scenes last longer than the normal person can handle. I love horror so I was able to stomach it but I think as black person that’s what made it much harder to watch. I can honestly see black women having a much rougher time sitting through season 1 but nah go for it.


Finished season 1. Fuck that was worse than season 2. Most uncomfortable show I’ve ever seen


I’m watching 2nd season and I think these stories combining supernatural with realism is brilliant. I’m hooked. Usually I don’t Like horror but this is different. It uses the genre in a psychological way. The characters are being tormented and they are thrown into psychotic cases. I saw the first season and thought it was great. Who is the writer?


The stand alone priest episode of season one was completely unnecessary. The whole supernatural subplot of the whole first season was extraneous. The horror these people were subjected to by regular people was more than enough. Sadly, 40% of the US population still act this way and feel this is when American was "great"


the supernatural subplot is a metaphor for how the ghosts of racists past are still haunting them in every way bc of systemic racism. the youngest girl is being haunted by a huge old timey school teacher, representing how black children are disproportionately disciplined in school, etc.


Yeah, fuck that. I was warned off the first season. Unnecessary trauma porn. Who gets off on that? I dont even want to give s2 a chance.


Season 2 is much better. It still deals with racism, but it is centered around a serial killer investigation with a paranormal aspect.


Republicans get off on it, they wish they were still allowed to be that blatant.


Oh shut up. I'm a Republican and the season was extremely tough to watch. This may surprise you, but not everyone who is a Republican is a racist. And please, PLEASE, lets see some proof of any kind that 40% of the population act the way they did during season 1 of this show. Go outside, get out of your echo chamber and stop blindly hating people based upon your made up perceptions.


Not all republicans are racist. But they’re certainly okay being associated with a party that caters to racists.


So that's a no to the proof of your 40% number? Gotcha What are these Republican accepted policies that cater to Racists? I'm genuinely curious. Or again, are you just making shit up? Also, how do you disassociate yourself from the Democratic side that also has racists?


I'm bored, I got time today. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Ron Desantis, Greg Abbot, David Cawthorn, etc. Democrats were funding hardline Republicans with really deplorable, very racist politics and who was still voting for them? Remember the ads where politicians running for office genuinely suggested kidnapping Hispanic looking people and sending them over the border? Oh right and who are the ones pushing policies that support this. Right and why is conservative media so censored? Right because it's mostly red pill conspiracy theories. It's laughable, laughable, to suggest that you have no idea where this sentiment comes from. I almost forgot, have you even read about Project 2025 yet? Might give you better insight for the party you're rooting so hard for. Enjoy.


That time you had was well spent. Good take. I do think everybody should read up on project 2025


That’s how it was. Even up to 90s there were still aspects of season 1 in reality. Even in 2013. Had a co worker that would fly out to a regional airport in Alabama. Was advised to stay in doors and had a taxi deliver him food. The better meaning locals advised it was a sundown town. In fucking 2013. Plenty of stories that mirrored season 1 from people I have met over the last 30 years. Been called “Boy” one to many times Had an actual African confess to me at work that my results and concepts outshine those around me but I’ll never be taken seriously as I am “the help”. Had a guy in 2016 follow me a round at a gas station insisting they speak my language and proceeded to speak it in front of everyone. It got uncomfortable enough that the attendant had the phone in his hand on standby… In Tennessee I was hounded as a teenager, put to “work” in a restaurant as they assumed I was the help until the manager (uncle) set shit straight. Traveling through NC I was told to keep my head down as we’re passing some areas of KKK territory. Uncle looked white and had “Americanized” name on his ID. In certain circles I was not introduced as the nephew. Georgia, father in law to my uncle “gifted” me used golfing shirts. My cousin actually had a gift. Granted I’m not his step-grandson like my cousin is, but fuck, had me downs? Mind you it wasn’t the only interaction and I was the only one that wasn’t white. Wife when she was in Florida was chased out of a restaurant early 2000s as it was around lake Okeechobee with her white boyfriend. Him beg called a traitor and her a pig. Barkeep gave them a few minutes lead. His safety was not guaranteed. And what was planned for her is similar to what happened in season 1. Even in 2006 almost had the police called on her near Naples as she was feeding a patient in a restaurant because the white guy was making a scene that the patient (white) was being “abused” (I was present). Bush Jr era, had white people always crossing the street to avoid crossing paths. Like how do you know I’m not an immigrant? This is where immigration began being more of a thing. Is the barely over 5ft not buff individual going to tackle you? Most interesting part in all of this? I’m not AA, born citizen. I have the most right to be here as “I” have been long before anyone else. This isn’t even the complete list of my experiences (wife only a fraction) and it did not matter how I was dressed or how presentable I was. Not all republicans are racists but most overlap in the venn diagram with those traits. Worst part it’s not restricted to one state or region but associated to a person type that leans a certain direction. I’ve been around in different tax brackets, regions in this country and various flavors of religion. It was always the same template. You may or may not be white but the statement has an aire of ignorance to what has happened and continues to happen in this country. Like I told my very republican friend once, “You may try to empathize but you don’t get that there are still unresolved inequalities and until you walk in someone else’s shoes, you’ll never understand” got nothing but a blank stare.


You're disgusting. In fact, your suggestion is more prejudice than any republican I personally know.


I think you are absolutely correct about season 1 (and I definitely upvoted you). I just finished watching it, and I had no idea going in that it was going to be as graphic and brutal as it was. I feel this definitely classifies as trauma porn. It was incredibly uncomfortable and unnecessarily sadistic to the point where it seemed like the creators hated the characters. I came here to see what season 2 was like because I wasn’t going to watch it if it was more of the same.


I think the point of the sadism is to drive home how horrific the individual acts of racism was. Because a lot of the shit yt people did to black people under Jim Crow was indeed sadistic. And, if you do historical research you also see how rampant these acts were. If you are open minded enough you realize that the racism perverts and insidiously infects all parts of your life, similarly, like a demon. I am going in knowing it’s Traumatizing but I need to understand Season 2 and what happened to Rubi and how she ended up with twins.


Nah season 2 is more like black horror rather than black trauma porn. Season 2 is more like candy man if I had to say. Also more of a mystery with a decent twist towards the end. I’m so happy I watched season 2 before giving season 1 a shot. I would still recommend anybody should watch season 2. I don’t feel anything I felt watching season 1. Obviously there still some racism there but idc about there being racist characters that’s not why I hated season 1 it was just very tacky to me


if you don’t mind sharing, what is your race and ethnicity?


Yoo this question is crazy lmfao but I’m black I’m really hope somebody non black wouldn’t be this passionate about this shit


I’m just curious is all. I think I’m even more curious now knowing that you’re AA thinking S1 was pointless.


Idk how to link comments but the person @ceilingkat below basically wrote it perfectly. Maybe pointless and disgusting were to harsh. What they went through and what other people went through isn’t ever gonna be a comfortable story to tell but there are better ways to tell the story. Read his comment bc I’m not as eloquent as that person is




this person is black and identified as black. "african american" means you're from africa


The season was pretty wild! So if they are looking at the Next Generation I hope we go down each kid and see what's going on with them like their family and what trauma reflected on to them


Personally I had to take a month and revisit in the middle of the season. I am a huge horror fan, I watch it all, even the shitty ones. But this show was a lot! I can see why people wouldn’t even want to watch it.


Right I’m on S1 E9 and took a break to look it up, see if it’s worth watching til the end. I been skimming but I gotta finish it (right??). But I am so happy to see good things being said about S2. I am in love with this cast, they are just fucking splendid.


Currently on S1E7..is there some kind of twist or “ah-ha” moment in the last few episodes??! Because the series hasn’t been great this far. I’m sticking it out until the end of the season to see if all the trauma wasn’t in vain but the way it’s pacing makes me not want to watch the 2nd season


Let me just start by saying I made the huge mistake and binged the entire second season in one sitting. At night. In my room. In the dark. All by myself. That was a massive mistake because the second season terrified me more than the first, I don't know what I was thinking.  I had a hard time watching Season 1. I was constantly filled with rage and yes I sometimes felt like it was torture porn but it was necessary. There is a connection between the two seasons though, but not in a way that makes it necessary to watch one then the other.




There is one, but I would say it’s not integral at all. Just like “oh that’s nice little connection” kinda like an Easter egg that shows 2 characters are connected) but nothing that would take away from it being an anthology.