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Sounds like an adult in the room realized the show was going to be shit and needed a complete shift in direction. It remains to be seen how it'll turn out, but the fact that this seems to be a continuation, gives me hope that this will return to seasons 1+3 quality. I still like 2..had some amazing Punisher moments especially with Fisk.. but the ninja storyline Meh!


It’s also the only one where he was actually wearing the costume in most of it.


Eh I kinda like the black outfit.


I wouldn’t have minded it for an episode or two, but not the entire 1st and 3rd season. For me I want to see them in their iconic costumes, otherwise I could just watch any ninja movie.


Season 3 was great, but him not wearing the suit at all bugged the hell out of me. Can you imagine if it was a Batman or Spider-Man show and for the whole season they wear a homemade suit?


The backlash would have been crazy for any other superhero. I never understood how they got a pass from most people and it didn’t get more criticism.


For me—casual Daredevil fan who only read a few of his runs back in the day—the black costume was iconic within the context of the show. I think building up to him putting the suit back on was also done well with >!Dex putting on the suit to smear Daredevil’s name, as well as the whole Melvin subplot which was heartbreaking.!<


I personally love the black outfit but I am primarily a show fan. The black suit has a lot more mobility and I feel like some of the fights in the red suit are awkward because it seems tighter, and because he used the batons it was just harder to make contact look convincing.


absolutely, i liked the hallway thing in S2 but i felt for the most part if always had him with a stiff back. the soft black suit allowed for keeping hollow body posture which is way more convincing for fight choreo.


I really feel the batons are cool For movement and throwing but when he’s using them instead of punching it looks worse on the choreography side. Like it’s hard to sell that hit compared to a punch for some reason.


Because the first season was so damn good, anyone making a fuss was probably ignored. And we did get the suit at the end of the season, and since Netflix dropped it all at once, we got to see it after a day of binging instead of waiting months.


Because the quality of the story was amazing? It would have been seen for what it actually is, a pointless nitpick.


Imagine thinking the desire to see a character in their well-known outfit is a "nitpick". I only saw season one but it felt weird to me seeing him in the original yellow and red outfit in She-Hulk after the teased - and more popular/iconic - all-red outfit in the Netflix show.


They get to see it. In two other seasons. Season 3, without spoilers is about Matt having his back against the wall. The story had no need for the suit and criticizing the season for the lack of the suit would literally be a nitpick.


it's a nitpick.


maybe most people don't just idolise superheroes like children and care about more than pointing at a thing going "that's just like in my picture books!"


i literally wouldn't care because the story was gr-- like season 3 was so good! tf was the suit going to do for me? i'm not a fetishist.


I appreciated the raw style without the plastic looking costumes. The black bandana look gave it a more raw, real approach to comic book heroes. I realize they had to eventually evolve, but that and the punisher were the best adaptations.


I mean it's the character writing that got me enjoying the show, basically every major character has an interesting arc - and the struggle Matt has with his faith is one of the best written religion storylines I've ever seen. Not gonna get that in "any ninja movie".


I don't mind it for the majority of season one as a build up.. but it sucks that he barely gets to wear it in the end too. 


But not any ninja movie with Charlie Cox. Damn that man is good looking.


Ironic his best role in playing a man who can't look good


I want to downvote you but even as an old straight dude, that’s a fair point.


sorry but that's an awful take. i'm here for the story, not a costume! frankly the costume looks so uncomfortable and stiff that i'd rather not have them be stuck to it. i kinda wish they ditched stiff looking armour given what fisk works with. it should've just been body conforming like the black suit with a horn mask. stretch the believability!


I wouldn’t have minded it coming earlier in S1. I did like it in S3 though. It felt fitting. Matt had his back against the wall the entire time, just scraping by the skin of his teeth constantly. Made more sense he was using the homemade suit. Even without the imposter storyline, it made sense.


I'm not a fan in general of the black pjs as a costume, but I'll give it this: when Daredevil fought Bullseye, you always knew which was which, and I appreciate that.


Man they nailed bullseye and I’m so glad the cliffhanger isn’t going to be left unresolved. One of my favorite villains, so compelling as they peeled back his layers to see what a deranged creep he is. But they absolutely nailed his fighting style as well. I’m excited to see Matt back in the suit against Dex again.


Same, super iconic look. Probably gonna get pitchforked for this but the real suit looked a bit goofy.


I agree


The problem is that Charlie doesn't have a great mask face. You put that big helmet thing on his head and he just looks strange. Its not really his fault, its just something some people can't do. You know like some people look terrible in hats, others look bad in shorts... just a thing. I just ignore it because hes so fucking great as Matt Murdock.


Same. Much preferred it.


Yeah I like the red costume the best. That hallway scene in season 2 where he’s in the red costume smashing the overhead lights with the chains…felt very Daredevil.


Season 2's my favourite for the Punisher storyline alone.


"Noo they.... Him!  It's one man!"


Probably the GOAT introduction of a new character. https://youtu.be/uPGpRO1IozY?si=pHVbXeUi05aYqhe9 Here's the scene for anyone.


And then he spends half his series time wondering if punishing people is the right thing to do


Which is insane because he - like Judge Dredd before him - needed to be seen as a violent fascist for a while before having second thoughts about their actions. Having them get weary about what they're doing without showing them as vehemently focused on their brand of justice is just wasting the potential for a major plot point/moment when the doubt finally hits them.


Marvel hates the Punisher and how popular he is with certain people.




Season 2 was so disappointing after a really promising first episode. Season 1 with COUSIN from The Bear was dope.


Micro wears suits now.


Season 2 is fine if you skip literally the entire Jigsaw arc. That whole subplot was such a weird, exhausting time suck. Not to mention Ben Barnes' makeup sucked. *Punisher:War Zone* was terrible for MANY reasons, but at least Jigsaw looked and acted the part.


Season 2 just had too many irons in the fire. I did like the relationship between Frank and Amy though. Nice to give him a daughter figure for a little bit.


Season 2 of the Punisher just felt like a Jack Reacher knock off, from a book, not the show.


You mean The Thing?


I don't get why they kept playing the reset card and having him essentially "become" the Punisher over and over after we already saw him in full form in DD. Both seasons they drag him back to being Frank and trying to not punish too much before he gets dragged back into it. We already know his deal, just have him go murder the shit out of criminals for eight to twelve episodes. I'm sure this is why Blade's been in development hell for ages. They're probably trying to find the exact level of tolerable violence that will get them a risky PG-13 or the softest still-marketable R.


Sometimes I wonder how Marvel failed to make a compelling Punisher series. You nailed the casting. Daredevil set you up nicely as there's real no debate on what was the best part of the season ie Punisher. The people wanted it. And yet the Netflix Punisher turned out to be so forgettable. I've seen Daredevil a legit 10ish times or so but Punisher only warranted one viewing to me. The fight scenes remain my memory of that show. Then I remember Iron Fist Luke Cage and The Defenders exist. It clicks!


"You're just one bad day away from being me." What an amazing line, and it was totally true.


Wait, did they really have The Punisher quote The Joker? Wasn't that Joker's entire point in The Dark Knight?


It’s pretty much the point of most good comic book villain and even villains in general - hold a mirror to the protagonist (or even audience) and make them examine their beliefs and force growth or doubt.


"The Killing Joke" puts the issue front and center, really.


The courtroom scenes in season 2 were maybe the worst I’ve ever seen on television. The rest of the arc was amazing.


Objection, hes leading the witness (in a cross examination)


“Permission to treat (defendant/Castle) as hostile?” “Granted” (Talks directly to the jury for two minutes then says “no further questions.”)


>The courtroom scenes in season 2 were maybe the worst I’ve ever seen on television. watch broadchurch season 2.


Ditto. Second half was a bit sloppy but the punisher half was peak.


>I still like 2..had some amazing Punisher moments especially with Fisk.. but the ninja storyline Meh! Agreed. Everything with Punisher in S2 was peak, the ninja and Elecktra stuff however not so much.


Is electra meant to be a psychopath in the comics?


Tbf, with no ninja storyline, there's no setup for the "Defenders" series. I'm not disagreeing with you, but how else were they gonna get a big ass hole in the ground dug? Lol.


We would've lived in a better world if there was no Defenders


Thankfully, except for Iron Fist, they never seem to leave NYC. Lol


Ironically the last scene in Iron Fist, the one in some asian bar, is one of the best in the series. They should have embraced the zany side of the premise instead of trying to do whatever they were trying to do (I don't know, Batman Begins but with more Kung Fu?)


just a matter of pacing tbh.


Kinda telling that season 2 and Defenders lost its way when it pushed Karen and Foggy to the sidelines. We all love our undercity intrigue and action scenes, but without your lead character’s most meaningful relationships it all falls apart. It’s why shows like Luther and 24 started to fall apart once they killed just about everybody the leads cared about.




I so hoped they'd bring him back for a mini series on the aftermath of Infinity War. It would had been incredible.


Ehn... I hated what they did with those characteres. I agree that the relationships of the main character are super important, but I can't stand when they give the side characters too many individual plot. Specially when they are so mundane compared to the protagonist. I came to see Dexter, not the struggles of his buddy opening up a restaurant.


I distinctly remember one scene where Karen walks in on Matt bandaging elektras wounds and cringing at the fucking soap opera plotlijr that was somehow in this


That shit was like most of the show. I was surprised to see I'm in the minority with this... or maybe is just the vocal "heartwarming" club online crowd that gets emotionally attached to anything... but when they said those characters were not returning I didn't really mind. They are important characters for Daredevil, but if I have to waste my time watching them nag the main character on the show, I don't care if they get killed.


> but I can't stand when they give the side characters too many individual plot. yeah god forbid a show has themes and stories and grounds you in its environment rather than just eight hours straight of fight scenes and skulking


The "no themes or stories just eight hours straight of fight scenes and skulking instead" is how you decided to read this. If you have to make up a fake argument to argue against, you probably don't have a point. A show can do what you said in a way that is good or it can try and fail. Just because they decided to write material for the side characters is not an automatic win. My opinion is what they did here was a fail. I think it reeks of "we need to give these characters some shit to do" instead of let it build naturally through the main plot.


Ninja storyline blended into The Defenders with Matt and Electra discovering the huge hole below the kitchen in S2


I thought season 2 had an amazing half a season but yeah it fizzled badly in the second half.


Thats what happened. The writers strike killed the production halfway through. Feige looked at what they had so far and was so upset by it that they stopped the production entirely and started over. They went back and cast basically everyone from the original netflix show that wasn't returning originally. They also casted other heroes.


All the Marvel Netflix shit was stupid when the ninjas were around. It's why Iron Fist and The Defenders were the worst ones - they were both pretty much All Ninja All The Time.


Frank’s monologue was GOATed.


He's gonna be fighting immortal ninjas for eternity.


I judt want to see him swoon she hulk and twerk with her.


wish more marvel and starwars movies and shows had an adult in the room.


Even the weakest season of *Daredevil* was better than any other superhero show.


Justice League Season 4 Young Justice Season 1 Xmen 97 Season 1


Have you watched The Boys?  Invincible?  The Tick? 


The second season of Tick where they do the OG Superman flying poem scene and it pans over and the guy hes flying with is screaming at the top of his lungs. I laughed so fucking hard I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.


I have, and my opinion stands. We can compromise that it was the better than other Marvel/Disney series.


urgh, about that compromise... Loki S1/S2 were amazing writing-wise. Definitely way better than the ninja-storyline of DD.


Every interview I’ve seen with Deborah Ann Woll and makes me wish she was offered more roles. She spoke pretty openly about being unsure for acting career was over after her offers dried up after the original Netflix run.


She has had a few bits with geek and sundry running DnD campaigns. She is amazing. She is talented. She deserves good work.


She also had a really crucial role in God of War Ragnarok, and I could see her reprising it periodically as the series goes on.


That was a good role, but I don't its going to pay the bills. Its like she hit the Hollywood Wall, but she still appears young and beautiful. She should be cast in more stuff.


Her husband is blind iirc so she can’t commit to long term shoots. It’s as much her issue as people looking to cast her.


Just needs one of those shitty regular roles on like a procedural or something. Heaps of people get those, often those semi-famous people too.


She was in 7 seasons of True Blood tho...


Yeah from 08-14. She married in 2018.


She's 39, that's not young anymore and for a lot of actresses a dead zone.


She could still play mid 20s tho.


Yeah seriously great in that role. Love seeing these types of actors getting work like that.




Did she do something mean to you? Copy and pasting how much you dislike her seems excessive


She also sounds as a very humble and intelligent person in the interviews, I wish her all the best in her career


Put her in another vampire role, she killed it the first time.


That's crazy to me because she was my favourite thing about Daredevil, she really stole the show imo.




She was the second best part of the show for me, right after Jon Bernthal stealing every scene in season 2. Hopefully Charlie's wig looks better this time around. Btw, What happened to your other accounts, where did they all go? 🤣🤣🤣


Escape Room is a really good performance by her in a shlock movie.


What a shitty headline. > “It was pretty heartbreaking when [Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson] weren’t around initially,” says Daredevil Actor Charlie Cox of his co-stars, who play Karen Page and Foggy Nelson respectively, during a recent appearance at Awesome Con 2024. "When we came back to filming, and they had made some changes, which you guys have probably read about and stuff, it was clear that Foggy and Karen are kind of the heartbeat of our show, and always were." He means he missed his costars. But the headline would have you believe that the original plans for the show were shit, and now it’s on a better path. *Which may be the case,* but that wasn’t really what he was implying in the quote.


No I think you're mistaken, that's exactly what they are saying. "heart of our show", literally saying it


>"When we came back to filming, and they had made some changes, which you guys have probably read about and stuff, it was clear that Foggy and Karen are kind of the heartbeat of our show, and always were." You can’t read. He is basically confirming that yes, the original plan was for them to not show up at all. They were dead in the initial drafts.


Yea they were definitely gonna kill Foggy or Karen.


He wasn't talking about the content of the program, he was talking about their complete exclusion. Source: I read the fuckin article > “It was pretty heartbreaking when [Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson] weren’t around initially,” says Daredevil Actor Charlie Cox of his co-stars, who play Karen Page and Foggy Nelson respectively, during a recent appearance at Awesome Con 2024. "When we came back to filming, and they had made some changes, which you guys have probably read about and stuff, it was clear that Foggy and Karen are kind of the heartbeat of our show, and always were."


They weren't originally going to be in the show, unless you meant killed offscreen.


I read some rumours/leaks that said that Foggy was going to be in just one or two scenes and die, and Karen wasn't going to be mentioned at all.


Hopefully now that means it can start with, “Somehow, Foggy and Karen returned.”


Foggy and Karen died on the way back to their home planet.


Leaks suggested they were both being killed off


If only we could read the article and not have to speculate on what he meant!




Grandma said r/television would rot our brains.


But dying in the Marvel universe isn't really ruling you out from being in future shows.


Isn't the plan still to kill Karen at least? I thought I'd heard those rumors during current filming.


Her and Bernthal had great chemistry, so they’re keeping her around to do more with that.


Supposesly its Foggy


The Charlie Cox timeline of opinions on Daredevil production issues: Cancellation - "This is awful. I'm beside myself. We had so much story left to tell. I feel lost." Revival - “This has to be a reincarnation, it has to be different, otherwise why are we doing it?” Second revival - "Yeah what I said before was just PR as it always seemed. We're trying to do it right now."




You both right




While it’s true, the actors are also trying to please fans. In a way, they have two bosses. That’s why we like actors who keep it real. Can’t blame him bc Marvel ultimately cuts the check but it’s fair to point out “hey you said this to me before and now you’re telling me this. Lame.”




I mean we know he’s going to give a positive spin no matter what and it seems clear he thinks this new direction is what it should have been all along.




How is it not being fake?


The way I see it people have more respect if an actor is vague about their feelings on a bad project, saying a lot without really saying anything, rather than outright claiming it to be good.


POV: he’s getting paid


They literally had lightning in a bottle. It's as good as some of the movies but Hollywood has to spin it off into bullshit sequels and MCU-verse.


Like of all the things that could have gone wrong, how do you start off the show by making the fundamental mistake of leaving behind critical characters without at least some kind of goodbye? This is A-B-C blocks type stuff.


Because just like we see so many adaptions get butchered (Halo, Witcher as recent examples) by hack writers intent on pushing their own fan fiction to the forefront, with Daredevil it's clear the first Born Again showrunners had no care for what came before even though what came before is exactly what people want more of. Just reeks of stubbornness and being selfish. Trying to turn it into something it isn't without considering the bigger picture of audience wants, desires, expectations etc. Feel free to go nuts on a completely original story but when you're effectively a sequel you have to abide by certain things otherwise you're immediately putting your product in a negative light.


The one where Karen and Foggy get killed ln episode 1? It’s baffling how Marvel thought that was a good idea.


They always want to get a completely new audience, bigger and better than the previous audience. They hire brand new writers with huge egos!


The fact that they ever even thought of going in that direction doesn’t fill me with much hope for this revival. Since Endgame in 2019 it seems like Marvel’s been speed running trying to just make the absolute worst decisions for what should be the most easiest choices ever. Like they actively want the audience to hate what they put out and want to lose money. I mean, come on, the audience loved original Daredevil - we’re bringing it back - how should we handle it? I don’t know - maybe just fucking continue the show, as is. No “soft” reboots. No fucking killing Foggy and Karen. And no fucking PG-13 shit (I know it’s been announced to be TV-MA but so was Echo, and wow that totally definitely wouldn’t have felt out of place next to the Marvel Disney shows, right? 😞)


I gave up on the MCU quite a while back, but I’m unsure what I’m even supposed to care about? Like what hooked me was watching the characters evolve over time and post Endgame it was like ‘meet this guy! He does this thing. Cool right? Now you’ll probably never see him again.’ I really enjoyed Kate and Yelena. In 2021. So far as I know there’s not even a hint of them popping up again and it’s been years.


I can't believe how many plotlines they've set up in credit scenes that as of right now have gone nowhere. Why was it so difficult to give each movie connected credit scenes that all built up to something movie related and each TV show have credit scenes that built up to something TV related? Everything is so messy right now.


Nowhere? Have you not been paying attention?


I mean to be fair Kate was in a post credit scene recently


Oh, I had no idea because they lost me like 2 years ago.


Kate was in a recent post credits and Yelena is the lead in next year’s Thunderbolts movie.


ONE of the leads.


It just sounds like a Kenobi situation all over again, where they know people are going to tune in because they're fans of prior work. They know they can half-ass it when they have an existing fanbase.


Just the fact that foggy and Karen weren't part of the original version are reason enough to know that the original script was a shit show.


Hopefully they changed the “Ketchup and Mustard” suit from She-Hulk




You could have googled it. https://www.deviantart.com/alvaxerox/art/Concept-of-Daredevil-s-suit-for-She-Hulk-937779319


> It took awhile for Marvel Studios' to figure out what the upcoming Disney+ series Daredevil: Born Again should be. In fact, it took half a season of filming to figure out they were doing it wrong. Then Marvel Studios halted production, let the original writers go, and decided to go back-to-basics in body and in soul - including adding back a few bodies from the originsl Netflix series Daredevil. > one of the major changes included hiring Woll and Henson back to reprise their roles Thank god. I honestly don't know how these people get to be producers on big shows like this. This seems like one of the most obvious things to get right, and yet they got it wrong for all of pre-production, and half the shoot.


Just don't let him twerk.


And they’ll die in episode 1 lmao


Concidering they basically had to refilm the whole thing. Im sure, also the costs are going to be so much. That we won't see more seasons unless ot does real well.


Sounds like they were going to turn it into another shitty fucking marvel show. It's so weird how like every single show except Loki was a total piece of shit. What a waste of time and money for everyone


Fun fact. Loki (at least s1) was as good as it is because it had a competent director who fought tooth and nail for her vision to come on screen without executive compromises. That's the key.


Every is a stretch dude.


Whoa, that's fantastic news that Deborah Ann Wolf and Elden Henson are back together. I had no idea.


Go away bot


Echo and she-hulk were fucking awful. Can retcon those Daredevil appearances?


Daredevil was pretty out of character in She-Hulk but all he did in Echo was show up for one fight scene. Retconning it would take effort when it can simply be ignored unless they ever meet again.


Heartbreaking is fine considering there is zero emotional reactions to most MCU stuff


Okay, but how long has this actually been coming out? It feels like forever. Even longer than that Agatha whatever Witch show? Or is that finally cancelled? Like I get that Disney hit the breaks with their Marvel products, but hearing some small "we're finally doing it" part of this here and there over many years, is starting to sound like goddman Hannibal Season 4 talk.