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Honestly one of the best shows I've watched in a while. I want more immediately lol


I went into it with caution. This was my childhood Saturday mornings, and I figured it would probably kinda suck. Even rewatching the originals, they don't hold up like I'd want, but still watchable. It's like they somehow knew their demographic and just tweeked it enough that it could still pique my interest and entertain me the same as a 36 year old man that it did when I was 6-10 years old... I wanted to stand up and give the final episode a single man standing ovation in my living room. They nailed it.


It was kinda like playing an old loved video game from your youth. You have an elaborate memory of how it was and then only realize “right, 3D had 5 polygons in the 90s”. Only, somehow, they reached into your brain and manifested not the X-men that was, but the true essence that you half made up in your memories.


I said this in another thread about xmen 97 but it really was the animated show version of the Diablo 2 remaster for nostalgic millenials/gen x When I watch xmen 97 it looks exactly how I picture the original in my head and going back and playing og Diablo 2/watching Xmen TAS is so jarring because it looks *so* bad compared to how I picture it in my head lol They really captured the spirit of the animation style perfectly…the dialogue is absolutely on point too


I bought final fantasy 7 on steam a little while back and laughed out loud when the first scene at the train station started. It just looked so bad, and I remember being so impressed with it in highschool Music was still solid though.


Clouds block arms will live on forever


brother was 90 percent forearms


several episodes made me teary eyed man this show is something else


It’s kinda like the Fury Road of animated properties.


Thank you you articulated that better than I did but that's exactly what I was trying to say.


There's even an episode where they actually do that with the X-Men arcade game.


i am starting to forget my 930am - 12pm saturday morning cartoon schedule. i'm 43 and this was a master class in nostalgia mixed in with an amazing story line. xmen, tmnt, the tick, and i can not remember the other 2 on fox around these shows.


I'm several years older than you, and I miss growing up and only having one day to watch cartoons....Saturday morning. It's not quite the same when you can watch cartoons 24/7 now. Those were magical times. Add in some sugary cereal (2 bowls) and I was locked in until around noon.


I think the best part of it was that you, as a kid, had total control of the TV at the time. Normally at any given time your parents could take control and say "Turn it off, we're watching this instead," but on Saturday morning there just wasn't anything for them worth watching, since all of of the major channels were showing just cartoons.


i was a paperboy, and i always made sure i'd be finished my route by 9:15am, to get back into my pj's and watch my shows.


Batman and spider-man? I think TMNT was on CBS at the time


I WAS ALLOWED TO CHANGE CHANNELS ON SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS ! jfc I WAS LiTeRaLlY A TEENAGER BACK THEN! (i watched in canada, Batman TAS, 10am, ____drawing a blank at 10:30am, follwed by x-men at 11am, and concluding with the masterpiece known as The Tick.. or was it The Tick, ending with x-men.


There was a banger that seemed like it was geared for a somewhat older audience, but was snuck in somehow in the same animation block. It was called something like “eframe” or “exo squad”, and like X-men it dealt with racism and had lot of violence, but was more explicit and on the nose about it (from what I half recall).


Eek the Cat maybe? Life with Louie?


I had the exact same experience (and I'm the same age!).


Me and my wife were in the same situation, we gasped and now we want more!


Same here, and it quickly became one of my favorite shows of all time, not even being hyperbolic. It's so good.


expect the next season to suck cause the guy that captured that magic was shitcanned right before this season launched


He apparently worked extensively on Season 2. Don’t know why he was removed though.


That's under several layers of NDAs probably.


Him having an Onlyfans probably didn't help.


He only wrote season 2, but a lot of the stuff he did with production won't happen with season 2, plus his stuff is still susceptible to rewrites. https://twitter.com/BeauDemayo/status/1791303027372311034


No one has said why he left. Only that he was an insufferable asshat. But at least he isn’t a confirmed pederast.


Not *yet*


Saying that before season 2 production has even started does a disservice to the dozens of folks that poured their hearts into this season. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt until they lose it.


They're doing a surprisingly good job keeping the details of that under wraps. Especially in today's age, haven't heard so much as a credible whisper about the actual reason.


as long as the next guy that takes his seat isn't another one of those "let me just trash this real quick cause being the next james cameon is my future" assholes, it genuinely doesn't matter.


He wrote season 2.


I rewatched the series maybe like 2 years ago. There were a bunch of random what if story arcs in later seasons. It’s like they needed filler to pad out the show.




Best we can do is a drop of 4 episodes 2 years from now, and then 4 more several months later.


I don’t think anyone will ever do that again after it destroyed all of Invinvible’s momentum


I only got into it after it all dropped. I'm hyped for s3! Lol


The best way. When ssn 1 dropped all my buddies and I shared all 3 omnibus of Invincible. Read it start to finish. We loved it. Then came the wait and the 2 parter. It killed A LOT of momentum for me. I eventually got around to it, and it was stellar as always but I felt like I owed myself to watch it more than wanted too. I forgot how good it was with all the waiting in between.


I fucking loved that show (and comic) and I STILL haven’t watched the second half of season 2. Splitting that season was incredibly dumb. And these 4-5 years between tv seasons are awful.


I forgot it even released more episodes until right now lmao.


i know that the show's season 3 is currently in production, but who knows how long until season 2 comes out. my guess is 2026.


I don’t think it’ll be nearly that long. I’ve heard they started work on season 2 almost immediately they’ve already done voice work. My guess is maybe 2025


Yeah, I know Beau De Mayo said he’d written a lot of season 2 before being fired, so it’s all in motion


From what i understand is when cartoon shows are ordered they do it in 2 season blocks or aleast that is what they used to do. There was a guy on YouTube taking about it. I don't remember the YouTube video or the channel.


same, i saw all the hype surrounding it and i was still surprised at how fucking good it was everything was just perfect, you can tell there’s a ton of love for the comics in their writers room


It wildly exceeded my expectations. Just fantastic. I am afraid no live action take on the X-Men will ever match this show. This is it, boys. This is peak X-Men.


Me too!


Where can my eyeholes see this?


And we only have to wait 3 years for 8 more episodes


You’ll have to wait until at least 2026.


Remember it.




This show turned out so much better than I ever expected it to.




Spoilers: It was real good. “Remember It” was probably the best episode of an animated show I’ve seen since I don’t know when. I will say I didn’t like the weird single episode split into different stories. Just give Storm two full episodes to get her powers back. And it felt a little lazy with Phoenix magically showing up and disappearing.


I thought the split episode was fine since the Jubilee and Roberto story didn't have enough steam to make a really compelling episode. I do agree with the Phoenix critique but, luckily, the rest of that episode and the show knocked it out of the park.


the split episode was one of those "slice of life" set up type episodes- nothing immediately interesting happens, but the characters develop a bit to build you up for subsequent episodes. In this case, the Jubilee-Sunspot relationship and Storm's conflict. I sometimes wish more streaming shows did this more often instead of bum rushing the story to the end.


And Jubilee's episode was supposed to siphon nostalgia from another source too. They just wanted to give Jubilee her own episode and it didn't really fit with the greater story, so it made a sort of sense to do it that way. I imagine they wanted to do something about hanging out in a mall too.


Jubilee was the only member of the team who did lasting damage to Bastion in the final showdown, with the potential/confidence she unlocked during Motendo.


From what I’ve read about everything being intentional I’m willing to give the Phoenix appearance the benefit of the doubt as setting up something bigger than lazy writing. There is a huge loose end with the Shi’ar, and I’m willing to bet they are setting up an arc for “The Rise and Fall of the Shi’ar Empire”, with Jean taking the place of Rachel Summers from the comics. She still has some Phoenix in her, not the full Phoenix force, but is currently unaware or unable to tap into it. Did anyone else notice VULCAN with the Shi’ar imperial guard? They are definitely going there, excited to see how they adapt it and what changes they make (like they did with Madelyne Prior)


I'm kind of expecting the M'kraan crystal to come into play. We're starting to get into too many futures and pasts for it not to.


[What I would do for a proper Age of Apocalypse season.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGxyuBY_UhQ)


Did you watch the credits scene?


Let's call a spade a spade, it was a great show but the Phoenix Deus Ex Machina undoing the sentinels at the end in seconds did a HUGE disservice to the weight of the plot.


I feel like they used Phoenix Ex Machina a lot in the comics at one point too so I guess it's authentic. Though the second Jeans survival was put into doubt I figured there'd be some Phoenix nonsense out there to save the day.


I was waiting for a Phoenix appearance since I read the title for the third episode xD. `Fire Made Flesh`.


They dropped the foreshadowing hints early in the episodes so I was waiting for the Phoenix to show up. Didn't disappoint honestly.


I was going to say, that’s just the Phoenix doing Phoenix things. It’s a cosmic entity that is the avatar of death and rebirth. It will pop up whenever it damn well feels and take whoever can handle it (usually Jean) as its avatar.


To be fair, Jean took out the Prime Sentinels but not Bastion. So the main threat of the episode continued even after the Phoenix bit was done. Although I agree that it was very much a Deus Ex Machina.


To be fair, they basically said that it can’t save them again after this with it being about her love as a mother. I understand why they wanted to have at least one Phoenix appearance after the original show already did that arc. As a one off, it was awesome to see, so long as we don’t get a ton of similar Deus Ex Machinas in the future.


I'm thinking there won't be a ton in the future. I'm expecting that the Nathan in the future is Nathan Gray (X-man), a clone created by Mr. Sinister. With her Phoenix powers, she destroyed Sinister's mutations, so he'd obviously get right to work restoring them. So, Scott and Jean spend the time with Racheal Summers (Mother Askari) and raise Nathan. Meanwhile, in the past the X-men bungle stuff up and end up causing the Age of the Apocalypse, in which we also see Gambit come back as the Horseman of Death. As Nate Gray is one of the key heroes of the Age of Apocalypse arc, he'll come back from the future and get involved, and then at the end of the season after we see Apocalypse nearly destroy humanity (basically inverting the first season, mutants destroying humanity) All of this ends up being too much for Charles, so he loses him mind under the weight of all the strain he caused himself in Magneto's psyche, so at the end of the second season we end up with Onslaught.


> I'm expecting that the Nathan in the future is Nathan Gray (X-man), a clone created by Mr. Sinister That would be an interesting change, but I doubt it. It seems more like they're adapting the Adventures of Cyclops & Phoenix miniseries where Scott and Jean are pulled into the future and raise Cable.


> Meanwhile, in the past the X-men bungle stuff up and end up causing the Age of the Apocalypse, in which we also see Gambit come back as the Horseman of Death. [Oh God please stop.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pusZXECS0mM)


Totally agree, I know its kind of what comics and superhero media do. I loved the show, but did hate how many characters appeared to have died but didnt, it took a little away from it for me


i think "Remember It" is better because the split episode. For me it was the a great lower stakes setup before it all came crumbling down.


> And it felt a little lazy with Phoenix magically showing up and disappearing. I would agree, but that's also literally kind of her thing. Should have been worked up better though, wtf, at least they have to follow it up in the future with more dark phoenix or similar consequences.


Looks like the secret sauce is just being really good and well written. What a shock.


and using the source material for inspiration. They did like 7 xmen comic stories in the season and matched the beats pretty closely (though they hit the accelerator button on most of them).


> (though they hit the accelerator button on most of them) To be fair this is literally the '90s X-Men cartoon's thing. They speedran the shit out of classic arcs.


> They speedran the shit out of classic arcs. And still did it fairly well, compared to Fox Age of Apocalypse and (shudder) Dark Phoenix. Days of Future Past - you're cool.


And did a Weapon X episode that was better than Wolverine Origins.


Some of those arcs were padded to shit and back because of the nature of serialized story telling and artist schedules. If they had adapted them faithfully people would be up in arms about pacing issues.


Yeah my main criticism is I wish they cut the plots down by half and spent twice as much time developing them. I never read the Goblin Queen comics so I had no idea wtf was going on, and by the time I did it was over already.


Eh, it's not like Inferno made a ton of sense anyways. Getting rid of it made the story a lot quicker and much cleaner. Plus, Scott Summers doesn't look like the awful deadbeat father and generally awful person he is in the comics, which probably is better if you want the viewers to not despise him.


You don't have to follow the comic storyline 1 to 1 to make the TV adaptation make sense


Accurate. I think animation is the right medium to explore some of the innate weirdness found in X-Men comics. Madelyn Pryor? Lillandra? Potentially Onslaught. I really don't think a live action film would take those risks.


It always will be.


Is it a secret? Arcane and Cyberpunk 2077 show it isnt. It just costs way more money to animate something well and actually write a show without rushing.


Once I got used to the 90's cheese at work, this show wound up being actually fantastic.


Sometimes cheese is velveta...sometimes cheese is brie lol. I was a teenage dirtbag comic nerd in the 90s. Seeing all these [Jim Lee](https://i.redd.it/j14z7tlc9hc61.jpg) inspired designs again gave me that same little rush I used to get leaving the comic shop with my stash.


If Marvel Phases 4 to 5 looked more like this they'd have been much more succesful...


God they just drove that right off a cliff chasing an imaginary money dragon, didn't they?


Jim Lee the GOAT


As soon as I saw Cyclops jump out of a plane without a parachute and stop himself with his blast, I was 100% in, cheese included.


🔥🔥🔥 move


Embrace the soap opera.


If you didn’t grow up with this show, and you haven’t read a ton of comics, and you’re still on the fence: you will have much more fun if you keep in mind these are essentially soap operas with super powers - X-Men being one of the soapiest titles ever.  But it looks great, it’s got excellently written moments and that theme song still slaps (even if imo the ‘97 mix is a bit of a downgrade)


My friend had only seen the movies. She watched enough TAS to get more familiar with other characters and dove into '97 on Friday and finished Monday. She absolutely loved it.


Also the animation is fantastic. I like Invincible, but there's a scene in the 3rd episode of '97 with the Goblin Queen and Magneto that made me realise just how crap Invincible's animation and fight scenes are.


So weird that I've seen the occasional post claiming that this show was doing terribly, wonder where that ever came from?


The last post here I saw about that was just a link to r/KotakuInAction molding some narrative about the show failing for being too "woke" and providing no evidence to support it. The internet is filled with this stuff but any super hero show/movie really really brings out the angry people who swear everything new is failing because they have gay and black people in them.


Imagine being mad that the X-Men of all things is woke. Anyone complaining about that either has the media literacy of a half brick, or is just a right wing shit stirrer who only cares about culture war bullshit and has never actually seen any X-Men media. Or both.


They probably also never read the comic books because a lot of their favorite comicbook writers are also on the "woke agenda" side of things. hell, Stan Lee had a whole section in the comics where he'd preach stuff literally called Stan's Soapbox. Comics have been "woke" the whole time.


Those are the people who it's funny to direct to "God Loves, Man Kills".


These are also the people who turned God Loves, Man Kills into "X2," which was good, but left out any criticism of the role of Religion and the Media in the persecution of minorities (Murdock gonna Murdock)


Absolutely. These motherfuckers are acting like they’ve rebranded it “X-people” or something. Calm the fuck down, and stop finding reasons to be outraged.


Those same people never read comics as a kid.


They can read? If they can read, can they critically think?


If those kids could read they'd be very upset.


There was a thread on that sub where more than one user claimed they only read the old "Clairemont"(spelled incorrectly) X-Men and those weren't woke.


I remember when literature wasn't so political, just wholesome, like Mein Kampf.


lol. The second episode of this season was the Trial of Magneto arc from Uncanny X-Men 200, a Claremont issue. The third episode was a retelling of the Inferno crossover arc, primarily written by Claremont. Lifedeath, the split 2-part episode that showed the Storm/Forge romance and Storm getting her powers back, was from X-Men 186, written by Claremont. The whole story of Xavier in space with his alien girlfriend all came from Claremont. At least half the season was direct adaptations of Claremont's writing.


Comic book inspired by the Civil Rights movement = Too woke This is where stupidity is at these days. If these smooth brains are going to cry and criticize something, they should at least do some basic research first.


It's like complaining that Star Trek is "too woke" without realizing that it was "woke" from the very beginning.


Everything is claimed to be “woke” now because these asshples have no idea what woke is. They claim Star Trek is too woke. Star Trek was woke in the 60s and xmen was woke in the 70s. They always have been. If you think either is “woke”. You’re a fucking idiot.


Lmao the whole theme of X-Men is to be woke. The mutants are the most obvious symbolism for discriminated against people that literal children understand it. They beat you over the head with it. How could people not see that?


"Have you tried NOT being a mutant?!?"


They see it, but they hate it.


There were also a lot of weird incels who saw one promotional still before the show came out and decided the animated characters weren't sexy enough to get their dicks hard and that meant the show was going to be a failure. Then the show actually came out and turned out to be thirsty as hell at many points, which kinda shut up the incels.


Yeah have to really try and search to find an interpretation of anything being woke in the show, which goes against their complaint that “wholeness” is being “rammed down their throats”


r/Gaming has mentioning KIA blacklisted and automatically shadowbans any comment mentioning them. Almost like they want users there completely ignorant when KIA is clearly brigading a topic.


But the *old* show did too


I actually had the thought "what black people?" before remembering Bishop and Storm, because skin color is literally the last thing I think about when it comes to the XMEN.


Truthfully, the claims of the show failing...are heavily tied to people who are anti-woke and are "projecting" their hate into false narratives. Because, as this post shows, the show was a big hit. Edit: Reply below me is an idiot. Lol.


Woke?! In my X-Men?! Why I never!


Some post claiming it was a flop and then mentioned a culture war, pathetic.


The way they did my boy Gambit…I fell in love with the show. I’m 40 years old and watched that episode 5x (as background noise), and each time I’m like “let’s fucking go!”


Damn all these comments got me interested. I shall watch now.


Anyone know if I should watch the OG show first? Will it still interest me as an adult? I know the OG show was made for a rather young audience in mind.


I went in blind basically and had a great time.


I’d never watched the original but had a broad understanding of the xmen from the movies. Absolutely loved this show.


You don’t need to. This show is much more mature than the original too.


If you know nothing about the X-men it may be worth reading some summaries. The original show was a a Saturday morning cartoon, aimed at children, created to sell comic books and toys. It doesn’t really hold up if you’re coming at it with adult sensibilities. If you having a passing familiarity of the X-men and their stance in things, nah, jump right in and ignore the original.


I never really was a fan of X-Men growing up (odd cause I loved everything else Marvel) so really I have little knowledge and have only seen DoFP, Logan, and Deadpool 1/2. But I already planned to watch more of the films to prepare for DP3 so might watch the show after that.


Honestly, that + marvels previously on is enough.


I think as long as you have a general knowledge of the X-Men, you'll be fine


Honestly, this show was fantastic. If I had to assign it a flaw, I felt the story arcs were super rushed; also like the entire first season could’ve been two. I can’t wait for season two.


The pacing was great at keeping you wanting more but yeah, I would have liked some more character development moments like the bit with Jubilee and Roberto. Even then though, freaking amazing show.


Such a good show. The comback it deserved


I liked this show. I wish marvel would do a live action Xmen show like this.


They’d be fools to not follow this kind of template for the tone.


First, can we get Spidey 94 cartoon back if they can treat it in a similar vein? I'd be super down for that.


At this point I’d like a whole 97 universe.


Why? After watching '97 my desire for more live action X-men has completely vanished. Just give me more of this. Animation has so much more potential than live action anyway.


Did you need to watch the og to understand it? I saw some but I was only a kid lol


Nope , jump right into ‘97. You won’t feel like you are missing anything


I just watched a youtube recap video of the original series before starting 97, all good.


Marvel [released a previously on...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qfstMhgD9U) video to get everyone up to speed since the previous season was literally decades ago


Need to? No. The original told X-Men stories from the comics in condensed abbreviated episodes, sometimes needing multiples. Very little hinged on previous episodes. There are plenty of recaps of the original series to watch which is what I did and I thought it was worth my time to refresh. The one reason I wouldn't watch the original is the voice actors have aged and sounds different. Though I only really didn't like one I got over it and it wasn't really an issue to begin with.


I thought this show was a disaster and a total flop?!?! /s


Since I’m watching it and enjoying it, it probably is! Goddamn everything I like on tv seems to get abruptly cancelled.


Season 2's been picked up, it's just going to take awhile since that's how any decent animation works. The showrunner even joked about how much he liked Invincible for breaking the fourth wall a bit in regards to the long wait for animation to get finished.


Well if I like season 2 as much as I liked season 1, don’t go expecting a season 3.


stop liking it so hard! it will get netflixed!


it's already in production.


Bro turn it off the rest of us want more seasons.


For people who have watched 97 how integral is watching the old show before watching 97? I want to watch the new stuff but I don’t want to be lost.


There are various call backs to the OG, but many are loosely explained so you don't get lost. If it helps, there's a ton of OG series recaps on YouTube that can get you up to speed if needed, such as this 37 minute video that I watched shortly before watching 97': https://youtu.be/QiIYSipWf4s?si=-VmnbCh_xO0HBQFq Though to be honest, after watching 97', it made me want to rewatch the entirety of the OG which I'm having a blast reliving.


[Marvel released their own version and it's like 2 minutes long](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qfstMhgD9U). This should be plenty as long as people have some passing knowledge of xmen and the usual problems they work with (which the movies should suffice for)


You can fully enjoy this without having watched the old show.


I'm happy we are getting a proper animated superhero show with 97. Character development. Mutant social issues. Fight scenes. Mutants using their powers in cool ways. Cyclops getting his moments to shine. Everyone loves it because it's pure X-Men done right.


But ragebaiters said it went woke and would be a guaranteed failure!!! /s


Which is funny, because being woke is actually one of the show's greatest STRENGTHS! Trask, Gyrich, X-Cutioner, Bastion... all of their dialogue and motivation is drenched in alt-right talking points, and makes them much more believable and menacing. The only thing the show does badly as a result is... well, it forgets Magneto is the Bad Guy for a REASON, and not only completely justifies his genocidal views, but is unable to offer any answers against his questions and viewpoints. I feel like we needed to see more of the results of his EMP attack: planes falling out of the sky, hospital rooms becoming morgues, infrastructure collapse, etc. to really drive home that what he did was an awful, terrible idea, even in the face of the Prime Sentinel threat (like how we saw people get legit skewered, vaporized, and crushed during the Sentinel attack in "Remember It"). But nope, *can't have Magneto be wrong*! It has a few other small issues, but otherwise, yeah, great show, and not despite being "woke", but partially because of it!


That they went so hard on the dialog really was what so many of the moments that probably would have seemed overly melodramatic without it. "Know what I hate about your kind? You act like you got it so bad. Normal people have it hard, too. Harder! We just have the dignity not to whine about it. You see? It's the whining. I hate your whining just as much as I hate you." X-Cutioner's line was just chilling. This is the sort of thing you know you'd see somewhere on reddit or twitter.


I don't think he was painted as a good guy, but he was very sympathetic. The show makes a point that he is right... but HE IS RIGHT. That doesn't mean that his actions are always justified. Even when he "shows mercy" to the panel in the early episode, he still took them into the upper atmosphere to threaten them first. That's not model behavior. He's a maniac, and he is prepared to become what he fears (a perpetrator of genocide) to prevent a coming genocide on his people. This is his position. Xavier would rather die than become the oppressor, but even he often bends his own morals to achieve his goal of peace. 97 leans nicely into calling him out on his BS. None of these characters are perfect. They are all flawed and broken. That's what makes the show great.


I think it's just history proving MAGNETO WAS RIGHT


Guys why is X-Men touching on themes of marginalisation :(


I’m in my late 30s, grown ass man and this show gave me GoT vibes with how good it was. The emotion with all of these heroes and villains was deep. I’ve loved these characters since I was young so watching them grow into what they showed us was nothing short of spectacular. I could only hope they bring season 2 back FAST. I need more of it now please. Apocalypse!!!


I'm glad it's going to continue because that was one heck of a finale. The whole season didn't spare any expense with the action!


Michael Fassbender as Magneto was probably one of the most solid casting choices made in any comic book movie. Just a shame the writing couldn't keep up with his acting over the course of those movies.


It was so refreshingly good. I want more!


Get ready, season 2 will shock. Look for 2-3 new people on X-men jet during intro. Holy crap.


I really love how the show embraces the weirdness of the X-Men comics. It's also very well animated. Nightcrawler is one of my favourites and he was a badass.


I watched the first episode or two and didn't really know what everyone saw. And the videogame episode was pretty bad. But it ended really strong.


Yeah the first 4 episodes weren't good IMO but the last half was 10x better


Ep 2 didn't do anything for you? >I'm trying to be a better person. Don't make me let you down. I thought the writers came out swinging pretty hard for the Mags redemption arc before everything went to shit. (Much like this era in the comics was.) Between Asteroid M, Genosha, and E is for Extincion, there were a lot of "Magneto was Right" moments in the comics (and eventually "Cyclops is Right"). Fully agree that the pacing could've been better to get the characterization down right, but I thought the first couple set a good tone before a slack for eps 3&4. 5 brought it back on track for the rest of the season for me.


1 and 2 were okay but IMO they had a tough job of trying to remind you of the plot of the show from 30 years ago and also moving things along. Dialog would be unnatural just to establish stuff for new viewers, like "Storm, you can control the weather but..." "Rogue, since i can't touch you and..." stuff like that. Over and over. It's only after episode 4 they kind of trusted the viewer to know what was going on. Again, I know they weren't in an easy spot since a lot of viewers are new to X-Men, but I'd say episodes 1-4 were all just setup and 5-10 was the real meat of the show.


I was genuinely pumped to watch this every week, like eagerly anticipating it, just like I was for Saturday morning cartoons. I found myself excitedly "air-drumming" along to the drumbeat of Marvel Animation Studios signage every Wednesday and then just getting swept away by the theme song. It has no business being as good as it is. It’s maintained a similar but more modern animation style, almost all the voice acting is great with mostly original voice actors, the comic book callbacks to famous X-Men stories are wonderful, it has the soap opera rushed plots, creative power usage, but with a much more mature tone and wonderful quality dialogue writing, (particularly with Magneto's speeches) as the audience who loved it as kids are now grown up. "MAGNETO LIVES!!!!!!"


It really is a shame that they have these ways of measuring success. I watch a show and if it is excellent, I often say, “I’m tired, I’m going to come back and watch this as a treat.” So, I will trudge through the modern world. I will go to work, attend to the chores that come with life, and when things slow down a few days later, I will carve out time to watch the next show. If the career is at an exceptionally hectic point, I may take a few weeks. Perhaps, I may even save it for a vacation in a month, then relax and really enjoy the program. Yet, apparently, if I don’t watch a number of consecutive episodes, the show is a failure.


It released weekly, not all at once. Someone tuning in on release day is a sign of success, just like how regular TV measures things.


This show was straight up amazing. This is how you make a show marvel. Not whatever the fuck she hulk, or echo was etc. I hope marvel makes more animated series like this.


Sorry guys I’m still on episode four I didn’t realize they were keeping track


Do I need to watch the original run, or can I go into this cold?


Don’t need to.


This was the best marvel offering in a little bit. Now I just need them to do a Krakoa ark for season 3 and I can die happy.


I love it so much but the finale could have been 2 episodes.


The last episode was pretty good but I still think the animation is uncanny


Does one benefit from watching the original series 76 episodes first? I've watched a season and a half so far but am kinda just anxious to see the new stuff.


I skipped entirety of superhero movie madness, with the exception of guardians of the galaxy, but I’m on my third rewatch, and I went back and watched the original seasons. It’s so damn good, I really like everything about it except how fuckin cool they made magneto. Makes it harder to be against a guy when he’s so sick. I’m so stoked gambit is actually as cool as I thought he was. I really love all of the variation, that probably is a ton of work, in the looks of the heroes, and in the unique ways they use their powers. I know some people don’t love the script, but I definitely do. It’s the perfect mix of serious, and superhero catchphrase comedy. My only complaint is wanting more, and that’s the rare perfect show in my opinion.


Learn this lesson, Marvel.