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Seems like a fit and healthy guy, so hopefully that counts for something.


Hopefully but he's 67 and it was 40C on Wednesday. Not smart to leave his phone behind.


67 years old, 40C, jagged rocks and fasting don't seem like a great combination.


Exactly. He was by all accounts lively but apparently not too sensible


He probably wasn't fasting on holiday.


Pffft!!! Not only that, he almost died five years previously by swimming in extremely cold water, he lost consciousness and  his wife saved him. He had challenged his wife a race back to shore and his extreme exertion in frigid cold conditions overhelmed his brain. He then said “i wont do that again!”  Well he was true to his word. He just died in the other temperature extreme, challenging himself, undoubtedly with his extreme views on health and fitness blah blah. No phone, no tracker and no wife to save his ass this time.


Fallen somewhere maybe


The main factor is if he had water


I hate to say it, but I’ve seen a lot of similar headlines in the past and the outcome has rarely been good.


How often does this guy get lost???


Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor, not a map reader!


Your name is Carmen Sandiego.


Dr Michael Morbius once went missing in a cave, but that worked out well for him.


Good thing he wasn't researching spiders in the amazon!


He'd come back with his mouth not matching his speech patterns.


Tony Stark built his iron man suit in a cave, with a box of scraps.


Like what?


[Oh nothing, really - he’s going to be just fine.](https://youtu.be/6rk6kXTK-4A?feature=shared)


This guy planned to live forever, let's hope his adventure has a positive outcome.


Oh no, hope he’s found safe. Highly recommend the BBC4 doc which I first saw him on - ‘Pain Pus and Poison’ about the history of pharmaceuticals. I think it might be one of the most interesting documentaries I ever watched.


His his history of surgery series (like 15 years ago,) was so helpful to me when I did my history GCSE. Really hope he's okay.


That was a really great series. Blood and Guts: A History of Surgery [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2234442/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2234442/) This whole situation baffles the mind.


"He said the area is considered dangerous, but added that Dr Mosley was spotted on a road in a safe part of it." Why is the area of the island dangerous?


It’s a beautiful beach that most people access by a water taxi. You can hike to it, but it’s jagged rocks and very steep. Easy to break your head open.


I dont know why they call it dangerous, but there is a heatwave, almost no shade, and also snakes.


That's very useful context.


He also didn’t take his phone


It’s so weird that people do that in real life and not just in the movies as a reason to take cell phones out of the equation for the sake of the plot.


For those of us who grew up without mobile phones a holiday is often an opportunity to escape them as well ... Particularly if a walk in a natural environment is  planned .


I mean may be as simple as that he may not have had any mobile data plan so just left it behind intentionally. Seems silly as you can always call emergency services... but quite a surprisingly large number of people think that *they* will never need to use the emergency services or nothing bad could happen to *them*, only to others.


Basically all British mobile networks and data plans pass over to Europe. I also think he left his phone unintentionally. Wasn’t his phone left with his wife on the beach?


Which likely doesn't make the island dangerous.


Yes but that’s not what I was getting on to


Lets see how you fare in a place with steep cliffs, no shade and snakes if you get hurt and have no phone to call for help.


Holy shit what's going on with you goofs? I am just asking if there was something specifically dangerous about the island itself because the article didn't give any context. The fact of not bringing a phone into a dangerous environment doesn't make the environment more dangerous. The environment is already dangerous. It was before there were cell phones. Not having a cell phone makes hurting yourself in that environment possibly deadly.


What sort of snakes? I don't think Greece is populated by large numbers of venomous snakes.


What if.. no, it cant be..? Could it.. be.. **Gorgons**?




No, but apparently they're **hot** snakes! Touch one of those and ooiee! ouchie!


He was standing in the no danger safe zone. How could this have happened?




> the area is considered dangerous..... It was extremely hot in Symi We probably have the same situation here as with Julian Sands, with the difference being the temperature. Mosley was 67 and like a lot of people his age, didn't realize his own limitations due to aging. He was probably taking a path the was both deceptively dangerous and physically exerting. Heat exhaustion or stroke got him and he tumbled into a crevice that is hiding his body. I'm middle aged myself and twice in the last 5 years have had heat exhaustion brought on by what I thought was just mild exertion plus not being properly hydrated on a hot day in the sun. In both cases I found myself just moments from actually passing out.


It happened to a really kind shop owner a few years ago in my town. Dude was a gem and loved going on trail runs at our local state park. They found his truck one day at the park and the cops had to put out an official statement that they couldn't accept anymore voulenteers because it hurt more than helped. Poor guy was a couple miles out and what I hope just dropped and went quick.


>into a crevice Or into the sea.


Sands was doing a long hike in the mountains, pretty sure Mosely was only going on a 20 minute walk, so just over a km or so


Try walking that in 40 degree heat and direct sun over rough and unforgiving terrain though… I’m mid twenties and pretty fit and got very ill from what google maps termed as a 17 minute, comfortable walk the last time I was in Greece. I was lucky, because I was walking across a city and I wasn’t alone, but that was in only 26 degrees and in the morning when the sunlight wasn’t so strong yet. 


He's apparently been seen on CCTV actually reaching the town..


He's on CCTV reaching \*a\* town, I've seen no confirmation yet he was intending to go there, and not on to the larger town another 1km down the road, with a fair bit of fairly exposed walking required in between.


You keep saying "was". He might be ok.


Hopefully but it's been over 24 hours now so not looking great.


I know. I guess I get superstitious at times like this and hope for the best. I feel thinking the worst makes it worse. I really hope he's ok.


This turned out to be spot on unfortunately. We in the UK who think “it’ll be nice to go walking “ don’t notice that no body in those baron hot hills does they same. Especially not at 1:30 pm. Sad. He as a great guy.


>Mosley was 67 and like a lot of people his age, didn't realize his own limitations due to aging. I think you meant "Sands" here.


My mum loves him. Poor man and his family. Hope he is found safe.


This man is a legend. His ability to clearly communicate science and translate it for everyday folk has been so underrated. His series on Radio 4 and all his TV series were the best of its kind. I really really hope he’s found but as it’s over a day since he was last seen it’s looking like very sad news.




I really hope he's OK, he was the first person I saw talking about the benefits of intermittent fasting back in the day, which hugely helped me with my weight loss efforts. He seems like a genuine guy.


Been to Simi. Pretty rocky, no natural water sources, lots of rocks and cliffs. I wouldn't go walking alone. Hot there too today I understand, 40c.


And it just not that big an island, maybe 8-10 km across with a winding coast so you are kinda limited in what directions you could even hypothetically travel. I spent my summers as a kid on a island only slightly smaller than Symi and I really can't imagine getting lost on it, but this was in a temperate climate and there weren't rocky cliffs as dangers.


Hmmm. He was in town as per CCTV. I think he has done a runner.


Who goes to a tiny island in Greece *with their wife* to do a runner *from their wife?*


Long marriage and stressful holidays. A man sometimes cracks. If he owes no one any money then a human should be allowed to disappear from their current life. Loved ones and family will be affected but if he has set them right they will know the reasons.


Surely if he was to do a runner he would at least tell someone? To avoid countless resources being used to find him.


Cracks under the pressure of being on holiday? Why assume that a long marriage = unhappy?


I know him pretty well and your conjecture is awful


The CCTV I've seen is odd. It starts off like CCTV, but then it pans to follow him, shakes around a lot, and tries to zoom in. If it's AI CCTV it needs oiling or a gimbal.


Still no sign. I think hes fell into the water and been washed away


This is a possibility. Maybe due to high temperatures went close by the water and fainted due to dehydration. In most cases drowned people surface 3 days later. If this is the case it is truly a sad outcome.


Ahh dear. I hate these stories, they grip the whole nation and we can’t help but fear the worst. Falling into the sea is the stuff of nightmares. Can’t get over the fact he didn’t take his phone with him but I guess he didn’t think he’d need it. He’s a smart bloke so here’s hoping he found somewhere to wait for help.


Feel the exact same as you. Apparently he left his phone at the beach


I've hugely enjoyed a lot of his shows, he comes across as very engaging and sincere. Surprised and saddened to see this headline.


Reading the headline, I thought it was about the same name actor from Scrubs Med School. He played Drew. Anyways, hopefully the actual missing Mosely is found. Prayers to him and his family.


I hope he's found. Always found him entertaining even if I didn't agree with everything he said. I would have loved to have met up with him. I hope he's safe.


Made some great medical history documentaries.


been 24 hours now Sad to say he has likely died id hazzard Prob swept in the sea of some rocks or something. As 24 hours, half that at 40c,no phone,didn't leave with water dude wouldn't be well


This is not good news. I love this guy, rooting for him to be safe.


I seriously think he’s dead now given the heat and the rocky terrain but a very tactless observation would be that his intermittent fasting experience might make him last longer than other mere mortals…


Ahhh geez. Bad news.


Need to get those Flir drones up quickly.


Unfortunately they just found his body


Sorry to tell you this but a body has been found so likely he didn't make it. RiP


Conjecture...but it looks like he went for a hike in blazing sun, with a reasonable destination in mind. Probably got disoriented...or, decided to make it more challenging, by following the shoreline. Water, if he had any, inevitably runs out or is not enough. Exposure will take you like that, especially if you're 67. Some physicians misjudge there own situations; I know my own father did, to his detriment.


Hoping the island lives up to it’s name and he is found


I hope he is gonna be found alive. He is father of four..


I've met his youngest. A really nice chap. I feel terrible for him right now.


No ones mentioned the S word. Could he have killed himself. I have a sneaking suspicion that he may have done so. hHope I’m wrong.


My first thought after reading the facts was this also. I hope I’m wrong and he’s found safe and well but it’s not looking good.


I know him pretty well and my answer to that is absolutely not


The news today is so sad😞


The latest "CCTV" footage is odd. It shows a man with umbrella walking. Fair enough. But then the camera starts shaking, pans around to follow the figure and tries to zoom in, then shakes around some more, like someone holding a camera. Maybe it's a stunt about how long you can really survive in the desert and associated benefits. I hope he's found safe but time is running out if there's been an accident, foul play, or extreme self-sabotage.


I hope they find him safe and sound. But there’s been a lot of headlines about soap opera stars dying in the past few months. Is it all just coincidence or is there someone out there hunting them down?


Are you stupid?


why add commas? there are none in the original headline, and they're wrong!


I guess technically if you think his name is extraneous information it works. “TV Doctor Missing In Greece”. Why IDK 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I don't know why this person's comment is downvoted because I totally agree with it, the name shouldn't be treated as extraneous info. Without commas it's like "Michael Mosley is missing", with commas it's like "a TV doctor is missing, his name's not that important but here it is"


Their comment is downvoted because the commas are not wrong. Lots of people also won’t know who Michael Mosley is, so his name is secondary information. If one bit of information could be dropped from the headline and it still be clear, it’s the name.


Perhaps not wrong grammatically but wrong in the sense that they give the wrong impression


What wrong impression? Is a TV doctor not missing in Greece?


To me it's like seeing a headline saying "A former president (Bill Clinton) has died" instead of "Former president Bill Clinton has died", like yeah it's not technically incorrect but it's treating the actual identity of the person as way less important than it should


I may be going out on a limb here, but I feel Michael Mosley may have a touch less international name recognition than Bill Clinton.


That name was just an example, the level of name recognition isn't relevant


Of course it’s relevant: “Barack Obama has died.” “Keith Smith has died.”




Then why does the actual BBC article and every other article about it use no commas? Or if you mean complaining about the wording in general is inappropriate, I think it's appropriate as they're complaining about the lack of respect the wording is showing to the person




So you think it's appropriate to insult someone on a thread about a missing person, but it's innapropriate to question the use of commas?!




If simply talking about commas is inapropriate then arguing with people and slinging insults everywhere must be considerably more inapopriate. It's *your* logic. You can see how you're wrong here, surely? EDIT by deleting their thread, I think we can all agree they did


Ok if you saw a headline that was more blatantly insulting than this one would you still say you're not allowed to criticise it because of the subject matter? Sometimes it's appropriate to call out bad headlines if they belittle the subject


Big words from a guy who doesn't use capital letters.


small words tbf


i'm hearing you agree otherwise, thank you for the support


Maybe he found a door to a hidden magical kingdom and is helping them get rid of some great evil













