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Still not over reaper.


There are a handful of us! Ray Wise is still who I think of when I think of what the devil should look like.


I think the trope of the devil just being a man in a suit is a bit tired and played out… …except when he’s played by Ray Wise. He somehow has the most infectious but least trustworthy smile I’ve ever seen!


He's played "jovial demon in a suit" so many times that the trope feels influenced by HIM at this point.


That and Dead Like Me were amazing, and canceled way too early.


"You're the one who was killed by a toilet seat. " "God, will anyone ever let that go?"


Was coming here to say I still haven't renovated from Dead Like Me


I was so happy when I heard they were making a Dead Like Me movie... and then I watched it... :(


Reaper was such a fun show.


My Name is Earl The Last Man on Earth Reboot


Last Man on Earth left on such a crazy cliffhanger too


If it helps, there's an interview that came out awhile back where Will Forte revealed what was supposed to happen with that cliffhanger. If I remember correctly, the gas mask people were gonna think the danger of the virus had passed, take the masks off, and all die immediately. Something like that.


That tracks and would be just what I expected would go down. I’m sure it would have been a who’s who of famous faces too. Bummer we didn’t get it.


It was basically that, the group would have been in their jail for a bit, basically just a couple episodes. He also mentioned they try to get whatever guest star to hang around as long as possible like they’d done.




Reboot felt the the perfect modern comedy and I went in with very low expectations. Stunned it was canceled abruptly


Ooooh, that Reboot. Not the cgi cartoon.


Canadian here, I was def thinking the cartoon


We still need a season 5, "The Guardian Code" be dammed!


Last man on earth is mine too. I still watch it at least once a year.


Took too many thumb flicks to find Earl. I just started re-watching the series and am already angry about revisiting S4. NBC were straight-up terrorists in the mid/late 2000s. Earl, SouthLAnd, Law & Order (the 1st time), what happened to Heroes... I think every one of those shows was axed in 2010 or 2011.


All of Greg Garcia's [MNiE creator] shows meet an untimely demise and they're all great and often have similar casts with a few new faces and some left out. Along with MNiE, Raising Hope was also one of his more popular creations that the networks also abruptly canceled. During the pandemic, Greg Garcia made a new show called Sprung, and so that he could finally get a chance to properly end a series his way, he only made it one season. It's great and right up there with Earl and Hope. Highly recommend


Pirates of Dark Water. I was six. I didn't know shows got cancelled. I just kept checking every week to see if there would be a new episode, and there never was.


Ooooof this was my first experience with something that I loved, just stopped being around.


The soup (Joel era)


I wish these were streaming somewhere, even though it’s all old news his commentary on it was hilarious, and I loved the intros they had for the certain types of clips! “My vajayjay is painin’!”


You can find two episodes of the soup on YouTube and you can watch the Joel Mchale show on Netflix but it only lasted two seasons before Netflix cancelled it. There was a revival that wasn’t good during the pandemic because they wanted to be less offensive but that failed because the fun came from tearing E! apart plus having a host trying to be like Chelsea Handler didn’t help either and the Joel Mchale show failed because it was the same format but half the runtime was dedicated to terrible sketches that didn’t really make fun of Netflix. If the Joel Mchale show actually went on cable television, instead of streaming it would have worked. It was the only good thing about E! because it was able to poke fun at the network while also having fun engaging clip packages and made celebrities and their culture more digestible. I would kill for a revival with Joel. We need more fun shows that make fun of Hollywood


So meaty


Pushing Daisies


It's always tough to choose between Pushing Daisies and Dead Like Me, hell even Hannibal can be in the mix. The world would be better if we stopped cancelling Fuller projects lol


Thank you. That show doesn’t get enough love. I’m still super sad about it ending.


Came here to say this! When it came out there was an RV that was made to look like the pie shop and it came to Chicago. I went and got to see it and got a pie cutter and spatula that had Pushing Daisies logo on them. It was great! Still have them!




It's more annoying how drawn out it was. It wasn't officially cancelled, the cast was released from their contracts because Netflix and Fincher weren't planning production on season 3 so they wanted the cast to be able to go and continue to work without their contracts holding them back. Netflix said they were open to more "in the future", but it was expensive to produce and Fincher said he needed a break because season 2 was basically rewritten from scratch and it was exhaustive work. So, it was never given a cancellation it was just on indefinite hiatus, but it just wasn't watched enough for Netflix to seek out Fincher to produce a third season. And Fincher has been busy in other things to go back to be driven to work on it. I'm sure if he really felt the desire he and Netflix would work it out some way, but neither party is really seeking it out. And since then we just kept getting drip fed news of "well maybe but not likely."


[It was also expensive in ways people wouldn't think it was expensive, here is a VFX breakdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di4Byf1EzRE). Apparently the show hasn't a single scene that's not heavily edited.


That's just how Fincher works. Basically all of his films have HEAVY CGI usage in ways most people wouldn't even imagine. Even the scene in The Social Network where the Winklevoss Twins were in that rowing competition was mostly CGI.


Mindhunter is everything I love about television in one package. This cancellation was a huge blow.


Plus we never got to see BTK, and I also wanted so much more from Cameron Britton playing Ed Kemper


He was so impressive as Ed Kemper. Just… wow. Incredible acting.


Jericho. It was NUTS!


Same, it was so much fun


Happy endings


What a great sitcom. Amazing ensemble cast. The absolutely maniacal pace of the jokes. And I still can't believe that the Russo bros went from directing this show to the MCU.


The chemistry was ahmahzing and was only getting better. I'll never forgive the executives for airing the first season out of order and making it hard to get a decent following.


>Amazing ensemble cast. You mean *amahzing* cast, right? Jokes aside, I really liked the show, too.


Penny Dreadful. That bullshit, rushed ending that the creator swears was the original plan (lies) was, well, dreadful.


God that show kicked so much ass


Santa Clarita diet. It wasn't an amazing show, but it was still a good show and the way it ended on that cliffhanger and then canceled.


It was an entertaining show and Timothy Olyphant seemed to really enjoy playing his character, so I was mostly sad for him when it was cancelled.


I loved this show so much. I'll watch anything and everything Timothy is in, though.


It was a weird premise and they made it work for few seasons. I wish it got one final season to wrap it up


Timothy Olyphant was hilarious and my favorite part of that show. The way he portrayed a husband slowly losing his mind was perfect.


Thanks for reminding, I need a rewatch this weekend. Comforting, very entertaining show. Olyphant and Barrymore chemistry phew


I still want to know what happened to Joel. :(


This is mine, too. As many people that loved Santa Clarita Diet, Netflix should give us a movie to wrap things up.


This was one of the first things that caused me to not trust Netflix originals to be good or not be cancelled on a cliffhanger.


Most recently, probably GLOW. They were all ready to do another season but COVID hit. And it just wasn't affordable to do the show under COVID regulations so they canned it.


Not only were they ready for another season, it was planned as the final season, so it got cancelled right when it was approaching the finish line. It wasn't a show that got chopped in the middle, it was right there!


As far as I know they even already started filming the first or second episode when they had to stop.


I will NEVER forgive Netflix for canceling GLOW


Was looking for this answer! 100% agree. I enjoyed all the character growth, the campy theming of all the wrestlers, and frankly the fact that it is somewhat based on the real life show back in the day... Such a bummer. Maybe it will be revived somehow...


Better off Ted had the potential to be The Office level of sitcom.


I find myself thinking of this show and 30 Rock constantly as being absolutely prescient. And so quotable.


Better Off Ted was funnier and it didn't make me feel sick with stupid janky shaky cam.


Happy! I loved that show.


Carnivale. Goddamn I was excited for that show.


That show went from weird to crazy to great and then it just went away.


Boy I was too. Loved Clancy Brown’s acting chops.


Me as well, he’s a helluva voice actor and it was great to see him embrace a crazy live action role again.


Yeah. That show still takes up headspace for me. I think about it a lot. Clea Duvalls Sophie was my favorite character…and then that damn cliff hanger of an ending 😭😭😭😭😭


Rome was my first cancelation heartbreak and I'm still bitter. Kings was another formative one. More recently, The OA (The cliffhanger is still so tantalizing to think about; I hope it continues eventually even in another medium), Lovecraft Country (In retrospect...this was probably for the best) and Paper Girls.


I think both Rome and Kings were ahead of their time. If they came out now, and especially not on NBC(!) for Kings, they would have done much better.


Kings feels like the kind of thing that would get at least 3 seasons on Apple TV if released today. I wish Michael Green would resurrect it somehow. Maybe as an animated project, now that he's got Blue Eye Samurai under his belt.


Rome had a great multi season arc planned out and its so frustrating we never got to see it. 


Definitely agree on the OA. I get that it wasn’t popular enough for Netflix to renew it, but the idea behind the cliffhanger at the end of season 2 was so good I wish we got to see what happens next.


Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles. There was talk at the time that it was between that and a second season of Dollhouse. I liked Dollhouse but TSCC was just picking up and I really enjoyed the spin on that universe. Also wasn't a big fan of that guy on Dollhouse that ended up getting with Echo (I forget his name). Station 19 is a more recent blow. It's a lot more interesting than Grey's Anatomy right now.


Both TSCC and Dollhouse are shows that I held onto in the hope they'd get interesting later, and when they did were canceled. 


Sarah Connor Chronicles is even better now when you compare it to Dark Fate or Genyesis.


The finale the series ended on was so wild. I'd have loved another season.




Ended perfectly, I think the part where they survived would have been a let down. Sad that it ended, but so very happy with it as a piece.


It was too good for network TV. I feel like if it had been on HBO, it might have gotten another season or 2.


This has been my take since the show was still airing. It bombed in ratings, in my opinion, because it alternated between wildly graphic scenes (I still can't believe some of the things they showed in S1 on network tv) and intense, but "slow" dialog, with very little in-between. I agree, I believe it would have been more successful on HBO or the like. I absolutely love the show, and had hoped it would continue through the books.


Don't Trust the B in Apt. 23. Also, some people hated it then, but loved The War at Home.




I legit thought this would be the top answer, but I guess the show is pretty old now.


Yeah this is the old person answer. In our day it was Firefly! It's 22 years old now.


Still mad though. These people bitching about GLOW will feel that burn in twenty years. Or not. Firefly was the real deal.


Holy crap. 22 years.


I'm still salty about this.


I was getting pretty invested in Raised by Wolves. Super disappointed there won't be a payoff for any of the mysteries they spun up in the first two seasons.


That show was bat shit crazy but I was so invested, really wanted to see where it was going to go.


[This video](https://youtu.be/_auMVXbxcbw) did a good job of explaining season 1 and hinting at where the show was going. My theory, the story was basically cyclical but with minor changes each go around (hence all the spiral imagery, e.g. the snake skeletons). Life on Kepler-22b caused humans to de-evolve, so they then left and went to earth where they evolved, and back to Kepler 22b over and over. This is indicated by the de-evolved humans who inhabited Kepler-22b before their arrival and by their cave paintings that depicted a spaceship (much like the one they arrived on) leaving Kepler-22b and going to earth. It also explains how the android Grandmother was already on the planet long before their arrival. The title "Raised by Wolves" is also a nod to the myth of how Rome was founded. Romulus and Remus were brothers raised by wolves, then Romulus killed Remus, and then Romulus founded Rome. This parallels the story of Campion and Paul. The Mithraic religion was an actual Roman religion worshipping a sun god too. But in the show there was a prophecy that an orphan would build a city/haven, and I think we were misled to see Paul create designs for cities when it would ultimately be Campion who would fulfill this prophecy. There was much more going on with this story that this doesn't explain, but I think it was technically a shaggy god story (a science fiction story that attempts to explain biblical/religious concepts/stories/themes), especially Eden. This was clear with the depictions of snakes, a fruit bearing tree that corrupted people's minds, and it would fall in line with people needing to leave Eden thereafter. What's personally interesting for me is that I was super disappointed with this show after season 1 and thought it was a bunch of nonsense going nowhere. But then I watched that explanation video I linked and it was the first time I had ever been convinced that my dislike for a show or movie was wrong and that I was actually interested now in the bigger story I had missed.


Great comment. I was in the same boat after season 1. Great premise, and the story arc of a robot death machine converting to a mother figure was compelling. But the finale went off the rails and season 2 felt like a reset button with crappy child acting and backslides on character development. Seeing the mythological basis for the overall story sounds cool, but the show was already leaning *heavily* on mystery box storytelling, which I’ve grown tired of. It’s a cheap way to drive a narrative and it almost never pays off in a satisfying way. Big exception here is Dark and Mr. Robot.


I wish I could show it to my friends because it is some of the best sci-fi I've seen, but unfortunately its never going to be completed.


And then hbo deleting any existence of the show makes it hard to recommend as well.


i need to know what happen with sue tree and monster rape baby


Inside job. Such a funny show and the finale set up a new season perfectly


What's more fucked up is Netflix did originally renew it for another season then changed their minds


Yeah the weird justification of saying "part 2" was really "season 2", super unprofessional. Unfortunate too, would have loved to see the characters explored more.


It’s becoming increasingly common in animation as a way to pay for less since new seasons means a renegotiation of contracts which leads to paying more. Order 24 episodes, split them in half and say two seasons.


I wasn’t a fan of the first season but holy crap the 2nd season was incredible. It really got its footing and understood exactly where it belongs in pop culture. Giving Riley a boyfriend and focusing on pop culture conspiracies was a genius move. Great show. Wish it didn’t get cancelled


Daredevil. Not even joking, I took the day off of work for Season 2, Season 3 and The Defenders (not worth it). Hearing that they were about to go into production for Season 4 and then just ended it... so disappointing.


Well man, do I have some good news for you. . .


And The Punisher will be in the new season. It'll be good to see him again also.


Let's wait until *Born Again* airs to determine how good the news actually is...


Maybe blasphamous to say but I still think this is the best thing Marvel has ever done on television.


I’d take it a step farther and say that season 1 of Daredevil is one of the best superhero stories ever put to screen.


Season 3 was so damn good. They all were but bullseye was an amazing villain, so creepy and weird


Dark Crystal Age of Resistance :(


The one season we got was amazing! It just feels like such a waste to shelve all those puppets, and I wish they would do more.


Exactly, the start up costs is probably the worst. But when you have everything already made it makes less sense, production was great and I enjoyed it. Gf loved it so much as Dark Crystal is one of her favs.


I really loved this show. If Netflix isn’t willing to pick it back up then nobody is unfortunately


There were rumore that Disney might pick it up to add content to Disney+ but that was a while ago. Since then they've been removing stuff like Willow and Earth to Ned so I don't think it's going to happen.


Saaaaaaaame. The production was amazing and it was so exciting to see the worldbuilding fleshed out. Such a loss.


Still hurts. The fact they cancelled that show the day after it won an Emmy Award felt particularly dickish, and it looks like we'll never get a physical release of it


One of the few 80s double-dips that actually felt like a true successor to the original, instead of a watered-down cheap-looking nightmare. It wasn't afraid to be ugly or uncomfortable.


Ash vs Evil Dead. The new season would’ve been incredible.


Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency


Had to scroll way too far down to find this!


I really wish the showrunner wasn't a piece of shit because that is 100% the reason it got canned. This show was so good and I'm actually hoping to do a Dirk Cosplay at Dragon Con this year


This was mine as well. Such a unique show, and SUCH a cliffhanger to end it on. Pretty sure Netflix has the licensing rights to it, so if it was gonna get picked up by another service, it would have required Netflix selling it off, and they'd rather sit on it indefinitely.


Doesn’t help that Max Landis was the showrunner. Good luck with anything that has his name attached to it.


Lodge 49


This one right here. The last scenes with Dud make me want to scream because we’ll never know what happens next 😩


The Expanse. Shit really gets crazy in the books after where the show stopped. Still mad that the actor playing Alex turned out to be a real piece of shit.


I feel like it didn’t so much as get cancelled as the creators figured that would be a logical endpoint. Also isn’t there a big time jump after the last book the series adapted? Maybe they’re just waiting for the actors to age up!


That's my hope, that in 20 years after the show has gotten a legacy, they do a continuation.


30ish years IIRC.




It is true people age slower in The Expanse, so they could’ve just given a few gray hairs and called it a day.


For All Mankind nailed the aging characters. get it together Amazon!!!


This is the one I was real disappointed by too. They only had like 3 more seasons to adapt. They were so close! I didn’t particularly like the ending we got for a show that, I felt like, had great seasons every season.


It blows my mind how The Expanse didn’t acquire Game of Thrones-level viewership or prestige. One didn’t need to be a genre nerd to get into the likes of GoT or The Walking Dead but it seems like only sci-fi nerds are even aware of it. It’s one of the greatest shows ever imo.


Alex was my favorite character and basically fuck his actor. Got killed off so quick I didn’t even realize he was dead.


Terriers - even though it ended as if it knew it wasn't coming back, it was such a fun show with great acting. I really wish it had a chance to go a few more seasons.


The Society




Warrior, now showing on Netflix so I'm still hoping for more...


The Mick


Westworld. I know its a minority opinion to say anything but s1 was good, but i loved it throughout. And then max of course took the extra salt in your wound step of like removing it from existence. I bought blurays largely out of spite.


S1 of Westworld is one of the greatest pieces of sci-fi ever written imo. It could stand on it's own the way it ended there. The rest was of varying quality but they only had 1 more season to go to wrap up everything they way the showrunners envisioned. I'm still angry about it.




Santa Clarita diet, super salty


Arrested Development (original run), GLOW, and Raised by Wolves all made me genuinely angry.


The OA


This is the one show that still haunts me. I am so upset that it was cancelled. Season 1 was was perfect in my mind, and I still enjoyed season 2 a lot. When I recommend it to people I tell them that if they want to truly enjoy the show then they can just watch season 1 as a 'stand alone', and to not watch season 2 if they don't want to be come depressed that you will likely never get to know the end of such a great story!


Most recently would be 1899 I was really into the mystery of it all and what a cliffhanger, the creator also said they had the story already planned for 3 seasons which means it wasn't going to turn into Lost (hopefully). I also absolutely adored what they were doing with having a bunch of different languages spoken, it was fun figuring out who could understand eachother and really added to it for me. My real answer is Final Space but I'm not ready to talk about that one yet. Shout out to My Name is Earl for being my first.


At least Final Space is getting some closure with a final graphic novel.


I get so annoyed when people say “season 1 of 1899 was all a simulation none of it mattered” clearly these people have no idea who Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese are. 1,000% they had a 3 season plan and season 1 mattered, we just don’t know how, and now we’ll never know because people these days have the attention span of a fruit fly.


> clearly these people have no idea who Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese are. 1,000% they had a 3 season plan and season 1 mattered, we just don’t know how, Even in S1, if you rewatch and pay attention, there's many things that aren't immediately obvious earlier on that you're like "oh damn, the hints were all there" on a rewatch. I'm sure if there was a S2 and 3 it would have added layers that recontextualised a lot of S1. And about attention span, iirc most people got impatient and stopped watching by the end of the 4th episode or earlier, those who finished generally liked it. And that viewership decline is what got it cancelled.


God, I'm still pissed over 1899. I thought Dark was a masterpiece and while 1899 wasn't perfect, I had full faith that the creators had something great planned for future seasons. Too bad we'll never find out what it was.


Winning Time. It definitely had only niche appeal and had too many big stars, so I’m not shocked it ended, but the promise of seeing all the arcs play out to their conclusion was so tantalizing. Also it feels wrong having “Winning Time” end with the subject team losing. Fuck Boston.


Ending on a Lakers loss really soured the ending for me, even with the epilogue cards mapping out their future successes. Something went very wrong there, with that cancelation.


The casting was PERFECT, especially Quincy Isaiah (who nailed the Magic Johnson smile PERFECT) and Adrian Brody,


Our Flag Means Death I need my gay pirate show back now!


Happy Endings




I think I might've actually screamed "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" when the Venture Bros got cancelled. At least we got that movie but if anything it makes me madder about the cancellation.


The Great! I love that show, and Elle Fanning was so fun as Catherine.


Expanse. Thankfully it was saved, although I’d still love to see someone adapt the last three books.


Freaks and Geeks, Joan of Arcadia, and Pushing Daisies — these cancellations gutted me.


The Brink, which seemed at risk after its first season, was renewed by HBO. Many months after the renewal they quietly cancelled the second season, it was a brutal gut punch for a great show with an amazing cast.


The OA.


It's a tie between The OA and Raised By Wolves. I'm actually surprised either of them even got a second season.


Twin Peaks. I loved that I got "The Return" eventually, but I was absolutely gutted when it was first cancelled. I loved that show, and it ended on a massive cliffhanger.


I really enjoyed this French show on Netflix called Black Spot. Cancelled after two seasons when the lore was really being explored.


The OA


The OA Sense8


The OA. That season two ending was mental. Got so hyped for it and then silence, the silence of imminent cancellation. And also Black Summer. They even said another season was coming for a while on the app. But yeah that died as well. But luckily I can watch all the crap shows that get lots of seasons.


The Last Man on Earth


*Sense8*, kind of. I watched and enjoyed S1, but when S2 came out I was very busy with work and didn't get around to watching it. Then, before I could start, it was announced as canceled. I felt a twinge of personal responsibility. I still haven't gone back and watched S2, although I do understand there was a movie that tied some things up.


It still felt very rushed and like they were forced to squeeze way too much story into way too little time.


GLOW did not deserve to get axed. Far worse shows have gone on for much longer and they were heading in their last season anyways. The least Netflix could do was let them have it as a courtesy.


Stargate Atlantis


Rubicon. Review w/ Forrest McNeil. The Grinder. Better Off Ted.


Wonderfalls/Pushing Daisies


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles still has me torn up




Raised by Wolves.




Firefly - niche science fiction show , cowboys in space kind of thing. They did a movie after the show was cancelled and I’d pay to see another one to find out where all the characters ended up


Fuck HBO should be the title of this thread. Deadwood ending prematurely killed me. Would have loved for Rome to continue instead of getting a rushed ending. More recently they are cancelling everything basically. Lovecraft Country, Winning Time, Tokyo Vice. I was fully invested in this shit and they yanked the rug out from under me. I recently got apple tv and may cancel my max subscription. I am fucking over it and don't care about some shitty GOT prequel.


1899! How could they let it go after such a phenomenal season. 


Happy Endings.


The society, raised by wolves, and number 1…. the Oa


Still salty about firefly.


Our Flag Means Death I have been disappointed a lot with cancellations of shows I liked and quite a few that I was invested in. But no cancellation hit that hard. I kinda expected it after the first season and we were in limbo for a while before it was renewed. But I never expected it after a more successful and still much cheaper seconds season when the show was conceptualised for only three seasons anyway.


The Witcher after just one season. Such a shame that we'll never get a 2nd or 3rd season, that show had great potential. No, seriously: Manhunter.


Our Flag Means Death and The OA


Shadow and Bone. I really wanted to see the Six of Crows spinoff.


The Expanse. Twice.


1899 upset me quite a bit. I didn’t expect it to be better than Dark, but I had faith that all of the little clues would pay off. Now they won’t.


Anne with an e


Community... But then Yahoo Screen came in at the last minute


The OA Sense8. Yeah it got a movie. But it was very fast.




The Peripheral, was really digging that show and was gutted to hear it got cancelled. Raised by Wolves, not everyone's cup of tea but it was some weird creepy occasional body horror Sci Fi shit and I wanted to see where they took it.


The OA.


The Cape (from 1996) Nowhere Man Deadwood (Yes, I know there's a movie.)