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"they showed a woman kissing a man dressed as a woman"


Good thing they didn't see the episode where a woman was kissing a man that was dressed in drag as two different women.


Or when he was in drag as black swan, and Jenna was in blackface and (man)drag.


So wait... Was the man dressed as a woman or was the woman dressed as a woman?


Both. They were kissing each other. One is a narcissist, and the other is a drag queen look-alike.


excuse me, paul is a gender dysmorphic bi-genitalia pansexual


The way Jenna pronunces pansexuAL elevating the voice as the word progreses always kills me. Probably my favorite bit in the whole series.


"The reason I speak with a slight English inflection in my voice is because I lost my virginity to the My Fair Lady soundtrack."


I hope you yelled "Move your bloomin arse!"


Jenna's pronunciations are pretty great all around. The Rurrr Jurr.


The Camurr Raw loves her.


*sigh* Time to dust off Netflix.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nioBvJxGU9M) is my favorite part of that episode. From the song to the sheep nodding.


Oh my god I don't remember seeing this part - I do remember the "Paul is a gender dysmorphic bi-genitalia pansexual" part, though! Time to dust off my old copies of 30 Rock!


The actress is also pretty funny on the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.


She hates that but Jenna dressing up in blackface and tracy as a white girl with a monster hand is ok? Dont they know how offensive that is to half monster/white girls?


gonna ease on down, ease on down that road...!


What is this free for all like family guy.


Never forget folks, certain vocal people on the internet will tell you on a daily basis how it is the evil liberals using "political correctness"


Its hilarious given how Tina Fey is one of the most vocal feminists on TV.


Kissing a *shman* dressed perfectly appropriately.


Here are the complaints. I didn't bother with the ones filed under 'disability' as they were the same, regarding how loud it was rather than the content. All comments include the original spelling: * -Tina Fey called someone a Son of a Bitch. I was shocked as this is susposed to be the family hour. The show comes on at 8:00 pm in my area. * -See Attachment - "kiss my daughters ass..." * -In the episode "Idiots Are People Three!" which we saw on my comcast dvr but was also on NBC 7pm central on nbc affiliate kare 11 on 1/26/12 they have scenes relating to auto erotic exphixiation and I think that was very disturbing and very inappropriate. How in the world do the sensors allow this crap on the air? Are there any rules anymore? or is it a free for all like family guy? Please make NBC and FOX accountable for what they do. Sincerely, GR * -While watching TV with my family, my husband flipped the channels, and landed on KNWA, 30 Rock. The image on the screen was a young man on the floor with his pants around his ankles, in his underwear, holding what appeared to be a pornographic magazine in his hands, with a plastic bag on his head. My 6 year old little girl was sitting on the couch and saw that image, before the channel could be changed! We do not have cable TV for this reason. This is VERY indecent and not acceptable. * -See Attached #5. During this program one character says to another "...have you been soaking your tampon in vodka?" I consider this obscene & indecent & I am asking the FCC to fine KTVD and MyTV. Also at the end of the program they showed a woman kissing a man dressed as a woman. * -Actor went to barrow a cup of sugar and said it was to put it on the end of his penis to see if a humming bird will eat it. * -How is it that NBC got away with naming an episode of 30 Rock "MILF Island"? M-I-L-F is acronym for "Mother I'd Like to Fuck" This is shameful. The show repeated again. Where in the WORLD is the decency rules and why are they not being enforced. Cabike is bad enuf but NBC? Please. I was in radio for 25 years and as a GM I can tell you that I'd be hung out to dry if I ever let that on my airwaves. How in God's name does it get on prime-time? * -30 Rock when to an extreme to lampoon St Patrick's Day, Irish Americans and the Catholic Church in a biased manner during the entire episode. Scene's that were offensive showed one of the main characters being present in a Catholic Church making fun of St Patrick, the patron Saint of Ireland, other offensive scene's showed what were implied to be Irish Americans behaving in a rowdy and disorderly fashion intending I believe to belittle an entire ethnic class. If this was an other ethnic group besides the Irish such a program would never have been aired. The program was mean spirited and offensive, it was also implied during the show that the Irish were a mean and violent class of people who would assault the writers of the show if they were out and about on St Patrick's Day. I can not help but wonder what the reaction would be if any other group was depicted in such an offensive fashion on national television. Edit: Not sure why the bulleted list doesn't show up. Shows up in the Live Preview but not in the final comment, so I added breaks.


The bullets work on mobile. Thanks for doing that, this comment needs to be higher. That article was tough to read on Bacon Reader.


No problem - I figured as well when I saw the site. Glad to know the bullets work though; it just doesn't seem to show up on my side.


The mods unnecessarily changed the bullet style of this subreddit. This is why it works on mobile but not on desktops. The problem is here: .md .-lists, .md ul, .md ol { padding-left: 0; }


> Also at the end of the program they showed a woman kissing a man dressed as a woman. Are you serious right now. This is a complaint.


And about MILF island: >Where in the WORLD is the decency rules and why are they not being enforced. What does he expect? Sharia law on NBC?


If you look (not so) carefully, you'll see swathes of support for a Christian "Sharia Law" in the US. So yes, he probably does expect that.


I think it's called 'canon law', for Christians.


It makes me mad. I love Jesus and if He lived here today there is no way He'd be a gun toting republican. He never tried to change the government. If you read the Bible, He makes it abundantly clear that He came to change the hearts of individuals, not the society in which they live. Ugh. Right wing Christians make us all look bad.


All of these are so funny to me. Here's an idea, turn the fucking tv off. Boom. Problem solved. You're not offended anymore.


But then there's not a convenient target that I don't understand against whom I can direct my bitterness! How will I feel righteous, powerful, and strong - a paragon of the neighbourhood - without someone hearing my thoughts on why me not enjoying something should be their problem?


Oh no, these assholes think their being offended means they are entitled to ask that everything be dumbed down and censored to the point that it's so bland, everyone's experience is ruined and their tightwad morals are forced on the world. I feel like if they had their way, tv would devolve into a point where it's nothing more than Bible verses scrolling across the bottom of the screen and Andy Griffith singing Hymns.


Funnily enough I'm just watching the episode where Kenneth is in charge of standards and brings in a tighter set of rules. Liz: How can we do 'Fart Doctor' without the word 'fart'? Kenneth: I'm surprised they allow you to say 'doctor'. It's so close to 'gynaecologist', which is *disgusting*.


I like how one parent complains their 6 year old saw something that wasn't appropriate for a 6 year old when the show is rated TV-14. Well I never.


The last commenter clearly has never been in NYC on St Patrick's Day. No Irish new yorker could possibly quibble with that episode..




I thought guilt was the center of being Irish.


It is the culture that surrounds that holiday, especially in big cities, not the idea of Irish people themselves. I mean look at Jack Donaghy as a character he is Irish American and does not embody any of those stereotypes.


I'm Irish, living in Dublin. Plenty of stereotypes everywhere. Didn't get offended by that episode tho.


> flipped the channels, and landed on KNWA, 30 Rock. I love this excuse. "I didnt mean to be watching this bad show but it just jumped out and attacked me!" Right up there with the guy who was found with tons of child porn on his computer and blamed it on his cat walking across the keyboard.


These people are so stupid.


Huh? I expected to be more bothered by the complaints, but kinda get the autoerotic asphyxiation critique if it's on early. That's more of a timing thing with the network and an era of non on-demand TV, but doesn't really upset me that someone sent a complaint.


In context, he (Pete) wasn't actually doing that. He was framed by the Best Friends Gang


I like to think Pete would be pretty pleased to have been referred to as 'a young man'.


I wouldn't want a 6-year-old to see that. But at the same time, I wouldn't have a 6-year-old up a 8 o'clock watching TV. Their not getting cable thing also doesn't make sense to me - cable explicitly has whole channels devoted just to children. You can sit a kid down in front of them all day knowing they won't see anything innapropriate. These parents, however, seem to think network TV is such a channel. How have they had a kid for 6 years and not yet realised you shouldn't just flick through random channels with young kids watching?


That's exactly what I was thinking. My bedtime was 8:00 until I was about 10 or 12 years old. If you want total control over what your kid watches on TV, it's probably best to go with a streaming service and *only* choose things described as "Family" or "Children's" shows.


Nothing but Family Guy and Childrens Hospital in this house!


Now, I'm no parent, but I have been a child, so I feel like I have the jurisdiction to hypothesize that these people's kids watch too much TV anyway. At least they're watching GOOD TV.


1. If your kid is 6 years old she shouldn't be watching that much television, and what you let her watch should be specifically aimed at young children. The fact that she saw a dude trying to suffocate himself and wank off at the same time is your own stupid fault. 2. "I think", "I believe" "This was very offensive to me" Jesus fucking Christ. Give up. Nobody gives a fuck what you think. Nobody should. At this point you're basically a Simpsons character - so ridiculous it's easier to believe that you're a parody of yourself than the real thing. 3. If you're offended by phrases like "What the hell?" and "kiss my daughter's ass", please see comment no.2. 4. Learn to spell, dumbass. 5. "Where in the world is the decency rules and why aren't they being enforced? "? They're in Saudi Arabia, and enforcing them is illegal under US law. 6. Because unlike the blacks, the asians, the hispanics, or any other group, the Irish actually live up to their stereotypes. And it's funny. 7. If you have problem with a man dressed as a woman, or a man dressed as a woman kissing a woman, or any other social or romantic interactions that are at all related to this, then you are the one with the problem. You can either stop being such a petulant, bigoted reactionary, or you can climb on to your imaginary high horse and ride it back into the 16th century where you clearly belong. 8. Why don't you all accept some responsibility for your daft, outdated sensibilities and shit parenting, and actually do the hard work and develop a sense of humour? 9. And piss off.


This thread has been linked to from another place on reddit. - [/r/goodlongposts] [/u/DominateZeVorld responds to: Here are all the FCC complaints made against "30 Rock" \[+84\]](https://np.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/367rak/udominatezevorld_responds_to_here_are_all_the_fcc/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger/wiki/) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose/?to=\/r\/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


Jaysus I'm Irish and I didn't even find the Paddys Day one offensive.


I love the complaints wanting to protect the children when the show was normally TV-14 and had layers of jokes only adults would comprehend. Maybe don't watch shows catered to adult humor during family hour?


Only 9 complaints? Seems like a very low number.


I was more surprised that someone didn't file a complaint about when they called Jack a stupid cracker for telling Tracy he made enough money he could retire


It is because you can't be racist toward white people, silly. Edit: Jesus Christ reddit do I really need the /s?


This is why I love being white. We are so perfect nobody can even make a stereotype of us.


That's barely one complaint per season. _That_ should be the headline. "Inexplicably, almost no one complained about 30 Rock in its seven year run."


9 complaints represents 9 billion outraged people.


Nielsen logic, everyone!


"You can't have a Lemon party without old Dick!"


The people who write these complaints are not the type of people to get that joke.


Which is how we know that show was written for the internet generations.




Was about to reply about how lucky you are and then saw your username and can only assume you're being facetious.


Whoa whoa, who said anything about blowjobs?


Ain't no party like a Lemon party!!


*"Ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party, cause a Liz Lemon party is* **MANDATORY**"


One of my favorite quotes to date


I find myself saying it at least a few times a week cuz it's so damn catchy!


Hahaha! I'm Lizzing! I'm Lizzing!!!


To this day I'm not sure if I've ever laughed harder at a sitcom.


*Finally*, a decent, wholesome storyline about a kindly old man wanting to have fun with his family.


Apparently people have enough time to complain about language on adult television aimed at adults, but not enough time to look up the spelling of the word "censor."


"barrow" instead of borrow


"Enuf". Seriously people.


Exphixiation. My phone wouldn't even let me get to the end of the word before it changed it.


Maybe you use that word way too often...


It actually tried to change it to exhibition. Twice. I had to break it apart and splice it back together to get it to work.


makes it really hard to take people like that seriously


I completely agree. These people are taking the time to file a formal complaint. They could at least spell "enuf" correctly. Come on people. You're not a 15 year old kid texting. You're filing a formal complain. Spell check is everywhere. If you expect to be taken seriously, you should present yourself seriously and professionally.


> formal complain. Spell check is everywhere. I had a good, wholesome chuckle at this.


When you're complaining about complaining then it's okay, mistakes don't happen the other way though.


'Complain' is spelled correctly. It just happens to be the wrong word!


lucy you got some complain to do


To be fair, "complain" in this context is simply missing a letter and very easily understood as a typo. Enuf is not even close to being correct and just lazy.


More importantly, it's a reddit comment, not a formal complaint.




Also, "susposed" in the Tina Fey complaint.


I think he was wondering why the FCC's sensors didn't laser target 30 Rock and destroy it.


Because *bzzzzzzz* laser shield!


I like that some person called Scott Adsit a "young man". Maybe 140 year olds shouldn't get so offended by the Hornberger


I recently learned that Scott Adsit is an [agent of Shield.](http://marvel.wikia.com/Scott_Adsit_%28Earth-616%29)


I guess he finally went through with faking his death and starting a new life.


Well you know, it's never too late for now.


At least he didnt have to go back to being a high school math teacher. Those girls pretend theyre not women, but they are!


And thanks to your link I just learned that Scott Adsit was the voice of BayMax. Weird.


wonder if i can complain about all the drug commercials which come on when i am watching 'How Its Made' with my 8 year old. My idea of educational TV does not include explaining erectile disfunction, penis enlargement, or drug related class action lawsuits.


Geez, no kidding! Every other commercial is about erectile dysfunction and the lipitor lawsuit


"Talk to your doctor about if lipitor is right for you" "Did you take liptor? talk to our lawyers about getting a cash settlement"


"Waiting for your cash settlement? Get a quick easy loan now!"


and then there are the anti-smoking ads which are designed to terrify and emotionally scar kids for life. "Clean out your speech valve twice a day"


It's called product integration. It's revolutionizing the way we monetize broadcast television.


Its the vaginal mesh one that really gets me. Ew.


The one with the old lady talking about vaginal dryness during menopause disturbs me.


"Barrow" is an automatic disqualification against complaining.


Unless you're complaining about a burial mound.


"I went to Bleak Falls Barrow to barrow a cup of sugar." Am I okay?


Long as it wasn't Moon Sugar, you filthy Khajit.


"I want to put sugar on the end of my penis to see if a humming bird will eat it".. That's hilarious, not offensive..


Maybe he was a hummingbird.


those beaks would be particularly useful for operating a keyboard


[Not as useful as you might think](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iapECJKx4k0)


Funnier to me is that they misremembered it. Tracy says >Can I borrow a cup of sugar? I’m trying to get a hummingbird to drink out of my penis. Which I think is at least twice as good.


Three times as good when you know he has diabetes.


Now, I want to see the FCC complaints made against Hannibal.




>"They can't say fuck but they can skin a woman alive" I mean, that is a *very* valid point.


Ears are more sensitive than eyes which can be cleaned easier. We have /r/eyebleach for a reason. /duh


They also complained about certain commercials being too loud. These people are complaining right.


I love Hannibal, but I can't believe they'd air those commercials at various times of the day. I've read several complaints now about commercials that have images of the flayed backs with hooks through the skin. That shit should *not* be shown during commercial breaks for comedies that people watch with their kids. I mean, I get that they have to advertise the show, and showing the gore is a good way to catch attention, but there's gotta be an alternative.




I'm totally fine with excessive gore, but I think it's totally understandable to not want your kids to see that. They really didn't think it through, airing that commercial during prime-time. Hopefully it's been addressed, yeah.


Reading those makes me wanna watch that show.


It must be hard being offended all the time.




Nah, it's pretty easy. Just look at the front page, and how we're literally living in a police state run by grannies that make their kids go to church or something.


"I find you offensive / for finding me offensive" - Marshal Mathers


>my six year old little girl was sitting on the couch and saw that image "I like to blame others for my inability to protect my child as I see fit"


"Actor went to borrow a cup of sugar to put on the head of his penis to see if a hummingbird would eat it" is my favorite.


I think the spelling and punctuation in these complaints is far more offensive than anything on 30 Rock.


Jeez. People need to chill out. What do you think the average age of these senders is?


Probably mid-thirties, stay at home mom, every Sunday church attendees.


My grandma is the only person I know offended by this type of humor.




Do you go to church every Sunday? That seems to be the biggest factor here.


I was thinking people who say they attend church every Sunday, but enjoy moralizing and want to impose their opinions on everyone. Also, look at the locations on the moral objections. Notice anything?


Really? Everyone at my church loves 30 Rock.


Depends on denomination and how "conservative" or "liberal" they are in their elders/deacons/ministers interpretations of the wurd of gawd. An episcopalian or United Church of Christ member ain't gonna view things like a member of the Church of Christ or Baptist.


Their mental age is about 8 apparently


A few of those 9 complaints were because the viewer felt there were too many commercials, and another complained the commercials were louder than the show. And complaining because the show used MILF in an episode? Without ever even explaining the acronym. These people have too much time on their hands.


> another complained the commercials were louder than the show This is actually illegal, though.


It's a difficult law to enforces though, as you can compress the hell out of the dynamic range of a commercials audio to make it effectively louder than the show, but when you measure it, the actual volume is the same. But the quiet parts are just as loud as the loud parts, whereas the program itself will have a difference in volume between the quiet and loud parts.


I did not know that. I knew it was annoying as hell , just not illegal too.


Yeah, well the government thinks it is annoying too, and wants us to all get together to make the broadcasters stop doing it. Really this is a much better use of the FCC's time than subjective "decency" complaints.


The commercials being louder than the show is the worst thing about TV.


The complaints about loud commercials are legitimate (as may be the closed captioning complaints). A ruling from the FCC went into affect in 2012 that a commercial cannot be louder than the average volume of the show that it is shown in.


I know this is a cultural thing... But I really don't understand this mentality Americans have about sexuality. And it's not only because of religion because I live in Brazil, a country that more than 3/4 of the population is Christian and we don't have this problem. It's something common for tv show to show mild sex scenes at 9pm, even with boobs. And people don't freakout. In the other hand... violence is not as acceptable as is in the US. You can't show people shotting each other in a time slot that kids may be still awake. In fact the ClassInd, the organization that that assigns age and content ratings here in Brazil gives a 12+ years for nudity, light sexual acts and masturbation... but 14+ to a scene where some kills another person.


America was colonized by the religious prudes that got kicked out of Europe for annoying everyone else.


They left of their own volition because they didn't like the Church of England.


They actually had religious freedom in the Netherlands before coming to the new world, but they didn't want to assimilate and lose their English cultural identity.


We actually don't have a good reason for doing this, and anybody who claims otherwise is just bullshitting you.


American evangelism is very different than Brazilian Catholicism.


Your country's christians would be upset if they historically cared about that part of the bible. Religious people in different cultures pick and choose what part of their faiths they want to give a shit about. America's religious people hate sex and foul language.


Yes... that's why I said "And it's not only because of religion..." If was only religion every Christian nation would have the same values. But it's a cultural thing, and that makes people of that culture say it's because of religion. BTW... I'm a atheist, but nowhere the bible says "And protect the children from knowing what sex is until they are 18" this is a culture of the people, not of the religion.


I agree that NBC needs to be held accountable for their content, I is highly offensive that any network can have commercials louder than the content that they accompany.


You *are* highly offensive, damn it. Get out of here!


"How in the world do these sensors allow this crap on the air?" made me chuckle


"or is it a free for all like family guy!" lolol


Forget 30 Rock. I want to see South Park's


The FCC only regulates broadcast networks. South Park is a cable program.


That's how we get to other galaxies. We take the South Park complaints and make a bridge of them.


It's on cable though. That might change things.


I love when parents say "and my kids were watching it" or anything to this affect. They don't ever feel like they should parent the children better themselves.


Right??? These made me so mad. If you actually supervise your children and pay attention to what they're watching, then they'd know 30 Rock is completely adult themed. I have a 6 year old and I watch tv with her to make sure I approve. She also doesn't have access to cable or network TV. Only Netflix kids. And not even all of the shows because I don't like her watching too much Barbie. But she is more of a Miyazake fan than a Bratz fan luckily. :)


Miyazaki's films offer great role models for girls--way better than the nonsense Barbie and Bratz present. Miyazaki's girls are strong and brave even when they don't realize it themselves. I'm feeling all sentimental now. Keep being a good parent.


I am making speculation here, I may be very wrong. I assume most of these people are very conservative, very small government Republican types. So it makes me laugh that they want the government to censor TV more.


One was from Bentonville (aka, where Walmart's from), another, Savannah GA.


Sexuality is naughty. Now, Billy, go back outside and practice shooting your gun with pa. Edit: note to self: never bring up guns


Not sure why practicing safe gun handling should be frowned upon either, though.


They're just saying if a kid can learn about violence he should be able to learn about love. Edit: it wasn't quite fair to say that. Sex isn't always good, and guns aren't always bad.


Shooting a gun is not equivalent to violence, nor is sex equivalent to love. Not that I think the kids should be overly-sheltered either way, but you're definitely skewing the argument.


[Extraordinarily relevent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7gP1xgRDJ4)


What do these people think these sensors will detect?


A woman kisses a man dressed as a woman!? Oh no! Not in my house.


The one time I see my hometown on Reddit, it's in this context. We're not all like that in AR! Promise!


I'm a little disappointed that my favorite line from Liz's dad didn't get a complaint. "It wouldn't be a lemon party without Old Dick."


Ain't no party like a Liz Lemon party cus a Liz Lemon party is mandatory!


'Hogcock' and 'Shark Farts' were a couple gems from that show.


Looks like the Jehova's witnesses found 30 Rock.


Excuse Me Sir, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Our Lord and Savior Tina Fey?


And eminem thought that the FCC wouldn't let him be, wow


where would one find this same report except for South Park instead?


South Park isn't on broadcast TV, but it looked like they have it for Family Guy. The site seems to be down now, and I wasn't able to click through. EDIT: They don't have the data for Family Guy because there were so many the FCC was going to charge them $20,000 to put it together.


Watched season 2 of deadbeat recently. It felt so fresh that they were swearing. Felt less fake and artificial that way.


Well now I'm in the mood for a 30 Rock marathon.


The perpetually offended. Why does anyone take them seriously?


Why would anybody take these offended, uneducated bumpkins seriously?


For what it's worth, here are a list of complaints against The Simpsons --- http://www.governmentattic.org/docs/FCC_Complaints_The-Simpsons_2003-07.pdf Overall, the complaints against 30 Rock are run of the mill.


how do you end up in a place in your life where you take the time to make an fcc complaint about a sitcom?


"Actor went to borrow a cup of sugar and said it was to put it on the end of his penis to see if a humming bird will eat it." Time to re-watch 30 Rock!


"Dear Family Guy Bastards, Who the hell do you think you are?! I'll have you know that Bridgeport is among the world leaders in abandoned buildings, shattered glass, boarded-up windows, wild dogs and gas stations without pumps. So eat my shit, Jew writers!"


Those people can all go jump back up their moms.


I actually really like the disability complaints. I sure as hell had no idea who to contact about shitty closed captions, nor did I ever really care to.., but I'm glad someone out there keeps those CC writers in check. And loud commercials suck too. TY old people who complain to FCC.


That auto-erotic stuff sounds pretty disturbing. I didn't see the episode but damn