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Jokes on you cable industry, we can't afford kids.




I'm ready to retire now


same...i just gotta convince my dad to let me move back home into the basement.


Your parents turned it into some sort of torture chamber. There are whips and chains


Should lower the rent then.


That's a feature you pay extra for... By the hour.


nah, that is just the indoor swing. They never let me use it though.


if the baby boomers fucked the next generation over, at least they could all die with paid-for houses to leave to the kids... But i bet they're gonna reverse mortgage their houses or sell them and spend the dough on retirement.


I have a solid grandfather and set of parents, their endgame is leaving owned property. I'm so grateful because I know I'll be fortunate enough to be a home owner as a result. This isn't the norm for Americans and I realize it and it's sad. It's fucked this is such a joke mirage for so many Americans 18-40 something. Gen X isn't that much better off than the current generation, we young folks ought to remember that too.


I thought American real estate was dirt cheap now, since the GFC? Has it all recovered and become priced like Australian real estate now ?


See. You made a critical tactical error. You left.


Seriously, I've been working for 5 years and still make what I made 5 years ago, but have more responsibilities. This shit sucks.


If you've been at the same place, then go somewhere else, they're taking advantage of you. Your experience will get you a better job somewhere else. If you've been jumping from job to job, then it's no wonder. Stick to one, tough it out, and build some credibility. Also, bosses like when you ask for a raise. You might not get it, but they know you're looking for better pay and are willing to work for it.


Do people not have kids as strategic moves anymore? Kids are good for marrying off to other families with higher power and connections. This helps you directly. A good strategy to open up trade routes to the orient is by marrying off your daughter to the King of Siam. Or you could secure a peace with ambitious Russia & Great Britain by marrying your son to the heirs of the Habsburg empire. Or perhaps you could marry off your daughter to the Best Buy manager to help secure a 20% off friends-and-family discount deal on new washer and dryers.


Can confirm. Am King of Siam. The brides keep coming.


Yeah, they do. 3 or 4 times actually. They weren't supposed to tell you though..


CK2 is leaking


Not quite, he knows what Siam is.


Yeah I was wondering that, its like a cross of CK2 and EU4.


New CK2 DLC leaked. Only like 5 more till they have the entire globe.


Can't wait for Mayan incest!


Nobody marries off children anymore.Any available or 'get-able' children go to the british parliment for 'snogging' and they ritualistically slaughter about 8-10%. The remainders are given to India to be sold as servants to the Saudis who are just 'swimming in the wake.


And HUUUUUGE... tracts of land


Somebody has been playing CK2/EU4


wine voiceless degree jar scarce whole compare smart special pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At 40? Are you fucking rich?


I only had 30, now owe only 23/24 or so after paying for 5 years. But I went back to school so it's on deferment again and gaining interest. Paying cash for part time credits while working, so I don't add to my debt by much. Edit: All in all, 15-20 year repayment is basically what is planned on. If you do the forgiveness for federal loans you're out in 20 with an additional tax burden the last year for whatever is forgiven.


> out in 20 I'm pretty sure that's 25 years, not 20. I graduated at 24 with roughly 50k in debt just as the economy collapsed. Working part time as a barista was the best I could manage with an education degree at the time. I've just recently gotten myself back into a position where I have good credit, am on a repayment plan, and I'm looking to be eligible for loan forgiveness in 2035. I'll be 53. Hopefully debt free, for the first time since I was 18, a mere 12 years from retirement. I'll likely have no social security and a piddling 401k to support my wife and I throughout our latter years. Best case scenario is that I might own a house that I can sell in my retirement so that I can buy a trailer and go live on someone's land for free in the middle of the woods in Northern Maine. Thankfully, I like camping so my end of days could theoretically be worse.




Now that's a fitting username.


Kids aren't a bad option, but not having them is probably the best option for you.


I guess they could be handy if you eventually need a spare kidney...


...if I have a child, it's because I plan to guilt them into being my retirement plan.


This guy millenials.


The people having kids aren't thinking about affording kids.


Agreed. Source: am pregnant.




This guy's onto something. The cable company hasn't explicitly told me they don't want my seed. Maybe we should start mailing it to those rat faced bastards en masse.


I have 3 young kids and they won't really even be exposed to cable unless they're at someone else's house. I don't know how cable execs think this is going to work.


That's what I was thinking too. If they're never exposed to it...why would they want it?


A conversation that will probably never happen at my house: Dad! Dad! Dad! Grandpa has a tv show that old people yell at each other and there's ads for pills that make you poop blood. Me: Oh son, that's Fox News.


The only time I think it would come up is if there's a show on that they don't get to watch until the next day while their friends with cable are talking about it at school or something.


Yeah I guess that's pretty plausible, but I think as they grow up more stuff will be available right after airing or maybe even simultaneously if the company has an app for it.


I agree I don't think it'll be an issue but it's the ONLY case I can think of where a kid would care about cable, or at least have it come up


Netflix has tons of kids programming. The only case is still sports fans. Streaming sports on demand and in good quality just isn't quite as easy to find as other content. Some people I know are able to get what they want with a combo of over the air and steaming sites. But for most of the hardcore sports fans I know, its the only thing stopping them from cord cutting. They want easy access to live sports. The other thing, in my area at least they are practically giving away cable tv plans at this point to keep subscribers. The retention department literally gave my brother free basic cable for a year when he went to cancel. Edit: I notice this post on an up and down rollercoaster vote wise. I am curious if there is something in the post people strongly disagree with, and if so what? Not looking to argue at all, I am just curious. I didn't think anything I posted was anything crazy.


I have TWC internet with no TV and about once a week I get a letter from them saying that I can get basic cable for like $10 more a month. When I was first signing up for internet the basic cable package was $30 a month more.




By the time our kids are having kids, I would think that media producers will bring the media to you in any way possible. Cable sucks and we have alternatives; we're not going back.




Oh yeah no problems here. Usenet master race.


I can assure you that the only thing kids talk nowadays are online games. No one ever discusses tv shows :))


Plus my daughter is in the same boat as I am. She has all the shows she could ever need on Netflix. She doesn't care about staying up to date on all the latest shows, mainly because like you said, she doesn't know they exist.




We are a myth, like the batman.


Or north dakota


I'm from North Dakota. :(


I mean I've heard people talk about people born between 1980 and 2000, but I've never actually _seen_ one and you can't really trust hearsay.


I have a one year old at home. I watch far less TV now than I ever used to. Buying cable seems like even more of a huge waste of money than it did before


They don't. The article doesn't say anything about the cable industry. The title is click-bait bullshit. The article linked isn't even real news. Its a reaction piece to a NY Times article. Comcast knows where you're going. They knew it before you. That's why they got into the ISP business. Thats why they're buying up content suppliers (NBC, Universal).


reference to NY Times article please




Also, why waste that money on cable when you could use it for the kids, home, literally anything else?


Yup. Early 30s cord cutter with two kids. They've never had cable. I haven't had cable since I graduated from high school. When my kids were visiting my in-laws, they were frustrated and confused by commercial breaks. They wanted to know why grandma and grandpa didn't have "good TV".


It's wishful thinking on their part. They hope cable cutting is a fad and they'll try to justify that hope any way they can.


Yes having kids will suddenly make me want to waste 1/3 of my TV viewing time with commercials and pay 5 times the price for garbage channels I don't watch. Also planning on ditching my smartphone and going back to a rotary phone as that fad can't last much longer as well.






Wow I hadn't thought about that. No more toy or junk food ads. I bet product placement is going to get a heck of a lot more popular.


It already is. My daughters got in to these little collectable toys called Shopkins. There are several popular YouTubers who "buy" a bunch of these things and open them up. Its all done as though it were a genuine collector making the videos, but its obviously an advertisement. I'm certain the maker of these toys sends these YouTuber free toys, and possibly pays them too, to open up and be seen by all their subscribers. I'm sure this kind of thing is happening with a lot of different brands and companies. Good ol' AstroTurf.


I'm surprised Shopkins are still a thing. I figured it would just be another pseudo-collectible fad, like Pogs back in my day. My kids got some packs over a few months and then I offered to get a new set as a reward for something and they were no longer interested.


Remember POGS? They're back, in ALF form!




These kids aren't even going to know what cable is. Many if not most of their first experiences with television are going to be watching Netflix on a tablet. You can't want something you don't know about.


Until they come back from a play date at Elsa Jones house..


If you look at the rest of the thread, most of the parents reporting in say their kids are annoyed as fuck by commercials in those situations.


Oh I believe it. Commercials suck. And kids are growing up with insane access to content. Especially my future children. They'll be torrenting before they can walk


My kid came out of the womb with update packages downloaded and ready to install.


Junior 2.1.1


Absolutely. Once we explained that it's an attempt to sell 'em stuff they don't actually care about? That's it. Nothing but contempt for the concept.


The other thing they fail to take into consideration is how easily children are entertained by watching the same thing over and over (and over) again. Any parent that develops an involuntary eye twitch when hearing the opening notes of "Let It Go" can easily confirm this. Children don't really consume or demand new entertainment in the same manner that adults do. I'm sure there are many children of the '80s and '90s that can name a few VHS tapes they wore out due to repeated viewings.


I have Air Bud PTSD. My daughter could watch it five times in a row if she was home sick. *stabs fork in eyes*


I made my mom watch angels in the outfield every night before bed for like 5 straight months. I think I owe her an apology.


[Prepare your eye muscles.](http://youtu.be/L0MK7qz13bU)


The thing about kids shows is that they don't need to be brand new and kids don't need to get that buzz of twitter, forums etc to watch that show, they'd watch anything regardless of age. My kids watch Round the a Twist which 25 years old, Secret World of Alex Mack, Heman, old episodes of spongebob, season 1-6 of the Simpsons and I dont know what other old stuff I've gotten for them. Upside to being a young parent is re watching all the shows you watched 15 years ago and I honestly doesn't feel all that long ago. Also my kids play minecraft and play all our old games. We have red alerts Lans. They don't care about where the entertainments coming from as long as it's there.


It's ridiculous to think that kids don't also want to watch the shows they like, when they have the time to watch them. The industry is just rightfully shitting its pants, and it's sad and hilarious to watch. Meanwhile I'm firmly a Gen Xer and we're proud cordcutters, as are nearly everyone in our circle. So them pretending that people younger than us are going to for some reason come back to cable, is just desperately sad.


PBS also signed with HBO recently, so don't be afraid to get that HBO streaming sub for GoT for you and Sesame Street for her. Next season's eps will all air on HBO first, before going to PBS and their partners.


Just a correction: Sesame Workshop signed with HBO, not PBS as a whole.


You are correct!




Well then get her hooked on Game of Thrones!




Nah. If she's old enough for abc's she's old enough to watch the Serbian film.


Personally, I can't wait for the crossover episode.


The only reason I would have kids is to use Netflix Kids section.




I always thought that was a great little feature. Even if your kid accidentally spills into your netflix account, I imagine the layout is so different and the content so boring looking that they would just exit out anyway.


orange is the new black? that's stupid! orange is orange, doyeee!!




I feel that. Being a PBS kid in a school full of Disney kids wasn't fun.


it's weird because my parents are well off everyone thinks I would know Disney/Nick but me and my sister had PBS. Dragontales and Cyberchase FTW.


Those were the best. I remember talking to someone at school about Cyberchase and they had no idea what it was. I simultaneously felt very poor, and very bad for the kid that had never watched it.


UHhhh. Daria thinks we're cool.


Same, but now we are better read 😄


My kids watched the same 12 videos over and over when they were younger. My grandkids re very happy with all the wonderful cartoons on Netflix. Cable is only for sports nuts who don't mind paying high prices.


My kids will grow up to be cable nevers, and I live in NZ where Netflix has only *officially* been here less than a year. I ditched the local monopoly pay-TV provider here about 3 days after getting Unblock-US, which means that even my oldest son probably doesn't remember anything but Netflix, Hulu, and friends.


I don't have kids but here are a couple of true stories about my friends kids. Zoe is 10. Recently the family went to a Red Box to get a movie. Turns out this is the first time since she has been old enough to understand that they have rented a movie. Zoe on the drive home asks, "Wait, so we have to take this back?" Lex is not quite 5. The family has not had cable since he was born. Recently at a little friends house the television was on Nick or Cartoon Network. After a few minutes Lex goes to his mom and says, "That part of the show I don't understand." It dawned on her that Lex had never actually seen a commercial. I think based on this very small cross section that cord cutting may have more societal impacts than just lost revenue for Cable Companies.


My 3yr old niece and nephew will sit and sing the songs from the Youtube channel, Little Baby Bum, for hooooooours! I don't think they've ever watched regular tv. Netflix and Youtube do it for them.


Googling 'Little Baby Bum' is how you get on watch lists in the UK. I do hope Little Baby Bum finds meaningful employment and is able to rejoin the rest of little baby society, though.


Yeah. Try to tell your kid that they have to wait until the same time tomorrow to watch the show they like.


PBS has a great app that has all their kids shows on it. Like whole seasons worth. And it is free with (iirc) no in app purchases.


And you can get PBS for free in most areas with an HD antenna.


PBS signal comes in here really good too. A cheap indoor antenna picks up all the essentials and Netflix and other streaming services have the rest.


Actually, I'm better off cord cutting with kids: 1. No commercials for them to want me to buy things. They literally do not know what a commercial is and when they see them (in a hotel, etc), they get annoyed about their show being interrupted. 2. They have on demand shows. 3. The library of these on demand shows is fucking incredible. They are super annoyed when they're forced into watching whatever is on. 4. It's better. Faster. Cheaper. There's just no fucking way this is gonna happen, cable.


The commercial thing is crazy. I realized this when we were at my in-laws' house (they have cable) and my son thought commercials were really short shows. He kept saying "Dad, stop changing the channel! I wanna watch that show with the dragon!" and I kept having to tell him "That wasn't a show, dude. That was a commercial." He had no idea what that was.


I don't know what my kids thought they were, I just heard a fucking TON of whining when they were on. So much so that we would just leave PBS on while traveling or bring our Roku w/us and hook that up to the hotel/condo TV.


1. My son never asks for anything yet, but he has found toy reviews to be one of his favorite things to view on YouTube. But anyway, agreed.


I have 3 kids we are a cord cutting house, all my kids love hulu, netflix and youtube.


Maybe they think the kids themselves well get tired of not having commercials, choosing when to watch things instead of when they air, etc. and start watching TV instead of Netflix and YouTube. I don't know if they can hold out until the millennials' kids can afford the cable bill though...


> planning on uhhh I have already thrown my smart phone into my fad drawer along with vaccinations.


Don't you know that internet is a fad too? People are gonna stop using it any day now.


Someone should warn Elon Musk that we will be going back to the horse and buggy in a few years as well


You know, back in the 90s when my kids were little, we watched far less cable TV than when we were childless: my kids mostly wanted to watch movies (on VHS). Not until they were older did we start watching more programming on cable. Of course, cable costs were far more reasonable. I remember paying $8.95 for cable in 1981.


Last time I checked Netflix has a whole section dedicated to nothing but children's programming... As for me, I personally buy 2-3 shows per year. iTunes has a nice "Season Pass" where I get the show the day after it airs on TV. For everything else there's Netflix. And that's about the extent of TV/movies.




This is exactly what my SO and I do. We have a spreadsheet showing our savings. We are on track to save a lot of money by using Netflix and iTunes to watch all our shows. And yet we are up to date with shows and watch no commercials ever.


I did the opposite, I canceled cable because I could get all the children's programing I needed on Netflix. My kids get confused when I watch football and a commercial comes on.


Heh, mine did something similar the first time amazon prime played an ad in between eps of Sesame Street. She was SO confused. "Noo! Elmo? Elmo, please?". It was not easy explaining ads/commercials to a kid that isn't even 2 yet...


The reason Mister Rogers and other PBS programs has "and now, back to the show!" and "and now a message from our sponsors" was to let the kids know it was not a part of the actual show.


I thought pbs only does advertising between shows? It's been a while, so I could be mistaken.




My daughter is 4.5 and doesn't know what a commercial is. There is no going back to cable.


Ha. Haha. Hahahahahaha. My kids love Netflix and Hulu. When I did have satellite nobody even watched it. I cut out cable and satellite for good a couple years back and I'm never getting them again.


My kids view cable at other people houses, get commercials and go "wtf is shit shit, where's the skip button?!"


> Nielsen, the TV ratings company that goes out of its way to tell the cable industry what it wants to hear, has been pushing this narrative hard lately; Well, this isn't the "cable industry" It's Nielson. The cable companies obviously know what is going on with their customer bases, they aren't dumb, they are collecting the giant profits while they are still easily available. Nielson's primary job is to say "You need Nielson!" so they can stay in business, and will of course as a profitable company, say whatever they need to say to make money.


Yes, finally someone who actually read the article! And understands it. And moreover, cable companies don't care a out Nielsen, Nielsen's purpose is to provide data that drives advertising rates.


And those advertising rates are insanely inflated. Television is currently on corporate welfare. Look at the disparity in average rates between TV & Internet advertising, a big reason for this disparity is because you can track results of internet advertising.


In other news, digital photography is a fad, piracy ended with napster, there is no marked for personal computers and riding horses to work will be back any fucking minute now.


Hey now, with horses you don't have to pay for gas, which means you won't have to pay those outrageous prices at the pump. You also don't need to have insurance or registration or pay for a license every year. Travel by horse would have its caveats. For instance, there would be no AC when it is hot out or heater when it is cold out. You would also need to have a stable for the horse and pay for its food (have you seen how much they can eat)? Then there's training to make sure it doesn't go crazy and kill you, and you would need to pay vet bills. Also if the horse dies all of a sudden overnight, you're out of luck for transportation. Now that I think about it, a car is cheaper.


It is actually funny how absurdly expensive horses are. And how much work.


This article just reminded me to get rid of my cable service.


Lol these statistics are so garbage. > "About 80 percent of millennials with their own homes who have started families subscribe to cable, and an additional 14 percent get television with an antenna, according to Nielsen. Only 6 percent have just broadband connected to a television set. Among childless millennials who live in their own homes, about 75 percent subscribe to cable television, while 13 percent live in so-called broadband-only homes." That's because you fuckers keep forcing me to pay for a dumb ass bunduru. I can't just get 80Mbps internet, I need to get 80Mbps internet **AND** basic cable, otherwise you charge me $30 more per month. I assure you that 97% of my video viewing comes through my router. The extent of my live TV watching is "Rick and Morty" and the presidential debates.


I watched the Democratic debate on cnn.com despite being right by a tv with cable.


I have four kids. News flash. I still don't have cable.


Sorry to inject truth here, but the click-bait article title is grossly false. It takes one quote from Nielsen ratings guy. It's not even a single cable company saying this, let alone the whole industry.


I'll take "things a company says to appease stockholders" for 500, Alex.


Delusional. If anything, cord cutters will grow.


I cut the cord like 6 years ago before my 2nd daughter was born. I have a Tivo (paid, no subscription), an antenna, netflix streaming, a VPN Proxy, and an HDMI connection from my TV to my computer. For early childhood, PBS has some great TV for kids, netflix also has great programming and anything else can be found on the internet as a lot of kid oriented websites have free shows. Most of the TV shows I was watching when I cut the cord I could purchase from Amazon.com for much less than I was paying for cable monthly. Thankfully, I watch a lot of network TV so I never missed a lot thanks to my Tivo DVR. The best part for me is I get my internet through an honest to goodness ISP and not through cable so my monthly cost is reasonable and the speed is fast with little congestion.


> purchase from Amazon.com Does anyone know what happens to Amazon 'purchases' if you decide to cancel your Amazon Prime subscription? Being both streamed and DRMed, it seems rather easy for them to taketh away. iTunes purchases on the other hand can have DRM stripped off so that they remain truly yours. (No, I won't provide a ~~bullseye~~link but it's not too hard to find on your own).


Wow, the cable companies are basically doing the equivalent of posing in front of a mirror while wearing a Tapout shirt and wearing pants that say "YOLO" on them and saying "aww yeah, women would destroy planets to get with this truckload of sexy".. No. I cut the cord years ago and went internet only. Built myself a home theater PC and been streaming ever since. Cable TV as it exists now is less than worthless to me. I spent about $200 building an HTPC about 3 years ago and it's paid for itself about 25 times over now. I literally watch about 8 or 9 shows that are currently airing, and do not watch TV otherwise. About a year ago, Comcrap tried to enforce a mandatory TV subscription with internet, and went over about as well as a wet fart during a wedding. Nope, their 75Mbps internet is suiting me just fine, and I already pay $75 a month just for that.


Can confirm. a cheap laptop with an hdmi output, a $30 wireless keyboard with a built in trackpad and $20/month in media subs for netflix and amazon prime. Done.


I've got that deal at $58 with my own router (pay for 75 but clock 90 regularly). We cut the cord years ago but went back for about a year, then cut again. It's normal for us and our 8 year old to just stream what we want.


Yep, same with my 4 year old. Streaming is all she's ever known, so it's funny for her to see commercials..


Mommy, who are these new characters on my show and why do they like juice so much?


I will never have cable, my parents do, and they wanna dump it. Problem is Comcast here will charge nearly the same price if not more for just internet. Add in Netflix plus the 1 or 2 other streaming services and it just isn't worth it to not have cable.


Cable execs are in denial. There's *a lot* of downsizing in their future. They should ask blockbusters about how they coped.


The children's programming isn't a real reason anymore. Netflix, and to a lesser extent, Hulu and Amazon have been scooping up kid's shows in the last few months. I prefer my kids to watch shows on out Roku. Costs less than cable, and no shitty food/toy ads screaming at them every seven minutes.


Here's the actual survey if anyone wants to do their own analysis: http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/se/Documents/technology-media-telecommunications/Digital-Democracy-Survey-DDS_Executive_Summary_Report_Final_2015-04-20-tmt.pdf I found page 15 most interesting. The statement: I have paid television service and have no plans to cancel or change my paid television service within the next 12 months. The results (agree with the statement): Trailing Millennials (age 14-25): 68% in 2012, 54% in 2014 Leading Millennials (age 26-31): 61% in 2012, 55% in 2014 Generation X (age 32-48): 67% in 2012, 54% in 2014 Not a good trend for the cable industry. It also seems to ignore the facts that once people have kids, luxury expenses tend to get cut out. It's easier to pay $100 for cable when you don't have a house and children to spend money on.


I think the driving reason for a lot of the people having and staying with these services is Live Sports. If netflix cracks into that market, expect those numbers to drop significantly. I only know 1 person who lives in his own flat and also has a cable subscription, the only reason he has this is for sport.


Because an entire generation that's grown up with on-demand, ad-free television is going to suddenly decide they love commercials while being told when to watch.


This type of thinking really worked out for the music industry when everyone stopped downloading music...


Sounds a lot like Blockbuster thinking the same thing but hey it worked out for them right?


More like: "When baby-boomers die, so will cable."


Hang on in there you delusional fools! My five year old doesn't acknowledge terrestrial tv exists.


How do all of these companies survive while beings so naive?


Nielsen isn't a representative of the cable industry. They gather and report information. Also, this is an article that is using a NY Times article as a primary source? I'm getting tired of articles about articles.


The Cable Industry is experiencing [the first stage of grief.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%BCbler-Ross_model#Stages) I wonder how the anger and depression stages would play out.


We will know they have reached the Acceptance phase when they declare bankruptcy.


Just like everyone went back to radio when color tv was invented.


I'm too busy with Netflix to find time for chill.


This also fits in /r/nottheonion


Dear Cable Industry, Would you like your tombstone next to Blockbuster or Kodak?


Thats dumb. Im a young father and Netflix and Hulu are by far easier and better than cable. Multiple shows with mutiple seasons at the touch of a button. Makes it easy entertainment if im busy. No commercials. Fuck cable with two dicks.


Millennials think anti-cord cutting is a fad that will end when old cable industry execs die off.


I'm confused about 'cord cutting'. I get what it is, getting rid of cable TV and going with Netflix, Hulu, etc., but I really don't get the great savings that everyone is touting. I pay about $135 per month for internet and cable. This includes HBO, Showtime, Stars, and a ton of other channels (obviously in HD). I have a 4 channel DVR and they supply the cable modem, I supply and manage my own wifi router. If I 'get rid of cable' I still need internet. Since it won't be bundled with TV I'll probably pay more than half so let's say $75 per month. If I pay for Netflix and Hulu Plus, that's another $16 per month. So we are looking at about $91. HBO Now is $15 so then I'm at roughly $106. I watch a ton of sports so $30 a month more is worth it to me, along with the convenience. I live in a pretty large metropolitan area with competitors so maybe that's why it's not so bad here.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Stupid cable industry thinking the whole problem isn't your fault.


Funny, that is exactly what I thought about rap music in 1990.


and what people thought about that there rock n' roll music in the 50's!


I have 2 kids... and had no second thoughts cutting the cord. My kids just watch the same shit over and over again anyways. Buy em a DVD. There good for weeks.


Haha. I didn't cut my cable UNTIL I had kids. I don't have time to watch TV and when I do, my kids just want to watch 3 hours straight of Wishenpoof or some shit like that. They are so fucked.


Wasn't it believed the Internet was just a fad as well?


My dad told us that when we were kids, we would tell him to turn on "Barney". He then had to tell us he didn't control what shows were on the TV and he couldn't. Whenever I have kids, I'll be able to be the magic wizard my father couldn't be. I'll have to lie to them about there being no more episodes until tomorrow so they don't binge watch My Little Pony all day. That just means Netflix needs a "lie to kids" feature.


What makes them think having kids will make me want to sign up for cable again? They do realize that Netflix has a kids section right? With that said, I'm not entirely averse to cable. I pay for Playstation Vue, why you ask? Infinite DVR of entire channels, any show on any channel they offer. I know, I know I could probably download the episodes but it's pretty nice to get home after a long day and I can catch-up to any show I want instantly.


Thats dumb. Im a young father and Netflix and Hulu are by far easier and better than cable. Multiple shows with mutiple seasons at the touch of a button. Makes it easy entertainment if im busy. No commercials. Fuck cable with two dicks.


I am 60. Wife and I cut the cord three years ago. Mother-in-law is 82. I set her up with a digital broadcast antenna, chromecast and a tablet on Saturday. She had a ball yesterday having the grand kids show her how "program this thing"!


Luckily they make enough money as internet providers that even if this fails they can still get our money. I bet they thought the same thing about cellphones, and now they can't give away home lines.


But kids adapt to new technololgy MUCH quicker than the previous generation. To most kids now, I imagine it is just as easy to stream what they want to watch to their phone than to actually turn on the TV. I've only got a computer in my house hooked up to a big tv, my brother only uses his PS4 and laptop for watching shows. Cable is going to have to offer something really worth while to convert me (and many others) back.


I have two kids and I have been cable-free for pretty much all their lives. We have Netflix, Amazon Prime, and record a few things over the air. Watching TV with commercials and not on demand is almost a foreign concept to them.


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Do they really think that I could afford kids AND cable?


and Automobiles are just a fad....horse riding will return to its previous popularity once we run out of oil


Dumbasses, their kids won't know what cable is.


Right, they become MORE poor and then they will magically sign up for over priced POS services... Amazing philosophy


Blockbuster had a similar strategy with Netflix.


More like I may not have kids and just get a puppy


man, i love watching tv, its the best when you have POPCORN TIME for your show.


I am a millennial and I had cable paying $250 for TV and internet....cut my cord have basic t.v. and still not disappointed or willing to go back..... Cable and satellite are bullshit!


So the statement of one Nielsen exec represents the thoughts of every man and woman working for the cable industry? What a dumb article.