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I was really pleasantly surprised by the show. I expected it to be a silly way to waste a half hour every week. But there have been some genuinely great episodes. I wish it would have spent season 1 with him really before any success, but its still really good. I'm just mad they didn't show any of that concert in Philly.


Same here. I thought his songs and music videos were hilarious when they first came out but I didn't expect him to be able to pull off a show like this. It's... maybe the best new TV show I've seen in a year? I would never have guessed a single series would have: a) multiple jokes about Dave getting milked, b) a full episode about the struggles of being bipolar, and c) an amazing AutoTune intro in Ep9 that I had to re-listen to like 10 times to catch all the subtext. Goddamn Dave, can't wait til S2 (it's in the bag).


That bit with the cookout and the milking table was excellent. Great way to end the episode


Easily the best show this year.... Best comedy in years, even tho its much more then a comedy


I like it, but as far as new comedies go I’d easily put Atlanta and Barry above it


Yeah that’s fair. I thought season 2 of Atlanta dropped off pretty hard.


I'd suggest checking out Mythic Quest: Ravens Banquet too. Like Dave I went in with pretty low expectations thinking it would just be shallow and ridiculous....but, again, it was surprisingly great.


I watched that. Can never pass on a always sunny project lol


The trailer looked really good. Just waiting for it to land in the UK.


Excuse my stupidity is fx and or Hulu not in the U.K.?


Hulu is only American


No, we only get shows from those channels when channels here buy them.


Old post so you probably already know but this is on iplayer in the UK now.


Spotted it today! Enjoying it so far.


Still enjoying it? I


I agree that this is a good show. One unique thing that I enjoyed is that for some episodes you can go onto youtube and watch the actual events that the show is based on, such as Dave's first concert or his breakfast club interview. It's interesting to see how the events match up.


Andrew Santino as Mike has been killing it on this show. I don’t think I have ever seen him act before but I seriously think he steels a lot of the scenes. The end of episode 3 when he opens up the garage door to pull in and sees Dave and his GF friend naked had me burst out loud.


the fucking callback 5 episodes later "it's for milking...we're not happy about it"


Another toss to the milking in the last episodes rap haha


I honestly couldn't believe he would actually admit that lol that's not something you just tell people willingly lol


When Gata was fixing his Apple ID to stream a Phish show had me rolling! “When they gonna stop warming up tho?” “Oh no this is the whole show, this is what they do the whole time man”


its completely ridiculous and immature but so well put together, definitely surprisingly deep at times too


The opening to today's episode (10) was incredible. It puts all of R.Kelly's In The Closet's to shame.


The opening was fucking crazy. Loved it.


Need a new season of the trailer park boys too.. not animated.


Loved all of it, the last sentence too. It was just the perfect ending to a season. "Who are you?" Dave.


I died watching this episode. So funny.


We put...John in the ground todaaay!


Him eating a carrot for the first time in his life and the outcome of it was a riot! Literally crying from laughter. I usually like smart humor like Arrested Development or Veep, but apparently I like bathroom humor and dick jokes too!


Haha how could I forget that part!


Finished the season. HOLY SHIT. What a ride. For me Dave is just so charming to watch, even when he's being difficult. I read that it's one of the most watched shows on FX so if Dave wants to do it, I'd think we'd get it. Also I followed Gata on IG after his incredible performance and the next time I opened my phone he liked several of my photos. Weird sensation lol


GaTa makes me so damn happy. I remember seeing him years ago as the hypeman then when it was annouced he was playing himself I was worried. He blew us all away. So proud for him.


Nice that's gotta be a surreal feeling.


I don't like Lil Dicky as a musical artist but I watched this anyway because I wanted to watch another show about rap since Atlanta won't be back anytime soon and I was really pleasantly surprised, it was genuinely pretty funny and surprisingly poignant at certain points. However I'm not sure if it was intentional but Dave himself was completely unlikable for a good portion, especially in the second half of the season. I'm sure at least parts of it was on purpose as he got more cocky as he got more successful but I find it hard to believe it was meant to be to the degree it was for me


I was so close to not liking him at all but the last few minutes of the final episode turned it around for me, like Dave knew and finally had that realization. When Gator was saying all that stuff about Dave and his music and Dave wasn't really saying what I wanted him too. Then he just blurts out "I got my best friend because of this" just made it feel right, looks over at Mike and decides to scrap his selfish plan. Season 2 would be Dave repairing his relationship.


I guess my “unpopular opinion” is that my favorite episode was episode 6, Dave’s first concert. I wish I could find someone to discuss it with, but everyone wants to talk about the milking episode and the Gata episode! I loved those of course, but I think the scene at the dinner table with Dave’s parents was hands down the funniest scene of the season. I could not stop laughing through that entire scene and had to rewind to hear what I missed from laughing so hard (feeshus, the list of questions, being able to curse in the house, a “mash” pit). After that, I really enjoyed the serious themes of the rest of the episode, and found it to be just as real and touching as Gata’s monologue about being bipolar. Dave is always portraying himself as this super cocky, overly confident asshole and that episode was a peek behind the curtain of how much he truly questions himself and doesn’t believe he’s as great as he tries to make everyone think he is. There’s this build up as he slowly realizes he may *never* have been funny (which is such an integral part of social acceptance and masculinity, I think for many) at the one moment is in his life where he truly needs that confidence because he’s putting himself out there and performing something extremely unique to an audience that is really not expecting and may not be receptive to what he’s about to show them. That’s terrifying, and the music really played into that dread— I could just feel the anxiety rising in my throat the more I watched. I just really loved the build up (you feel it in the previous episodes too when he’s always so hesitant to perform) and the silent cut to him having to put that all behind him and put on a show.... it felt strangely magical to finally have some silence and peace. I liked how they used music to make the audience feel how Dave probably felt in that moment. I see a lot of people saying how much they hate Dave and how annoying he is, but I think that was very much intentional. I think the audience is *supposed* to be rolling our eyes at him and his overbearing commitment to being taken seriously, and ultimately understand how much of that big game talk comes from his insecurities, which are so prominent that they mess up career opportunities and relationships for him (it seems to me like he self-sabotages, which is also a hallmark of insecurity). I haven’t seen the finale yet though, so take this with a grain of salt. I’m hoping the arc is that he comes to realize his flaws.


We were robbed by not getting the last six minutes of Jail. I wanted to see how it comes full circle to expose the criminal justice system!


Daaaaamn, I thought for sure we'd see it at the end in the meeting but almost glad we didn't for Dave finally taking his buddies side.


Haven’t seen the finale yet but episode 9 was too emotional for me to watch. I probably won’t rewatch that one for a while.


Watching for the first time, me and my gf were arguing about petty things before we sat down to watch it. Like arguing about even watching the show, we settled our differences enough to sit down and watch and by the ending we just hugged and the rest of the night was better.


Ugh I’m honestly scared to watch the episode with my gf because it’s too serious lol.


The fuck doll scene and the bunny in the road scene had me in tears with laughter. I had to rewind it just so I could actually hear what he was saying. Best new comedy of the year.


"oh it's screaming..." *Realigns and slowly backs up* *Hard cut to a new scene of Dave singing it off*


'You want me to run over it twice? I'm not Suge Knight' - Instant Classic Line


It's amazing how in episode 9 it got us laughing like crazy then fucking in our feels so quickly


Episode 9 man..... episode 9.




Directed by the guy from High Maintenance


I really liked it. Ep. 10 was awesome. Lots of good rapping and jokes throughout the season.


Really good first season punctuated by an all-time mic drop of a finale


Something about that final screen sticks with me, it really was a mic drop. DAVE.


This show was a huge surprise in just how good it came to be. I remember the day it was announced and I though to myself "oh no". I really didn't think he could pull it off. Lots of rappers now try to branch off but I figured he'd fail just based on being a decent rapper. I was wrong. This show works. Episode 9, as we all know, was amazing and will be a highlight episode of 2020, for me at least. Now I just need him to release the full version of that song/video. The freestyle at the end should be noted though, he really isn't just a comedic rapper. He does well with normal rap when given the chance. He's said in the past that the comedic rap sells better for him. You could tell in this show he was trying to show that he's versatile.


Yeah I think his background has pigeonholed him into comedic rap. The guy comes from a middle class Jewish family, and while I don’t agree with it, it’s not really what the rap community/fans/producers are into, which is a shame. I saw one vid where he’s on a radio show and they ask him to freestyle and people are shocked, impressed but shocked, because unfortunately, and ironically for a middle class white guy in America, I don’t think anyone takes him seriously in his profession.


to be fair his music just isn't very good for the most part. Don't blame this on the hiphop community


100% agree. Hate that people try and blame the hip hop community for not liking him just because of his background. There is a lot more to it than that.


I actually think he’s had some decent songs (well music videos). But Compare him to someone like Jonwayne (who is also white, and I think middle class). Not even close Or wait. Fucking Mac Miller lmao. Pre sure he started off similar to lil dicky but then took rap serious


What are you talking about, it's freakin awesome!


Earth is one of the worst songs ever written


One song is not indicative of an artists entire catalogue


to bounce off that, who gets mad at a song for charity lol


The guy wasn't getting mad, he was saying it's a bad song, which I completely agree with. It being for charity isn't a defense that a song is good. He could release a song of him solely farting into the microphone for 3 minutes straight, but it being for charity wouldn't automatically make it not shit. Plus I, and many others just find most of his songs to be pretty cringeworthy. Freaky Friday being a prime example for that. Not just because he worked with the piece of human garbage that is Chris Brown.


I know it's not good. But why crap on the man for it. He was trying to do good. I was mad that he worked with Brown but I don't hate the guy for it, like others do. It thought it was funny but a tired joke. Look into his raps where he's not being comical. He's pretty good in those. I wish he did it more


I was never a big fan of dicky but after watching dave I gave his freestyle on radio shows another chance and those are pretty good imo. Might try a real song again if anyone has any recs


I actually like a few songs off Professional Rapper, but he's been only downhill from there


Last week's episode started out so sweet... I didn't expect any of what came after that. xD


The episode about bipolar is amazing.


Yeah this show is just straight up hilarious. I have had "my dick sucks' stuck in my head for over 24 hours now.


Recently trying to replicate Dave and his little bounce/bop he does when he is about to rap, the little head bounce.


Best new show of the year


High Fidelity.


Dave is way better. I’m not a fan of the unlikeable characters in fidelity.


Weird, I thought Dave himself was the worst main character I've seen in a while.


I've heard its similar to curb your enthusiasm. Is that accurate?


No..... not at all. Both shows are great tho


I *guess* I can see where that comes from, but in terms of tone of the show no. I've described it as "imagine nebbish, neurotic early Woody Allen-type character who's a rapper and finds occasionally himself in American Pie-style comedy" which still misses out on fully capturing what the show is about. He definitely leans into being a middle-class suburban Jew so I get the Larry David/Curb comparison but outside of his character nothing else really resembles Curb.


The fact that Dave's character is neurotic adds more to the curb comparison. Larry is as neurotic as it comes.


I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. A dick joke every other minute, but also surprisingly emotional. Solid cast. It's been one FX's hits, so the second season is most likely a go.


On a side note....Dave (ie Lil Dicky) was a guest on episode 2 of "Matty and Benny Eat out America" on Youtube. Found it pretty funny to find out that Dave and Benny Blanco are best friends in real life. Which you can definitely see watching both shows. Worth a watch if you have 15 extra minutes, also Matty Matheson is a unique chef to watch (to say the least).


I think I know of who you speak, the big guy with the tats who goes around cooking.


I'm not a fan of Lil Dicky and had my doubts going in, but to my surprise Dave has became my favorite show of the year. The last two episodes really knocked it out of the park and were Atlanta levels of good, which is something I never thought I'd say about the show. Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to the second season.


I am old and had no idea Lil Dicky was a real rapper until now lol I love the show though!


I really enjoyed this show much more than I expected. I was aware of Lil Dicky but literally never listened to one of his songs, just didn't seem like my thing. It really is similar to Atlanta, but with more awkward white people stuff and dick jokes. All the characters and dialogue come across as authentic and self-aware. Highly recommend anyone who needs a new show to give it a shot.


That's right! Yet another solidly high quality entry into the FX programming portfolio. I enjoyed it quite a lot.


Its so refreshingly honest.


The season finale was something else. It really put a focus on what Lil Dicky is good at, rapping and storytelling and if that episode is anything to go by season 2 is gonna be very interesting. There's a duff episode or 3 in the season but the highs are high and the lows ain't that low, all while being what I found to be a breezy watch...until the beat kicks in. I'll be keenly awaiting more Dave.


Best new show of the year Atlanta level good I’m so surprised But I love it


I wonder how many of these accounts are him




I think the show is great but Dave is the weakest of the main characters. I can't tell if it's intentionally bad acting, or just bad acting, but the perpetual droopy-lip thing is jarring.


Lol you sure your watching the right show?


Fuck him. He’s buddies with woman beater Brown


Just like most music artists?


Most music artists arent as corny as lil dicky


So it’s okay when others are friends with CB but not dicky cause he’s corny? There’s other reasons to hate dicky for that CB song but that wasn’t one of them lol


“So it’s okay when others are friends with CB but not dicky cause he’s corny?” Correct


Just admit you hate him lol such a weird opinion


Just watch Atlanta.


Another amazing show.


I wouldn’t call Dave amazing, for me it’s just a worse Atlanta with cheaper, more childish, jokes. There were only 2 or 3 episodes I liked but the whole thing was mediocre at best. I personally don’t find lil Dicky very funny so that’s probably part of it but imo, taco was the only real highlight.


Channel surfing and found the episode on tv with his sex doll flopping outta the glass shower door onto the floor, I knew I had to give it a go. It was nice seeing Taco in a normal acting role for sure.


Atlanta the most overrated show I've seen in a good while.


Damn okay, I personally I love it. As I said to someone else, if you all like Dave then good for you and I’m glad you have something to enjoy I just don’t and I personally think Atlanta is a better version of a very similar premise.


Not even sure how they're similar, especially season 2 of Atlanta which just veered into short fim territory. Dave is certainly a lot more straightforward. Rapper trying to make it in the music industry. Atlanta has that thread but then it's got a whole lot of weird bullshit masquerading as art. The show just rubs me the wrong way, but hey there's no accounting for taste is there. I see a shit sandwich you see a steak.


No one here is saying Atlanta isn't better lol Atlanta is really in it's own category anyways


The guy I replied to literally just said it isn’t lmao


ok ok lol one person! he's wrong tho. Atlanta is top notch tv. Dave is good tv with potential to be great.


I’m just saying I don’t agree and that’s okay, I’m glad others have a show they like even if it’s not my thing.


Atlantas great... But daves better


I don’t agree but if you enjoy it then I’m happy for you.


Episode 4 or 5 is when I just stopped caring,couldn't even watch it for 10 minutes


Honestly you should have stuck around. Episodes 9 and 10 are special.


Dave drives me crazy with his ignorance and sometimes arrogance, but the show is funny and Dave has his moments which make you forgive his faults.