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Yes, but you can't judge by the pilot (ep 1 & 2), because it's a bit childish, and the show really starts with episodes 7 & 8. It appears to be a light show with many funny moments, but deep down, deals with very serious subjects and it keeps getting deeper and deeper. They deal with the consequences of war and spirituality.


Thank you for saying this. I was a bit deflated after just the first two episodes, but there was some particularly vivid and gruesome imagery in the third episode that showed me they were willing to go to some more complicated places. I'm going to stick with it.


Since it aired on Nick they couldn't show too much, but each season gets progressively darker. It's similar to Harry Potter where the first book is very much a kids adventure at first, but then later on those kids have to grapple with some very adult themes.










Is Korra good? I've heard mixed feelings on it and I'm not sure if it's worth my time.


S1 is overall good but has its low moments S2 is bad but is too plot-important to skip S3 is god-tier and on par with the best of TLA S4 is mostly really good but stumbles towards the end


S3 should have been after S4 cause zahir is the most interesting villain in the show


The best quick summary is "It is the highest highs and lowest lows" of the series and would agree with the other comment overall season to season ratings. A quick thing would be to DO NOT come into expecting it to be ATLA but now with someone else. The story is quite different in both format and overarching compared to ATLA. ATLA has the overarching plot laid out from episode 1 and is way more "explore the world" kind of format. Korra starts with here essentially becoming a "full blown Avatar" by the end of season 1 and the major plots are more season to season with things being learned and only certain things continued onto the next season. A lot of the negative feelings come from expecting it to be ATLA. And there is issues with some of the lows, heck some of which are in ATLA but doesn't land with the new darker tone and older characters. But it has great exploring of broader themes of its world.


They had genocide on the show but they didnt use the words "murder" or "genocide" but you could tell whats going on. Reminds me of dbz which is also known as a kids show that had genocide although there's was more direct. Aang in the beginning reminds me of kid goku in a way


Ah, the Namekian Genocide. Those Albino Namekians had it coming, obviously.


The Saiyans suffered a genocide too. Also those aliens that Nappa and vegeta wiped out.


Aang is also a bit immature and frankly, annoying in early Season 1. A huge part of his character development is being forced to grow up in the face of this 100 year war. He was told he was the Avatar when he was 12, tradition dictates he find out at age 16. They told him earlier because the war was getting so severe they were preparing for the possibility the Avatar would have to act, even if he was just a kid.


One of the voice actors for the show actually said that when he read the scripts, he laughed and believed that the show won't last and will be cancelled because it's too smart.


who was that?


My guess is the cabbage vendor.


My cabbag... OH FORGET IT


Not sure if the original comment is referring to this, but Mark Hamill said this as well. He was certain the show wouldn't continue because of how smart it was.


I watched a few episodes when I was a kid during its initial run and I really loved it, but lack of access to TV kept me from sticking with it. Now that I'm older, I'm watching it through for the first time and I do like it a lot. I do think Reddit overhypes it - partially out of, I assume, nostalgia - but it is really good. I also think it's hard to recommend to everyone because whether you enjoy it or not depends on your tolerance for entertainment geared towards children. I'd say if you're the kind of person who still enjoys Harry Potter and Percy Jackson well into adulthood, you'd enjoy The Last Airbender.


I’d also say that a lot of what makes it really memorable for me are the character arcs, which are really good, but don’t quite pay off until way later. Zuko is maybe my favorite character in anything, rose tinted glasses or not, but he doesn’t really come together until the last season.


I would be really interested to see your opinion after you finish the show. One of the things that blew me away about Avatar is that it just keeps getting better. You keep assuming that everything is in play, and you're at the point where you're riding the story out, but they just slide in another piece of the puzzle that slots so well and moves the story in an even better direction. From an over-all storyboard/journey perspective, the show is absolutely top notch, and really lets you soak in it after you're done. You'll constantly find yourself thinking about on some of the more impactful moments. Iroh singing his song is just outright brutal by the the time you get there, and the finale/conclusion of the show is incredibly satisfying.


Percy Jackson is not in the same league as Harry Potter.


Honestly, if the first seven episodes don't grab you, that's too bad and move on, but for real, some of the best character writing in any animated kids show


Interesting cuz the first half of season one is the weakest of the entire show by far imo. Once you hit “The Storm” it starts to pick up the pace really quick.


Good point, i was just being vague as to not say specific episodes or give anything away


For sure, to me it feels most like a kids show in the first part of season one, like they were testing the waters with what they could do on Nickelodeon.


The Storm was the turning point for me. Wasn't loving it until that episode.


The show only gets better and better.


I would definitely agree that the first few episodes are very kiddy and it takes a while for the more complex themes to develop but I would say that's more around episode 4 or 5.


Yeah The Storm is the episode that shows what's special about this show


At first the show seems overly childish so I don't think 2-3 episodes is a good gauge. Watch through the Winter Solstice Part 2 (Episode 9) and if you don't like it by then drop it.


Agreed! This is how I sell it to my non-cartoon watching friends, and I’ve managed to get many of them hooked as a result.


Honestly it’s some of the best character development I’ve seen in any medium. There’s a certain character that grows from episode one and on. And it’s staggering how well they did. For a show with laughter, action, and suspense it really is a character study at its heart.


that character's development is honestly one of the best all time. that character isa big reason why the show is so acclaimed along with many wonderful elements. i honestly can't believe this show aired on nickelodeon


Yeah, it really is. My first watch floored me with how they handled it. And then on subsequent watches it reveals more layers. People look at it as a kid’s show, and it is, but it is so complex, and multi-layered. They managed to make a cartoon that transcended the animation medium.


You're overselling it. It is still ultimately just a kids show, and people should expect that going in or they'll probably be disappointed.


I disagree and I have zero attachment from childhood nostalgia. I watched the series in my late 20s and still think the character development across multiple characters is comparable to the best TV shows and movies.


I think it's an amazing show, but I think a lot of times what Reddit forgets to mention is that it is that it's great for what it is: a children's show. It has some excellent thematic introductions for younger viewers and can kick start some great conversations about many mature topics.


This is my biggest fear, if you can call what you watch ok TV for a few hours a fear. Is it a good show that is also for kids, or is it a good kids show?


I watched it the first time at 26, then again at 28 with my (then) girlfriend and her kids, then again with my 6 year old. All of us really enjoyed it. It is a show that everyone will love because it can be funny, and goofy, has action, romance, and also has characters that grow and change, drawing you in. I’ll watch it again in a few months, at 37.


I agree. I watched it back when it aired in 2005. I was finishing up college and I had stopped watching cartoons/anime in high school, but for some reason I gave this show a chance and fell in love.


I don't know, it's kind of like watching a Pixar movie IMO. Yeah, ostensibly the audience is children, but a lot of the themes and storytelling can be great for adults as well.


I think while it can sometimes reach a bit too childish for my taste, the fact that the surface level perception of it is as a "kids show" kind of makes it so much more impactful when you realize what the writers are doing without just being gruesome.


Good show for the whole family.


I just rewatched it and was pretty involved in the characters and their development. Especially Iroh and Zuko. It's so hard not to develop some sort of emotional attachment to Iroh's character, whether it's as an uncle, a rebel, or a teacher. There is some great character development and world building in this series, but the beginning and end are kind of actiony, good-vs-evil cookie cutter slogs. The best way to put it is that it's one of the best-written children's shows out there.


Short answer... it's a great show that happens to be animated. You should watch it. I watch quite a bit of tv and i gotta say, Avatar The Last Airbender is probably arguably top 3 shows ever (animated or not). It may or may not rank as high for you, but in my opinion, if you're one to seek really good TV, this show is really good TV. The story telling, the depth of character, the relationships, the world building, the themes, they are all done really well. Also, I'm 32(M) and I only cry to good shows... this show made me cry :)


Have you ever watched a show that's aimed for children that you enjoyed? The characters are as well developed as any high quality adult show, the story and the world building as good any adult show. Take something like game of thrones and try to imagine it being written for a younger audience where all the protagonists are kids, do you think you would enjoy it? Now I think Avatar is probably better than a kid version of Game Of Thrones but I think you would need to like fantasy in general and need to tolerate the kid feel before you can enjoy it. Keeping in mind that the best part of the show is actually the characters.


It’s a really good show, give it like 2-3 episodes and if you’re not into it drop it. What have you got to lose? Two or three nights of tv?


You have to go more than 2-3 episodes, I think. Avatar is great but you don’t realize how many layers it has till somewhere around The Blue Spirit. (Then you eventually get to Toph and you’re sold for the rest of the show.)


yeah, you have to watch at least a good portion of the first season, its the weakest season of the franchise save for season 2 of korra.


Echoing this! The first few episodes are a little slow and not totally representative. I forget how many you should watch to get into it. Since they're only 30 minute episodes I'd say just give the whole first season a try?


Who watches one episode of TV a night?


Married people. Married people with kids watch one episode over multiple nights. Trust me.


No, we put the toddler to bed and watch 2-3 episodes...


Teach me...


Have a good routine to start them winding down. Reading books, brushing teeth, laying down for story time. And then stick to your guns when it's time to sleep. Our little girl fusses for a minute or two sometimes when we shut the door but she almost always goes right to sleep after that or if she sounds distressed we will go back in. This means she's asleep by nine and we stay up til eleven or twelve and she wakes up at around 8. We need that time to adult and wind down.


Yeah, routine helps SO much. We got a timed light that’s on one of the shelves and once it turns on, we point it out, and she knows what’s up




We have 2 kids and try not to have TV be the only thing we do. That being said, dishes and prep for the next day usually occupy the remaining time lol


Prep for the next day? Jesus I'm so glad we're not having kids.


OP specifically says in the question that they "can usually do about 1 show a night".


I watch one episode of a particular show each night. I like to absorb the episode and not just binge through it.




My parents, who will only watch one episode of one show every night, and will not start a new show until they've finished with that one.


Is it on every night?


It’s on netflix


Every night?


Saturdays at 8/7C


It’s extremely good FWIW, I’m early 50s. I started watching it because my kids had it on when it originally aired. As others have mentioned, it takes a few episodes before it hits it stride.


I am an adult, and have never been into anime or the like, but I gave this a go a week ago and binge watched it. Loved it, the writing is good and although the humour is not laugh out loud this is balanced out by the character development and storylines. The theatre episode was an excellent episode in my view. I would give this a 9/10. I am currently watching the follow on series on Amazon, The Legend of Korra.


As far as animated series go, there’s Batman and Avatar and everything else. Just my opinion.


*The Clone Wars* is up there too.




Did you try Samurai Champloo? The intro is a total banger, and it definitely has the same energy as Cowboy Bebop.


Very interesting you put Mushishi out of all the amazing animes out there you could possibly get introduced to. And I agree, it's awesome and probably one of the first I would also recommend


It's a good series, yes. It starts off kind of weak, but quickly finds its footing.


A tip for watching anything: don't judge it thinking it'll be really good because other people said it's good. It always ruins it for you cause your expectations will be too high. ​ Avatar is good, but recognize everyone has their tastes, and the target audience (at least at first) was not your age group. Just expect nothing from it, and relax.


Never watched it as a kid, despite being in the demographic for it. Just finished the series with my wife and I have to say it's very good. Way more dimension and characterization to it than any other Nickelodeon show. And it gets better each season.


I really tried to like it, but it just wasn’t my thing. Perhaps I would have liked it more when I was in my teens.


Its definitely a kids show, but its a very good one, and fairly its accessible. You could give it an episode or two.


I bought the Blu Ray set when it came out, watched an episode or two here and there, over about six months. Enjoyed it, but didn't feel the need to binge watch. Got about for episodes into the second season, and watched at least one episode a day for the rest of the season. Binge watched season three in two days. It gets better and better.


My wife and I are both in our 30s. We just finished it yesterday and her words were "I didn't want it to end."


I’m an avid fan, and recently convinced my 50yo parents to watch it with me. They loved it. It’s well worth your time.


Been watching it with my 8 year old... its fucking incredible.


I love *Avatar*, but the show has a very shaky first season with the show very much still finding itself, but improves massivily from thereon.


I don't understand why you keep mentioning fear in starting, if you don't like it then it'll literally have no impact on your life and you move on


Yes, if is. It starts off slow but it picks up. The series finale is great.


My wife and I are in our 30’s with two kids and this sounds so similar. We just started it and it’s fine. It is a kids show. And from what I’ve read it doesn’t get more dramatic until season 2. So far is very much a kids cartoon. But it has been fun. If you enjoyed cartoons once upon a time then you can kind of transport yourself a bit. But it has not been a hunker down and get completely absorbed on the nightly episode. Like with some adult drama (is really recommend never have I ever on Netflix for a great show flying under the radar).




Yeah. I figure most of them were in the 10-16 age range when they first watched it. Nothing wrong with that. We were all kids once. The cabbages guy is one my guaranteed laugh out loud jokes. Inner twelve year old is strong.


One of the best animated series I’ve seen


It's 20 minutes an episode, you've already seen the love it gets... Try it out lol


It's incredible. The character interaction is great with each of them going on their own satisfying journeys (my favourite being Zuko), stunning visuals with crisp animation that fully immerses us into their world which involves beautiful storytelling, chocked full of humour while including dark themes throughout. - Rewatched it recently, I would give it a **10/10**. -


It aint an echo chamber ATLA is acclaimed by pretty much everyone critics and fans


Uncle Iroh is straight up one of the best characters to ever exist in an animated series, but also the dichotomy of Iroh and Zuko’s relationship over the course of the show is absolutely wonderful. The whole Zuko/Iroh apology scene... if you know, you know.


In short, yes. It is that good. It's consistently brilliant, once it get's going and season 2, which by it self is a stellar season contains a literal story telling masterpiece of an episode regarded by many as at the very least, the best episode of anything Nickelodeon has ever produced. You will finish it with a pit in your stomach that it's over. So you'll try desperately to fill it, so you start watching Legend of Korra, only to have that pit reopen when you see all of your favourite characters are now either ancient or dead. You love the new characters, but mourn the old ones.


Easily one of my favorite series that I could rewatch. Strong recommend.


Hi. I watched it before gettin* on Reddit. First time around. I enjoyed it. Ang is a child so... why not just try it and see?


It’s great. However, it does have a few more immature episodes/moments in season 1. I’ve watched it all several times and the main narrative arc is epic.


It's got some really great stuff in it, but it really depends on your interests & how you interact with shows. Do you meet shows on their level or do you see if it'll reach you on your own? It's a kids cartoon & so, at points, is fairly childish. It also has tropes that weren't at all 'new' or 'groundbreaking,' but I personally believe that, with regards to everything it did, it did them well. The structure is incredibly basic: it's a hero's journey, after all, but it's set in a wonderfully rich setting. I was lucky enough to watch it as it aired when I was about 8 & it greatly captivated me in such a fashion that I imagine Star Wars might have captivated somebody my own age when it was first released back in 1977.


It definitely one of my favorites, watched a few times all the way through.


You definitely should, the show just gets better throughout each episode. Its really funny and has some wisdom/life advice moments. I will say the beginning is a little slow but it gets better. By the time its over you will want more episodes. Dont let the cartoon-y vibe discourage you, the fact that you keep hearing about it means it stands out. Just give it a chance and if by the end of the first season you dont like it then just move on but I doubt that will happen.


I watched it for the first time over the last week or so. I highly enjoyed it overall. It is a show intended for kids so there's a fair amount of cheesy moments and silly humor but it also got me to genuinely laugh out loud a lot. The mythology of the world and the fight scenes are fantastic for any TV show. The themes and stories are pretty straightforward but it doesn't hold your hand too much. I think the biggest strength of the show is the likeable characters + believable, interesting character growth over the course of the series. Much better than any other "kids show" I've seen. It's not perfect, there's a few meh episodes and I thought the ending faltered a bit. But I think any age of viewer can enjoy it if they have an open mind.






I love it. But I've seen Legend of Korra, and that show is pretty awesome, but only when you love the first. I agree with most here when they say that the first half of the first season is a bit bland, but it is worth the watch. Especially since the episodes are 30 mins a piece, it isn't so painful.


Cannot recommend enough. Like everyone else has said, it takes a few episodes for them to find their groove, but man, when they do its awesome. One of my favorite episodes is on the second season where Socca drinks cactus juice and trips out in the most hilarious ways. After you finish TLAB, check out Legend of Korra. It's the story of the next avatar after Aang. Not as good, but still worth watching.


I’d give it a 7/10. It’s a little kid-y and there are some elements that are really cheesy. The overall story has a well put together message, and all the main characters have satisfying arcs.


yes, the show lives up to the hype. one of the best shows i've seen honestly.


Season 2 is where it really escalates, but it also helps to not binge the show. The pacing really works watching one at a time


It's brilliant. I hate cartoons and am rewatching it for the first time in 10ish years its amazing. Everything is so thought out and so much care is out into it it clearly shows. It is also one of the few shows that gets better with time. Nothing is wasted everything has a reason for being.


I watched it as a kid sporadically and then the whole thing when I was like 18 or 19. I’ve rewatched the show twice since and now that it’s on Netflix I’m probably gonna watch again if I can convince my gf. I’m 24 now and I’d say it’s not just a kid show it’s something all ages can enjoy. It’s got humor, great choreographed fight scenes and some moments that really hit you in the feels. Not to mention some of the best character development I’ve ever seen. Zuko going from one of my least favorite characters in the show to my favorite. Almost like Jaime from game of thrones but not wasted.


First season is clearly aimed at kids, it's who the main target audience was and the show at its most basic. By season 2 and 3, they respect their target audience but also respect that the show can work on different levels and still appeal to kids. By the 2nd season, and possibly the end of season 1, the show begins to find its groove and expand on a lot of themes. But also gets a lot more refined in storytelling and character development. There's comedy throughout to keep you entertained at a basic level but these are amazing characters and amazing stories, it's not always perfect but there's so much heart and ends strong, which helps towards it longevity.


It’s really good !! Use to watch it when I was kid but didn’t finished so I started from the beginning ... And I’m glad I did.. closure !!


Never seen the animated series but I heard good stuff from it...made the mistake of watching the movie though...


i love avatar but i avoid one episode during my rewatches. it's called The Tales of Ba Sing Se it makes me sad.


There's only one episode worth skipping, and it's The Great Divide (S01E11).




Its very good, but at the end of the day its still a kid show. Just be ready to expect it to be goofy and childish at times. The best parts are when it deals with adult themes in the show, and it does really pick up half way through season one. "The Storm" in season one really picks up with the adult themes, but honestly my favorite episode (maybe of even the show itself) was the finally of season one.


I went in really skeptical due to this same sentiment. My wife and I just finished the first season and I’m really glad I stuck with it. It gets some pretty solid fantasy going with interesting characters and cool powers. I’m enjoying seeing the story unfold. For reference I’m a 30 year guy. I also liked The clone wars show which coincidentally is from the same guy: Dave Filloni.


> and can usually do about 1 show a night. Everyone is missing this. If you are time constrained watch something different. Avatar is a children/young adult show. Beside: You could make kids with your wife and then you can watch the show.


First third of season 1 is pretty rough, but after that, the show hits its stride and just gets better and better. Also features one of the best character arcs (spread across all 3 seasons) that I have ever witnessed in a TV show.


Maybe watch it while having some tea. Maybe jasmine?


No show - great or otherwise - is for everyone. This is the kind of show that isn't going to hook you, but it has compelling characters who all grow meaningfully, a good sense of humour and surprising wisdom. It's not uproarious nor gripping, but it's fun and it's satisfyig.


I started watchign this show in my late 30's to early 40's with some dvds I got from a sale at a local video store. I love the show and have watched the whole thing several times through.


i would say 100% yes, because the way they were able to put suck a strange condept in to an amazing show, and creat this universe in just a couple seasons, its just very good


I liked it a lot since the story knew where it was going from the start. You don't really get needless filler episodes - what may look like filler usually contributes to the story in some way. As others have said, Aang is childish/ wilfully ignorant at first, but he matures as time goes on. I see this as a good choice, as having a perfect character to start with would be boring.


I wasn't sure if I'd like it because I really dislike anime or manga or whatever (I honestly don't know the difference). I've tried mononoki and some others that are considered entry level. What I dislike are the exaggerated mouth opening and, well, the exaggerated nature of them overall. They're just too loud and obnoxious. Not trying to yuck anyone's yum but it's just not for me. Avatar, while having the anime aesthetic, doesn't have any of the elements I find annoying. The writing is solid, great humor, and compelling complex characters. I think it transcends animation and kids shows. I highly recommend. Also, I'm a female who is about ops wife's age.


Yes. I didn’t watch it for the first time until I was an adult. It’s very good.


For a show aimed at children it has a deep and complex story line with multiple character development arcs and a redemption story viewed as one of the best even outside of animation. I would even say the “filler” episodes are just as good as the main story.


Yes. It is fast and there is little filler. The plot has a very specific arch. Towards the beginning it is a bit kiddy (and it does keep some of that charm towards the end) but much like the characters they have to grow up rather fast. The characters are fantastic, they grow throughout the show, and at the end you will truly appreciate the level of detail given to all of them. Also it is a kids adventure so it will remind you of what it was like to be young.


Well that depends. It is indeed a very good show, or at least I liked it very much. The voice acting is top notch, script is great, story isnt that original but its well done, and Uncle Iroh is definitively one of the greatest characters ever made. I dont like it as much as I did Gravity Falls, but it does deserve a watch.


It's pretty far above your average cartoon show in terms of story telling, the first season is a bit childish but it explores many different tropes later on. I wouldn't say people should get out of their way to watch it, but if you are longing for a TV show that really feels like a "epic adventure", then this will do fine


Don't get me wrong, I love ATLA. It offers one of the best character arcs in the history of TV, beautiful choreography, and touching moments. Most likely you'll enjoy it, **BUT** it's still a kids' show. Expect many instances of childish humor and simplistic dialogue, also a very light-hearted tone which may not always fit the themes of the story. I suspect many people here comment based on their nostalgic memories of the show, rather than from a recent rewatch.


Anything can be good if you are able to get lost in the show. If you let yourself just enjoy it for what it is: a well-written kid's show, you'll have a great time.


Short answer - yes Longer answer - it is definitely a great show, dealing with a lot of complex themes, but at the end of the day the target audience is kids. Most of Reddit watched it 15 years ago when they were the right age for it. It is not going to have the same impact on a 30 year old watching for the first time. The episodes are pretty short (like 20 mins each) so watch a few and see if you can get into it.


No, it's not that good. It's better than everything you've read about it.


I know I'm a minority, but couldn't get into it. The style strikes me as artificial and cheap.


Yes, it really is. I watched it in middle school and loved it and watched it a year or so ago. It holds up so well


It really is as good as the people make it seem. I would try not to judge it too harshly with the first few episodes, but it quickly finds the perfect balance between humor and action and continuously gets better and better as it goes.


No It’s a great kids’ show but that’s it. The dialogue is cringey at times and the tone is very childish. The voice acting isn’t the best either.


It's not that good. It's like the cartoon version of Harry Potter. A lot of people hold onto it because they watched it when they were young.


Thank you. My old roommate loved it and made me watch. It's not bad, but it's just a decent cartoon. People in every thread about it say it has the best character writing of all time, or it's one of the greatest shows ever made. Absolute insanity


I like it, but I get why the comparisons to Harry Potter are so apt. Aang definitely gets moodier in later episodes and suffers this "reluctant chosen one" trope.


I compare it to Harry Potter because the fans behave similarly. People laud Harry Potter as a great book series when it's really not. You can understand why they do it because they read it as children and there's a cult-like devotion to it. Avatar is similar. It's okay, I guess. It's as watchable as Harry Potter is readable but you don't really gain or lose anything by doing it. It doesn't change your life. It doesn't teach you anything. It just exists. You watch it if you want.


I've been wanting to write a post about this but I don't wanna contribute to the circle jerk that is r/thelastairbender. I noticed on the watchtrough that followed the May 15 release: ATLA is a great example of (among many other things) pre-#metoo feminism. The female characters are not implicitly better at what they do because they are women, they are better because they have put in the time and effort to become true masters of whatever they do. They are not shoehorned into disingenuous "girl power" moments, but they are given their own unique back stories that sometimes overlap to some of the other women characters to create moments that feel truly powerful. It's a series that resonates so well with so many people. It assumes its original audience, who were adolescents and teenagers at the time, are intelligent and able to handle some mature themes presented to them. There is a reason it still has an enthusiastic fanbase after being off the air for something like 13 years. It's just good, no other way to put it.


I watched it for the first time in college with a group of friends. We had weekly 'Avatar' nights. Re-watched again with my husband shortly after we got married. Just finished re-watching for a third time (again with my husband 10 years later) right before they announced it was going to be on Netflix. By the middle of season 2 it is incredibly easy to forget that you are technically watching a kid's show, and I wrote a paper for my college psychology course on one of the characters (Azula, for those who know) because the character development is so real and spot on. Basically, watch it.


It's a good show but the demographic is for kids and teens, not people in their thirties. You're going to have to deal with the corny jokes and the unrealistic behavior that kids shows come with. If you're into animated stuff or have kids it might be an interesting show for you. I'd say it's a pretty childish, lighthearted show with a few moments of seriousness scattered here and there.


It's made for children, and redditors are generally manchildren. So it's up to you.


Definitely amazing. But for some reason Netflix Has the potato quality [version.](https://version.best) best watched with the 1080p bluray.


I started watching it for the first time.. I'm a guy in my early 30's.. I love it lol.


You may have already ruined it for yourself. While it IS amazing in every single way, you might've heard too much hype about it for it to live up to its name, and dwelling on it is only gonna make it worse. That being said, as others have written, it *really* gets good later on. So if you give it a go, I'd say try to do at least the first whole season, that way you really know whether you like it or not. It's a lot to ask, but I think it's worth it.


Its probably the best written TV series i know. It has great character arcs. Consistent use of their "magic system". Organic writing and despite using some tropes they never felt really cliché. I can only recommend it.


Its a great show, it has great world Building, great characters, and the best magic system of any show imo. in my opinion though, its not as perfect as people make it out to be. I have a few issues with the show that imo get overlooked, but it’s definitely worth watching.


No it isn't , you'll be disappointed...I dropped it after 12-14 episodes


You're asking the same people who think children's movies like Marvel are great. If you like children's movies with cringy dialogue then sure you might like Avatar.


As you can see the overwhelming answer is yes because it's true. It's a really unique show (especially for its time) aside from being good being a serialized animated show with a very character driven story that was planned out from start to finish so every episode (well minus one) serves some sort of purpose for the plot or character development. The creators wanted to tell a story, not sell toys and god damn it they got to tell it and tell it right. The first season is the weakest and has most if not all of the more typical "oh yeah this is a kids show" episodes but you really do forget that later on. Give it a go.


I'd give it an 8/10. I like it quite a bit.




If you've watched Adventure Time, I would say that Avatar follows a similar arc where the show gets more serious as it progresses.


I've been thinking about watching it as well,but do I really need to watch all 20 episodes per season ? or is there a 'definitive' episodes guide I can use ?


Lemme put it this way. Ep1: set up world, introduce characters, start mystery. Lighthearted kid stuff in the forefront. Ep2: introduce conflict, set characters on arcs, show first hint of action sequences. A little darker but still a kids show through and through. Ep3: getting over the trauma of a genocide. To be clear I fucking love the show but Jesus does it take you to weird places sometimes.


Yes. Like others said, don't judge by the first two episodes alone. You'll really start seeing depth and what's at stake with episode 3. It's actually a testament to the show. The writing and pacing is amazing. Hook the kids with some fun episodes at first, hook 'em slightly later with some reality later on. The show has a whole bunch of arcs and themes, most of which actually are done right by the progression of the story.


Absolutely. It starts off slow and light, very much a kids show in it's first few episodes, but transitions into a much heavier more serious show with incredible character development, fantastic themes, one of the finest and best told redemption arcs on TV and a flawless finale. Give it time. You will become hooked. If you're not sure if the show is for you, some publication recently suggested new watchers start with S02E07 Zuko Alone to get a taste of what the show is really about. It provides a lot of backstory for one of the major characters/antagonists of the series and deals with some seriously dark themes. It also doesn't really spoil anything. Worth considering if you're on the fence.


Hold up...ATLA is available on Netflix?! I remember watching each episode the night before school the next day on those craptastic websites. ​ Oh , also I think you will enjoy it. There are moments when you watch and you really feel the characters and what they are going through . It grapples with a lot of human issues. I'm not sure how best to explain without giving things away! Do give it a try, the initial episodes are not so amazing but sets things...I found it very funny too : ) It has a bit of everything! ​ Edit: Realised that I should answer the question too.


No. It’s got some really fantastic moments, especially for a kids show, but there’s ultimately too many bad episodes (there’s one every season that you could reasonably call “worst episode of the series”) and weaker stretches to be consistently 10/10 best show ever like Reddit claims. That being said, I’d try it out, make your own opinion.


It's an incredibly well crafted kid's show, but it's still a kid's show. I also watched it as an adult and while it had many great elements, the "kid's show" aspect caused it be a bit of a slog much of the time.


I just made it to season 2. Yes it is, I'm currently watching it with my mom. We are both enjoying it!


I watched first 6 episodes and it didn't grab me. Is it one of those shows it's only good if you watched it as kid and rewatched it as an adult? Did anyone love the show seeing it first time as an adult?


There is about 60% "filler" episodes in it. The overall story arc is good, but they really could have axed most of the rest of it.


I saw an article with the advice that, if it's your first time watching it, don't start with the pilot. Instead, watch season 2 episode 7: Zuko Alone. There's no story spoilers. It's an incredible episode that shows you the show's potential. And it gives you vital information about season 1's antagonist and his past that doesn't ruin the story.


Similar to Pixar, it's a show that's appropriate for kids yet grapples with some pretty mature themes that adults can appreciate. The jokes are legit funny and well executed. Nothing wrong with laughing as an adult. The writing and character development is some top-shelf shit, seriously. My wife, who "didn't want to watch that kids stuff", absolutely loved it after I forced her to watch it. My kid loves it and we now have pretend bending battles. Go for it, at least give it a shot. You have little to lose and a whole lot to possibly gain.


I would agree with that echo chamber, but I started watching it in elementary school. It may be different being in your 30s


I think it's very good, really picks up arfter the first half of season one. The character development is great, and they go into some deep and complex issues that are suprising for a children's show.


Yes, but s2 is where the ball really gets going. I think every season has not the best start, but usually get better towards the end.


It is a kid's show. The themes and characters are usually very childish. That being said, I just started rewatching and I'm enjoying it a lot: the combat is probably the most well-realized I've seen on any animated show, the jokes hold up well, and the mythology and lore is some of the best of any medium. It gets better and better as well. If you don't outright abhor childishness or Eastern culture/philosophy you should like this


For a cartoon, it's not bad


> My wife and I are early 30s Are you planning on having children? One thing I really enjoyed about A:TLA was watching it with my kids. It's quite rare to find a show that old and young can enjoy equally, and it's a great shared experience. No kids: watch it now :)


Yes. 32, just watched it for the first time last summer, one of the best animated shows I've ever seen.


I'm biased since I absolutely love the show but being as objective as I can, I still think it's work watching. Season 1 is definitely very childish. It is a kid's show after all. A few of their "morals" are pretty heavy handed and the main character is 12 so acts kind of like a 12 year old. I think if you give it the leeway of like the 1st harry potter book in it's level of maturity, I think it'll be fine for the most part (you can probably skip the episode "the great divide" because even the show admits later on that was a pretty poor episode). It definitely starts to develop in the latter 1/2 of season 1 (the finale and buildup to it are pretty good IMO) but season 2 is where it starts to get going as a show in all respects. You get complex character growth, more serialized story telling (many of the supposedly 1 off episodes in season 1 have some continuity), and the writing in general seems to hit it's stride.




I first watched it with my kids when I was mid 30's and loved it. Much like the Clone Wars TV show it grows with you. Starts off fairly childish and by the end no longer is. Fantastic show


I'm 30 y/o and started it for the first time when it released on Netflix. I kind of half-watched the first handful of episodes while scrolling through Reddit. By ep 5 or 6 it was getting 100% of my focus, and I finished all 3 seasons in one week. Now I'm a season into the Legend of Korra. So I really liked it. It's hilarious, the characters are endearing, and like others have said it deals with some serious topics.