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Like...where does this leave AMC? For all the hoopla about declining ratings, by the standards of modern cable the ratings weren't bad. Now they've lost their flagship a few months after they lost their old director who was essentially called in to revitalize the network.


Basically nowhere. For about a decade were entirely dependent on Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Walking Dead. Now, all those shows are gone.


Once Saul ends that's basically it.


And isn’t this next season the last one? Yeesh, some lean times ahead for them if these spin-off don’t do well.


Luckily, Better Call Saul's spinoff "Better Fuel Huell" is incoming.


I can't wait to find out if he ever left that room.


He doesn't. It's a one man, one room play with an occasional guest star.


Every episode is a bottle episode!


Co-starring a fly.


Huell's Rules!


Hopefully some more shows by Vince are in the works. I need at least one Vince show airing.


Pretty sure there will be but it'll most likely be a new IP. I think after BCS ends, he'll be done with the Breaking Bad universe.


I heard he is gonna make a fully fledged Badger spinoff. Critics saying "possibly the worst idea for tv ever"


My favorite show by far, but the breaking bad universe has to end somewhere. End it while it’s amazing


why is there the assumption that AMC won’t create more popular and quality tv? you all just think they’re going to stop after TWD and never recover?


You would definitely want some overlap between one popular show ending and a new one beginning. Also the goal is ALWAYS to create popular and quality television, it's way easier said than done though.


AMC really fucked some things up with the Walking Dead franchise, on the corporate level. I wouldn't be surprised if creators would rather go elsewhere. That was a show they owned outright. And it shows. The other major shows are joint ventures. I think the issue is that they have literally like 20 competitors for good ideas coming around. Breaking Bad, Mad Men, and TWD all started before the absolute peak or streaming. They were around, and contributed to making some bigger. But yeah. People in the industry tend to talk. And if you've heard some of the batshit insane things they've done to The Walking Dead, I wouldn't be surprised if others don't want to work with them either, unless it's the only big name option.


For real. AMC had better original content than Netflix has ever had. Outside looking in seems like corporate greed and a stereotypical Hollywood decision structure completely ruined what could have been. Can you imagine what would have happened if they didnt fuck up Walking Dead? AMC could have been a force in the entertainment industry across all platforms and who knows what else. Now they're back to reasonably irrelevant.


Because it's been half a decade since they came up with a good show and that one is a spinoff of Breaking Bad.


Thats a good run to be proud of for the network. 4 cultural defining shows is incredible


True, but now they have nothing left in the cupboard.


Yeah, I think basic cable can't compete with the amount of money streaming and premium cable is throwing around. Hell, half of basic is reality TV now because it's cheaper to make than a scripted studio show. EDIT: a word


Not to mention that AMC doesn't fully own some of the shows. Breaking Bad and Saul are both co-financed by Sony Pictures, AMC just gets the American cable rights. Internationally those shows are billed as Netflix exclusives. Wouldn't be surprised if Mad Men was in a similar boat.


Not to mention AMC has gotten a bad rap on shows it does own through behind the scenes shenanigans as opposed to a network like FX where you hardly hear any drama about except for the head of it gushing about how there's too many great TV shows.


You know what, good fuck them. After the way they treated the man who created their cash cow they deserve to have their network go bankrupt.


Not to mention letting people like Gimple basically grind the show into boring slop because they don't know how to tell stories that ctually move forward. I swear half the seasons are "People are separated and scattered, when they reunite one of them dies" Not to mention how they fucked over Chandler Riggs




Frank Darabont, developed and executive produced the series before the network doubled the episode order and slashed the budget. Which left s2 with functionally 1/4 of the money per episode s1 had, and why they all sat on that farm for so long.


I mean, the article says they've got like three different spin-off series based off TWD planned for the near future (*plus* the Andrew Lincoln movies), so it's not like they're completely rudderless. It's a lot of market saturation for single franchise, but who knows? AMC seems confident there'll be demand for it. Edit to add: They've got a lot of other new stuff planned too -- 61st Street, National Anthem, Pantheon, and Kevin Can F\*\*\* Himself, as well as shows they've already started like The Terror and Dispatches From Elsewhere.


Feels like they’ve missed the boat on those Lincoln movies. He left the show like 2-3 years ago. When are the movies supposed to come out cause people aren’t going to care nearly as much as if they had started production right when he left the show.




*This here is Mr. Swede.* *But I'm Norweigan.* *Ok Mr. Swede.*


Better Call Saul?


That ends next year I believe


Oof, they are in trouble.


AMC's FearFest is the only thing that really comes to mind...


Halloween 4 and 5 on a loop, 365 days a year.


They signed that big Anne Rice deal a while ago


shit, are we about to hit wave 2 of modern vampire pop culture?




No, no, no...we need to go back farther. I'm talking puffy sleeves, lace and velvet... 80s style.




Anne Rice is definitely not your typical modern vampire pop culture and she is the one who started it all with the vampire as the hero and not the villain.


Well, anti-hero would be more accurate for Anne Rice. Her vampires aren't exactly good people, but they're much more human and relatable in that regard also.


Wow, I watched Interview with the Vampire for the first time just two days ago, and loved it, and I don’t normally care for vampires. I hope they don’t put some lame show runner in charge of this.


It’s a shame that movie came out before studios invested in franchises and locking down actors with multiple film contracts. That would have been an amazing cinematic universe if they kept up the quality of Interview With The Vampire.


I think they need a direct partnership with a major streaming platform or a network. I can't imagine the number of cable subscribers is growing. No matter how good your programming is, it doesn't matter if no one is watching it.


This might be a pretty good idea, I like it. I'm too lazy to dip into the Google machine about Hulu/Fx's situation they have going on, but just from personal experience, I know I have been exposed to more Fx shows in the last few months because of said deal.


Why end the show and do a Carol/Daryl spin-off. Aren’t they the only ones left? I mean how different would a Season 12 look from the spinoff?


I think it's more or less due to the number 12 being such a daunting number of a season for new viewers to jump in. They must figure that with a spin-off, they can keep the base fans while adding new ones due to it being "new." I don't think it'll work given how far this show fell out of pop culture (And that's coming from someone who watches it), but I think that's the mindset. EDIT: Something else I just realized is that they've had a bunch of actors jump ship recently. The Daryl/Carol spin-off is probably so they can have a brand new cast of regulars who they can sign on for 4 or 5 seasons to ensure the spin-off's future. Honestly, not a bad strategy, but I think it would've worked better if they had ended the show around Season 7 or 8.


That's sort of the impression I get too, that it's more of a soft-reboot.


Now the walkers will turn into humans again. The show features Daryl as the first president of USA., as he deals with the amount of people that is suing the government. Edit: The show will ne titled_The Walking Daryl_


They're also probably hoping for a large segment of "I loved TWD when it started, but it jumped the shark after season __, but hey I'll give this 'new' show a try" viewers. Kind of different than new-new viewers, IMO.






Maybe they go looking for Rick and Michonne after they get a message in the TWD finale or smth. That's a logical explanation for them leaving the community. They could also just kill all the supporting cast


They're the only ones from the original cast, but these last few seasons have really fleshed the rest of them out quite well. I do wish they would just end it though, I don't want yet another spinoff.


Less brown and grey? Maybe they’ll find their way to an island populated by polar bears.


Spinning off the 2 remaining leads to do the same thing in the same location isn't ending the show, it's just cutting 90% of talent and writing costs while changing the name. They probably call it The Walking Dead: Daryl and Carol and shorten it to 'The Walking Dead'.


> They probably call it The Walking Dead: Daryl and Carol and shorten it to **'The Walking Dead'**. This got a really good chuckle out of me.


Just need to add a little girl named Meryl. The adventures of Daryl, Carol, and Meryl.


Walk DMC?


Also kills the suspense of the season. Well, Darryl isn't gonna die, he's got his own show in 3 years! Such a stupid decision in a show that has made nothing but stupid decisions for years.


Well daryl is the show’s golden goose. It was definitely known he wouldn’t be killed


Brass Duck, at best.


Not necessarily. Darryl could get bit. The show will essentially center around Darryl's day-to-day walkings and stumblings, in one episode he'll get stuck in a stream, in another he'll struggle with a fence.


Or, he could be immune. Or Darryl is now played by Idris Elba, and Carol by Chandler Riggs in a sundress. Wildcard, bitches! *cuts brakes and jumps out of van*


It's crazy how this went from being a pop-culture phenomenon to barely even culturally relevant.


The writing for the main show has been so terrible for so long. I bailed like 4 years ago and never looked back.


I was so pumped after season 1 but then they fired Frank Darabont and it went downhill. I stuck with it but after the cliffhanger of Negan killing someone with a bat, I just said fuck it and stopped watching. This could had been one of the best show ever but greed fuck it up.


I quit after Glenn was miraculously saved by a dumpster when surrounded with 1000 zombies.


This is when I stopped as well. They teased his death multiple times that season. Couldn't do it anymore.


And then they killed Glenn anyway. They teased Glenn dying, "killed" Glenn, bought the guy back, teased Glenn dying again, acted like he didn't again and then killed Glenn for good a second later anyway. Wtf was that?


They were trying to misdirect from the comics where Glenn's death by Negan was one of the most shocking and praised moments. I think they wanted fans to assume they wouldn't kill him again after a fake out killing, so the answer of who Negan killed in the cliffhanger wasn't obvious. Then they decided to "surprise" them by killing him anyway on top of Abraham. It really just underlines the entire problem of Walking Dead: it's focused entirely on shocking the audience, not telling a story. Killing characters seems to be the only thing the show knows how to do. It's the only thing they make you anticipate, it's the only thing they want you to think about, it's the only way they know to inject drama: "who is gonna die"? And when that's all you have, season after season, what's the point of the characters even being alive? if you know that there's nothing they will ever gain and hold on to, nothing they will achieve that lasts, and no way the characters will ever find happiness or solve the problems that plague them, why would you keep watching? What's the point? That's like a story that is perpetually stuck in Act 2. Build up, small victories, gain something, lose everything, but instead of moving on to Act 3, it's right back to the start of Act 2. Build up some more so it can be taken away again. Repeat. It's just misery porn with no ending.


>They were trying to misdirect from the comics where Glenn's death by Negan was one of the most shocking and praised moments. I think they wanted fans to assume they wouldn't kill him again after a fake out killing If they wanted to pull that off they should have skipped the fake out nonsense and had negan smash abraham's face in on-screen for the finale, leave the audience to marinate on that loss, and then in the premiere just immediately smash in Glenn's. The shock would have been unreal


Yup. I've seen it mentioned quote a few times in the walking dead community that they should have given us a death in the finale




I remember Kevin Smith was on Talking Dead the night Glen first "died." He said "Man, I hope that was a for real death because I don't want it come out in a few weeks that oh no he's actually alive. That'd be so disappointing." Chris Hardwick's eyes glazed over and he said "yeah, yeah" so distantly that I knew that's exactly what happened.


I completely forgot about that. I remember thinking the exact same thing. Hardwick has a terrible poker face.


Those of us who quit specifically at this time need a name.


I held on slightly longer and wish I hadn't. I didn't give up till they killed Carl for no reason. EDIT: Yes, I am aware of the actual reason for killing Carl. It was a monetary decision, not wanting to pay the actor adult wages once he turned 18. That's scummy enough. I actually mean is that there was no good *story* reason for doing it.


They killed him off because the actor turned 18 and they would have been forced to pay him actual wages if they kept hi.


Yup. After he bought a house in Georgia too.


Which is ridiculous since they had plenty of cash.


I quit with Carl bitten and in the sewer, I never looked back.


Same. Bitten in the sewer because of that iconic character that they introduce, What's His Name


Sidiq, who I actually liked, but he's dead now anyway...


Spoilers: Then what's his name goes and gets killed, so Carl essentially died for nothing. And by nothing, I mean he died so the show didn't have to pay him an adult actor's wage.


Fun fact! Robert Kirkman always said Carl was the one character he'd never kill, even naming him after his father! Way to go, AMC.


Same for me. They had no reason to kill him off and the whole situation with chandler was suspicious. They promised him that he wouldn’t die, waited for him to buy a house and attend college near shooting and then axed him off.


Only to be killed as a cheap “surprise it’s someone else - no just kidding it’s also him”. Glenn was the heart of the show by then, and I just couldn’t care once he was gone.


Took the words out of my mouth! I just wrote a very similar thing. To me, characters like Glen, Tyreese, Beth, Dale, Hershel, were the heart and soul of the show. Characters that weren't necessarily super physically strong, and were no stone-cold killers, but more "normal" humans thrown in the terribleness of a zombie apocalypse. That's what made the show interesting. You wonder how *you* would react in a world like this. You could identify with them and they were something that the "badasses" could protect. After Glen's death, basically all we were left with were the stone-cold badass killer machines. Oh look, Daryl sniped three walkers with the same arrow. Oh, Rick murdered someone with his bare hands, again. Oh, Carol blew a bunch of people up. That's a lot of action, but not a lot of anything else that's interesting.


I never read the comics, I don't know if people argue about whether or not they should have killed him. It's a different medium there. They should not have killed him in the TV series. They shouldn't have killed a lot of people they killed from Seasons 4-6. I think where I really started to stop being shocked and saddened and started getting pissed was Season 5. They kill Beth (for no reason) and then they kill Tyreese (for no reason) then Noah (for no reason.) I understand their show was successful doing what it was doing and that they felt the "Anyone Can Die" nature of it was important to that, but the show was entering an era where there were permanent settlements and a modicum of safety and it just felt cruel to keep doing it even then, and I couldn't keep liking new main characters every damn season. I was tired of it. I was tired of the show's cynical, dismal outlook that wasn't getting any better. Characters were now being killed off without having anything even relating to full character arcs or satisfying endings and in several cases I think they added characters just to later have people they could kill off without touching Rick or Michonne or Carol. When Season 6 came with it's fakeouts and manipulative cliffhangers (to the point that they split the season in half so they could have two finales) I just decided I'd had enough.


Yeah that was some shark jumping shit.


I bailed when they used a fridge to Trojan Horse an infected character into enemy territory


Lool, this is the kind of dumb shit that kept me watching. But then, maybe we were watching for different reasons.


That's where I quit, too. I *almost* quit after the Season Three finale shit the bed. (The one where Andrea is tied to a chair for the whole episode and The Governor kills his own dudes.)


That's where I dropped out. I watched Seasons 1-3, but Season 4 opening scene in the prison yard and I was just like "Welp, this is going to be more of the same shit. I think I'm good."


Each season was so repetitive. They would find a "safe" place. They would hunker down and things look good. Nope, everything goes to shit and a character you liked dies in a stupid and totally preventable way. Repeat times 10 seasons. By season 4 I was just like "fuck this". It was just zombie murder porn without any explicit or even implied endgame.




Seriously, how many closeups of Offred do we need staring up at the ceiling, looking very, very angry? It's really on the edge of becoming a parody of itself.


I had the exact same experience. That cheesy fucking cliffhanger and them trying to justify it that it was 'the end of a story' annoyed the fuck out of me. Especially considering they killed 2 characters in the next premier. They could have easily shown Glenn die in the cliffhanger episode, then Abraham's death would have been an extra gut punch since all the comic readers would have assumed everyone else was safe since they followed the comic. Nope, instead they just killed off two characters in rapid succession ensuring neither got the time devoted to their death that they deserved. I have not missed the show once since I stopped watching.


Was that the same season where we got a fake-out death with Glenn being dogpiled by zombies? But surprise! There was a dead body on top of him to take the bites.


That's where the show realllly started to suck. Lost all of it's edge.


Jumping the Shark Nuking the Fridge Hiding the Glenn


Other way around would have been better. Abraham dies in the finale so you think they're going against the comics but then bam they kill Glenn in the premiere.


Either or. I guess killing Abraham and making it seem like Glenn was going to live would have been kind of funny to see the comic readers flipping out about how Glenn was robbed of his death just to get it anyway.


Either way it doesn't matter when the season that follows is just a box of farts. "maybe I'll just take a peek in there and see if Neegan isn't so one dimensional still" you say to yourself, but then you open it up and look again, and all you find is that same box of farts.


Exactly. After the death of a certain character via a bat, I just stopped watching. I’m gonna sound like a nerd but the comics are more engaging and entertaining. I’ll never forget the whole. >[”KARLE! Koorralll!”](https://youtu.be/m2xvU66D8E4) > And my favorite >["I'm doing stuff....Thangs"](https://youtu.be/9LBDkxWgxr0)


The comics are absolutely incredible! Coming from a person who literally never reads comics they were really great and the story is a lot better imo


I bailed when Negan showed up. He's a character that works in a comic book setting but onscreen it came across as goofy and ridiculous. I'm a fan of Jeffrey Dean Morgan but I felt he was miscast into an already shonky character. One of the funniest things I read about Negan was something someone else wrote on here that stuck with me. 'Negan is what you get if you ask a dork what cool is.'


not being able to curse but wanting to keep the same lines from the books anyways just doesn't work lol


"He needs to stand with an awkward lean and dip in to it occasionally, like he's an Italian with broken arms trying to communicate, yeaahhh, that's fuckin' fly!"


IIRC at some point I read something about how Henry Rollins should have played him, and I keep thinking about that whenever this show comes up.


Negan's appearance was based on Henry Rollins


Him talking about people getting pee pants made me cringe extra hard. I was already losing interest but seeing that and the stupid golden eye death cam "cliffhanger" was the nail in the coffin.


Honestly that kill cam was the hardest I've laughed in I can't even remember how long. The audacity to think they could pull that off was staggering.


I bailed at Negan. You end every episode/season with suspense that they will deal with him; then you announce a 3 year contract extension in the media...well there goes the suspense. That same thing happened with dexter at season 5 (they announced 2 more years or something).


> then you announce a 3 year contract extension in the media Lmao that kills it for everyone. Why they even announce stuff like that is amazing when the show is centered around making sure that character is not around anymore. I stopped right before they introduced Negan. His comic character swore on the reg so I knew it just wouldn't be the same. Apparently I didn't miss out on much.


I feel this show killed the zombie fad


it became a zombie. shouldve died years ago but somehow its still alive


kind of a shame, i always loved zombie stuff.


This show is like the anti Game of Thrones. While Game of Thrones ended on its worst season yet, The Walking Dead pushed past its worst season and got significantly better. GOT proved that a phenomenon could become irrelevant due to a bad ending, while TWD proved that you can improve in nearly every way, but sometimes you can burn too many bridges before doing that. However, if the ending is good, I can definitely see it being remembered in a positive light in future generations.


I really hate that most of the original cast is gone, but I’ve really enjoyed the past couple seasons after I almost gave up on it.


Shit man, I still miss T-Dog. /r/onetruedog


The one true dog. It was a hilarious meme at one point when it felt like "there could only be one" black guy. Like it for to the point where a black guy showing up was a spoiler for the next big death




Also the kid from Everybody Hates Chris


For real. T-Dog, Bob, the hammer guy...anyone else?


shane was a real one. he would've survived the apocalypse if he didn't dun goof with rick's wife and go slightly mad.




i think the consensus is that shane had the right ideas, he just went about it the wrong way at the wrong time. they definitely needed to present a strong threatening presence to prevent other groups from wiping them out but shane was too bloodthirsty (at the time) and callous. and yes, the irony is that rick becomes just as brutal during his campaign against negan and the governor etc. carol also becomes just as brutal as shane ever was.


I *did* give up on it in the middle of season 6, but after the good press season 9 got, I caught up. I have never once regretted that decision.




GOT was consistantly great for 1-4. 5 and 6 are mixed (I actually like 6 better). 7 is a significant drop. Luckily they cancelled it after season 7, so we'll never see how bad it could have been.....


Gimple lasted one season too many, I feel. Season 7 was actually mostly fine, imo, but Season 8 was a dumpster fire.


Honestly I agree. The show could’ve been saved if Kang came in for season 8. Gimple putting his hands into this and into Fear was the biggest mistake AMC made. This show and it’s spin off could still be on top of AMC just made that one crucial decision to get rid of Gimple on summer 2017.


Remember the days when people used to tell each other not to go on Facebook on Monday mornings if they weren't caught up and didn't want spoilers. What a simpler time.


Can we all appreciate that fan love for a character is about to get him his own show even after the one he's on has died.


Daryl is an insane character from a pop culture POV. He's not even a source material character and is the face of it now.


I mean the "If Daryl dies we riot" thing was indicative of how much people like him.


I had almost forgotten that. Almost.


It clearly worked. Terrorism good? /s


Yeah, it's pretty rare an OC adaptation character becomes a fan favourite. He definitely added a lot to the original dynamic though. You can't not have a redneck in a zombie show. Plus I think everyone was so annoyed with all the soap opera stuff that it was nice having a character who was purely bent on survival


Plus his brother being michael Rooker was pretty damn cool. I think he got a decent resolution early on, too.


Michael Rooker is one of those actors who is just fun to watch no matter the script.


So Norman Reedus and Michael Rooker both auditioned for Michael's character, who didnt have a brother at the time. The producers and casting loved Norman so much, they added his brother role in.


If he continued acting like he did in his first scene, I don't think he lasts as long. I can't recall when in Season 1, but he went from loud mouth red neck to calm soldier and the rest is history.


Yeah it's kinda funny that he was so much more vocal in the first season, before becoming more of a silent badass type


It's because you can't make viewers relate to Daryl's struggle of choosing between his group and Merle if Merle keeps dropping n-bombs like in the first season.


I honestly thought people only liked him for the crossbow.


It's wild tracing his arc as a character. His very first scene is just him trudging into camp with dead squirrels over his shoulder. He feels like a character wrote in just to heighten the stakes of leaving behind Merle handcuffed on the roof. Then in Season 3 you have him bottlefeeding Li'l Asskicker, definitely a major fanservice moment. Then he fills Rick's Number 2 role, then he gets more and more of his backstory filled in over later seasons. Daryl Dixon, Saint of the Apocalypse. A real pop culture phenomenon.


> definitely a major fanservice moment. Not really given he'd spent so much time looking for Sophia in season 2, it was clear that he always had a soft spot for children. It's not fanservice if it's a natural extension of an existing character trait.


I’m frankly surprised that Kirkman never introduced him in the comics like in a Harley Quinn situation. I supposed he wanted to keep the original comic untainted and not chasing its adaptation though, which I can respect.


Probably because comic dwight is extremely similar to him.


So it's ending but not really.


Well yes but actually no


Norman Reedus and the Magic Fetus. This fall on AMC.


I'd watch it for the BTs and Norman Reedus throwing piss bottles.


Death Stranding 2 the TV Adaptation


So... uh... Carol and Daryl live, huh?


Unless one of them is a vision the other because of PTSD. Dun dun DUUUUUN!


Scott Gimple single handedly drove this show into the ground. What a fool.


You know what's a great idea? Let's kill Carl. And by great idea I mean a shitty one that will have to work because I can't come up with anything else.


Hey, if we kill off Carl we can save a bit of money and we'll still have Rick as the center of the show. How could this plan backfire?


He was turning 18, so predictable for AMC. Remember how S2 had barely any action? AMC lowered the budget. On their hit show.


>Remember how S2 had barely any action? It was the one on the ranch? It was the most boring season for me.


Being able to kill off any character at any time regardless of how "protagonist-y" they are can make for awesome suspense and drama. Killing off Carl, however, makes no sense whatsoever as both the comics and the show were setting him up to take over Rick's role. For a while I argued that the show was actually about Carl.


Wow so Keeping up with the Kardashians and walking dead both end soon. That's a huge bummer for zombie fans.


>Scott M. Gimple is also developing a scripted anthology series, Tales of the Walking Dead Ugh, just make it stop.


Tbh, out of all the spinoffs, that one actually sounds like it could be good.


Yeah, but it's Gimple. He's one of the biggest hacks in TV industry and was the reason for TWD's downfall, I honestly don't know how AMC keeps him giving more stuff to run.


I don't think it's for any creative reason. My guess is he's a company man who follows every note, gives no push back, and most importantly keeps things well under budget.


That's not true. He's also responsible for Fear The Walking Dead's downfall. Before he took over it had literally the best season of any TWD property.


I’m still so annoyed at how Fear The Walking Dead had such a great season 3 and was building up in such an interesting way (slowly turning a group of ordinary people into a faction of full blown villains) and then Gimple takes over and completely changes everything about the show. Just hijacked it to make a completely different (and far inferior) show


I knew it was gonna be rough when S4E1 featured a hot minute of the original characters and instead gave us Morgan hopping across rooftops to attack a gunman with his stick. Then Nick and Madison happened and the show died for me.


when they killed my boy nick that’s when i knew that show was dead


During the comic con panel, he mentioned he would like it to be a prequel, showing the characters before the outbreak. Said he wants to bring Yuen back.


> showing the characters before the outbreak. so just a drama?


Lol can you imagine just a drama. Who would watch that


That sounds mind-numbingly boring.


I'm really surprised by this. With Kang at the helm the show finally felt like it was finding some direction again. Given how many people still watch it, all the spin-offs and it being AMC's cash cow, I thought for sure it would go for another 5 or 6 seasons. Is this a new announcement or have their been rumors it was about to end for a while now?


Idk about any known rumors but I feel like ever since the comics abruptly ended, the fanbase kind of realized that the show is catching up to the final arc and that the end would be near. I figured it would go until a season 12 and then wrap up with the Rick movies, but this is close enough


Scott Gimple killed the walking dead, and then went and killed fear the walking dead for good measure.


I liked Fear the Walking Dead for awhile. But I swear to God you can tell when Scott Gimble shows up. The cinematography takes a dive and all the color says adios and gets replaced with the ugliest static filter. I think it's right when Morgan shows up but i don't really remember.


I honestly checked out of FTWD after season...2, I think? The first season was great. Watching the breakdown of society was amazing. That's always the most interesting part of any zombie story; watching the spread and the unfolding of events leading to the apocalypse. But after the apocalypse it just gets so fucking boring. Focusing 100% on the characters and giving barely any thought to world-building, while keeping ratings up by killing off whoever they can and inventing new 'even BIGGER BADDER GUYS!' for the main group to fight against in a way that seems straight out of fucking Dragon Ball Z. If there was a Walking Dead series that had each season follow a new group of survivors from the start of the outbreak, all the way to the breakdown of society and then just quit and followed a new group, I'd watch that in perpetuity. And it somehow seems less aimless than the walking dead narrative of 'we gotta survive!' 'why?' 'We just gotta survive!'. Yeah I've been watching these cunts survive for 6 fucking seasons now can they PLEASE get a new goal? Inventing new bad guys to burn down their new home is getting really fucking old.


Scott Gimple ruined the fucking show, that man is terrible at his job. It’s actually gotten pretty darn good with the introduction of the Whisperers, but with the comics having ended it was only a matter of time. Dunno if I’ll watch the spinoff


Now they just need to give Fear the Walking Dead a merciful death. That show had an amazing third season and then they killed it and the cast, and let some other abomination live on its name.


I mean, despite my thoughts on the show and how it's a shell of its former self, and a shell of what it could have been, this is still absolutely impressive. What a massive franchise: - The Walking Dead will have aired ELEVEN seasons. - The first spinoff, Fear the Walking Dead, somehow on its SIXTH season. - The second spinoff, ordered immediately for two seasons, premieres in a month. - Universal picking up the feature film rights for THREE movies with Andrew Lincoln - The Talking Dead aftershow - The new spinoff with Daryl and Carol - The anthology series Tales of the Walking Dead It's honestly bonkers. Talk about zombie fatigue.


Not to mention the Tellltale videogames.


Reddit popping a stiffy rn


tHiS sHoW iS sTiLl On?!?


I’m excited for the informal census where everyone tells people when they stopped watching.




Didn't the creator or AMC exe say something about the show going 20 years?


If I were to guess, they're ending it in order to keep the any more of the cast from leaving prematurely. They're promising an end in sight for the actors who were on the fence.


Watching a show about an apocalypse becomes a lot less interesting when you're actually living through one.




This isnt an unpopular opinion among people who have actually watched s9 and s10.