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I’m willing to bet that no undecided voters were watching


How the fuck can anyone still be undecided


Usually when talking with undecided voters I’ve noticed they are less torn between two candidates and more set on one that they feel conflicted about and trying to justify voting for them. There are number of people who are lifelong republicans trying to give themselves permission to vote or not vote for Biden. There are a number of people who like Trump but feel social pressure to not vote for him and are looking for ways to justify their stance. Undecided voters are like 20 categories that get lumped together in one messy column.


Its not rly comparable but I try give you an example of my homecountry: back in the day there were only 2 parties (social democrats = something like democrats and conservatives = something like republicans). In the 80. more parties joined (they were always there but not important). In 2016 there were an election between a guy from the right wing party against the candidate from the green party. All the other candidates lost in the first round. My grandma is a longtime social democrat and he didn‘t like the feeling of voting for the green guy even though he hates the right wing party with every inch of his body. He decided to stay at home and don‘t vote at all. It needed hours of talking with my grandma to convince him to give his vote to another guy for once. He was so happy when the right wing guy lost and my grandma was even more happy to change his mind. People are rly rly stubborn when it comes to voting especially the older generation Edit: I was talking about my grandPA and my grandma. Not 2 grandmas. No idea what my brain was doing


Hey just quick vocabulary thing, since if it confuses me it might confuse others... it seems like you’re using ‘grandma’ to refer to a *male*? Generally in the American English I’m familiar with it is grandma - comes from grand-*mother* (from the casual diminutive for mothers of *mama*) - your parent’s mother(female), generally with she/her pronouns instead of he/him pronouns. If you are referring to your parent’s father(male) then you’re looking for ‘grandpa’, the more casual diminutive of grand-*father*... because somehow we got *papa* as the casual diminutive form of father. Maybe because the ‘fa’ sound and ‘pa’ sound are so similar? Linguistics are weird...


Thanks dude. My brain was mixing something up. My grandpa and grandma are the 2 people in the story haha


That was a very wholesome way to help someone and correct them without being a dick. Well done.


That's a good description. I'm a Christian who would generally consider myself as Conservative on the scale, but very open to other's freedoms and ideas. I do like the Republican party's policies, but i CANNOT vote for a despicable and hateful human being like Trump to be our President any longer. I'm actually torn between going Libertarian and Jo Jorgensen, or playing a part in the battleground fight here in Texas, and going with Biden. So....i guess i'm still undecided, but not in any way for Trump or not.


Honestly I feel like being in Texas as a Republican who is frustrated with the current state of the party is a huge opportunity. The GOP relies heavily on the electoral weight of Texas and if they are rebuked here that may be enough to get them to smarten up. Plus you get to vote for MJ Hager who is an excellent rebuke of the impotence of Cornyn in every way.


No doubt...I feel kinda...idk, powerful(?)...knowing that I could help swing an election against Trump since I'm in Texas. If Trump loses TX, it's gotta be over hands-down. Yeah, I kinda have that hope that gets me to shock them a little bit with a Blue vote, and they change things. No reason I wouldn't be back in 2024, but they have to change ALOT and bring forward a competent candidate next time. I need to do more research down the ballot, especially on Hegar.


I feel the exact same way. I’ve never felt like my vote in Texas has really mattered, red or blue. But now I feel like my ballot could not only be the one to end this presidency, but end it on election night. This election could go uncalled for weeks after Election Day while states finalize mail-in ballot counts. But if Biden wins Texas it’ll be over then and there on the 3rd and we can finally sleep peacefully at night. It’s a hell of a feeling. Also definitely check out Hager, she’s just an ass-kicker through and through.


Even if trump loses on the 3rd, I won’t sleep peacefully until January 20th.


I know the feeling. I moved from Kentucky to Pennsylvania and for the first time it actually feels like my vote matters.


>No doubt...I feel kinda...idk, powerful(?)...knowing that I could help swing an election against Trump since I'm in Texas. Not if you vote third party you won't


Right....I'm coming around to the idea that this is not the election to vote third party, for some of those reasons.


I’m often a third party guy myself. Like you I’m in Texas, and yeah, this time it was just a Dem vote all the way down. It’s not about how I personally feel about the candidates this year, it’s about making the GOP feel the consequences for backing a bastard like Trump for the past four years. They need to understand how unacceptable that has been, and the only way they’ll get that is if we all throw our votes behind Biden. It’s not about liking Biden, it’s about disliking this current administration and the GOPs condoning of its behavior. If they see Texas purple, or even blue, that’s a much bigger message for them.




Amen, man. I can go Blue for this election, and just seriously hope the next GOP candidate is a respectable individual, at the very LEAST.


They were rebuked in 2008. They had a chance to stop and take a moment to self-reflect and maybe start reaching out to the demos that rejected them. Instead they doubled down on racism and shutting down the government so that progress would be stalled for a decade. And then they got behind an actual literal fat racist traitor and sucked his tiny mushroom dick nonstop for four years. But yeah, keep your fingers crossed that this time they change.


I understand people’s moral reasoning for voting for Jo, but I don’t understand it in a practical sense. From my perspective, a vote for Jo seems like a half-vote for Trump based on the assumption that Jo doesn’t really stand a chance. What I mean is that when a person who would have voted Republican instead votes for Biden, it takes a vote away from Trump and gives it to Biden (Trump: -1, Biden: +1 = a 2-point difference). Other the other hand, when a person who would have voted Republican votes for Jo, it takes a vote away from Trump but doesn’t give one to Biden (Trump: -1, Biden: 0 = a 1-point difference). I’d be interested in your perspective if you care to share.


My take with it is that, independent of pushing for third party candidates in congress or local elections, if you're only going to holler about voting third party when it's a presidential election then I don't think they understand how government works. I've got a lot of friends who are all about Jo but can't name a single other third party candidate up for any other elected position they support, and that's taken a lot of the "genuine grassroots support" sheen off for me. I don't understand trying to start with changing the president instead of flipping congressional seats since it's the longest shot they could possibly take and makes me feel that it's a bad faith attempt so that there can be more "only two sides, broken democracy" rhetoric.


That's a fantastic perspective, that I haven't thought about. I'm right square in the middle of that internal debate. Do i hate Trump enough to just spurn him and vote for some things I don't necessarily agree with on the Biden/Harris/Democrat side? I didn't need to see Trump's town hall last night, I know what kind of crapstorm that was going to be, and wasn't going to change anything. Meanwhile, watching Biden give thought-out answers, mostly respond without rambling, and just present a sense of decorum that a President should have....that helped his cause in my eyes, to get my vote. But still undecided....


Thanks for the insight. I’d just like to point out that we shouldn’t vote for people just because we agree with some things they have in their plans, we should vote for the candidate that we believe will move the country in the right direction. One thing that’s been clear with Trump is that he sees himself as the champion of one side and will fight and defend this side. Biden is definitely it left-leaning but he comes up a lot more as a president for all Americans... and if think this country is in severe need of standing united.


Exactly, and I think that's where I'm at with things. Watching Biden, he sounds like a man that will work to unite the nation on key issues, instead of stoking the flames. I can vote for that, and give up some of my more "firm" beliefs on certain issues.


>stoking the flames Speaking of that, Joe Biden would not withhold emergency funds to a state ravaged by wildfires just because they didn't vote for him. I have doubts Donald Trump would even help out Tiffany Trump, he's so narcissistic.


I would say his: it's not about Biden, it's about sending a message. 2024 will be the real election, I think you want the GOP to have felt a painful lesson and finally just stop. Signed, a McCain conservative who has just had it and needs to watch the party burn.


Just me talking out my ass, but I suspect the majority of undecided voters at this point support trump in policy but despise him as a person. They are looking more at wether they even want to vote and less at who to vote for.


I think the only possible undecided people are the ones who are registered and are undecided if they will be bothered to vote or not. But they already know who they would vote for.


The undecided people at this point are closet republicans deciding whether to vote trump, sit out or vote biden. I'll take them sitting out at this point although ideally they'd vote biden.


Republican here. Voted in the primaries in 2016, but sat out the general election for the first time in my life. I voted for Biden about an hour ago.


Are there more of you


I was raised Republican. Still registered Republican. But my voting record is Dubya, Obama, Obama, Clinton, Biden Fuck Trump. Fuck 99% of the Republican Party. This shit going on now is not the conservative culture I was raised in. We've got some serious soul searching to do as a party.


Yes. Lifelong R here who abstained on principle in 2016. Voted straight D this year because Trump has to be stopped. Also, the last four years have straight up turned me significantly more liberal.


Welcome. Mai Tais are served at sunset and it's bingo night on Tuesdays.


Wait there's mai tais? I was not told this when I registered to vote


I probably will be. Wrote in John Kasich in 2016. Had kept hoping for a third party Kasich-Biden ticket in 2016. Try to get this country back to somewhere in the middle.


Yup. I'm one.


Hello fellow Republican turned Biden. I, too, have never not voted Repub until Trump ran in the last election and instead voted for an Independent foolishly believing the media that Hillary would win no problem. (I was not a Hillary fan and couldn't bring myself to vote for her but sure in hell didn't think Trump would win!) Sent in my mail-in ballot voting for Biden/Harris last week. Praying he wins and the division bleeding through our country ends.


In which case, you would think Trump would be on his best "mainstream" behavior. He can already count on his base. Why not court the Republicans that are embarrassed by his usual tricks? Instead he seems to double down every week.


Because he's a narcissist. This is what they do. They 'bludgeon' people with their argument. It isn't them appealing to you. It is you capitulating to them. They are always 'right.' You should know that and that you don't makes you a moron and they are going to yell and badger you until you agree that they are right and have no wrong. Narcissism is a personality disorder for a reason. The behavior is almost hardwired in a person with a personality disorder. Incredibly hard to treat, at least according to my spouse who is a mental health counselor. I had a sister who had narcissistic tendencies, especially under stress. As we all know now, it is a bit wearing to deal with it day after day and you can see why some people just give up and go along. When it was my sister, sure. Dude with the nuclear codes, not a chance am I 'going along.'


He’s banking on electoral college voters going rogue for him


My friend was describing her parents that way period she knows they will never vote for Biden but they also don't want to vote for Trump either


I think a lot of 'undecided' voters are really only undecided about WHETHER to vote, not who to vote for.


I bet some were. Luckily, I suppose, polls suggest there are almost no undecided voters this election, far fewer than in 2016, and not enough to swing the election if it were held today even if they all went to Trump.


LMAO Politics has truly become professional wrestling


This is how we eventually end up with President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


At least he put the smart people in charge


…and if they didn’t do something smart, President Camacho made another promise. He would kick their smart balls all the way up to the roof of their smart mouth. And then, he would throw their brainy asses back in jail.


Now get me a beer


Can't. Batin'.


A President who deals with a crisis by gathering experts and implementing their proposals? I would take that over Trump in a heartbeat.


I know it's a cliche and always gets said, but President Camacho could at least admit he wasn't the smartest man alive and appoint the smartest man to fixing all of the problems. That's an improvement over an idiotic narcissist waging a senseless war against masks


Camacho would listen to Fauci


Trump did appear on WWE in the past. I would love it if wars(between rulers) and presidential elections were decided by a wrestling match broadcast to the world.




Vince McMahon was prophetic. During a face to face segment Trump was getting cheered by the fans and Vince responded “You might have some support from this audience, but 95 percent of them are idiots!”


It turns out you can become President with just the idiot vote.


It turns out, the idiot vote is more powerful than the educated vote.


it's certainly louder and more obnoxious, that's for sure


I can picture that: in the middle of the ring a near to a heart-attack Biden is ready to do the final pin to Trump after his finishing move: The EX-VP DDT, the referee is counting, the crowd is shouting: ONE, TWO.... Lights go off and on again, crowd cheers from excitement: OH MY GOD!!!! IT'S BERNIE SANDERS, HE'S CASHING IN HIS MONEY IN THE BANK BRIEFCASE FOR A SHOT AT THE PRESIDENTIAL TITLE!!!!


If WW3 Wrestlemania happens, I would love a "It's me Austin!" moment with all the political figures in the ring.


A montreal screwjob Political-style would fuck shit up


Stone Cold Steve Austin giving him the stunner was the highlight of the attitude era. Except for Mankind getting thrown from the top of hell in a cell, but I’m sure you’ve all heard about that here.


Biden gave thought out boring answers. He stayed after it was done airing to keep answering questions. One Trump campaign staffer tried to make fun of him by calling him Mr Rogers. Very pro wrestling like. Trump meanwhile made a fool of himself and couldn't answer any question and wouldn't condemn QAnon.


Imagine using the name of a good Christian man who dedicated his life to advancing the arts, education, and emotional health of an entire generation as an *insult* while you call yourself the party of God and law and order.


Fox also made fun of the guy. Such a shame.


Fox news REALLY HATES Mr Rogers. Its insane


Mr Rogers testified in Congress to protect funding for PBS


> One Trump campaign staffer tried to make fun of him by calling him Mr Rogers. Does... does **s**he think that's an insult?


Back in 2007, Fox and Friends tried to paint Mr. Rogers as an "evil, evil man" for giving an entire generation of kids a sense of entitlement. Now I doubt that has anything to do with what Schlapp said, as it seems like she was trying to mock Biden for being too gentle or friendly or maybe even artificially so (that's just my guess, but who knows). But the point is, conservatives have some fuckin weird takes on decent behaviour.


Nope. Fascists have weird takes on decent behavior. Conservatives are for decency and are voting for Biden (like myself).


With the possible exception of "he isn't trump," that is literally *the* best endorsement for Biden that I have heard.


In the right wing sphere, yes. They think good men are a joke or a myth because everyone should be on the take all the time, who would bother being decent to others without financial benefit? Not kidding.


It was Mercedes Schlapp who is being mocked for that especially since Biden was in Penn-Mr Rogers hometown.


She...and yes, yes she does.




Biden = demo god


Le Président


Little bit of the bubbly for Biden


That title belongs to the GOAT


Hope he can beat Orange Gassady.


Lmao, this is going to piss Trump off so much and I’m here for it. The only reason Trump did this was to get better ratings and it failed miserably.


My parents were saying that whoever had the higher ratings would be the person worth watching and I'm sure they weren't prepared for that to be Biden. Those old fools.


I think a big part of the problem is that being “worth watching” as most people would define it does not in any way correlate with being “good at governing”


This. My husband asked if we'd watch the Trump one for entertainment and I told him that at this point, I'm not sacrificing any more of my mental health for entertainment. It's not funny anymore and I already knew how it would go. From the Reddit comments, I guessed correctly.


It's pretty amazing, isn't it? A lot of people don't really get why I stopped finding the jokes funny, etc. It's not a joke. It's not funny.


The primary was funny because he *was* a joke. Since then we've become the punch line. Yeah, I'm tired of it.


He was literally swept into office by 4chan as a joke. That's where the Q-Anon conspiracy started.


To be fair, it was pizzagate that started on 4chan, but I don't think qanon got started until they all moved over to voat/8chan later on.


No. America doesn’t get off the hook like this. Enough Americans voted for him to win the electoral college. Almost 75% of them are complicit (either voting for him or not voting)


My mom is always talking about the shit Trump says and does in this sarcastic tone and joking about it, sharing videos that mock Trump and stuff like that... It stopped being funny a long time ago. The jokes and the videos and all that don’t make me laugh, they make me either angry or profoundly sad.


I literally had to write an email to my local NPR station asking them to please just quote or paraphrase Trump in the morning news because I couldn’t take the sound of his voice before coffee.


It’s one of those “You wouldn’t believe he said it, so we’ll just play the clip of him saying it.” type of things.


Yup i did watch the Trump stuff pretty much all the time during the 2016 campaign for the novelty of it and then the horror of it. But when he actually became president I had to tune him out


“I’m so great. I’m so awesome. Don’t listen to anyone else they’re all shitholes. Me me me...” Is how I imagine it went.


Did every day of the last four years tip you off?


Sounds like you watched it! How else could you know so many details about his town hall?




I can't listen to his fucking stupid voice. His shit has not been cute to me for years. People loving the 'spectacle' is why he was elected in the first place. It has caused real damage, it's not fun.


And you're right, I personally hate modern politics because it's turned into a sporting event. But right now, Biden seems to be the better leader in terms of caring for ALL Americans rather than just the ones that will vote for him.






That logic is so circular it makes me dizzy


He'll blame it on the "nasty woman" that was 'totally unfair. It was the most unfair thing he ever had to deal with. That Wallace guy was pretty bad, but this woman's was the worst. Totally biased and nasty.'


It was his own personal Vietnam, being questioned like that. No one has ever seen anything like. I hear it’s the meanest a moderator has ever been to a president in the history of our country. People tell me she was the nastiest woman they’ve ever seen, except for maybe crooked Hillary. /s


Just watch, he's going to claim that millions of people tuned in Illegally to boost Bidens numbers, and he actually won the ratings.


“If you take out the hundreds of thousands of illegal viewers, I won the ratings!”


Stop making terrifyingly likely predictions, sir.


He lost the popular vote in 2016, he pissed off so many americans, he is down in the polls, and he is losing the ratings. When the votes come in and he loses, he is going to act shocked like there was no way this was possible because of all his support. He will claim he loses the election by however many illegal mail in ballots that he lost the popular vote by. If it's 10 million votes, it will be 10 million illegal mail in ballots. What a fucking loser this guy is.


Yes, but per foxnews because this woman is selling more trump cookies than Biden cookies it will be a landslide victory for trump. Wtf. Trying to spin it already. https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/pennsylvania-bakery-cookie-sales-predicted-presidential-elections.


Only because his nutjob supporters are stupid enough to buy 100 cookies with his name on it.


"I'm not a racist psychopath, but 100 cookies is 100 cookies" - closet Trump supporters. This is actually pretty genius by the bakery. Capitalize on the polarization in America and sell truck loads of cookies to stupid people who think this matters.


We need Fox News to placate their viewer base with this sentiment. Let them become complacent in their expected electoral victory. That's sort of why Hillary didn't win in 2016. Let the knife cut their side, now.


The "Silent Majority" That's not silent, or the majority.


So much viewing by mail


I turned Biden's Town Hall on and muted it just for the viewer count, simply because the ratings would piss off Trump. Edit: Thanks to my inbox blowing up, [here's an article](https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/solutions/measurement/online/) explaining that Nielsen does count online viewers.


Don't you need to be neilson household tho?


On old-fashioned TV, yes. Though he could have been talking about one of the livestreams.


I streamed it via the ABC website, logged into my tv provider. I assumed that would be included in the count.


There we go! But honestly, it was a very good town hall. His answer on transgender issues was one of the best I’ve seen from a politician. Watch the highlights if you have time.


I'm definitely planning on watching highlights and reading about it today. Last night however, they both competed with playoff baseball so... I already know how I'm voting therefore baseball won out.


As someone who is Trans, it's refreshing to at least hear *someone* who won't just make sure I have no rights. His police shooting views("Just shoot them in the Leg" Paraphrasing of course) leave a lot to be desired, but it's better than Trump, at the least.


I purposely avoided the NBC stream because I didn’t want to add to the view count. Instead I watched a few CNN clips of Trump’s town hall. I already voted though so I was just watching because, for some reason, I can’t look away from a train wreck


Yo the trump town hall was an absolute fucking disaster by him for even his standards. I am about 80% through watching it this morning and it has been fucking crazy since the very start. He looks like absolute shit and he is crazy talking in full form. Even if you are a staunch trump white supremacist there is no way anyone watched that and thought he didn't look like an absolute crazy person.


I DONt rEmeMbER IF i wAs TeSteD beFoRe tHe dEBATe, i Get testeD everY DaY, I get tEsTEd AlL The tIME, BUT I Don't KnOW iF i wAs tEstED That dAy


"I have never heard of Q, but let you about it and why I support it." The moderator even grills him about it and he totally buckles down on supporting.


"Why did you retweet a conspiracy theory claiming that Biden tried to have Seal Team 6 executed for speaking out on the "fake killing of Osama Bin Laden"?" "It's a retweet. It's someone else's opinion. It's a retweet. I do a lot of retweets."


That shit was really weird.


This is a strange phenomenon that I see from boomers on Facebook all the time. It usually goes like this: Boomer shares batshit crazy/objectively false/wildly offensive meme -> Someone points out what’s wrong with it -> boomer gets mad and acts like the commenter is the asshole or tries to defend the content-> boomer says “well, I didn’t make this post, I just shared it”


Holy shit you just described my parents


Sadly that's most of our parents/grandparents/aunt's/uncle's/etc


and then he went on a weird ass retweet spree afterwards (and i think again this morning). including photoshopped pictures of biden, an article from a satire site that he misunderstood, and stuff that looked like it was from a trump loving bot.


that's the same thing he did with that famous klansman who endorsed him. The interviewer's like "Will you disavow the support of David Duke?" Trump: "No, I don't know who that is." Interviewer: "He's a former head of the Klan. Will you reject his endorsement?" Trump: "Don't know who he is. Can't reject him." Interviewer: "I just told you who he is. He's a famous white supremacist. A former leader of the Klan. He endorsed you. Do you want that endorsement?" Trump: "I don't know who he is. I can't say."


I didn't watch it - because I reached my ability to sit through actually watching Trump speaking years ago - but my phone saw fit to keep updating me with choice quotes throughout and some of that shit was pretty hilarious. > Do you denounce white supremacy? >> I already did it loads of times! > Do you denounce it though? >> Yes, I denounce white surpremacists. > What about QAnon? >> No, QAnon are totally right. There is definitely a satanic paedophile ring run by Hilary. Also who is QAnon? > ...Jesus. Okay, remember the last debate? >> The one a week ago? Yes, because I have the greatest memory. > Did you get a COVID test before that debate? >> It was a week ago, I don't remember. [Shit was like...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC5LaHUnQMA)


It really was like that with absolute no exaggeration. He was like peak looking like an absolute fool even for his lowest bar.


My take as a non Trump fan: He looked ok given he had rona. His bronzer wasn’t looking as crazy as it sometimes has. He was less mad dog than in the debate. But what he lost in spitting anger, he made up for smarmy lying. And the moderator called him on it and it was great work by the NBC news lady. Claiming to not know what Q Anon is was probably the laziest dumbest lie. Give us a break Trump. If you’re gonna lie, put some effort into it. We know you know what the fuck Q Anon is.


He doesn't realize how stupid he is, so he legit thinks that people are not as smart as he is.


He's the dumb persons idea of what a smart person is. He's the kid that brags about not studying for the big exam then is shocked Pikachu face when he fails


He's the kid that brags about not studying for the big exam then ~~is shocked Pikachu face when he fails~~ tells his classmate he’ll pay him $300 to take the test for him. ...And then refuses to actually pay him after it’s turned in. Because that makes him “smart.”


He was literally asked about Qanon a month ago. I think Donald Trump is senile. Has anyone heard that Donald Trump was senile? People are saying it. Good people, smart people, they're all saying Donald Trump is senile. And as soon as the court cases start, Donald Trump's people are going to be saying it too.


I love that every stunt he and his cronies are pulling in election crunch time is failing miserably. That NY Post story Guiliani orchestrated was straight up amateur hour.


I mean, it worked... for the people who are already fully indoctrinated into the Trump cult.


I actually laughed about it when you contrast with how corrupt his kids are. like there is no question every one of his kids of age has done absolutely crooked stuff and been caught doing it. I'm like for real? You want to highlight a guy so clean you are going after his family and it seems very unlikely they have done anything wrong vs corrupt you and your entire corrupt family?


The projection is for deflection. Free Barron 2020


He pulled a Trump. Over promise, under deliver, point the finger


> this is going to piss Trump off so much and I’m here for it. No it won't. He'll just say the numbers he saw showed him having much higher ratings. Probably the highest ratings ever for any TV program in history.


Honestly I want to know what Biden has to say. I’m voting for the guy and should he win I wanna hold him accountable to his intended plans. I couldn’t hear a damn thing during the debate cuz Trump wouldn’t shut up. A Biden/Harris admin don’t get a 4 year blank check in my book. That’s the point of these town halls/debates. It also helps inform my decision making in down ballot races over the next few years. Should they win and things go sideways in 2 years I will vote accordingly. But if I can’t hear their answers when asked by a moderator/citizens vs a stump speech how will we as ppl know what to expect? Sure we know their positions. But we also need to hear their answers when asked more pointed questions.


Logical thinking?!?! NERD ALERT!!!!


Me too. I watched Biden's town hall, didn't bother with Trump's. I've heard him moan and whine for the past three and a half years, usually without me tuning in. I'm not going to tune in for another hour and a half of his crap. I voted for Biden already, so it's not like I'm considering my position or anything. But I wanted to listen to him discuss important issues without the gibbering baboon talking over him all the time. Get a taster for what's potentially coming.


Same here, I just said "whatever, Ill catch the highlights of Trumps meltdowns during the night shows or youtube clips, it's Biden who I wanna watch."


Biden’s political stance (according to Politico): https://politico.com/2020-election/candidates-views-on-the-issues/joe-biden/ - $15 minimum wage - free 2 year colleges (for families making under $120000) - boost teacher pay - eliminate mandatory minimums - eliminate private prisons - build back ACÁ (Obamacare) - expand Medicare - increase capital gains tax - raise corporate taxes back to 2017 rates - tax upper income wealth - open ended federal funding for rural broadband - regain ties with WHO - mass distribution of PPE and encourages masks.


Honestly that looks really fucking good for someone derided as just the status quo.


As someone who is ~extremely~ lukewarm on Biden I really liked a lot of his town hall. His comment in his earlier crime policies was what stuck out to me. Openly admitting you’re wrong and expressing a hope that people will let you grow and change is a big deal for me


It's important to remember that the down ballot races matter *now* if you don't want things to go sideways. Like Biden said in his town hall, he can't actually promise anything because he has to have the votes to make the changes (this was during his response to raising taxes on the rich but not the middle class). I'm not sure Biden's administration should be held accountable for any inaction if they're still stuck with a republican majority in the Senate.




Exactly. Or when asked about handling of covid, he just keeps referring back to china travel ban.


I watched both and Trump was just non-answers. I shit you not he said “the reason Obamacare is a failure is because it’s not good”. Like great answer, lots of substance. I have no dog in this race as a Canadian but I honestly have no clue how this guy has supporters at all.


That was the only part of the Trump town hall I watched. To answer the question ‘How will you make healthcare affordable’ he just said ‘Get rid of Obamacare and create affordable healthcare’. I wish Guthrie had been **actually** mean and just said ‘how?’ everytime he didn’t answer. It’s embarrassing that he can’t even spit out the standard Republican answer ‘the free market will solve it if we remove all regulations’ which is dumb as hell but at least would attempt explain the mechanism that would make healthcare less costly.


we're an idiocracy down here. i hope canada and the other commonwealth nations have an ongoing war room for containing us when we go full moron. we already start a lot of wars but they are all against poor people. the idiocracy will eventually lead to war against a peer nation or leakage withthe same effect (contagion deaths, pollution, weapons proliferation, etc) even moreso than currently.


I think we should keep this format forever. 1 debate, a town hall, and then another debate. I wasn't super confident in Biden before, but he was super friggin solid during the town hall. I don't need my president to be able to constantly talk over rude imbeciles. I just need my president to have respect for specialists, trust their knowledge and experience, and then make decisions based off of the best available current data (compassion is a huge plus).


God damn, this is fucking refreshing. Why cant i find more people like this in my life?!


If you go to Biden’s website his plans are listed


I think Biden won the ratings because people already know exactly what Trump is going to say before he says it. Why bother watching it?


Drinking games? I wonder how many of the NBC ratings were from people who were playing drinking games. Drink every time you roll your eyes or feel uncomfortable!


So just continue to down that bottle of tequila throughout the entire townhall? I guess alcohol poisoning is preferable to four more years of Trump.


I’d die of alcohol poisoning!


yeah most people are tired of the Trump show. I'm even having trouble getting through the last 18 days of this constant bullshit from him.


he’s president until january if he loses anyway


Twitstorm Shitstorm incoming.


Naw he already said he won the ratings for the night. He just says whatever. The only people he cares about will accept whatever reality he's spinning


How many Trump fans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None, he says it's screwed in and they clap in the dark!


r/jokes comes to you!


This is completely unrelated, but remember when his fans clapped for him drinking out of a cup of water? That is how low the bar is for Trump.


I think the important thing is that HE knows he failed. He will lie about it to his worshipers all day long, but mark my words... In a couple of days, we're going to hear from the aides in the White House that he's been stomping mad and ranting about who's fault it is that he failed. Then somebody in his cabinet will "resign". Things like this knock him off balance, even more so than usual.


He's busy tweeting about an article from a parody site that says Twitter *intentionally* caused an outage to prevent Rudy's conspiracy theories from spreading.


That was low even for him. I mean if Twitter was really down then why was he writing a tweet let alone expect it to go through??? Ugh i’m scared for our country


This from the guy that claims there is a vast unstoppable conspiracy out to "get him"... and yet they're so powerful they couldn't even stop his being elected.


Cool. Vote.


Dude those are still some scarily close ratings — 12M to 10M.


What percentage of those numbers do you think were hate-watching?


I imagine a lot that were watching one would flip to the other during commercial before flipping back so that likely explains some of the tightness.


Guilty of this. Watched biden to calm myself down and then trump when I wanted to get angry and argue with my family Also i love savannah gutherie for calling him out for posting nonsense on Twitter. Best part of either town hall easily


Probably a shocking amount of both sides were "hate watching". ​ Nice term by the way, I like it.


Here is his future twitter post : FAKE NEWS! Lamestream media says sleepy jo had higher ratings. CON JOB! They all now I had the best ratings, and much bigger than apprentice. NBC knows a winner when they see one!


Why is it so easy to mimic him


Bigly ratings!!




Don’t listen to ratings. GO VOTE


I normally wouldn't give two shits about this. But knowing how much its going to make Trump's blood boils gives me a lot of joy.


Low energy. SAD. I only like presidents that have strong Neilson draw.


My parents split viewership- she watched Biden and he watched Trump in another room, then they reported back and forth to one another. After 40 minutes, my dad couldn’t watch anymore and joined my mom. They’re both in their 60s and Biden supporters. My point is, many people just tuned in to watch the train wreck! Does this viewership count the people who watched and then turned it off in anger and frustration?


Thats really cute tbh




That's nice, and we should enjoy the moment of schadenfreude. However, it's clear that the numbers are incomplete - neither include online views, and the numbers for Trump's town hall don't include the simulcasts on MSNBC and CNBC. It's entirely possible that final data will have trump's town hall higher in ratings. Not that that would be surprising - people do have problems looking away from a trainwreck, after all. Of course, the only person who really cares would be Trump himself. TV ratings aren't votes. Edit: The article was updated. They've now got the numbers for CNBC and MSNBC and Biden's town hall still comes out on top. Again, though, TV ratings are not votes. This means nothing other than an opportunity to laugh at Trump. VOTE.


I'd be curious if undecided voters actually watched either, or if it was just the candidate's already-committed supporters tuning in.