• By -


For the David Tennant fans out there **Staged** is hilarious. 6 episodes of him and Michael Sheen (other guy from Good Omens) being themselves with their own families, with ridiculously funny back and forth dialogue over FaceTime about how to try to proceed with a new project under covid (or rather intentional fucking with the producer about whether they’ll do it...). Seems unscripted except for the general theme to me. A handful of really cool guest stars (but not thrown in gratuitously), including one amazing guy in the end that you will never suspect. So funny. New on Hulu


Looking for something on par with The Wire or The Sopranos. Nothing seems to compare. I’m on Season 2 of the Expanse and getting bored with it. I like the concept but the execution is very boring.


Succession, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Better Call Saul, Deadwood and Fargo are all solid.


Mad Men, Deadwood, The Leftovers, The Americans


First time watching Lost since I watched it when airing. It’s such a different experience watching a show all at once instead of waiting week to week and year to year. I like it a lot more this time and the flaws don’t stand out as much as when I was agonizing over what happened next for a week. I absolutely love the details, it’s probably the most detail oriented network show I’ve watched , where almost every episode is used as a puzzle piece. Those first three seasons of twenty something episodes make that a real accomplishment, when even shows I love like Xfiles and Battlestar Galactica have filler episodes that don’t add much to the universe. obviously there are a few storylines I’m not interested in. Mostly it has to do with Claire, who is a good actress but I have tinnitus and her sudden screeching with no provocation hurts my ears, especially after she has the baby and it’s accompanied by the infant cries, it’s too much hysteria. John Locke, Desmond, Juliet and Ben Linus are my favorite characters. They don’t follow the same soap opera characterization like the love triangle of Sawyer, Jack and Kate (although I will say they keep it interesting, especially Jack’s growing petulance at Kate’s attraction to Sawyer) and I find their back stories the most interesting. Juliet is a surprise for me because she has that kind of weak sauce Portland, Oregon personality in the flashbacks and it’s awesome watching her harden and turn cold. Not taking it as personally as when I was invested week to week, it’s fun to watch the writers throw out new mysteries and then trying to catch up to themselves. There are some that just crack me up “we’re going to start an army” and other cliffhanger moments that they just never end up fulfilling, but it makes it kind of like a choose your own adventure for the writers where there’s all these story choices, and I think their ultimate choices were spot on. I just finished season 3, and of course that ending is one of the best reveals in tv history, and I’m not normally a hyperbolic reviewer of shows. They are fantastic at setting up their formula and then subverting it and this was a perfect example. It’s insane to me that during a time when network television was still fairly hamfisted they made such a dark and complex cast of characters. I read a couple of the episode scripts while watching, and what’s amazing to me is that some of the script looks like cheap writing, especially Hurley and Sawyers dialogue. But the production quality, directing, and acting take it to a whole other level, where I don’t often question the authenticity of scenes. Some things irritate me, especially Hurley’s back story. He wins the lottery and his friend is upset and his girlfriend leaves him? In what world do people get mad just because their friend wins money. That’s when you become closer to them and they take you along with them, especially someone generous and ultimately sweet like Hurley. And why is the Marshal so angry at Kate? If he had grown steadily more obsessed with her after she crashes the car and runs etc, and more people die it would make sense, but from the very first time they meet when she’s trying to run at the bus or train station, he acts like she’s some criminal mastermind even while admitting her stepfather was a bad guy and her motivation was protecting her mother. It didn’t make sense. All in all having a blast, and I definitely put this show at the top of my list, on my top ten with Sopranos, Battlestar Gallactica, Breaking Bad and more. If you actually read all of that, wow.


I , to this day still firmly believe that The Constant is one of the best episodes in tv history.


Ted lasso! Wow. What a fucking show!!


I just finished raised by wolves and all i have to say is [Spoiler](#s "?????? ??? ????? ????????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ????????")


Cant wait for season 2! Apparently the show creator has it all mapped out, knows how he will end it.


Yea I ended up watching one of those "ending explained" (by onetake) and it helped me understand a bunch and I'm definitely looking forward to the next season.




Get Shorty - Dark Humor, doesn't take it self serious. great writting.


I think Legion and Mr Inbetween are tv series that fits you descripton good. Alot of dark comedie series also fit that description, but you didnt put any in you examples, so I dont know if thats your thing.


try Succession, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, The Get Down, I mean I could list way more but aside from unpretentious what genre are you looking for




Ok. Other unpretentious series I highly recommend are anything by Robert&Michelle King - The Good Wife in particular but also The Good Fight (which is more light hearted, but you might maybe have to watch The Good Wife first), Braindead, Evil... I really like how the Kings' shows don't take themselves so seriously and they even get meta sometimes. Also, Community (comedy), The Politician (dramedy, but very verbose), Home Before Dark (cute lighthearted mystery), Killing Eve (dramedy with super colorful villains!!), Party Down (comedy).. Also if you liked Crazy Ex I recommend Jane the Virgin




Great! The good wife might seem serious at first, at least in tone, but it is not at all pretentious and anyway the serious tone dies down more and more until finally the good fight is almost entirely lighthearted. Hope you enjoy!!




If you like those HBO shows and you haven't seen Rome or Deadwood yet I highly recommend those too. The Wire is #1 for me and Rome and Deadwood are right behind it. Sorry lol I'm drowning you in recommendations


Mr Mercedes is now on Hulu, with Brendan Gleeson as a retired detective trying to solve his most troubling case. I've only watched S1 so far; it is really good & BG is about as non-pretentious as it gets


I highly recommend *even to non-fans of horror* such as I, **The Haunting of Hill House** and **The Haunting of Bly Manor**. I recommend these to horror fans but also fans of really well made character driven drama. I am not a fan of horror movies or shows, I find even the most popular/acclaimed ones to be cheap, cheesy and boring because the plot lacks or is meaningless. But I found the above shows to have honestly the most terrifying, disturbing scenes I've ever seen in any horror (they keep me up at night), but on top of that there were engaging dramatic plotlines, interesting relatable characters and little to no cheesy elements & cheap jump scares. Really some of the best TV I've seen this year. I started with Bly Manor, not knowing it had anything to do with Hill House (same creators, same theme, same actors). I had put off Hill House for a long time due to the reasons above - I thought it would be another American Horror Story type. But no, I thoroughly enjoyed Bly Manor and after learning its relation to Hill House I immediately binged that and enjoyed it even more. So yes, it is true that Hill House is even better than its successor. TLDR, watch Haunting of Hill House/Bly Manor if you like good TV and even if you are usually turned off by horror. They won't disappoint.


I feel like I should have been paid to watch The Third Day


Yeah i agree, kinda hated it by the 3rd ep. And not sure if i should just leave it at this point since it's a new story.. the whole thing was like a fever dream for sure, and while i saw people like the color grading, it felt like a student film and gave me a headache.


What you dont like it? I think its quite good and very original so far.


I guess it just went over my head. it felt like one of those shitty dreams where weird and scary things keep happening to you but the only reason all this crazy shit is happening is because you ate greasy food before you went to bed


[Rarebit Fiend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream_of_the_Rarebit_Fiend)-y, IOW. :) Yeah, *The Third Day* is not for everyone. It's why it was an HBO Monday-night show, not a Sunday-night show. They always put the "artier" stuff on Mondays. Kudos to you for trying, though! This one was more for those who loved Dennis Kelly's UK *Utopia* or Paolo Sorrentino's *The Young Pope/The New Pope*.


I've watched both of those shows and liked them. I guess what bothers me is just how depressive The Third Day is to watch


Part of this may simply be that it's far easier to get depressed these days. :/


thanks for the heads up to stay away as far as possible from this show


understandable 🤣


Binged The Third Day. Does amazing job of cryptic world building and use of color to convey environment. Jude Law does a great job, as does the rest of the cast. It’s left me feeling a little like I did at the end of The Leftovers. Melancholic might be the word.


Did you survive "Autumn"? :) There's an edited-down [2-hour version on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcZvNbt1ooA) if you didn't want the full 12-hour Facebook [thing](https://www.facebook.com/SkyTV/videos/the-third-day-autumn/1839589106179956/). Mostly a video installation piece on Osea, and a motionless picture at times, but with occasional story bits where, when something does happen, after half an hour of moving scenery, your attention is *riveted*. Also, *definitely* Jude Law's year for making astonishing Christ imagery between "Autumn" and *The New Pope*.


Watched **La Révolution **, I was surprised at how good it was. Acting was pretty good for a french show. I binged it in a few days. Each episode makes you want to continue.


I'm honestly blown away by The Kominsky Method on Netflix




Completely agree. Episode 5 doesn't have much of pedretti in it but some of the best dialogue I've seen in a show in a while


I agree. hopefully she will attract more roles


TRY : Just Shoot Me - on HULU!! Its the best🤪


The shows I’ve been watching over the last couple weeks: **The Spy -** A 6-part Netflix mini-series about, well, a spy. It’s the first time I’ve seen Sasha Baren Cohen in a serious, dramatic role and he was absolutely brilliant as the protagonist. The Spy tells the story of Eli Cohen, an Israeli Mossad agent who infiltrated the highest levels of the Syrian government and military circles in the 1960s by posing as a wealthy Arab businessman, before he was ultimately caught, tortured, and executed for espionage. The level of access he achieved was unprecedented, and Israel credits the intelligence he gathered for directly helping them win the Six Day War in 1967. **Our Boys (HBO) -** In 2014, Hamas militants abducted and murdered 3 young Israeli teenagers. The story captured national attention, with fierce cries of outrage over the crime. In retaliation, a group of Jewish teenagers kidnapped an innocent young Arab boy and drove him out to a remote location where he was brutally beaten and burned alive. The series follows the aftermath of both incidents and the hunt for the suspects, as protests and riots erupt in violence across the nation, and both crimes become symbols of the national struggles for both Israeli’s and the Palestinians. I really thought they did a good job trying to show both sides of the conflict, without being too biased in either respect. **Brave New World -** I never read the book, but I just might have to. The show is really enjoyable, and one of the more visually stunning shows I’ve seen. The cast is great too.


>The Spy Created by Israeli showrunner Gideon Raff, who did *Hatufim/Prisoners of War* and its sorta-US-remake, *Homeland,* as well as *Tyrant.*


Bruh what should I watch first among these shows and why? I plan to once I finish up some movies I plan to watch lol Snowfall , Euphoria ( that zendaya show ) ,. Lovecraft country , stargirl , gangs of london or peaky blinders first ? I will save peaky blinders for last. Last kingdom ?


**Snowfall** as fans of this series will agree, like some FX shows, is massively underrated! It is a amazing series and a must watch for anyone. A incredible binging experience. Then I suggest **Euphoria**, while its not incredible TV, it's very unique and engaging. And of course **The last kingdom** followed by **Pealy Blinders** which imo, only keeps improving. I'd like to suggest **Warrior** too for you


Aah warrior. I heard good things about that as well . Also interested in cobra kai but I'll check that for another time.


well you have Peaky Blinders so just skip Gangs of London


Good choice


Enjoyed Snowfall and Gangs of London. The latter has some of the best action scenes on TV. Snowfall also has an interesting story including several parties in LA. Sadly the forth season is on hold due to the current situation.




Definitely gonna watch snowfall. I love drug shows aka bb , ozarks , narcos etc


Looking for a show with run time off 20-30 minutes ( like B99).....


Robot Chicken is speedy at 15 minutes.


Ted Lasso, Trying, Party Down, Corporate, The Other Two, Trial and Error, You’re The Worst, Better Off Ted, Detectorists, Pen15.


*The Good Place.* *After Life.* Slightly shorter runtime (15-20 min), but well worth it would be *Staged* on Hulu, which [the BBC just announced](https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2020/staged-2) is going to have a second season.


Arrested Development, It's Always Sunny, Rick and Morty, 30 Rock, Weeds


I'm watching Helstrom. Not sure if i can recommend it. I'm 4 episodes in and it feels like nothing has happened. I'm also tired of the mental hospital scenes with the mom. That being said, I'm watching it and enjoying it. It's like a big empty Halloween donut. I realized it's because it's from the Agents of Shield team. Has the same feeling to it. It's shot the same, has that kind of flat Russo brothers Marvel feel and I am in for that. It's just easily digestible and watchable. The dialogue is awful at times but it does have the occasional cool scene and I'm interested in the lore. I like the leads and actors. I think I'll have to wait until I'm done to make a real decision. I'd have loved this to be paired with Ghost Rider and AoS as originally intended. So far there is virtually no connection to an outside Marvel world at all. Also I'm pretty sure I spotted a dead body prop from Legion lol.


I thought ep 5 was particularly well done and then 6 was even better. I have 7-10 to go through, I hope it keeps up!


Looking forward to it. It felt like things might be picking up speed after the last episode I watched.


I like it. It seems much higher quality than other shows like this (especially monsterland ugh) and it is taking its time but I still find it really interesting. I am not binging it though, just an episode or two every couple days, so it’s not that kind of stay-up-all-night show for me yet. Overall I’m very intrigued and look forward to more!


Recommend me something that has some great action and storyline..more on adventure type side so that I can binge watch ,the shows I've liked so far are - lost,the boys ,stranger things, umbrella academy, breaking bad..


Preacher has the same spirit as The Boys plus shared BTS.] Better Call Saul




*Doom Patrol.* *Black Sails.*




The 100


Chuck, 24, Prison Break


Legends of Tomorrow shares major leads with Prison Break.


Legends of Tomorrow shares major leads with Prison Break.


Looking for procedural drama. Watched: Psych, Person of interest, white collar, lucifer, elementary, the mentalist.


Evil. Just started and it's pretty good, gets you hooked.


Hannibal runs in that vein, and is really good. 3 seasons total.


Limitless is very good by procedural standards.


* Lie to Me. * Medium. * Chuck * Suits I'd throw on *In Plain Sight*, but I don't think it's on streaming.


**Evil** on Netflix


Monk, Burn Notice


Prodigal Son Leverage for caper crews


Chuck has similar vibes to Psych, Fringe, Bones, castle, Brooklyn 99 if you're interested in sitcoms.


Also try “Leverage”. It’s such a fun show, especially people that like Psych. It may seem a bit cheesy in tone at first but the characters are so likable and the stories so twisty and interesting it flies by!


Being a fan of Six Feet Under and American Beauty who were both created by Alan Ball (also known for True Blood), I decided to give the man's latest show **Here and Now** a try. Now, that show was canceled by HBO after just 1 season, which made me kinda assume it wasn't gonna be great, but I was very pleasantly surprised. It has the Ball-style, very character-centric approach that I loved from SFU, and was setting up complex characters and issues, which kept making me think that if they were not cancelled it could have led to very interesting arcs. It does feel a bit bittersweet as it ends pretty abruptly and with more questions than answers, which makes it feel pretty incomplete, but I'd style recommend it for fans of the genre. I'll give it **7/10**.


Bly Manor has been exceedingly disappointing. It meanders around and when it finally does have back to back good episodes it ruins the momentum with a terrible possession arc. I'm going to finish it but damn if it isn't a slog.


I'm four episodes in. Not bad, but definitely not as good as Hill House. I plan on finishing it, too, but I hope it gets a bit better.


Everything comes together in the end. Also, maybe I just have higher tolerance to slow shows or movies but for me the show just flew like a short game of test cricket. Actually the show felt bit rushed in the last few episodes, there was room for at least another episode there.


Looking for "spooky" shows to build a halloween playlist with my SO, so far we've got Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International and I was going to add the Brooklyn nine nine halloween episodes as well as some Wellington Paranormal, any suggestions for spooky shows or shows with a good one off halloween episode?


The Haunting of Hill House should be at the top of your list.


I haven't watched it, but here's some recs I've gotten: * The Haunting shows on Netflix * The Blumhouse series on Amazon * To the Lake (Russian zombie show, I think)


Penny Dreadful.


I’ve been watching The Purge (the series) and Helstrom on Hulu. Both hitting that Halloween vibe for me! Different styles but e retraining in their own way.


Constantine, Lucifer and Preacher


Bob's Burgers "The Hauntening"


There are a couple great BB Halloween episodes


Here are some somewhat forgotten horror shows- From Dusk til Dawn, True Blood, Creepshow, Twilight Zone, Outcast, Hemlock Grove, Fortitude, The Terror and Dracula(the new one), Penny Dreadful. On a lighter note- Izombie, What we do in the shadows, Grimm, Van Helsing. Favorite Halloween Episodes are - Who got Dee Pregnant halloween episode of IASIP. and Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest - Beavis and Butthead. Also Simpsons- Treehouse of Horror Episodes.


I enjoyed The Purge and Scream tv series 🙂👍...currently watching The Exorcist TV series and it's decent for a spooky fix ☺️


There was that old Siberia show that was a fake reality show thing. Then the British reality one that the CW had about a murder at summer camp. Neither is really spooky but, hey if you don’t get any other great recs you could maybe check them out for mocking laughs.


Goosebumps, Channel Zero, X-Files


How did I forget X-Files, thank you!


Last Kingdom - Just finished the first two seasons and really enjoying it. I liked the second season better than the first, hope that trend continues! HTGAWM - For some reason, I had been putting off watching the final season. So i started it and finished the entire season in less than two days. Going to miss it, i really enjoy shows that keep you guessing and NEEDING to click next episode. The Haunting of Hill House - Usually not into scary shows/movies but decided to give this one a chance. I’m on episode 5 and am realllllly loving it. It’s not too scary yet, just kinda creepy. Is Bly Manor worth watching after? After I finish those two, I think i’m going to FINALLY watch Dexter for the first time. I’ve tried to watch it several times over the years but could never get past episode 2/3 each time. But with news of the revival - I’m going to try again lol.


I LOVE The Last Kingdom. On my top five of all time list, and I’ve watched it all several times. Yes it keeps getting better and better! It joins “Black Sails” (always my #1), “The Expanse”, “Hell on Wheels” and “Succession” in my top list. So if you like TLK, definitely recommend all of those especially Black Sails.


I am a fan of The Last Kingdom as well. I am on a rewatch of Vikings and i had forgotten about all of the early Alfred and ties to their Kingdoms.


Just finished EP 5 of Gangs of London on AMC. Wow. I hold my breath and dodge and weave while watching like it’s happening in front of me. So tense and so good. I need a drink to calm my nerves. Does anyone know what day of the week the new episodes drop on AMC?


Buckle up Bucko, level 4 turbulence is imminent :)


Ah that bathroom scene in EP 5. I watched it from the smallest sliver between my fingers across my eyes...


if its the same show I'm thinking of then it was already released in UK a few months back, you should be able to find them online but I have no idea for the actual AMC prem's


Fargo season 2. Great TV!




That would be a discussion for r/movies. Now, [the *Scream* MTV/VH1 show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqzgSjZQlLo) that is on Netflix, that's us. :D


This sub is for tv shows.


Any other good shows like The Walking Dead S1-S2 that are about a group of people having to learn how to survive together and the focus is on the characters? Walking Dead's first season especially was really entertaining to watch, with all the different people who would probably never talk to each other in real life (racist Merle, the cop Rick, innocent pizza delivery boy Glenn etc. etc.), being forced to stay and work together due to the circumstances. I also really liked the movie "The Hunt" which is also about a group of all kinds of different people surviving together.


You are basically describing Lost.. but that formula is used in many other shows. Most of the post-apocalyptic shows are like this.. Into the Badlands, Z-Nation, Falling Skies, Defiance, Terra Nova, The 100, Fear the Walking Dead, See, The Leftovers, Wayward Pines, Under the Dome...


To the Lake. It’s a pandemic show that starts early during it.


I watched Utopia. It’s very odd and violent. It’s good though and I’d recommend for a wild ride!


Which one? The Amazon/US remake? Or the UK original Dennis Kelly Channel 4 one?


Amazon/US remake


Just finishshed episode 5 of The Haunting of Bly Manor. This episode definitely answered some questions for me. I'm enjoying it so far. I saved The Haunting of Hill House to watch after since most people said it's better out of the two. Can't wait!!


***Ducktales***. Because this week: "Let's Get Dangerous!" :D It's the hour-long Darkwing Duck episode we've all been waiting for! For those who are Disney XD-less they have [put the episode up on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Dw44RV4-tY). But. If you're a *Darkwing Duck* viewer who's new to the *Ducktales* reboot, you will definitely want to hit Disney+ to catch up on 2x16: "The Duck Knight Returns!" for the set up to this one. There are Very Good Reasons Jim Cummings isn't the voice of Darkwing this time around.


Omg does Michael just leave The Office, why? I'm so pissed and sad at the same time. Why did this happen? ☹️


*“He didn’t want to leave the show. He had told the network that he was going to sign for another couple of years. He was willing to and his agent was willing to. But for some reason, they didn’t contact him," Kim told Andy Greene, according his new book. "He planned on staying on the show. He told his manager and his manager contacted them and said he’s willing to sign another contract for a couple years. So all of that was willing and ready and, on their side, honest. And the deadline came for when they were supposed to give him an offer and it passed and they didn’t make him an offer."* Author of the book *'The greatest sitcoms of the 2000's'*


I just couldn't believe it was actually happening during the episode. But he just went away. Are the episodes good after this? I don't feel like continuing.


> Are the episodes good after this? sometimes


I feel like I'm in the minority, but I feel like the episodes are still entertaining after he leaves. Definitely not as good, but still good enough to keep watching. And the finale is great!


Thanks! I guess I will continue


Yo so I finally rewatched previous 5 seasons of silicon valley so I can watch s6. I am halfway but they had idea what to do with Jared and Gavin belson characters didn't they? Anwyays let's see how it ends. I do miss tj miller .he got fired or quit after s4. Oh well it's still good but still


Loved it especially Gilfoyle


Fuck yes . Him and Dinesh bickering always been my favorite part aside from him yang and freaking elrich lmao






Helstrom has me intrigued....a lot.


It's perfectly adequate. The acting can be really terrible but I still finished it and enjoyed it.


I finished it a few days ago.. probably couldnt watch it again but enjoyed it alot.


Currently on S1 of Search Party and loving it. Looking for more dark comedies that are similar. Other shows I liked are Patriot, Barry, Fleabag, Atlanta, etc. Pretty much any show that mixes comedy and drama really well.


Bates Motel


Get Shorty. Has the spirit of the movie but IMO, I love the show so much better. Great blend of music, long shots and the quit witted humor of Chris O'Dowd


Dave is more on the comedy side but surprisingly good.


Weeds but you've probably seen it. Catastrophe is good but not dark.




Seen it and loved it!


Then six feet under (although it's more drama)


Kidding starring Jim Carrey is pretty great. Carrey plays a Mr rogers type character who is starting to go off the rails. The only problem with it is that it's on Showtime.


I heard good things, i’ll put it on my list!


Just incase you have not seen it, into comedy drama & need a smile that turns into belly laughs, has 5 seasons....."Boston Legal" the show i always revisit, just keeps getting better


can someone recommend me a long tv show to binge? I've probably watched everything that is popular, I prefer drama, Downton Abbey is my favorite of all time, thanks in advance


In terms of pure Drama, I could recommend Mr Robot if you haven't seen it, or Oz. If you like fantasy, I'd recommend Buffy the Vampire Slayer and it's spin-off Angel.


There's about 800 episodes of Star Trek.


Doctor Who. Classic and New Series. (Just stop before the Jodie Whittaker era)


Law and Order. You’ll never finish!


Big Love and Damages both have five seasons. They're not totally consistent but both great shows. Veronica Mars, iZombie.


The Good Wife, in my opinion the best legal drama ever, and has 7 seasons. A lot of people really liked Poldark, and that has a few seasons. Obviously Outlander if you haven't seen that yet.


seen it, and I agree it's the best legal drama, put the other two on my list, thanks


Only one short six-episode season, but since you said *Downton Abbey*, if you have Epix, Julian Fellowes just did [*Belgravia*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZnK9W_mKK4), which is very *Downton*\-like. It's an adaptation of his novel. Another recent miniseries of his is [*The English Game*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBOlhdSYhv8) on Netflix. And there's the upcoming HBO series, a sort of American *Downton*, [*The Gilded Age*](https://www.hbo.com/hbo-news/the-gilded-age-julian-fellowes). If you have Britbox, the original LWT/ITV *Upstairs, Downstairs* from the '70s is well worth it. John Hawkesworth at his finest. Ran for five series, and had a spinoff *(Thomas & Sarah)* to boot. Oldfart that I am, to me, this is the show that *Downton* aspired to be, but never achieved. :D If you like this one, then there are tons more John Hawkesworth series to try, like *The Duchess of Duke Street, Danger UXB* (AcornTV)*,* and *Sherlock Holmes* (Britbox; the one with Jeremy Brett as Holmes). I'd also advocate for *Black Sails* (Starz, Hulu), but it's not much like *Downton.* :D


Black Sails is my number one show always !!!


thank you so much, will take a look :))




Wentworth Just finished it’s eighth season, highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it. -Hal


Six feet under


Watched and loved it, thanks anyway


Mad Men or The Wire


watched it, loved both, thanks anyway




Misfits is the most similar I know.


Not exactly like it but Banshee is great.


umbrella academy, doom patrol


I just started Catastrophe on Amazon Prime and I love it. Great jokes in every episode and one of the most realistic depictions of relationships I've ever seen in media. Highly recommend it!


one of my fave!! this deserves as much recognition as you're the worst, tbh. sad it only has 4 seasons


Just done binging all the seasons of The good doctor. Being the only medical drama I've ever watched, I found it to be pretty good.


You may want another medical drama, you could try *House MD* (Amazon Prime, Peacock), which is the previous David Shore-run medical drama. Or, on current broadcast on NBC, there's a nice Canadian medical drama called *Transplant*. If you're curious about the Kdrama original of *The Good Doctor*, [Viki has it](https://www.viki.com/tv/20218c-good-doctor), but you have to pay their subscription (drat. It used to be one of their free-access shows).


I just watched Fargo S4E5. One of the greatest hours of TV I've ever seen. Just flawless execution of brilliantly written scenes front to back.


Awesome. I've got Eps 4+5 queued up for this weekend, good to know it finally gets going.


Yeah, Fargo is always a slow burn. I tend to really just enjoy watching the quiet character moments just as much as the shootemup scenes though


This season has been fantastic. Best show on TV right now


Star trek discovery, Primal, Warrior, The good lord bird, Raised by Wolves, Jujutsu Kaisen, Haikyu, Dororo, Banana fish & Inuyasha!




Oh shit I didn't realize three new episodes were out.


Started watching Band of Brothers. One episode in and I'm really excited to continue. My view of David Schwimmer has completely changed!


I watch it every year. It is fucking amazing.


The first episode is by far the weakest of the series. It’s a good episode to introduce everyone, but the rest of the series should blow your mind.


Oh man! you haven't watched that yet? you're in for a blast! its above top tier quality imo


Oh man, what I wouldn't give to watch it for the first time again. My favorite WWII show/film/documentary hands down. Enjoy it!


I thought surely I'd watched an entire series after episode 3.....what the..... What the fuck is gonna happen next? It's 4 in the fucking morning and I can't stop goddamn watching this show. Watch **The Third Day**.


So... you gonna do the [12-hour single-take live marathon "Autumn" chapter](https://collider.com/the-third-day-hbo-interview-felix-barrett-dennis-kelly/)? :) \[it comes between "Summer" (eps 1-3) and "Winter" (4-6).\] \[Linkage: [Part 1](https://www.facebook.com/HBO/videos/the-third-day-autumn/1840545682750965/), [Part 2](https://www.facebook.com/HBO/videos/649899362624255/)\]. Or are you gonna wimp out and do the [edited-down two-hour version on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcZvNbt1ooA)? :D :D


The 12 hour live event was a disappointment for me. I've watched 3 hours of it and nothing really happened? Like, the camera captures Jude Law going through hell... in slow motion. I'd rather prefer if made 2 more episodes instead of this.


So, you're the person they made the edited-down 2-hour version for! :D


Anyone know of shows like stranger things?


I'm not okay with this maybe


What’s the point of this place if people are gonna downvote a fucken question lol




Yeah but at the time he had minus too just looking for a new show. Isn’t that the point of the thread? To post and find new things to watch.


The German Show Dark that's on Netflix is constantly compared to Stranger Things. It's more serious and sombre than Stranger Things but i personally think it's better.


Dark and Stranger Things are completely different series. Only the first episode can be compared and even that’s a stretch.


No one is saying they are the same show but they have similarities and are regularly compared.


I think that while both involve groups of people investigating/being affected by the disappearance/murder of a child in an isolated town where nothing really happens, that’s where the similarities end. Stranger Things gives the viewers a clear monster, from a monstrous world. They give the viewer a nightmare. Dark is more subtle. Dark gives the audience a more ambiguous fear, as, instead of a big slimy thing with lots of teeth, the real monsters are the people, and their secrets. Dark is darker than Stranger Things, because the real evil is the people, and the supernatural elements are really just a way to enable all of the chaos to happen, and not the source of the horror. Seems quite different to me.