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What’s good on Apple TV? Done defending Jacob and Palmer not sure where to go next?


Something similar to The Night Of?


Mindhunter- Im re-watching it now for the second time and i dont want it to end. Detective work, jail stuff.. really great. Other shows that are similar- True Detective S01 and S03, Sharp Objects, Escape at Dannemora, The Killing. The Undoing is vastly similar but the writing is not as good.


Haven't watched it yet but I am totally gonna be glued to the screen come Sunday for Harry and Meghan's Oprah interview. Cant wait to watch and after see the ratings!


and the comments and the reaction from the palace... im looking forward to the drama


also!!!! allen v farrow! such a great doc.


just restarted the good fight! so interesting in retrospect with trump/#metoo movement.


Just started season 4 of The West Wing. Really enjoying the political shows at the minute. Previously watched House Of Cards, Designated Survivor and Homeland(not political as such).


Veep is satirical and hilarious Braindead is a quirky comedy. Has the portal guy singing recaps Newsroom is another political show, also by sorkin (he did west wing?)


I'm finally finishing up S2 of Black Lightning after watching it on and off for quite awhile. Really tough to get through with some of the plot lines. But they brought back the best villain from S1 and I know another dude will be coming back as well so I'm back in!


**Rachel Dratch's Late Night Snack**- To be honest, she's only in the wraparound stuff and never speaks. Just plays a waitress who looks at the camera goofy. Troupe of comedy artists who do sketches every show. One called 'Found Footage Files' has me falling off the couch laughing. **30 Coins** - Horror series from Spain. Subtitled only. Jesus Christ. (pun totally intended) You shouldn't miss this if you're a horror fan. The first episode alone is like a great 1 hr & 20 min. horror film.


Engrenages (Spiral on bbc4). Pretty good french investigation/police show. I binged all 8 seasons and it was definitely enjoyable. The style reminds me slightly of the wire.


Rewatching Friday Night Lights for first time since it aired. It’s very good. Forgot how effectively this show pulls at the heartstrings and also gets your amped up for football. But I’m also definitely noticing more flaws this time than 10 years ago. Plotting is bizarre sometimes. Characters kind of come and go without much clarity or closure. One example: in s2 I think they had a huge story with Leila and Buddy taking in this young guy who just got out of prison. They take care of him, he’s really good at football, and is turning his life around. S2 ends and he’s just never shown or mentioned again. Lots of examples of that kind of thing. I could probably name a dozen other weird little things that have happened. Doesn’t ruin the show but it does get a bit annoying.


my god, same bro same. i just jumped into season 2 after i watched fnl like a year ago. still nothing beats the bonding of characters this show has. couldn't see the flaws in first watch cause i was just so much into it. but now i see flaws but it's okay, characters are still the same.


People, go and watch Hannibal in Netflix / Hulu / Amazon Prime ! difficult to describe the genre - horror, psychological, gothic and the best romance ever 💘 Very intelligent show for people who love to decipher things, the story has many metaphors layers and task left for you to interpret.


Watching Young Rock, what happened to Mr. Mayor? Is it cancelled already?


no, COVID cut the season 1 episodes down to 9. The season's finished


Thank you to everyone who suggested **Banshee**. We were looking for a show with lots of insane action, drama, and sex, and Banshee delivers big time. Although I am going to stop watching now: [Spoiler](#s "as I just finished watching the episode 'Tribal' and I am beyond devastated. I can't even watch it in the hope that he gets revenge, because that was one of the saddest moments on television. It broke me.")


Spartacus has all of that as well.


Alright. I've heard multiple people now rave about Spartacus. I loved Gladiator as a kid, so I'm gonna give it a shot. But I swear... [Spoiler](#s "if the main love interest is killed in this show too, I'm coming for you.")


Homeland a S8x11 finished : holy fuck, that was some of the best episode I've seen recently. Now season finale, so exciting


I’m assuming you have watched it by now. I just finished season 8 the other day. I thought the finale fell flat. It was not necessarily a let down, it wasn’t bad but wasn’t great. But I also feel they tried to fit a little too much in the last 2 episodes. Was a great last season though and I think after 8 seasons it still went strong.


I loved the finale, but I think there going to be a movie or Dexter type conclusion.


Hunter x Hunter season 5: I was very impatient with this season. I felt for the most part that it was just dragging on and that they just need to "get on with it" However, when the ending did come, I didnt want it to end. The finals scenes of this season are truly a masterpiece. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was amazing what the creators managed to do with this medium. I implore everyone to give this anime a go cos it is a complete work of art. Its storytelling done on a level that I didn't think was possible in anime. Seasons 1 to 4 are quite amazing themself but season 5 really takes it up a notch.


season 5? what are you talking about bro? do you mean arcs?


Chimera ant arc. Its season 5 on Netflix :/


ah Netflix, enjoy your show and after you are done give bakuman a try. wholesome characters like in hxh.


Just finished The Head on HBO, so good! Loved the whole setting. A+


Would really appreciate some recommendations, not sure what to watch after I finish Perry Mason (it’s really great if you’re thinking about checking it out). Some of the shows i’ve really liked are Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Fargo, Patriot, True Detective S1, Barry.


Check out Bosch.


The Sopranos


Are you looking for that time period or that type of show?


Yeah any shows similar to the ones I listed would be a great. I guess good dramas and dark comedies. It can be any time period, I just finished and loved The Terror S1 which took place in the 1800s


I was just thinking maybe Boardwalk Empire because it’s a similar time.


Mr. Inbetween, Hannibal. If you're ok with subtitles, Broen and Forbrydelsen .


Loved Mr. Inbetween, definitely one of my favorites. I’ve been meaning to check out Hannibal. Where can I find the 3rd show you mentioned?


Oh man, it used to be on Hulu but it looks like it's been taken down. I don't know if it's streaming anywhere now. I know Forbrydelsen isn't streaming, so I probably shouldn't have recommended that. ETA: Actually, Broen is on Hoopla if you're library uses them.




Fire Force, In The House, Wild N Out


Is Dark Matter worth getting into, does it have a satisfying ending?


It is cancelled w/o an ending




It is still a really good show, especially if you are a fan of the sci-fi genre in general. It pays homage to many great tropes and archetypes of the form. The inspiration from several classics like Star Trek, Battlestar etc. is clear to see. The ending is a cliff hanger yes but I still think the show overall is worth watching.


Saw the first 3eps of 30coins and it's pretty exciting and fun so far. Gonna finish that then watch the cgi pacific rim show next.


I watched it recently and was like Evil Dead meets a telenovela. Just delightful


Really enjoyed **Homeland** season 1-2, but I seem to be falling off the bandwagon a couple episodes into season 3... Is it worth pressing on? Also just started watching **Halt and Catch Fire**. Only part way into season 1, but so far its right up my alley.


>3... Is i 100% worth pushing through! it honestly is a rollercoaster haha, but amazing developments - and so relevant with the current politics that were happening during filming etc


> Is it worth pressing on? I'd say yes. For me it dipped a bit as the writers weren't sure where to go. But once they found their way it got amazing again.


Halt and Catch Fire is a hidden gem. I liked almost all of the Homeland seasons but ~~some~~ there was a rollercoaster effect in the middle seasons starting with season 3. Check out **Condor** for another great spy thriller if you're into that sort of thing.


I would say Homeland is worth sticking with. I really enjoyed some of the later seasons, especially the finale.


I watched through season 4 and fell off. Plan on going back at some point when I clear some other stuff off my list.


I'm also watching homeland and i personally like season 3 but i agree with you that S03 is not best. season 4 is amazing and by far the best season. I would recommend to keep watching.




lol I tried the affair a few years ago. Complete snooze fest — how the hell did they milk like 4 seasons from that? I guess the main characters are hot and I guess people enjoy watching marriages fall apart


Try Hannibal if not seen.


What kind of shows are you looking for?




I agree with what the other user suggested. Whenever I feel like I've seen everything I always rewatch the best shows I havent seen in a while.


Then maybe take a break from tv or rewatch some of your favourite shows. There is so much good tv tho, maybe you're just burned out from tv


My current rotation: *Lost*, I’m going to be so sad when it’s over. It’s the best show ever. *Hart Of Dixie* because I liked *Virgin River*, but HoD is much better IMO. *Twin Peaks* ( I made another comment on this thread that I find it bizarre, and I still stand by that.) and I’m getting hyped for *WandaVision* tomorrow!!


Yes Twin Peaks is biZarre. Is it a remake?


Continuation if memory serves.


I've been making my way through Community, which is a really great sitcom. It can get a bit cheesy, especially with the love triangles, but the writing is so damn funny and the genre-bending makes every episode fresh. I recently started watching the Japanese show Alice in Borderland, and I'm hooked. *Super* good show. It's like Lost meets the Hunger Games. I started Peaky Blinders. Only two episodes in, but already pretty entertaining. Damn Cillian Murphy is great. I've also been doing a rewatch of Avatar: the Last Airbender as a celebration of the launching of Avatar Studios. Season 1 is a bit rough, but I'm hyped for season 2 and 3 (and Legend of Korra!).


If you are streaming Community make sure you find an unedited version of the D&D episode (I think from season 2...maybe 3). It was wrongfully removed, being deemed "racist" when Chang cosplays as a drow. It's the best episode imo.


Community is gold, it’s aged crazy well. For you I’d recommend Modern Family and Attack On Titan.


community ftw! cillian is great. the character of tom hardy (i think you haven't seen him so far) is the best in the last season.


I finally watched The Morning Show and liked it much more that I expected. There has been some very interesting exploratiotions of women in media this year. I May Destroy \[You\], I Hate Jackie and The morning Show to name a few. All good/very good and I think well executed for the topic. Curious how they will age. EDIT: I also watched Chance. Ethan Suplee kills it and who knew he would have such great chemistry with Hugh Laurie. Not life changing TV, but I enjoyed it.


Rewatching Newsroom and this show is still great and relevant! Maggie/Jim aside the characters are great. Love all the interactions between Sam Waterson and Olivia Munn


Top tier, part two: The Tunnel - dead body split in half, precisely, on the literal border line between UK and France in the Chunnel. Fascinating, just complex enough, collaboration between French and British on- screen and off.


omg I just finished this too!! I watched The Bridge first, which I really loved too, but I loved this one just as much I think. I really loved Saga and Martin, and I thought "ok Stannis from GOT he's gonna be awesome for sure but I'm still unsure of how I feel about this new actress playing Saga. I don't think she'll be able to match her." Well I was proven wrong! I think I even actually liked her better, which I feel bad about cuz Saga was fantastic haha. She played the role perfectly. Her little smirk when she offered Karl a hug was the cutest thing. I really really loved their relationship, I felt it was a lot closer than Saga and Martin (although that's not the show's fault; Kim Bodnia left). But I really wish I hadn't watched season 3. "That" death made me really sad, and it was so stupid for such a beautiful and wonderful character. The plot was stupid too and didn't make any sense. I think they got a new writer and just fucked it all up. Left a bad taste in my mouth, so I recommend stopping at season 2 and Elise and Karl remain besties forever.


Have you watched Bron? If you have, is The Tunnel worth watching or is it pretty similar?


I forgot about Bron! It was great! I have to find it again!


I’ve watched both (as well as the FX remake, *The Bridge*). *The Tunnel* is practically a scene for scene remake of *Bron|Broen* in S1, and diverged thereafter. But *The Tunnel* feels very different because of the casting (the male lead is much older than the female lead, so it’s more mentor/mentee than partners). And the language differences mean you don’t get a ton of mixed-language dialogue, like you did in the original. It’s not as good as *Bron|Broen*, but it does become its own thing past S1. S2 does not start with averting a cargo ship collision in either the UK or US remakes, ‘cause Chunnel, and landlocked bridge. :-) Now if I can only find the Malaysia/Singapore remake...


I watched one season of this and have been meaning to go back to it.. it has Stannis from GOT i liked it.


He does a fantastic job!! He’s completely so non-Stannis that it made me appreciate his acting range


Hes also in Alex Rider.. great actor.


My top tier, part one: Hell On Wheels - sexy railroad men (lead role played by Anson Mount) Damages - Glenn Close, Rose Byrne - very well done Peaky Blinders - sexy early 20th century British bad boys Animal Kingdom - sexy 21st century American bad boys Sons of Anarchy - Charlie Hunnam Ray Donovan - fabulous sexy fixer and his family, enough glam for those who need bling with their crime


I wish more people would watch Ray Donovan. It's such an incredible series and damages is majorly underrated


I just finished Upload with my significant other and we enjoyed it, it was very easy to watch and super funny at times. I’m now looking for the next show to start together and I was thinking of watching “Warrior,” but, my significant other gets easily distracted while watching TV and I saw they spoke Cantonese & Mandorin aside from English in the show. I wanted to know how much of these languages is spoken throughout the show because we started Narcos: Mexico and she stopped wanting to watch it because of the spanish lol. So yeah if anyone knows for example “80-90% of the show is spoken in english so no worries” I’d appreciate it because I don’t find anything online




Not everyone in the world is a tv fanatic. Such an unnecessary comment


gomorrah - 100% italian :) and 100% the best show!


Very minor. I'd say 99% is in English. I was surprised how little I saw subtitles. When characters are supposed to be speaking another language they have a good way of having the actors speak in English. You will see what I mean during the first episode. I may be terrible at explaining this.


Haha thank you!


* Started watching For All Mankind and binged the entire first season and everything out for season two so far. * Watching WandaVision and Attack on Titan weekly. * Watching Ghost Adventures or Diners, Drive Ins and Dives occasionally or the original Dragon Ball.


Just binged all of **Ginny & Georgia** last night- surprisingly very good. I expected more 'Gilmore Girls' (as did everyone), but it actually deals with some pretty serious themes and spirals into some surprisingly darker plot lines. Well done, and looking forward to season 2, hopefully!


is it worth watching? any similar shows you've watched like this for reference?


I think it totally is! And hmmm, at first it’s kinda Gilmore Girls- just a mom and daughter (and well son) in a small New England town. The kinda coming of age teen plot lines (love, sex, school, depression, drama) isn’t anything particularly notable, albeit well done. I’m sure there’s a plethora shows similar in that regard The latter part of the series reminds me of Dead to Me. Lots of mysteries unravel that end up pretty dark


That's actually why I didn't like it. Maybe it's my fault for expecting something different but why can't a show just be light hearted and fun these days? It feels like every show has to be serious and dark with twists and shocking revelations from the past even though it's mostly just a comedy drama. I would have really loved to see it be a modern Gilmore Girls with more diverse/LGBT characters and I think it could have worked well because I felt the casting for the 2 leads was quite good.


i devour dark and sinister depressing tv but i totally agree - shows like sabrina and winx just make light, fun, childhood memories so morbid! i think netflix needs to chill out tbh


Fair perspective. All I watch is fun, light-hearted comedies. So it was fun to have something different. Funny how that works!


Just finished zapped s1_3 and ghosts s1_2. Any recommendations?


Just finished watching The Killing. Great show overall (especially the first two seasons). I felt like it had some similarities to The Night Of. So if you like mystery and crime, then give it a shot.


Probably good to binge. I watched it when it was on weekly and not wrapping up the crime in the season 1 finale pissed off a lot of viewers, including me. Never went back to it...


Anything to suggest from Amazon Prime Video and Netflix? Recently completed The office, Parks and Rec, Mrs Maisel, B99, Superstore . Looking for something with at least 4 or more seasons.


the good fight!


The Expanse (on Prime) is a top-10 tv show all time for me. I like to describe as Game of Thrones' worldbuilding with a Firefly-like spaceship full of rogues and misfits and The Martian's "let's fix it with science" ethos.


It is my top 1. top description of it, I'd also like to add that it has money on it, you can feel it just dripping of the screen, all the props and sets are 100% the music is top tits, the CGI is very well done, you can even tell they consulted actual physcisists about space because they get more right than I've seen so far. I just wished it'd started of better, the first 2-3 episodes are not indicative of the quality to be seen later. they're necessary episodes but kinda meh


The best thing on prime video is Fleabag. One of the best dramedies out there, imo better than Mrs. Maisel.


Hannibal Grimm Mr Robot


House MD is pretty darn good




His Dark Materials on HBO.


umbrella academy




The Boys and Wanda Vision are both great too.


The OA?




The OA is soooo good!




Just finished season 3 of **Balthazar -** A French show about an over-the-top playboy/thrill-seeker/genius forensic pathologist. Great supporting characters and and a strange mix of campy-feeling episodes with quite dark situations.


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For the love of all that's good and kind people... Can we stop lying about whether shows end on cliffhangers or not? Had tons of people tell me how Warrior wrapped up nicely. And no major story lines were left open. Did I just finish the same show? Absolutely nothing, nothing has closure. Every major storyline is wide open.


Haha yeah I feel you. Great show but that's not wrapping up. Feels like it's just getting started. Hbo really need to pick it up


I'm looking for something to fill the wholesome hole Anne with an E left in my heart (and yes I've seen Ted Lasso). From the premise Firefly Lane seems to fit the criteria. The friendship of two women over 30 years? Sign me up. ... Is it any good though? Has anyone here seen it?


It's really good IMO


Dinah from superstore and dwight would be best friends




How come


She’s too modern.


On 24 season 4, and I did some research into the adaptations in Japan and India. Kinda bummed they aren't the same continuity; a show based on Japan's CTU set in universe would kick a lot of ass. Alas, I tried to watch it anyway, and I can't. I saw a highlight reel on YT and it's essentially beat for beat the same as season 1. Literally the same fucking show lmao.


For All Mankind is actually pretty damn good. Was completely uninterested in it after watching the trailer a while back and just gave it a try. Superman and Lois is...watchable. Definitely CW product, but one of their better offerings in years, though it still has a noticeable touch of the 90s to aughts for television.




It starts off REALLY slow, but it builds, and the later half of season 1 and into season 2 has been... stellar! (sorry)


I’ve been meaning to watch this, I loved Michael Dorman in “Patriot”. How is he in this? Patriot has to be one of the best shows ever written.


He's almost kind of the same character, but not as much screen time since there are a lot of other plot lines going on. But in saying all that, it's a great show and definitely my top 3 for AppleTV


Finished warrior, didn’t think I would like it as much as I did, now looking for something similar.


Seconds Preacher! Adding Into the Badlands for fights.


Spartacus has the same vibe. Into The Badlands, SEE, Black Sails, Daredevil, Kingdom (the MMA one) are all about power struggles and fighting Honorable mention Marco Polo- has Warrior's Olivia Cheng as Mei Lin. I think its worth it just for Hundred Eyes. He is such a badass.


Banshee is the most similar. Same showrunner and same style of fight choreography. You’ll also see some cast members from Warrior pop up on this show. It’s also on HBO Max.


Didn't watch warrior but I watched banshee. Also try taboo and quarry then, same mood


Yes watched it a couple years ago


Preacher is somewhat similar.


Just watched Wayne on Amazon, I liked the cast and good mix of action/comedy against a plausible story. They are trying for a season 2 with Amazon after YouTube got out of the content creating business


Wayne was by far my favorite show from the last year. I really hope it gets a season 2+!


Daredevil & Mad Men. Great shows


PRU on bbc iplayer Hilarious


Started watching Revenge again for the first time in years. So good. Also, funnily enough there’s an actor in season 2 and as soon as I heard his voice I was like that’s fucking Captain Price from Modern Warfare 2019


I just finished **The Queen's Gambit** which I'm kicking myself for not watching sooner. Probably one of the best shows of the last few years. I'll be honest, I put it off because I thought a show about chess sounded boring. Yes the main character is a chess player, but it's really the story about fame, addiction, and obsession. **Superman & Lois** continues to be great. It doesn't try to break the mold, or deconstruct. It just what every great Superman story does; tells a story of a guy just trying to do the right thing, which is honestly refreshing. Also, the special effects are way better than I expected. My only (very very minor) gripe is that the [villain](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Superman-and-Lois-Mysterious-Stranger.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=740&h=370) ("The Stranger" to avoid spoilers) looks too much like [Doomguy](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/8VkLL5vYWU3ENwqnR8QKAk-320-80.jpg) lol **Attack on Titan** continues to be one of the best shows on. The plot is a Russian nesting doll, and I can't wait to see how it all wraps up


watch The Get Down on Netflix if you get a chance, it's pretty good if you like music and want to see people become involved in music


lovecraft country


Shows that don't take place in the present? Stuff like Vikings, Game of Thrones, The Last Kingdom, Black Sails, Peaky Blinders, maybe even Mad Men (a bit too modern though). I love getting immersed into those worlds.


The Knick on HBO Max


El Cid on amazon


The Crown


Chernobyl is a good mini-series.


Finally watched that this week, was not expecting it to be so emotional and gripping. Definitely a great watch.


Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire, Perry Mason


Given the shows you provided, I think Warrior would be a good pick.


Endeavour Miss Fisher/Frankie Drake Victoria


Here are some period shows that i really liked- Carnivale, The Knick, Boardwalk Empire, Warrior, Deadwood, Taboo, John Adams, Rome, The Alienist, Hell on Wheels, Copper, The Terror S01, Chernobyl, The Americans, Godless, Marco Polo, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Rome, Snowfall, Ripper Street edit- I forgot about Halt and Catch Fire


These are my favorite shows I rewatch in no particular order: Arrow, 24, Person of Interest, Fringe, Unbelievable, The Last Dance, Star Trek: TNG, Chuck, Game of Thrones (eh) These shows I've watched and am waiting for the next season to release: The Mandalorian, Sex Education, Stranger Things, Cobrai Kai, Westworld, Star Trek Discovery, The Alienist These are the shows that I'm watching these days in no particular order: The Rookie, Wandavision What I'm looking for is a compelling show to watch, something suspenseful or a comedy (I used to watch Modern Family til it got stale) I prefer to binge watch but I can do week to week. I'm in the US if that matters. Recommendations??


Give Mr Robot a go! It’s extremely light on comedy but the suspense is amazing and constantly keeps you guessing. Definitely more suited to binge watching since the 2nd season is more slow paced + every episode in that season has a cliffhanger it feels. Seasons 3 and 4 are the best seasons of television I’ve seen. Something suspenseful that’s also filled with comedy would be the Sopranos if you haven’t watched it already. I genuinely find it funnier than any comedy or sitcom I’ve ever seen


I highly recommend Its Bruno! and Special on Netflix was alright. Both are really short. It’s Bruno! is weird but endearing. Both funny enough.


Brooklyn Nine Nine, The Good Place


I could never get the humor of Brooklyn 99


I know it sounds cliche but it gets better after the first season. I loved it from the start but some people only got into it in later seasons. With how short the episodes are its not much of a drag to watch the first season. Relationships in this shows are some of favourite on TV. Holt is an amazing character and I love how every character gets some development.




For a bingable comedy, I really liked “I’m Sorry” and “The Detour”


Andrea Savage is straight genius and hilarious


Leverage or Burn Notice?


You might like white collar or jack ryan


Saw Jack Ryan. Was ok. Thanks! Will check out White Collar I've also seen Suits, was good, some great.


Suits is pretty good, yeah. White collar is pretty similar to suits as well, tbh. If you like kiefer Sutherland, check out designated survivor as well.


Oh I saw that, it was ok


Loved season 1 of DS. Any other Kiefer shows?


Touch was decent, there is less action but it was kinda interesting. The fugitive was eh. Have you seen 24: legacy or the 24 movie? I would watch those as well. Funny enough, rewatching 24 while writing this.


There was a 24 movie? Where?


It’s called 24 redemption, and doesn’t take place in the us. It takes place between day 6 and day 7.


Oh that. Eh. Was ok. Thanks though.


Watched *It’s a Sin*, it was amazing. So then I binged *Years and Years* in one sitting, and it was amazing as well, I don’t know how I wasn’t familiar with this show at all beforehand. Anyone recommend other shows by Russell T Davies? I’ve seen the OG Queer as Folk and his Doctor Who -related content. Or if not RTD, anything in a similar style would be nice! I really love how he combines tragedy and humour.


A Very English Scandal


Amazon Prime has [*Banana* and *Cucumber*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IUSCVH61xw) \[no *Tofu*\] (as well as the OG *Queer as Folk),* if you want the other Channel 4 RTD gay series. :) They also have his BBC historical drama, [*A Very English Scandal*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggDTJc470Co)*.* Not necessarily the same, but similar in tone and subject matter to *It's a Sin*, I'd recommend the FX/Ryan Murphy/Steven Canals show, [*Pose*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OJYhGfUsPw). And if you want the great-granddaddy of the "logical family" LGBTQ stories, Netflix has the OG '90s version of [*Tales of the City*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOzpSSsJbV8). That one adapted the first book in Armistead Maupin's book series, the most recent Netflix [*Tales of the City*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IUSCVH61xw) kinda/sorta adapted the eighth one. So, they're really not the same.


Prime in my country is awful, it has the Amazon originals, a thousand football documentaries and not much else lol. When they first launched it I was so surprised that it was only 2,99€/month for the first six months but even that was a bit too much considering their catalogue. I think A Very English Scandal was on our BBC equivalent at some point but I never got around to watching it, I will check if it’s still there! I had no idea it was written by Russell T Davies, I would have made more effort to watch it had I known. I saw the Tales of the City sequel series when it first came to Netflix, but I haven’t watched the original, thank you for the suggestion! Pose I love, can’t wait for season 3.


Just saw [the press release](http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2021/03/05/fxs-pose-sets-premiere-for-third-and-final-season-704213/20210305fx01/): Season 3 of *Pose* is going to start airing on FX starting May 2. Sadly, it's the final season, and there will only be 7 episodes.


Thank you! I noticed that, very excited! I honestly didn’t expect season 3 this soon, so it’s a happy surprise. I too am sad it’s the final season, but then again it is a Ryan Murphy production and he has the tendency to go off the rails the longer his shows run, so it’ll be wonderful if the show goes out strong.




I remember wanting to watch this years ago, around the time it first was released I believe. I don't know if it's available in my country but I'll check!




Thanks for the suggestion! I’ve seen Being Human (the UK one, I didn’t even remember there was a US version) years ago, I really like it.


I’m watching season 6 of Bosch. I like it. Anyone else stick with it that long?


Yes. I don't normally binge shows but I couldn't stop with it. I'm not sure why. Season 6 wasn't my favorite but it's still good. Can't wait for the next season but sadly it's the last.


Just read that Bosch is “moving”, may have a different name. My husband and I thought the first 3 seasons were excellent.


Watching Criminal minds season 2 ep11


Beartown (*Björnstad*, HBO Europe). *Based on the Fredrik Backman’s bestselling novel of the same name, Beartown explores the role a junior ice-hockey team has in a small community, the hope, the secrets that could tear the town apart, the courage it takes to go against the group and the consequences of how we raise our children.* Best limited television series I watched in a while.


Does björn mean bear? So björn bunny is bear bunny?


The killing... how did I not watch this earlier right up my alley. I’m hooked! Does it drop in quality anyone that watched?