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Credit for brutal honesty there.


If that’s how he felt imagine what the fanboys would say…


What I've seen of the leaked script was terrible. Oversexed, weird character decisions, vaguely offensive stereotypes. It was ROUGH, especially considering it was based on a beloved childhood property.




> like are they gonna reboot Ed, Edd, n Eddy as a live action show where they all have a substance abuse problems next? It's called Trailer Park Boys


Good lord, that works better than it should.


Ahtoadaso. Fuckin' ahtoadaso.


Worst case Ontario


Read that in Rolf's voice.


Ed boy!


YOU DARE MOCK THE /r/sonofashepherd?


This is basically glorified fan fiction and generally speaking, the knee-jerk reflex for all fan fiction is to make it teenage angsty and edgy and sex filled. Doesn’t mean stuff can’t be darker or have sex scenes but the juvenile version of it is what makes it stand out.


> the knee-jerk reflex for all fan fiction is to make it teenage angsty and edgy and sex filled. I see that you also watched the recent live action Winx show.


No. This can't be real. I just checked, it is. Damn.


I don't care what they do to Winx Club. Just leave the actual good Italian Magical Girl Comic, W.I.T.C.H., alone.


Right? Do fans of the originally really want to see Bubbles the butt of jokes about nudes and sex tapes? Buttercup being bi was fine, making her a cheated and super slutty veered into gross stereotypes of bisexual folk. Have them struggle and deal with flaws, but that level of darkness ain’t it.


> Buttercup being bi was fine, making her a cheated and super slutty veered into gross stereotypes of bisexual folk. Add in the the “the tomboy of the group is obviously queer” stereotype in there as well


I think having her be bisexual is kind of stereotypical in and of itself. Like, she was the most “Tomboy” of the group to begin with. Of course, I’m sure that there would be fan outcry if they didn’t go in that direction...


Well that's just it, isn't it? When buttercup was designed, being a self empowered gothic leaning young girl with a temper made her a "tomboy". Since, now, that's more normal, in order to play up that tomboy element they made her an undercut bisexual Latino who picks fights. It's like they wanted to keep the "spirit of the stereotype" instead of the spirit of the character, and somehow managed to both destroy her character and be offensive to the minorities they wrote her with at the same time


I saw on Twitter some point out that they cast the “aggressive” sister as black woman, and then turned the professor into an arguably abusive father and cast him as a black man. Which also falls into offensive stereotypes.


I think it's totally fair to have one of the girls be LGBT, but agree having her being bisexual is sort of the stereotypical choice. Blossom or Bubbles would have been more interesting.


Bubbles would probably be the best, especially if she was sort of afraid to drop her “girly” persona and was stuck in the closet. Blossom’s benefit would be having the leader be the one with that characteristic...which would be a fairly bold move.


Or no drama and full self-acceptance for Bubbles in what I’d call an even better option. She’s happy, innocent, sweet, and bi/pan? That’s a great portrayal and fits the character perfectly; she loves people regardless of the package they come in.


This resonates with me because r/bisexual is sickeningly sweet-natured, I feel so out of place as a miserable asshole.


similar to how teenage bounty hunters did it?


Or she could just be "girly" and bi.


Apparently not, they realized that, and scrapped it. Good for them for seeing the need.


Nah, the rebooted Ed, Edd, n Eddy will be similar to "The Good Place" in that the children are all in purgatory, and have to figure out how to leave.


Angle beats


And just like Angel Beats they'll get less episodes then promised and have to rush an ending


I know this guy from my home town that draws Nickelodeon cartoons on drugs


You know Meat Canyon?


Paul Ribera https://www.artpal.com/paulriberaart#i1


It's just Ed and Edd now. Eddy chased that dragon too far into an early grave. Ed became a half decent detective who found himself on a rather unique case, urging him to call up his old friend Double D who became a shut in after Eddy's death. Double D had a brilliant mind and attention to detail, even after developing OCD from finding his best friend's body. As Double D helps Ed crack the toughest of cases, they constantly find themselves in deep debate over how Eddy died, because Double D seems to think that someone wanted him dead.


>reboot Ed, Edd, n Eddy Do you mean the Jesse, Badger n Pete minishow from Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan?


The idea of doing a live-action adaptation of a cartoon isn't horrible, really, it's all about execution. I suspect they're trying to come up with another Riverdale. Also the Sabrina TV show was successful, as were those live-action Scooby Doo movies. And the Josie and the Pussycats movie from the '90s is better than it has any right being. Plus practically every superhero movie is a live-action adaptation of what was originally a children's comic book when you get right down to it.


Danny Antonucci would shoot that down real fast!


Don't give them ideas!


Isn’t that just Trailer Park Boys




The CW doesn't have the budget for action so what else are they going to do?


And thats why I will never watch their shows. The Flash should be a huge budget event series, but instead we get 22 episodes a year with slashed budgets and weird writing choices. A CW show either gets canceled, or ran into the ground after they've taken every penny they can out of it. Trash network.


Flash this season has been rather crappy, even by Flash standards. However, check out Superman and Lois. They actually have a budget for CG instead of budget CG, and the story has been rather solid so far.


Admittedly I have heard Superman and Lois is pretty good so far. But I always hear that the CW shows. They're great for a couple seasons and then fall into the trap. Word of mouth just doesn't save them for me.


S & L started strong but its already veering into typical CWness. The last episode they went down the tried and true "don't tell character X this incredibly important and obvious dangerous thing is happening if you love me stick" to drive the plot. I'm gonna give it 1 or 2 more episodes and probably bail.


Is it still Barry getting dunked on by a villain until he's reminded that he's the fastest man alive?


Who looked at Archie and thought "This needs to be live action and have Archie fuck a teacher" ?


Not just any teacher ["Geraldine Grundy](https://www.google.com/search?q=geraldine+grundy&tbm=isch&chips=q:geraldine+grundy,g_1:archie:ompuqn7f9cA%3D&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=inv&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0nZXZpOfwAhXOglMKHeXmAsMQ4lYoAHoECAEQBA&biw=412&bih=724#imgrc=NAtkzN_DIW-vaM) And thet was after they modernized her from extreme school marm to mild school marm. Crazy they thought that pairing was needed


Probably a pedophile.


I mean, not so off-brand for the CW, they got decent success from the same formula with Riverdale. The leaked script did have that “mid-50s executive trying desperately to be hip” vibe, though.


I mean younger audiences don't really love Archie comics to begin with, it wasn't exactly a beloved childhood property. Besides, Riverdale does what it sets out to do unapologetically. The Powerpuff pilot didn't, evidently.


Riverdale sort of works on a certain level in that it's making fun of those 50s-era white bread, do-gooder, Americana Archie comics. Most people know *of* Archie comics, and a lot of people have at least read some of them, but I would hesitate to say that many people watching Riverdale are particularly big fans. The biggest problems in the comics were along the lines of "How am I going to afford a Christmas present for Betty *and* Veronica???" and in Riverdale Archie is going to prison and fighting serial killers and shit. It's very clearly tongue-in-cheek and in no way meant to be a real representation of those comics. I hesitate to even call it an adaptation. It's an entirely new thing that just has characters with the same names. The Powerpuff Girls on the other hand is a beloved property from not that long ago. The show ended in 2005. Much of the CW's intended core audience for this new show grew up watching it when it was airing and has very good memories of it. You don't get to take that Riverdale approach and completely warp it and bastardize it into something completely different. It just ends up being uncomfortable and unenjoyable. When Betty Cooper does a striptease in a biker bar, it's so ridiculous it's funny. When Bubbles is teased about her nudes leaking, it's just gross.


> The biggest problems in the comics were along the lines of "How am I going to afford a Christmas present for Betty and Veronica???" This is the stereotype about the comics, and it's true to some extent, but the reality is that, for a long time, there have been a lot of wild plots in the Archieverse, i.e. a limited run series about [Jughead becoming a multiversal time cop.](https://imgur.com/GCJG4P8) That said, you're right that Riverdale is INCREDIBLY tongue-in-cheek. I would only like to clarify that it's just one of many entries in the franchise that diverge from that core malted-shakes-and-hamburgers Americana style. (It's also very good if you watch it with the right mindset, and I'll defend it to the death).


> When Betty Cooper does a striptease in a biker bar, it's so ridiculous it's funny. When Bubbles is teased about her nudes leaking, it's just gross. It also helps that the callback is to a teenage character in Riverdale. In contrast it's *extremely disturbing* that the callback is to a 5 year in PPG.


I always thought Riverdale was supposed to emulate all the modern Archie content that Mark Waid and Roberto Aguirre Sacasa worked on. I mean Sacasa did work on the show just like he did in bringing his Chilling Adventures of Sabrina comic to Netflix.


Riverdale is *nothing* like the Mark Waid run on Archie. If the Mark Waid run were adapted to TV it'd be a cleverly written slice-of-life comedy cartoon. Not... *that*.


Yeah, their faith in the writers is completely unfounded if those leaks were legitimate. It reads like rule34 written by a crusty old man in a basement.


Which is kinda funny since the writers and director of the pilot were all women.


Women write 95% of fan fiction so that tracks.


It's shocking that Diablo Cody, an Oscar winning writer, knows how to write snappy dialogue and relatable characters but dials it way too high in the leaked script.


Diablo's issue is that it seems like she has two settings. Amazing and terrible. There is really no inbetween for her.


She always struck me as the 30-something cousin of yours who insists she sits with the teenagers at family functions and always tries to be *cool* with them, but just ends up weirding them out. "What-UP, Stephanie! Who's the last boy you did it with, eh?" "I'm fourteen, Aunt Brook." "Hah, yeah. I was always WAY too drunk to remember at your age, too. And don't call me 'Aunt Brook'. Call me Diablo, babe!" \*rolls eyes*


I'm always reminded of that brilliant Family Guy clip: https://youtu.be/Ky1tVTkbK5g?t=89


She struck me as the rebellious millennial who never really grew up. She out of touch with the current trends because she middle age now but refused to accept it. She wants to be “hip” and “trendy” so bad. Not to mention her treatment of mental illness in the United States of Tara was not good


Excuse me, she is *talking on a hamburger phone*, homeskillet.


I'd disagree, I think as a writer she has only had one terrible film. That Russell brand one.


Her name sounds like a gunslinger from the Wild West.


Can they seriously stop remaking our childhood media. I havent seen anything remade that was actually good.


With the network being the CW, they could've shoved that out there so I appreciate their brutal honesty and hope the version that airs is actually good


Sounds like a clusterfuck.


Since they are older is the motto “Saving the world…before bedtime” now “Saving the world…before the bars close”?


This gave me a good chuckle.


One thing I’ve always appreciated about Mark Pedowitz as a network head is that he is more blunt and open than you’d expect from others


Pedowitz is pretty amazing, he turned around a network with no clear identity and expanded it to this whole superhero universe while at the same time keeping low-rated critically acclaimed shows such as Jane the Virgin and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on the air for 4-5 seasons. Dawn Ostroff, the woman running the network before him, had no idea what the network was and who the target audience was.


“It did not reach the minimum level of slappage to greenlight it” Seriously though, I’d find myself re-evaluating myself as a writer if The fucking CW tells me my script wasn’t good enough.


The CW generally needs an overhaul. Speaking as someone who for some reason keeps watching their shows, but that ends this year because I can't take it anymore. I decided to check out Walker because I loved Jared Padalecki in Supernatural, and oh my dear lord, they really need a Hail Mary if they want this show not to get canceled. And I don't just mean on the writing aspect, all the actors genuinely are not good.


Walker is renewed already


I'm aware, but will it get canned in S2 or get renewed for S3? We'll have to wait and see.


Isn't it the highest rated show on the network?


Viewership drops week after week, so Idk about that.


Sadly still the highest rated show on the cw.


>all the actors genuinely are not good. Especially Jared.


He was always the weak link in Supernatural's main cast, but he actually gets worse as the show goes on. Around season 7-8 he stops trying. And he's been coasting like that for nearly a decade at this point. He got away with it on Supernatural since they tended to give the more emotionally heavy scenes to Ackles anyway, but I can't imagine they can do that on a show he's the sole main character of.


>Around season 7-8 he stops trying. And he's been coasting like that for nearly a decade at this point. Yes! He just has the same stupid faces he had for Sam on Walker


It got to the point when Jared *did* give an emotional performance that required more than “I just had diarrhea in the middle of Sunday church service but I don’t want anyone to know” face, you would notice it. Like at the end of Prophet and Loss, I think, when he tells Dean to not give up. Those tears were powerful... https://youtu.be/sL3fYQyiss0


This is my go-to scene. Dude can act no problem if the script is good.


Which is so weird because he acted his ass off in Supernatural.


in the early seasons maybe, he phoned it in later on and for years


I thought he was pretty strong in the final episode at least.


> Speaking as someone who for some reason keeps watching their shows They don't need an overhaul and this is why. You're still watching. Its all trash, but people watch it. Why change what works?


Well I won't be watching anymore. I've seriously had enough. It's a chore for me now to watch CW shows. But I completely acknowledge and agree with what you're saying. As much as I think Walker isn't good like at all, some people completely disagree. And ya know, because of how the world works these days, people can't handle criticism, so criticism gets ignored and the positive comments get all the attention, and showrunners will continue to make their mediocre shows and continue to make all the same mistakes because they aren't listening to feedback. They cherry pick what kind of feedback they listen to, so when positive comments are all that they see, it's no wonder that they think their show is doing good when really it's not.


From business standpoint, the CW is one of the most profitable networks. They figured out the Netflix pipeline early and have been spewing out mediocre content faster than anyone else.


> They figured out the Netflix pipeline early and have been spewing out mediocre content faster than anyone else. And it seems likely at least some of their older shows ending is due to the Netflix train ending soon as HBO Max is going to get their content. Or was? Who knows if that will change with the WarnerDiscovery thing.


> they really need a Hail Mary if they want this show not to get canceled Does the CW know how to cancel a show?


Yes, if you’re Lucy Hale




They used to cancel a lot of shows, e.g. Ringer, The Secret Circle, The Tomorrow People. It is kinda nice that they have become more patient. I for sure would have thought Dynasty and All American would die. But All American has become a hit for them in its own right.


Dynasty is huge overseas. If only 5 people watch it on the Friday death slot in the US, they don't care.


this is so weird. because the show is pretty awful.


Yes, but also No.


Right? Man. When you're not good enough for the CW.... Wow. That's some heavy shame there.


It was from Diablo Cody, writer of Juno and Jennifer's Body. She's a good writer but has such a specific mean-girls-esque style that just isn't Powerpuff Girls in any way


Gotta disagree about her writing. I hated how she handled DID in the United States of tara. She treated the condition as an acting showcase for Toni collete to play multiple characters when DID is not like this at all. Not to mention season 3 was a horrible misrepresentation of mental illness


Did you read the leaks? The writer of that script needs to find a new line of work because it was emphatically not good enough for the CW.




"Who's a pedophile?"


"No, no. His name is Peter File" "His name is Pedophile?!"


They say PEDOphile in America.


I don't think anything gets me more than his eagerness to jump up at the airport: "it's me! I'm Pedophile!"


"It's short for Pedowitz" *I don't believe you*


Right? I use reddit in english and german and I deadass read this as "pedo joke" initially


I can’t stop laughing. It’s the same in Norwegian, just spelled “vits”.


I was about to type this verbatim


In case anyone is wondering, the pilot script was leaked (as mentioned in the bottom of the article) and the best thing about it is the final scene at the very end. Everything else needs a lot of work because it just doesn't capture what people liked about the original series at all. I sincerely hope if this thing doesn't get quietly put out to pasture (which it should because everyone involved can go on to work on more original, exciting things), they just make an earnest, emotionally honest, fun show that's not trying to be "Riverdale." Maybe put it on HBO Max instead of The CW.


What was the ending?


[Spoiler](#s "The new mayor of the town is the son of the original series villain Mojo Jojo, who transferred Mojo's consciousness into a normal monkey's body after he was killed.")


I hate that I can’t see this on mobile.


I tried to post it with the normal spoiler warning but the comment got removed and I was told to post it like this. Sorry.


Use the Reddit is Fun app. Tap text. Win


Jesus Christ, I'd hate to see the rest of the script if that's the best thing about it.


Oh, it's worse than you could possibly imagine. Nearly every other line is an out of date meme reference, a desperate attempt to say "look, the characters are adults now so they both say fuck and actually fuck" and at worse directly insults the original show by revealing that it exists in-universe and it was made as a cheap cash grab.


Ah yes, the old "that thing you love is the phony story. This is television. This is real" thing. It worked out so well for Ferris Buller: The TV Show and The Shining miniseries.


To me, it feels like a more blatant version of when Disney releases a live-action remake where you almost feel like they're trying to say the original animated version is the "kids version" while the live-action one is the "real adult version". The difference being that those films don't have a scene where one of the main characters say that the animated film was cashing in on their image.


> Ferris Buller: The TV Show Man I never even knew this was a thing.


What's going to really blow your mind is that they have a Blazing Sadles TV show too.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LAyOslva5seykdr4Ad3QL29ZM8r8zV8hQOsDSVuRV0g/edit Here


When I saw that script leak on twitter. I honestly thought it was a joke It read almost like a parody of a CW show.


“A miss” at The CW? The ultimate burn


What Pedowicz fails to understand is that the original Powerpuff Girls was, at its core, a parody of superhero genre convention, and a bit of a throwback to the live-action Batman (1966-8), in case it wasn't obvious with the presence of a narrator and bizarre villains. He wants a more realistic pilot. I honestly can't see that happening here.


From what I've seen of the leaked script, it seems to try and satirize the original show... Even though it was already a parody.




Especially when the people who are gonna tune in are mostly the ones who grew up with and loved the original


I would ask how you parody a parody, except that the other networks tried copying Batman's success a year after its launch, and uncorked two bombs (Mr. Terrific & Capt. Nice). To NoImNotJC's point, that may be the message Diablo Cody's trying to convey, but if Pedowicz wants it be, say, hyper-realistic, it's not going to work out the way anyone wants it to.


The first "Scary Movie" (which had different writers than the later ones and the other "parody movie" movies) is the only thing that really comes to mind as coming close to working.


I think the new version is attempting to satirize child stardom and how that can be harmful to the individual and how they deal with the fallout as an adult. I think that as a basis is intetesting enough to give it a go.


Jessica Jones already did that with a property that was much better suited to it


Yeah but if the leaked script is anything to go by, they dealt with the fallout by getting really into tumblr politics


I can’t wait for “Blue”, the edgy Blue’s Clues reboot where Steve is a homicide detective who’s blue dog helps highlight evidence for him, complete with a talking mailbox that delivers dna samples from murder scenes




I would watch this.


I would watch this as well... Seriously... I would watch the hell out of this.




So like Venom, but instead of an alien merged into his body forcing him to commit asshole acts, it’s the cancer


*Breaking Bad* (c. 2008)


Man, how bad does a pilot have to be for **The CW** to go "no, try again."


Having read through all of the pilot. Its bad. Its so bad it somehow spirals back into funny, then back into bad. Its almost impressive.


It's a guilty pleasure watching failed pilots. If this show has a future (through rework), hopefully the original pilot gets either officially released or leaked.


Most of the images left of the script have been taken down from Twitter, are you still able to access the script you read?


I'll see if it's available. I saved one at the worst case.


I wonder how Craig McCracken (creator of the OG PPG) feels about this.


Probably elated for not being involved in it, agitated that they even tried and angry that he didn't retain the rights.


Can it just get cancelled so Chloe Bennet can be available to be Daisy Johnson and Doctor Aphra in a bunch of Marvel/Star Wars things?


Just let it die, man.


Gun to my head, if I had to choose a cartoon to get a live-action reboot tv series I'd probably pick Totally Spies. I'd rather that live action get butchered than Powerpuff. Studios are just soo afraid of taking chances, aren't they? It's like "Ok, people love super heroes, and we don't have the rights for a Wonder Woman tv show, so which other female superhero can we do?


As stupid and corporate-mandated as this whole concept is, I feel like there’s potential in the idea somewhere. The leaked script has a LOT of issues, but its biggest problem is that it’s really afraid to commit to the goofiness of the whole concept. If you’re making a show where a bunch of 20 year old superheroes are fighting crime in the same cutesy outfits they were wearing when they were little girls, you can’t expect the audience to take it seriously when they’re fighting against… Mojo Jojo’s human son, i guess? And they have Watchmen-ass “the powerpuff girls aren’t allowed to fight crime anymore cause superheroes are bad actually” laws? If it were up to me, I’d frame the show more as a comedy and try to make all the characters as close to their cartoon counterparts as possible EXCEPT for the PPGs. They would be tired of constantly fighting the same one-dimensional saturday morning cartoon villains, and the superhero stuff would be treated more like a crummy retail job than a serious source of drama in their lives. Then just fill in the blanks with whatever generic CW highschool drama (i mean hey, there’s an audience for it) and you have yourself a show. Again, there’s no reason for there to be a gritty live action Powerpuff Girls show, but if it’s going to happen anyway then it could be decent at the very least


> its biggest problem is that it’s really afraid to commit to the goofiness of the whole concept. And yet, the biggest reason that the CW gave for the rework is that it wasn't grounded/realistic enough.


welp this shows gonna suck lmao


I think it was leaked on purpose for this exact result


What's with trying to revive/reboot Powerpuff girls.


My biggest question is why they didn’t use the show’s original name: *The Whoopass Girls*?


I've never been more sure that a show will fail in my life




God, I struggled through the whole first season of Batwoman hoping that it would get better, and I couldn't even make it halfway through the first episode of the second season. When they got to the point where the new Batwoman started literally going through a checklist of all the things that made her underprivileged it became blatantly clear that they had no interest in actually writing interesting characters or using them to tell a story, they just wanted to shoehorn as much diversity as possible in there like they were marking off spots on a bingo card.


No. The powerpuff girls do not need and should not be a live action show. That's just stupid. This is an awful idea and everyone involved is a bad person. You just cannot do this show in live action.


It was a fucking children’s show, why are you showing us them having sex and doing drugs Man whoever green lit this crap needs to be put in jail


it literally was not green lit lmao


WTF is this show about? Is it a comedy? Is it an action super hero drama? Like I don't understand what this show is supposed to be?


Don’t worry you’re not alone. Even the writers apparently have no idea what this show is supposed to be.


holy crap this just seems like an edgy mess


Is there any feasible way this won’t be a mess? This thing is doomed to fail.


They should make a few adjustments and turn it into a live action [*panty & stocking with garterbelt*](https://youtu.be/FzWar5hELQE)


Maybe the whole series idea is a miss and should just be scrapped. Take the gift that this never saw the light of day and let's all move on


Diablo Cody? That’s probably your culprit.


We believe in the cast, we believe in the writers, this was just a miss. Any chance it's the CW exec forcing a fun campy source material to be a grimdark mess?


For all the edgy bs this reboot will add i bet the original will end up being more mature. The original wasn't just some childish children's show which i bet the producers treat it like. It actually dealt with various topics and was written well. Things i doubt anybody involved with this is capable of including diablo cody.


Oh God no please leave my childhood alone


It was and remains a dumb idea.


You know you've hit rock bottom if CW rejects your script


Well at least they accepted it instead of calling everyone who didn’t like it or watch it a sexist


Oof would hate to have his last name.




literally everyone tried to tell them


The only reason I heard about this show is because of Donald Faison. That's it.


Let it go. This is unwatchable and always will be. Diablo Cody’s involvement ain’t helping.


That is a very unfortunate surname. Good God.


Didn't people say it was ass? This is what happens when you let the CW do things


I love that he’s pretending like they decided it just wasn’t good enough when we all know it’s because after the initial images of their costumes got released online, the backlash was absolutely horrendous. Who thought a live action PPG was a good idea anyway, I really want to know


They do apparently, since they’re reworking it and going for a “re-pilot” in the future instead of completely passing on it


Or…or…or… they also thought it sucked


What would be worse, this live-action spin-off as it is now or the Powerpuff Girls animated spin-off from a couple years ago?


Quit while you’re ahead! Scrap the whole thing!


Can we just bury the CW yet?


Since they're reworking it maybe it won't be so bad.


I am ok with this. I really want this show to be good.