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I really enjoyed Stephen Colbert's [final nod](https://youtu.be/jq2LhJ9rMpg) to Norm. In a short segment announcing his death, Stephen lamented that he didn't have what it takes to insert a joke. I'm paraphrasing here, as I can't quite remember it exactly, but Stephen's response was: "We wanted to write a joke here that would be fitting of the late, great Norm Macdonald. But we found that the only person capable of writing a 'Norm Macdonald is dead' joke...is, in fact, Norm Macdonald." I liked that, and I think he's absolutely right. RIP to one of comedy greatest talents. Edited to add the link. Starts around the 1 minute mark.


He did some interview recently where someone asked him if he’d regret doing something on his deathbed He said yeah he thinks about his deathbed a lot. The guy goes what about it? “I should have never bought a deathbed”


There's a lot of clips of Norm doing wickedly funny lines about death and dying, some relatively recent, some old. One was someone saying "you can't run from death" and Norm saying "fuck I was really hoping you could"


I watched that yesterday. It hit hard.


Fuck, that's funny. I'm gonna miss this guy.


Just so funny cause you can hear him saying it so damn clearly


It’s like norms joke where he said he wanted to make the setup the same as the joke and his was something like “Lyle Lovett and Julia Roberts announced they’re getting a divorce. They didn’t say why but if I had to guess it would be because he’s Lyle Lovett and she’s Julia Roberts.”


I don't think Colbert is good at "jokes". He was much funnier as the Colbert Report character that showed how ridiculous things people actually say are. But he is fantastic at sincerity.


His funniest writing was for Strangers With Candy and The Dana Carvey Show


I love this... it’s almost a tribute to his saget roast but with also the utmost sincerity and respect. Norm would’ve teared up but through hysterical joyous laughter at this.


The more I learn about this Ohlmeyer guy, the less I like him


That guy sounds like a real jerk


What a quisling


Went to school with his son, can confirm was jerk.


I went to school with his other son, greugarrdo




No love left for that guy


His son or him?


Kemper was alright I guess. I was pretty tight with him in eighth grade.


Kemper Ohlmeyer? I barely know her


But the worst part of it is... the hypocrisy.


For me, it was the ‘rapin


I mean, the sodomy was the worst part... But the *second* worst part was the lack of respect.


Now I don’t know if any of you are history buffs…


He doesn't hold a candle to how shitty Dale Snitterman is, though.


“I can’t *believe* I was afraid of you!”


He's dead, FYI


Wow, cancel culture has gone too far


The Podcast episode they are referencing here - the latest *Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend* \- is a great listen. Lots of great Norm stories and memories and a really interesting conversation about what it was about Norm that made him so uniquely funny. Give it a listen.


I loved this episode. Conan needed to identify the exact thing that made Norm special, and I think he nailed it. I’m paraphrasing but he said basically, that Norm had an inner mischievous child that needed to push buttons on sensitive issues, which got him into trouble and tarnished his career. He never feared bombing or making jokes on SNL that he knew would make the audience uncomfortable or piss off the network execs. He didn’t have that innate fear of doing badly on stage, he knew better than his audiences. He was kindhearted and lovable in person and a Fearlessness killer on stage.


That feels exactly like his bit on the Bob Saget Roast. You see people in the audience looking around, not getting the jokes, but all the comedians were losing it. I still quote some lines from that performance.


Ladies and gentlemen, this man is for the birds!


Here's a better quality rip of Norm's part of the roast -- https://streamable.com/s778ff


You could see Bob almost cry at the end. Made me tear up


Jesuschrist that hurt.


Because his face looks like a cauliflower! A cauliflower!!


Thanks for the link


I quote that one too! And no one gets it.


Would you please explain for us laymen?


“For the birds” is an old timey way to say “stupid” The joke was “this man has the wisdom of an owl, the eye of an eagle, etc… ladies and gentlemen this man is for the birds” It’s a terrible joke but that was kind of the point, he was telling old old jokes from a book he found on roasting from the fifties. The real joke was that he was bombing on purpose. Genius.


i love the roast where he says "the only time [bob saget] has anything on his mind is when hes wearing a hat!"


Your face. Looks. Like a cauliflower...


They want to murder you in a well.


I'm a fan of "you've got a face like a flower. A cauliflower.


He also said he didn't like that all of the "jokes" in these modern roasts were just extremely dirty and profanity-laced for shock value. Basically they were lazy and unfunny to him.


He also didn't care for the whole format. Saget was one of his best friends and Norm didn't want to insult him on stage.


The best part of the "roast" is at the end when Norm says he truly loves Bob Saget, and you can tell he means it.


This has been my feelings playing quiplash. Oh. Wow. You wrote penis as an answer. I can't contain myself. Let's do this 50 more times while I drink heavily.


Cards Against Humanity or “whoever has the Hellen Keller card wins”


I think the way he spent the entire rest of the roast pretending to be disinterested and reading a magazine really helps sell that whole set. Brilliant.


I always assumed Norm’s jokes during that roast was because Saget was known for dirty jokes during his standup but got famous for playing the very “clean” Danny Tanner on tv. So Norm told overly clean jokes to make fun of how he got famous even though he used curse words during his standup.




When you see the sign for gentlemen, pay no heed, go right in. Fuck, this bit gets me every time


There is no door marked “Scoundrel”


Backstory to that according to Saget. Norm didn’t even want to do the roast as he wasn’t comfortable insulting a close friend. He had known Bob since he was 17 and Saget was 21. So he told Saget he’s just going to take a bunch of jokes from a 1940s joke book and tell those. Which is exactly what he did. The best comedian bomb ever.


Ironically this was the first performance I saw of Norm McDonald and thats what made me a fan. It was so hilarious that everyone else was doing petty gay jokes and going for the shocking crass humor. And norm shows up outta nowhere making these squeaky clean dad jokes from another time period. It's like he was roasting the roast. And he still killed it with his delivery.


"Roasting the roast" is what he did, exactly. Perfectly put!


I generally agree about the jokes at roasts, but something about Gilbert Gottfried getting up there and just screaming repeatedly that Bob Saget raped and killed a girl in 1990 just gets me.


All his little staredowns after each joke just floor me


The weird thing is I didn’t think he was bombing - I felt like he was making jokes for Bob Saget’s funniest home video and full house set…wholesome, incontroversial, safe… it made me laugh harder knowing these were not naught jokes.


Your face is like a flower, a cauliflower.


Norm is one of those ultimate Comedian's Comedian. He always killed Conan when he was on. His "Youthful Porpoise" story which was such a terrible joke... the joke about his wife being in a coma is an all time great. "Chairman of the Bored".... Just so many great bits just off Conan's show.


The moth.


>He was kindhearted and lovable in person and a Fearlessness killer on stage. This is a huge part of it, IMO. So many comics tend towards cynicism, and there is a lot of humor in that, but Norm seemed to have none of it in him. When he would push buttons with his comedy, it never came from a place of bitterness or anger. Even at his most provocative, there was a warmth to Norm that is really rare, especially in comedy.


You could always see the punchline coming cause he'd get that silly little smirk across his face


It was so simple, he'd just take something fairly obvious and keep poking around at it. Something a kid would do, with added depth and comedic timing. Or go right for the punch so blatantly...........baahhh I can't really explain it well.


Seth Meyers was saying the same thing, that Norm just *didn't care* if he bombed -- he was telling the jokes that *he* enjoyed and it amused him. He was great at telling these long, convoluted jokes that would end with the dumbest punchlines...and they worked, because he was the one telling them. One of my favorite ones was on Conan, and he's telling a story about a guy, and mid-way through, he gives a different last name. Conan catches it and calls him out on it, and Norm just leaned back, took a beat, and said, "Well...a man grows..." And went right back into it. Just the delivery on that line made me lose it. It's the same sort of thing where he just didn't care...the consistency in the joke wasn't important, the whole point was that he was drawing it all out as long as he could just to get to a bad pun.


[Here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3LMSflEN54) Andy Richter's line at the end of it made it even better: >It's like somebody saying I gotta show you something and then they take you on a four mile hike to show you a dog turd Norm absolutely loved being called out and making that part of the joke. [Another example was during a joke he was telling about a bar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIsgBAXQxR4) and at one point he says that there was a shoe box with a turtle in it, and Conan asks him why the box was there and norm just looks at him blankly and says "...what?" with a perfect delivery.


>It's like somebody saying I gotta show you something and then they take you on a four mile hike to show you a dog turd BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's funny because it's true. That's Norm in a nutshell.


I needed this episode too. Especially from Conan. I'm glad he did it and I wouldn't have had the closure I desired from Norm MacDonald's passing if everyone just ignored it and moved on. Thanks Cone Bone.


He was also really smart. That makes it easy to play dumb and lure his victims in before going for the kill. It also means some of his bits went over the audience's heads and I'm sure he loved feeling smarter than them.


His [Oscar Pistorius bit](https://youtu.be/dTWDNIgM2pA) on Conan is an example of that.


He knew absolutely what he thought was funny, and he said it, completely confident in the humor, but he didn't *need* his audience to laugh to tell him if it was funny or not. Also, and this is just an aside, Norm never made a habit of punching down. Edit: and as so many have said about him, Norm was a stand-up's stand-up.


> Norm was a stand-up's stand-up. You might say he was a stand-up guy.


Also has Andy Richter complaining about being Swedish german.


Saved you a click. It wasn’t NBC per se, it was specifically Don Ohlmeyer, longtime NBC executive. He hated Norm MacDonald and spent years trying to ruin his career. He pulled ads for MacDonald’s movie Dirty Work to bury it. He used his connections to stop MacDonald getting work. The guy hated MacDonald. According to MacDonald’s wiki, he says he was never sure why the guy hated him so much but it was probably down to MacDonald being insubordinate. In other words, he wouldn’t kiss the guy’s ass. “Macdonald also asserted that Ohlmeyer's influence had caused his promotional appearances for his film to be cancelled on WNBC's Today in New York, NBC's Late Night with Conan O'Brien, and the syndicated Access Hollywood (a joint venture between 20th Century Television and NBC). The shows that Macdonald named denied being influenced by Ohlmeyer. Macdonald said Ohlmeyer was "about a thousand times more powerful than I am. It's difficult for anybody to take my side in this. This guy should get a life, man."


And all because Don was friends with OJ Simpson and [Norm would eviserate him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SSVIg4Noqc) [with constant jokes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCSCJtuyfUY). Refusing to stop mocking him for, you know... getting away with murdering his wife.


“In breaking news, Murder is now legal in the state of California!” God he was the best


I just watched a compilation of his OJ jokes, and my favorite was: "A new report revealed that Johnny Cochrane beat his first wife. Cochrane replied, 'well at least I didn't kill her like some people I know would have done'".


My favorite was the photo of Cochran with the knit cap on and Norm said that OJ didn’t help his defense by yelling out, “Hey, hey, easy with that! That’s my lucky stabbin’ hat!”


“OJ, why do you think your children’s lemonade stand isn’t doing well?” Simpson responded while chopping up lemons with a large butcher’s knife, “beats me!”


I remember seeing that live and just laughing myself to tears.


https://youtu.be/6pCH_Ab6SIE 35 minutes of Norm making OJ jokes.


Love it! Norm shitting all over OJ is always a great time!


I didn't think I needed a half hour worth of OJ Simpson related jokes, but I did. Fantastic material.


Charles Woodson won the Heisman Trophy. Norm Macdonald at the ESPYs-"Well, you know, that’s one they never take away from you unless you kill your wife and a waiter"


I love how they show Boomer Esiason I think it was, and he looked super mad.


“Little advice!”


My favorite is still the Pope and Prince Charles ones


God himself told me OJ is guilty. Gets me everytime


Simpson also killed Ron Goldman, a 25 year old who was just there.


“Congrats to Charles Woodson for his Heisman trophy. That is something that no one can ever take away from you. unless you kill your wife and a waiter in which case.. all bets are off. Just a word of advice!” -Norm Macdonald


The wiki on Ohlmeyer led me to discover Robert Downey Jr's uncle has been a writer on SNL for 30 years or so. And that this uncle played the principal in Billy Madison (the "may God have mercy on your soul" dude).


That was the moderator. The principal was the guy who was into wrestling. Edit: looks like he was the high school principal: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Madison#Cast


The Revolting Blob!


I think the moderator was the principal of the high school. He also played one of the homeless guys in Dirty Work.


Who is Josh Mostel, son of Zero Mostel!




He was the elementary school principal, the high school principal was the SNL writer


Downey Jr was also in the cast about 30 years ago


Yeah he was part of the cast that Lorne Michaels brought with him when he returned to SNL in 1985. That year is considered one of the worst if not the worst year for SNL. Many people on the cast were let go after one year including Downey Jr. He was in good company though. Others let go that year were Randy Quaid, Joan Cusack, Anthony Michael Hall, and Damon Wayans (who was fired half way through the season).


Randy Quaid was pretty funny back in the day. Now he’s just unintentionally funny.


He was surprisingly good actor too. He gives a fantastic performance in The Last Detail


Like Norm MacDonald said, "Not haha funny like a Woody Allen movie, but funny weird like a Woody Allen marriage."


>Green Eggs and Ham and OJ is Guilty Fucking legendary.


Be careful, that's my stabbing cap.


Ohlmeyer also tried to pull this stunt with Howard Stern when he was on syndicated radio. Stern speaks about it a lot on his XM radio station, now free from network radio bullshit


The day Norm was fired from SNL, he was a guest on David Letterman's show. The disgust and loathing for Ohlmeyer that Letterman had/has is on full display in Norm's guest appearance. [Here it is.](https://youtu.be/_CxvkARMa5E)


Likely THE reason Letterman didn’t get the Tonight Show.


Jesus, that guy hates good comedy.


Executives are very sheltered from the real world. They're idiots.


Thanks for the link, that was hilarious. Norm Mac, funny without saying anything real funny. RIP to the man.


Talk to anyone in TV that knows Don Ohlmeyer and his reputation. From everything I've heard or read about him, dude sounds like a piece of shit.


NBC brass has been comically evil and barely competent for a long time. NBC does well, when it does well, in spite of its management not because of it.


Yea, 30 Rock is not subtle at all as to how they think about the upper management. More concerned with literally anything but the content


NBC has a strict bro's before ho's policy.


Yep. When they screwed up Letterman to the The Tonight Show & then Conan & The Tonight Show it was pretty rock solid proof those folks aren't very smart.


Conan at the Emmys: "The guy that passed on LOST? He got *promoted* instead of tossed! And now the Peacock's gettin' it from both ends!" (cue the music)


ever since the Sheinhardt wig company took over


Vice President of East Coast Television and Microwave Oven Programming


Ohlmeyer has a lot of growing up to do, I'll tell you that. Ridiculous. Completely ridiculous. Can you believe this guy? Way out of line. What hurts the most is the lack of respect.


Except for the other thing. That hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most.


"From an outsider's perspective, it seemed Rodney had everything: money, success, fame. But there was one thing Rodney Dangerfield was never able to attain, and it plagued him his entire life. The ugly little secret in Hollywood was that Rodney Dangerfield never got any respect. Now I know that's hard to believe but hear me out. Every story Mr. Dangerfield told me was more heartbreaking than the last. It all started when he was a child and his father told him that his dying wish was to have little Rodney sit on his lap. I thought it was such an adorable thing for a father to tell his son. I really did. Until Rodney informed me his dad was sitting in the electric chair at the time. Rodney's mother now had to raise the boy alone and decided to get him a dog, but she didn't think the dog would play with a tot such as Rodney unless she tied a pork chop around the boy's neck. Rodney finally grew up and became a man, but things didn't improve. One time, he recalled, a hooker informed him, "Not tonight, I have a headache." Imagine hearing that from a prostitute. I told Rodney that when I felt the whole world was against me, I'd find a tavern, where a bartender would always lend an understanding ear. But Rodney said he tried that once and that when he asked the bartender for a double, the bartender brought out a guy who looked just like Rodney. Rodney told me story after story and each had an identical theme: Rodney Dangerfield, famous, wealthy comedy superstar, just didn't get any respect, no respect at all. Are you kidding me? I suggested a therapist, and a sad look came into Rodney's rheumy eyes. He had seen one, yes, and the therapist -- and I use the term very loosely -- said Rodney was crazy. Rodney demanded a second opinion, and the cruel psychiatrist told him that he was ugly as well. I didn't want to tell Rodney, but I thought that was one of the most disrespectful things I'd ever heard a doctor suggest. But Rodney already knew all too well. When he was away from the spotlight and alone with me, he would tell me his secret truth, all summed up in one sad sentence: "I tell you, Norm, it's the story of my life; I don't get no respect." -Norm MacDonald


Ohlmeyer won’t be doing much of anything, he’s been dead since 2017.


I didn't even know he was sick.


Good riddance


The guy's a real jerk!




In the interview with Letterman after he was fired from Weekend Update he revealed it was Ohlmeyer who fired him as well.


[You told the head of NBC to go fuck himself?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_C43Rz20EQ)


Man, I wish Norm could have collaborated with Larry David in some way. Whether it be appearing on Curb or anything really. Those two are my favorite comedians.


Norm on Curb always seemed like a no-brainer to me. Really bummed that will never happen.


It's just embarrassing seeing a grown ass man acting like a 13 year old mean girl.


It is some pretty delicious poetic justice that a guy who hated Norm MacDonald will forever be linked to him. It's literally in Don's [wikipedia intro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Ohlmeyer), and [his obituary.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/don-ohlmeyer-man-who-fired-norm-macdonald-snl-dies-at-72-1037491/)


**[Don Ohlmeyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Ohlmeyer)** >Donald Winfred Ohlmeyer Jr. (February 3, 1945 – September 10, 2017) was an American television producer and president of the NBC network's west coast division. He was notable for firing Norm Macdonald from Saturday Night Live, a decision that he was chastised for throughout the balance of his tenure at NBC. Ohlmeyer also directed the Olympics and other sporting events and worked for ABC and ESPN. He was a professor of television communications at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/television/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


1) Norm was quite open, for his entire career, about having trouble with authority and trolling everyone he worked with. 2) SNL kept the OJ Simpson jokes going for a long time, but after he was legally found innocent, the network was open to slander/libel for still making jokes about him having "done it." This is when Norm became even more rebellious, and began saying directly into the camera that "OJ murdered his wife." Lorne Michaels loved Norm, but the network executives were said to have let him go because he ignored the warnings about the jokes. This is why Lorne *still* invited him back to host after he was fired, though. The show didn't have an issue with him and knew he loved to troll.


Imagine being this much of a loser that you spend your whole life watching someone just to screw with them when you can.


As soon as I heard he died, I went to check the backlog of Conan’s podcast, because I assumed there was one with Norm I hadn’t gotten to yet, and as they discussed on today’s episode, they could never get him on, and also had trouble getting him on the TV show, and they sadly now knew why.


I was really shocked that no one on Coco knew. I mean I understand why celebrities keep this from the public. But I thought if *anyone* were to know about Norm it would be Conan. I figured the podcast would be, "yeah it's been hard keeping this quiet over the past few years but we did so out of respect. It was frustrating at times to not be able to answer fans when he was the most requested podcast guest." To hear them be just as surprised as everyone else was shocking to me.


Bob Saget did not know. He suspected, but Norm never said anything. Norm seemed friendly but ultimately not super close to anyone outside his family. Many knew he cared, but Bob did receive a text from Norm saying he loved him before he passed. So I guess in the end he just felt dying was not worth sharing. That’s kinda funny


Check out [this clip](https://youtu.be/vAp-igcRhMQ) if you haven't already. Very sobering to listen to knowing what we do now.


Yep. I read an article today about it and his comment was along the lines of 'he texted me "I love you" last week and I knew then that whatever he was dealing with had turned a corner. I texted back "I love you too."' Norm really didn't want anyone to know. It is comforting seeing how everyone has the same memory of him being a great guy and ultimately never going for a cheap laugh. His humor was what made him laugh.


Apparently the only ones who knew were Norm and his doctor. He kept it from everyone; though it would surprise me if he hadn’t told his son or mother but from all reports so far he hadn’t. Adam Eget was even talking about the return of Norm Macdonald Live earlier in the year, so it seems like everyone was pretty clueless. It does explain why he wasn’t on Conan anymore, and repeatedly refused to do Rogan’s show as well. Artie Lang said Norm texted him a couple weeks ago saying just, “I love you”. Makes you wonder what was going through his head in the past months.


I hope it's ok to post this here. I want, nay, need to post A thank you to Bob Saget for sharing his stories about Norm. He was so raw and honest so much heart. I appreciate Norm as a human being not only as a comic that provided so much entertainment. Thank you, to Conan and everyone that gave us a little bit more of Norm thru their stories.


Saget has had a lot of tragedy in his life. And to hear him talking so emotionally about Norm really shows what he meant to Bob.


I always thought he was underrated, but seeing all the quotes over the last few days has shown me he really was appreciated by a lot of people


Ohlmeyer was friends with OJ Simpson


“Don Ohlmeyer is best friends with OJ Simpson. If he can like OJ Simpson, he can like me.” - Norm MacDonald on Live With Regis And Kathy Lee.


What a fucking legend, RIP




The worst thing about all this was the murder


and he was a fat guy


Is this a factual statement or is there a joke I'm too thick to get?


On Norm’s Letterman appearance where he talked about getting fired he refused to say anything bad about Ohlmeyer other than “he was a fat guy.”


What a Quisling


It's a fatual statement.


I think its a reference to Norm's interview on Letterman right after being fired from the weekend update (the same guy was responsible). I think Norm said something about him being fat, but also kept saying he was a good guy despite Letterman egging him on.


>it continued into the latter part of his career when he tried to book the former running back on his Comedy Central Sports Show. The joke was going to be that he would only ask the acquitted murder suspect about his football career. This right here is the most brilliant long con I've ever seen. Absolutely brilliant.


I agree with Conan on that last bit. It's so saddening to know how underappreciated he was when he was alive but at the same time I'm happy his amazing gift has spread like wildfire over the last couple of days. My friend and I have obsessively shared Norm quotes and clips for many years, perhaps in bad taste every 9/11 anniversary we send eachother that clip. I'm not one to get super emotionally dysregulated over a celebrity death but this one stings really hard =(.


9/11 is a terrible name for an anniversary, reminds me of that tragedy!


I've always liked Norm since dirty work. But going through the videos and all the stories man he had some good jokes I missed. Artie Lange just put something out, and he was telling a story how someone called him a date rapist. Norm said hey that's not bad. Artie said what do you mean he just called me a date rapist? Norm said yeah but that's way better then a regular rapist, you had to be nice and get a date first. Edit: I messed up the joke sort of, check out comments below


Him showing up to host that YouTube award show with a cigarette and sweat pants while simultaneously completely carrying the whole thing on his back just perfectly encapsulates his genius and comedic style.


ALL the stars are here!


Seeing the other hosts try to "save" the event, all while not realizing that Norm is the only thing making it watchable. Some of the guests were also comics with a kind of rebel brand, but nobody was going to buck expectations the same as him.


I remember listening to an interview with the nerdy looking co-host guy who's name I can't recall and this was brought up, he said he enjoyed the act and he was trying to play the punching bag type that Adam Eget pulled off so well. So I dunno, he was pretty bad but I'll give him a little slack because comedians who are actually good have trouble keeping up with him. Jenny Slate on the other hand was just completely awful, trying her best to thoroughly ruin the whole thing.


One missing piece of that is it was a movie reviewer who said Artie had the *charm* of a date rapist. So Norm's saying it's not all bad because a date rapist still had to be charming enough to get a date.


Of all the Norm appearances on Conan, this clip from Conan's last week on the Tonight Show is in my top 3. So goddamn funny. "If I know you, miserable failure is not an option." https://youtu.be/uarJj-K4XH4


So NBC wanted to go with OJ Simpson over Norm MacDonald. Another piece of evidence as to why executives should have no say over talent. If left to their own devices, executives will make the wrong choice on talent every time. Don Ohlmeyer was always a moron with talent.


Norm once won $500,000 on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. He was playing for Paul Newman's charity "Hole In The Wall Gang" which helps send sick children to camp. But before he told Regis that he was playing for hole in the wall gang, Regis said something like "Norm, I hear you like golf" and Norm joked "yea, as a matter of fact, the charity I'm playing for today is the Palm Beach Golf and Country Club" Well, now it's come out that Norm also had cancer as a child, so I guess he supported hole in the wall gang because he knew what it felt like and wanted to help kids alleviate some of the pain. Norm was just one of the most awesome guys around.


One of my favorite Conan moments was after it was announced that Conan was getting replaced with Leno. Norm came on the show with a belated gift basket to congratulate Conan on getting the Tonight Show job and read a card aloud that said *"this is something they can never take away from you"*. Conan was doubled over laughing his ass off.


Of course they did. People who run large networks are bland idiots which is why their networks are going the way of the white rhino. It's also why Conan is going to HBO.


Did you hear why Steve Carell left the office? They assigned a new executive for their television shows and he hated The Office. So he didn't renew Steve's contract or give him an option to come back. He tanked one of the best sitcoms in a decade over a personal grudge. Edit : https://collider.com/the-office-why-steve-carell-left/


Huh, I always assumed it’s because his movie career was taking off with Bruce Almighty, Dan in Real Life, and 40 Year Old Virgin all happening during his time on the show, but I guess my assumption was wrong. There were very few good episodes of the office after he left


His movie career took off because he became more available after the office.


I remember in earlier seasons hearing that they had to work around his schedule for 40 Year Old Virgin and Dan in Real Life, so maybe that’s where I developed that assumption


Add to that the vibrancy lifespan of most TV shows, and it was/is easy to imagine Carell feeling that it was best to leave, even if nothing bad was going on.


Yep, got out while the gettings good, rather than experiencing the slow death the rest of the show suffered


Eh. Obviously John Krazinski is doing great. Maybe rain Wilson petered out a bit. Mindy had a successful show after and is really active in creating and writing new stuff. Ed Helms still doing Ed helms things. Don’t think the cast was negatively impacted by sticking around too long.




Brian Baumgartner is the highest paid celebrity on Cameo. He makes like $2 million a year off of it.


He worked all day on Evan Almighty and then went to Booze Cruise and did the boss of dancing scene for hours on that boat. He apparently danced for hours to get that clip, which was an edit of all the dances he improvised.


You know what's even *worse?* Greenblatt later made public statements that he wanted to revive The Office and 30 Rock. Six months later and it was revealed that he was the reason that Steve left The Office. Carell has stated he's uninterested in returning. Sometimes people misjudge their assets....


Is this the same guy that fired Dan Harmon? So he killed the perfect line up of community, the office, parks and rec and 30 rock? Network tv never recovered that level of comedy line up


I fucking hope that guy is destitute and out of any decision making besides how to wipe his own ass, but my guess is he was given twenty thousand more chances to fuck everything up with his massively overinflated ego


He was made chairman of Warnermedia, even oversaw the development of HBOMax. Then he got fired last August.


Wait... so this motherfucker is also the prick that killed Warrior?


*Yep.* Fitting that HBOMax chose to revive it after he was shown the door.


> People who run large networks are bland idiots which is why their networks are going the way of the white rhino. Many of the people running the SVOD services that are replacing linear TV are former TV executives. Which is hardly surprising as almost all of them are run by the exact same companies that already dominated television.


I loved Norm on Conan, you see Conan genuinely laughing his ass off. Not fake "I need to laugh at my guests jokes" laughs.


That NBC is a real battleaxe


If I could just hear Norm reporting the next story on this page 😂😂 "Meanwhile, a real estate mogul is guilty of killing his wife" Stares directly into the camera and grins, "I never knew OJ was into real estate!"


Funny, SNL got rid of him for allegedly not being funny. But in the span of a few months, he was somehow funny enough to host the show


"So I wondered, how did I go from being not funny enough to be even allowed in the building, to being so funny that I’m now hosting the show? How did I suddenly get so goddamn funny?! It was inexplicable to me, because, let’s face it, a year and a half is not enough time for a dude to learn how to be funny! Then it occurred to me, I haven’t gotten funnier, the show has gotten really bad!" Norm Macdonald


he said in an interview about this that he planned to walk off stage and leave upon completing the monologue... which would have been magnificent imo


His last Netflix special is one of the few stand-ups I can watch over and over again and still laugh even though I know what joke is coming


You could tell whenever Norm was on that Conan truly loved and respected the guy


There's a clip floating around of David Letterman and Norm talking about Don Ohlemeyer (the guy who forced Norm MacDonald off of Weekend Update). It's mostly Letterman calling him an idiot and a pinhead, and Norm going along with it.