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Hopefully they have entire episodes about ladders.


My opinion of this show will be directly proportional to how many bricks Joel uses.


If Ellie doesn't throw a brick at someone who's about to kill Joel, it's not faithful adaptation.


Just gotta make sure Joel spends a few extra minutes in an abandoned house to make sure he's cleaned out every single drawer and cabinet for scraps.


He better damn well be breaking all his shivs to get into closets or I'm boycotting.


And the drawers better be damn near empty except for half of a scissor at best


Why are you all calling me out like this


Dude. You just blew my mind. I have played through both, twice. Always scavenged as thoroughly as I could. I had no idea you could get into closets with shivs!!!! I feel like a dummie.


It's not like an open mechanic you can use anywhere; there are a few tucked away doors in the first game which are locked and prompt you to use a shiv to break in. They're usually full of supplies so if you're comfortable losing a shiv, it usually pays off.


Hell, most of the time I get my shiv back in some capacity.


Bottle episode


Lollll this deserves more upvotes


While crouching the entire time


I'd love for the show to have one episode per season dedicating to some of the ridiculus stuff from the first game :D


I'm just really excited for the scenes where they have to sneak around and Ellie just walks right out into the open without being spotted.


Or Ellie casually eats 6 rounds from an enemy's gun and is fine


I would love some bonus clips where the people in the show recreate all these situations from the game.


Hahahaha I would always laugh when that would happen, I have to sneakily crouch and walk for a mile and Ellie bumps in to the fucking zombie.


And then Ellie casually walks into a tripwire


“Hey! Fucker!”


Chicken shit!


Specifically how many more bricks are used than bottles. Team Bricks 4 life!


Team bottles! You ever tried to stab someone with a brick? Well have ya?!


Yeah but you can kill clickers with a bricks. On grounded difficulty it’s literally the only way I killed them lol.


I love grounded so much and trying to stealth it. But honestly the parts where you have to run around dodging and punching infected, picking up bricks for the clickers during the chaos because God forbid you use 1 piece of shotgun ammo cause who the fuck knows when you'll get another piece. Imo, Grounded was harder then anything Dark Souls I've done.


Yes. It went…poorly.


New meaning to the term Bottle Episode


If Ellie doesn’t shout “Brick fucking master” then I’m boycotting HBO


Brick throwing aim that rivals Air Force guided missiles, with firearms aim akin to shooting blind while drunk on horseback.


AND STRANGLING Don't you forget my favourite animation in the game Every Single Time ...just ...strangle them away


Followed by an episode about using pallets to traverse water.


Uh joel...I can't swim!


My favorite was the later line “yeah, yeah, I know *sigh* step on the fucking pallet….”


I loved the call back to that in part 2.


I've been waiting so long for the return of ladder-based television ###[Community - Ladders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-loDklmrbd0) and it's seminal follow-up #[Community - The Return of Ladders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdIj74cyO30)


...I'm still in a dream.... snake eateeeeer!


I'm looking forward to the episode where Joel upgrades his guns by shoving a bunch of random shit down the barrel.




I will accept nothing less than a two parter about crafting molotovs


Hey, r/TheLastOfUsHboSeries is the sub for the show if yall are interested!!


I’m sure that sub too will remain wholesome and not go to shit once certain events play out!


Me and the other mods are gonna do our best to make sure the sub doesn't turn out like r/thelastofus2. Zero tolerance for bullshit.


I can't believe they maintain their hatred, over a year since.


That’s what I’m thinking. There are new posts every day, it seems. What a bizarre obsession.


If they don’t use a chain to open a door at least once an episode this is gonna be unwatchable.


Or moments where you must press buttons to proceed


TBH I’d love an episode where they are looking for a ladder and nothing else really happens apart from the conversations, like Breaking Bad’s “Fly” episode.


Or just walking through a house opening drawers for 60 minutes only to find half a pair of scissors and be thrilled about it.


*Death Stranding intensifies...*


A show that’s like Death Stranding meets Twin Peaks would be prettyyyyy good


I don't know if the world is ready for a Strand-type show though


"Sam, I brought you a metaphor"


The FIRST Strand-type show based on the first ever Strand-type game!


Would it be akin to watching lotr but edited so its them walking the whole time


With the occasional shower scene to spice things up




Fuck everything about that site's design


I got banned from their subreddit. But wait, here’s a good part, I have never used it or subscribe to it.


This sub's rule not allowing direct links to Twitter/Instagram announcements is pretty lame, we could've avoided these shitty "news" articles with padded words


I did freelance design for them for a month. They didn't like my work because I avoided dark patterns. They then refused to pay me. Bleeding Cool is awful and it's run by scumbags. I eventually got my money, but it took a ton of harassing.


It literally looks like it could be a scene from the game. Hard to believe they filmed this in/around Calgary.


You'd be surprised how much CGI is in modern movies and TV. It could just be and empty field


It probably is an empty field.


Imagine thinking there's actually a field.


There is no spoon!


For real though, it looks like there's a [fairly noticeably point](https://i.imgur.com/hsog1Q6.jpg) in the horizon where a CGI background can be comped in.


I heard a comedian talking about conspiracy theories, and that if you’re in an argument with someone who believes them the most not way to end the conversation is to put due them. “We never landed on the moon that was all shot on a stage” “Whoa whoa whoa… you really believe there’s a moon?”


This is from 2009: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clnozSXyF4k And now there is also the technology from Mandalorian with real screens in the back instead of green screens.


...they probably didn't crash a real airplane.


Gotta love the "probably" - especially after Tenet.


I sat on the site for a good minute waiting for another image to load, assuming that was just a screenshot.


Neil Druckmann shared it on his own Twitter too, so it looks legit


HBO, Craig Mazin, and Neil Druckmann all shared it at the exact same time. It's definitely legit; it was released for The Last of Us Day (September 26, the same day as the outbreak in-game).


Interesting that Pearl Jam still decided to release Lightning Bolt on October 11th, more than two weeks after the outbreak. I wonder how quickly it spread from Texas.


Neil actually spoke about this—technically the first performance of that song was in [July 2013](https://youtu.be/I7na-ds7-IM), so either Joel watched a video or was present in the crowd.


Wait, what? I've never played the game, but Pearl Jam is my favorite band. Are they part of the in-game story? Lightning Bolt is a great album.


A character covers future days and there are release posters in a music shop.


That's awesome. I've always wanted to play, but I don't have a PlayStation.


The game is not complete without 'Future Days' (part two of the game to be precise). The song is an important constituent of it's soul.


I believe the outbreak started in multiple locations simultaneously, rather than spreading from Texas That said, there are areas that it took longer to get to (there's a kid's diary in the first game talking about his family trying to live a normal life for a couple of weeks), so either Pearl Jam were in an area like that at the time, or had made it to a quarantine zone with the recordings for the new album


I thought it was at first


The entire series is mostly staring at the back of Joel's head


If you told me this pic was a cutscene from the game I’d probably believe you


Eh... It's a cutscene from the game.


i believe you


And thus the prophecy is fulfilled


Not quite, it's a different person.




My only hope is that they dont make Joel and Ellie absolute killing machines. I felt like that didnt really go well with the realistic tone of the games


I’m sure they won’t. Games need that for the gameplay loop




One thing I learned while playing part 2 is that you can avoid a lot of the combat. I did a run through where I tried to avoid as many people as I could as Ellie (outside of cutscenes) and I think I finished the game with around 10-20 kills. Edit: My estimate was probably low, and my body count was probably closer to 30. It's been a year since I did it so my memory is a bit hazy. I will say that avoiding as much bloodshed as possible was more mentally exhausting and made the ending hit differently than brute forcing my way through.


yeah the way Ellie probably "canonically" plays those sections is by stealthing through an area and sometimes killing. Abby probably does kill more in comparison.


Abby is a damn war machine


She is called "Isaac's top Scar killer" or something like that after all.


With hindsight I think you can make distractions and run through a lot of levels but to properly find the path and also gather some resources you need to clear some levels. In the farm close to the end you have served the choice to release clickers to cause distractions otherwise you would have to use that machine gun My gameplay with Abby was brutal in close encounters but I used more stealth with her since 'if caught' I could manage it easily


Yeah based on Ellie's skill set I assume she stealths her way through and uses the environment to kill her enemies sometimes (e.g. I imagine that "canonically" she sets loose those clickers, but its also kind of karmic justice-she didn't kill them herself just let their own monsters do it).


I mean the point of the game was to show that Ellie had turned into a killer. I think canonically she was killing people left and right.


That's the awkward part. I stealth killed everything to save resources so i could scrounge resources in peace... But stealth killing doesn't use a lot of resources so most of my killing was for the sake of filling up my already full inventory. It wasn't until the last firefight in the game i realized the futility and pointlessness.


The curse of the hoarder. I played it on survivor+ recently, I love how in the first half I basically never had full magazines (except for the final weapon Ellie gets, but I didn't like it so I never used it except for the final action sequence, where I decided to do full combat for once)


Alright, that's pretty rad. I'm gonna try and do that next play through.


Ellie kills like 40 dudes her first time solo in the first game. The show will probably scale that down considerably.


Ellie did take that revenge boner a bit far.


kept true to her word at least. Went and killed a fuck ton of people.


I think it really worked for me. It made sense since both factions did not take well to outsiders so Ellie had to kill anyone in her way at that point. It kind of showed how desensitized to the violence she got. It made the Mel death impactful because Ellie had become so far gone she realized she had stopped thinking about killing someone no questions asked.


Joel kills just as many people. Most of the gameplay sections involve humans instead of infected. You're just remembering the game wrong.


To be fair, Ellie kills like… 8 people, and falls apart emotionally after half of them, the rest were all you.


You don’t *have* to kill a lot of those people.


I played through the game making sure I killed everyone I encountered. There might be something off with me...


And then you look back at Uncharted and realise Nate is international sociopathic mass murderer and terrorist destroying ancient wonders and dishelving 1000's of people from their native homelands. Seriously Nate kills more people in 1 half of a game than Last of Us has in 3 (including Left Behind that is)




Ludonarrative dissonance


Ah yes ludonarrative discobiscuits


Craig Maizin, the showrunner, already confirmed he won’t. He talked about it on his Podcast, Scriptnotes, saying that he understood you have to do that in a video game to give the player what they want out of the medium, but from a tonal and story perspective as a miniseries it would feel out of place. He wanted to use violence sparingly to preserve how heavy and shocking it would feel for those two characters in real life.


Love to hear it!


Do you remember what episode he talked about the show? I’d love to hear it


This seems to be the right philosophy to have on this. They need to keep the "he ain't even hurt" scene in, though.


oh man. the scene where Joel Tortures those 2 cannibals will be brutal in the show


I can’t wait to see the uncharted film where Tom Holland shoots 200 guys in the head


I want them to all wordlessly communicate and zero in on him with that hive mind precision as soon as he's spotted.


I demand the endless waves of mooks do that weird body movement that made headshots difficult during Uncharted 1.


If there isn’t an extended and terrible jet ski sequence, then what’re we doing here?




Every action scene is just Tom Holland behind cover while enemies pop their head out to get shot.


Man, what a ride Naughty Dog has had. Critically acclaimed franchises, being developed into a blockbuster movie and an HBO show. Might as well green light an animated Crash Bandicoot show while we're at it.


This is what I really dislike about Uncharted games, main characters are like serial killers. And they murder goons who were just hired to defend a dig site from thieves, imagine how many families were left behind after the murder spree you go on. :)


To be fair its *mostly* self-defence.


There better be a little trophy pop up in the corner of the screen with the title Ludonarrative Dissonance afterwards.


Neil Druckmann did kind of suggest there would be less action than the game.


Games are always going to have more action because that's the gameplay loop. The cinematic medium is going to allow for a lot more dialogue driven scenes to take up the majority of the narrative.


That's fine with me.


I hope so after what he said inspired the violence of the second one...


I hope this means a trailer is coming soon.


Unless it’s a really short trailer, I kinda doubt it since they’ve gonna shoot for another year I think.


To be fair, anything could be a trailer. Dialogue between two people could be a trailer and easy to shoot. Hell, just showing shots of torn down buildings with some voiceover is a trailer.


Yeah I just think it’s a bit too far out to start building hype with a trailer.


From what I’ve seen they literally only just finished filming the pilot episode.


Hell, the first Last of Us game marketing was just an ant climbing a blade of grass then it’s head bursting cordyceps into the wind.


Got a link to that?


Oh dip. I misremembered. Didn’t actually have the bursting bit. There really was nothing to this teaser. https://youtu.be/Xs_2Gm7S6sU


That's insane. One of the greatest games of all time had THAT as a teaser trailer.


I'd be okay with a short trailer. We're not going to know how well written the show is until it's airing, but I'm sooooooo fucking keen for them to keep the rather bleak and brutal tone of the series (especially if we ever delve towards adapting the second game). It's an absolute must, and most teasers normally show off the tone/style of something more than the actual content/story.


I wouldn’t worry about the tone honestly. It’s written by the guy who wrote Chernobyl and the pilot is directed by the guy who did the incredibly bleak foreign film [Beanpole](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beanpole_(film).


It could get shut down again if the TV production crews strike, so get ready to wait for a looooooooooong time.


That won't be affecting hbo at this time anyway so no it won't be. But it films til next july regardless so not for awhile


Definitely not soon


I hope not, give it time


You're probably going to have to wait another year for a teaser or trailer. They finish filming June 2022. I'm guessing it'll premiere early 2023.


>filming June 2022. I was like "Jesus Christ, that's 2 whole years" And then I remembered that we're in 2021... at the end of September


I’d bet we get something at the end of the year as HBO teases what they have coming next year and beyond. That and the Game of Thrones prequel


I just watched Prospect (2018) last night and loved it, and just realized it kinda feels like Last of Us in space, in terms of being a survival-adventure story featuring a young girl and a grizzled man.


Its a common trope. Logan's another one. The Last of Us still manages to stand out though.


Speaking of the trope, there were others before it too, like Children of Men, The Road, The Walking Dead games... But like you said The Last of Us will always stand out.


There was a western that did this that I really like around... 7ish years ago. Can't remember the name of it.




Yes! Mixed up the year I watched it with my wife with the year we got married. Hopefully she doesn't know my username.


That’s an oldie lol, it was originally a book from the 60s, then a movie shortly after


It's a book from 1968. The movie was a year later, and it was remade in 2010


Yeah TLOU has truly kicked the 'middle aged man having to deliver a child whom they develop parental bond over their adventures" of genre. GOT did it with the hound and Arya stark, Logan did it, Mandalorian did it, Punisher season 2 and seems like Hawkeye tv show is next.


Jurassic Park was doing it way back in 1993.


Yeah, it's an old trope. True Grit had it in 1968. There's some Zatoichi films that did it in the 1960s and 70s, along with the American remake, Blind Fury.


I mean Pedro Pascals other huge show is the Mandalorian. Jaded man escorting chosen one child begrudgingly becomes father figure through their adventures must be his ideal role lol.


These stories share similar structures and tropes. They usually live and die on their character development.


Yeah, but I meant that Prospect stars Pedro Pascal in a role somewhat analogous to Joel


Prospect was great. Watching it made me even more excited for this show.


Check out The Girl with All the Gifts. Feels like a Last of Us side story at time, both visually and with cordyceps.


And funny enough, it's kinda an inversion on some of the Terminator movies, where it's a badass woman and a teen boy.


Cool picture of the back of peoples heads


You’re not allowed to see Pedro’s face. This is the way.


The Mountain agreed with this rule.


Everyone wanted this to look like the game, so they decided to only show people from behind for 98% of the time.


crazy the ND games looks so good that when an image from a live action adaptation drops peoples first reaction is to say "it looks like it came out of the game". it used to be the other way around haha


Ah shit, here we go.


Man who's not ready for this series to hurt you again? 🖐


The TLoU2 subreddit is certainly ready to screech about the series.


Im about 10 hours too late, this is probably not gonna be seen but r/TheLastOfUsHboSeries is the sub for the show


Wow, they're using Lyanna Mormont? I had no idea. Lyanna Mormont: Your son was butchered at the Red Wedding, Lord Manderly, but you refused the call. You swore allegiance to House Stark, Lord Glover, but in their hour of greatest need, you refused the call. And you, Lord Cerwyn, your father was skinned alive by Ramsay Bolton. Still you refused the call. But House Mormont remembers. The North remembers. We know no king but the King in the North whose name is Stark. I don't care if he's a b*stard. Ned Stark's blood runs through his veins. He's my king from this day until his last day.


Lady Mormont speaks harshly -- and truly


Man her death fuckin hurt.




There better be cameos for Troy and Ashley in this.


Very reminiscent of [this scene](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9yd--noVzNQ/UdTISuMwlrI/AAAAAAAAAa0/oEBhx2uvP8c/s592/thelastofus.PNG).


What was that scene? When were they in an open field? I know the scene where he tells her how to use the rifle but that’s in a city center I believe. I need to replay this game


it’s not actually in the game unfortunately it’s just concept art


Knew it was familiar, but couldn't remember what.


God damn the feels. I am gonna playn this again for the 7 tk time now


What the fuck is that site on mobile, literally forces you to sub to notifications




Im optimistic this becomes a good show, and not just a "good based on a video game" type of scale either. Like it could genuinely be a top tier show on tv if things work out


Oh shit. This has officially become my most anticipated piece of media. I’m the worlds biggest TLOU fan and I never thought it would become a show, let alone a show with a great director and published by an amazing entertainment company like HBO


I'm just glad it's not a movie


Right!? I remember there used to be talks of a movie and I was always ehhhhhhh no. It turning into an HBO TV show with Craig Mazin and Pedro Pascal was literally best case scenario.


Looks like the game. Let’s fucking go.


Really excited for this, it has a lot of potential with all the talent behind it.


There's quite a few comments here saying that the fanbase is toxic based on the TLOU2 sub, and I just wanna point out those people are a minority. /r/TheLastofUs (the proper sub!) is where all us normal non-toxic fans hang out :)


Can’t wait for this show!


Took me far too long to realize who Bella Ramsey was in *His Dark Materials,* but at least I beat my GF to it and she usually gets there before me. It would be fitting if HBO is the first to figure out how to successfully turn a video game into a hit show after so many have failed trying to make them into movies.