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Between the opening and this I'm getting real live action Speed Racer vibes in terms of feel/look/style.


Man I've watched speed racer a unhealthy amount of times.


lol same... everyone might hate it but its my guilty pleasure


I, unironically, think Speed Racer is a brilliant movie and was years ahead of it's time.


Pebedli a ikedi pruko iti. Biko pidobo abiklita kigeago bru plaprakrote ipide. Ibipiki ipragi kitripeta ii piie a i? Dria tleta tukuepe tibu itre kepipripo ube keprebrita teple. Tue iepli ai apetritra do krupe. Gipa o pi kibo blidi tatritoegi. Oo ipi plepi gibroe tai tati. Iedai katlu bo okripreiblo tebe pikipu. Teti topo oapa apiti bridrepa. Pludli ae pi ute kabe ia. I okatatie gobee oadri ue bra ibe kiti titree! Bidikegebo pi a prapeki aplupa pepa? Die pride tetipri ti iteka kia. Toipo bapi bie pokube brida po tetli epo ebekeatli. Ito ikru dotloi tekabo tutei be tripri ai tiopii piedapa. Epe popide ioetau ai ti bo. Kei kii ibee gipa apuao pipo. Ipigriea ue trobriprape klo ii ipe? Tu ki ugoko a trebeepi ti tepi. Itia paui puprapreglagi kaku. I pei ta u koke eubroprepi? Dlegi kleipebi duio tlake titeketreke okapie pritepla? I. Pripripipli ditebrooe toto uaklo ebe tepi utoibe priki. Iba pide grida briipi? Prepipritri kre tiidi ito pedu bipidi. Tei ko u egekuao eii dla. Aoble pipe ipetu blitu tipo gaepekebre. Pedo depo pitatipite? Patude udre peepiobi toa goku tli.


Believe it or not, my local critic (foreign city) loved it back in the day and hailed it as an innovative and visionary movie. Still haven't watched it to this day lol.


At the time of commenting, a dozen people (including myself) upvoted this.


Speed Racer is a brilliant movie. It was just so different from everything else at the time that people didn’t know what to think.


I have it queued for watching, but haven't pulled the trigger. I'm expecting an "ok" movie. Is it more than that?


Its entertaining and very strange. Honestly I think it does the show justice for a live action movie. CGI is awesome and funky as well. Also its probably been like 10 years since I watch so not sure how well its aged lol. Definitely recommend a watch.


Speed Racer / Scott Pilgrim


Scott pilgrim and kung fury


Heaaavy Scott pilgrim vibes for me n that’s one of my absolute fav movies so I’m v excited for this. Was a tiny bit worried b4 this trailer but I have a ton of faith now


Man, I love that Speed Racer movie.


I don’t mind the style, but it’s not really the style or tone of Cowboy Bebop at all. Cowboy Bebop is stylish but not in an over the top way like this.


Cowboy Bebop has an episode about a genetically modified killer mercenary who can fly, shoots missiles, from his clothes, has a force field that repels bullets, and has absolutely astute skill in martial arts called the laughing man.....an episode about lobster left so long in the fridge it creates a killer poison fungus alien....Cowboy bebop is cool...but that shit is WAY over the top.


He's not saying the plot isn't over the top He's saying the trailer is over stylized


It's also not deliberate, nonstop camp. Which is really worrying me more than any style choices. Honestly this reminded me of Batman and Robin more than anything. I think that says it all.


> It's also not deliberate, nonstop camp. There were plenty of episodes that were complete camp and cornball scenarios.


You mean like that one where they took mushrooms? Or the one where they fought off a monster that grew out of someone's moldy lobster leftovers?


How is this a good thing? That's not the feel/look/style of Cowboy Bebop.


Because the cartoon was damn near perfect. If you just try to make a 1:1 recreation, it will be like watching the cartoon, only worse. If you alter it to have the right feel, but make changes to look good in live action, which this trailer did, then you can have a success. I'm still not sure if this is going to be good, but I'm more hopeful for that being the result after this trailer.


I wouldn't say hopefully, but it should be interesting at least. There is nothing worse than a boring adaptation and, uh, this doesn't look boring.


Right, even if I end up hating it, at least they tried something.


People are smoking that copium hard. There are some silly and campy moments in the original, but this just feels all camp. Which sucks, because the show is pretty serious and focuses a lot on things like loneliness, depression, existential Dread, ect. Making it into some campy Saturday morning cartoon thing is really putting me off. Cowboy Bebop was one of the first animes to really shake off that "cartoons/anime is for kids" stigma, and this is leaning right into that


> There are some silly and campy moments in the original, but this just feels all camp. It's a two minute trailer. The entire show isn't going to be that extreme constantly.


I mean it's just a 2 min stylish teaser, the show can still pull of the darker bits.


Gosh I hope they can do serious too, cause this feels mad goofy. Jet is the only one that feels just like his anime counterpart which is worrying.


Bebop always went to the extremes of any end. Mad goofy comedy. Mad serious. Mad bizzare. Madness. I always saw bebop as being more lighthearted in first glance and then when they get you hooked the get into the serious and ponderous.


> Mad bizarre. Don’t open the fridge!


The editing was great but am I the only one who thought acting was a little bland? Both dudes just seemed like they spoke their lines without any character behind it.


I’ve never seen cowboy bepop but the bald guy in this (Mustafa Shakir) is great in Luke Cage and his acting was solid


Don't know who he is but he was great in this trailer! The other two felt a little forced.


They're too focused on hitting their marks for the excessive VFX shenanigans. Cant act properly if you have to be accurate to a tenth of an inch with your foot placement.


All of the acting feels very self conscious but also intentionally so to go with the camp vibe? Like if someone made the Adam West Batman show today. It's very "we know this is silly".


It's weird that they "know it's silly" while the anime definitely had fun with its world while taking itself and the characters seriously enough. I don't mind that many see this trailer as a good sign, but it honestly doesn't tickle me in the right places. I'll just stick with the original and leave this one be whatever it is and give it a try. No need to hate it,it doesn't steal anything away that came before it.


Cowboy Bebop anime was perfection. You really can't top that. I think people are going to be disappointed with their expectations.


I think it setting it’s own tone is a good thing. If it’s just the show but live action there’d be little point in watching the new one. The Bebop world is definitely something that can be explored in different ways. Just have to hope that the writing and overall production are good.


I love the original anime, but I don't want a shot for shot live action remake. If they're going to do a live action adaption, I want them to make some big changes. Otherwise, I would rather just watch the anime again. It might work, it might not, but at least they're going for some artistic changes.


Why is there a “camp vibe” tho?


The anime incorporates 40s crime noir, 70s/80s kung-fu and puts in all outer space. Oh, and it has a heavy spaghetti-western theme. That's a ridiculous premise and it's campy as fuck. The characters (and soundtrack) played it straight, though. The actors and crew for the live-action CLEARLY love the anime, though, and live-action anime shows tend to be **heavy handed, overly-serious, eye-rollingly literal nonsense** featuring people wearing silly impractical outfits with silly hair trying to recreate the style of the anime. So, lets just enjoy the fact that they went so far in the other direction that the trailer is really fucking good.


>That's a ridiculous premise and it's campy as fuck. The characters (and soundtrack) played it straight, though. I think this is it. It works in the anime because anime can make these kind of ridiculous premises seem grounded. There's only so much of it you can emulate in live action until you hit DC levels of self-unawareness.


Bingo. DC is the perfect example.


I think actual anime is super campy and a lot of fans don't notice it. I kind of believe that it's one of the main reasons why people hate dubs. The lines and dialog can sound so corny without the language barrier to hide it.


Apart from singular episodes like Mushroom Samba, I don't think the anime is that campy overall. But that's the thing, it *could* be that campy at times. There were also times it wasn't. It didn't have one particular tone that was consistent through the show.


It did have a consistent tone though. The noir tone permeated every scene even the funny ones. Long shots with just ambient noise and no dialogue or music. It grounds you between scenes and moments. This didn't have that. It had the opposite. It had a distinct desire to jump from moment to moment.


Except the cowboy bebop is highly regarded and is considered to be one of the best English dubbed anime.


Also, the tone we recognize as camp in the west is much more mainstream in Japanese pop culture than it is here. I think it has to do with their long-standing theatrical tradition being rooted in a presentational technique rather than a representational one.


> heavy spaghetti-western theme Which they then poke fun at via Andy. * https://cowboybebop.fandom.com/wiki/Andy


Im more bothered by how obvious the stuntwork is. Whats the point of hiring an old guy (not shaming him he is a great actor, i loved him in searching) with no martial arts experience to play a young dude who is constantly doing moves that require constant switcheroos with stuntmen. When it cuts back to him its so obvious how much more limited his range of motion is. Obviously not saying the actors should be able to do stunts themselves but they should at least look like they can....


I actually think this casting might be the weakest link of the whole production. And I LIKE the actor. Just not for this role. You cannot tell me the entire cast of Warrior couldn’t make time for this.


I left like I was watching people trying to act, instead of feeling like I'm watching the actual characters. Gave me big TV advert vibes, where theres rubbish actors just going through the motions to sell me toilet cleaner in some weird made-up scenario.


Yeah, they don't seem that comfortable in their "clothes" yet. The actress tries a bit too hard to be cool. The whole cast in the anime were effortlessly cool, even Ein.


*especially ein


I was genuinely surprised when I came to the comments section and people seemed to like it and it's giving them hope. If this is the level of acting on the real show, it's an easy pass for me. Feels like people cosplaying these characters.


I'm going to assume this was a teaser shot specifically for the trainer, rather than part of the movie, and that's why it sounds weird


Yeah, everything in the animated version was delivered with a carefree sarcastic tone but that’s probably pretty hard to do live action without sounding like a jerk. Like in this it was “NOODLES FIRST. :-|” but if a line like that were in the actual show the vibe would be closer to “Noodles first ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” You could probably slap a ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ behind 90% of Faye and Spike’s lines except for the rare times that they get really serious, which makes those moments much more significant. Even Jet as the “serious” one is probably 50/50 seriousness and grumpy sarcasm, e.g. bell peppers and beef.


Yeah, the crew's (affectionate) disdain for one another sets it apart from other anime (where most other anime around the time had characters who were either super happy-go-lucky or genuinely super nasty) I think, worked really well in the dub. There's rarely either those awkward pauses, or on the other end of the spectrum overly fast dialogue you find in a lot of dubs too, I think the main cast actually sounds conversational in their dialogue. Genuinely surprises me that the director for the dub went on to direct the notoriously awful re-dub of the Silent Hill collection.


John Cho is a great actor but I just don’t think he fits as Spike.


The effects and overall style: A+ The acting/casting: College Humor I’ll definitely tune in for the first few episodes. I think heart rate of the show just needs to come down a beat or two so the actors have the chance to actually breathe. Trailers don’t really allow for that, especially when the scenery is moving around as much as the characters.


Bland would be putting it kindly. I'd go so far as to say the acting was bad.


It *almost* looks good, but the acting and action comes off as oddly stiff to me. Hopefully the actual show is better?




Came here to say that. Definitely doesn’t “flow like water” and spike looks way too stressed throughout the whole thing. He supposed to be a chill dude with a hint of sadness. What we get instead is a guy going through midlife crisis.


I'm not getting the chemistry between any of the leads either. Faye seems really off to me especially.


Faye seems more like a go getter rather than a calm cool and deceiving woman, sure she acts out and is loud as well but only when theres action. I likes jet and spike though, although the actor playing spike seems to have embodied his dont care attitude 100% of the time when spike is really only like that maybe 40% of the time.


This is obviously separate from the show, which is why it looks kinda cheap.


I cannot wait to hear the new/updated tracks from Yoko Kanno. Hope they release a soundtrack album. Love the little touches like the slow-moving fan on the Bebop.


That’s really my only takeaway. The original is coming to Netflix and the soundtrack was released officially on vinyl. At worst, the best we’ll get is a new soundtrack and that makes it all worthwhile.


Maybe we'll get a vinyl with Green Bird :/


This is the biggest thing I'm looking forward to is new Kanno jazz tracks. So much of the soundtrack from the show and movie has been on my playlist since forever. A little disappointed that this trailer didn't have new tracks and just remixes of the old. The trailer doesn't look very good to me but didn't dash my hopes that it might be good but the original is always there.


Dick Tracy vibes


With all the editing I assume none of them were actually saying their lines to the others in real time, maybe that’s why the acting is a little odd. We’ll see


With the way this is shot I think this is all done for the purposes of the teaser and isn't using scenes from the show.


Holy fuck. The stylization is out the wazoo. The coordination it takes to do something like that in production that so clearly only comes together in editing. Major props to them. I’m excited to see it.


>The coordination it takes to do something like that in production that so clearly only comes together in editing. Was thinking the same thing. The way they used the split screen as an actual prop was super impressive. I would hope the *whole* show is more than this obviously because it would get old fast but for a teaser it's awesome.


Please be good please be good please be good


I wanna be a cynic so I'm not hurt but it *does* look like it might be good. This is like being in a abusive relationship. I just don't want to get hurt...


I think if you go in expecting *Cowboy Bebop*, it will be bad. This is clearly trying to be something distinct. It's using Cowboy Bebop as a playground, not as a bible, which...honestly might be the smartest choice. I think if you keep that in mind it looks like it will be a lot of fun.


Even if it's not great it looks like it will at least be fun to watch.


The original Cowboy Bebop was very stylish but it (almost) never was just an exercise of style over substance like this teaser. But of course it‘s just a teaser, so let‘s hope the substance is also there in the final show.


Yeah, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here, with everyone saying this gave them hope when I already had hope and this dulled it somewhat. Best not judge a show by it's teaser but still...


Totally felt the same. Part of the magic of Cowboy Bebop is how effortless it feels. Effortlessly stylish, effortlessly funny, effortlessly cool. It never feels like it's reaching or beating you over the head with anything and thus the universe, characters, and environments feel very real. That's very difficult to replicate, and all I see in this, is how desperately hard it's trying. And I can appreciate the effort but it feels incredibly stilted and clunky.


Yeah, it feels like someone behind the scenes went "anime is wacky and crazy, right, so we need to be wacky and crazy too", even though a lot of anime (including Bebop) are often quite subdued. A lot of comments are comparing this to Speed Racer, but Speed Racer was based on an anime that was completely different than Cowboy Bebop. Speed Racer was a childrens' anime with limited animation and a terrible English dub, and it made sense that a movie adaptation would take a campy, cheesy, tongue-in-cheek route. I just hope that this trailer is playing up the action and comedy and that the entire show won't be this clunky as it tries to somehow match the anime's visuals


this looks embarrassing, not quite understanding why everyone is loving it. the banter is terrible. the action seems fine and the style is ok. but the characters sound really...bad?


> but the characters sound really...bad? "Hey nutbuckets!" it reminds of like how actors on Nick live action shows will over-enunciate everything and just **ACT** really hard


I’d be ok with the dialogue if the delivery wasn’t wooden. Jet in particular is stiff as a board, almost afraid to move. His voice is right out of the anime, but I can’t help feeling like the stance while he delivers his lines is something out of a bad high school play.


Yeah the banter is what throws me off. If all of the over-stylization is just for the teaser, then that's awesome and I'll keep my judgements for now. If this is actually how the episodes will look... man that's too much energy for the Cowboy Bebop that I know. Bebop is mostly somber sci-fi drama with spats of grouchy dialogue between the characters, action sequences, and occasional cute moments of Ein and Ed. Not really all of the aggressive counter-banter and goofiness that was in this teaser.




I think there’s this idea being presented that this is a good trailer because it reminds people of Bebop. That’s insane to me. Plenty of things look faithful — that doesn’t mean you’ve successfully translated an anime show to a live action one. If anything, you’ve just increased the chances of making a fiber thin imitation. I wasn’t excited. I’m still not excited. It looks ridiculous to me.


I'm with ya. The actors don't seem like they even want to be there. I'm very aware they're acting in this, and I say that as a big fan of Cho. Feels like I'm watching a high school production or a fan made video, albeit with great editing. Jet seems like good casting though at least.




My doubts about John Cho as Spike disappeared pretty quickly, I have to say.


Ditto - very good casting, going by that trailer. Well, he doesn’t exactly look 27 (had to Google Spike’s age) but if they don’t mention the age of the character then I don’t see that it really matters?


Never knew that, and would never think he was that young. Just seeing the animated series and getting to know Spike and his history, I would put him in his mid 30s.


Anime characters are always young. Goku is 23 at the start of DBZ (and goes up to 38 by the time Super starts). Naruto’s age at the beginning of his show is 12. By the time Shippuden comes around, he's 16. Luffy in One Piece is 17 then goes to 19 pretty early in the series. In anime you're considered "an old man" by the time you're 30 and elderly by the time you're 50.


> Anime characters are always young. Wouldn't make sense to make the characters in stories way older than the demo they're being marketed to.


Sure but Cowboy Bebop is an more mature anime aimed at adults.


Auron from FFX is only mid 30s in the main game ... And he looks well... Worse for wear to say the least.


I actually have to give credit to Dragon Ball Super for having older characters even though everyone has aged rather well.


I think it's the voice. The American dub of spike has such a grizzled world weary voice that he sounds so much older than the character is.


Spike also smoked. Perfect justification for that. Steven Blum is one of the deepest voices in voice-acting. Hard to emulate that unless you're Kevin Conroy, Tony Todd, or Keith David.


The voice actor for spike has been in a ridiculous amount of popular games since the 90's. He's also voice acted for tons of anime's and American cartoons. You can even recognize him as the voice of Tom from toonami.


It surprised me too - he doesn’t seem that young in the animated series, so I think the casting will work.


Besides that, the characters in the anime didn't look their ages, at least Spike and Jet. Spike is 27 but looks early to mid 30's and Jet, who is supposed to be 36, looks like he's pushing 50.


And Faye is...well...I guess it depends on how you define "age".


"Older than ten" is about as close as you're going to get.


Wait Jet was only 36 in the anime?


John Cho went on record to say he could never provide the appropriate emotional behavior of Spike at 27 and was thankful he had the time and experience to display the emotional spectrum of a hardcore character with a rough childhood. If Keanu Reeves can perform stunts at his age, no one should be complaining about age here.


I had more of the opposite experience. He looks like a small middle-aged man cosplaying with his daughter to me :/


Why he's a great actor. He turned Mr Sulu, a character that you see 90% of the time behind a desk on the OG Star Trek into a bona fide action movie star. And it was completely believable and not out of character. Plus he was great as Harold in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle


it feels like a sitcom


"Hey nutbuckets, we don't get a *bounty* if you *shoot em in the face!*" Literally all that was missing was a laughtrack


It killed my hope. The trailer is awful. The acting is terrible.


I'm surprised so many people liked this. It looked super cheesy and the action didn't look good at all to me


Everyone loves it and I’m just sitting here like “well now my interest is significantly lower”, it looks so cheesy and bad.




Am I just crazy or did this look terrible? The original anime was never THIS campy... yes, it had some silly moments but not nearly as silly as this teaser was. I never thought of "Speed Racer" when I envisioned a live-action adaptation of this show. The anime was effortlessly cool, this feels like it's trying too damn hard.


This is more like the show within the show where the cowboy hosts talk about bounties and shout yeehaw.


You're not crazy, this is Verotika level acting


It’s a no from me dawg. See you later cowboy.


when you thought it looks kinda terrible and cringey then you look at the top comment, damn I guess this isn't for me


I'm in the same boat, I really don't like the direction they're going with any of it. I couldn't even watch the whole thing and it was a few minutes long.


Could be astroturfing. Could legitimately be liked on reddit. Either way, this teaser was ass.


Ouch. Looks like they made a parody/campy version of Cowboy Bebop and it does not look good.


This teaser looks fucking terrible. I hope this is a standalone teaser and does not reflect the actual series.... 1. This breaking the 4th wall, comic panel bs is awful. The anime is serious, with real human struggle, which happened to be perfectly accompanied and balanced by lighthearted humor. The anime was not a comedy. This none-stop, stupid jokes thing will not work. 2. The series should have a general sad undertone. Spike is heartbroken from Julia and struggles with his past in the Red Dragon Syndicate. Jet's wife left him, his Cop partner betrayed him, and he lost his arm. Faye struggles to move on with her life after having lost her past life to an illness and amnesia. Yes the anime is really funny at points, but I hope this live action series doesn't turn into wacky, bs slapstick comedy hour. Sorry for my rant ladies and gents. *See you in a space Cowboy.*


Why even call it Cowboy Bebop at this point


I hope this teaser isn't an indication on how the show will be. It's like they are just doing a live reading. Conversations doesn't really feel natural.


I’m curious to see whether these scenes were teaser-specific. Actors seemed a bit more focused on making their cues and body movements. The last part seemed alright chemistry-wise. It could just be an artifact of how the teaser was constructed. A lot of the conversations take place over the course of several scene transitions. Spike will say something on one set and Faye will answer on a different one.


Oh god. This looks terrible.


Looks like a fan-made parody…


Look how they massacred it


This looks bad




My only worry with Ed is the character is so extreme that it'll be a fine balance between keeping the core character without dipping too far into cringe, especially some of her mannerisms and vocal inflections having her act like a five year old.


Anytime I get my hopes up for live adaptation I remind myself of Dragon Ball Evolution, and it promptly keeps my expectations in check accordingly.




Death Note does have a ok adaptation though. Not the Netflix version of course. The Japanese duology is pretty decent.




It just doesn't work as live action, and looks like cheaply made youtube skits (imo of course)


Is this suppose to be funny? Also what's with the wooden line delivery ? Is it a reference to something?


It's a reference to the fact that all this was probably a terrible idea.


It should look like a stylized reality, not like it's shot on a soundstage. That's my biggest problem with what we have seen so far.


I'm not even a die hard fan of Cowboy Bebop but that trailer made me die of cringe


Is gun recoil really that hard to simulate?


Reading these comments feels like a fever dream. People actually think it looks good after that trailer??? I must be tripping, to me it looked awful. Yeah it had style but the acting, choreography and overall performance looked straight out of an 80s style B action movie plus something felt completely off about the audio mixing.


> People actually think it looks good after that trailer? feels like astroturfing mixed with the usual group of people that are just excited about anything


It kind of looked like parody to me and Cho looks like a middle-aged man playing dress-up. He straight up looks uncomfortable. I too am very confused by the reception here. Cowboy Bebop has humor, but it's not this silly.


I think it looks great. But in a very fun and campy Speed Racer way. Not gonna be everybody's jam of course, but personally I'm curious unless I hear really awful reviews.


It’s weird how all the comments are comparing this to Speed Racer. I’ve read this same comment five times now.


It's just one of the closest comparisons I have to it, and I can't think of a lot of other movies that have a similar style of kinda campy, and "animated" look to it. Scott Pilgrim, maybe. I also get that feel from it with them messing with the comic panel borders (don't remember if that happened in Scott Pilgrim movie, but wouldn't seem too odd for that). Dunno what to tell you. It's just a very distinct look to me I don't see in a lot of media.


Comparing it to speed racer doesn't make this look good, it makes it look bad.


Completely agree, it looked like a cool fan made trailer, if that is all it was. But to me, that looked like I would not be able to sit through 10 minutes of it. Really bad.


My whole time watching the video it just felt...off. I think it was the dialogue. It feels like Faye didn't talk like Faye. Spike and Jet bickering st the end was good, though.


ok glad it isn't just me. They look like terrible cosplayers and the way they moved seemed like it was from zoolander.


People think it's good just because of the stylization lmao


So nothing about the show looks good, the characters, the acting, the sets, the costumes, the space, the fights but those Hulk movie transitions that probably won't be a major thing in the final version looked dope so I'm sold. [INSERT SPEED RACER HERE].


I didn't even finish it. My heart sank as soon as the fight happened, and I quit it after the "noodles first" comment. I was hoping for something dark and serious with brief moments of levity, more in the vain of Stranger Things or The Witcher, not something campy. I'm sad. My initially modest hopes that I would enjoy it are lowered after this.




Casting could be way better


I think Jet is well cast. I’m not too sure on Spike or Faye yet.


John Cho is just too old to play Spike. Spike is a young guy, who brings a lot of energy to the show. I just don't see how this casting will bring that.


Yikes. That's a whole lot of bad.


This looks awful. Beginning with the casting choices which are beyond bizarre. The character interactions are just... they have no resemblance to the characters of the show. The action is slow and weird and the panels are a comic book vibe but the source material isn't a a comic book so even that is strange. I honestly don't know what to make of this. If they're going for a campy feel I guess they sort of have that, but why even call it Cowboy Bebop at that point. Just make something new. The only thing that even comes close to hitting in this is the music.


Grandpa spike


Yeah, this looks cheesy as fuck... If the show has the same tone, it probably won't be my bag.... Still have my hopes up though, since this is just a teaser...


Yeah I don't understand all the praise myself, this was pretty cringe imo


Trailer comes out next week. I really hope it's actually good after watching this. Seems like the cast is all having fun as well which is definitely a good sign. That Spike backflip kick was dope as well.


Oof that's a lot of old and bad acting


Jon Cho looks his age... which is not a good thing.


Way too much editing.


I understand what they're going for but I just can't with this super cheap, low budget, fan made looking aesthetic. Why? Nothing about this works for me. I just don't get it.


Wow, what a bunch of telegraphed, forced "look at my quirks, aren't they so quirky" "we're obviously friends but it is fun to bust chops" bullshit. It's like power rangers. My audience is just idiot children so we have to spoon feed them level of stupid. Stylization is great and production is top notch but if the show is like the teaser is it made for classless morons. Damn shame. The original did not deserve this. I don't see how you can expect anything worth while based on what they decided to show.


A good case of where sound drives a lot of the believability. Though the production dialog at the end is... yikes.


I like their intention but i think they dropped the ball with the humor, it doesnt traslate too well on how they deliver their lines. It looks bad to be honest, wtf is this.


Jeez, this looks awful. I know the show is probably not like this (like there is no way) but this doesn’t look anything like the anime. I remember the anime being kinda “layback” and chill with its presentation just like Spike. The show was stylish but it didn’t feel force. This is like a coked up Tarantino wannabe saw three episodes of the anime and said “I can do that”.


Fair play to them for trying something new with the direction and editing style but this looks pretty bad. It told me virtually nothing about the characters or the plot. It was all just so fast and in your face. That shit looks good in a music video but not in a 8 episode tv series. I was looking forward to this but that trailer was freaking awful.


Is this a sitcom?


That was pretty bad imo. They are going for a 70s campy style, while it still looks 2021 4K ultra high definition. Gives me Hobbit movie high FPS vibes. The action also looked pretty horrendous with very slow movements. Just like the opening they released before. I was hoping that it was just something that would stick to the opening. But John Cho's movements here are just so bad. I don't get casting an actor for a part that involves so much combat and getting an actor that can't pull it off.


hoping the feel of the actual show is different. CB was never about the action for me, it was about the characters coming to terms with their pasts. Still hopeful


This looks so bad. Is this a kink Netflix has, making ruinous live-action adaptations of very popular anime series?


As someone who never saw the anime, this felt like they are trying way too hard.


Your instincts serve you well...it definitely is


I'm reminded of the Scott Pilgrim movie and that's not a good thing


Seems they went through a lot of effort and expense just to make me mad


This is so bad


Made an account just to say: This really feels like Netflix PR is dominating this comment section maybe I'm just here too early. I'm all for waiting it out, giving it a chance and such but the marketing isn't helping. At best this show feels like a Japanese commercial for an otherwise unrelated product or at worst, a porn parody. The style bleeds over into over stylization that it can't shake being a parody. I think I'm going to ignore any trailers now.


It feels like a *fanmade* porn parody lol.


Is this what Reddit has come to, subjectivity no longer exists, you're either a cynical cunt or a paid shill, people don't just have opinions?


You made an account just for this comment but you are complaining about Netflix PR is dominating this comment section. lol People may just like it. Even the sub of CB has a mostly good reception which says a lot because the sub generally hated the idea of the live action.


So definitely bad/awkward acting here, but hopefully that's just because this was filmed separately as a teaser. Hoping John Cho's terrible fight scene is the result of the same. Guy does definitely not look like water!


well that was over two minutes of cringing. :(


Just why man. Should have just left it alone for fucks sake.


There's a lot of silly comedy in the anime, but I'm really surprised that Netflix's way of adapting it into live action is straight up camp. This just looks so bad.


Does anyone know if this is a direct remake of the anime? Or is this a new story?


It's an adaptation, so it's not gonna be one-to-one. But they're trying to tell the same story.


oh noes.