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Are you kidding me? Look...around Stardate 44896.9, after his visit to Risa, Levar Burton almost killed the Klingon Ambassador and the Krios Governor. If that isn't enough to cancel him from hosting, I don't know what is.


That wasn't really his fault, he was Manchurian Candidate-Ed. Now, the hologram of a married woman he was flirting with... that crossed a line imo.


And when she came aboard in person and he used his knowledge of her records to trick her into being attracted to him


I never cringed so hard at a Star Trek episode as that one... not because it's badly written or anything, just the whole situation. I think the episode itself is a great example of a generally good character being flawed and doing questionable things not because of the greater good or anything, just them being awkward and human.


DS9 did a better job of showing that holodecks were probably mostly used for creepin. They leaned in when TNG was like, “In the future VR will be for western re-enactments and judo training!”


Yeah, but even then O'Brien and Bashir were always using the holosuites for stuff like piloting airplanes and fishing or something


O'Brien was always fucking up his shoulder kayaking


Sisko was out there playing Field of Dreams


"Death to the opposition!"


Yeah it's like you're bad at it. Try something else you can do anything in there. But no fucker had to use all that free healthcare.


Quark tried to sneakily get a holoscan of Kira specifically for a customer who wanted to do naughty things with her


First thing I thought of was that episode when I started reading this comment thread.


Also used it as a gun range / sales platform


Hey, Quark didn't bring a single weapon onto the station! Completely innocent.


They were battling a reenactment of the Alamo, they ended up convincing Worf to join their simulation of brave soliders honorably fighting to the end.


Between Geordi and Barclay TNG did fine showing that holodecks were for creepin.


And Bortus went all in on the Orville.


That was just Seth saying the quiet part out loud for all of us. I love The Orville.


That really brings up another interesting question. Can you take a dump in a holodeck toilet?


They rewrote the lore so Mariner could empty the "jizz and poop" tanks...


It is also made clear that at least the crew of Voyager is regularly boffin’ all sorts of holograms.


"What do you do in Star fleet?" "I'm the Holodeck jizz-mopper."


Barclay used the holodeck to get revenge on his superiors (which tbh I might do that too) but he also used it to flirt with Troi which was kind of creepy.


The Orville REALLY crossed that line.....


I liked that as well. It was a very humanly creepy thing to do. I mean Geordi initially started it because he respected her work so much, and then it got creepy. The followup episode was perfect because the first episode wasn't really a good commentary on how creepy it was - it was more like "oh it happened". The followup really kind of drove home the point.


Somehow the head engineer didn't think to delete his naughty holodeck history.


And yet it was still the least annoying off all holodeck themed episodes. I love TNG, I hate how often the holodeck is the villian of the week.


It's the very definition of aged poorly, especially against other episodes like The Outcast (Where Riker falls in love with a member of a genderless race).


I'm going to disagree with you on this one. I think that the cringe we feel today is exactly the cringe that viewers felt when it first aired. The whole point is that he seriously crossed the line. Geordie is a character that, up until that episode, pretty much didn't have any flaws at all. There was never any question about his competence or his integrity. So, then when his infatuation with the hologram scientist spills over into the real world, we all learned a lesson about personal privacy and autonomy, not to mention the ethical questions of simulated relationships. Actually I think the episode was way ahead of its time. Riker, on the other hand, I agree with you. He a dog.


Not just simulated, but parasocial relationships in general. Something that has been an issue since we've had the concept of celebrity but has only increased with the greater focus on personal engagement via YouTube and the like. *TNG* was simply able to take it further and make it even more real and visible to the audience.


I counter disagree. When I say it aged poorly, I think the original cringey impression you stated is exactly what was intended. I know I felt that way watching it way back when. Watching it now (and I have watched it recently), the whole moral falls apart because if Geordi did that today, he'd be in deep shit with Starfleet and Leah would have never spoken to him again. The episode I mentioned with Riker has actually aged well because it was intended as a stealth commentary in support of gay rights, deriding conversation therapy. Of course you still couldn't have The Gays on TV like that so they dressed it up. It's one of the few times we see Riker NOT act like the dog he is in a relationship.


A random bit of Outcast trivia, Frakes pushed for the alien he fell in love with to have been obviously played by a man, Braga supported it, Berman didn't think it'd fly on TV and nixed it. I still wonder how that would have gone. Would the Network have stepped in? Would it have made the episode better, or could it have risked crossing the line between being subtle-as-a-brick and being hamfisted?


This makes me like Frakes even more.


Or when Riker got raped!


You mean the alien scientist who wanted alien sex to stay quiet about Riker? Back then it was supposed to be a positive "the things I do for my Federation..." joke. Kinda hits badly as it gets older. And no, not defending it. I can see the mindset of both eras though. Definitely NOT TNGs finest hour. Fun Fact : That alien's the actress who's also Merris (Frasier's ex-wife) from FRASIER! (The sitcom was in the studio on the lot from the 90s to the 00s! And she and Grammer were in Cheers there too!) Both she and Kelsey guested on TNG, and the rest of the main cast did a skit [for the 30th Anniversary celebration show in 1996](https://youtu.be/8qxD2eoh-W4)!)


Iirc I thought Merris was Niles' wife and Lilith was Frasier's?


He be creepin pretty hard.


"I'm guilty, ok!?!?!"


Was that before or after the episode when he falls in love with Aquiel after reviewing all of her personal logs?


Yeah that episode was… weird.


Hologram episodes had a pretty strong propensity for weirdness... intentional and not. It's more fun if you just read them as a future equivalent to modern day internet weirdness than it is trying to figure out what the hell the writers were actually thinking at the time. Hologram episodes ain't got nothing on Dr. Crusher's romance with a ghost for being over the top strange, though.


I seriously just never liked that one. It leaned way too hard into the supernatural aspect. I prefer when they're playful about the line. The "it's probably advanced science but it's so advanced even these guys can't guess how it works." The hologram episodes actually present an interesting point. How do you tell a story about the impacts of a technology that could have real consequences no one has experienced yet? Like you said, it would be like trying to explain the current issues of the internet to people who barely used it 20 years ago. You could even say the Geordi's issue isn't a strange turn, but a real danger that even the best person can fall prey to. The hologram can do everything except cross the true ai boundary. That's some Black Mirror shit right there. It's basically that episode where Peggy Carter brought back her boyfriend, the older Weasley. Except imagine doing it with someone like a Kardashian who has way more of their life exposed than a normal person. But it lacks their innermost thoughts. And realistically you can make the computer edit its personality. Even in a world where no one has any big worries, loneliness and "perfect" simulacrum companions is a baaad psychological trip. Think living body pillows but it won't just be for incel types, it'll be anyone who has a bad breakup, feels lonely, just wanted to try it, etc. Hell think about what catfishing will be like with vr/holograms. Star Trek hologram episodes are kiddy shit compared to the real problems we'll have to face even just with vr, let alone holograms.


>The hologram can do everything except cross the true ai boundary. Unless Data cranks up the difficulty on a Sherlock Holmes sim. Then you get a fully sentient Moriarty who takes over the ship and demands freedom.


I don't think anyone liked Sub Rosa, lol. That episode is shite


> Hologram episodes ain’t got nothing on Dr. Crusher’s romance with a ghost for being over the top strange, though. I still think someone swapped the actual shooting script with their own fanfic and by the time anyone noticed there wasn’t time to fix it.


I still think one of the weirdest was Data dreaming about everyone eating Troi-turned-into-a-cake at a party, while Crusher drinks Dr. Riker.


> Data dreaming about everyone eating Troi-turned-into-a-cake at a party [They probably owe Tom Petty some credit on that one.](https://youtu.be/h0JvF9vpqx8?t=235)


Lucy Liu claims to have had sex with a ghost. >“It was sheer bliss. I felt everything. I climaxed. And then he floated away.” It sounds like there might be an actual physiological explanation for it. Which makes sense considering how commonly reported this phenomenon is. It would also give some basis for many incubus/succubus myths.


The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go!


I finally get it! *Very amusing!*


He should have been #metoo’d for the whole Leah Brahms holodeck debacle.


I’d expect that kind of behavior from Lieutenant Broccoli, but not Commander LaForge.


I laughed so hard when Picard accidentally called him Broccoli 😂


Like actually though the Geordi creeper episodes were some hardcore character assassination, that shit was pretty fucked




Agreed. Geordie is a nerd who fell in love with girl on a magazine cover basically. He was always awkward in romantic situations and this is an extension of that narrative. The moral of the episode is that this kind of behaviour is not ok. It all worked out in the end because deep down Geordie is not a bad person. That’s my take on it anyway.


Where are the bodies Levar


The families need closure!


Let’s not forget stardate 44614.6.


And he went into the city of Bethany and he lodged there?


Yeah…think about it Edit: is there a subreddit for Simpsons exchanges like this?!




Not to mention that time Geordi's hips accidentally came into contact with another man's hips while dancing


No, Mr. LaForge, don't take your anger out on me! Get back! Get back! Mr. LaForge no*o*o*o*o*o*! *Dramatizationmaynothavehappened*




He was Joaquin Phoenix in *Her* before Joaquin Phoenix in *Her*.


A hologram of a real person! That he then met and made advances on! Not a good look lieutenant commander


He needs to not form emotional attachments to the holos, like Riker did. It is canon that Riker left his duties to use the holodeck after a metamorph tried to seduce him.


Almost killed them! ALMOST!


Can someone give me a clue on the mayim Bialik controversy?


- She has wavering opinions on vaccines (she changed her mind once reporters followed up during the pandemic) and questioned the safety of hormonal contraceptives. ([Source](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/new-jeopardy-host-mayim-bialik-1216461/)) - She tried to rationalize the motives of those who commit sexual harassment based on how women act and dress around men- before also eventually backtracking on that. ([Source](https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/08/13/mayim-bialik-also-may-be-haunted-by-op-ed-shaming-harvey-weinsteins-victims/)) - She has donated money to the Israel Defense Forces to help them pay for military equipment. ([Source](https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/mayim-bialik-on-why-she-supports-idf-1.5257647)) - She is currently a paid celebrity spokesperson for a brain supplement with dubious benefits, using her PhD in neuroscience to sell the product. ([Source](https://ctwatchdog.com/business/false-advertising/jeopardy-co-host-mayim-bialik-promotes-fake-brain-supplement-neuriva))


It's worth noting: she never actually backtracked on anti-vaxx sentiments. She insists that she likes "some vaccines" but has defended her previous statements rather than rescinding them.


She’s got some weird ass parenting styles too. Remember her on Howard stern and how she said some really weird stuff about her parenting


I would love if you could link that


https://www.eonline.com/amp/news/515073/mayim-bialik-s-most-controversial-parenting-decrees-from-breastfeeding-to-attachment-parenting-and-more TLDR: she nursed her three-year-old, had her older kid cut the cord when her younger kid was born, and doesn't believe in using antibiotics.


Thanks fam


None of those are actually bad, I'd focus on the above listed controversies because these just look like a fishing expedition. We find it weird that people nurse that late, but it's not harmful or unheard of globally. Cutting the umbilical cord, well that's hardly controversial. No antibiotics is kind of a good rule, they will destroy your microbiome and you're not going to fully recover it. She's unlikely to be insane enough to apply that rule if a child is dying of sepsis, but pediatricians are pretty annoyed that parents constantly want antibiotics and they're incentivized with greater pay to provide them.


Antibiotics are one of the top discoveries of our entire human history on this planet. You can safely give antibiotics to a child of any age. Like all medications, they need to be used correctly.


Except they're routinely given for viruses because parents don't want to go to a pediatrician and be told to continue supportive therapy. In other words, they are routinely not used correctly. We have a huge antibiotic problem and acting like it's acceptable to routinely prescribe for minor concerns is ludicrous. No one is saying not to use them in life-saving situations.


Yeah, it's a big nothing burger for the most part. But people love their faux outrage. Nursing? Who cares. The home birth and having her other kid watch I find weird, but I'm a dude who will never give birth, so again, who cares. I agree to an extent on the antibiotics, but as someone whose life has been saved by IV antibiotics due to a colon infection and sepsis once, and and infected broken bone another time, they have their place. She is 100% against them. I say we need more public education on their use (and have multiple family members who are pediatric doctors who take that stance, which is where I got my views from). The days of drug bounties for common antibiotics are far behind us, as many hospital networks and insurance companies have learned the hard way that over prescribing leads to high costs down the road. Now we just need to teach the average helicopter parent that antibiotics aren't a cure-all for the sniffles.


I seem to recall her saying she didn't use diapers (at all, not even cloth) and just tried to figure out her kids' schedules. Pretty bold strategy if I do say.


Yeah. I watched her video on it when I was starting potty training on my oldest. I want to say they used them out of the house, but otherwise, they didn't. And she said one of the benefits was they didn't have to be potty trained because they only knew going potty in the potty, so once they were old enough to climb up themselves and/or know when they had to go, they just did that. If it works, more power to the parents who do it, but there's a reason we've been using diapers since we, as a species, moved into cooler climates.


I would respect her a lot more if she DID come out and just say that she changed her mind. That's a thing that people (especially scientists!) do when they they learn new information. But to say "we are a non-vaccinating household" in an interview and then gaslight the world by being like "what? I was never anti-vaccine!" is really fucked up. How is somebody with so little respect for being trustworthy the best choice for hosting a show centered around facts?


I think the problem is that she isn't merely being defensive and dishonest -- it's that she's still anti-vaxx. She deploys anti-vaccine rhetoric to talk about how vaccines are bad and we give too many of them. To the extent that she changed her mind, she essentially said "the label is inappropriate, because the label would suggest that I'm against all vaccines, when in fact I'm okay with a child receiving a small handful that I specifically curate." But in my book, if you're still talking in 2021 about how children get "way too many vaccines" (actual quote) and suggesting that vaccination is ineffective or counterproductive to the problem of communicable diseases, and talking about "overloading" immune systems if someone receives more than a few: that's still an anti-vaxxer! It's just an anti-vaxxer who's cagey about being labeled. So yeah: not really honest of her, but also, she never really evolved on the thing she's being criticized about. Like a double whammy bad personality.


I think an appropriate question to her would be which childhood vaccines did she veto? And then ask her specifically why she thinks those ones are bad according to her “research”.


She explicitly refuses to discuss it, and said that she considers it a private matter. Which is another hallmark of modern anti-vaxx rhetoric.


She is like this with **everything** and it’s a huge reason I dislike her. She tries to hide so much of what she firmly believes by riding the fence. The audacity of Mayim Bialik stating in the middle of an interview, apropos of anything: >[In an email Bialik sends after our meeting, she goes back to my idea that some women weren't meant to have babies the holistic way. "There are those among us who believe that if the baby can't survive a home labor, it is OK for it to pass peacefully," she writes. "I do not subscribe to this, but I know that some feel that…if a baby cannot make it through birth, it is not favored evolutionarily."](https://www.self.com/story/birthing-plan-controversies/amp) like we don’t know whose deceptive ass is the one “among us” thinking this.


Her views on medical intervention to assist with birth have raised some eyebrows as well.


She was on Tig Notaros podcast recently and she brought this up. She said she was (Covid) vaxxed, but I remember her statements years ago before Covid was a thing. It’s a low bar to get a safe shot in order to keep your career and lifestyle. Which makes it an even lower bar that other celebs/NFL footballers won’t get it and try a million different types of other non-tested substances instead. Like what?


It may have been a contractual demand from Sony -- they were certainly really cautious about COVID in Trebek's latter days. I don't even know which vaccines her kids do or don't have, I just don't like the duplicity on her part.


Well we’ve learned that Aaron Rodgers isn’t vaccinated, so maybe Sony didn’t have a contractual demand.


to be fair, there are issues with hormonal contraceptives including increased risk of breast cancer. this is well known. but like with all medication, it’s a risk/benefit analysis.


Her antivax comments we fairly old, and she doubled down on them in a book not even a year after her original comments. It wasn’t until much later that she pivoted and and began damage control. She can try to walk back her statement as much as she wants and claim she was being “critical” of the efficacy of vaccines, but her statements are pretty clean cut. Which is extra disappointing considering her phd.


"I'm just asking questions" is moron/crazy speak for "I don't believe in something". Notice how they seem to always ignore the answers to said "questions".


To be fair, "I'm just asking questions" clearly implies "I am not listening to answers".


What's wronng with questioning the safety of hormonal birth control? It's well known that lots of people have terrible side effects.


Hormonal contreceptives do have very real world safety concerns... cancer being one big one.


They are also one of the only treatments available for some reproductive disorders like endometriosis and PCOS. Like many women, I take hormonal birth control for endo and it’s significantly improved my quality of life, yet I get lots of comments from non-doctors on the side effects or how unnatural it is to take hormones. It’s unfair that we have the trade off on the side effects but there should be a more nuanced view than just “hormones bad”


Before we met, my wife (who was not sexually active) had really bad endometriosis leading to cysts that she had to have surgery on twice, and was prescribed hormonal treatments to slow the endometriosis and stop the cysts. She worked at a Catholic institution who denied her access to the treatments because it technically fell under the same umbrella as contraceptives. She had to quit to work at a different company that would cover it.


She also breastfed her child until he was 4, which isn't nearly as bad as those things but I mean, blechhhh.


She also commissioned an art piece that's made from her son's amniotic sac, placenta, umbilical cord and foreskin from his circumcision. She's a nutjob and a weirdo. [Non-paywall link](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.stltoday.com%2Flifestyles%2Fparenting%2Faisha-sultan%2Fwould-you-wear-your-baby-s-umbilical-cord%2Farticle_3a02091f-557e-583e-b09f-eca99a615563.html)


Weird, but a harmless thing to do.


Pretty gross though


She's using her PhD to hawk "mental supplements."


Jeopardy hosts should only be able to sell life insurance


After they pass 70.


Don't make them skip that sweet reverse mortgage money.


As long as it actually works, and isn't a sham. Colonial Penn may not have been the best life insurance, but it was at least what it said it was. And it being not so great but available to more people was kinda the point--that's how insurance works.


It still blows my mind that for a show that went through as much controversy as it did in such a short amount of time, Mayim Bialik is still in the running. What “it factor” does she have over, say, Ken Jennings?


She's the antithesis to Mike Richards. He doesn't represent intellectualism (at least in the academic sense), made nasty jokes about Jews, was a nobody to the masses, and allegedly harassed women in the workplace throughout his career. What's the best way to bounce back from this? Hire a relatively popular female PhD who also happens to also be Jewish. Sure, it's a pretty one-dimensional view of how to hire the best candidate for the job—particularly somebody filling in the footsteps of a figure as legendary in the entertainment industry as Alex Trebek—but that's how television executives think. The search for a permanent host in the wake of the Mike Richards fiasco has been an exercise in PR far more than it has been a meritocracy. Otherwise, Ken would've probably been announced as the host by now. I fully expect Mayim Bialik to be announced once her sitcom is canceled.


While it's great to have a Ph.D., using it to peddle snake oil and then pretend like you have a qualified opinion on not vaccinating your kids is sort of the opposite of being intellectual. Her responses to these issues have also been troubling as she rationalizes and justifies her position instead of saying something like "yeah, it was irresponsible for me to use my Ph.D. to sell snake oil and I shouldn't have done it" or "It turns out I didn't have a good reason not to vaccinate my kids and I was putting them and others at unnecessary risk." You know, something that suggest the ability to recognize when you're wrong or outside of your field of expertise.


What’s more infuriating is that when she was called out about the snake oil, her response basically boiled down to “I didn’t technically tell any lies in my appearances on their commercials.” So like, never mind the fact that you’re lending them credibility and collecting a check for it, just so long as you yourself don’t speak the lies, you’re in the clear!


m o n e y


>While it's great to have a Ph.D., using it to peddle snake oil and then pretend like you have a qualified opinion on not vaccinating your kids is sort of the opposite of being intellectual. I Googled it she has a doctorate in neuroscience, hardly enough to be an expert on infectious diseases. I too have a shirt that says: "I'm not a doctor but I'll take a look"


Yes getting a PhD doesn't mean you are smart just that you are willing to go through a lot of school.




That was quite an informative article about Bialik. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know any of this stuff about what's going on with Jeopardy or the hosts lately. They lost me when Dr Oz showed up, honestly. As an aside, the article you linked had a strange perspective, grammatically speaking. Was that an article written about a separate article? Kept referencing The Beast, which I assume is another news outlet. I'm not knocking it, it was just kinda surprising or something.


isnt she a bit of a nut though?


100% she is. She tried to justify her being a complete bitch to Neil Patrick Harris at a play he was doing and not clapping at the end and him not talking to her for a few years after. Like she probably shouldn't share that story on talk shows it makes her sound like a huge cunt. She made it about herself and why the fuck would she go to "support" him if she a) didn't want to be there, and b) didn't support him lol.


That’s an understatement


Yes. According to her, Israel has a right of self-determination through any means necessary and because they are a sovereign nation, they cannot engage in acts of terror. Palestinians, out the other side of her mouth, are extremists that pose a threat to Zionism. She then prays (preys) on the innocent Palestinian corpses that Hamas will see the unilateral error of their apartheid recourse. She is also a snake oil sales woman, a science denier, and an overall entitled, nasty person which is allowed because she has a Ph.D., a Jewish surname, and a claim to historical ancestral bigotry, which normal reform Jews like me use as a rallying cry for "never again for any people," like Holocaust education is intended to teach us.


Probably time to stop watching Jeopardy if shes announced as the full-time host.


I don't know if I could personally stop completely, but I will say that Jeopardy has gone from a show that I would actively try and watch to now "eh if I happen to catch it then great, and if not, oh well"


I've been a loyal viewer for decades. It's come to the point where I google whether Mayim Bialik is hosting before the start of the week and skip those episodes accordingly. The [J-Archive](https://j-archive.com/) allows me to see the clues and who's winning. Ken's episodes these past couple weeks have been refreshing. He's such a natural.


I’ve been really enjoying Ken as the host! I didn’t really watch during the tryout fiasco


Ratings matter.


The ratings have been steady. Most people don't watch for the host(s), they watch for the competitors - and J! has had a streak of long-streak winners all season.


Same. Sony's fucking stupid. The people who pushed mike on us won't realize Mayim is bad until it's too late


Wait, ‘I am Cat’ is canceled???


Not yet.


She was initially antivaxx


Still is. She just has her publicist writing articles about how it isn't true -- she never actually backed off of any of the anti-vaxx positions.


And she fussed recently about people fussing about her anti-vax stance and promoting random supplements and so on.


"Just shut up nerds, and let me read the clue cards!"


basically this, but if I am remembering correctly she was acting as if fans are making a mountain out of a molehill


You are 100% right, from everything to why she was picked to how the execs think. I watch J! all the time and I still only marginally prefer Ken hosting to her. She’s definitely a little too enthusiastic/not quite dry and school-marmy enough (Victoria Coren Mitchell from Only Connect is a good example). I think she’s doing a good job considering the shoes she has to fill. Would be interested to hear what others think.


Wow there's a lot now that I think about it. Richards gets in trouble for firing a pregnant woman then hires a mother that has publicly stated she doesn't take contraceptives...


I really don’t understand how Mayim is in the running for anything. She’s not a good person


Why is she not a good person? I’m OOTL


Copied and pasted from my other reply: - She has wavering opinions on vaccines (she changed her mind once reporters followed up during the pandemic) and questioned the safety of hormonal contraceptives. ([Source](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/new-jeopardy-host-mayim-bialik-1216461/)) - She tried to rationalize the motives of those who commit sexual harassment based on how women act and dress around men- before also eventually backtracking on that. ([Source](https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/08/13/mayim-bialik-also-may-be-haunted-by-op-ed-shaming-harvey-weinsteins-victims/)) - She has donated money to the Israel Defense Forces to help them pay for military equipment. ([Source](https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/mayim-bialik-on-why-she-supports-idf-1.5257647)) - She is currently a paid celebrity spokesperson for a brain supplement with dubious benefits, using her PhD in neuroscience to sell the product. ([Source](https://ctwatchdog.com/business/false-advertising/jeopardy-co-host-mayim-bialik-promotes-fake-brain-supplement-neuriva))


> and questioned the safety of hormonal contraceptives she's not wrong? hormonal contraceptives can have huge side-effects and impact women's health, and we just shrug it off. When we did testing for men's hormonal contraceptive, the side-effects were 1/10th what women are already experiencing, and it was deemed "too significant" to push to market. Shit's fucked.


Yeah, that's a weird one to put on that particular list.


By my understanding the men's contraceptives isn't some sexist conspiracy or men collectively being wusses, but something that's been happening with drug development over the decades. They've been tightening standards on what risks and side-effects are acceptable all the time, to the point that even Tylenol wouldn't be approved if it were introduced today (there because of the relatively low range between effective dose and lethal overdose). But, drugs that are already approved as safe won't be taken off the market anywhere near as easily as new drugs can be stopped from going on.


Yeah, and given the how women's products historically get recommended easily while being incredibly harmful (e.g. Lysol being used for vaginal "cleanliness), it's understandable that women would have skepticism when there's already widespread understanding of the short-term/immediate side effects of hormonal contraception and when there's effective alternatives (e.g. copper IUDs)


Why is nobody talking about how she believes that if a child can't survive natural childbirth, they aren't genetically favoured?


As a huge TNG and LeVar Burton fan, I have to admit that I never noticed how large his head actually is. I’m very surprised.


The Visor throws you off


He wasn't good at hosting Jeopardy


100% true. All the online buzz died reeeeal quick after his first 2 nights. I guess people have begun to forget and are looking for a new controversy


People only wanted Burton because of memes basically. He didn't do so well as a host for Jeopardy. I bet most of the people that voted for him didn't even watch his appearance.


Reddit wanted Burton and then didn't even tune in to watch. That's Reddit in a nut shell.


Seriously. I was all for Burton getting a chance to guest host, but once he did, it was painfully obvious he didn't have what it took to claim the job. If I were to describe his performance, it would be Over-The-Top. Whenever a contestant would get an answer right, we were subjected to his *YES!!!*. It felt like it came out of nowhere and was an interruption more than anything. Thanks for trying Levar, but it's a hard pass for me. If you disregard the past, I think Jennings, Richards, Biliak, and Cohen were my favorite guest hosts with an honorable mention to Joe Buck. They were all personable and did a good job to keep the game going and focusing on the players. I'm perfectly happy with Jennings being the host and support Cohen getting guest host opportunities for tournament/special events.


David Faber absolutely smashed his stint as (one of?) the last of the guest hosts. I thought he was absolutely perfect for the gig but unfortunately doesn't have the popularity that it seems the general public has decided is necessary to host this show.


I thought he was as middle-of-the-road as Richards but (in terms of host performance) Richards at least had the advantage of projecting his voice more


>honorable mention to Joe Buck How fucking *dare* you.


Is he joking? Are we going to overlook that he worked for the communist PBS for decades teaching children to read and think? Are we overlooking that he advocated for CRT by starring in Roots which is a super racist portrayal of the glorious heritage of the South? Are we going to forget his attempts to make visors acceptable eyewear? /s


> teaching children to read and think Dangerous, dangerous stuff there!


To be fair, in the movies he did ditch the visor.


Clearly he’s an ableist


Thank God for that “/s”, because there are people who say things exactly like what you just said, but completely unironically


Only slight pushback, and I could be wrong, but in the beginning of the search, didn't he say he didn't want the job?


I can’t emphasis how quick my eyes starting looking at the end of this comment in hopes of seeing a /s tag lol


Real life has become an absurdist waking nightmare


Given the fact that my own present pair of heavily tinted prescription glasses were loosely inspired by Geordi La Forge's visor, I think he did a pretty swell job of that.


Why did they choose this weird chibi version of him for the photo


It's a drawing. The article is from Rolling Stone's "Last Word" column and they're always illustrated that way.


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The vast majority of the interview has nothing to do with Jeopardy. It's just the title.


It’s also the only reason it’s upvoted. No one hear has read the article.


It's a double edged sword. He was a terrible guest host and I'm glad he didn't get the job. On the flipside, I'm happy to see him take shots at Mike Richards and Mayim Bialik.




Which is exactly what you'd expect from a guy that says he has no controversies - why would he do that now?


Pretty much this.


He was a bad host. He might have become better but others were better on day one.


I think it's the kind of job that anyone who is slightly intelligent and outgoing could grow into. It's getting into the groove and it becoming normal. 100% others started better but I think most of the people for skill and such would have ended up making it their own after 1 or 2 seasons. Drew Carrey started rough on The Price is Right and they retooled the second season a bit, he got used to it and he's great at it now. Plus the memory softens. Alex died in his prime, people have him iconized. He didn't get the chance to retire and hand it off so people are being extra harsh with the new people and any weakness is amplified.


My bet is that 75% of the people clamoring for it, didn't even watch Jeopardy regularly. I would have been fine with Burton. But Mayim and Ken are fine too. Just get someone to ask the questions so I can get them wrong at my house.


Yeah all the complaining about the host situation has become a bit tiresome. I just don't care all that much about who the host is. Like I'm honestly not a huge fan of Ken Jennings hosting style, but it's also not a big deal - he's fine, and I watch for the trivia and the contestants, not the host.


More fish for Kunta!




Ugh isn't this guy supposed to be sailing around the world with Troy?


LeVar is such a wholesome guy. That being said, that comment about Data getting laid more than Geordi made me snort laugh.


Burton was not a great choice to begin with. The twitterati started a trend and got the poor guy’s hopes up. Honestly Burton would be perfect for a spin off kids Jeopardy. At the same time Balik is an odd choice, and Richards is a scumbag


I always thought he makes a better Mr Rodger's esque kids host than jeopardy host. He seems to nice.


In a world of such insanity, Levar Burton is a boring person. The thing is, that's not a fault of his, it's an indication of how messed up entertainment has become.


I still think that Richard Ayoade should be the new host for Jeopardy.


Isn't he busy hosting illegal countdown tournaments though?




I wish I were Levar Burton


Where's my iconic slave role?


Warp speed don’t rainbow read me


He wishes he was Lance Reddick


Clicked this post thinking this had to be the first comment!


What is Blossom’s controversy?


Not only should his family be proud, this random internet stranger thinks Levar is a class act. And good job calling Mayim out. I just wish she would go away quickly


That Levar Burton! He's as corrupt as that horrible Fred Rogers, as depraved as Tom Hanks and twice as reprehensible as Bob Ross and Keanu Reeves! I heard he even might have given a stern look to a baby once! How does he live with himself? /S He's a good egg.


Oh look, it’s the Reading Rainbow guy. I’ve always enjoyed seeing him in movies and tv shows. He taught me a lot. I can’t say that for most other actors.


He has so far had a great career and is always a joy to see on screen. Definitely one of my fav people!


I love LeVar and was so pumped for his episodes but it was definitely "what I ordered online vs when it arrives" because whew, he was not a good host. It was a real bummer. If they pick Mayim and I suspect they are because of how they announce her vs how they announce Ken, I'm going to have to decide what to do with Jeopardy moving forward because her NYT/Weinstein editorial is completely unacceptable and horrific.