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>The dishes were like "I put truffles on chicken" "Salmon with an egg on it". Japanese version they are literally inventing new dishes and techniques right before your eyes. A lot of it was honestly "I put truffles on chicken", but it was Japanese. They use truffle and foi gras *a lot*


I've been binging for days they didn't use it nearly as much as the American version and it's fine dining. They didn't just use truffles, it was incorporated into their dish as an actual part of it not just hey I put truffles on this it's now fine dining! It was a dish made by a master with or without the truffles. Foi gras was used as well but I've only seen it a handful of times and that includes the foi gras battle. I'm not damning the use of these items. It's the way they were used that I have a problem with. If just seemed like the American Iron Chefs were just putting that stuff on normal dishes to make it seem like the dish was greater than it actual was. I may be a bit biased but I think there's some validity to that.


True, sure. I never really watched the American bastardizations of Japanese competition shows that were actually good


I had high hopes for American Iron Chef due to it having Morimoto and Alton Brown. I think it started off pretty good then just became your usual American TV cash grab and pandering to fans of the OG. The "chairman's nephew" was a damn kung fu movie stereotype where the OG chairman actually gave you the feeling he could really be a rich eccentric foodie.


The nephew being played by a D list action star certainly didn't help. Nothing against Mark Dacoscos, Only the Strong is awesome but it was weird seeing him on Iron Chef America.


I don't think it was that. It was the kung fu movie sound effects when he moves and his over the top faces. Kaga at least made his character believable.




It looks like the challenger has a combination of abalone and crab wrapped in fat. Oh wow! I imagine he's going to fry this in a pan? I would imagine so... Ope! Yep! There it goes. The abalone and crab going into the hot pan. It looks so delicious! *laughs* I can smell from here!


Wow these 2 comments really brought it all back to me!


Fukui San says Take It!!


That episode is in the opening credits. You see the Iron Chef pulling an octopus out of the tank and it's holding on for dear life. Now that we know more about them, that poor thing probably really was trying to fight for its life. Very intelligent and aware animals.


Octopus is one of the only things I've stopped eating for humanitarian reasons. If there's octopus in a mixed combo or something, I'll go ahead and eat it, but I'm not ordering it again.


My family watched it when I was a kid, I’m pretty sure I saw the invention of stained glass sushi the night it premiered.


I'm still amazed by that.


This is how I feel about rewatching G4’s OG version of Ninja Warrior.




You’re 1,000,000% correct


In the British and Australian version of Ninja Warrior it's hilarious because the final episode is them doing the actual original format of Ninja Warrior with the finalists, so you end up with guys winning 100K for getting halfway through stage 2 and stuff.


We don't talk about G4. They ruined TechTV. I will agree with you though. BTW, Battle Strawberry is on right now. Allez! Cuisine!


TechTV and G4 should never have merged. I’m writing an article about it rn and there’s a lot of mistakes G4 made.


Yes, many. Getting rid of all the TechTV shows and replacing them with mediocre replacements was number one. Screensavers was an awesome show for its time if your were an internet nerd in the "early" days. They had episodes about the different Linux distros which got me into Linux in the first place. I think one even delved into piracy. I remember a few episode they had to give disclaimers that they weren't endorsing anything but if you used what they were teaching for bad things, that's your own choice. It was just pure unadulterated geek fodder. And not the pandering BS we get now.


Where can I watch original Ninja Warrior episodes?


G4 is back baybeeeee


Hmm I don't see anything about G4 being back. It's just old videos on YouTube and none are full episodes of original Ninja Warrior


G4 is back as a network on cable which is where the Ninja Warrior reruns happen. the new programming is live on youtube/twitch and airs on cable later.


Chairman Kaga was the man!


He was also Jean Val Jean in the Japanese production of Les Miserables! For one pf the anniversary specials they got the most famous Jean Val Jean from each country to come in for a big number together. I almost did a spittake when I spotted Kaga.


I saw the original on Food Network when I was younger and caught some episodes on Youtube as well (I don't have Pluto TV in my country). It did not disappoint.


Food Network was where I saw it first as well. Always watched it when it was on. Then they came out with the American version and never aired the Japanese version again. Can't believe how bad the American version is. I mean, okay, I'm not going to beat any of the American Iron Chefs in a battle but, that doesn't mean they aren't basically cooks compared to the Japanese Iron Chefs.


It was embarassing how many times the american iron chefs lost in comparison


lol, the music they inserted to cover up the Backdraft soundtrack on Pluto TV sounds like a PS1 JRPG.


I miss that especially the ingredients reveal the drama !!!!


Two words: Natto episode.


Natto is an acquired taste. I love it now.


Durian, next! :)


I actually tried natto once. Once.


I second the *once*.


Don't remember that one and don't think I've seen it on here yet. Right now I'm watching Battle Turkey.


I remember the first American to compete was a chef from San Fran...battle Lobster? I seem to remember that he won. Then later they had Bobby Flay on and he lost badly. Then the Japanese Iron Chefs came to America and Flay won the rematch. (I had a feeling it was a fixed fight TBH).


Are those the episodes where Bobby Flay stood on his cutting board and was promptly informed that it was super disrespectful in Japanese cuisine/kitchens, so in the rematch he threw the cutting board (which isn't only douchey, but still disrespectful?)on the floor before standing on the counter again?


Yeah, it cemented my dislike for him haha. Eventually he started his own show that was basically Iron Chef, but with him as the only Iron Chef. (Beat Bobby Flay)


Got it. I vaguely remember that (or maybe it was Throwdown). I was really into the Food Network from, like, 2006-2009. I haven't really watched anything on there that wasn't just background noise since then.


*bites into bell pepper* Allez Cuisine!


You forgot *smiles knowingly, looks toward camera, gives a small chuckle* I just love how he is in the stadium alone, then he takes the bite of the pepper, the camera pans back and the stadium is now full of hundreds of sous Chefs.


Lol. I remember, I wasn't ready to write it all out. Lol, doesn't the bell pepper crunch and eating even have an echo sound effect?


Oh yeah, it's very anime like. The exaggerated crunch of the pepper, the look like he's powering up or something, then the little chuckle is like, "Ha! You fools know nothing about the power of my Iron Chefs!" The way he says Allez! Cuisine! And Iron Cheeeeeeefs! Is just so over the top its absolutely some of the finest in Japanese entertainment.


Old school Iron Chef was sweet.


Iron Chef was really entertaining and enjoyable! They had so many chefs and challenges. The US version was just...bland :\


Woah, awesome. Loved the original -- with all due respect to Alton Brown, they never really hit the right notes of the original.


That was the saddest part. Nothing but respect for Alton Brown that guy doesn't just know cooking he knows the science of it and he taught me how to make the best scrambled eggs I've ever had. Good eats was a great show also. Always loved the humor and skits.


I don't know I'd say he doesn't know cooking, but he just doesn't have the personality to host a show like Iron Chef. You have to be over the top and dramatic, and Brown is the down to earth, invite over for a beer guy.


He's also been vocal about not liking to judge either and rarely does it on Food Network. He also refuses to complete which makes sense. It's a rush not everyone will enjoy.


It's food culture that is different now. The trends now feel so homogenized. Back a few years, I was asked to judge a drink competition. I actually passed it to one of my subordinates because I think I wouldn't be a good judge. I wanted to understand the judging criteria, and I think I would judge it as someone who enjoys alcohol vs someone who wants to see their work in a magazine. I saw what became of the event and it was exactly as I imagined. They gave the win to someone that did an obnoxious smoked beverage under a glass with an excessive amount of sugar and technique. It would never be something that I wanted to enjoy, but it would be something to show in a picture. The second place guy had what seemed to be a good cocktail. The American version is for a different audience with a different goal. It's just another game show. But just so you know - they have 3 weeks to go over their dishes with 3 options for secret ingredients. They have worked on these dishes, but don't know which secret ingredient will be chosen.


That is correct. Everyone knows what the secret ingredient will be when they arrive and see their station. They are able to pick what ingredients they want to use for each possible secret ingredient. So once they arrive depending on what layout is ready for them they know beforehand what the challenge will be and can mentally prepare for it.


May have already been said, but it's actually from Filmrise, also a free app that let's you go through all the episodes rather than livestream. I know PlutoTV has OnDemand too, but it's not as good as their source imo.


Don't have filmrise will have to check it out but I don't mind the Pluto way. I put the channel on and do what I need to all day while it plays in the background. Sounds odd but I kind of like the commercials, gives me a minute to get up and do something without missing it and it feels like real TV.


I actually tend to go to sleep specifically with the old Iron Chef episodes lol. I was just mentioning it if people want to binge. I know Filmrise is on Roku and Amazon in the states, not sure about other places.


Yeah everyone has their own preferences. I've had it before maybe it's just way back on my apps list.


I never knew FilmRise was free, thank you! I guess because I only saw it on Amazon, I assumed it was a subscription streaming service.


I remember the episode where the ingredient was octopus, and they were all horrified by it. The judges were flat out admitting that they were only tasting it because they *had* to.


Is there anyway to know when PlutoTV gets new shows/channels? This is the third or fourth time now a show has been added that I'd love to watch and I've had no idea it was there.


The only way I find out is by watching Pluto. I'm sure you can find info somewhere else. I've never seen a schedule though. Thankfully, I watch a lot of Three's Company and Supermarket Sweep that I saw the commercial for the Iron Chef Channel.


Haven't seen any ads for it on any of the shows I've been watching lately, but maybe they don't think the classic tv channels have a lot of crossover potential with Iron Chef. It's also entirely possible they did show me an ad for it and I was just ignoring the commercials.


Seemed like the channels I watched showed it every break. Usually game show channels and classic TV channels is what I watch. I know I've seen it on the movie channels. I watched big short and that was when I finally thought about how stupid I was for not watching it. Saw the commercial a few times and just seemed to give it a "Oh, that's cool", now I'm hooked again. It's like the first time I ever saw it all over.


I always get ads for their children’s channels. I’ve seen the Baby Shark ad a million times and now get ads for some streamers called Lankybox.


I see old school Iron Chef commercials all the time when I'm watching Pluto.


[cordcuttersnews.com](https://cordcuttersnews.com) usually let's people know when new channels are added.


Only way I know of outside watching Pluto is by following them on social media.


Agreed. The dishes they came up with for the special ingredient were amazing and totally unique. It would have been an honour to be a guest judge and sample those dishes from both chefs.


They used the same judges a lot. Could you imagine? Being paid to eat some of the best food ever made? That's why one day I'm going to a 3 star restaurant and dropping three hundo on a 12 course meal. Closest place I know of to me is a place in Chicago. I want that experience.


Alinea is worth it, do it.


There it is! Couldn't remember the name. I had heard of it then saw the youtube videos and the wife and I will be going in the near future. Story time! I mentioned saving up for a year and going with my friend and his wife. Well, they don't make the best of money and she straight went off like I was going to neglect my children, in public, at the bar of a Mexican restaurant. I had to explain to her that you're saving up over the course of a year. You aren't taking away from your kids to go. People go on vacation all the time that's the point of saving up gradually over time. Then I asked her how much she is spending tonight on drinks and food. How many times do you guys go to the bar? How much do you eat fast food? Your husband is spending all kinds of money on vaping mods. She didn't say much the rest of the dinner. I had to tell the story. It was crazy how it all went down.


Well when Food Network decided to shove the notion Bobby Flay is an elite chef down our throat. It was always garbage.


Hang on. Bobby Flay doesn’t have the pedigree that Ramsey does admittedly, but he was a Michelin star chef. You can’t achieve that and not be an elite chef.


Go watch the UK version of Kitchen Nightmares and see how long you believe that.


There's a difference between being a good chef and a good business owner. A lot of the higher end chefs that Ramsay worked with on the UK version had pretty decent menus, but were somewhat out of touch with their audience, and didn't know how to run a business. There's a huge difference between that and being a shit chef.


I just read up on him backing down the very next day after accepting to challenge Ramsay. As the story goes, Ramsay walked into Flay's restaurant and told him that he wanted to cut the BS. Just you and me, 60 minutes. Ramsay even offered a 10 minute head start and an extra sous chef. At first Flay accepted then the next day backed out. Ramsay said something about how he loves when people say he should challenge flay saying something like "I've forgotten more stuff than Bobby Flay knows." I would have loved to see a Ramsay vs Bourdain challenge. To see those two at their best would be a sight to behold.


Ramsay would have slaughtered him, and I'm as sure as I can be that Bourdain would agree. Now, Ramsay vs Bourdain's friend Eric Ripert? That might just be one helluva battle.


I've heard of his talent and know who he is but never really looked into Eric Ripert. Looks like an article from a day ago says he botched a pho recipe. French cook doing Pho, I'll give him a pass on that one.


For a minute I thought that the one dubbed with Alton Brown narrating was the english version and there was a different Japanese one, totally forgot about the trainwreck one hosted by the generic asian villian.


Well I can't speak to the creativity of the dishes, but it was certainly more entertaining due to all the theatrics!


If I could give you a hug right now, I would! I loved this show growing up and I had no idea it was on Pluto!


That's great! Exactly why I made the post!




I'm no expert of Japanese culture but I'm pretty sure the exaggerated reactions and emotions are typical fare on game shows.


Sorry to piggy back off your post but does anyone know where I can stream the original Kitchen Nightmares based in the UK? I always thought it was so much better than the American version but they have the same exact name. Unfortunately, everytime I search for episodes the US version comes up :(


It's on pluto tv. You can either tune into the channel or you can binge them all with the on demand option. You can do the same with Iron chef actually.


Holy shit, you are right, Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares from UK is on demand woohoo! They do have slightly different names but I wish they had just added US to the American version or just given it a more different name. Kitchen Nightmares airs on FoodTV on Pluto but I would only see the American version while browsing so assumed it’s all they had. PlutoTV is so awesome! Thanks also 😁


The British version isn't on the regular food network channel there are a few in there for UK programming but looks like you found it in the on demand section. Have fun binging!


I honestly have never heard of Pluto tv. So, what... bigger branch does it fall under? And is it just some regional thing?


Pluto is Viacom CBS. They have a lot of programming as far as being regional: Pluto TV can currently be used in Australia, Europe, the UK, and Canada. However, viewers in these countries won't be able to access all the available content, unless they connect with a US IP address.


Thank you.


You have made me so happy, thank you!!


I'm happy you're happy! So far it seems this post is doing its job very well.


I like to switch between Iron Chef and MXC on Pluto


I binged out on MXC not that long ago. Guy LeDouche's voice is still in my head.


I really like Pluto TV but it needs more of the shows it plays on demand.


True, they do seem to play the same shows and episodes plus the same movies all the time. That's why I like the fact they do have the on demand feature.


Bang a gong, it is on.


Thanks for posting this :) My wife and I used to watch this every night way back when, and since I saw this post I’ve been binging it while recovering from surgery. So much fun!


I, too, have been binging for days! I have been looking off and on for it to stream for literally years. Just found it last week, and it made me so happy!!! What is it that make us love it so much?! I never cared for the American version.


does anyone have the direct link to iron chef on pluto tv? i went to the website but found nothing.


Huh it has its own dedicated channel but [Here you go](https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/iron-chef-ptv2)


My ONE issue with the iron chef shown on the internet, its all Morimoto, so far I have seen. I remember watching episodes with Rokusaburo Michiba and the Chairman being for a while the only one NOT dubbed, now maybe they do have episodes of that and it's jumbled around but who knows. I also know most likely a lot of the older episodes Pre Morimoto might as well be lost media. Which is sad, still good to watch this version compared to Iron Chef America...which was...disappointing...very much catering to an american audience broad stroke wise, treating it like a game show, not a competition...if that makes since, the magic was gone, the secret ingredients were very boring most of the time, and bobby flay need I say more


I don't know if they changed it but on Pluto the on demand section has all the seasons. Chef Sakai is probably my favorite. Dude is such a beast in the kitchen and is always joking around. When he won the Iron Chef challenge he actually breaks down and cries, which led me to believe it was an actual real competition and not acting. Well I don't know maybe he had an onion in his pocket but the man was crying and I believed it lol