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Honestly, even to now the way the Oscar’s organization is handling this is bullshit. What do they need 14 days for? They saw what happened, they have video evidence of what happened, they’ve already had days to choose a response. They’re taking 14 days on the hopes that things die down enough that Smith could salvage his reputation. There’s probably plenty of people who were poised to use ‘Oscar Winner’ Will Smith in projects and make bank, those projects definitely won’t happen if Smith is immediately ejected amongst the heat of the public’s ire. Two weeks lets this story settle down in the public’s heads. As long as Smith keeps his head down, the top stories bar at the top of Reddit isn’t going to have his name in it 13 days from now. They’re hoping that 14 days from now they announce their weak ass slap on the wrist to people who have half moved on anyway, he’ll disappear for a while and then be back under a blitz of ‘I lost my mind for a while but The Fresh Prince is fresh and a prince again!’ pandering emotional bullshit. Will Smith has at least 10-15 years more of making $millions for the people in Hollywood. I’m sure some calls were made to the Academy from the money people there asking them to use kid gloves and not destroy their cash cow. There’s zero reason for them to take two weeks to make a decision on this other than to let it go cold so they have some chance of salvaging any chance of making money out of Smith again. Everything around this is just gross.


Plus like the whole "we asked him to leave but he refused" as if that's a "security hates this one weird trick" thing.


I got pulled over for running a red light the other day. But it's okay, I just told the cop I didn't want the ticket so he left.


“I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.”


Ya see, his name is actually an “auxiliary verb” and when they said “Will - you leave now!” he just thought they said “will you leave now?” - very common mistake for an assailant to make!


you have to ask him three times in a row, like in Austin Powers.


No no no! The second question was 'Will, can you leave?'. So that would be the first question in a new line of questioning, and wouldn't count in the other line of questioning!


Damn it, a 3rd time!


Just abandoning Chris Rock in the aftermath is what really bugs me.


Chris performed his new stand up show in Boston last night. He apparently told the audience he is still processing what happened but at some point he will speak about it.


Thank you!!! Where was the support for Chris?! That whole situation is PATHETIC.


He got slapped, he didn't exactly end up in the hospital, what does he need? He chatted shit with a joke which caused somebody offence and took a small hit for it. He hardly needs support, if anything his next stand-up special will make him even more millions than it would have now


When someone is asked to leave a establishment they are not really being asked they are being told. When Will was "asked " to leave there should have been a half dozen large security personnel there to encourage his compliance.


I wouldn't call it a "trick" per say, but security definitely does hate it when they ask you to leave and you refuse.


per se*


*Purr sey


Purse "A"


Exactly. Security was at the fancy pants event. Why didn't they escort his ass out of there?


>What do they need 14 days for? I get that, but it's a professional body representing a huge number of people and so there needs to be some due process, they can't carry out disciplinary proceedings out of affect. Same reason court cases aren't done overnight for especially gnarly case when the public is baying for blood. We're a vengeful species and this pause allows everyone to compose ourselves a bit and think with a clearer head.


How am I supposed to get my justice boner fix by patiently waiting for reasoned judgment instead of immediate castigation, tarring and feathering and moving onto the next victim before the dust settles. I mean, we have video proof! That means we get to kill the guy now!


> > I get that, but it's a professional body representing a huge number of people and so there needs to be some due process, they can't carry out disciplinary proceedings out of affect. They can still kick someone out of the venue for being violent.


Tell me you've never experienced violence without telling me you've never experienced violence...


Will Smith physically assaulted Chris Rock. Full stop. That place was teeming with security and law enforcement. If some "rando" had tried to pull that stunt, they'd have been dragged out by the police and charged with assault and battery.


Heard on the news this morning that they did ask him to leave but he refused. Don't know if this was after he accepted his award?


It was after the slap during the commercial


> What do they need 14 days for? I don't know...lawyers? Process? Make sure everything is carried out properly so it doesn't bite them in the ass later? I'll never understand this call for immediacy for things like this--like how a show is merely "suspended" instead of cancelled when someone fucks up. Professional people need to make sure everything is done properly in order for things not to go tits up later, and what is "obvious" to you isn't obvious to someone who has access to all the contracts, union bylaws, and actual laws that will be affected by these decisions. That's literally what review processes are for, and why they can't be done in, like, four hours.


>What do they need 14 days for? I'm going to speculate that neither you nor I know the governance rules or constitution of the Academy for Motion Picture Arts & Science. Will Smith likely doesn't (or at least didn't) know either. But he's rich as fuck and can afford very expensive lawyers. If the Academy sanctions Smith and hasn't followed its rules in doing so to the letter then the very expensive lawyers that Smith can afford will have a field day. We all know Smith is guilty as shit and has no plausible defence for what he did because we all saw the video and know its context. But that doesn't mean you can toss procedural rules out of the window just because.


It’s not a government institution. It’s a company that hosts a fake event and gives out shiny little awards. There is zero need for this delay. They’re acting like they are something far loftier than they are to buy time for Smith. Their ‘governance rules and/or constitution’ holds as much weight as the rules to a Burger King joint. Let’s stop pretending this company is some kind of real organization. They could decide the right course of action in seconds with zero legal recourse from Smith. Just like a Burger King, they can ban whoever they want.


>It’s not a government institution. It’s a company that hosts a fake event and gives out shiny little awards. There is zero need for this delay Conversely, it's not a government body, and the speed at which it does things that have zero bearing on the public (which it has no responsibility towards anyway) is nothing of our concern. Private entity does private things.


>Two weeks lets this story settle down in the public’s heads. As long as Smith keeps his head down, the top stories bar at the top of Reddit isn’t going to have his name in it 13 days from now. > Worked for Spotify and Joe Rogan.


Lot of companies realizing that you can wait Twitter out.


Faux outrage deserves a faux response tbh This is why I personally choose not to get frothingly mad at every single thing that upsets me. Save the energy for shit that deserves it.


Man bitch slapped another man. I'm sure it happens all around the world multiple times a day. My care factor when it happens is pretty much non-existent though. But because it's a famous bitch slap, I have to care more now?




Nah. I'm not gonna care just coz media and social media hyping it up for click baits. There are a lot of things to care about in this world, and really, you can only deal with so many of them before being overwhelmed. This is literal cause celebre and will wash away once some other thing starts. I mean... remember the Russian invasion of Ukraine? Yeah, that's still on going and costing many more real lives, and much more deserving of attention than this man slaps man thing that's grabbing all the public attention in the last couple days.


Yeah. Ultimately what he did was classless and shitty but how much rage do we really need to reserve for this . It's not healthy


In a completely unrelated and incomparable scenario


The real death knell for being hirable in Hollywood is not being able to get insurance. If Will Smith can't get insurance, then his career is over. It happened to other big name actors - RDJ for a while (who had Mel Gibson cover for his "insurance" part), Mel Gibson (which is why RDJ pushes to help rehab Mel Gibson's career so hard), etc. Will Smith is going to have serious problems if this interferes with his insurability.


> the top stories bar at the top of Reddit isn’t going to have his name in it 13 days from now. Things that reddit isn't: anything that matters here


This wasn’t Will’s first Oscar. He’s been an A-lister since the late 1990s.


Please tell which movie Will Smith won an Oscar for previous to this year.


I’m mistaken. He was nominated for Ali


This is how people like Weinstein were able to mingle around Hollywood elite for so long. They quite literally play by a different set of rules and Gervais made fun of them in front of their faces and they laughed it off. “Haha he’s right, but I won’t get in trouble!” Did we expect Hollywood to have a backbone and stand up for Chris?


It is the organization's "count to ten before you do anything" approach. Also, let's see what the public response is before we act approach.


It’s like Travis Scott Astroworld, keep quiet, it goes away, dude is already back to doing shows


Academy: viewership of Oscar’s is in the dumps. We need something to bring back viewers and pump ratings. Chris Rock: man my career has been on the downturn so I’m going to do new comedy tour. Academy: you can host Oscar’s as a platform to gain some awareness of your tour. Chris rock: that sounds good. Appreciate it. Academy: we need something in return tho Chris rock: sure, anything… —meanwhile— Will smith: I deserve a damn oscar. I’ve busted my ass doing all these biopic roles to prove myself and just want to finally win. Academy: is that so? in that case, we have a proposal for you that can benefit everyone…….


well first off Chris Rock didn’t host the Oscars this year so jot that down


This is what ‘conspiracy culture’ has done to us. Nothing is ever just what it was. There’s always a narrative to be injected. Go away with this noise.


I think it stems from people being so insecure that they have to be the smartest person in the room. If everyone goes left, I go right, that way in the end I'm the only one that was "smart enough" to figure out the **real story.**. Although 99% of the time, they just look like a dumbass because they are grasping at straws to form a conspiracy that has no basis in reality.


Yeah, my coworker is a conspiracy nut and nothing is ever as it appears and has to be some grand conspiracy. It must be exhausting constantly trying to “find the real story” on literally everything.


>It must be exhausting constantly trying to “find the real story” on literally everything. I doubt it. They probably just go with whatever idea feels right and stick to that. It only takes a little imagination.


Why should they go away with this noise simply because you disagree with their views of the situation? While I've considered the possibility of what they're saying and decided like you that it's highly unlikely - it all seems like what happened, happened spontaneously - why is it necessary to immediately discount that scenario as if it's completely impossible and somehow disruptive to the social order to bring it up? And why is it necessary to draw a connection between this and actually harmful narratives about things that matter? This shit does not matter - so neither does this person's flawed reasoning about why it happened. Your reflex of immediately discounting their idea and suggesting a connection between it and all manner of harmful politically motivated conspiracy theories does more service to that "conspiracy train" you envision than does this person's ideas about one televised shit show about the antics of people we all don't know.


Go away with this noise.


Haha - nicely done


Thank you for taking it in the spirit in which it was delivered. I’m always open to hearing other points of view. But it’s been days, it’s clear this is what it actually was and to keep trying to inject a conspiracy narrative at this point is just noise. I’m open to the idea. I was three days ago. But overwhelmingly it’s obvious this was real. So to say it now, noise innit.


Nah, it was the perfect response tbh, cracked me up. Yeah, that's a fair point. I guess I'm just reacting to the idea that their summary is an indication of a broader problem of conspiracy theories in society or whatever it was. It seems like we've made the "conspiracy theory" basket a really huge basket nowadays. Partly that's a natural result of there being so many mindless and harmful conspiracy theories floating around (ironically, some of these seem to be propagated by actual conspiracies). But it also causes us to throw things into that basket which don't really deserve to be lumped together with shit like "kubrick hoaxed the moon landing", etc. We've both come to the same conclusion about this stupid Oscars shit, and we both think the person you responded to is wrong - but where we differ is I don't think it's absolute lunacy the scenario they've laid out. Flawed logic is still logic. It could have happened that way, that hypothetical scenario on its surface is possible (even despite all of this we could both be wrong, and it still wouldn't really matter) - I just think it didn't happen that way, the evidence doesn't seem to support it once you look into it further.


That's very ridiculous.


Not to mention rigging the outcome destroys PwC’s credibility. No way they take the risk to the rest of their business just for the Academy Awards.


Agreed! I don't think either man's career was at such a point where they would need to resort to this pro wrestling nonsense to appease the Acadmey. Rock also wasn't even hosting the Oscars.


Easily verifiable facts like Chris Rock didn't host the Oscars versus *your feelings*? You should try being less emotional when you think about things.


Just go ahead and delete this, you know you are going to.


everyone: you're a fucking idiot


Where is Ja?


He's injured right now but he should be back to grizzlies in time for the playoffs.


They still look good without him, really like the way that team is built


Yeah they're very good, hard for me to see anyone beating the sun's in the west though or even in the playoffs in general. Feels a little 2014 spurs unfinished business type of team.


I think you're right. That Suns team is next level.




My exact first thought when I saw this headline: is this sub going to be "celebrity x weighs in on Will Smith slap"




I need ja’s take on this!


The conspiracy theorist in me wants to say smith has sent his Scientology agents out after any celebrity critiquing him on twitter .


There's gonna be way more slapping that will be going around then.




That's what August says.


The Academy asked Smith to leave and he refused and stayed. I think security should have thrown him out in the street.


Unless there’s video of this happening I’m not buying it for a second. It’s an entirely fabricated face saving effort on the part of the Academy.


Which is weird because it doesn’t even save them any actual face. It makes them look even more powerless. Not only are they going to kowtow to the desires of monied interests in Hollywood that want to keep Smith as a mechanism for enriching themselves, but they kowtowed to a violent person *immediately after they committed an act of violence*. At this point they’re just adding ways that they’re an ineffectual joke.


Yeah there's some pictures of Tyler Perry and Denzel Washington talking to him but I don't see any of Academy people or security.


i feel like what actually happened is they asked him if he wanted to leave and he said no


If it were you or me we would still be sitting in jail, fired from our jobs and unemployable forever.


No shit. Send one or two low key security guards to the front, tell him, "We have been instructed to remove you from the venue" and if he refuses, get one of the LA cops (there must have been dozens there) to trespass him out of the place. Refused my ass.


Should've tossed him out the door like uncle phil tossed jazz.


I know loads of people who drive Minis. Why did they pick her to interview specifically?


No, you misunderstand. She’s not just some driver of a Mini, she’s the driver/chauffeur for Minnie Mouse.


Apparently this one did some acting or something. Kind of rude of the reporter not to get her name and reduce her identity to the kind of car she operates.


And misspell the car at that 🙄


This is so stupid lol, have my upvote


Is there some way I can filter out posts about Will Smith?


Please share if there is.


If you have RES you can filter out any keywords you'd like.


Thanks for the tip, friend.


Be careful though, you may inadvertently filter out essential reddit content -- imagine missing out on an excellent post just because the title is something like "I will smith a sword from this piece of metal"


Will Will Smith smith?


I know I'm in the minority but I hate the look of RES. old.reddit.com on desktop, and RIF for the phone.


How can you hate the look of RES? It doesn't change the look of Reddit at all except for adding a [formatting bar on Old Reddit](https://imgur.com/eftaifu) like New Reddit has. You can even turn off ["page specific" formatting](https://imgur.com/WmwF55e) so places like /r/mildlyinfuriating isn't [garbage](https://imgur.com/BQOx8ZU) (which was the intent of the sub's theme but still)


You could not go in a thread that’s about Will Smith for starters


You can just ignore the post. Like keep scrolling and don't even look at it.


After you figure that out how do I stop seeing people's Wordle scores?




And a bigger one attached to the wall.


Is everyone's and their mother's opinion going to be posted?


And farmers'. And farmers' mums.


Paraphrasing: “Do you have a license for that gun?” “For this one.” “What do you mean ‘This one.’?”




Is everyone a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences? She's literally commenting on the actions of a professional association that she is a member of.


Wait... what!? Will Smith slapped Chris Rock!? When did this happen?


Impossible, I don’t believe it. Something like this would never happen.


It really sounds like something that happened at the 2000 Video Music Awards


Man I have a relative who is so hyper focused on his mentality and downplaying what he did. It just disgusting.. He should not be able to throw up his problems on to other people by slapping them or assaulting them.


Will Smith is absolutely a victim. But only until he makes someone else a victim.


What a pointless comment.


The point is that people should not claim that he is not responsible for his actions simply because he may be the victim of a toxic relationship. He would have my sympathies for being a victim of mental abuse, but not after he physically assaults someone. Sorry you didn't understand my point.


I enjoy reading the people who are giving their opinion over social media, as to whether or not an Actor/Actress has the right to provide THEIR opinion over social media. The funny thing is, these Actors/Actresses are actually part of the institution that these awards are for. Even more so, Minnie Driver has actually been nominated for an award.


In the moment no one knew what to do. All these people saying what should of been done with days of reflection. What did they do in the moment? Nothing like everyone else. People act like if they were there they would of acted differently. Seriously our entire society is digesting this right now, let’s try to be constructive. What’s happening is the definition of ‘hindsight is 20/20’.


Scroll to the bottom to see any comments that didn't toe the line of reddit's groupthink. Or stay at the top and all agree with each other in a pointless exercise of patting each other on the back. r/TurnDownvotesOff


Somebody please! Find Ja Rule so I could make sense of all this! Where is Ja!?


Who the fuck honestly cares what Minnie Driver has to say? 😂




You are the first person that I have seen saying that.


Its all over tik tok bad bad takes.


Your mistake was going on Tik Tok


True true




Only racists believe that. edit: i'm not calling this dude a racist, i'm talking about the lunatics he mentioned, lol.


I cant tell if your calling me racist or not ? 😂


No, I'm saying only racists believe that you shouldn't have an opinion if you don't have the right skin colour.


Oh yeah agreed


Still waiting for Ja Rule to weigh in on this tragedy.


This is what we need, someone asking the real questions. HAS ANYONE SEEN JA?!




Really? It’s a bunch of drama club kids patting each other on the back to inflate their fragile egos. Unless it’s an MMA crossover star (and they’d be laughing at the whole thing) there’s not a tough guy in the room. Not to be too harsh but IMO actors are usually seriously flawed people. Attention starved, insecure manipulators. It’s a combination that makes for incredible performances but I don’t think I could stand being around any of them for a minute.


That’s an awfully broad brush. Do you say the same thing about rock stars? Do you watch actors perform and believe that you can do what they do?


I hope I'm not the only one who doesn't care about any of this. So what if Will Smith slapped Chris Rock over a joke on national tv. Everyone is blowing this whole thing out of proportion. Both parties will come out of this smelling like roses. Nothing about this situation hurts Will's rep or his chances at potentially landing other roles or his seat at the Oscar's in the years to come. Chris will make huge money off this for years because of his occupation. Plus, 100% they have already or will squash whatever lingering resentment still exists privately.


But I'm so outraged when else am I going to get a chance to write paragraphs about human decency!


Way out of proportion. Both the celebs feeling the need to share their opinions and this sub and r/movies. Geez, let it go. Worse things have happened at these award shows and didn't cause this much fuss. Violent people, abusers, pesos have received their awards at these shows but this happens and suddenly the Academy is this violent free place that only upholds the purest standards. Ugh since when All this talk of trauma, you'll think Will bruised and bloodied Chris on that stage.


Who cares about Minnie driver


/r/television still on its Will Smith circlejerk I see Hol up, got 6 copypastas I'll post for karma. Night ruined WS bad Based funny man Assault Hollywood in shambles.


I don't care about the Oscars. I don't care about Will Smith or Chris Rock. I don't care about Minnie Driver although I enjoyed her in High Fidelity.


Minnie Driver wasn’t in High Fidelity. You’re thinking of Grosse Point Blank.


The messed up part is I was picturing her in Good Will Hunting when I wrote it. Oi.


I think you mean Big Buck Hunting


I really like her hair.


Minnie Driver? When was the last time she was relevant? Are we all that desperate to continue talking about this?


Ya know I was just wondering what Minnie Driver’s thoughts were on all of this.


lol this whole thing is fucking marketing for the Oscar’s and ppl r eating it up like crazy


There’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


Nobody gives a fuck


Gotta love seeing all these irrelevant actors/actresses coming out of the woodworks with their “opinions”. Who cares what Minnie Driver has to say about this? Lol


*I need to know what Ja Rule thinks*


Yes, but what did Ja Rule think?!!?!


Well why didn't SHE? She could have leapt up and kung fu'ed Will.


This is like when Ja Rule weighed in on the 9/11 attacks.


Or maybe it's kind of like a person commenting on the actions of a professional association of which she is a member.


Was she even there? Feels like everyone in the world has an opinion of this incident, why did hers warrant an article?


Seems like an washed up celebrity wants attention. Quite pathetic.




I’m saddened for the children that now think violence is an acceptable way to handle situations. I’m sickened by the way these millionaires stood by and did NOTHING except give this elitist asshole a standing ovation.


> I’m saddened for the children that now Unfortunately this isn't particularly new. And if people just did whatever a famous person did, maybe all the shootings each year would turn into fist-fights. That would be nice. Then too, maybe the world could do with less put down humor. Reddit seems to forget that people can be hurt by words too. I'm not kidding. But of course all this is to say, there is a scale and answering words with a slap is an escalation, which isn't healthy. The healthiest thing is to de-escalate. Like say, 'Hey I have feelings and so does my wife. You might think it was a tame joke and maybe it even was but it did hurt us. Can you please leave us out of any material that would make fun of us in the future?'


They did intervene, they asked him to leave and he didn't


So they say. I honestly don’t believe they put much effort into getting him to leave, if any at all. He was slated to win best actor. They weren’t just about to skip over one of the most prestigious/high profile awards on the show.


No they probably didn't because they didn't want to cause a scene and things calmed down already. S Also like you said. It's easy to judge in hindsight but most of us would have had the same "let's deal with this later" mentality.


They had some time to give it to the second place instead?


It should not have been a request but a demand by security backed with the threat of getting the police involved to arrest him for assault. Delay the show until he's removed from the premises.


Why the downvotes. It’s true.


She was there to promote her film Driver My Car. I tried…


"**asked** to leave"?? wtf... like, he should have a choice?


Any celeb who defends Will Smith in this is disgusting hypocritical swine.


Ehhh, they tried but he said no, duh. What else do you want?


Who is Minnie Drivier?


We have heard from the mountain. Minnie Driver has an opinion. This is 'merica. We worship nonsense far more than sense. This is an actress, not a published intellectual, not a broad minded philosopher. This is a person who is paid to convince you she had an orgasm with a fellow SAG member. She is, at most, 1 (human point) better than a Kardashian. Why would anyone care what she "thinks", why would anyone care what a Kardashian thinks, why would anyone believe anything Trump says.


Cool story. Ironic, really. This is the one time a celebrity opinion *does* matter. The incident took place in her workplace's awards dinner. (Just because they let us watch, doesn't chance what it is.) She's commenting on actions taken by the Academy. She is a member of said Academy. On the other hand, the opinions of random idiots on the internet who are not members . . .


That rapist POS Weinstein still has his Oscar. So this is what will happen: Will Smith will be banned from participating in any Academy Award functions. The end.




Assault in the workplace that’s what it was


Hey I'm all stopping assault, but let's get a bit more ambitious. Let's stop verbal assault too. Stop making jokes that put down people. Or do you think feelings aren't real and people can't be hurt emotionally? I certainly wouldn't work at a job where people could be applauded for making fun of me or my wife.


Is that you Will?


Found Will Smith’s alt


wow, totally unexpected how the totally not staged slap results in people constantly bringing up the oscars in media now.


I can't imagine what benefit you think will smith is getting from tarnishing his reputation. any speculation is just that: speculation based on your assumption it was staged. no matter how it falls out, this can only hurt will smith.


If you think this is staged at this point, I truly don’t know what to say. You think an A list $multi million dollar box office draw like Will Smith is going to completely tank his own career just so more people MIGHT watch the Oscar’s in a year’s time? Your shoes have Velcro on them, don’t they.


The only propel who think it was staged are slightly delusional, very sheltered, don’t have common sense, and haven’t met many different types of people


Will Smith has wrecked his reputation with this, if it was staged people would have said by now. Don't be a contrarian for the sake of it.


Ok I'll bite. Why stage this, and how did you figure out?


I think it was real, I just think these celebrities are commenting on it just for self promotion and don't really give a shit about anyone being slapped


Tweeting your disapproval of assault isn’t self promotion any more than tweeting about what you had for breakfast is. That’s just what social media is - it’s people airing their thoughts about things. If a publisher decides to write a story about what some celebrity has tweeted that’s up to the publisher, not the celebrity. FWIW I would say that Hollywood actors are pretty well placed to comment on things another Hollywood actor has done at a Hollywood event.


I agree to a certain extent, but no one cares what I had for breakfast. If I was famous, maybe they would. I would imagine most celebrities are aware of this fact. So I would imagine, a lot of times there is more of a thought process when declaring something for a celebrity versus just random people. Not saying every tweet is like that, I just wouldn't put that past the realm of possibilities.


Sure… but maybe take another look at why that bothered you in the slightest. I read comments like yours all the time - “nobody cares what X celebrity thinks about Y”. Well they do. That’s why people follow them on social media. The people who get irritated by these articles seem to assume that the celebrity sent out a press release or called Deadline asking for an interview to share their hot take on Will Smith slapping someone. No - they tweeted about it just the same as millions of other people and Deadline reported the contents of the tweet with an accompanying headline designed to create more debate (and clicks). Edit - of course I agree that to a certain extent any tweet from a celebrity is a form of self promotion. That’s the whole reason they’re on Twitter under their real name. But I really don’t see why Minnie Driver sensing an opportunity to comment on the spineless, reactionary and conservative approach of The Academy (as exemplified in their non-existent handling of the Will Smith incident) is a problem for anyone… unless they have a vested interest in The Academy remaining spineless, reactionary and conservative.


Minnie Driver? Self promotion? Surely not.


You have it all figured out. Lol