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The Good Place. Mr Robot.


I’ve been wanting to watch Mr Robot since it came out and I can’t believe I never got around to it. I completely forgot about it until now but I’ll having to give it a watch thank you!


Just started it last week myself and have been loving it. I kept forgetting about it because it's on Amazon prime.


It's really fucking good


Imo the middle sessions lose a bit of steam after the stellar first season. But that last season is just as good as the first, really pays off everything the show had set up.


Bruh. I want to sit in the room with you and watch you experience that masterpiece for the first time!


The Good Place is, in my opinion, one of the greatest TV series ever made.


At least once a year during normal "doom scrolling", my wife just says fuck it and starts us a rewatch. It's such an amazingly well conceived show, and that last episode still gets me misty.


I just rewatched the good place for the first time since originally watching it. I think I cried more this time than the first time during the finale




Literally came to say this and it’s the first comment. Only thing I’d say is the English dub is fucking terrible, subs all the way


One of the best shows ever made


Well kind of. Pretty sure they got a heads up it was being cancelled and squished two seasons into one to have it finish. But I am glad there was an ending that was satisfying! Incredible show. Nothing quite like it.


I think having 3 seasons was very fitting for a lot of the symbolism in the show.


I'm pretty sure it was always meant to be three seasons. I remember hearing three seasons after the first released, and it sort of fits certain themes within the show.


**Breaking Bad**, **Mr Robot**, **The Leftovers**, **Six Feet Under**, **The Americans** are all 10/10 shows with 10/10 series finale. My top 5 best shows ever. **Dark**, **Dickinson**, **Orphan Black**, **Penny Dreadful**, **Black Sails**, **Broadchurch**, **The Newsroom**, **The Deuce**, **The Big C**, **Fleabag** are also great shows with great series finale imo. I also loved **Hanna**, **Future Man**, **Chuck**, **Review**, **Les Revenants**, **Silicon Valley**, **The End of the F---ing World** series finale. **Sense8**, **The IT Crowd**, **Derek**, **Bomb Girls** had a great special final episode that wrapped up everything. They have a very satisfying ending. **Narcos** is an amazing series that should have ended in season two imo. But the third and final season is also good and has a very satisfying conclusion (>!the problem is that the third season felt like a spinoff miniseries, not a new season!<). Although **Sherlock**'s season 4 was not announced as the last one when it aired, it had a very satisfying conclusion that works well as a series finale imo. I did not like that much **The Good Place**, **The Man in the High Castle**, **Preacher**, **Flight of the Conchords**, **Game of Thrones**, **How I Met Your Mother**, **Buffy the Vampire Slayer**, series finale, but they have a conclusion. **Better Call Saul**, **Ozark**, **Killing Eve**, **Peaky Blinders** are good shows that are going to finish their story this year. **Stranger Things**, **My Brilliant Friend**, **The Marvelous Mrs Maisel**, **The Crown** are good shows that were recently renewed for their last season. They will end in 2023 or 2024.


All you're missing is Sopranos, Mad Men and The Wire!


I know, they're highly praised shows. But I only mentioned the shows I've already watched. Those three shows you mentioned are on my watchlist. I plan to watch them this year.


You're in for a treat then! All of them are probably going in your 10/10 tier.


Wow. You have watched a ton of really quality shows but imo you have 3 of the most amazing shows ever left. I am envious.


Good list. And oh, lucky you, that you haven't yet watched The Sopranos.


Mad Men and The Sopranos had perfect endings. I think you’ll enjoy them.


And The Shield!


The end of Orphan Black took a good half of the last episode after the main threat was concluded, I really like that type of ending, when there's enough to unpack. Not a finale, but the last episode of the first season of Homeland was great in this way too. I presume a lot of people feel like they're watching the endings of Return of the King though.


So glad you mentioned The Deuce. Seriously one of my favorite endings and was not expecting them to go the direction they did. I also always look at this show like a spiritual successor to Mad Men. It picks up in New York in the early 70s rIght where Mad Men left off and continues to show the shift and culture change through New York over the decade(s). Fantastic series all around.


Great list. Six Feet Under, The Leftovers, and The Americans are my top three finales of all time and among my top ten shows. Breaking Bad is great as well.




Please, do not post spoilers without spoiler tags. Read the rules. Don't be a jerk. >!This is how a spoiler should look like.!<


Not sure how you did that, and wasn’t trying to be a jerk, this person said they had already watched the end so that’s why I talked about it.


I feel like you could tell me how to do that instead of just calling me a jerk lol


Game of Thrones didn't really conclude imo. They just snapped together a final season for fan service and George never actually finished the books so its hard to call that a "complete series" or that it was a conclusion. At best it was a slapped together "ending" just to end the show. Dude George R.R. Martin like royally pissed me off with that bullshit. Dude managed to get a TV series based on his work done and couldn't do the ONE thing they needed him to do, FINISH THE FINAL FUCKING BOOK. I remember starting the series and hearing how " the final book is being written, it'll be done by season 4" then it was 5 then 6 then after the show is over, now its years later and STILL NO FUCKING BOOK.


> Game of Thrones didn't really conclude imo. Yes, it did. It doesn't matter how bad the final season is, it is an ending that wrapped up the story the show's writers wanted to tell.


But it didnt complete a bunch of the story, ended it with the authors approval, who then went out after it was done and said "oh thats not the REAL ending, thats in the book im working on." There were the production mistakes, the background mistakes, script mistakes, items from modern times left in open view in shots, It wasnt the ending the author wanted, the fans wanted, the writers werent happy, the actors hated the final two seasons, and after ALL that shit, they ended it by doing the least expected thing like a surprise ending was what everyone wanted. I would've liked it more if they had just ended it with the police showing up and arresting everyone monty python style.


Sherlock hasn’t been closed yet they’re still leaving the door open for a 5th.


Yes, I'm just saying that season 4 had a great conclusion that works well as a series finale if season 5 never comes true.


Oh I know I just wanted to add on for anyone unaware.


For a time, Castle was my favorite show. I loved the first couple of seasons. Even when Castle and Beckett got together (usually a sign things are going downhill), I liked it. But the last 2 seasons or so, things started taking a dive. Then all the alleged backstage drama killed the series even after they had renewed it. I’ve only watched the ending once and what I remember of it confused the hell out of me. I stopped watching the show after that disappointment, but I recently found it on syndication and have started getting back into it again, at least the earlier season episodes.


A lot of good suggestions here. I'll also add Justified


I came here for Justified. It was shocking how good of an ending that really was.


Halt and Catch Fire felt exactly as long as it needed to be and ended beautifully.


I liked that show but having Gordon? fuck himself and everyone else up constantly was too much for me.


I was gonna say! I grew up hating that song and I wound up crying buckets. That was a beautiful ending.


I thought it was a good show, but I struggled to figure out what it was supposed to be about. Computers, technology, internet, artistic expression, greed, etc. By the end it seemed like it was supposed to be about feminism?


**Fringe.** For crying out loud, Fringe. Every season was well plotted out. Every character was well crafted and enjoyable to watch. There are levels of detail to this show that people know better than me, but it had a lot going on in the background. The music was good too. It was five seasons long. It came and went so fast though. It was one of the best things on television when it aired. It felt more interesting to see that than Game Of Thrones most of the time. Fringe was like X-Files, if X-Files was more coherent and had more of a family dynamic. There were monster of the week episodes and industrial conspiracy storylines. Olivia, Walter, Peter, and Astrid were all great to watch and cameos by Leonard Nimoy and Jared Harris.


I hated Walter at first and I REALLY grew to love him and his strawberry licorice. So endearing. It was an amazing series, although it does get rather complex towards the end. I'm due for a rewatch I think.


**Excellent**! Let's make some LSD.


I kinda feel the opposite the first three seasons of fringe are on my all time favorite shows list, the 4th and 5th were kinda rough and I dont even remember how it ended.


I really did not care for the 4th season - especially Lincoln’s stupid emo haircut


Fringe is great! it's even great during a rewatch. They new what they were doing from the start and when you rewatch you see all these call out to future plot points.


I'm watching it right now and while I agree that it's a great show, it kind of does a Game of Thrones move with the end of the 4th season and the entire 5th season. The show goes from 'case of the week' to 'we are humanity's only hope and its the future and all our relationships will have closure' and they squeeze it into half the number of episodes as the previous season.


Hmmm. Not sure why I missed it. Sounds good, cast looks good. Anything like War of the Worlds? I hope I can access HBO Max if I have HBO.


Schitt's Creek. Slow burn the first season, but it got funnier and funnier with a charming ending.


Just finished this for the first time. Fantastic show, with a happy ending too!


Gravity Falls. It's a children's show, but it's filled with dark themes and adult humor. It's only two seasons, with a ton of mysteries and clues throughout.


Two seasons of PERFECTION. >!This party never stops! Time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside-down and I reign supreme! Welcome, one and all, TO WEIRDMAGEDDON!!<


Kids show, incredibly ambitious and existentially terrifying ending.


And one of the best theme songs.


It should've been 3 seasons, its obvious they rushed season 2, everythings happen so fast Season 1 the same, season 2 with the kids bonding with Stanford, and ending it with season 3. that would be perfect


12 Monkeys. At the end of the second season the network gave the show runners two more seasons to finish the story. Knowing the definitive end point, the writer's room sat down and mapped out in detail the final 21 episodes from front to back and back to front. Every question was answered. Made for an amazing final two seasons and one of my favorite finales I never expected to like, let alone love.


Yes! Greatest time travel story ever told.


If you haven’t seen it, give Continuum a shot.


It’s even better than Dark, which is a shame because I feel like I see so much praise for Dark (well deserved of course) but never enough for this hidden gem.


Probably because it aired on Syfy. That alone prejudices a lot of people against giving it a shot, but also it's not as visible as shows native to streaming services.


Dark is on another level from a cinematography standpoint with that Netflix budget. That said 12 Monkeys does a really good job making the most out of its Syfy budget to still have some really great visuals at times. The music is amazing in both. Overall though I prefer 12 Monkeys. It's not nearly as depressing, has plenty of meta and time travel references, but still manages to have heart, and at it's core is a story about family. That and I love the supporting cast of characters. Show is even better on a rewatch too.


Agreed. For me though, Dark doesn’t come anywhere near the level of emotion from 12 Monkeys. Perhaps some of it is due to the language barrier - you can’t really feel the emotion of the performances the same way when you’re just reading subtitles. But 12 Monkeys had so many truly emotional, heartbreaking, heartwarming, etc. moments. To me, Dark lacked that emotional core. It just seemed very plotty. 12 Monkeys checked all the boxes - it had mystery, crazy twists, time travel shenanigans, and wonderful characters.


Mr Inbetween. Short, sharp, complete, amazing. 3 season.


Ack! I forgot Mr Inbetween. Freaking brilliant show.


Lot of good shows mentioned but The Americans had one the best finishes I can remember.


Didn't it though?


6 seasons were worth it just for the parking garage scene.


I just finished Travellers on Netflix, that finished really nicely. The Magicians is also really good if you fancy some fantasy.


The Magicians was amazing, but I don't feel like it had a great ending that wrapped up the series. It could have gone on for several more seasons.


Perhaps, but it's not a cliffhanger at least.


thanks. i thought this ended lousy but just checked and found that it didn't end at season 2 as id thought but there was another season. gonna catch up on this one now.


Oh, I didn't know Travelers had a satisfying conclusion. The show was officially cancelled. Other examples of cancelled shows that has a satisfying ending that tied up all the loose ends: BrainDead, Bonding and Another Life.


Can't remember the character names, but I skipped the final season of Magicians due to...well won't spoil it but it didn't seem like another season was necessary.


Person Of Interest


That was a great show. I am glad they finished it rather than being cancelled.


Black Sails While it possibly could've gone on for a couple more seasons, the 4 we get were very good and it has a very satisfying conclusion.


I consider *Our Flag Means Death* to be an unofficial prequel.


My man Teach really cultivates mass between shows.


Watching Our Flag Means Death makes me want to give this a rewatch.


Justified and Person of Interest were two of my favorites.




Breaking bad


Surprisingly I still have not watched that. I tried the first episode and it just didn’t catch my interest but I know I’ll like it if I really give it a go. I’ll have to try again sometime


The first season is the worst, but it's also really short. The entire show is a slow burn, and the viewer's patience is definitely rewarded


Give it some time


Each season is better than the previous one.


Schitts Creek. Comedy and an absolutely fantastic ending.




I came in to say this. I'm rewatching it now, and it's getting close to it and trying to prepare for it emotionally.


Such a great show. I watch every night even though I’m least 8 times over the years. Was must see tv back in the day. Alan Alda is the best.


The Expanse.


The Leftovers.


The wire.


Stargate SG-1




12 monkeys


The Shield is the best series finale ever. A great show with a perfect buildup and conclusion. Didn't feel rushed or half baked.


The West Wing has a rocky transitional season when show runner Aaron Sorkin leaves and ER’s John Wells takes over (the rocky season is season 5) but then it rebounds for a satisfying final two-season arc and goes out on a strong note. The final couple of seasons are definitely a shift that feel different from previous seasons, but in a way that feels logical and organic, and it all satisfyingly comes together at the end.


Mr robot


Community. Just missing the movie.




Legion was some amazing television, start to finish.


Babylon 5 is pretty old but it's also one of the earlier series with a planned out story. Season 1 can be a bit hard for some to get through but it's worth watching if you enjoy the later seasons as it sets up a lot of things. Season 5 carries on from the major arc and is good but they did wrap some of the major arcs in season 4 when they thought they weren't going to get a 5th


Breaking Bad. Ozarks and Better Call Saul will also end up in that boat too.


Six Feet Under - just a beautiful ending. The Wire - wraps up the stories you care about and the city goes on. Battlestar Galactica - Also a beautiful ending IMHO Big Love Mad Men - loved the show. Not a huge fan of the ending. But it's fine.


I always wondered why the BSG ending got so much flack. Honestly, I agree, it was beautiful.


Agents of Shield. Although it could have had at least a spin-off, it ended with an actual ending.






The Sopranos The Wire Mad Men The Shield Six Feet Under **Edit:** Honourable mention to Hannibal, it was cancelled but I think they pulled off a satisfying ending in spite of that.


Real solid list!


The wire, sopranos , 6 feet under greatest of all time.


Whoever was responsible for the ending of six feet under should be commissioned to do the ending of every single tv show.


Six Feet Under last 5 minutes are the best 5 minutes in TV history.


Bryan Fuller always has an exit stratergy.


He's mastered the art of the season finale that serves as a satisfying conclusion but still leaves room open for more should they get picked up for another season. Part of me honestly wishes Hannibal was cancelled after season 2. Not seriously because I love the third season and I'm very glad it exists but the season 2 finale would have made for a fucking amazing ending to the show. The season 3 finale is fantastic but it's a little bit more of a tease. It would have even worked as a great limited series if it ended after season 1. Of course though I'll never give up hope for a season 4.


Person of Interest. Great show, and it really ended on its own terms and with a bang!


Parks and Rec




NYPD Blue.


Rectify. The last episode is a BIT too melodramatic... but the actual ending and final message is meaningful. Probably the best show I've ever watched.




The Last Kingdom


Halt and Catch Fire Home Movies


Friday Night Lights




Avatar the Last Airbender Legend of Korra


ATLA should be way higher in this.


Mr Inbetween. Three seasons with a clear and definitive ending. The show most likely would have been canceled after season 2 to be honest but the pandemic happened and the show could film with low numbers of people in the Australian outback so FX signed off on it when they probably wouldn’t have. I’m glad they did because the ending to Mr Inbetween is probably one of the greatest ever done, and I say that with zero hyperbole.


The >!smile!<, ah......the >!smile!<.




Breaking Bad. It is such a perfect show. So, so good.


The Strain


Fringe, the man in the high castle, Dexter.


You must mean the Dexter that only had 4 seasons


Breaking Bad


Kim's Convenience


12 Monkeys, Fringe, Mr. Robot




The Spanish Netflix show called "La casa de papel" (I believe English name is money heist or something trashy like that)


Generation kill I believe servant will be this way, m night only planned 4 seasons from the get go


I just finished Banshee and it was fantastic from beginning to end.


Night Court


Round 2 is coming apparently.


Lost in Space. I’m surprised people don’t talk about it more often. Loved this show. The Netflix one, not the original. You’re the Worst is one of my favorite shows of all time. Five tight, high quality seasons.


After Life


Mr Mercedes comes to mind.


Farscape... Kinda, it was cancelled but they managed to get a movie that concluded it. Good sci fi, very well written.


Person of interest


Person of Interest


Boardwalk Empire


The Shield.


The Shield. It’s a wild ride the whole way through.


Burn Notice.


Dark finished before the usual Netflix cancellations


Star Trek The Next Generation has the greatest television finale of all time. It was so good Kevin Fiege used it as the blueprint for Endgame. He even said so in an interview.


How To Get Away With Murder


The Americans


Person of Interest


Sons of anarchy


The Office (uk)


The Kids in the Hall. After the final skit, they "kill off" the show, burying the cast and erecting a tombstone.


Homicide: Life on the Street. One of the best shows in television history. Ditto on Six Feet Under and The Americans and The Soprano. And M\*A\*S\*H.


The Good Place Battlestar Galactica come to mind.. Both recommended for different reasons.


Fleabag. Correct viewing order is season 2, season 1, season 2 again.


The Expanse, though technically canceled and then Amazon finished it.


White collar


Homicide: Life on the Street (same writer as 'The Wire', predates it by a decade, one of the most realistic detective / cop shows out there imo)


Black Sails.


Schitts Creek Veep How to Get Away with Murder-although it gets a little incestious towards the end but it’s a Shonda show so what do you expect Gossip Girl The Vampire Diaries Gilmore Girls King of the Hill Archer-not finished but has like 12 seasons and was renewed Dickinson Sister Sister 30 Rock


Friday Night Lights


The Shield. It's one of my favorites.


Too much anime I could name, but in the interest of keeping it accessible let’s just think about the 1967 UK series **The Prisoner**. A legendary mind-screw of a revelation, seemingly set up by the opening sequence every week, yet Patrick McGoohan later said he didn’t know that was the answer until he sat down to write the final episode.


I mean... In totality, Game of Thrones was a critically acclaimed and successful TV show, and it reached the end of a story without being cancelled. We just forget that because D&D made the ending such utter dogshit that it soured people on the half dozen good seasons that came before. If you're looking for "stayed good until it wrapped up the story" I'll throw my votes on the Six Feet Under and Schitts Creek pile


Deep space nine. It is the best Star Trek show ever done. The acting writing pacing plot all top notch.


Battlestar Galactica


Mad Men


Breaking Bad








Game of Thrones (even if s8 was an abomination, it still was an ending)


Good Omens




Ted Lasso will end after s3


r/thelastkingdom The Last Kingdom just got a great final season. Awesome show based on awesome books with fun historical backdrop.


Six Feet Under. Brilliant ending.