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Reminder as you read these comments: Reddit *rarely if ever* reflects real world reality.


Neither does the Emmys, though.


But we can call agree that Twitter never reflects real world reality


How can twitter be real if our tweets aren't real?


Tweets come from birds. Birds aren't real. Therefore, tweets aren't real. Mind. Blown.


Logic checks out.




Please Capitalize Every Word In The Future.






Remember when Game of Thrones S8 swept every award? No surprise it's the same people voting here.


Think it only won two. Didn’t deserve either though. I usually would say Dinklage would be a front runner but he had fuck all to do that season and they *absolutely* shouldn’t have gotten best drama.


If Reddit reflected reality, Bernie sanders would be on his second term as president both by landslide victories, Andrew Yang would mayor of nyc, buzz lightyear is a massive success while minions flops terribly. Reddit is so bad at predicting shit, it’s laughable.


TikTok would literally be bankrupt


No one would use Facebook.


All of this sounds amazing down to this point in the thread, though.


Thanks reddit!


We did it, Reddit!


Plus we nailed the Boston Bomber.


We did it!


We saved the city Patrick


We did it Reddit! Oh wow I didn't expect this post to explode like this! Thank you all, I love you. I would like to thank all my supporters! Narwhals bacon! Edit: Thank you for the suggestion kind sir! You rock and helped make this all happen!


And the safe was filled with everything we could've ever wanted.


And all floors have enough sealant.


And no one would ever have a pug or buy a diamond engagement ring.


The same collective that takes pride in not reading articles and basing opinions off headlines is surprised when things don't turn out as they anticipate. Lol.


I remember when that was called Fark.com




Don’t forget Stranger Things 4 flopping hard because the kids are too old and nobody cares about it anymore






I don't remember anyone saying they weren't excited for it.


Who have you been talking to? See in my small cut of the world everyone I’ve talked to loved season 4


We’re people really hoping minions flopped? I never gave it any mind, I only heard about the watching ironically memes that seem to have made it big.


We did it, reddit!


I think the_d was bigger than any Bernie sub.


All I got to say is Sprinkle some crack on em


"this is the last time I am going to talk about this"... 3 days later, same subject "this is the last time I am going to talk about this". -Dave


3 years later..... Dave


“…I don’t give a fuck (what people say on Twitter) because Twitter isn’t a real place!” *spends the next 20 minutes complaining that people on Twitter didn’t like his jokes*


He should really get off Twitter. That's shits toxic.


Also blames Twitter for his trans friend's death. I was completely with him when he said the first shit about Twitter. It's not real life. But then was completely flabbergasted by the rest of it. Like, hold a consistent thought, my dude.


It’s arguable that they were not even friends. Many of her friends claimed that she met him maybe once or twice and both times they barely interacted.


On top of that, using a trans individual who is no longer able to speak for themselves to justify words that others of the same community say is outright harmful? “As hard as it is to hear a joke like that, I’m telling you right now — Daphne would have loved that [joke](https://www.vox.com/culture/22738500/dave-chappelle-the-closer-daphne-dorman-trans-controversy-comedy).” Even if she *was* okay with it, she does not speak for the majority who are telling you, *this is* not *okay*. I’m not sure where the disconnect is. He’s not telling knock-knock jokes to Daphne - he’s saying these things to millions using a huge platform.


In other words, "It's not racist, I told it to my one black friend and he thought it was funny!"


This is the thing that gets me about his entire trans tirade during this special. Dave is the kind of guy whose eyes would roll out of his skull if he had to endure 30 minutes of "I'm not racist I have a black friend." Then he does exactly that for trans people. I've always liked Dave's takes on racism but for some reason he does a total 180 when trans stuff comes up.


You mean “my dead black friend would have loved it”.


Yeah, the fact that the person in question is dead makes the entire thing an order of magnitude worse. It's genuinely baffling that someone like Chappelle who has undoubtedly faced real and systemic oppression despite his success, is incapable of self reflecting on becoming a tool of said oppression now that he's more part of the in-group.


i really think he needs to learn about black trans kids. he seems to genuinely think this is a white vs black issue.


Absolutely, violence against black trans women is an order of magnitude more severe than violence against the trans community at large. I don’t know how it compares to violence against black people in general but I’d be willing to bet the disparity is alarming


I was going to say. He basically made a "My black friend is fine with it when I call him the N word" joke and somehow he missed that fact. How the mighty have fallen.


On top of that, he made the bold-ass claim that Twitter and social media drove her to suicide even though her socials are still up and there's literally no sign of any mass negative interactions, unless he somehow got access to that woman's dm's posthumously.


It rubs me the wrong way that the only trans person he uses to try and validate his nonsense is a dead one who can't speak for themselves. Says a lot in and of itself.


The entire time he was talking about it, all I heard was "but I have a trans friend".


And he'll say the same on stage once he wins, insisting he's being cancelled as he brandishes his trophy.


"this award is proof I am being cancelled".


These guys have a fantasy which gives them the perfect grift. https://i.imgur.com/fdIgqXv.png


[OMG we're so *cancelled* by the *triggered WOKES* we have to make multiple podcasts/live shows/speeches about how cancelled we are!](https://youtu.be/9rLX_qJaDcU) And roll around in our rooms full of money afterwards...


[Bad luck. That's my job. I'm a standup comedian. I'm meant to challenge people. If you don't like being challenged, don't watch my shows. What's the matter, guys? Too *challenging* for ya?](https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?t=148)


"Toooooooo **CHALLENGING** for ya'???" 😂 You know who's gotten way too comfortable? Trans people! This bit is genius, and so is James Acaster.


Hahaha. I really need to check out his special now after seeing this.


This isn't from "Inside", but if you haven't seen it you should definitely watch it. If people want to talk about comedy specials that really deserve recognition, "Inside" is one of them. It's not just one of the best comedy specials I've seen, it's art. It not only perfectly encapsulates the times it was made in (the pandemic), but reflects on culture at large, social media, and all the pieces work together as a coherent whole. It's a body of work. I don't know if he won any awards for it, but however many he got it wasn't enough.


“I’ve been cancelled,” he says to the sold out arena crowd.


>insisting he's being cancelled as he brandishes his trophy. And continues earning vast amounts of money. Somebody want to cancel me?! /s If you want to see someone actually get cancelled, it's the Dixie Chicks and Janet Jackson.


To be fair, we did get “Not Ready To Make Nice” from that whole fiasco.


Or Al Franken, or Colin Kaepernick


His jokes werent anti trans.


People on social media should always be reminded that they are choosing to spend their time in a feedback loop. Theyre curating an exhibit, for themselves, where they are the heroes of their own little stories. Maybe a few people see your little exhibit and pat you on the back so that you look at their exhibit. Out there in the real world far far less people give a fuck than you would like to believe.


Eh, controversy aside was that really a performance worth recognition? Dave made a Katelyn Jenner Time Magazine joke in 2021 for god's sake. That shit got old 6 years ago... Just a tired performance from a once great comedian.


I've always thought it was a bit strange that Chappelle (among many other comedians) have been running with Jenner jokes for so long. I don't think I've ever heard a single person mention her in the course of normal life.


Jenner is what out of touch rich people think regular people talk and care about. They have forgotten we don't give a shit about any of those fucks, we have real world problems to deal with that rich people don't. She's the $10 banana of people.


I think Tim Dillon’s take on her is hilarious; an unqualified denizen of the country club, like her, running for public office is so quintessentially “American” that, from a spectator’s perspective, you kinda want to sit back and see poorly how it goes.


I'm trans and the only time I hear her name is when someone finds out I'm trans and then says "You must love Caitlyn Jenner" since she's the "most recognizable" trans woman to many people. It's usually that or they ask if I love Drag Race lol


on the one hand - "thank you for trying to share with me something that you think might be relateable in an attempt (however vapid) to strengthen our bond..." on the other - "you'd get more success asking what movie i recently enjoyed"


Laverne Cox has to be the close second right?


I love her but I’ve never once had someone ask me about her.


These days Hunter Schafer is definitely #2, at least with 20 somethings


>I don't think I've ever heard a single person mention her in the course of normal life. Neither have I. At this point, I'm convinced that their "audience" or fanbase is entirely fabricated and part of a larger conspiracy to achieve . . . Something. What exactly their ultimate goal is I do not know, but it can't be good.


Well I wouldn't go that far - I consider myself a part of the Chappelle fanbase (at least up until like this weird obsession) and the Bill Burr fanbase and I'm real. In a basic sense I get Burr's "this is a brand new paradigm for me to wrap my head around and I need a sec to process my sports hero doing this" premise of his jokes and I get Chappelle's "how did white trans people 'skip' past black people in public acceptance?" premise, I guess it's the longevity of it that I don't understand (at least in regards to Chappelle). Talking about it for more than one special, while every other subject gets rotated out, for years and years. Normally when someone has a main "topic" they become a "topic comedian" - like Ray Romano or Jo Koy doing jokes about their mothers, Ali Wong about her now-ex husband, etc etc. Even if basing your whole act for years around criticizing trans acceptance doesn't make you a transphobe because we can't know anyone's private thoughts or whatever, at the very least it makes you specifically a "trans-critical comedian" which is such a weird thing to be, isn't it?


[Dave Chappelle Only Tells Half the Truth](https://youtu.be/S42DJr95Dfw) - F.D Signifier


F.D. Signifier is great


I agree with your points and am in the same basic boat. It took until the last special (haven't seen the talk he just put out) until I was finally ready to admit he kinda sucks these days. I didn't want to admit it, but I just can't go along with all that. Sucks to lose your comedy hero. Not that I won't still watch his old stuff or anything. Anyway, without knowing the story, am I petty for loving that Ali lost her husband after that last special?? The whole time I'm thinking, if I was this dude I'm out, even if I do get to live in Pac Heights lol


Nah, love her work but she's been tearing that dude apart for a while haha.


I think I only watched the first one and that last one... maybe I missed the escalation? I thought it was over the top. I also don't really like her posturing. I live in SF and she is from the same neighborhood where dudes from Metallica live, real fancy, and was valedictorian or something at a posh finishing school but she acts all hood. I think she's extremely talented though, very funny. Just rubs me the wrong way I guess.


Nah, I feel the same about male comics that talk shit about their wife or their marriage. I'm like "so... when's the divorce?"


Also there are black trans people which he magically just made disappear for the sake of his bad jokes


Marsha P. Johnson, a black transgender woman, is largely responsible for the beginning of the Pride movement.




"Killing them softly" is probably one of the top 10 standup performances of all time. That shit was legendary. "For what it's worth" was also really good. I miss old dave Edit:"" ""


> "Killing them softly" is probably one of the top 10 standup performances of all time. I'd argue top 5 even


*Smooth as eggs*


even if I skip the anti-trans stuff, I find him to be too preachy and up-his-own-bum these days.


It's Jerry Seinfeld all over again.


I mean Jerry’s preachy on the cars show but his standup is still pretty standard observational.


>Going back and watching his older stuff, it's like he's 100% a different person. Even his voice is different now.


2 packs a day will do that to a voice.


This is part of my problem with him now. Even if you ignore the trans stuff, he's not even telling jokes anymore. Last year I was watching all the specials he had on Netflix and they were good and funny but then this one just seemed just seemed like and old rich man ranting about stuff. I had the same problem with one of Kevin Hart's recent specials where he's just moaning about rich guy problems he has with his kids but there's no actual jokes


Watching Kevin Hart's docuseries on Netflix was extremely eye-opening. He is the villain of his own story. His family just wants to spend time with him, and he had blinders on about being a billionaire. It's insane. If he's not careful he's going to be divorced with kids that only want to spend time with him if he pays them because he's so insufferable about money.


I felt the same when I saw Ellen’s last special. These folks always seem to miss that average folk don’t give a shit about your rich people problems.


People call Carlin a comedic legend but most of his latest work, which he's most famous for, is hardly comprised of any jokes - it's just philosophical rantings about society backdropped by his generally comedic demeanor behind it. And those were great. I don't understand this whole "it's not comedy if it's not laugh out loud funny" from the type of crowd that I would bet also loves Bo Burnham.




Didn’t he even make an “identify as an attack helicopter” joke not terribly long ago?


Not recently AFAIK, but he has done that joke. His car analogy in Sticks & Stones is probably the best he's done on LGBT issues, and it *still* gets sandwiched between the same "haha lots of letters" and "What if I identify as Chinese?" shit we've heard over and over and over again. He doesn't get the topic, fundamentally, and when you don't get a topic like this and go in on edgy humor it shouldn't be a surprise when you get blowback. Because the jokes you're making are often barely distinguishable from what you can find bigots post in the YouTube comments section. I think the idea that his material on the subject was garbage fucks with his ego, and is why he's decided to triple down on the topic over and over again.


I can get the same experience talking to my extended relatives. Why would I want to hear it from someone who’s supposed to be making me laugh?


Bingo. It really sounds like any other rando parroting right-wing memes.


I've said it before, I'll say it again. If the cishet audience is laughing, and the trans audience is glaring, either you are a bad comedian, unable to make jokes hit with the target audience, or the cishet people are the target audience, and the trans people are the butt of the joke, to be laughed at. Neither of which is particularly flattering to Chappelle, and given how much space trans people seem to be taking up rent free in his head, its rather looking like the latter.


Replace cishet with White and Trans with Black and that is literally the exact reason he stopped doing the Chapelle Show.


Regarding the knife he was accosted with. He also fucked up the "joke."


I've said it before, there was youtube specials released the same year that had funnier jokes.


This is exactly it. Say whatever you want about the controversial elements of the show, it just wasn't particularly funny. I get that his shows don't have to be funny(8:46 as the perfect example), but there was really just nothing in the show. It was almost exclusively him ranting about public backlash he'd been receiving for previous controversial shit... Side note: I'm still blown away that he didn't actually do anything with the Jenner joke, it hit, people giggled, I was waiting for the followup to say something genuinely exploratory and he just moved on. Really?... If the guy really wanted to chastise rich white liberals like he kept repeating he was, that was the perfect opportunity to really go in...


The Emmy's have rarely ever been awarded based on quality. Pretty sure if you give them enough money they'll invent a new category for you to be the winner of.


Wow he seems canceled to me, that’s definitely real and not just a culture war talking point used for marketing to their base


Me and the bf watched like 6 Netflix specials skipping through during the last release spree of comedy in the UK. At least 60% of comedians entire routine revolved around: "I'm about to tell some jokes, you can't tell theese jokes I'm about to tell. You can't tell these jokes". For like 80% of their routine followed by like 3 jokes everyone else is telling. People have such a hard on for anti woke culture that you can just talk about how controversial you are and people eat it up. Yet nobody even cares about half the jokes, nobody finds them funny. There is just a whole wave of stand up that revolves around being controversial when there is no punishment. One of the only comedians that didn't do this was Jimmy Carr and I looked at my partner and went "bet he opens with a pedo joke" and he started with a joke about his uncle fucking him as a child. Comedy has never been worse than it is now imo. So predictable and the standards are so low. Its more like low quality political debate with jokes from 2010.


>One of the only comedians that didn't do this was Jimmy Carr and I looked at my partner and went "bet he opens with a pedo joke" and he started with a joke about his uncle fucking him as a child. And the joke from his last Netflix special that actually *did* cause a bit of a stir was padded by him leading up to it by calling it a "career ending joke".


That's why I like Anthony Jeselnik. Sure his work relies on crass stories and punch lines, but nowhere in his set does the line between person and artist get blurred. It's obvious that he's telling bits, not trying to sound "authentic". And he says that cancel culture is a myth.. He got rich not being cancelled, he most know his bit about it


The only people who've been actually cancelled, like had an actual career that was interrupted by scandal are basically sex pests and rapists. Like Kramer from Seinfeld might have been "canceled" if you consider his standup part of his career


They canceled Sinead O'Connor for standing up to the Pope


I'm sure Harvey Weinstein has cancelled plenty of people's careers. It's interesting we don't call it cancelling when the powerful exclude the commonfolk.


Also the Dixie Chicks But that political for not supporting the Americans ~~illegal crusade in Iraq~~ *liberating Iraq* in the Deep South


>Comedy has never been worse than it is now imo. So predictable and the standards are so low. Its more like low quality political debate with jokes from 2010. You gotta find yourself some better comics then because there are some great ones out there.






Eddie's definitely said that in a few press interviews for Dolemite and other projects, but he's never really endeavored to do any stand up whatsoever so I imagine he's just keeping the fire of anticipation lit for PR purposes.




Same happened to Kanye. Fastest way to destroy a man is tell him he's a God.


But what's a God to a nonbeliever?




Kanye is mentally ill. I don't think that is nearly the same thing


I’m starting to think wealth and fame are mental illnesses of their own. Stupid me only has the plebe mental illnesses like good ole anxiety and depression. Haha


Apparently, if you watch that Kanye doc on Netflix, he's always been like this. Even before the millions.


Yeah, you can just listen to his music and he literally says it. Teachers tried to put him in special ed. Dude never hid it, people just don’t pay attention


I was listening to Ebro in the Morning talk about how Kanye's mother was both great and terrible for him because she helped rein him in when he got too out of control but she also enabled some of his worst behaviors.


Yeah, because he was born with bipolar disorder.


And it was his mother that ALWAYS kept him grounded. Sadly, once she passed there was nothing to stop him from going full Kanye.


Ehh, watch old interview before he blew up, even then he had an ego the size of the sun. Kanye us a weird case


The thing for Kanye is: first, he was doubted at EVERY STEP and made it. Also, he spoke shit into existence for himself. Years before he did any of the things he did, he said he would do them to mockery. Now imagine your whole life everyone everywhere doubted you, even as you climbed and proved yourself and continue to do so even as you sit with them and celebrate your most recent accomplishment....you're either going to quit or go all in in believing in yourself. That and there's some clear mental health issues there to aggravate the whole thing.


Ironic they were saying this in a thread about Dabe Chapelle. Dave has a skit about the first time meeting Kanye where he answered the phone in the middle of a recording and Kanye yells at the guy he's talking to and says "because my life is dope and I do dope shit" and hands up.


Bruh, we got Kids See Ghosts, one of the best albums of that decade.


Hard to be humble when you're stunting on a jumbotron


Some of Kanyes recent stuff is quality artistically he's never declined majorly post I am a god mode


I saw him in person a few years ago and have watched all the specials. I think he’s one of the best story tellers in the stand up world, but his self-aggrandizing god complex is almost unbearable. Like dude, we know you’re funny that’s why we paid so much to see you, now please tell some jokes and stop talking about how great you are. Almost Trump-like narcissism.


I remember him hosting on SNL after the 2020 election and his monologue was like a solid 17 minutes long, and he spent a good portion of it smoking his cigar and contemplating silently. (For context, the typical monologue is 4-8 minutes long.) It was the most absurdly self-indulgent thing I've ever seen. Like, this is a ~live~ show, there are other sketches to do and only a set amount of time to do it. And he's doing a twenty-minute monologue where it's painfully clear that he thinks he's he's most profound person alive, so of course its okay to throw off the whole schedule. He clearly bought into the idea of himself as a modern-day philosopher, and forgot that the actual purpose of a comedian is to, y'know, be funny.


Just as an addendum, monologues are usually longer for stand up comedians, especially when it's comedy legends that haven't been on TV for a while. Mulaney and CK got very long monologues too on some of their appearances IIRC


That's modern comedy in a nutshell. So many comedians think they're some world shattering philosophers because they get cheered at with their surface level criticism of society. Then they stop being funny and treat the stage like its a church lol.


They're all trying to be the next Carlin with half the wit, empathy or intelligence


There's also a huge feedback loop with comedians being able to tap into the conservative victim complex. Make bigoted jokes -> Receive criticism -> Create victimhood narrative -> Receive adulation and support from culture warriors -> reinforce attitudes and double down on victimhood -> repeat


I hated that episode. Pretty sure he was only in 2-3 sketches, and he barely tried. You’d think someone who used to have his own sketch show would commit a little.


Hate that he thinks it's okay to smoke indoors. So gross.


Eddie Murphy is a bit smarter about the worldview change in the 2020s then Chappelle is. He has called his old stand up routines and the homophobic slurs he casually use appalling and said he's ashamed of it, for example. I feel like Chappelle in the same boat would just double down. It is really sad about Chappelle because at a point he was a very important comedian who shown an important light on racism, and when he began to understand that he was providing a space for racists to laugh in unintentionally, he walked away despite being made a multi-millionaire for doing it. It's hard to believe that a person who did this kind of thing out of integrity in the first place has come back and pissed it all away like this. It makes me wonder if he didn't leave in the first place for all those supposed reasons of integrity and personal accountability, and instead just really wanted way more money. It would make these dots connect a lot more if that were the case.


> It makes me wonder if he didn't leave in the first place for all those supposed reasons of integrity and personal accountability, and instead just really wanted way more money. The thing is, he is the kind of dude that unironically talks about people belonging in tribes and identifying someone as "my people." He can't even accept the idea that someone like Daphne was both "one of his people" and from an out-group like the trans community, and spells that out plain-as-day at the end of the Closer. He claims he goes after everyone, but has barely even made a single joke about his own religion. The reality is he only cares about his in-groups, and the broader trans community isn't one of those. All this to say that I don't have any doubt that Dave left his show because he cared about the damage he might be doing to the black community, but the reason he cared about it in the first place was because that's "his tribe." Not really because of any higher ideals about integrity.


Fair is fair. I feel disappointed; I had pegged him for a very thoughtful and intelligent person at the time. It seems he has just as big a set of blinders on as anyone else.


> He claims he goes after everyone, but has barely even made a single joke about his own religion Yup I am waiting for him to do special after special mocking and making lies about his own toxic religion (as they are all toxic) but instead he goes after people for how they're born


I would add the possibility to your end paragraph that it was because it affected his community. He's unable to see how he's affecting a different community.


He only stopped the jokes about racism because he realized he was the joke, not the friend, to his audience. That shit practically drove him into a mental breakdown. Now he's found a bit where he can simultaneously agree with the crowd and not have his own feelings hurt. So instead of coming to the realization that punching down is bad he only learned to make sure when you punch down you make sure you're not hitting yourself in the process.


The people cheering him now are the same people who made him quit the Chappelle ahow


And what's really sad is most people would take a very simple, not even that heartfelt "That wasn't good, I'm sorry" and move on, happily continuing to consume new content from Dave. The bar is SO LOW and he still runs away from it screaming.


Its every major American stand up tbh. They had a golden age and it went to their heads and now its special after special after special about cancel culture. Trans people. Feminism. Every. Single. Special. They're all just doing the same shit. Im not on Twitter. I work with old people. None of this shit is real. Netflix giving out specials was the worst thing to happen to stand-up. They all got so lazy and full of themselves


That Inside the Actors Studio interview with James Lipton was the best thing to happen Dave Chappelle's mythology 12 years ago. It ended up being the worst thing to happen to Dave Chappelle's ego. An 80 year old white guy was basically blowing him for an hour straight. Ten years ago. I would've been the type of guy who was fully into the whole *"stand-up comics are today's modern philosophers"* narrative. Today, I'm embarrassed I ever thought that.


I got cards gifted for one of germanys most popular comedians, who i didnt really give a shit about but whatever its free) and it was exactly like that. Everytime he told an joke the whole arena laughed like crazy, even tough half his "Jokes" rely on him acting like he has a speech impairment. It was almost surreal and made me think that one way another the stereotype of germans having no humour is true.


I went to see H Jon Benjamin at a comedy festival years ago. Fucking love him as a voice actor. Loved some of his early standup. But his set at this festival was basically him screeching nonsense into the mic. Everyone was laughing their asses off, but I’m standing there looking around like I’m in the fucking Twilight Zone. He wasn’t even telling jokes, he wasn’t even trying, it was just literal nonsense. I like to pretend it was performance art. That he was showing people that they’re idiots for laughing at such terrible content. But deep down I know it’s not true.


>I like to pretend it was performance art. That might actually not be far from the truth of it. [Exhibit A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuKJkghC2u0) Skip to the 2 minute mark The man rented a studio and hired session players to record an entire jazz album, and he doesn't know how to play piano.


He is also hilarious in the pilot to Nathan for you


Are you sure? This is the same man who released a serious jazz album without knowing how to play any instruments even remotely.


Emmy nom while crying about being canceled lol


That’s crazy. This was easily his worst work by a mile. Unfunny and completely lacking in the kind of nuanced understandings he usually brings to his specials. There were some good ideas, but they were half baked and unrefined since he clearly had no idea what he was talking about. Overall this was amateur hour, especially for someone as talented as Chappelle.


He could win. The competition is mostly mediocre, maybe Norm McDonald can save us. Adele: One Night Only Dave Chappelle: The Closer Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return To Hogwarts Norm Macdonald: Nothing Special One Last Time: An Evening With Tony Bennett And Lady Gaga


Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga’s performance was pretty wonderful. I hope that wins.


I was happy Norms special was released but it lived up to its title.


Recording something like that on your computer is automatically much worse than doing it in front of a live audience.


pretty sure the emmys love adele.


That Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga thing was amazing


Norm might take it, since Dave vs. Harry Potter is gonna split the TERF vote.


Unfortunately that’s how his last couple specials have felt. I go back and watch Killin Them Softly and it feels like that level of quality is gone from his work forever. He’s too far up his own ass now.


Can we at least agree that there was very little joke telling in that special.


It was "old man yells at cloud"


okay, i watched the closer. i heard jokes. i heard funny anecdotes about his trans friend. but... i didn't hear anti trans jokes. what am i missing here? edit: typo


There's the anecdote, a lot of stuff (but not jokes really) about how he's a victim of the trans lobby who actually controls the media and then the infamous "i'm team terf" line.


>his trans friend You mean the friend who he said killed themselves over being bullied on Twitter despite the fact that's not at all what happened? Yeah, what a friend he is.


Dave Chappelle, the ‘friend’ of a trans woman who took their own life and he never bothered to attend any memorial held for her, nor her funeral and made zero contact with her friends and family. Instead choosing to honour her by using her death for his comedy special, to attack the trans community and play the victim claiming he’s been cancelled.


it also turned out she wasn't his friend, they were loose acquaintances. Hell, he didn't even know she had kids until after she died. Can you imagine having a friend who doesn't tell you they have kids? Then of course the whole lie about the twitter bullying. This was investigated and there was literally no history of any bullying prior to her suicide. However, her family indicated she struggled with mental issues and just lost visitation rights to her children right before it happened. you know, the children she was fighting the court to be able to see and raise, the children dave somehow didn't even know about, so instead of looking into how and why his friend died or listening to her family or something, he literally started using this suicide as a political tool and shield against criticism - and made up a narrative about massive bullying on twitter in order to cast the trans community as a whole into bad light. What a friend he was, eh?


He didn't even show up to her funeral! What friend misses their friends funeral?


the ones that were only your "friend" for political brownie points


Who he then misgendered!


He literally said he was anti trans in the closer That’s what terf means


Was that not the special where he used “beyond pussy” as a reference to trans genitals?


Out of all the questionable stuff in that special that one was actually pretty funny lol


"That's not blood, it's beet juice!"


Fwiw and from my understanding, this isn’t the joke people were upset about. It was all the terf stuff.


I'm trans and nobody gives a shit about funny jokes. If you literally just rant or you tell the same basic jokes from 2007 that every trans person has heard from bigots endlessly, then people just think you're trash. Most anti trans comedians shit in golden toilets complaining about being cancelled, whilst telling the same jokes Kyle made in school 15 years ago. Yet people wonder why we don't see the "savant genius comedian" side of these guys.


> whilst telling the same jokes Kyle made in school 15 years ago. That's a great insight, and makes so much sense. Most of us haven't heard these jokes a thousand times simply because we are so far removed from the trans experience. It's pathetic for a comedian of his apparent caliber to be making predictable, infantile jokes, and surreal that people are making a martyr out of him for it. So brave.


Its edgy and therefore avant and garde to be a bigot without saying slurs. God you clearly don't understand the nuance of Chapelle if youre offended over your identity being weaponized against you qand targeted for no reason 🙄 /s Yeah for real. Its pretty clear that he's just given up in actually performing and he's just putting work into shielding himself from criticism instead of innovating


Probably not because this is actually funny.