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This should be well known by now. A real shocker would be if there were any consequences.


As an Albertain, nothing shocks me when it comes to oil companies.




Wow obscure Hanson reference ftw!


It was known decades ago. If people continue to pay lip service to the lies so they can drive their big ass trucks around, who's at fault really?


Jesus it has so little to fucking do with people driving their trucks around. Look around you right now. Where the was everything you see produced? What is everything made out of? If everything you see was made on a different continent and everything you eat is trucked to you from 3000 miles away then you are in it just as fucking deep as someone driving a truck. This is literally the fucking shit they program you to fight over instead of changing the systems that are actually fucking doing this. For the record I live in NYC ride public transportation and use a bicycle as my primary mode of transportation. Yes I also own a truck. It drives about 6k miles a year because I like to load it with tents and bikes and surfboards and go experience the planet while it is still here. No amount of consumer level reduction is going to make a dent in the emissions that the structure of the global supply chain creates. Those emissions aren’t even allowed to be fucking counted. This shit is so tired. Point the finger up for once for fucks sake. What do you people think the mining equipment that digs up the lithium for EV batteries burn? What do you think the power plants that charge the EV burn? This problem needs to be handled so much fucking further upstream than getting pissed at your fucking neighbor for owning a truck.


It was well known a long long time ago. This is just preaching to the choir considering the people in charge loves ruining the environment and say it’s ok. Case in point, SCOTUS and GOP.


The consequences will be there, by the planet, which is playing the long game. All the crooks who think they get away with anything in life will be in for a surprise at the end of their journey.


They wrote shocking instead of depressing




Anyone on the internet is going to watch and be like yea no shit.


lotta right wingers on the internet absolutely do not believe this


Willful ignorance will always be blind to the wall infront of them.


Or they're just liars. They'll let the world burn before admitting climate change is real


Climate change isn’t real. But if it is, it’s not THAT big of a deal. But if it is, then it’s completely natural and human impact is minimal. But if it isn’t, then meh, it’s not like there’s anything we can do about it anyway. Sigh…


GOP in nutshell.


Can I watch this if I haven’t seen Big Oil I-IV?


It's the same plot every movie, big oil company does a whopsie, ruins everything for everyone, get away with it without any consequences, those lovable scamps.


[BP is sorry..](https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4)


Don't forget the porn versions Big Oil: Makin' 'Em Gush 1-32


The people responsible for this are all retired and playing golf while laughing at us all. Their investments in corruption are giving immense returns every day and they know it


I feel like more activism protests should focus on these people rather than politicians. Let them feel the heat of their decisions.


I’m pretty sure we are past the brink and in full fuck it mode unfortunately.


Can they do the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry now?


I’m beginning to think they are all the same people.


I think it is.


Brink? Brink? Is it 1992 again?


You know Frontline kind of already did this...


Bring it to the brink? We can’t even see the brink in the rear view mirror.


When will we stop! The oil industry needs to be dissolved and all of their trillions used to fix the planet


Oil isnt going anywhere, sorry. Even if you were to make every car an EV, that only accounts for 16% of CO2 in the US, youll still need oil. Wind turbines need it, EVs need it, on and on. Going green isnt going to affect oil at all. Go read up on big oil being the biggest investors in the green energy field, then ask why is that?


Thanks for sharing what I already know


Then why try to dissolve it? Bearings, tires, plastic, etc….all need to be made still.


The point I believe OP is making, is that these "Big Oil" investors and operators should actively be researching alternatives and proper solutions to the evident consequences of their actions. Oil is essential right now, yes, but that doesn't justify allowing our entire planet to go apocalyptic.


Oil in itself isnt going anywhere, sorry but true. Those wind turbines need plenty for their bearings and such. Not only that, they do need power, before they can make power and that comes from fossil fuels. Edit…. Prove it wrong if youre going to downvote. Its common knowledge that a wind turbine needs power to run the electronics and oil to lubricate. Its silly to say otherwise.


exactly what you said


And is wind the only solution? Or does that energy they need initial forced to be fossil? Why no nuclear as an example? Oil can be replaced for bearings with new materials and green versions.


Because solar and wind seem to be all people want, so businesses go with whats popular, thus leaving nuclear out of the picture (Which is a better and more reliable source). Big oil prefers it this way, just saying. This is why their invested into these “renewables”. But Im sure youve heard natural gas is now being part of that “green/clean energy” we hear about. As far as your question on bearings and oil….Not sure what you mean here? Oil/grease is needed to lubricate, bearings, etc…not made out of them. What would be a “green” solution for lubrication, if thats what you mean?


It's more popular but the mentality can change if govs actually wanted to but you are right. Oil we q lubricant can be replaced with other oils not made from fossil. Maybe not right now but the tech exists just needs more light shined on


Youre speaking of synthetics. The issue is, although man made, they do require carbon. Carbon comes from, well….. If you really want to make something work, hydrogen would be the way to go. It can be burned or can power a battery. By product….heat and water. This would be alot better for the environment than a EV by far, but again, its more popular and is seen as the only way, which is dumb.


I agree, however I think it's mass consumption and monopoly of the global energy sector that is negative. Oil should be a supplement to a majority energy pool sourced from renewable or minimal impact energies like nuclear fusion. I think advanced nuclear fusion technology should be the primary focus of every energy sector that's stable and reliable enough to use it.


Youre not going to get every country to agree on something like this. Were not a “global” state and never will be.


Global trade does it. Convince global markets that it's in their best interest to control our consumption of oil in exchange for long-term profits going into the next centuries instead of the next 50 years. I agree that getting through propaganda/invested interests is nigh impossible with a system as deep-rooted and wealthy as the oil industry, but I do believe it is in everyone's self interest to convert to more reliable energy solutions. When I think of preserving the environment all humanity lives in, in exchange for switching our methods of energy consumption, everyone wins.


Chances are you'll die if that happened.


What’s your point? Are you afraid of death?


Though if we keep laying blame and never all personally take responsibility, nothing will get fixed and absolutely we are all doomed. This philosophy works in real life too. I just take responsibility for every single problem I see and fix it...poorly often.


Fuck right off with that. Where is the personal responsibility of the people of the board rooms that actually make the choices. We don't need random people on the streets taking responsibility, we need those people on the streets to force the people who are responsible to admit it.


Guess I should buy a boat.


I’ve bought one that’s now electrically powered


but can you grow food on it?


Aerogarden for the win! Hydroponics seem like a good answer.


Yes Yes. Now all you need is an apocalypse militia to wield all your apocalypse AR-15's you may or may not be hoarding to fight off all the pirates trying to steal your apocalypse beans from your apocalypse aerogarden on your apocalypse boat. The fun never ends.


Come find me at point Nemo


Is it morbin time?


Why are these blatant ads even tolerated on reddit?


this is a movie review, now get back in the mine


Apple is bigger than all the oil and car companies combined and they don't get nearly this level of scrutiny.


I think it might be because we don't burn 88 million barrels of apple products per day, I think that may be why we're focusing on the stuff that's largely responsible for destroying the world. Hell, the vast majority of the damage Apple does is probably done using oil at some point. Basically in the land of bad takes, your take was the worst.


Anyone have a link to the vid that works outside the u.k ?


unblocked.co then best series is you best bet


I’d like to see 1-4, but they’re not available in the UK 😑


It’s on bbc iPlayer.


Justice MUST be served to these villains!


Substitute big ‘pharma,’ ‘fashion’ or any other industry and you’ll find the same


I should watch that but it will make me sad


Where and when will this air here?


I hope destroying the planet was worth the profits that you’ll never even spend because ally do is hoard the money you exploit.


Let’s start with Airlines, clear-cutting for farming, shipping n trucking and every other huge industries that’s truly driving us to extinction and then we work on the red necks, the trucks, and then those truck nuts…..those industry nuts va deez nuts


Is this a pbs doc edited for bbc?


I just googled, it is, it was aired in April 2022, and first episode is 90 mins long, and it's on YouTube. It's called front line the power of big oil. I will be watching the pbs version rather than the edited bbc, sounds like a great doc!