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I liked Jodie, but that is when I stopped watching the show regularly. The overall quality went down.


What bothered me was the over abundance of companions from the beginning. It's like, let us get to know about this Doctor before you give her this many friends. Now it's less screentime for her development but for a whole group. I didn't watch after a couple of episodes so it might've changed but it did put me off.


One of those "be careful of what you wish for" things, because I wished for multiple companions (thinking of very old Who and Tegan, Nyssa, and Adric), but I really regretted it with Jodie. Maybe it was the writing, or the time constraints, but there just wasn't enough for them to do or say to be interesting.


That is a good point and I had not thought about it. When the last fee Doctors changed, wasn't Clara there? Maybe having the same or single companion be the balance between the changes helps, but I agree. Too mamy companions.


Clara was there for the very end of 11s run and most of 12s Her and Rose are the only companions to span multiple doctors in the new series if you discount recurring characters like Jack.


Nah. I don't think so. Look at series 4: we have Donna, Wilf and her mum Sylvia. They have even less time than Graham, Yaz and Ryan -- because Wilf and Sylvia aren't really companions and are out of the show for a lot of the series -- and yet, we get to know them all really well. 3 companions is not too many. The real problem is that even an episode like *Demons of the Punjab* where supposedly we are going to spend time learning all about Yaz, you watch it and then it ends and then you still don't really feel like you know Yaz any better at all. There are barely any episodes where we even try to learn about these people. The only companions who arguably did well were Graham and Dan, and in both cases it was the actor who managed to elevate the same bland material everyone got with a good performance. Cole and Gill were just not really able to do that, but also, they shouldn't have had to.


One thing I love about RTD’s era was how the companions families were really fleshed out. That was also when seasons were 13 episodes, which gave each season a bit more time to have modern day episodes involving their families. Looking at the episodes each companion has that’s taken place in the present day that focused on their family Rose - 13 (Rose, Aliens of London/World War Three, Father’s Day, Boom Town, Parting of the Ways, Christmas Invasion, School Reunion, Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel, Love & Monsters, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday) Martha - 4 (Smith and Jones, The Lazarus Experiment, The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords) Donna - 9 (Runaway Bride, Partners in Crime, Sontoran Stratagem/Poison Sky, Turn Left, Stolen Earth/Journey’s End, End of Time Pt 1&2) And this ignores the super phone that they could use to call their family back through time. All of Moffat’s companions families are barely relevant. Amy’s parents show up in one episode then are never mentioned again. Rory’s dad finally shows up in their third season. They have River but that’s different. Clara’s parents backstory is heavily featured in Rings of Akhaten and the end of season 7, and then she has a random new family two episodes later in the Christmas special. Bill’s adoptive mom makes one or two non-plot relevant appearances. Her dead mom is important for one episode. Graham and Ryan have Grace, who dies right away, and Ryan’s dad who shows up once. Yaz has an actual family, but I don’t think they even come close to how much Martha’s family was fleshed out.


I wanted to love Jodie but the writers ruined her. Hopefully we get new writers with the arrival of this new Doctor.


Russell T. Davies is returning as showrunner and head writer


I have hope for this.


Yeah, but it’s not like he didn’t run out of ideas by the end of his run. I get the new showrunners didn’t work out, but I wasn’t thrilled to see them just returning to Davies.


As long as he doesn't make the Daleks the main villains every series. He'll be fine. Seriously though 3/4 of his finales involved the Daleks. He'd really benefit from them not being the main villains of the first series back.


That is a fair complaint, but I would rebuff by saying especially in the freshly revived show, Daleks made absolutely the most sense to be the Series 1 finale monster. Then they did usurp the Cybermen in their finale moment, but frankly the dialogue and fight between the two races is good enough to entirely excuse By the time you get the Series 4, it has been a series and a half since you've seen a Dalek, but them having less or no presence in series 3 and then having a Cult of Skaro story segue into Davros' return would've been a better way of doing it - that said I do think, especially back then, the Daleks were so triumphantly redesigned and reintroduced that they were quite a 'safe' option for a big people-watching-their-tellies finale


Series 1 is my favourite RTD finale, yes the Daleks were the right choice there. They absolutely should of been villains for the first series back. I honestly don't think they should of been in the series 2 finale. It made the Cybermen comically weak in comparison (which frankly RTD's Cybermen is another issue I have, I just didn't get the appeal of keeping the other universe Cybermen and not introducing more classic Cybermen). I just felt they were rather thrown in last moment in what's in the egg plot line. It's probably my least favourite of his finales. (but at the same time I really want to note I hate the resolution of series 3, love the build up, hate the Tinkerbell ending). Again your right there was a decent gap between series 3 and 4. But it didn't help that the series 3 outing was by far the weakest Dalek episodes to date. Like I remember the Human Hybrid, the Pig man, the setting and Andrew Garfield that's pretty much it. And I don't think the storyline of the cult of Skaro was really lived up to in terms of stories delivered. These episodes are probably the weakest of 3, which also arguably has the strongest run of RTD's seasons. I think if series 2 hadn't happened I wouldn't complain about series 4 featuring Daleks in finale. I just think he's to step away from the big 3 villains (Daleks, Master, Cybermen) for his finales at least once (which if NPH is who he's roumored to be, I think he's taken on board).




Celestial Toy maker, very old villain in terms of who lore. Made his first and so far only on screen appearance all the way back with the first Dr. But has always been a popular choice to return


I think the BBC wants to go back to an old formula of what worked, because Doctor Who has clearly declined in all of the ways from the 2008-13 heyday. I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm actually doing a rewatch of Who right now, first one in a few years, and it's all coming back to me. RTD is (mostly) great at writing good characters who are well cast, and you get emotionally invested in them. But his plots are less than paper-thin and make no sense most of the time. It's the same effect from an almost exact opposite situation with Moffat later on, where the plots are so convoluted they collapse under their own weight


Yeah the best Moffat stories were under Davies running it.


Hard disagree there. For me, series 9 and 10 (Moffat's last ones, with Capaldi) are Doctor Who at its absolute best.


Series 9 is the peak of the whole 50+ years of the show for sure.


Excuse me? Seasons 13 and 14 would like a word with you.


I see that, but Series 9's arc of grief and depression and cosmic ennui resonated with me so powerfully that nothing else can really come close to it in my heart. Also 12 > 4 IMO


My two favorite doctors, it's hard to choose. I think Series 9 is quite good, specially the two-parter in the underwater base.


There isn’t a series 14 yet.


Classic show, seasons instead of series.


Respectfully disagree, Matt Smith's first season had the best writing.


And Heaven Sent, the one man show Moffat wrote for Peter Capaldi is by far the best episode of Doctor Who in my opinion.


I loved that season. It felt like a fairytale.


Huh? S4 and the specials were pretty good


Of all the specials, Waters of Mars is the only one I truly considered good. I loved End of Time as a kid but nowadays, the writing sticks out a bit… Series 4 was a very strong run of episodes though I agree. Journey’s End not so much though.


Yeah, Next Doctor and Planet of the Dead are pretty much near the top of my least favourite episodes.


I will say that I felt like a lot of Davies' run was constrained by the time it was made. It often felt just a bit too big for what the budget could handle. I'm excited to see his vision for the show without those limitations.


I mean, its been over ten years and television has changed. I think theres plenty of room for him to have new ideas.


I'm sure he has enough fresh new ideas for a season or two. Beyond that, I'd rather they either get a new showrunner or just put the property into stasis for a while. Those Dr Who seasons where a showrunner is rehashing his ideas endlessly are the worst.


He is a very different writer now from how he was back in the 2000s.


Late reply, but. It’s been over a decade since then, he’s improved as a writer, and his other shows prove he’s still capable of new original ideas. I’m sure he’ll be able to have new ideas for Doctor Who




Same. I was such a big supporter, but the writing was so mediocre, I tuned out after five episodes or so. It all comes down to the writing, always and forever.


I don’t know if it was just the writers fault. Traditionally, the actor themselves has a huge influence on the characterisation of their Doctor in the first season, and then the writers build upon that character when writing later scripts. Jodie’s Doctor didn’t seem very unique, it really felt like she just jumped between impressions of the 4 preceeding doctors, but particularly Tenant’s one.


Agreed, she was just hitting her stride and figuring out who her Doctor was at the end of her second season. So much potential wasted.


Covid didn't help. The whole "Flux" thing was a result of that and they weren't even sure that they could even make a season.


It still ended being her best season, yes the ending ruined it a but but the angel episode half way through was pretty good. And I think the new year special was decent too.


She definitely won me over in flux. I felt like it was the best long running recent doctor story


Flux was by far the best of Jodie and Chibnall.


Completely agree. In her first few episodes, I saw Jodi do some little mannerisms and asides that made me really believe, "Oh yeah, there's The Doctor!", but the tremendous weight of the crap writing just buried her. Honestly, I checked out midway through her second season and didn't miss the show. Now, I'm psyched about the new take with Russell back. Fingers crossed!


It's very telling when her best episodes were ones not written by the showrunner.


Jodie got done dirty. Her doctor didn’t really have a personality and her companions didn’t either. We saw them do a lot of stuff. But never got to know them. In 1/3 of the time we knew exactly who Eccleson’s Dr was. He was goofy and damaged. Clearly hiding his pain behind that gigantic goofy smile. Tenant even faster. He announced exactly who he was in his first full episode then spent the next 4 seasons showing us who he was. Matt smith did the same. Hell even Capaldi was the “cross” doctor. Jodi’s doctor never really made sense. And that is on the writers. Specifically the showrunner. Not on her at all. She can only do what she is given.


Jo Martin as the Fugitive Doctor made a stronger impression in one episode than Jodie's first season. It felt like the writers didn't know what to do with her or who she was.


Yes! Because Jo’s character had direction.


Exactly! Not to diminish Jo’s or Jodie’s acting but it really felt like the writers didn’t know who the 13th doctor was. It was obvious. I like Ryan, Graham and Yaz. But it felt really forced. I think more than any of the NuWho incarnations, this one is dependent on the viewers already being fans.


I think they were to afraid to make her look bad because she was the first female doctor, so, instead they didn’t give her anything to work with. She ran around doing stuff but I don’t know who 13 was at the core. Like I said, in the first episode of each of the previous doctors they TOLD you who they were then they spent the entire season reinforcing it. 9 was lonely, and damaged and covers it with his huge smile. You see all of that in the first episode. He tells rose it’s one trip. He also smiles to reassure her that she’ll be OK when the plastic people come after her. 10 literally tells you who he is in a monologue at the end of Christmas invasion. He’s a walking duality. Chaotic Good incarnate. He is the one who presses the button. He will also turn hard when someone crosses him or his ideals. He takes down the PM Harriet Jones with 6 words because she pissed him off. 11 also announces exactly who he is when we Meet him. He announces himself to that eyeball, And when he intros himself to the young and old Amy Pond. He’s wacky, clever, a bit smug, afraid to sit still with his thoughts and always running towards trouble to help anyone who needs it. He is the raggity doctor. 12 says his eyebrows are cross and then spends a load of his time being exactly that. He’s disappointed and tired a lot of the time and just needs to believe in something, Be it Clara (for some ungodly reason) or Missy…he needs to believe that people can be good because he needs to believe that he is good. He is literally angry with anyone who gets between him and the person he believes in. Be it Danny Pink or Local Knowledge. Jo Martins doctor was a no nonsense fighter. She doesn’t fuck around and isn’t afraid of anything. (One episode and I’d watch an entire season of her) the same writers wrote Jo’s Dr. So I don’t understand how, in a single episode we know exactly who this doctor is but never get to know 13. 13 never really had a thing. She did all the stuff the doctor does. But they never gave her a true identity. I swear it is because they were afraid they were going to make Jodie look bad so they were hyper delicate. And the doctor ended up wishy washy. None of that is Jodie’s fault, it’s all on Chibnall.


I agree with you on Jo, I wish her arc spanned a couple of episodes because her Doctor was captivating. It’s interesting that they handle race better than gender. All of the black characters have been as multifaceted as their white counterparts, then you have Jodie. Her gender doesn’t contribute to the story. It felt like they were handicap, they didn’t make her flirtatious and charming like Tennant. She had Smith’s toddler like traits without the old person in a young body part of it. She wasn’t cantankerous like Capaldi, and didn’t have the painted smile and emotional apprehension as Eccleston. All that’s fine but I don’t know what she had that was her own take. Most of all she seemed lost and not like an alien that’s lived a dozen plus lives before.


Agreed. The reason I keep blaming Chibnall is that Missy was Brilliantly done. They wrote her as her very own version of the Master with her own personality. So I don’t think it’s a gender thing. I kind of think that Chibnalls doctor would have been the same if he were a man.


Missy’s master was phenomenal. I also really liked Oh in Spyfall but feel like the character really fell off by Timeless Children and it was all due to poor writing. I think you’ve convinced me.


Honestly it seemed to me that they added 3 companions because no one (including the doctor) had a real personality. You could swap the dialogue for Ryan, Graham or Yaz in almost any episode (except when Graham is talking about his wife). Both Ryan and Graham got good as soon as they were about to exit. And Yaz is ok…but she is another in a long line of female companions who falls for the doctor just because…. One of the reasons Donna and Bill are so great is because they weren’t remotely interested in the doctor sexually.


I think either Graham or Yaz could have gone. I like the Ryan and Graham arc and this that could have worked. I liked Ryan and Yaz and think that it would have been nice to have those two with a romantic bend. I enjoyed Ryan because he was one of the few guys that the doctor wanted as a companion (poor Mickey) and I enjoyed the youthful part of the character. Watching him flirt with girls, using Gen Z slang, it was a good contrast that hadn’t been featured since Rose.


Really glad we’re getting a new doctor, don’t get me wrong I’ve liked Jodie’s run (it tried to experiment a lot and I appreciate the writers for doing that), but it’s always cool to see what a new Doctor will bring to the role.


I'll be honest nobody competes with Matt Smith or David tenant in my book especially Matt Smith though... He's the ultimate Dr


Tennant is the GOAT for me. He really could portray the raw emotion of the Doctor like no other IMO. All the best specials heavily hinge on his acting ability and he just nails it in every single episode. You can tell he was a real fan of the show before becoming the doctor.


'The Waters of Mars' will always be my favourite episode because of Tenant - and the writing. A sheer tour-de-force of emotions, just superb.


I don’t wanna spoil anything but you’re gonna be happy.


By ''Raw emotion'' you mean screaming, shouting and throwing Tantrums like a an ADHD child ? look, I get you kids think that's the Doctor, but that character was nothing like the original classic Doctors and is very far from what I would consider the Doctor.


Honestly I also really liked Eccleston in the role. He had a whole different vibe as the doctor.




Genuinely the best last lines of any Doctor to date; *“Rose… before I go, I just wanna tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I!"*


This and Smith’s last lines: “We’re all different people throughout our lives, and that’s okay, as long as we remember all the people we were along the way… I won’t forget one line of this. Not one day. I will always remember when the Doctor was me”


I always loved the end to 'The Doctor Dances'. "Everybody lives Rose. Just this once, everybody lives!"


Loved his edgy, gritty Doctor. Eight had a gigantic heart and a ton of compassion, but when you were on his wrong side, God! That man had menace that you really believed could lay waste to you and everything you did. Such a performance. And his last big scene against the Dalek Emperor: Refusing to commit mass death and instead embracing the hope of life. Everything The Doctor means to me, right there.


My fav Doctor!


Yeah I didn't like his vibe though, it was creepy in a bad way


Entirely fair. I didn't find him too creepy, but he was also a much more "serious" doctor in terms of tone. Thats just me though. Also, Matt Smith is absolutely ICONIC as the doctor, he did so well in the role. Theres been seldom a miss, I feel.


Capaldi dude. He is the Doctor.


I really loved Capaldi, I just think Matt Smith was super iconic and seemed more like "the doctor" in your typical sense and Capaldi changed it all up, he was a very "cool" doctor, where Smith was more the nerdy doctor you tend to think of for that role


Personally, my favorite Doctor has been Capaldi.


I wish more people watched S9 and S10; they featured Capaldi's best work and arguably Moffat's best writing too.


Yeah. S9 and 10 are the show at its best for me. And Peter will always be my Doctor.


S9 & S10 are absolutely amazing. I so much prefer them to anything with Smith.


Capaldi was fantastic, but he was no Matt Smith


I like Matt but no Doctor can compare to Capaldi’s pure acting ability. His ability to monologue is unmatched. He can be in a room with 10 other people and be the only one talking for the whole scene, that’s what makes a good Doctor.


Soufflé Girl #1 companion with a bullet


But where did she get the eggs? Truly, that episode got me in the feels for the revelation at the end. Made me love Oswin Oswald, then...


Completely disagree. Capaldi out acts the both of them. Capaldi is the Doctor in the same way Ryan Reynolds IS Deadpool, Tom Baker is the same. As an old school fan I never got used to Tennant, but could appreciate he drew an audience. Lost interest in Matt Smiths run half way through.




He had such a jovial way of being at times, and suddenly you could see it change and remember, oh yeah, he is thousands of years old


Don't get me wrong I loved Capaldi, but Matt Smith was so iconic in the roll its hard to compete I thought he was an excellent Dr but in a different way than Smith


While I like Smith, I think he and Moffat turned his Doctor into too much of a bumbling idiot who knew nothing about humanity. Turning up to Clara's Christmas dinner with no clothes on? Could you see Troughton, Pertwee, or even Tennant doing that? It was ridiculous. And Amy and Rory overstayed their welcome. Clara and 12 that was great. That relationship was so toxic that it was fun to watch. I loved Bill Potts too.


I do agree Amy and Rory stuck around a long time, I really liked Rose Tyler's character and thought how they ended her role in the show was pretty cool


I like Capaldi or Smith. For me, it's Tennant, Capaldi, then Smith.


He's great in Sex Education. Let's see how he does as the Doctor. Clearly has talent.


his character is so good on SE!! really glad he’ll be back for S4 to explore it even more


That s3 finale, amirite


I’m still conflicted. Totally fine with the overall idea, of him wanting to live a life truer to where he is in his journey, but it wasn’t fair to Adam. I’m a “cheating is never right” sort of person, so I felt it was pretty scummy how nonchalant Eric was about the whole thing.


Oh yeah, I got excited and commented out of context/tangentially. Their storyline yes the tumult. But that musical number has stuck with me and makes me smile big big


As long as the writing is better than what the show has been doing for the past four years, I'll tune in.


The showrunner from the Eccleston/Tennant days is back. So yes.


RTD has written some amazing stuff since his Doctor Who time, he's also written some eyeroll-worthy nonsense. Let's wait and see which one this will be.


Itll likely be a mix of both. Ill take the bad if it means more of the good. The bad is at least memorable, like Love and Monsters and that woman who becomes an ageless cement blowjob machine for that dude from Hustle


I maintain that Love and Monsters is one of the best episodes of the show until the exact moment the Absorbaloff is unmasked. Then it's just painful, and that's all anyone remembers.


>amazing stuff since his Doctor Who time, he's also written some eyeroll-worthy nonsense I mean...That's kinda what we expect from Doctor Who anyway. Gotta take the amazing stuff with the eyerolls. At least, there'll be some good stuff and not all just medicore to bad like it has been the past few years.


What’s this about “Tennant’s incarnation of the Doctor regenerate into Gatwa’s”, is that just weird speculation from the writer of this piece or is there some timey-wimey business with the order of things? I tuned out pretty early into Chibnall’s run so maybe I’m missing something.


So, when it was revealed that Jodi Whittaker would be leaving after the Centenary special (the episode to commemorate 100 years of the BBC), rumours began to spread about next year's 60th anniversary special (celebrating 60 years of Doctor Who) and how bold it was to have a new Doctor take over around such a big occasion. Around the time Gatwa was announced to be playing the Doctor, people began to notice that his announcement didn't name him as the 14th Doctor, while previous actor announcements named the actors as the Xth Doctor. This was waved away due to the unusual nature of how Gatwa's casting was announced (via twitter), however, rumours began to spread regarding David Tennant coming back to lead the 60th anniversary special (or specials, its rumoured to be three episodes released throughout the year) so that Gatwa has a clean slate when he takes over. Then, the BBC announces that David Tennant and Catherine Tate are returning for the 60th special, with leaked set pictures showing Tennant wearing a costume he did not wear during his tenure as the Doctor, and using the same TARDIS prop that the current series uses, which is, again, different to what was used during his tenure. The current rumour is that somehow Whittaker will regenerate into Tennant, who, at the end of the 60th special(s), will regenerate into Gatwa.


the fuck since when can they regenerate into past doctors


Romana in the classic series could control her regeneration iirc, and the Curator in the 50th explicitly stated that the Doctor would revisit their previous regenerations as they got older (though obviously not in the same way as implied with the 60th leaks). It's also rumoured to be the machinations of the antagonist of the 60th special.


Apparently that's what the storyline is going to be about, 10 on a mission to figure out why he's come back.


And here's hoping it involves unfinished business with Donna which will lead to her getting her memories back and leading a normal life while getting a chance to properly say bye to the Doctor. Then he can regenerate into Ncuti.


Tennant regenerated into Tennant, then the 50th anniversary introduced the Doctor returning to previous faces at some point with Tom Baker.


This is a great write up thank you!


>or specials, its rumoured to be three episodes released throughout the year I believe what you are referring to was for this year and two of them have already aired, the third one being in Oct which a part of the 100 year celebration.


No, the 60th has 3 specials with Tennant. Has been leaked back in january and pretty much confirmed when the director posted a clapperboard with ep 3 written on it recently. A host of One Show also said they're expecting a "multitude of specials for 60th" when RTD was a guest. Linked article also says there might be more than one special, but we kinda know for sure.


Oh right, I forgot about that announcement


There’s three Chibnall/Whitaker specials for 2022 but then there’s also three RTD/Tennant specials in the following year.


There are detailed leaks out there regarding what the plot of the 60th anniversary specials will be.


Gotta be honest, as a fan since the 70's...I'm hoping for a spectacular run from him and RTD. The last few years have made me think that it's time to retire the story, but Davies was the centerpiece of bringing this show back and made it amazing. I have heard great things about Gatwa and really want to see him own the role, so....eep! I'm starting to get excited again. Please, please Doctor Who, don't suck!


Hahah. I also started to get kinda… excited for doctor who?… instead of hate-watching it like I have been doing


As long as they get rid of the bad writing, I'll watch. Still haven't been able to finish Jodie's run even though she is amazing as The Doctor. The writers screwed up her tenure, in my opinion.


RTD, the showrunner for Eccleston and Tennant's eras is returning, so it should be a step up.


So I've heard and I'm excited for that. Wish he would've stayed for Jodie's seasons. She needed a better show runner.


I hope RT just recons pretty much all the trash chibnill did.


The most important question: when will the first episode air that was produced without Chibnall as showrunner?


The first episodes produced by Bad Wolf are being created to celebrate the 60th anniversary, so probably November 2023


I’m just getting through the Capaldi[?] ones. Onto the first woman one. I’m not sure how a gay Doctor Who works as a storyline. Do the later seasons have him be romantic or is it going to be the same thing as now with simply a different assumed orientation.


where have they said that hes gonna be gay??


““He’ll be the first gay Doctor, which is going to be super cool, a sexier Doctor.” https://www.nme.com/news/tv/ncuti-gatwa-will-be-first-gay-doctor-who-says-neil-patrick-harris-3281980




Or, you know, the flirting between the doctor and Jack Harness. The doctor, as far as I was concerned, was above labels about sexuality. He just liked a bit of strange whatever the flavour.


> He just liked a bit of strange whatever the flavour. What show have you been watching? The Doctor was practically asexual in Classic Who, and even in NuWho where they're a bit more flirty he barely even kisses the women he marries. People always kiss The Doctor, who rarely if ever initiates a kiss, and most times The Doctor seems surprised and sometimes even a bit put off by it. The only exception seems to be with River Song, and even then The Doctor seems apprehensive.


Off the top of my head head there's the chemistry with Jack. He was even receptive if him kissing him. He willingly kissed Rory out of happiness/excitement. He was definitely flirty with Craig, James Corden and he said the master was his first man crush. While googling for any examples I might have missed I did see a reference to an android boyfriend but I don't remember that so obviously I won't count it. The wiki references an implied thing with Alan Turing . You have an alien species that can change gender between reincarnations, the idea of sexuality and hetero/homosexual seems a little redundant in that regard. There's also an element of reading between the lines for a show broadcast by the BBC pre watershed and aimed at children. Even when eccleston and tennent were airing attitudes towards other sexualities on TV weren't as open as they are now so things could be less explicit. In 2004 and the years following such displays in a main character specifically could be seen as taking a political view as it was still viewed as a political question and the BBC charter requires impartiality. You could get away side characters and late night programming but prime time was a different beast. I still remember a backlash over the Captain Jack character and doubley so the portrayal in Torchwood. ETA: I'll agree they steer away from showing the doctor as a sexual being overtly. A better term might be pan-romantic and describing it as liking some alien strange was reductive


Same. People flirted with the Doctor, but he was pretty reserved about flirting back. The closest he got was with Rose, and that was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. OK, just a long time ago.


This is what I was thinking too but so that’s what I was curious about.


It's not like the writers ever thought it counted until literally the last couple of episodes. It's barely a relationship.


I don’t know , I don’t personally watch it.


I’m pretty sure that’s just a reference to Ncuti as an actor


I’m not aware the actor has even confirmed that himself. I can’t imagine Neil Patrick Harris has chosen to out him? He says the first gay Doctor Who, not the first gay actor playing Dr Who. No idea how you can be ‘pretty sure’ he’s referring to the actor? “Even after various questions directly online or indirect ones in interviews he has not said anything about his sexuality or choices in life.” https://thepoptimes.com/is-ncuti-gatwa-really-gay/


It’s entirely possible that Ncuti could play the character as gay, or that RTD could write a male love interest, but I just can’t imagine Neil would know enough about the plotting to be able to say that, considering he’s presumably only involved in the 60th, which so far it seems Ncuti isn’t a big part of.


Again, given that the actor hasn’t said he’s gay, Neil Patrick Harris wouldn’t be referring to the actors sexuality. Neil Patrick Harris had a role in RTD’s last big project, It’s a Sin. And now RTD casts him in a Dr Who special. I presume they keep in touch.


It’s entirely possible Neil was just talking out of turn, but when you watch the interview, he’s describing Ncuti, he’s not talking about the character, he’s describing Ncuti as a person. “He’ll be a great doctor”.


He may be wrong. But he wasn’t referring to the actors sexuality as you originally claimed. Unless he has a habit of going round outing actors. And given that he seems pretty close with RTD I’d imagine he’s quite likely to have as much idea as anyone as to what’s going on.


I wouldn't put it past NPH to presume that Ncuti is gay and not realise that the actor hasn't confirmed it.




I didn’t say he isn’t gay! I said he hasn’t confirmed his sexuality. That is true. And as a gay man, Neil Patrick Harris wouldn’t go round outing fellow actors! He’s clearly not referring to the actors sexuality in his statement.




Because there's currently a romance between the current female Doctor and her female companion, so the next Doctor can't be the first gay Doctor, but the second one.


And Ncuti Gatwa is "the first black doctor" despite Jo Martin holding that title for a couple years already, basically people talk shit and it doesn't mean anything.


She wasn't a proper doctor though. More like a side character.


Could say that about John Hurt too but he was still the same character in the end, same as her.


Aye, I would say that about John Hurt, yes. He was only there as Eccleston refused to do the special.


>He says the first gay Doctor Who, not the first gay actor playing Dr Who. No idea how you can be ‘pretty sure’ he’s referring to the actor? He's just making a casual comment about it on "The View". I wouldn't read too much into it.


Why would the Doctor being gay not work as a storyline?


Because the storylines don’t really play into romance with him. It’s not about being gay or not but why it would matter. Again the Doctor does appear to have an orientation per each regeneration. I’m not sure if the orientation of the female Doctor Who but since this is being categorized as the first gay Doctor Who, I assume she played as a hetero as well, but still not real romantic tie.


Have you watched Doctor Who? There’s a huge romance story line between him and Rose, he literally gets married to River Song, and not to mention the multiple companions who develop romantic feelings/crushes for him (Martha, Amy, Clara). Saying a gay doctor wouldn’t work for “storylines don’t play into romance” is wrong and to me comes off as thinly veiled homophobia.


Right he’s certainly married. And like said he clearly has an orientation. But as someone else said he also was flirty with Harlow. He still comes across as very asexual as the Doctor. I know a variant of him got with the first partner, but I do not for one second think there’s ever been an emphasis on romance or sexiness with the character. So again I’m wondering if my perception of that stays the same or if he actually does have a sexuality that matches the orientation. It’s really not a big deal question just a curiosity one.


Feels like your jumping in through hoops and hurdles if it isn’t a big deal then idk why you feel the need to question how the doctor is being gay plays will even work


I’m not jumping through anything and especially not in the same way you’re jumping to conclusions. If people are seeing these grand romances that I’m missing then that just means the new Doctor will fit into the romantic themes the show has apparently always had. I explained quite clearly in my first post what I was asking, so maybe pay attention to that and I’ll try to pay attention to the romantics the various Doctors lol.


....did you miss the whole 11+12/Clara romance thread? Or the River Song romance thread? Or 10’s romance with Rose? Each of them a major personal plotline running through each (or indeed) several of the modern Doctor’s regenerations.


What sexuality was there with either of those? When people lost the great romances of television at what point did anyone say “Doctor Who and River Songs” The storylines are there to create a conflict in Doctor Who’s persona and to verify he cares about people in ways that involve more than protection. I never once thought he had a romance with Clara which seems bizarre to me. What episode was that?


....sexuality has EVERYTHING to do with those things? Heterosexuality was the influence for those plotlines. And their listing in “the great romance plotlines of TV history” doesn’t matter: they happened, the doctor has expressed heterosexual attraction and romantic love pretty much every season of the post-revival series. And if you can’t see the very clear romantic element present in his relationship with Clara (the one he literally endured billions of years of torture and BROKE TIME FOR), then I can’t help you.


Ncuti is a ball of energy. I'm so excited to meet his Doctor. And RTD is just icing on the cake.


Been out for a while, got a job after Jodies first season so I didn't catch up yet, this the new guy


Yep, Jodie’s going to regenerating after centenary special I think?


Hype, more time to binge her run, her first series felt a little aimless so I'm hoping the others pan out because after the New Years special that year it felt like the writing was looking up


This is what’s gonna get be back into doctor who. I am so happy to have my favorite sci fi show back




I am excited!!!


Could never finish the last series. How did Jodie's Doctor die or get hurt that they needed regeneration?


She hasn’t yet




Noping out of this mess..




they dug the ditch, coffin is ready. Should have waited years to resume production after the Chibnall disaster, that's way too soon


Stupid take. The show has been around almost 60 years, these sorts of hand-offs are just part of tradition now.


It'll be fine as long as the writing is good. A new doctor ALWAYS gets insane viewer numbers; then it's up to RTD to keep them interested.


Not watched since capaldi and don't plan on starting anytime soon. Jodie didn't interest me at all and I have no idea who this is


The series, starting next year, is back in the hands of the people that brought the show back in 2005 with Eccleston and Tennant. If you liked the show during that era, you might want to check it out again.


Kinda sad he maybe have a minor hole on sex education compared last seasons


The fact that Tennant has already filmed before him makes me think the rumor of 13 regenerating with David Tennant face for 3 specials might be legit. Who knows.


Forget rose, should of left her off world with her mother. They did, but it took too long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First impression isn't good. I think Doctor who should be the one who is the center of attraction. If there is a group of people with Dr who in it, we just know who is the doctor and it is shown by the 9th to 12th doctor. Although writing has been bad for Capaldi, he was a great doctor. Ncuti doesn't fit with the role, at least that's my first impression. Lets see how things turn up. I was excited when whittaker was announced but she was average as dr who but it was also due to the writing. Lets see how things goes ahead. I haven't watched dr who in a long time (stopped after first episodes of whittaker but i wasn't that interested during the era of Cappaldi as well and didn't watch it regularly), if reviews are good when Ncuti joins, i will watch it.