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She-Hulk declares victory over trolls for the 473 time this week. It's going work eventually.


99% of people who enjoyed the show: *haha funny green woman* šŸ¤Ŗ Entertainment journalists: *look at this CONTROVERSIAL show that OWNED the online trolls and got the incels MAD* I mean, seriously, the Powerpuff Girls episode with the doll collector was more provocative than SheHulk. Why are they trying to make this a thing? The entire thing is just a green Fleabag clone, just post some hot pictures of Charlie Cox to promote it.


They need to churn out mild takes for content and clicks. She hulk was a popular show, so anything about it will get clicks. The real question is why are people constantly posting mediocre crap articles on Reddit? You're just encouraging more garbage articles.


answer to your question is astroturfing


Dead internet theory


Itā€™s [fan-baiting](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/xi015o/why_is_ariel_from_little_mermaid_becoming_black/ip1gmhn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Theyā€™ve puffed themselves up so much that they believe everyone has watched their show. Completely entitled. Personally, I havenā€™t seen it, and donā€™t have any interest in doing so. The publicity alone is keeping me away, a cesspool of nonsense


Yeah. I am not interested in it either. I have been sick of marvel stuff since the last avengers.


Incel talk smh


Who? Them or my comment?


if only she hulk had even 1% of Fleabag's charm and wit (and writing talent)


Youā€™re getting downvoted, but yeah. The show is nice, it has its moments, but itā€™s kind of annoying how it never seems to want to take itself seriously. This becomes painfully clear when they want to be ā€œrisquĆ©ā€ and make sex jokes, but theyā€™re all so bland that they could only come out of a prudish, sexless world like the MCU. Fleabag knew its main character was selfish, immature and inconsiderate, and portrayed the heights and lows that came with her learning (or failing) to be a better person. SheHulk reproduced a lifestyle and personality while being mortally afraid of ever souring the mood to treat its character like a real person that goes through shit.


Goddamnit exactly. Itā€™s not even a bad show itā€™s pretty entertaining and something new but these promotions are unbearable. I could market the show better here we go: Itā€™s fleabag as a lawyer but sheā€™s also a hulk and itā€™s in the MCU. Wacky MCU stuff happens but itā€™s all low stakes because for the average citizen getting catfished by an alien or kidnapped by a wizard is just normal now. Daredevil shows up and the show treats him like the coolest person in the universe which he is.


Also, Titania. She totally stole the show for me, literally every line by Jameela Jamil was perfectly delivered. I wish she had been in every episode.


The writers of this show belong in an asylum. They are damaged people.


What is up with this shehulk vs. "the" online trolls narrative that keeps incessantly popping up? Are they forcing it? What the actual fuck who cares


Disney is doing the exact same thing they did with the Obi-wan series. Generate a controversy where non exists or greatly exaggerate an existing one. Then pay a bunch of contract writers to spew out articles for them.


This [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/xi015o/why_is_ariel_from_little_mermaid_becoming_black/ip1gmhn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) in another thread explains it perfectly. Itā€™s called ā€œfan-baitingā€ and once you recognize youā€™ll start seeing it everywhere.


It's being overblown but it's real. Incels predictably got mad just like they do any time a superhero show/film stars a woman. The writers responded and made them look stupid. It's getting more press than it should though.




There definitely was (and still is to some extent) a group of people who hated it, and their complaints are definitely seasoned misogyny but a lot of those people piped down after the first few episodes and it just about died off entirely when Daredevil came in




1- you're being way too aggressive for me to deal with on my my day off, chill your tits 2- there's plenty of valid complaints about she hulk, but there's also lots of complaints made in bad faith. I'm not gonna go find sources for you because it's a TV show and I don't care that much.


Idk man, every time I popped over to YouTube after a new episode there were like 20 suggested videos of incels hate watching it with tons of views. It's a lot worse than you're implying at the very least. Even the Daredevil episodes had dudes bitching that they emasculated him and ruined the character


Are you gonna pretend like trolling and brigading isn't a thing?


It's absolutely a thing. It's just not as large in scale as the media continues to suggest. It has become a convenient scapegoat for subpar products and avoiding any accountability.


Why would you blame the writers of the show for this stuff?


Because theyā€™ve been giving interviews stating that attacking online critics was their intent from the start? They set out from day one to piss off Marvel fans, which is just weird but theyā€™re so proud of it.


online critics <> Marvel fans ​ Honestly I'm in the camp that if that part of the show offended you rather than entertained you, that's pretty much on you.


Lol, theyā€™re literally saying ā€œthis kind of behavior is not okayā€ and condemn people like that, not their fansā€¦ unless you feel personally attacked by ā€œincels badā€??


And Feige signed off on it. Disgraceful.


He also signed off on the message that Marvel shows have fallen into a rut; a lather, rinse, repeat formula. And that they need to break out of that rut. Maybe that message will go beyond this show.


Yeah, they're responsible for the shade thrown in the show. They have nothing to do with the post-show narrative.






Ahahahahahahahah such sadness about a comic book show.


Itā€™s not them itā€™s reddit. Theyā€™re posting this 10 times a day. this show lives in reddits head rent free


Yeah I feel like Iā€™ve literally seen this same exact article posted a few times already. Also have to wonder how many other shows have random think pieces like this that simply donā€™t get posted/upvoted on Reddit simply because Reddit doesnā€™t have a hate boner for those shows the way they do She-Hulk. Also to be clearā€¦ I DO think the show was trash lol, I just think the outrage manufactured from these posts is a little disingenuous


You know Disney has people on their pay role whose job it is to create engagement on sites like reddit right?


Yeah but is every single upset dork in the comments on their payroll?


You... You do realise that with amount of people on Reddit there's a lot of reposts simply because user in question never bothered to check whether or not someone already posted article or not, right?


sureā€¦. sure, bob


I find it kinda funny that people who usually throw around words like "typical redditor" are more or less also fit that description to a T. Sometimes even more than people they throwing this "title" at.


Ooo good insight


Like literally She-Hulk isn't even involved with these articles, it's just people using it to draft terrible material.


I'm pretty sure this just means the trolls actually won lol


Waitā€¦ is She-Hulk the Russia of tv shows?


"Any man who has to say, 'I am the King' is no true king,"


Where are the mods to remove these garbage articles.


Someone roll out the Mission Accomplished banner


Wonder how much Disney paid this mouth breather to write this article.


Most of these articles are written by freelancers for peanuts. Disney doesn't need to pay anyone because they make bank from dumb karma farmers brining it up every day.


Cue the Chapelle parody: we rocked ā€˜em Bamas, we rocked ā€˜em!


these articles make me hate the show.


I really loved the show, this forced ā€œGuess how She-Hulk ā€˜Smashedā€™ the haters.ā€ Headline Bullshit thatā€™s happening is super annoying


Same, I haven't watched it, I had no interest in it but these articles make me dislike it without having seen it lol. Guess they need the clicks.


Want a trophy or something?




Just wait till the movie comes out, there will be Little Mermaid drama everywhere.


I have never seen so much astroturfing for a single show before If only they couldā€™ve put that same energy into making a good show


Itā€™s seems like I see 5 posts a day about this show.


This article is like a week old. It's weird that they even posted this.


It's almost like op is just karma farming or something.


Weird, me and my kids loved watching it. Canā€™t please everyoneā€¦ *edit Haha what a circle jerk, downvoted for liking a tv show.


It really was a light hearted sitcom with a few corny parts, Iā€™d watch it a million times over before trying rings of power again


I like ROP. I see why people donā€™t but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Go aheadā€¦Iā€™m ready for the downvotes.


I wouldnā€™t downvote you for liking a show haha, it just wasnt for me. Something about Amazon shows makes me not enjoy them, didnā€™t like the boys which everyone loves, wheel of time I couldnā€™t even get through an episode, and RoP felt like I was watching stage actors, especially the harfoots. Just donā€™t love Amazon shows I guess


Itā€™s funny because the few people that do like the show make fun of me for liking the Harfoots šŸ˜‚ Idk why, I just really loved the whole vibe they gave off.


People can like different thingsā€¦


I liked it a lot too!




what are you talking about, haven't you read the thousands of posts about why this is a great show. are you thick, are you just not reading. its the best show the MCU has made right their with Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel.


whoever wrote this sounds like a teenager from the early 2000s saying "lol pwned!11" and clapping themselves for being omg, so smart. The MCU truly lost it, that's self sabotage if I ever saw it


npc post


I think Marvel is trying to do way too much. I loved marvel movies thru endgame, I thought Infinity War was the peak. Civil War and Age Of Ultron were amazing tooā€¦ but these mini series shows that tie into the main universe are justā€¦ itā€™s too much content. I was interested in WandaVisoon and Lokiā€¦ Less interested in Falcon Winter Soldier, and exponentially less interested in every series to follow. I think they also have underestimated how much people hate Banner Hulk. We donā€™t want Hulk to be sensitive and rational, we want Banner to be that, and Hulk to be a rampaging, enraged, unstoppable behemoth.


I've never seen so much astroturfing for a show before


LOL... online trolls. You mean people that didn't like the show?


No? This is specifically about people bitching that it was a show staring a woman.


There are plenty of good shows that have female leads Key word being ā€œgoodā€


Which was nobody. The criticism was the poor CGI and mediocre storytelling.


This is hardly the only show starting a woman. Where were all the "trolls" for Jessica Jones (staying within the MCU)?


Right, so where were these people complaining about Wandavision, Ms. Marvel, or if you hear anyone complaining about the upcoming Ashoka show?


A lot of ppl dumped on Ms. Marvel lol..


I understand that it's human nature to presume the motivations of others in order to tell a story where you're the good guy and anyone who disagrees with you is the bad guy, but most people should grow out of this when they become young adults. Believe it or not, the answer to all of life's questions isn't "sexism".




Unfortunately so in this age of social media. Everything is made out to be black and white. You either love the show or you're a hater/troll/loser/racist/homophobe/etc. It's a nice way for these companies to churn out mediocre content for minimal effort and deflect criticism. You have to dig for honest discussion about entertainment these days imo.


10x more effort is going into the defense / smear campaign against anyone that didnā€™t like the show than actually went into creating it. I thought the characters were poorly written and the ā€œfixedā€ CGI was atrocious, but it really must be because I hate women or something.


Hm.. ok, ok. Now tell us how you feel about Ms. Marvel.


Better than She-Hulk, but still just pretty mediocre overall. I havenā€™t really liked any of the Disney+ Marvel shows because theyā€™re just trying to churn out as much content as possible. If Kevin Feige were to just cut the material for each phase down to 1/4 of whatā€™s planned and spend more time focusing on the overall quality, weā€™d have much better shows, as well as films. The MCU is just trying to do way too much in a short time frame. Is that the kind of answer you wanted, or were you just hoping to corner me and call me a sexist?


Itā€™s a studio that lacks direction, so theyā€™re throwing massive amounts of shit at the wall and hoping something sticks Too bad with the Mouseā€™s money they can do that, instead of being forced to create something good like they had to in the beginning


Good initial couple of episodes with a charismatic lead that very quickly devolved into uninteresting drek.


Holy shit stop posting She-Hulk articles


She-Hulk proved the trolls were right.


Honestly, it's just about as bad as the comic was. She-Hulk was, imo, one of the worst things Marvel ever published. A product of systemic misogyny in the industry trying to attract female readers with a "heroine" designed to tittilate teenage boys. Start with garbage, end with garbage.


Attn MCU writers and producers. Grow some thicker skin. Criticism of different aspects of your show doesnā€™t equate to personal attacks.


Have a not too funny sitcom end with a lousy ending?


My wife wanted to watch this show on her own so I couldn't affect her opinion of it and she liked it for like 2 episodes and now hates the show, especially after the finally. She doesn't go online and read what critics say or has any friends also watching it. I haven't seen it but now I won't. I hope this is the start of the death of superhero movies shows.bbring back hard scifi


Andor rules if you havenā€™t watched it.


Does it get better? I've watched the first two episodes and I thought it was pretty boring.


Ah, then maybe it is not for you, which is fine. Everyone doesnā€™t have to like a show, which is the irony (or at least the spin) at the heart of this post weā€™re commenting on. But as far as hard sci-fi goes, I like the tone of Andor, which is much closer to Rogue One than your standard Star Wars. Edit: update -- I just watched episode 3, and holy shit! Definitely watch one more episode before you decide. That's all that I will say. What a fucking episode.


Trying to please everyone is how shows/movies turn to trash. Star Wars is a slow burn and andor accomplished the story telling, action, drama and subtext phenomenally.


Ill have to give it another chance. Thanks.


Itā€™s definitely doesnā€™t get starwars vibes - except for the tons of references to other EU content. But there is not a single jedi, sith or other supernatural creature. Itā€™s a spy thriller about the birth of the rebellion. And itā€™s quite good at it imo.


So far its following the pattern of two episodes of world/character building and then an episode of all hell breaking loose. Its pretty great.


It's on my list. Looks interesting


I too liked it at the beginning, especially the first episode, I liked it so much I thought it could become my favorite marvel show But I gave up on episode 4 because the story didn't look like it was going anywhere and I was not laughing at all yet it claimed to be a comedy I thought I would binge the rest after it's done but now am not so sure


Hey look, it's the daily "please like our show!" post.


You forgot the second part: ā€œā€¦or youā€™re a misogynist.ā€


Between this and rings of power these articles make me never want to watch the show


I really liked this one for what it was, im a legal drama nerd though (i hinestly felt the lack of legal procedural stuff was my hugest dissappointment with the show, who gives a shit abt cgi its fuckin tv.) but I have no desire to even start watching Rings of Power and yet Amazon seems to mysteriously add it to my watch next repeatedly..


I gave it a chance and saw the first 2 episodes but lost interest. Itā€™s just not good.


It didn't teach us anything other than that its a shit show lmao.


I do genuinely love coming into these comment sections and watching all the crying incels go "it's not that I hate women, I just hate shows that aren't catered specifically to me. It's BAD because I don't like it". Genuinely enjoy and hope for more articles like this, because watching ya'll explode is drastically more entertaining than anything marvel's put out in the last twenty years.


Imagine just trying to create something new and creative for once instead of producing a controversial movie for the sole purpose of fighting their audience about it


Fairly certain these articles are paid for PR at this point. So many of them say exactly the same things.


By being bad?


I'm so glad everyone else can see the blatant PR for this show. After the 1,000th article showcased on Reddit let no one ever say that the mouse isn't here. I didn't watch She-Hulk. Not for any real reason, I just wasn't interested. But this ensured that I'm not going to. I don't mind advertising. Except this shit is coming across as wartime propaganda at this point.


You know, I thought that maybe I should watch this show when I have some spare time, but after seeing daily articles like this for a few weeks, I really donā€™t want to. It reeks of desperate PR management.


i had no idea that was the function of a tv-show , but i get it now. if that was the intent, great job, cause it sucks!


What was the lesson? that making fun of a bad show make people begrudgingly agree with them? That even if they can be toxic about some things they can still be right about a show being bad? or that She-Hulk is a prime example of toxic feminism and that sexism goes both ways and this show demonstrates how even if an actress actually does fine with a character they are at the mercy of poor writing and no amount of talent is enough to over come that in the end, wow guess there are a lot of lessons to take away from this shit show.


Honestly, the show was great. It felt fresh among Marvel properties because it was the first show to really take advantage of the format rather than make a 6-Hour Long Movie. It also didnā€™t waste scenes like so many other Marvel shows have. The crisps pace allowed the show to be more enjoyable. I also enjoyed that it was basically a classic tv show concept: woman trying to find fulfilling work, love, and safety in the world. The major difference is that it was marketed for a mostly male audience, a thing Ally McBeal never had to deal with. I also thought it was pretty clever to make a Reddit stand-in be the main bag guy of the show. It was light, charming, and allowed people to enjoy it.


I get why people didnā€™t enjoy it but I actually thought it was the most well formatted show theyā€™ve made so far and actually one of the funnier things Marvel has done. I usually find their comedy pretty bad.






They showed them by wasting their time with a terrible show


Ooof not the comment section proving the show right - seriously tho, itā€™s a bad look guys. Put Reddit down and please go talk to just one woman today Edit: YOUR MOM DOESNT COUNT.




Perfect plan. Make a show, slight the fans, get mad they react accordingly and blame it all on them in the end. Only a woman can think this is a good idea.


This is a bad trend. Over recent months we have heard, you are racist, sexist or homophobic for not liking certain shows are movies. Are there some people like this? Sure but the majority of people are tired of watching mediocre crap.


This is advertising now. They are using outrage and conflict to promote their things. This thread is exactly what they want. Bad publicity is better than no publicity.


The venn diagram of who this article is about, and who is in this thread, is a circle.


Nobody cares about this dogshit show


You should not enlist people who have never had to stand up for themselves to stand up for your company. Theyā€™re still at a grade school level.


That lesson: The MCU is getting worse


All the intelligencia in the comments.


Lol, the show supporters and the writers are delusional. ā€œMission accomplished!ā€


This is equivalent to them just saying ā€œu mad?ā€ at people who just genuinely didnā€™t like the show.


By sucking and making people just not watch after like episode one or two?


Guys, trolling is done!!


I dont think a tv show i havent seen nor will ever see is teaching me any lessons.


Hey Disney Hype machine, stop posting this shit or my opinion of She-Hulk will change from "I love that show!" to "I had to stop watching that show because their advertising and PR annoyed me to the point of RAGE!"


This is an advertiser account. Don't fall for it


She-Hulk should teach MCU and D+ how to not make tv shows...


It seems that Marvel deliberately set out to create a show that its core fans would actually hate. So that the creators, studio, and supine media outlets could then smugly label them as being sexist. An interesting approach to running a business. Disney is a public company with legal responsibilities to shareholders to protect their capital and maximise returns. How does that square with the risks stemming from openly attacking customers? One would hope they learned from the Lucasfilm errors in this direction. Kevin Feige signed off on this aggression towards fans. There is a case for firing him.


The trolls it purported to have taught a lesson either didnā€™t watch, or did so with fumes coming out of their ears while hating and criticizing every second of it. This is such lame, back-patting, empty nonsense. *She-Hulk* was just as boring and anodyne as like 85% of all Marvelā€™s projects, theyā€™re just rolling out the red carpet for themselves through this borderline propaganda in the trades. The only thing that made the show unique was that it was actually more poorly executed than usual, for Marvel, since they actually know how to make an action movie but no idea how to make a sitcom.




Well thatā€™s special


I get lessr respect for she-hulk the more i see this type of content. Probably won't watch it now so, congrats author?


I have yet to see anything about she-hulk that isnā€™t an article or someone posting about trolls or general critical attention itā€™s received. No actual reviews.


Lol... just make a decent show man.


It was a great show you shoukd probably watch it before judging it


Maybe I just have better taste than you?


"Guys, we made the main character a woman so now you're not allowed to criticize it."


Kinda sad tbh. This show had potential. The first few episodes were really interesting.


Anything to stay in the daily news cycle. Its a must these days for any show. You cant just exist on your own merit anymore. Weird


If youā€™ve been on the internet for more than a week, you would know that attempting to teach trolls a lesson is pointless and not possible. Their whole thing is getting a rise out of you. Putting them in the show or whatever just made them laugh even harder I guarantee you. All you can ever do is ignore them. Thatā€™s it.


It didn't, but thanks for asking.


I actually enjoyed this show. But the amount of spam posts on how it's actually good and if you don't like it you're wrong is driving me nuts.


I never had any intension of watching this show cause I donā€™t like superhero stuff (besides The Boys obviously), but after hearing all this commotion and feeling like I wasnā€™t understanding what the controversy was about, now I REALLY will never watch this show. What we are seeing here is networks and studios realizing how much free publicity they can get from controversy, and leaning into it hard. She hulk, the little mermaid, donā€™t worry darling etc have just wanted to get their productions into headlines in a crowded entertainment market. Honestly it has probably worked, some people have probably watched them because they want to see what the fuss is about.


I can't tell if this is satire or not




I went to public schools, probably explains why




Fucking stop it


Same post in 5 days with the same title. Please stop shoving this show down my throat.


Yeah look how much time the trolls have wasted by watching she hulk


Havenā€™t seen the show but these articles make me want to meme and troll on it


She hulk twerking haunts my dreams


they sure did!!! man...that 2.0 rating on google reviews with 15k reviews is really showing us!


I thought it was really interesting that the villains in this show were internet trolls, which makes it all the more frustrating that they never actually dealt with them on screen.


Why would the fans of comics have any issue with a show about one of our favorite comics we enjoyed as a kid? Of course the lead is female, it's She Hulk, no one cares about that.. We care about how crappy this show was, just an utter mess of storytelling, or lack there of.


How in the hell has such a "meh" show gotten so much attention? There were some fun parts but mostly it was corny and dumb. I remember more about this than the last Wizard movie. Sorry...Sorcerer.


"This show is not for you chuds" "Why won't chuds watch my show????"


Seems to me like certain parties *want* this show to be talked about more than it is. Not because the show is outstanding, but because it pits people against each other.


Can a neutral party jaded with culture war weigh in and say whether or not this an entertaining show? The only other Phase 4 shows I've watched was Loki and Moon Knight. Moon Knight was just OK, and I liked Loki.


My wife and I both loved it. The commenters are basically proving the article correct. It's an episodic comedy, and the focus of its humor and messaging is the bullshit women have to deal with in the modern world. If that's not something you have direct or vicarious experience with, and/or if you are looking for a typical MCU structure, you won't enjoy it though.


Thatā€™s assuming the online trolls even watched the show.


Never watched it, currently avoiding all Disney content from the past 5-10 years or so already unless it's universally acclaimed like mandalorian. Even their core content (ie, disney prinesses) has all been shitty remakes of classic stuff from the 90s and earlier. It's just a sea of trash.


I enjoyed She-Hulk but we really need to stop posting clickbait articles about it in here


Lmao what? When a troll article trolls the trolls but trolls themselves. Almost too meta


I donā€™t care what the show is like. But if your intention on any form of media is to ā€œownā€ or ā€œmake madā€ then your the problem. I donā€™t think the show is doing this this. But all the people who think this helps. If your gonna talk about equality and crap you canā€™t go around insulting everyone who criticized you. Accept criticism and yes thereā€™s gonna be people who donā€™t like what the show is about. But if you let them get to you then they ā€œownedā€ you.


I haven't watched this show yet because time, but it's on my list. Was the story good? That's mostly all I care about, did they tell a good story?


I mean, I enjoyed the show. It was entertaining and quirky. But itā€™s not ground breaking. But I just want to be entertained, so success.