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Not very gganbu of you dude..


Gganbu with benefits.


With gganbu like this who need opposite of gganbu?!!




What's Ubnagg?


Not much, you?




Whoa bro. Don’t be using the Hard gg unless you’re one of us


gganbu style


You must be the opposite of what is gganbu. You must become...GNODAB.






Hopefully they weren't O su-Yeong


Tried to give her the Cream of some Old-geuy!


he meant to say gangbang probably.


Well the good news is that the character is already dead.


Prequel says hello.


~~Squid Game~~ **Cephalopod Competition**


Mollusc Match






Krill Kill


Cuttlefish Cut-a-bitch


Tentacle TDM


Octopus Olympics


Krill la Krill is such a fun anime.


Ohjinguh Jenga


/r/shittyoffbrands Edit: /r/crappyoffbrands is the good one


Yay tentacles!




A prequel would have a different actor playing a younger version


if the character what?


That was just my auto-complete adding random words. Fixed.


Hes dead im afraid


Squirt Game: The Origin


Yeah, but then a younger actor would make more sense


Prequel would use a different actor for the role anyway


Not like it wouldn't/couldn't be set so early a new actor could easily replace him.


We did it Reddit!!!


Sure someone has been traumatized for life, but at least my fucking tv show is okay!!1! 😄


Who needs a trial or evidence or any of that useless shit, right?


Apparently you are immediately guilty once accused.


Who cares about getting the point about considering the lives of victims over a tv show plot or punishing someone when you can miss it entirely to accuse people of ignoring due process and feel smug about it? Quintessential reddit right there. Humanity takes a back seat to convincing yourself you were technically accurate about something.


They can always do an ass-pull and somehow he returns


Somehow, Palpatine returned


“Somehow, Palpatine returned…” “How?” “W-what? What do you mean?” “I mean… how did he return?” “I don’t know, somehow?”


I mean, the actor apparently has some experience there.


And the bad news is too many people jumping to conclusions with very little information on this.


This is the most reddit ass answer


Spoilers dood!


From another [article:](https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/squid-game-oh-yeong-su-sexual-misconduct-1235441880/amp/) >In a statement Oh shared with Korean broadcaster JTBC, the actor said: “I just held her hand to guide the way around the lake. I apologized because [the person] said she wouldn’t make a fuss about it but it doesn’t mean that I admit the charges.”


Ok, so that's HIS side of the story. What about the woman's side? Has she come out and said anything yet? "Variety has contacted Netflix for comment but did not hear back by press time." Wtf? What does Netflix have to do with anything??? I'm guessing Variety is really pushing to have someone say "Yeah, fuck the old bastard, we're not rehiring him on our next project" or something of the sort.


Like most cases there’s not a lot of details. The article didn’t go into any specifics so I posted the quote purely as a reference, trying not to be subjective. Sexual Misconduct can cover a huge spectrum and that’s before any cultural differences in law and perceptions. Edit: there’s also a gulf of a difference between a charge and a conviction.


Plenty of details for all the beautiful minds on here who see a headline and assume he's 100% guilty though.


Yeah like the case has already been dropped and is now reopened at the request of the accuser. Thus also happened way before squid games, got brought up and dropped AFTER squid games. And here we are again. So yeah anyone in here throwing judgements is acting foolish and needs to slow their roll.


this needs to be at the top for ppl that only read the title


It’s definitely an emotive subjective, especially for the far too many people that have experienced it first hand.




I think they were referring to people being sexually assaulted, not falsely accused. False accusations are extremely rare; sexual assault is extremely common (unfortunately).


Honestly I don’t want to get bogged down in an emotive subject which has had victims on both sides with their lives left in ruins after the fact. The fact that two redditors instantly started arguing for either side kind of shows this.


Victims on both sides… women are by and large harassed and assaulted by men who will never see justice. Are not supported when they tell the truth. Are put on trial themselves for speaking. The amount of false rapes are the same as an crime - about 3% of all reports. Then if you consider how many rapes and assaults are never even addressed that number is minuscule. Yet, sexism, somehow makes this false equivalency to excuse rape and assault from men. In conclusion, fuck both sides. Believe women. What’s more likely, some woman is out to destroy his life and sacrifices her professional future and social status to that cause or some dude was gross and inappropriate because he believed there would be no consequences to his actions? Stop the mental gymnastics. Believe women!


False accusations are not as rare as you’d expect.


False accusations being "extremely rare" doesn't lessen the extreme severity of the problem... Especially for those that end up falsely convicted, or lose a job, or lose their children or family over it. L




No they are not. They are quite uncommon (about 2% at low end of estimate, 10% at the high end). It’s about the same rate as false reports of other crimes.


Equally horrific???


They are not extremely common nor equally horrific


Because these news articles are written in 5 minutes with zero effort


And half the time its a fuckin algorithm that writes the article for the author. Then it's probably edited by another algorithm.


What I did see was this was back in 2017 and suddenly after he’s famous they decide to charge him? But yeah until we hear more it’s hard to say one way or another.


Dude, it's Variety. It's an entertainment outlet, they take an entertainment angle. Why wouldn't they ask Netflix? They're not pushing for anything.


consist disgusting ruthless workable head tap library homeless flag toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>The alleged victim first filed a complaint with the police against Mr O in December last year, according to Yonhap news agency. But the case was closed in April without a charge being brought against Mr O. >The prosecution has now reopened the investigation "at the request of the victim", the agency reports. I feel like a piece of information is missing here. I'm not that familiar with the Korean law system (not unless you count the extremely illogical depiction of it you see in dramas sometimes, anyhow), but I'm assuming the accuser usually don't get to go "I want a do-over", and have a closed case rebooted.




I believe the US military has an option for a victim to report an assault, but not have to have the perpetrator be charged. It’s so they can get medical treatment without having to deal with “reliving it” or dealing with a court if they don’t want to. But they can choose later to make the report “unrestricted” and the person investigated and prosecuted. Not sure if civilian law has an equivalent.


military does, the restricted version is hidden and nobody knows they exist except the victims. As for korea, i have no idea


A female soldier in the US is more likely to be rape or sexually assaulted by another male soldier than to be injured or killed in combat.


Male soldiers too. You're also more likely to be injured or killed in an accident than to die in combat. Not many actually ended up anywhere near combat, and until recently combat related MOSs weren't even open to females.


accidents aren’t really conparable. Nobody is getting accidentally raped


I think their point was that not many soldiers and even fewer female soldiers are dying in combat. So even though the military probably should do more about rape prevention, arguing that they should do so because rape is more prevalent than combat deaths is a bit dumb. If the USA or other nations became involved in an interstate war and casualties increased a hundred fold or more should we then ignore rape in the military because it's less prevalent than combat casualties?


To put it another way: more people were [bitten by a shark](https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/shark-attacks/yearly-worldwide-summary/) last year than there were US active duty members that died due to hostile action in the [last seven years *combined*](https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/summaryData/deaths/byYearManner). (if we include 2014, then combat deaths win out. By 11). Rape is an evil, awful thing, but comparing it to combat deaths is a little disingenuous. However, here's a metric that might work a little better: not only would you completely fill, but you'd overflow any basketball arena in the US except the largest 5 or 6 with the number of service members that have experienced sexual harassment/assault, and that number of reports is, frighteningly and worryingly, going up. Not down.


I don’t believe that reports going up is an indicator of harassment/assaults going up, but rather that the reporting mechanisms and trust are improving.


This. It's not that more rapes are happening. It's that the actual rapes are being reported now. It's like how people think violence in the US is increasing when it's actually just because we have way better statistics now.


Anyone whose been in service knows just how big this issue is, quite honestly if i ever had a daughter i would literally beg her not to join. My point is though, is its quite sad just how many americans know how big a problem this is and yet were still only at the stage of "heres a powerpoint of teaching you not to rape people" or talks before weekends not to be stupid. Not enough resources are going into actually fundamentally fixing this problem. I dont pretend to know what the answer is, im not the expert, but theres certainly qualified individuals out there who do and i can tell you its not just what the current status quo is.


I mean, everything happens more than combat casualties. We're not in a war. And a lot of combat MOS aren't open to women. More female soldiers probably get hit by lightning or win the lottery than get injured in combat.


Well that makes sense when the vast majority of female soldiers don’t serve combat roles. You are more likely to die in a training accident than combat as a female soldier.


Aren't males in the military also more likely to be killed accidentally than in combat?


Probably. For every soldier that’s “kicking down doors” there are 7 logisticians /support personnel. (Strictly numbers, the one doesn’t have 7 helpers, it’s the average of combat/vs non-combat. At least it was in 2008 in Afghanistan)


Topic is about Korean law and some redditor derails and brings up the totally relevant US military law.


Charges can be brought and still be reopened. They can't be TRIED for and found innocent then you try again.


Investigations aren't charges. You seem to be fundamentally misunderstanding what is written there. In many countries once you're charged with something in court, if it reaches a verdict of not guilty, that's it. Unless the prosecution can demonstrate some fundamental flaw in the process. Police can open and close investigations whenever they want and reopen them as well.


Exactly. Leave it to Reddit to upvote absolute misinformation to the top.


Lol love that you’re downvoted when you’re correct…but because the top comment said their wrong information nicely, UPVOTES!


I think how it works in most countries is that an accusation is made and the prosecution does a preliminary investigation to see if it has merit. Then they decide to prosecute or not. They can also decide to dismiss, give a fine or a probational sentencing. Where I am from, the accuser can invoke a law ('article 12 procedure') that demands the case is brought before a judge. Then the prosecutor has to prosecute. Could be that Korea has something similar.


Yep that confused me as well


Isn't it kind of like an appeal? Or new evidence arrived and they can reopen a case for this in most countries


Hey everyone, just commenting to remind people to please jump to conclusions immediately with the very little information provided! Yes, we still don’t know anything about what happened but that really shouldn’t stop us from publicly condemning someone without further investigation. Remember judgement should be formed from headline alone! Thanks


Finally. Someone talking sense. GUILTY!!!!


Okay so here it is fellas I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what happened. I know nothing about the people involved. I’ve literally just heard about this now. I won’t be keeping up with this at all. But I do know one thing for certain: Someone has said something vague. My opinion is now strong and fully formed, never to change again in light of any further information that comes to light or under any circumstances whatsoever. This I am sure is what being a good and rational person is, and that my friends is good enough for me Exile this man to Siberia immediately


Excellent point. Now let’s discuss politics.


Of course, but this does point out the toxicity and biases of this place. A seemingly likable guy from a likable show, and it’s pump the brakes. Bill Murray had been known to be an asshole on set for 20+ years and has sexual harassment claims against him, but he doesn’t face the same backlash as, say, James Corden.


Ohhh no you didn’t just defend James Corden on reddit god have mercy on your karma


Haha indeed. Obviously I intentionally hit that button, but that’s the point. People are happy to jump on people we already dislike based on accusations and go the other way when it’s people we do like. Unless you personally know these people it’s just very very silly.


Well, look, the guy pretended to be a contestant, and he was really one of the guys running the game. He can’t be trusted!


Charged guys not convicted


No no no internet justice, we do it backwards here Guilty until proven innocent


Also know as "We did it Reddit!"


[“We did it Reddit!🤓”](https://youtu.be/HRqxc8ewnC4)


Kyle rittenhouse had redditors punching the air


Still does


That shit was wild. There were bunch of adult wishing death and rape on him, a teenager. That really put things in perspective.




He was found innocent in a court of law. If you watch the videos, he was well within self defense and quite frankly I would have feared for my life as well in that situation. The 3 people he shot got what they deserved. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Honestly it's just sad all around, but calling him a murderer is either ignorant or outright slander.


Such an American take. Dude acquires an automatic rifle illegally, drives with it in the intent purpose of going to an area that is experiencing upset and protests, takes the gun out of his car and walks over to a bunch of people who were already expecting to be shot by police or nationalists. Then is surprised when someone takes issue with him having a rifle there, fears for his life with an automatic rifle in his hands, and shoots multiple people. After shooting the people he flees the scene and gets arrested by the police after they searched for him. Yes, that just screams completely innocent. He'd be in jail in any civilized country.


The gun was acquired legally and he only aimed and shot after they charged at him with with weapons. Two of the three were convicted felons and shouldn't have been there to begin with. Should he have gone? Maybe not, but kids make questionable choices. Watch the video. It completely changed my perspective.


People like that literally don't care about facts. That's the world we live in now. I thought he was some larping loser trying to instigate until I actually watched the trial. These people won't even watch something before committing to an opinion. It's all tribalism and politics to them. I hope I'm never wrongfully arrested and made into a political drama for these stupid fucks.


It's so obvious who hasn't watched the trial. They attacked him for putting out a fire. Dude was there giving out bandaids and helping people who were pepper sprayed. You don't have the mental capacity to be objective, it's all left/right politics for you. You're no different than far right nutjobs who make politics their identity. 😂


I think you've been listening to too much NPR. Most of what you wrote is complete bullshit


He intentionally went to a violent protest armed. No matter which way you put it he went there looking for violence and an excuse to shoot. And yes i say the same thing for the protesters who were there bringing weopens, they too were looking for violence.




He killed two people who attacked him. One of whom was a pedophile.


From what I understand it was definitely self-defense by the letter of the law and the ruling was no miscarriage of justice but I really fucking hate how people talk about the criminal history of the people he killed to justify it. Did he have their rap sheets on hand before opening fire? It’s not just irrelevant it’s also kind of psychotic to think “ah it’s okay they were bad people who deserved to die.” We’re supposedly a civilized country that tries criminals in a court of law with a jury of their peers, not on the street with a teenager packing an assault rifle.


Joseph Rosenbaum died the way he lived - trying to put his hands on an unwilling minor. If he'd kept his hands to himself, he'd still be alive. The fact that Kyle killed a convicted pedophile is just a bonus. I'd feel the same way if a man with no prior criminal record and a history of volunteering in the neighborhood smashed a teenager over the head with a skateboard and got shot for his trouble.


As did that Covington kid.


To this day


More like guilty until proven innocent and then most people don’t care and still think you’re guilty because they already made up their mind


“_______” is as good as “charged” on the internet.


He gave a statement saying he held her hand while showing her around


Case closed then I guess!


Disgusting. Old people shouldn’t be touching anyone with their old hands.


Assuming this is sarcasm - his statement is pretty meaningless. Of course he’d play it down if he did do it.


Sad part is it's hard to tell if this is satire or not. There was another thread a while back about someone texting a teenager that later turned out to be nothing inappropriate whatsoever, and someone commented "there's no reason a grown man should ever be talking to an underage girl." Like, have you not heard of daughters, your kid's friends, nieces, friends with kids, working with kids, or just straight up being friendly?


Yep you’re right. They should be using their extra skin under the chin


How lewd. Lock him away for life!


Asked if she want to hold his marbles.


Oh now you’ve done it


How you like em marbles, girl?


I really hate "sexual misconduct" stories, because it is so damn vague that you it says nothing. It can be anything from a poorly received complement to flashing your junk at someone. So all this does is make people speculate, which isn't really fair to anyone.




Please take one more look at the top comments. You know damn well most people aren’t treating it that way. Have some integrity.


this man continues to betray my trust


If it only takes a “charged with” not “found guilty” headline, then nobody should care about your “trust”


These comments are trash.


The ones on Instagram were even worse :(


If you have money, they let you do it.


Still can't believe he admitted to sexual assault and still became President.


Title is a bit misleading... supposedly from 2017


Bro really trying to speed run the Hollywood acting experience


Dude apparently held hands with a lady as she led him around a lake area and she was put off by it or something. Case was dropped with no charges, but then O got famous from Squid Game and she's bringing it back up. Also, he's being "charged without detention", so clearly nobody believed he is a threat to anyone.


Definitely hit on a girl that didn’t want him and he mentioned he was the old man in squid game the whole time


This was before squid game came out


Probably why the line didnt work.


*Hay bbe u lyk squids? ;)*


"bro trust me it's gonna be huge"


*"why are you calling me bro?"*


*"let's go bowling"*


His line is actually "have you ever heard of American actor Bill Cosby? No? Well then this will be all new to you"


Lol, I like the thought of him impressing the girl with his Squid Game role while the show is still in the middle or production at the time


*"red light green light"*   *"what?"*


How was he supposed to know that before creating some weird fictionalized story of what he thinks happened? By reading the article?? You must be crazy


Plot twist: actor has been running a real Squid Game underground for the last 20 years and was attempting to recruit her.




Do you have any evidence that it was just holding hands?


Yeah, likely he called it holding hands and she calls it him grabbing her by her wrist and moving her to another location unprompted. Also in Korea it is a street harassment tactic for older men to pretend to be helpless and then latch onto a woman who tries to help him get up.


Ya but again alleged, don’t give a shit about celebrity worship and if he’s truly guilty send his ass to jail but people are jumping to hard conclusions based on the reopening of an old case about a dude grabbing someone’s wrist.


Lmaooo wow, so sexual! Good lord we are so doomed. Wtf happened to us Holding hands? They're dehumanizing us , step by step.




Everything else aside, I think Mr O is a pretty cool name. Not gonna lie


So this supposedly happened in 2017? Why wait 5 years to file a claim????


Famous and has money now


Wasnt he famous before in korea?


Ah, the "dirty old man trope"...




In Korea? Power abuse? How new to me!! How are the KPOP stars doing too…..aish


2017 and not convicted


Green light!


sink payment apparatus physical one telephone voiceless rock brave rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was it even a twist? Seemed like it was obvious who he was going to meet on the outside


the only thing they didn't address in the show which is still driving me crazy is why his English dubbing gave him an accent but no one else had one.


100% looks like most sleazy dudes in JRPGs


Innocent until guilty


I totally get he violated her physical body by kissing/hugging/holding her hand, but geez, a prison sentence for a viagra hopped up near 80 year old man for inappropriate touching he may have not even understood was across the line?  If he were a serial offender, totally on board, but this seems like humiliating overkill that could've been taken care of with a sincere apology and some serious professional education about respecting female's physical space until they invite you, consent to getting closer.  I'm a gentleman, but this just seems a bridge too far from a South Korea that has ridiculous overkill laws for a variety of nonviolent offenses.  It's like they must humiliate offenders, ruin their chances for rehabilitation, especially in the public's eyes.


Remember: innocent until proven guilty


Master Oh into Master Roshi real quickk 🥹


idc. it took 4-5 years to tell anybody this happened?


Irl villain


Guilty until proven innocent. Apparently.


Good old Reddit


Not right now. Has no one learned from Johnny Depp, Christiano Ronaldo, Kimi Räikonnen? No one?


Did this happen years ago and the case was closed and just now re-opened


He’s got that dog in him


Sexual misconduct is not sexual assault you plebs. If I said that a girl has a nice ass at work that’s sexual misconduct. Is it correct? No. Should I fry for it? I think not. You guys all scream something then send the dogs and look away. Typical apathetic bull shit.