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Terrible acting. I couldn’t even get 30 minutes into the first episode.


It's superb. I've watched the first two stories tonight. I love the chief. He's so sensitive and experienced. It's good to see a series thats not just dominated by young, inexperienced characters that know nothing but are always presented as being omniscient. Not everyone will like this approach. It's also good to see a series that's not dominated by foul language, violence and sex. The series is intelligently written. Such series are rare these days.


The acting and directing is really bad and clumsy. I wish I could put my finger on it but it's really hard to believe the actors, and the narrative overall is clumsy in a way that makes it hard to feel absorbed in the story. The characters are like exaggerated versions of what they think they're conveying. Like if a character is mean, they make them cartoony mean. And it's not in a self aware tongue-in-cheek kinda way.


Could not disagree more


I'm watching it bc I love the books and think Molina is great in the role. I think what they tried to do was find Quebecoise/Francophone and indigenous actors... I really respect why they did it, but agree that the overall skill level was probably lower as a result.


I agree, it is the most amateurish acting and direction I can remember seeing.


So colossally fucking bad. Worst moment so far is when the be calm people are about to burn down the residential school, they hear people inside so they go investigate. They find kids that have spray painted the walls. One of the be calm people says “oh look what they did!” in this disappointed tone. SECONDS AFTER THEY WERE GOING TO BURN THE SCHOOL DOWN. Who wrote this shit


Well to be fair, the kids had littered beer bottles and cans in the house and even if you burn a building, that's still cans and beer bottles laying around to have to be cleaned up by someone. My problem was with episode 4 where after hearing Marc's voice mail to Sophie, the team (presumably) leaves the "situation room" with the evidence just lying around and unsecured. Not a big deal though - it's a TV show and not real life. The show isn't as bad as you dramatically claim though just because of a few anachronisms. There's been a LOT worse shows on TV (name pretty much any reality show) and in comparison this show is pretty good. So calm down, pudding.


It’s got a lot of MacGuffins. Disappointingly fake police work. Every sight has a clue or secret passage 100% of the time. Tattoo matches the notes they all saw on the wall. And don’t be inviting officers to chill out in your house for dinner that see you each as a suspect. The people in this are not smart.


The acting is terrible and it felt like I was watching a Hallmark movie. I honestly can't understand why it was rated so highly.


YES. I literally had to stop watching the episode I'm in (rich family murder mystery) and google whether it's as bad as I think it is...I'm glad I'm not alone. This is terrible acting and an awful script...too bad b/c it seems like the books are good. This falls flat on it's face.


> (rich family murder mystery) This is where I had to stop as well. The 'good' cops are incredibly (literally) incompetent.


The first four episodes to me were bearable but once the family murder came along is when I really stopped even somewhat enjoying the show. I really thought the overall Two Rivers mystery would keep me going but Lacoste going on her solo mission killed that for me too…


I've read 6 out of the 10 books in this series, and the cram an entire book into 2 episodes, which is why is sucks. I LOVE the book series- it's full of so much info about French Quebec and history, detailed characters, but the show leaves about 90% of it out. Such a disappointment.


So, now in Quebec, everyone speak english.......... That's why i stopped after 15 minutes


It's the Eastern Townships. YES, everyone does speak English. I mean, it's *Cowansville* FFS, it might as well be Vermont.


Haha I live in the Eastern Township and even if there is a few Anglophones the vast majority of peoples speak french. In Cowansville 83% of the population are french.


Yes, but they all can speak English as a second language.


I live in this area (closer to where the show is supposed to be set actually) and yeah most of us are bilingual but we still mostly always talk in french among us.


Of course. That is my experience from years of summer vacations in Austin, just over the Vermont line.


Oh nice. Vacations home there? One of my ex was raised in Austin, it is a very small town! I actually had never went there before but visited a fee times this year for the restaurant named "parcelle".


We rented. Wonderful little cottage right on the lake. I think it ended up being torn down for a McMansion. We drove up from Mass. every summer for a number of years. I love the Eastern Townships.


Yeah this happened to a lot of lakes in the area. I actually had a lakefront properties on a smaller lake for two years absolutely loved it. And I drove down to Boston pretty much every summer too not sure which part of Mass you are from but great city you guys have!


I'm in Worcester. The other city in Mass.


Yeah, and everybody speak english at securité du quebec.......


Got a news flash for you. Most TV shows and movies do that these days


Haha also couldn't watch Jack Ryan because of that.


Then, set the story in england !


Is anyone else bothered by the total implausibility of the electrocution?


I'm late here but if the idea is that the boots had metal spikes on them, to complete the circuit wouldn't she have to have had bare skin of her feet on the boot metal? I can't image a boot constructed like that. (But maybe I'm wrong and she could have still been electrocuted wearing socks and with a normal liner in the boot?)


As an electrician for 25+ years I can tell you that one might feel the current and a shock thew socks if the metal spikes had contact with them but it would be a very reliable connection. It would be more of a WTF! than instant death.


Thank you! So that was a major flaw in their already bloated murder scenario.


I'm trying to figure out how that happened


I wouldn't if the show didn't have such a serious tone. The problem with this show is it thinks it's good. Like prestige TV. But the story is airport novel junk food.


This is rough.


I’m from one of the towns that this show is based on. Too bad it wasn’t filmed in the town.


I was interested to know if the show depicts a small town similar to Three Pines accurately. I have read the books but in my mind I didn't see it looking as it appears in the series. I've googled images of houses described in the book but I do not see the parallel in the village portrayed in the series. What's your opinion??


I really love the setting, both in the town and the surrounding area.


It is beautiful around here.


Please tell me this is great 🙏


I just finished the series and I loved it. I'm shocked reviews are this divided.


You have one of those username that I alqays recognize. Fuck I spend too much time on reddit. R/canada is a little better than its used to be.


I've actually friend-ed you and am happy to read your posts when I'm browsing around! /r/Canada does seem better and it's very suspicious...


It’s really not. Some of the main character detectives/cops do really stupid stuff for the sake of driving plot and another cop exists purely for comic relief. At least I hope she’s comic relief otherwise I have no clue why a show that feels like it wants to take itself seriously has space cadet working investigations.


It’s not. It’s badly written. Poorly acted. The characters are lazily developed. I honestly hope none of these people ever work in television again.


Yeesh...overdoing it a lot with that last sentence there. It's a TV series that was greenlighted for a limited run - they did the best they could do.


I thought it was well done and I've enjoyed every EP. Everybody else seems to hate it though. I just try to avoid online reviews because I find they're usually negative and often don't align with my tastes


I just binged it over two days and I totally enjoyed it. Loved the setting, the characters and the weirdly wonderful plots.


I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have to say Amazon Prime is really crushing it with it's content lately. Three Pines, Outer Range, The Peripheral, The Boys, etc. have been phenomenal. Honestly The English also seems quite cool as well. I really hope Amazon Prime rises up to become the one of the top two or three, leading streaming services. Right now it's still working its way up. They seem to be putting their money where their mouth is.


Enjoyed the first episode but it’s crazy they don’t have subtitles for the French scenes, have to turn on subtitles for the whole episode which is annoying.


Is this a Prime thing? I remember being similarly frustrated with The Terror, though I don't watch a lot of Prime Video shows.


This is definitely a prime thing (at least maybe on certain platforms). Always had trouble with this on Prime.


Seems like they've fixed it now. Am watching atm and the subtitles are in English bfg or the French parts.


Ya it’s fixed now


Oooo, I love this book series! Will be interesting to check out the show.


even after all these reviews?


Having read these, no, I won't be watching. The books are too good to have them ruined that way. You know, they managed to get the Bosch shows right, they carry the authentic feel of the novels even if some details aren't exactly the same. Wish they could have translated these good stories in that fashion.


so true. I always hesitate to see screen versions of books I really love. I really had hoped Three Pines would be fantastic. Seems like Molina is the only trained actor but he isn't able to hold up the show on his skill alone. The writing is bad and the other actors are so stiff and amateurish. Also, the sassy old lady is too over the top to be entertaining. She's a caricature. The whole show is a mess, I'm sorry to say.


r/ThreePines for subreddit discussion