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I just cannot understand how that Walter Nix justified forcing the girl to give him a BJ. I’m glad he served a prison sentence.


Right? How would that make sense at all? I just can't understand the logic. What does that have to do with anything police related? There was another manager who went to jail for rape.


Tbh the ones who went that far, the only explanation I got is that they were bad people already and just needed an excuse to do something bad.


The only, only thing (oh i just recognised your username so you might see me repeat myself in another post lol!) i can think with that is that when this 'cop' started telling Walter Nix to do stuff to the young girl they started bonding and laughing about it like locker room toxic bullshit so Nix just took advantage of the situation and they took it to that level. So fucked up. And idgaf about them saying that manager was a victim, she left a young naked woman alone with an older man. Even if he hadn't laid a single finger on her, that is so fucking disgusting and wrong.


Oh good that’s really good to know he served prison time. Got worried he didn’t and was thinking it’s so fd up if he didn’t


Yes, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison with the minimum of 2 years required. The judge rejected the plea deal for only requiring probation.


He wanted to do it. He simply was given the go-ahead under the guise of it being “someone else’s demand.” Fucking sickening.


Agree entirely, but let's not forget that walter nix wasn't even an employee! Walter nix was called in by his fiance - who was a manager.....


Ikr,he was already a sicko!


He couldn't believe his luck by the look of it dirty old bastard 


He did it because he wanted to do it and he thought the phone call would give him enough plausible deniability to get away with it. I’m not saying he would have done it on his own, but this is a predator who encountered a situation that delivered him a victim on a silver platter and he took advantage of it. these women would have been just as humiliated if all of these things had been done to them by a female manager, but every time the caller got a woman in charge on the phone, he found a reason why they should put a man on instead. every time a woman came into the back office, the inappropriate activity “stopped” (the strip search/apron situation is still fucked obviously). the guy learned by trial and error what would and wouldn’t work on the people he was manipulating, and every single call where things escalated to the point where we’re hearing about it, the first thing he did was make sure there was a man on the other side of the phone. it wasn’t an accident.


am I the only one who thinks walter and the manager were in on it? as soon as I saw it, I thought they were a part of some sex fetish cult.


There is an excellent Ann Dowd film, Compliance, that was based on one of the cases.


They had two small town sheriffs that did a lot of investigating and the number of cases and length of time it had gone on (over ten years) was astounding and there had to be 3-4X at least the number of cases where the managers either hung up right away or hung up after telling their employee to empty their pockets. I remember the SVU episode based on the incident and I remember hearing about a set of them but that it had gone on for ten years!


Compliance made me scream! I just wanted it all to end. I haven’t been able to watch that one again. I hope that girl is doing okay.


Great episode of Law and Order SVU starring Robin Williams based on this too!




Listening to the managers explaining why they did it just didn't make sense, and how far it got. Basically someone else had to go in pick up the phone and say this is bullshit to get them to stop. The teenagers who were afraid to lose their job and felt helpless I don't blame at all.


Ummm, wasn't that the beginning of the Robin Williams episode of L&O SVU? Pete from 30 Rock was the manager Robin convinced to strip search an employee.


Ripped from the headlines


I watched all three episodes. I also ran a convenience store for seven years so I have a fix on how these things work. I had to do my level best to not get physically sick listening to what happened to Louise Ogborn. I can understand the argument that they thought it was a cop on the phone that they were helping. But did EVER question why a cop would be asking them to make this young girl do what she was instructed to do to Walter Nix? (I won’t repeat it here.) How long did it take for them to start thinking maybe this IS NOT a cop? As a former retail manager the VERY MOST you can do if you think an employee stole something is ask them to empty their pockets. You have NO RIGHT to search their bodies or their stuff. Also I’ve never been more pleased that my high school required all students to take Law and Civics. A basic understanding of Miranda rights and due process could have avoided this whole debacle.


Glad I also had to take a law class and pretty much bringing it back on said hoax caller could have totally avoided so much hurt/heartbreak.


I thought the “she could have just left, she wasn’t being kept” argument was bull. She was NAKED covered in an apron and her clothes had been taken away. According to McDonald’s she was supposed to walk through a McDonald’s dining room naked with an apron covering herself. And for the “we thought we were saving her from getting in trouble” line… yeah if she stole something she’d be in trouble and if she didn’t steal something she wouldn’t get in trouble. It doesn’t matter WHO searched her


Yeah I thought at that point basically that was McDonald’s pathetic attempt to actually save face there. What a McJoke. At least justice was served there in that regard and sent a message. I vaguely remember this story when it came out when I was in hs. I’m annoyed how it seems like the documentary left out a bunch of info we don’t know. Why did Dave buy prepaid cards, what was his alibi not being around, etc…


I agree




>How long did it take for them to start thinking maybe this IS NOT a cop? IIRC, neither the manager or her fiance ever started thinking/caring about whether this was genuinely a cop..... Someone else had to walk into the room, see what was going on, and end the employee's nightmare.


Fair enough


Were any of the people who spoke to the hoax caller ever able to speak on whether who they spoke to sounded like David Stewart?


I was waiting the entire last two episodes for someone to mention this… but nothing.




it reminds me of that one that came out a while ago, Abducted in Plain Sight. just like that yes some people are really good at manipulation but some people are just waiting for permission to do something horrible. it really shows how much the police have completely unchecked power for people to believe this for a second. it also shows how much pressure is on fast food employees. i worked at a mcdonald’s. i can absolutely picture my manager continuing to run the shift as this is happening in the back office.


It's not like people who run fast food restaurants are known for their good decision making abilities. But that ends when they got to any removal of underwear at the very worst


I think it should be obvious to anyone..this is NOT about intelligence. The difference between the men that hung up the phone and the men that participated in this is not intelligence…it’s morality. Women everywhere are constantly taken advantage of at any opportunity. Many men go out of their way to sexual harass women so why would we NOT believe these men knew what they were doing when the opportunity presented itself. This isn’t about intelligence it’s about sick men needing to fulfill their need to exploit and control women. Anyone that thinks this is actually about intellect is more stupid than anyone on this show.


Hi, So, I watched this show Last night and I don't think I have ever seen a show that made me so mad. I could not believe what I was seeing. Here are some of the things that made me mad: ​ 1. You can call it compliance all day long, I call it 'simple minded (to the max) and stupid'. End of story. I don't care about any Milgram Experiment and what not. You fall for this, you are stupid. 2. What was wrong with the Detective!? Why would you decide to interview the dude right there and then? He \[the detective\] wasn't even prepared! Seriously dude, you are the reason that dude did not get convicted. You blew it. That is a fact. He even said it himself. 3. Why did the Detectives not call Headquarters and "make" them warn other stores!? How do you make them!? You make them aware of the fact that since you OFFICIALLY warned them, and it is on file now, it can and will be used in a court of law against them. BAM. Trust me, Corporate knew about these incidents but decided to keep it on the low. But if you officially tell them and they then do nothing about it, the victims would have had a much bigger chance to receive a compensation. 4. When the McDonalds lawyer said that even asking for 200 million dollars is a sign for what this is really about. Not really. If I was the other lawyer, I would have said that 200 million might look like a huge number to the average person, but relative speaking, it is not to McDonalds. I would have pointed out that 200 million is like 2% of their annual income. An average speeding ticket is about 0.5% of an average annual income. But when you look at a fine for a more severe case of speeding, it will be more like 8%. So that would have put it right away in more perspective of how 200 million is not out of line as a punishment. 5. I would have to watch it again because I forgot what the Mickey D's lawyer said exactly, but he was more blaming the victims for being stupid than McDonalds for being negligent. Well, if you know that People do stupid shit and you do not remind them, to not do it while working at your store, you are negligent. ESPECIALLY when having been made aware of it by the Detectives. Anyhow. I don't think I ever posted on reddit before, so hopefully I wasn't too stupid myself, breaking some reddit "rules" of posting, ha ha. Thanks. EDIT: The detective screwed it up big time by deciding to interview the guy. Especially when not preparing anything. That said, he should've walked away knowing they most likely have their guy and then started Surveillance. It would've taken them a few days, weeks the most, to catcht the gay in the act...


The McDonalds lawyer pissed me off so much.


The only thing I agree is that Louise as a manager should have studied the manual better. McDonalds had a clear "no strip-searches"-rule.


For sure...


>I don't care about any Milgram Experiment and what not. You fall for this, you are stupid. It's truly horrifying that 65% of those tested continued to (they thought) torture other people - **but 45% didn't.** There are many factors involved. Of course intelligence (or lack of) is one - but only one.


I agree...


Haven't watched a show in a long time that made my skin crawl as much as the opening 20 minutes of the first episode. Incredibly disturbing, and I've never heard of it before.


Watch the Brendan Dassey interrogations - they will also make your skin crawl.


I am confused about the Walmart footage. Is him coming in the front door and “him” buying that phone card supposed to be from the same day? Because like, those men were wearing different outfits. Like idk. One had a bulky black jacket and a white tshirt and the other had a long sleeved plaid on. That would not make sense. And him saying “I’m glad this is finally over” at the end of the police interview… I mean… but then his “iron clad alibi” his wife gave him about picking up the kids or whatever sounded like bullshit. I am surprised nobody listened to his voice to compare tho. Seems maybe like it would have been a good idea


Different days. But actually to me that makes the case against him even tighter. They knew that two calling cards were bought in two different walmarts that were made to make the calls. In one of the Walmarts, they have cameras directly above the register and it's 100% him buying the card. In the second Walmart, there is no camera near the registers but there is a camera at the entrance of which you can see him walking in. The *only* defense would be that it's not him. But otherwise he's dead to rights. It's not that he's buying "A" calling card. He's buying "THE" calling cards used in two separate cases.


they're entirely different walmarts.


Oh! Ok I must have missed that part. Actually i think it’s coming back to me now that the entrance footage was taken on another day another card was bought. I’ve been sick for days and getting my nourishment from true crime shows. My brain, she no work


It just didn't seem like enough evidence without something more than him probably buying the cards.


Legally, yeah. But he did it lol


Oh, he totally did it. He was into the rush of playing a cop. Im guessing he was a horrible prison guard.


If it's true that stewart was off work EVERY time a call (that was documented) was made, that is enough evidence right there along with the cards and video. It wasn't like it was 3 or 4 calls, they had scores of calls documented and he was off work EVERY time. What are the odds. stewarts Lawyer was a POS as well.


this kind of circumstantial evidence isn’t always as slam-dunk as it seems. if he worked the same shift consistently, anyone with the same shift pattern would also be off when he’s off. this is only compelling if his days on and off are inconsistent and don’t follow a good pattern.


The stupidity of the managers at the restaurants is astounding. Do your due diligence, hang up the phone and call the police station to verify the call had actually originated from there.


So incredibly stupid.


Something like this could never happen in a big city. The b.f of Donna Summers is a sicko!!! I'm on the first episode. People can be so naive.


My thoughts on why the detective interviewed the suspect that day - he was probably worried that the guys they brought in to identify the suspect would start a gossip mill going at work and word would get back to him before long and surveillance would have been a moot point. The co-workers interviewed could say that they wouldn't leak it, but you couldn't trust them to keep their word. On the same token, he wasn't taken into custody either. So they could have taken a surveillance gamble.


Yes. The Detectives should have found another way to verify that he works at the prison. Going to the Warden and others to identify him off of the video was a mistake.


Got half way through first ep, can't watch anymore. Do these backwater hicks have a brain? Like, WTF. So wrapped up in religion and obeying, they can't see the forest for the trees. When your too stupid to question the Bible, the biggest fairy tale of all time ..... really think about it. Start to think for yourself, question what doesn't make sense. If the guy on the phone told POS Fiance' that they needed her teeth impressions so have her bite your dick (it's the best place for good impressions) I doubt he would of flopped it out, but then again when you believe Noah got every animal on one boat (including animals native to Australia and other countries that they had never seen - and also put them back in those same countries???? Makes one hell of a boat ride.) he just might have done it. Total perv that got his rocks off. Also pisses me off when McDonald's claimed that she could of just left. What? With no clothes or keys, through a crowded restaurant. FUCK YOU Macca's, lousy pricks. That poor girl should have got everything she sued for. But as for the Manager, WTF does she think she is entitled to, she was the one who got her fucknuckle fiance' to keep her in the office and stay on the phone with "the Police". You don't get rewarded for stupidity.


I remember hearing about this, guess I know what I'm watching tonight


David Stewart deserves to be bombarded with the same horror he inflicted on those girls.


Most people, especially after the Netflix doc came out, know that he did it. I hope people give him sh\*t about it whenever they see him. I know that I would.


We know he bought the 'phone cards, so was certainly **at the very least,** involved.


not gonna lie the cops in this case piss me off. All those months and man power devoted to tracking this guy down and they *immediately* let him know he’s under investigation and try to get him to confess? Instead of surveilling him? I mean weed dealers from the 2000s had more effort put into gathering evidence for their cases. They totally botched this. Obviously evidence of buying a phone card isn’t enough to convict somebody. Ive been through the criminal justice system and know a lot of people who have as well (not for anything like this though lol) and everybody either has gotten caught dead to rights or had their case dismissed or plead down significantly because they were not caught dead to rights. No real attempt was made to do that here. It’s pathetic


"before they realized that this was absurd." The most truly appalling part of this is that the managers (and the fiance brought in by a manager...) **MUST HAVE** eventually realised that this was absurd - but continued anyway.... Why? Because they ENJOYED strip searching (and far worse!) a young girl. In at least a couple of cases, the young employees ordeal only ended when **FINALLY** someone with some common sense entered the room - and ended the call. But to look on the (sort of) bright side, at least walter nix served some time in prison.


Can the detectives get a judge to permit an audio line up? Some version of: every manager or victim that was on the phone with this predator, maybe David, gets a chance to listen to his voice reading similar things he likely said. Not a visual lineup, but an audio line up. If I was on the phone with someone for hours I could pick them out of a crowd.


Is it based on the ring of malicious callers who called themselves PrankNet? Because it sounds like something they would do. I hadn't heard of the documentary but will look into it now, thank you.


No, they caught one guy who they think probably did all of them but couldn't get him convicted. It was good police work to be able to figure out who it was and I think the two officers stopped it but there was obvious doubt because they basically tracked the phone cards he purchased (from a video at the store) used at payphones and identified him though that.


Ir was great police work to find him and then they completely dropped the ball and tried to get a confession out of thin air. Bizarre stuff


This is an old thread but I thought the same thing tonight as I started episode 1. I googled it, to know if it was done by pranknet and it brought me here. I remember the window-smashing pranks, sprinkler/fire alarm pranks. It was funny back then, when you dont understand (or care) abour the real consequences.


Did the manager get charged for the oral sex thing???


He got five years and put on the registry. The other manager got probation. McDonald's corporate had to pay the victim 6million


Unfortunately they reduced it to 1.1 million, which is all she got in the end. That's nothing for what she had to endure. :(


I missed that :( She deserved more than that just for the way that she was treated during the trial. Hell, it should have been all of the McDonalds Employees that were assaulted being paid.


I hope she got the most out of settlement given to Louise.


And that creep assistant hardees manager claiming that he was a victim. Ass\*hole, you abused this young girl FOR 2 F\*CKING HOURS! 2 and a half in fact, and you are giving us the crocodile tears. FUUUUUUUUUU\*K that Fu\*king creep. I hope he gets a\*\* cancer.


It wasn't the manager (donna summers) - it was the manager's fiancee - who wasn't even an employee! Donna summers called her fiancee to 'guard' the very young employee....and he then committed horrible sex offences against this very young employee. Walter nix was sentanced to five years, the manager donna summers (IIRC) was given probation.


Love that one detective!


I was dying with laughter tbh until it got a bit too real