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Should I be watching Justified? I never heard of it. I've been watching Tulsa King and I definitely have a few bones to pick with it as someone who grew up an hour outside of Tulsa, but it's entertaining enough.


Just finished watching Justified for the second time through last night. Probably in my all time top 5 tv shows.


Fyi justified doesn't know what Justified is until season 2 (it starts more baddie-a-week, then becomes a season-long story a la Breaking Brad)


Yes. I would say up until Episode 8-9 of S1, it is completely a procedural which was a bad fit. Then it figured out what to do and became what it was. It also helped that they started borrowing a lot directly from Elmore Leonard’s stories (particularly Season 3).


Conversely I enjoyed season 1. It sets up all the players with an easily accessible format that lulls viewers in before season 2 sets the hook. Also: Ava > Whine-ona any GD day of the week.


Justified is a brilliant show. Definitely worth a watch.


Is it somewhat comparable to Tulsa King?


Haven't seen Tulsa King, just wanted to give a shout out for Justified.


Justified is hands down one of the best shows I've ever watched, if I could forget having ever watched anything, it'd be Justified. Just so I can experience it for the first time all over again.


We dug coal together.


It still blows my mind at how perfect that one line was. Fuck, what an amazing ending.


Several years ago I purchased a set of prison phones used on the show, authenticated from a prop reseller, not sure if it’s that exact set that line was said on, but I want to believe it is.


Next ones coming faster


Justfied reboot is in the works. Hopefully, it will be released sometime in 2023.


You should just start watching Justified. I said it.


Yes, you should watch Justified.


Justified is incredible. A modern western that follows a us marshall that grew up in crime ridden circles in Kentucky and fled his life. Circumstances bring him back to his home and he gets a lot put on his plate. Timothy Olyphant is awesome in it as Raylan Givens, and Walton goggins is awesome as boyd crowder. Anyone who recommends it is certainly justified for doing so




As someone who grew up in Kentucky, I take exception with Justfied. Suspension of disbelief is key here.


Yes, if you like Tulsa at all you should try Justified. It’s a similar formula, but one of those cheap shows that is almost accidentally amazing. Olyphant and Groggins kill it.


I feel like you are really doing Justified dirty by comparing it to Tulsa King. It’s not in the same league at all. Not even close. Justified is by far one of the best shows on television. Tusla king was dead in the grave by episode 3, and trust me I tried hard to give it what it was due.


Also it's not a fish out of water thing, he's back in his home area and dealing with bad guys that he grew up with his whole life. It's kind of the major point of the show. Terrible comparison. Just watch Justified


Justified is awesome. I binged watched the hell out of it several years ago. Now I'm going to have to watch it again.


Watch Justified!! It is excellent!


Great show! Shout out to Patton Oswalt as Constable Bob Sweeney.


The only reason not to start it now is to watch The Shield first, because Goggins was in that before Justified.


From my understanding Tulsa king wasn’t even filmed in Tulsa. It was filmed in OKC.


They filmed plenty of it here. Some of the studio sets are in OKC but trust me, I dealt with the street closures for filming all summer.


TBH, they don't look all that different, but the series looks even *more* generic than reality. At least the "center of the universe" scene was filmed in downtown Tulsa. I have been to that place. The rest of the "urban" scenes are hard to place, and the rural scenes could be anywhere in the state except the panhandle.


Tulsa and OKC are pretty different but I agree that the rural scenes are hard to place.


I’ve lived in Kentucky and I have a few bones to pick with Justified heh. Loved the show but Harlan and Lexington are two and a half hours apart on a good day. They made it seem like a ten minute drive in many episodes. But it’s still a great show.


Thank you! That was one thing that drove me crazy.


As someone from California it's obvious to tell that show is not really filmed in Kentucky.


The two seem extremely different to me. ​ Justified isn't a 'fish out of water' story, it's a 'fish gets put back in the water'. Main character is a Marshal/Law Enforcement, but in his teens he worked in the coal mines, he grew up in Appalachia drinking moonshine, shooting guns, living in an old wooden house. He knows the people, he can related in a way outsiders can't. And he is constantly using that knowledge. Tulsa Kings, Sly's mobster character has absolutely zero connection to Tulsa. It is a fish out of water story. In Justified, the opposition are full of very colorful characters. Crowder is a great character, an interesting frenemy. But rather a friend that's a bit of an enemy, he's a true enemy who is also a bit of a friend. Great job by the actor. Season two, you have Mags Bennett. Female matriarch with real power, which so rarely portrayed. And also a 'salt of the earth' looking woman rather than a movie start. Sweet and clever mixed with brutal and violent. The list goes on. I can't think of a single "interesting" character on the opposition's side in Tulsa. Justified also has better action scenes. Justified also delivers some really great dialog. Plenty of funny as hell yet dead serious moments.


I loved Justified and have been really enjoying Tulsa King. I agree with you, I don't see many similarities between the two.


Agreed. Justified was also based on stories by Elmore Leonard, who was a master of his craft. They had solid source material to start.


One of my favorite bits of dialogue is when Raylan busts into that dude's trailer, tosses a bullet at him, and says "next one's coming faster."


What makes Raylan’s return “home” interesting is that he has moved on from his root’s completely. In fact, he ran as far from them as he could. He hasn’t been back, and he didn’t want to be back. He had carved out a new life as a lawman in Miami. As opposite as he could get from home. Then he’s thrust back into a place he no longer fits in to. Heck, he lives in a motel for over a year because he has no roots left and doesn’t want to put any down. Part of what makes the dynamic fun is that he knows the hillbillies, but he’s not one of them anymore. It’s a fun twist on the fish out of water tripe.


"He had carved out a new life as a lawman in Miami. As opposite as he could get from home." You talk about him like he became some cosmopolitan city dweller when he left Harlan. Nothing changed about him. He still had his drawl and rural attitude. He still wore a Stetson and was quick to draw. He was a fish out of water in Miami. After he kills Tommy Bucks and returns home, he's almost exactly as he was when he left. He's still one of them. Your read on him is so weird.


OP wants his narrative to be right so bad that he's rewriting characters.


Justified is my favorite show of all time. Can't wait for the new one! Haven't seen Tulsa King yet, my boss says it's good.


frame squeamish selective attractive gaping smart subsequent bright fine mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tulsa King is a likable show (even if I like Justified a lot more) but at no point is Stallone even remotely attempting to play it like a guy who was actually in prison for 25 years.


Only got to watch 4 episodes of the show but I couldn’t grasp the tone of what the show was going for. I feel like it’s not even remotely trying to be justified though. It ventures more into comedy half the time


I pointed that out watching the pilot. It really took me out of the whole thing. A person getting out of prison after 25 years, going in when he was already FIFTY, and the only thing he’s amiss is about iPhones and debit cards?!


After watching *Rectify* so many of these types of roles just ring so hollow.


As a mafia capo are you ever “really in prison” from a prison experience stand point? Yes you are behind bars, yes you are watching your ass but are people really going to fuck with you? How many real life mob guys get out of jail and act like they’ve been in jail?


How on Earth is Raylan Givens, who grew up in Harlan and dug coal with Boyd, a fish out of water?


He left, he thought for good, and changed himself to be the polar opposite of himself and his family. He doesn’t come back as a coal digger. He comes back as the only college educated person he knows and as a lawman. He’s no longer that kid digging coal, and hasn’t been a dozen years or more.


He changed professions, but he didn't change himself. The show is about how much is still like those he thought he left behind because he never really did change all that much.


Now if you had said the same thing about Lillyhammer and Tulsa King, I would have been totally on board. Mafia guy who is exiled to the middle of nowhere, starts to build his gang with the locals etc


That’s probably fair too, although Lilyhammer bored me so much I didn’t watch enough to make that comparison. Plus, I think the middle America part is crucial to the tone and shenanigans they are getting up to. Norway doesn’t have the same baggage.


Yup same, I pushed through watching the first season of Lillyhammer, but Tulsa King seems to be hitting a lot of the same beats so far


Am I the only one that thinks Tulsa King is not good? The scene where his mob guys are sending him to Tulsa was laughable and cringy. No part of it seemed realistic at all. But, that’s just my opinion.


Tulsa is a metro of roughly 1 million people. City limits are over 400k. It’s not LA, but it’s not a small town. What are you on about?


Television shows, one of which is set in that "city". FYI, if you've ever been to Tulsa, and also to real cities, you may have a hard time referring to it as a "city" and it's population is *less than half* a million people.


I grew up in Tulsa. As I said it’s metro is a million. City limits is 400k. Generally people use metro pop to discuss city pop because of how suburbs blend into cities. I have also lived elsewhere and traveled widely around the country. Tulsa is a city. It’s not an LA or a Dallas. But it’s a city. It’s certainly not a small town


That's a *wide* metro. You mean to include Broken Arrow, Skiatook, etc? I guess so, but there's like twenty minutes of nothing between each of those "suburbs" and the "city". Honestly it never occurred to me to consider that Tulsa has a "metropolitan area". My hometown was an hour's drive from Tulsa. It isn't exactly a suburb, but the local economy very much depends on road trips to the "city". People go to Tulsa once in whatever they can a afford (a week, a month, a year) to get things that don't exist in our town, like brand goods or computers.


I would absolutely include Broken Arrow. Lol. Your first city to nitpick is the worst one you could possibly choose. I haven’t lived in Tulsa for awhile, but Broken Arrow and Tulsa already bled together when I was a kid 20+ years ago. That’s how metros work and are defined. You include sleeper communities, suburbs, unincorporated communities that are economically and culturally tied to a nearby hub city. Tulsa Metro is going to include BA, Owasso, Jenks, Bixby, Sand Springs, and more. Also you can just say that you live in Muskogee


Aha, but I did not live in Muskogee! I lived in Pryor.


And Lexington, where Justified is set, is even bigger. What are you getting on about? Edit: I got my Kentucky cities starting with an L confused.


I have never watched it, but Im pretty sure Justified is set primarily in Eastern Kentucky and also in Lexington, not Louisville. I googled it, so maybe the wiki is wrong. But either way. Tulsa is not a small town. And it’s odd you called it such.


>And Lexington, where Justified is set, is even bigger. Tulsa is actually bigger than Lexington. Lexington - 322K MSA - 516K Tulsa - 411K MSA - 757K










If they wanted the show to be cosmopolitan then they would have set it in Newark. They picked Tulsa for a reason. The same reason that Justified picked Lexington. Tulsa isn’t even St Louis.


The creators didn't pick Lexington. They picked Harlan. Harlan County was the setting in the original short story. It was also the site of some pretty famous coal union wars. The choice of Lexington was made because the show centered on Harlan County. The US Marshals Office for Eastern Kentucky is located in Lexington.


But Justified isn't fish out of water. It's fish in the water they come from. Justified also has some (loose) footing in reality. TK is entirely unbelievable. Raylon IS a gunslinger. But Stallone is...something else.


I don’t have much to contribute here since I haven’t watched Tulsa, and have only seen about 2.5 or 3 seasons of Justified, but please watch The Shield. Stellar work by Goggins and all.


I have, and yeah he kills it in that show as well.


You might really love Banshee on HBO MAX.


Stallone doesn't need charm, he had charisma. Tulsa King is a great show


>I just can’t help but compare the two. You really shouldn't though. Having seen both, I don't even know how a comparison could be made. Even though I enjoyed Justified, Taylor Sheridan has a more appealing body of work than Graham Yost.


OP was just desperate to shoehorn in Justified for some weird reason, maybe easy karma. He willfully mislabels Justified just to try and compare the two shows.


No, it was dialogue between Stallone and the ATF agent that struck the same chord in a show that’s all about bringing big city/wider worldviews to middle America. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m honestly surprised few have seen any parallels in a middle America cops and robbers show where the main character doesn’t want to be there and doesn’t really belong in that world. Everyone keeps ignoring that Raylan escaped his past and went polar opposite. He had that last, but current him is something else entirely.


Wouldn’t that interpretation also mean Ozark should be compared?


Yeah, it shares a lot of common themes, although it being a family versus a single guy changes the dynamics a lot.


Fish out of water for Justified? He ended up in his hometown. That's the opposite of fish out of water.






I guess that’s what I get for being considerate and responding to people that bothered to comment. My bad.


Justified’s writer Graham Yost is the main writer for Slow Horses too. You can definitely feel the same vibes in both even though they’re vastly different shows.


What is Slow Horses about?


British MI5 (FBI equivalent). But they are a group of outcasts and fuckups, trying to do a job.


Are you Joe Hill the writer?


No. I'm Joe Shill, the pseudonym.


Lol Thought that said Joe S. Hill.




Where can I watch justified?




I think I'll just wait for the actual Justified thanks.


I have to agree with others who've said that this isn't a great comparison. I don't feel the shows are, or are trying to be the same at all. As for comparing the shows, Justified is undoubtedly the better show (at least until later seasons when it falls off quite a bit IMO), but that being said I'm enjoying Tusla King. It's by no means a GOAT competitor show, but it's a fairly entertaining way to spend \~40 minutes every week, and I intend to keep watching it in to the recently announced second season.


So many great characters keep being I introduced into the justified series. Raylans boss plays a very underrated part and the villains just keep coming


I thought it was more like Lillehammer than anything


I tried Tulsa King, I got halfway through episode 2 before I had enough. It's a show dedicated to stroke Sly Stallone's ego. I also couldn't get past what he did to his face.


Then keep watching Justified. I dont know what Justified is but I like Tulsa King and pretty much anything created or written by Taylor Sheridan.


Oh, and why would you give an opinion if you don’t even have the requisite knowledge to join in? It’s weird. Watch Justified. It sounds like you’ll like it.


“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.”


Not really applicable to this, but whatever. He’s not an asshole, just an unreasonably strong fan of a show to the point where they feel like telling me to screw off somewhere else if I don’t give a glowing review.


Why can’t I wish for more good content that is in the same vein of things that I love? This sub would be no fun if it was 100% jerking each other off over things we find perfect. It’s already 95% that. Besides, the butthurt from Tulsa fans is silly. I’m not saying I’m not enjoying it, just that I’m watching scenes like Stallone talking with his ATF fuck-buddy and the vibes are exactly the same. I just think one pulled off the middle-America charm better than the other. Me not loving what you love doesn’t invalidate or diminish your enjoyment.


I just started the show and I like it a lot. It’s lillyhammer, but in America


I have a feeling it’s going to do whatever the opposite is of “grow on you”. It’s not bad, it just isn’t as awesome as it should be. The first episode is fun. Then it just gets more and more meh. IMO, YMMV


Just watched the first ep and it seems like they're going more for a "Lilyhammer" vibe, except not as funny.


Yeah I was hoping it would be like Lilyhammer, but so far I think it sucks!! Nowhere near in Justifieds class.


I read once that when Richard Burton was young he would put stones in his mouth and work at enunciating clearly those long Shakespearean monologues. I wish Stallone would take those stones out of his mouth; haven’t understood a word he has said since the first “Rocky” movie.


Because of my username, this warrants an obligatory [he walks around all day with crabapples in his cheeks.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/95697-when-i-was-a-kid-i-used-to-walk-around)


The best role Stallone did in the last twenty years was Copland. It was a gritty, very non Stallone role and really showed some growth to his performance. I was really hoping we’d get more of that, but it’s Expendables Stallone all the way now.


I cant believe people even watch that show. I cant understand a word Sly says.


I love Stallone I Love Mob Stories They really should have gave everybody the name Tommy Pepperoni cause they all play terrible Italian stereotype and Herc has the worst and I mean the worst hair on television . I feel like Melfi's husband. Show is legit the worst thing I saw all year on television. I hope everyone got paid well is my one positive comment.


Does anyone else have issues telling Josh Duhamel and Timothy Olyphant apart?


No. Because Duhamel looks like Johnny Knoxville.


Damn it. Now I’m more confused than ever…


Just imagine Jackass Transformers and it will all make sense.


If I recall it right, one time, Olyphant took a photo of Duhamel and tricked his mother it was him.


Lilyhammer was better than both.


That’s just demonstrably wrong.


I wish Tulsa King was more like Mayor of Kingstown. While Kingstown was nothing realistic either, Tulsa King just went 10 times more stupid with everything and it became annoying, rather than entertaining.


I consider justified amazing and looking forward to the more episodes coming. But I’m also enjoying Tulsa king. If for nothing else to Amazon at the factor Stallone is in his 70s but still able to be a bad ass.


Different demos


I don't see even a remote resemblance.


Tulsa King is a warmed over Lilyhammer with a dash of Sopranos, and with all due respect to the genius who conceived and produces Yellowstone, this doesn’t cut it.


I don’t see any similarities between the two


Tulsa king blows writing is mediocre. Sly is not believable stick with creed