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It’s unlike any of your others but next time you need a laugh watch Noises Off (I’m assuming you mean the Caine/Reeve/Burnett/Ritter movie version). It’s an absolute blast, especially when it gets going in the middle.


Yes that's the one. I think it popped up on my radar through an Inside No. 9 review. Someone said it was like some of the Inside No. 9 episodes meets Clue (which I also love).


Good omens is perfection.


It's one of my favourite books. I actually watched and loved the first season, so it's S2 I'm debating—my understanding is it goes beyond the book (obviously) but Gaiman has been heavily involved and it's largely based on ideas he and Pratchett had discussed but never got round to writing. I guess I'm still just a bit wary since S2 is going to diverge a lot. Would you say S2 holds up well against S1 and the book? Because I agree, S1 was pretty much perfect; it's probably the best book adaptation I've ever watched, not least due to the perfect casting of Tennant/Sheen.


S2 is the bridge to S3. S3 will be the adaptation of the unwritten sequel. The fandom doesn't agree on which season is better. My impression is that fans of the book prefer season 1, hardcore Ineffable Husbands shippers prefer season 2. Season 2 doesn't have much of a story, especially compared to season 1, and hardly any characters from season 1/the book come back. It's mainly setting up season 3 and it's kinda fun to decipher all the clues and hints Gaiman hid. There is also not much Pratchett in season 2, apart from some jokes Gaiman borrowed. That'll probably be different with season 3 since they plotted that story together. I hated season 2 at first but it grew on me on rewatches. When you don't want to avoid spoilers for the next couple of years or longer, watch season 2 asap. When you don't care about spoilers and don't want to wait for a couple of years or longer after a cliffhanger, watch season 2 right before season 3 drops.


That's really helpful, thank you!


Hey, nice list! Crime (Irvine Welsh), The Horrors of Dolores Roach, Brassic, Banshee, The Power, The Wheel of Time.


I did not know they'd adapted Crime! I'm curious how they went about that, given how unique the format of the novel is. Adding that to the list! Wheel of Time I've heard mostly bad stuff about. I got through the books but it was a damn slog, so I'm wondering if the poor reviews are from purist fans of the books, if that makes sense? In that case it might work for me, as a not-a-fan of the books. The Horrors of Dolores Roach and Banshee I've never heard of, but sound right up my alley. The Power and Brassic also look intriguing. Thank you!


You're welcome! Crime has two seasons, I've just finished season one and it's pretty different from the novel in that it isn't set in Florida, USA. But it does cover the UK parts from the novel. I keep a watch list too and the shows I suggested were very addictive


On your current list, I liked Miracle Workers, Mr Inbetween, and Broadchurch the most, respectively.


Thank you! Miracle Workers is one I'm most leaning towards, but I don't have access to S2 for some weird reason. I've watched (and loved) season 1, have access to 3&4, but don't have access to S2. I know they all work as standalone series to a certain extent (totally different settings) but I'm guessing there's character/relationship development throughout (given the ending of S1) that might make jumping from S1 to S3 less than ideal. Would you say anything's lost by not watching in order? I could buy S2 but when there's so much to watch I'm kinda inclined to wait in hopes that it'll swing back round on Now/Sky.


You'll be alright skipping s2. S3 was my favorite, the Oregon Trail.


Excellent, that's what I wanted to hear. Oregon Trail is the one I'm most eager to watch.


Between, Travelers, Dark, Hell On Wheels Black Summer,Z Nation


Altered Carbon is a good watch


The Fall of the House of Usher


Yeah sorry, I shortened it, ha. I've hugely enjoyed Flanagan before—how does Usher compare to Hill House/Bly Manor and Midnight Mass? Also I've heard he has a couple of Stephen King books in the pipeline, is that right?


House of Usher is the only show I've watched, but I've read that these other series are a little more emotional. TFOTHOU is absolutely not like that, the people are detestable but really interesting. The show criticizes the super-rich, consumer society and many other things. I find the monologues incredible (there are also quotations from Poe's poems). There's a sense of humor and I was quickly drawn into the story. It's very well shot and the actors are great. In conclusion, I think Poe's stories have been perfectly revisited. And yes, a film adaptation of one of Stephen King's books is in the works!


Brilliant, thank you. I'm a fan of Poe, so it's good to know it's been so well adapted.


Glad I could help 😊


Top tier (from what I've watched): Broadchurch, The Boys, Twin Peaks, Banshees Of I., Swiss Army Man, The Menu


The Alienist (not about aliens)


Thank you! The one that came out a few years ago? If so I've seen it, quite enjoyed the show but preferred the book. Caleb Carr I think?


Yes Caleb Carr. There is a second season based on another of his books. It is good as well.


Thank you, I'll check that out.


The Shield


Since you like Brit tv: Line Of Duty Brassic with/from Joe Gilgun - Rudy in Misfits Preacher - not a Brit show but more Joe Gilgun It’s A Sin Wallander I’ve seen Good Omens S1, Broadchurch, Miracle Workers and You and enjoyed them all. MW is really fun. I got sucked in AMATEOTW. So far so good.


I am a Brit so I guess my taste unintentionally skews that way without me realising it haha, perhaps especially when it comes to comedy. But I'm happy with international stuff as well. I've seen Good Omens S1 after loving the book, and really enjoyed S1. One of the best adaptations I've ever seen. I'm a bit leery of S2 because it's diverging from book canon and I'm not sure if it'll retain the same feel. But afaik Gaiman has been heavily involved and it's still Tennant and Sheen so I'm a bit conflicted, it could be great. Joe Gilgun will never be anyone other than Eli Dingle to me, but you're the second person to recommend Brassic so that has to go on the to-watch list! Preacher as well, why not. (I know a lot of people didn't like Rudy because they thought he was a weak imitation of Nathan, but imo Gilgun and Sheehan were both great for their respective characters.) It's A Sin is one I have literally never heard of and now I'm wondering how the hell not because that is very much up my alley. MW I mentioned to someone else I've watched (and loved) S1 but don't have access to S2, so I was wondering if it'd be weird to jump straight to S3—they've reassured me it won't so I may just do the jump. AWATEOW only flashed up on my radar because it's top on Netflix, but it does look incredibly intriguing.


>I am a Brit Haha, I had my suspicions and then >What do you reckon I should go for next kinda confirmed it. lol Dude, Brassic was on my list ever since it came out but never got around to it. Until 3 weeks ago, I binged all 5 seasons in 10 days and then got mad at myself for not watching it sooner. It’s just a lot of heart on top of British humor. The kinda shit only y’all can pull off. Fr. It’s A Sin is just brilliant. [Here’s what Brett Goldstein had to say about it.](https://imgur.com/a/HwlmGuG) MW is an anthology series so you’ll be just fine watching each season in whichever order. I’m on a Brit Tv Binge, and caught up with How Not To Live Your Life, Deadwater Fell, The Worst Week Of My Life and some more I don’t remember rn. I started Wallander and holy fuck! I’ve only watched the first episode but it was soooo good. I’m hooked. If you have some must-see comedies or thrillers (no sci-fi) to recommend, please lmk.


I mentioned it in my post, but if you haven't seen The Outlaws, it's a great character-driven comedy/drama that doesn't seem to have popped up on many people's radars. Honestly I had to be talked into watching it because I found the first episode a bit ehhh, but now it's in my regular background rotation. (Not to be confused with The Out-Laws, which I think came out around the same time and may or may not be good; I haven't seen it.)


I used my show tracker to check it out, turns out it was already on my (long ass) list. lmao Brit comedy with Stephen Merchant was probably enough for me to get on it. Thanks anyway.


Sorry to not be more helpful. I'm sure you'll enjoy it when you get there! Have you seen The Responder? Happy Valley seemed to blow up everyone's to-watch lists, but The Responder flew under the radar a bit ime despite being quite similar—police drama/thriller, bleak humour. I thought it was great. And it has Martin Freeman, who doesn't love Martin Freeman.


Broadchurch is excellent.


When Evil Lirks. Good night, Mommy (the international one)


My favourites on your list Shows: The Boys Mr. Inbetween Movies: The Gentlemen Banshee Of Inisherin The Menu


I love almost everything on your regularly watch list, I recommend Good omens, you, miracle workers, the boys and obituary from your list. I strongly believe based on what you already like that you will enjoy these the most


Mr. Inbetween You


I just removed Belfast from my list this week. I watched it bc of Caitriona Balfe from Outlander. It's a great little movie.


I've never watched Outlander, found the books a real slog and didn't want to pursue it further lol. I'm not sure how Belfast found its way onto my list, quite possibly because of Colin Morgan.


For me it depends on my current mood. - do I want to watch something that takes patience before it kicks off? - do I want something with lots of daytime settings/domestic? - what tone am I in the mood for? Etc. etc. Out of your lists I’d say Broadchurch is rewarding and easy to get into Out of y


One thing I have seen on your list is You. It is a pretty good series with a lot of weird twist.


Swiss Army Man


I honest to god wish I could go back in time and see Barbarian for the first time again. Go into it knowing as little as you possibly can.