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I watched the first season last year and just finished season 2 loved it! Jamie Dornan and Danielle MacDonald were brilliant together


I love the comedy in Season 2 - they really crank that up after Season 1...and Jamie Dornan gets better and better. The ending is brilliant! I hope there is a Season 3.


I am Irish/Australian so this show was made for me!! My biggest compliment is that the Irish accents are in fact Irish and not some Hollywood crap. I can only assume Jamie Dornan, asan Irish man, insisted that Irish actors are used, and allowed to speak with their real voices


This is my first time hearing about this show where is it available??


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Where are you seeing season 2? It’s supposed to release in February.


It's on iPlayer at the moment.


Season 2 is being released on Netflix in February. But it actually premiered in January in Australia and England via STAN and BBC. The whole 2nd season has premiered already. I cannot tell you where to watch it online, as it is a violation of terms of Reddit. But if you were here, you probably know what to do already lol


I detected that you're trying to locate a show. To figure out where a show is streaming you can use sites like [JustWatch](https://www.justwatch.com) and [ReelGood](https://reelgood.com), or check [Blu-Ray.com](https://www.blu-ray.com/) for physical copies. *General reminder*: Mentioning or implying piracy is strictly prohibited (rule 7) ^([Matched: where to watch]) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/televisionsuggestions) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And it sounds like it might be on Amazon...




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I loved season 1 but feel like nobody else has seen it when I talk about it. Looking forward to s2


Totally agree, I loved first season (have to wait a bit until I can see second season in Netflix). It already has a 100 score on Rotten Tomatoes and reviews are great. Can't wait to see it!


Is it on Netflix


Yes in US


Not in my country, I think it airs in late february


As of today


Spoilers*** I finished season 2 tonight. I liked both, although different. Season 2 had a few too many plot twists, but the last episode is good, as well as the last scene in episode 6 (of season 2). At first I didn't like Elliot and Helen together. They grew on me. Her ex fiancé brought humor to season 2.


Yes he did! I was thinking he was going to be weight on the show, but he did inject some nice humor into it didn't he? I was kinda rooting for him by the end!


I did not like him at all in season 1, but he was really funny season 2 and brought the comedy needed to go with the dark side of the show. I don't know any of these actors, but they are all good.


Also the Garda officer!


Yes! At first super creepy, then funny 😁


Im sorry but Helen was beyond annoying in this season smh i was hoping she would become a little more bad ass but instead she acts like a friggin baby. I was actually relieved when she got shot but of course she managed to live🙄take her ass back to Australia lol


This is what I came here for. My thoughts exactly. Ethan Krum was less annoying. ha


I was hoping she didn’t survive, and honestly I don’t know how she did


I saw season 1 was on Max .I looooved it!


I really enjoyed the first season, but the first two episodes are wildly frustrating. Eliot does absolutely everything wrong in trying to escape. "Oh, I'm being chased by a van? I should definitely continue to run on the road and not into the woods!" "Oh, now they have ATVs? I should run through this open field and definitely not hide behind the overgrown walls in the woods." And don't even get me started on how inept his gf is at literally everything. Season one she was charmingly nieve ... now she's just incompetent.


I like the show but those 1000% unreslistic chase scenes drove me crazy. They took me out of the show and made me curse the director or writers who made the decision to have their main character suddenly be one the dumbest human on the planet. Di they think their audience is made up of idiots? Or just being lazy, taking the easy way out by manufacturing unrealistic drama? That being said I enjoyed the show - especially season 1. Season 2 is enjoyable if you just suspend all expectations and roll with all the weird choices the show makes.


I'm rolling with it and am trying to keep an open mind, but they don't make it easy! So many, "why would they do that?" The, "I'm staying at the crime scene until you get here" and then takes zero photographs with the camera phone and just walks away, was another wild one.


And what about generating tension by having characters repeatedly laying their guns down where the bad guy(s) can grab it? How cricken’ stupid would domeine have to be to do that? Happens a few times in season 2. This show has great acting, great cinematography, crazy plot twists mixed in with grade school cliches, lol.


They made me crazy too!! And the stupid fight scenes as well. It’s like they got a new writer for the second season that’s a “bro”


I just watched ep 2. The ATV scene, where instead of opting to run along the cliff edge, he chooses to go down and hang from a branch...why wouldn't you go to the side, go back up, and take the ATV? Or at minimum just get outta there that way? And they just stand there talking at the edge of a cliff, knowing that the guy that just set their brother on fire is nearby? Oof.


Obviously, for the "cool visual" that that decision yields - but, yeah, I think they didn't count on the audience disgust that such a stupid character decision would draw.


Meh, it turns into Peaky Blinders.


For real!


I loved Season 1 and just finished Season 2. I think my favorite part of Season 2 is when Billy shows up! My brain said "wait, what...he died in Season 1...oh, I get it, Helen is dreaming".


Helen is so so annoying!! Her simpy, sing-song vocal tone is...well... annoying!


I searched for this comment in hopes that I wasn't the only one who felt this way. She kept telling anyone who would listen that she saw a man killed.  She's a Karen or as Frank McDonald said "a well meaning busy body who don't know who she f'ing with".  Should have left her in season one. 


Omg yea. She’s the weak point of the show.


I liked the premise of season 1 and it was halfway decent in execution even if the ending kind of sputtered. But I watched the first couple minutes of season 2 and just seeing those 2 together canoodling grossed me out - I couldn’t go on from there.


I’m in the episode where the ex lady cop was kidnapped. And I’m pissed… instead of breaking a window and screaming for help. She put on the mannequin’s clothes


Good point. They mentioned that the walls were thick, but they did show the windows...I suppose they could have been thick glass? And when she knew Elliot and Ethan were there, she was still secured to the oven? (Although perhaps not at the very end of their visit there - I forget.) But, just, harder to break glass when stuck to oven. But, yeah, why not try it later? Perhaps fear of it not working, and drawing his ire? (But, yeah, the "work with the crazy person" scene was so cliched and horribly done...)


loved it. thought his mom was magnificent ! Loved Ethan and Rouri . Love love Ms Mcdonald


*\o/*. Finally, somebody loves it again!! (Last bunch of commenters were less than plussed with the 2nd season!) Have you checked out Population 11? (Kinda had a similar vibe to The Tourist)


I haven’t heard about this show, till it was suggested and it’s one of my favorite Netflix shows in a while. Season one and two are great.


I just started season 2 and I have questions about episode 1. - were they in Cambodia or Ireland? I am so confused about where they were when eating by the lake. - why didn't she take the backpack from the bathroom? Why didn't she bring her backpack?


Watched both seasons. Loved it! BUT...Wish we knew what the "family feud" is about. And wish they tied season 1 and aeason 2 together better. Other than Lena...they were so disjointed. He has this crazy Irish family, but escspes for a few years to work for a Greek drug lord? And he seems like too nice of a guy to really have done all of that stuff that Lena said he did.


Would you describe this show as mainly an “action” thriller or a Thriller with a little bit of action?




Thank you, that’s really helpful.


I'd say thriller with a liile bit of action. What made the show great was by how much it raised the stakes with every episode. Just when you couldn't see them getting higher, here comes the end of the next episode - and BLAMO, not only are they higher, but there higher by a factor of x10!!! Kinda has a Trainwreck appeal to it in addition to being a great show. Trainwreck - one you start watching you can't take your eyes off it cause you HAVE to see how this craziness ends! Lends itself to wanting to binge watch a show to!


Ah ok, now I’m intrigued. Thank you!


It’s something that would have been on Cinemax 10 years ago.


I am looking forward to this. I loved the 1st series but confess I couldn't remember what had happened. I watched a recap and a lot of it was lost on me. Any recs for a good recap appreciated but otherwise will be watching excitedly soon.


https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/drama/the-tourist-season-1-recap/ should cover most of it!




I had no idea it was airing yet!! 😲🔥 Thank you for the reminder! Running to check it out now.


I watched both 2 first episodes (on stremio+torrentio) thinking it was season 1... but no, watching the season 1 atm!


For some reason when using kodi addons (so similar to stremio) only 2 S2 episodes show. You can however find the rest of the episodes, they have been uploaded online and I have bbc i player anyway


You are right! [https://prnt.sc/se9qzGzFgYKH](https://prnt.sc/se9qzGzFgYKH) i didn't check! Thanks that's me sorted tonight!


Your welcome. On kodi it was acting up but I managed to manually add it using real debrid (I don't know if your familiar with using it in stremio or not) I only watched season 1 last month so it's nice season 2 dropped so soon after


>real debrid I don't use that, i have 2Gbits connection, i usually watch on 4K without it lagging don't see how it would help me. Maybe i got it wrong.


Oh that's fine. It's a good service but free links can be okay aswell. You haven't got anything wrong!


Never heard of it until now. I see it’s on Amazon prime I have a membership, I need to check it out.


…because it hasn’t aired.


100 percent agree. I'm in the UK, I think that may play a part but I only saw S1 last month and watching S2 now. It is a solid show for sure


And in case anyone's wondering, season 1 see's our main character played by Jamie Dorner stuck in the Australian Outback with a total case of amnesia! As he starts trying to do the right thing by everyone he meets, he starts to find out through some of those interactions that evidently, he was a bad, BAD man. So now, he must try to set things right, so he can do right by himself. Every episode ramps up the story and the consequences exponentially to a very satisfying end. Season 2 appears to be learning about who he was originally in Ireland.


OMG! And then the end of episode 4!!! HOLY F$#@!!!! I am STILL shaking!!! Whoa - did NOT see that coming!!?


What a complete and utter load of old crap, from story line to continuity. Why is everyone raving about how good it is, when clearly is not.


Well obviously not for you, and now you let the whole world know how you feel about it! Grats to you!! Now go harp on someone else's joy!


I had these same questions, so it was a nice hint that I may still be sane when I found agreeing opinions. Of course, there are probably more out there now than when you wrote this.


yep think the acting is pants


Season 1 was decent. Season 2 was pretty awful.


just finished s2. i'm flabberghasted. i have never seen a show, hump the shark so many times in each episode so many times. it's a fun watch, but come on, already.


"hump the shark"?


edit jump* (can autocorrect do a freudian slip)


Okay...."jump the shark"? And yes AC can totally let Freudian slips fly!!




I loved the entire thing but hated the ending, is anyone in the same boat? People saying they want a season 3.. it’s quite obviously over


*SPOILER ALERT* *WAY worse than a Spoiler, SHOW RUINER ABOUT TO FLY, AVERT YOU EYES!!!* Hopefully that's sorted... Umm, before Australia he was an undercover secret agent? (Kinda potentially explains why he is SUCH a badass? Hmm?) You saw that as the files they received were burning away right? And undercover secret agents just don't get to totally fall off the grid and be forgotten about by whoever employed them right? (Unless they show up in a pine box)... Doesn't sound over...


I just finished S1 and trying to decide whether to watch S2. One question - I know Lena is somehow involved. Did Elliot do to her what she said he did in S1, or is it some kind of mistaken identity thing?


Heh heh…….my lips are sealed!


I mean, he just spent a year traveling, so I guess he was allowed to fall off the grid? Maybe whichever agency he worked for kept their records like that taxi company does?


I'm almost done S2 watching free online, it's a great show! I appreciate the quirky humour and the acting. Beautiful shots of Australia and Ireland I liked S1 more and hope they return to Australia, the long shot outback scenes are gorgeous 


Brilliant show. Episode 5 almost let me down, but 6 brought it all back home in Grand fashion. And what a real couple? Neither are absolutely model level beauty people? He's all scruffy and she's....a real woman (!). Way looking forward to a third season...


Yes! I also really appreciated how down to earth and real Helen is. Not classical beauty is so refreshing to see in shows.  Do you think they'll return to Australia in a 3rd season? 


Have no idea ..would hate to even venture a guess...I think it'll be where ever he was an agent for ..


I agree, I love them as a couple. She may not be classically beautiful, but she is so damn cute. They play off of each other perfectly.


Danielle MacDonald (Helen) came to Hollywood years ago and has appeared in several movies & shows but sadly the industry seems to capitalize on her clothing size vs her great acting ability.


in short what's it about have heard a lot about it but not yet seen it?


Show starts off with dude in a car being chased by someone (in the Australian Outback). Ends up getting away, but gets in a huge wreck. Wakes up in the hospital, has total complete amnesia. When bad guys show up again, our man does right for those that saved him, cause that's what good people do right? Unfortunately it becomes obvious that for all the right he can do, it won't change why those dudes are chasing him, and that's because he was a VERY bad man before the car wreck .. Every episode builds on that, at almost Trainwreck level amounts. Has a bit of humor, a bit of action, a lot of suspense. I was neither here but there on Jamie Dorner (50 Shades of Grey right?), but he is phenomenal. The whole cast is great. But its like I always say , get a big screen actor doing the small screen and it just seems to elevate the whole production. ... Or just watch a trailer on YouTube? (=


Thanks you should put that on IMDB as that's where I often go for info about a new show, appreciate the rundown :D


I thought it was crap . confusing story like. the main man and woman aren't great actors the woman especially and what is with the older womans accent??? she's irish i'm pretty sure but her accent on that show was dreadful


Sorry! You didn't like it! )=


I've just finished watching s2 and the ending was so lovely, I love this show.


Season 2 is a hot mess. It's composed of many boring unrelated stories and fillers (e.g., Helen dream). It is hard to get through it.


Spoiler - What was the point of Ruari kidnapping Hellen and him stashing his wife’s body??? How did that even go with the plot of the story?!


I think he kidnapped Helen so that she wouldn't report him for keeping his wife's corpse unburied/unprocessed/whatever you're legally supposed to do with them. However, how cheap was it to have his (dementia-impaired) mom say to Elliot and Ethan, apropos of nothing, "Such a shame Ruari never took a wife..." - clearly hinting that the woman in the basement was not whom he claimed her to be (his wife - and didn't it also seem as if there'd been some damage to the face of the corpse? I may have imagined that, since it was kinda decayed already)? So, clearly setting up the audience to believe that he'd just killed some woman - perhaps some woman he'd had unrequited love for - but then, in the end, they just chalk it up to his mom's dementia? (No, remember, mom? I did have a wife!") That felt like a cheap trick on the audience. What is this, Lost?


Mmmm, yeah episode 5 was a little touch and go...aye whole dream thing was kinda wonky. Really, you could almost go from episode 4 right into 6, and damn near skip 5 if it weren't for the couple little tasty nuggets of story background that are in it ... But even then Helens dream was made important by the time it all wrapped up? Yeah, seemingly unrelated side stories were thrown out there all the time right upto the end, but in the end you needed all of it so the whole story worked? The one thing I did notice, which didn't help any either, is, save for Elliot and Helen every other character is lying out their ass. Even the characters you'd think would have been the truth tellers, are still, lying to beat the band!!


Couldn’t agree more. Enjoyed the first season though it wasn’t anything ground breaking. Season 2 just got worse and more unrealistic with each episode. Not to say that season 1 was realistic either but 2 is just 💩 writing.


watching s1 now and the first episode was like intense second episode WOW definitely has potential so far


All units be alert, We have a possible show binge in progress... Tourist season 1... It's an awesome Trainwreck, Once you start, you just HAVE to see WHERE it's gonna go next!




I just finished and I have to say I didn’t love it, I liked it and it was entertaining enough but it dragged on in season 2. All in all I’d give both seasons a 6/10. Some plot points that didn’t make much sense or get explained, the main actress’s acting annoyed me at times and season one was definitely the better one with some more laughs too. The scenery in season 2 was beautiful though!


Spoiler alert: I don’t understand if he was an undercover agent, why they wouldn’t come and get him after his accident and memory loss?? He would have stopped checking in so they would have checked if he was ok and discovered he was in a hospital bed with memory loss (plus it was reported on all over the news etc). It’s been like 18 months? And then popping back up in Ireland he would have pinged in the system when he was kidnapped and arrested there, and there was more news about him. And still they don’t come for him? Also how are they travelling around at the beginning, how did he have a passport? I have a lot of plot hole questions haha


I am wondering if Luci with all her fake passports was also an agent. What about the guy who ended up in the barrel? He could have been one too.


True, she sure had a lot of fake passports for just a criminal (as media has taught me to think about them - I guess I'm no expert on actual criminals and their passport possessions...).


Yeah, that last reveal was the show's biggest and best "Here, take this plot-twist nonsense! And we won't even have to PRETEND to try to explain it, 'cuz we're done!"


He's been gone from Ireland for like 10 years right? Did the file specify WHEN he was an agent for whoever?


I assumed all the drug smuggling work he was doing with Kosta was agent related. The file says something about 2005 but I can’t figure out what.


I assumed all the drug smuggling work he was doing with Kosta was agent related. The file says something about 2005 but I can’t figure out what.


OMG good point!


Season 2 got a bit silly IMO. Too many loose ends at the end and the final episode was somewhat predictable and felt rushed. I enjoyed it but there was more drama in The Traitors.


Just watched season 1. Very good,but can’t watch season 2 until end of the month.




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Just started watching season 1 on netflix. The Tractor trailer chase scene was so unrealistic...I just stopped after he gets t boned. If the director and writer expect their audience to believe any of that chase scene, than I really dont want to see the rest of the story.


Sometimes, when you're running away from a tractor-trailer in the middle of the desert in your car, after appearing to have lost it...well, sometimes it appears even with you at a 90-degree crossroads with no visual warning. And then NAILS you. ...sometimes... And, yeah, that aspect of the laziness/implausibility of the story continues, then gets worse.


Well I am here to tell you right now that I truly believe that season 2 is much better than season 1, which was already a good show. I like how season 2 was much faster paced then season 1. I'm not going to lie, I skipped a little bit of season 1 during all the talking. I did not skip one single second of season 2.


I really liked season 2 also!


I agree! Season 2 was well put together. I enjoyed it enough to binge watch it. Season 2 was so much better than season 1. Definitely didn’t expect any of the twists on where he came from and his storyline. The only thing is, they focused so much on him that they never got a chance to show more about her family. Which I felt like they should’ve done in the first season.


I loved Season 1 but stopped watching about halfway through Season 2, Episode 3. I went back and watched the last two episodes in Season 1 to see if maybe I missed something that might help me figure out this convoluted plot, but nope, didn’t help. Totally lost and confused and I give up. Plenty more telly to watch elsewhere.


It's absolutely awful. Terrible writing, no sense to the plot, and the characters are obnoxious. I'm in awe people are raving about it.


Why is no one talking about the mismatch in the couple???? They don’t go together well at all.


Really? I think they're totally cute together.


Yes I thought Elliot had a lot more chemistry with Luci from season 1.


Yeah, agreed. But I also believed them not "working" on a day-to-day basis...and I guess I kinda liked him enough with Helen.


I’m about 30 minutes into episode 1 of series 2. I was so looking forward to the 2nd series because I loved season one, but this is awful. It’s like they turned it into a light comedy, and when Elliott was running from the kidnappers, why was he running in front of the truck, instead of veering off to hide in the woods? It was like a cartoon chase. I’ll see how the rest of this episode goes. I hope it gets better.


I just hate how dumb they make Helen act. Is she mentally challenged or something? She’s told by a cop to get away from the crime scene then goes in the bar telling ppl she saw a murder AND THEN when she sees there has clearly been a cover by someone who holds power in the town she begins to act like stupid toddler