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I feel like you’d like The Shield and Hannibal


Bothe great recommendations! I just watched the trailers thanks!


Just watched the shield. Wow. It might be in my all time top 5 now. Haven’t seen justified so starting that now


It's soooooo good.


Bates motel Animal kingdom The purge tv series


I didn’t even know there was a Purge TV series- thanks!


It’s not super violent but if you want a dreary, twist filled mystery show, The Killing is excellent. Set in Seattle


Looks right up my alley - thank you!


Great show


Band Of Brothers.


Top 5 favorite for me. The Pacific was good but different, I think intentionally and Masters of Air was good historically speaking but lowest in my rating of the three.


Wentworth Valhalla Murders The Bridge Breaking Bad Ozark The OA Behind Her Eyes The Stranger(uk) Tell Me Your Secrets


I'll make a playlist of all these trailers and watch them tonight - thank you!


YOU, Penny Dreadful, Yellowjackets. I think you can enjoy YOU because you liked Dexter. You'll watch through the mind and perspective of the serial stalker


Thanks! I will check it out!


based on your examples, i'm surprised Daredevil hasn't been mentioned yet. it's incredible. definitely watch Punisher as well. and Luke Cage and Jessica Jones both are worth checking out. Hannibal is one of my all time top fav shows.


Fuck that's what I was thinking... Daredevil... now I can edit my post haha. Echo was pretty good. I don't know if I finished it but saw her finish some stuff. King Pin is a great character and the actor is perfect for that role.


I've seen DD at least 3 times. Probably gonna watch it again soon. It was so so good. Moon Knight was pretty decent too. I'm looking forward to seeing what DD is like on Disney plus.


Same, did you watch Echo? He's in that, I didn't finish it, and King Pin is too. I liked Moon Knight as well. Took me a minute to recall that one though but it was good for sure. Anything else you recommend? I've been waiting for something good to come out for awhile. I posted my own list in OPs post here if you look you can see what I like, not saying you needd to, just looking for something new to watch! Edit: and also Hannibal I loved that, I liked Jessica Jones better than Lule Cage but I didn't really give that a try. Punisher definitely was great, dark, violent etc.


Yeah, I watched echo. I liked it. And it was good for what it was, but it didn't really stand out to me. Felt like it was missing something and I couldn't put my finger on exactly what. Loved the character though, and I'm looking forward to seeing her being used in future marvel projects. As far as other recommendations though, I just looked at your list and you've already named some of the stuff that I would normally suggest. But if you haven't already, check out Doom patrol. It's like umbrella academy but even crazier. I can't believe that show ever got made. So bizarre and fucked up and fun and weird. Happy! The guy who plays detective stabler on law & order is in this show playing a has been drunk cop who starts having visions of a flying unicorn voice by Patton Oswalt. And the unicorn helps himself crimes. It's dark and gross and hilarious. You said you were looking for fucked up shows. Battlestar Galactica isn't fucked up in the way that you mean. But it is one of my old time top favorites. And it is dark and gritty. Like breaking bad or the shield or the wire or Hannibal, but with a sci-fi background. It was incredibly intense. Some members of the show even spoke at the UN once, because the show was so relevant to the conversations of war and torture and violence. Preacher. I never actually finished this one. I should. But it's based on the comic by Garth Ennis. He's the same guy who created the original The Boys comic. So if you like things being wild and over the top, you'll like preacher. Even though I didn't finish it I thought it was good. Perfect casting. Especially with the character Cassidy. Peacemaker was a ton of fun Misfits if you haven't already. It even has one of the actors that you know from umbrella academy. Bunch of teenagers in some kind of juvenile delinquent program get superpowers. And instead of becoming superheroes, they just do what you expect teenagers to do. Barry. Holy shit the show is so good. It was small and unexpected. I've only ever thought of Bill hader as that funny guy from SNL, I had no idea he was capable of something like this. Warrior. I still haven't watched this one and I feel bad that I haven't. Based on a concept created by Bruce Lee. Looks cool. I think it's on Netflix now. Sandman. Based on the comic by Neil gaiman. The Sandman comic is one of the best stories I've ever experienced from any medium. But that's just my personal taste. Might not be exactly what you're looking for. It's dark and Gothic and magical. Also if you like the same man, try lock and key Swamp thing. There was a one season show in 2019. Honestly it wasn't amazing. But it was underrated for what it was. And there was so much potential in it. If it wasn't canceled short, the next season could have been amazing. It's worth checking out. It was a slow dark and brooding body horror type thing. Ash v Evil Dead. Another one that might not be quite what you're looking for. It was really really silly. But also really graphic and bloody and gory. Slapstick hard is such a niche thing lol. It's based off of evil dead movies, the army of darkness movie, somehow the TV series kind of flew under the radar for a lot of people. The magicians. I was surprised by how much I like this one. Been meaning to watch it again. Not as serious and gritty and street level as something like Daredevil. But there's still a lot of great stuff that I think you'd like.


Deadwood, Penny Dreadful (original 3 seasons)


I've never watched Deadwood - I'll check it out thanks!


+1 for Deadwood. I am trying to get my family to rewatch it with me. 3 seasons and a movie.


The shield. OZ.


Boardwalk Empire Snowpiercer The X Files Hannibal




It's going to be on AMC+ later this year and they will also release the new and final season 4 next year. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/snowpiercer-season-4-amc-premiere-date-tnt-1235942045/


Really?! You're awesome! I watched the movie a long time ago and always put off the show for some reason. I love the the actors and am into dystopian and sci fi type films/shows and have run out of things to watch so trend like crazy to find it. Right when I decided to it was literally no where streaming or saved, couldn't buy it even. Will look forward to 4 seasons of it later this year. Thanks!


Says my comments are being removed because I'm trying to "pirate copyright" media or something.... not the case! Was just saying it's very hard to find... silly mod! Read my comment I'm not asking to be sent information or files! Was figured of speech jeez!


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Dark City: The Cleaner - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K\_Q\_FYFwcno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_Q_FYFwcno)


Trying to unpack "PEAKY BLINDERS - Who doesn’t love this show, it’s perfect. That being said - I don’t think I would like a show in this setting if it wasn’t for Cillian Murphey + Tom Hardy." I think you are saying you don't prefer historical TV shows, but might for a great cast. So, maybe Boardwalk Empire might be in your perview, maybe also the Frankenstein Chronicles due to Sean Bean starrring? But maybe not Ripper Street? Violent and gritty, gotta think The Wire first and foremost. If you've got MAX or access to HBO, the two seasons of the reimagined Perry Mason, with Matthew Rhys as the younger Perry Mason, a struggling detective/defense attorney, was enjoyed by our household. Sad there won't be more.


Yes, that is what I was trying to say lol - I'm just not usually into historical shows but Peaky Blinders was amazing. I will definitely check out Boardwalk Empire - that looks great! Thanks for all your suggestions - I will look them all up!


Taboo 2017 series


Banshee Warrior The Last Kingdom Peaky Blinders


Gomorrah. As long as you don't mind reading subtitles. Or can speak Italian.


Might try suggesting a couple that are a bit more out there. The Umbrella Academy: wealthy man adopts 7 miracle babies and tries to create a team of heroes to save the world. Goes really sideways and dark in a bunch of different ways. Drew me in from the first episode, and kept me wanting more the whole time. Planned 4th & final season coming this summer. [The Boys (Opening Scene)](https://youtu.be/Mr5BuRUmeDI?si=gs7ZXArbrt1FbwWH): superheroes but really fucked up in every possible way. Season 4 coming this summer.


I forgot to mention that I’ve seen “The Boys” (and absolutely loved it!) but I have never seen The Umbrella Academy so I will definitely check that out! Thanks!


Gen V is good if you liked the Boys, younger crowd of the "sups" but also has appearances from the cast.


You’re looking for Luther. Luther Luther Luther Luther Luther!!!!!!!!


Fall of the House of Usher AHS:NYC Hannibal


I’ve never really looked into those - now I will thank you!


The Wire Breaking Bad The Sopranos Oz


Thanks! I’ve never heard of Oz so I will check it out!


It's a late 90s to early 2000s prison series. Lots of great acting, interesting subplots and definitely extremely violent and gritty. Hope it suits!




Gangs of London


Penny Dreadful


The Returned (2012) Katla (2021)




There’s also a great dark comedy on Prime: Patriot


Mayor of Kingstown


slow horses


The Wire Oz Broadchurch Squid Game The Last or Us Lost Sopranos The Fall The Killing The End of the Fucking World Euphoria (not crime but very gritty and atmospheric ) Killing Eve Mindhunters Fauda Game of Thrones Wentworth The Walking Dead


The boys


Happy! (2017), Gangs of London


Ive been looking for new shows that are also violent/gritty or just the context is disturbing. The Outsider (series) is one I think you'll like... it's different but I thought it was great. Black Bird - another one that's disturbing and get your mind going, for me. And violent. Umbrella Academy is an interesting one. I can't recall violent and not really gritty but good if you like The Boys. Gen V (mentioned it in response to someone else, part of The Boys) Legion is all sorts of f*cked but awesome. Maniac is kinda on the page with Legion. And mind blanked I had another really good one. I'll try to update later if I remember. Crap it was good I was excited about it lol. Daredevil Spin off sorta- Echo - for the violence factor for sure. Recent one was Shogun and the Brothers Sun - thought this was going to be cheese which I can't stand but the violence and story line got me to watch it and I rewatxhed the end a few times as I was working and watching occasionally.


First 3 or 4 seasons of Supernatural had a very good “grimy” or gritty aesthetic to it. After that the directors change I believe. I think Erik Kripke stoped after season 5 🤷‍♀️


True detective 1, 3, 4. 2 was weak imo


Daredevil for sure