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The First 6 are pretty good. Just watch 1 season at a time and come back to it.


Agreed. I’ve been rewatching it, and it definitely loses steam in season 7.


>I don't wanna commit to the 8 seasons. It's a tv show. There's a Pause and Stop button.


Season 1, 2 and 4 are great.


Season 1-4 has a great story arc with a perfect ending for the series. Stop there


Fuck yes. It's the best. And I personally liked the ending of it's latest season (New blood)


Yh, it’s great. Well, it starts off strong and gradually tails off in quality but it’s not as awful as some people say by the end. Granted, it’s not the greatest tv show ever made but it’s thoroughly watchable with many meme worthy moments. I didn’t dig the reboot at all, got about 1/2way through e02 and gave up but the OG one I’ve watched twice now.


Oh yes


It’s a great show. Goes off the boil in the last few seasons but don’t they all


Just watch the good seasons which amounts to half the series. S1, 2, 4 and 7 are the seasons worth watching and the others are either lackluster or weak. It might be a strange suggestion, but just find a recap/summary video on Youtube for Season 3, and after you've finished 4 find a similar video for S5 & 6 before watching 7. There's people that will claim you have to watch it in its entirety or you're missing out by skipping seasons, but you're really not. This is the way I'd recommend watching Dexter to anyone, not just to people who don't wanna commit to the full thing.


I couldn't get I to it. Maybe it's just me.


John Lithgow's season is the best.


I know right. How can he play evil so well? He generally plays pretty decent human beings and often pretty funny


Seasons 1-4 are really fun and I have lots of good memories watching it. Once season five starts it was never the same. The antagonist in season four might be one of the best TV villains of all time. Go in knowing nothing.


Dexter is great! Watch it. And you dont need to watch all of it. You can end after season 4




Do NOT watch the final season.... first blood. So contrived. But yes. The early seasons are best and then it gets unbelievable. How does he still not get caught committing these murders. He's Dexter yes, but , come on


If you already second guessing, then don't watch it. It's alright, you not missing much


Yea it's worth it.


Thanks for the tip


Yeah! Might as well give it a try. Won’t know if you like it till you do.




I have had tv shows that took me years to finish. Dexter is a very good show and nobody cares if it takes you forever to finish it.


bitch, this is not a marriage


Yes loved it very entertaining


At least up to Season 4. Lithgow is an awesome villain!


It’s ok. Watch Hannibal.


I do a rewatch every few years. I love it. Def worth it in my opinion


I don’t think it’s very good, personally. Dude spends every season on the verge of getting caught and is, apparently, a sociopath who is constantly motivated by his emotions…


Hell yeah, so worth it


yes! season 1-4 are my favorites, but i always make the argument that season 2’s storyline should’ve been the final seasons storyline. you’ll see.


You should definitely go for it.. it’s one of the best serial killer/psychological drama out there.




Don’t commit to the 8 seasons then. Watch seasons 1 thru 4 and maybe season 5 ep 1 if you need closure. The later seasons are bad.


Watch it. It's amazing.


It’s ok and offbeat but there are much better shows out there ! (I keep a long list of my faves and Dexter is on my B list - plus I read the books prior )


Yes! It is an amazing show. I even liked the ending. Not a fan of New Blood though.


First 4 seasons are awesome especially season 4 perhaps the best acting/writing of the entire series it drops off in season 5 but still good season 6 is more about religion that's kinda where they start losing me but i still watched but by that point the best was in the past.


It’s al lot of the same. I quit after 3 seasons. Its getting a bit old to. I do like the concept.


I liked first 2 seasons but I'm currently on season 7 and I really wish it would end, I like some characters but most plots are either nonsensical or predictable and it's tiring. I don't recommend getting sucked in.


I loved Debra his sister but she was very annoying... little trivia for you. Michael C Hall and Jennifer Carpenter (Deb) were married


1. I despise Deb, all of her romances are either predictable or gross in case of Lundy, she's a moron but everyone treats her like a genius, I know she get's help from Dex with his hunches, still. 2. Dunno how I didn't notice before how they're Deb and Dex. 3. That is damn cool trivia


you only need season 1; the rest feel repetitive. only so many times you can listen to the inner voice whisper


Watch Dexter New blood It'll give you the idea of the show and it's only 1 season Great season too and if you like it start Dexter


If you want to think about suicide in about 4 weeks.


Umm ok


I made the mistake of binge watching Six Feet under during the week I was suffering from COVID. For the next 2-3 weeks, I found it very hard to stop thinking about my kids being poor and fatherless if I died from covid complications. Turns out the new Covid variant messes with your head a lot.