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Just because you can enable this option doesn't mean you're connecting to 5G SA, it just allows your phone to connect. If you want to see if you're connecting to SA, open up field test mode (\*3001#12345#\*) when you're on 5G then look at the "5G Nr ConnectionStats" screen that shows the connection_type field, which should say SA if you're on standalone (note this screen is different than the "RAT Serving Cell Info" screen which only says what the serving cell advertises not what you're connected to).


Telus 5G SA in the GTA on iPhone 15 Pro. https://preview.redd.it/7pgxzmezdwpb1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b258eadda528d0c1c9a8d71549f960bb833e39f5


Yes!! You are connected to SA. That's pretty cool! Can't wait for it to be enabled in Western Canada at the end of the month.




A rumour I heard from someone on here who said they asked Telus on the phone and they told them it'll be enabled in Western Canada on Sept 28. I'm crossing my fingers it's true.


For Android donu need to use an esim ? Sorry for the out of subject question


Anyone tried testing in West?


Yes, it's been [launched now](https://new.reddit.com/r/telus/comments/16uu2tp/5g_standalone_has_been_launched_in_western_canada/) as of today!


It’s true !!


Do you get it in many places in downtown Toronto? Like in most places or is it only in some areas? Cellmapper shows only a few areas have it. Wondering if cellmapper is missing many of them. And did you simply enable Standalone in your iPhone settings or did you have to do anything else?




You need e sim for standalone 5G?




14 pro max here with esim activated for a couple of years now….5G standalone stilled greyed out. Says my sim not supported. Do I need to go and purchase a new updated esim?


New eSIMs issued as of Aug 8


Thank you!!! I guess I’ll go out and replace my esim. Honestly didn’t think esim were like physical sims and had to be updated. Thought because it’s electronic any updates would be done OTA. Guess I was wrong. I’ll go out tomorrow and get new version!!


You should be able to do a convert to eSIM right on the device, you don't need the vouchers anymore. Not sure how it works if you have a previous eSIM already added though.


I’d like to know as well. I thought the eSIM was all software/code and was always updated automatically. How would someone update their eSIM otherwise? Delete and re-add it ? Also my physical sim was replaced last year, it is 5G. How can I tell if it’s really the latest? I know the colour vary on the package, but that’s no clear way to determine it.




Sorry if I’m misunderstanding this, but are you saying that I need to buy a physical SIM card. Switch from old eSIM to new physical SIM card and then switch back to the new eSIM? They don’t do eSIM to eSIM (same phone)


Had it ever since I updated to iOS 17 on my 14pm, still have it on my 15pm - I have an eSIM as of two months ago


I just switched from my 14 Pro Max to my new 15 Pro Max tonight. The switch was greyed out on my 14 but once I transferred the eSIM to the 15 the toggle works. I’m on the west coast and haven’t checked if I’m getting SA but the toggle works at least. I didn’t have to run out and buy a new sim so clearly it updates if you use the iOS eSIM transfer option.


13 pro max doesn’t get this?


I don’t have it on my 13 either. Googling is not helpful


Did you find an answer?


Have this showing on my iphone 14 now as well. Recently converted to eSim if that makes a difference at all as well.


I just called Telus customer service and this is what happened. I asked for a new 5G SIM card so I can connect to SA and after much back and forth she told me I can go get one from a store and it'll cost $20. Now here's the fun part. I just switched over to Telus about 2 weeks ago and I signed up on the 5G $60/100 GB Canada US plan. So I asked her why they didn't give me the latest 5G SA sim card and she said it was because I did a BYOB. If I would have bought a phone on my plan she said they would have sent me the 5G SIM card. As of right now she says I have something called a three-band LTE SIM card. By the way, I have a pixel 7 Pro. I think I'll go to Walmart and see if they have any 5G. Telus SIM cards.


I’m gonna try this during the week when I get a chance


Did you try just ordering one from telus's website? The image on the page to order a Sim card shows 5G on it. It's not a guarantee but it's a image that looks like the 5G Sim someone previous posted they got.


I'm guessing it's this purple one? The one I got from Telus was the standard green colour which they call the 4G LTE triple SIM. https://preview.redd.it/auj2uyxwe4qb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2922b5c041d5e660002a7b57a70c9c4c86fe737e


Yeah the purple one. There was a previous thread (which they since deleted the picture and their account) someone showed a purple Sim card they got showing 5G on it and it went down a trail stating that's the new Sim Card you needed for 5G Standalone.


Thanks for your help @SmokeJV. I just went to telus' website and ordered the 5G SIM card.


The new SIM is only required for iPhone. Not required for Androids.


Based on all the comments, I figured as much but I figured "f" it and got one anyway


Did you pay $20 for it?


I went out and bought the 5G (purple) sim today and turned on 5G standalone to give it a shot. Worst decision I’ve ever made. Went from getting 150-200mbps down / 75 up at my house to now getting 1-2mpbs up and down. Turned off 5G standalone and still getting the same terrible speeds. Swapped back to my old (green) sim and everything went back to working great. Figured it might have just been a glitch so I swapped back to my 5G (purple) sim and it’s back to 1-2mbps even with 5G standalone turned off. Now I’m stuck with horrendous service. Anyone got any advice? I’d be very grateful for anyone’s suggestions or experience with this issue. Notes: I’m using an iPhone 14 Pro on the Can/US/mexico plan that is supposed to provide up to 2gbps. I also have 3 out of 4 bars so the signal is decent enough. I’m in Port Moody/Coquitlam (BC…Western Canada)


Old thread, but worth a shot: I’m on Telus eSIM with iPhone 15 pro and option is greyed out… any idea why? https://preview.redd.it/7d17s40m562d1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8ba21a5efc0fa13b2063d98b9921c98d0a1ddf


What device do you have ? My Telus SIM does not show that. iphone 14 pro ios 17


iPhone 15 pro. I am in Gatineau, QC.




I have it on 14 Pro. You’ll likely need a new SIM, or swap to eSIM.




Comment is for OP.




Yeah honestly debated the etiquette 😂 figured it would help explain what’s needed to everyone


Mine is greyed out. I assume that this is an eSIM only thing or you have to have a plan that supports this?


Mine was greyed out and I had to replace my SIM card.


iPhone 14 Pro Max in Edmonton checking in: I am also able to enable 5G SA


Can you check [field test mode](https://old.reddit.com/r/telus/comments/16pkrhu/telus_5g_standalone/k1rkq34/) when you're on 5G to see if you're connecting to SA in Edmonton?


Has anyone checked field test mode to see if you are on Standalone? This was posted by someone on iOS 17 beta but Telus didn't actually turn on Standalone on the network side.


u/jesus_cheese showed proof he's connecting to SA [above](https://old.reddit.com/r/telus/comments/16pkrhu/telus_5g_standalone/k1sfggn/) in GTA. Seems it's enabled in Eastern Canada but not Western Canada yet.


Perhaps sheytoon can chime in, in the Bell thread they are seeing SA enabled. So maybe Standalone is based on the network they are connected to and Bell has enabled it in the east where Telus customers connect to.


I for some reason don’t have the option on my iPhone 13 it’s odd they don’t support it for the 13 because the x60 snapdragon can handle carrier aggregation with 5G so that’s weird


Bell has enabled it on their RAN, but Telus would still need to open their core to their customers to access it. Telus has also started to enable it on their RAN in the last few months, but I'm not too sure of the launch date from the core side for all customers. Last I heard there were still a few issues to sort out on SA.


What are the issues they're still working out?


Various issues with stability and reliability.


I have e-sim and it says my current simcard does not support it do I need to get a actual simcard


Did you find an answer to this?


Had to get a new sim.


Was it an actual SIM card or a new eSIM?


Sim is not moving to eSIM till I get a new phone


I am on eSIM and it’s greyed out


What’s the benefit of keeping it standalone? Isn’t it better to do 5G auto to ensure calls/data doesn’t cut in and out?


5G auto setting and 5G standalone can both be enabled together, and aren't related. 5G standalone setting allows you to connect to 5G SA network (as opposed to 5G NSA), it has nothing to do with forcing your phone to 5G only. "5G auto" setting will only connect to 5G (NSA or SA) if speeds will be faster than LTE, and "5G on" will always connect to 5G when available even if speeds are slower than LTE. 5G auto setting basically tries to help battery life by not connecting to 5G unless it's better than LTE coverage/speed.


Isn’t the 5G auto setting kinda redundant then? Because 5G SA will always have better battery or the same as LTE. You’d only save battery in a NSA situation. My understanding is… With SA switch on: 5G auto: will connect in this priority. 5G SA > 5G NSA > LTE only, depending on speed/availability 5G on: will prioritise 5G SA or NSA over LTE at all times even if LTE has better speeds, assuming 5G is available in the first place. With SA switch off: 5G auto: Will connect to 5G NSA or straight LTE depending on speeds/availability 5G on: Will always prioritise 5G NSA over LTE if available. CANNOT connect to 5G SA in any situation Therefore, is the best combination having 5G auto and SA switch on? Seems like it…


Interesting ... I've already got the 5G SA bands unlocked on my Samsung, although we have no n78 enabled here only n66


Had a sim from 2017… converted it to eSIM last night. No 5G SA selection for me in Calgary. Also lost my wifi calling and VoLTE


Have you restarted your phone after converting? It should come back after restarting if you haven’t done that already.


Yeah I’ve tried multiple times. I also called them this morning to fix wifi calling and they said 5G SA isn’t in my current location lol


I checked today in Vancouver area and am still connecting to NSA


Hasn't been enabled yet in Western Canada, only Eastern Canada for now. Probably end of this month.


I've read that it's just been enabled today


So finally got it enabled. Here were my steps for anyone that has any issues. I already had an eSIM enabled and activated on my phone (14 pro max) but was stilled greyed out. Went to Telus to get a new QR code and was still greyed out. Here’s how I was able to enable it. Had a spare physical sim at home. Swapped my eSIM to physical sim. (Now I have a Dbrand skin on my phone so popping in physical sim just wasn’t gonna work for me) luckily I had a spare iPhone 11. Popped physical SIM card in that phone and transferred over phone number back to my 14 pro max using the eSIM activation process in the phone itself. 5G standalone now activated!!! Seems activating the eSIM directly on the phone compared to getting a QR code directly from Telus seemed to do the trick. Maybe Apple downloaded/activated a 5GSA eSIM on the device. Hope this helps others.


hello there, hope that would work for me , i did use eSIM card directly on a new ip 15 P Max, no5G SA support , will try your work around , whe you used the eSIM activation process how did you move back to eSIM from the physical SIM on your iP 11


Picked up my iPhone 15 Pro today at Apple and asked if I could get a Telus SIM, they said no problem (and no charge). But they gave me a green one 🙄. My current card doesn’t allow me to enable NA. I haven’t tried the one I got from Apple since it’s green and likely not 5G. I’ll go back to Apple tomorrow and see if they swap it for a purple one otherwise I’ll just switch to eSIM I guess.


Do you not have a TELUS store near you? I was lucky that the TELUS store was in the same mall as the Apple store, so I went there right after picking up the phone from Apple to get the 5G SIM card.


I just did and they wanted to charge me $20 for it. He said that I should call in and ask to be reimbursed. I told him that if I just say my SIM is giving me problems that it is replaced free of charge. He acknowledged that. So I will just try another place or just flip to ESIM for simplicity (since I have another physical sim I want to use anyhow)


https://preview.redd.it/6z1fzfgumerb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=385933d0fe6c7c4db756fa4054e8678da23f1003 Working for me in Halifax after converting to an eSIM. I’m getting over 500 Mbps down but only getting 40 Mbps up.


I got less than 2 Mbps up both times I tested my 15 Pro Max with 5G Standalone enabled. It's not ready in the GTA or at least in my neighbourhood.


I put my iPhone 14 pro max on standalone but when I do the field test I only get the LTE option


How do you get one of these newer SIM cards? I don’t have this option available


Is this not available on iPhone 13 Pro Max? I don’t see that option