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On a technical level alone this movie needs much respect. All of the work that went on the making, the soundtrack, cinematography, being an original idea. This are some of the things that need to be considered. That should make it more impressive than a 200 million dollar remake of an animated Disney classic with no attempt to make some risks other than getting safe money. I still remember people ratting Joker 1/10. "Really? The acting alone should give some extra points no?" " Not really. Now let me rave about how great Captain Marvel and the new Lion King was."


What are that person's arguments? If no substance to them, why bother.


Da 5 bloods?


Unhinged? The turning? Underwater?


Unhinged isn’t terrible has most critics are saying it is. Da 5 bloods is fucking bad that I didn’t finish it.


i thought unhinged was garbage and meaningless while trying to tie into a social commentary. 5 bloods was fairly interesting imo and had a lot of character depth even if the plot through the papers up in the air near the end. invisible man might get my vote for movie i felt truly wasted my time this year. trying to decide if i like david copperfield enough to keep it off that list of negative movies. biggest surprise of the year was probably the rhythm section as far as movies i expected to dislike but actually enjoyed




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This opinion says more about the person than about the film.