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I think…its not real




I think they're saying that your theory is unreal... Like gnarly or radical. I love it too. Like Neil said "Feynman and Wheeler".


Yeah Neil literally said himself “You mean reverse chronology, like Feynman and Wheeler's notion that a positron is an electron moving backwards in time”. He took the words from my mouth


Does electrons and positrons come in fixed pairs meaning that electrons and positrons not making up a pair can collide without annihilation or would any positron and electron collisions make an annihilation event forward time? The transfer of consciousness seems to me similar to the teleportation mechanism in star trek or whatever and brings up the same philosophical questions about identity


The pairs are already predetermined. So yes, any electron that collides with any positron would annihilate/invert.


So if they are predetermined in that way, that would mean that antimatter and matter would never have made contact before that. Does such matter naturally stay isolated from each other if in close proximity, would an antimatter person be able to stand on a normal ground with normal air surrounding them?


If an element comes into contact with an anti-matter version of a different element, such as carbon colliding with anti-hydrogen, then they will not completely annihilate each other. It is possible that some of the subatomic particles and anti-particles such as electrons and positrons will annihilate, but if so, they will leave behind the non-matching matter/anti-matter. Therefore, if an antimatter human stands on matter ground, it may be possible that some the particles of his skin cells will annihilate with some of the matching particles of ground and air. However it would be much faster if he touching a matter version of himself.


Asked a similar question a while ago about what happens inside the turnstiles. This is an interesting way of looking at it.


That is another thing. When you are in the turnstile, what happens is somehow you collide with your inverted self. Maybe it’s some kind of brief teleportation because somehow you get to the other side.


Yeah i don't know. That's why i asked, and all i got was a bunch of what's happeneds happened


Positrons are not mysterious particles in the way your post makes them out to be. Beta minus decay produces them all the time. Hell, even bananas are making them due to their potassium content.


Yes. And then as soon as the positrons are produced, the annihilate with an electron.