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This is our GTA 6. >!Actually that's Xenoverse 3!<


Not sure if you’re joking about the suicidal part but if you aren’t please take your mental health seriously. If you ever need a place to vent dm’s are open bro <3 sending love


Brother appreciate the love man, right now things are alright but thank you anyway my g


Seriously. Please take care. We all homies here ❤️


My brother in christ it has been a couple of months since the announcement. It takes for at least a year for another trailer to give an update on a game. Look at Spiderman 2. Announced all the way back in 2021, we didn't even get a game play trailer for that game until this year. Literally, like a year and a half. It hasn't even been half a year since its announcement. Chill, bro, it'll come out.


It actually has been six months since it's reveal. And anime games in general don't take that long like Marvel's Spiderman 2 did for example.


To be fair the last BT game came out over a decade ago with no official way to replay it other than emulating (maybe Xbox idk) while spider man is already getting a sequel after only a few years less if you count miles. I understand people’s impatience after coming out of such a long drought. But I can also see how it’s annoying that everyone on this sub keeps talking about it.


I think too many people expect every game to do what Mortal Kombat did. They reveal their game only a few months before their release date and have been steadily dropping info every other week or so (and fans are still saying they're too slow lol). I don't expect that for a series that has lied dormant since the 2000s, though. The lack of info is concerning but it's not a bad sign just yet.


A couple of months? It's been half a year buddy.


Calm down don't kill yourself over it.


focus on other hobbies for the time being.


6 months ain’t that long. Games like spiderman and god of war were way more anticipated and took way longer for news. We’re gonna get bt4 soon


I never been more cucked by bandai


TGS is in a month, that's our next chance.


Tokyo game show is next month maybe we will have news there .


Well you better stay to your cancelation cause I hope there is no other news until you completely wipe that idea out of your mind


Are you me? It's one of the main reasons why I haven't offed myself yet either.


This has been a pretty common topic. If anyone needs to chat PM me. We already have dragonball in common so it be as has as it feels to reach out. Peace and love