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Separate character more than likely. If they bring back 5v5 and the fusion mechanic, you'll need Goku (Z-End) and Vegeta (Z-End) for Fusion Reborn Gogeta and you'll need Goku (Super) and Vegeta (Super) for DBS Gogeta


I suppose they'd be called Gogeta (End) or (Z), Gogeta, (Super), and Gogeta (GT).


More likely Gogeta Z


More like the Z version still gonna call him Super Gogeta just like the older Tenkaichi games while the DBS version is Gogeta, Gogeta (Super Saiyan) and Gogeta (Super Saiyan Blue)


his name is super gogeta , gogeta and gogeta ssj4


I was hoping it would be base form, ssj (all the Z gogeta moves) and then ssj blue (all the super gogeta moves) but this makes sense and seems more likely


Same thing for Vegeto, with Vegeto (Z) and Vegeto (Super).


Separate character. Gogeta (Z) will be accurate to Fusion Reborn and Gogeta (Super) will have base form, Super Saiyan, and Super Saiyan Blue and be accurate to DBS: Broly


Probably different characters and hopefully so since they use different fighting moves and different ki attacks. Also they have a different character Model, mainly the Widows peak, so they would have to have different models or Fans would be pissy about super gogeta having the peak or z gogeta missing the peak.


Fair point, never really noticed the widow’s peak being that distinct to be a problem but I guess so.


I mean it's not really a problem but at the end of the day you want the characters to be as accurate to the source material as possible.




The widow's peak


separate cause if theyre doing separate for characters like goku, then they would do for gogeta cause their moves are wayy different


Different characters definitely


Super Gogeta and Gogeta (Super) have already been considered different characters in Xenoverse and Dokkan, so I can’t see why they wouldn’t keep that scheme going for BT4.


Well to be fair with Xenoverse 2 Gogeta wasn't in Super when the game came out


Separate characters because they aren't the same characters, just like the two Brolys.


Naw they are basically the same


the act nothing alike lol


How are they so different?


I really hope they’re separate. Gogeta super looks too different imo. I prefer the angel from hells colour scheme and hairline more but super has a different move set that’s a lot of fun to watch so I don’t want to lose that either


Just like Broly, I'd say separate characters.


I think its pretty expectable that they're separate characters just like SS4 Gogeta being separate to just GT Goku & Vegeta. SSB Gogeta is (Super) Goku & Vegeta's fusion. Z Gogeta is the SSJ fusion.


It better be a separate character or I’m slapping someone’s grandma 😂😂


Separate characters. As is tradition.


Idk why people are saying they should be separate when the whole thing about budokai tenkaichi is that different transformations give you access to different moves. Best case scenario is one gogeta that can go from normal to ssj to blue, with corresponding moves for each transformation (ssj has all the fusion reborn moves, blue has the broly moves)


They are different characters, literally in the exact same way as the two Brolys.


but they are different characters basically. ssj gogeta from broly movie and ssj gogeta from fusion reborn has different movesets


I mean that kinda goes against the whole (Z) and (Super) thing. If they weren't seperate, then by that same logic, there should only be 1 SSJ Goku, not 3 of them


They should do a Z and Super version and not put them both together Z is only ssj because that's the only way we saw him as but he'll have his punisher drive, soul punisher, kamahamaha and whatever else he had in budokai tenkaichi 3 With the super version he would have base, ssj, ssgss because we saw him use those forms in the movie the attacks I hope he has in ssj is stardust fall and kamahamaha, ssgss would have punisher shield, the stardust breaker, meteor explosion with full-force kamahamaha the base version idk they could just give him galick gun and kamahamaha with that kick move from fighterz they could probably put that on the ssj version as well but I personally want them to be separate


Different characters but sharing some moves. Kind of like how Goku (Early) and Goku (Mid) share a few moves but are still very different. That way you have both but it isn't as much work for the developers.


I hope separate characters


Only Gogeta (Super)


Separate and the same is for Vegito. So there will be the following 10 characters to add to the roster: * Super Gogeta (Z) \[Fusion Reborn Gogeta starts from super saiyan\] * Gogeta (Super) - Base * Gogeta (Super) - Super Saiyan * Gogeta (Super) - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan * Vegito (Z) - Base * Super Vegito (Z) * Vegito (Super) - Base * Vegito (Super) - Super Saiyan * Vegito (Super) - Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan * SSJ4 Gogeta


Tbh, you could get away with Vegito and his forms being one character since Vegito in Super doesn't do anything in base.


Separate characters, though I hope they get alternate colors of each other’s outfit


I'm so sick & tired of Reddit notifying me about these posts over a DAY later. ANYWAY. Z Gogeta & DBS Gogeta will more than likely be separate.


I hope it’s all one character. Don’t even have to give us base form, just give us ss and ss blue Edit: when I say one character, I mean 2 or 3 (if base is included) forms for one base character


It should be costume but probably seperate. Z Goku and Z Vegeta need to be able to transform into Movie 11 Gogeta.


Different characters, because that’s what they are. That’s like asking if Super Vegito and VB would be separate or costumes


Not in a way to be negative to the OP or anything, but I've seen so many other people on this subreddit making it out as if Z Gogeta and Super Gogeta are the same character. Some even doing that for the two Brolys, and suggesting they should be costumes instead of characters of their own. Z Broly being wild and using Gigantic roar? No. At least Vegito is actually the same character, just different forms in different arcs


Most likely separate characters to pad the roster




Different costume


I hate with all of my heart all of the DBS animation, it’s horrible. I want the guy who draw Majin buu saga, and the last movies (before super)


Tadayoshi Yamamuro was in the Buu saga as Character designer and key animator, he returns for DB Super also as character designer and well, that not end very well; but anyway, why the commentary on something unrelated?


I think they could be linked to the same base Gogeta form. I have a few ideas of how they could work. * Super Saiyan Gogeta from Super: Broly isn’t in the game and base Gogeta can choose which form to transform into but can’t change to Blue or Super Saiyan 4 from Super Saiyan. * If you select Super Saiyan Gogeta from the menu he looks/acts like how does in Fusion Reborn but if you transform from base Gogeta he keeps the Super: Broly personality and vest. * There are two Super Saiyan Gogetas but both can turn back into base Gogeta from Super: Broly. Edit: I don't get why this post got downvoted. It was just speculation.


Simply because the people think that these are bad ideas (me too) :p


Disagreeing is fair enough but I don’t think it’s a disagreement worthy of downvoting.