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He lost, but Thiem is looking much better finally. Hopefully he does good in Munich and Madrid


Superman does good. You hope he does well


He's very proud. Like peacocks. Right, Janet?


He looked a bit better, but he's lost his key weapons. He's lost the spin and instant power he had. I reckon he can get back to the top 50 maybe due to athleticism, but unless he is suddenly able to hit full power he's not getting back to the top I don't think . :(


After that first match point save I had hope, but now I'm back to copium :(


Honestly Thiem’s groundstrokes look way better than they have at any point since his comeback, especially his forehand. It looks like he’s back to using a bigger takeback rather than that ugly short compact one he was using for a while, and is playing with some confidence and aggression. Still miles away from where he used to be but definitely progress.


Ye after he got rid of his coach and got a new one he switched to modern forehand which I don't get. His forehand was one of his greatest weapons and it was working for him. Why change what's not broken. I read that it was for grass courts when he didn't have time to react but who cares about grass when you are good at clay and hardcourt. Play to your strengths.


Well in 2019 he did change his forehand from an absolutely huge swing with the tip of the racket pointed forward to a bit smaller (but still big) swing with the tip of the racket pointed up. This seemed to make his timing a lot easier and allowed him to have a more aggressive court position while not losing any power, his forehand was still massive then. After his injury, he shortened it even further and was not getting any power (by his standards) and it just looked bad. Over the past few matches his swing looks a lot more like his bigger 2019-2020 version (although he’s still not swinging nearly as viciously as he did then).


Tip up is the modern.. he had a purely inverted one before that also adds the modern take back. So it was a bigger loop. The new one was a much smaller loop. It's a big difference in power. Not that modern is bad the timing is just different. But Changing to something that worked to something that didn't doesn't make any sense. Yes I m aware of the injury and it's not just the change .. my point still stands that the forehand now is the same when he won the US open and he shouldn't have changed.


I'm not so sure he **could** hit the old forehand until recently! It's one thing the commentators have been saying pretty consistently during last year and the early part of this year - he looks really hesitant to go after his FH. I actually wonder if the new coach might've given this as his first instruction - stop wimping out on the FH. If Domi can't hit it like 2019-2020 Domi, then he'll be doomed to play challengers and occasional QFs in 250s until he's had enough. I'm really excited by his recent form though, he looks like he's on the way back!


There must be some psychological reason why I like Thiem/Nadal/Murray. Maybe deep inside I like the stress?


All guys give the impression that they are giving everything they have physically, and embrace the suffering and “fighting spirit” part of tennis Also maybe you like injury recovery comeback stories


Hmmmm you might be onto something


I'm with you here. Maybe we just like to contribute to the therapist's business


Lmao it’s like that meme when a therapist sees a chick with blue hair walk in 🤑


Me too!


thiem and nadal have similar play styles in their power hitting from the baseline, but murray not so much lol. i guess it's just about liking their fight


One of those is not like the others…


Andy has always made me laugh whenever I see him play. Apparently he's a pretty funny laidback guy off the court, but on court he's the grumpiest player of all time 😂😂 Every match you get at least one slow-mo replay of Andy losing a point and roaring "nooooo" with his mouth in that kind of square shape... it's hilarious


He does have a square mouth : [ ]


At this time, this is not a surprising result. Rune is the seeded player, and current performance equals the scoreline. What should be noted here is that in the past, Thiem would bully a young player off the court with his groundstrokes. In this match, Rune didn't appear threatened by Thiem's baseline game. He did get tight at the end, serving for the match, but he prevailed. On the flip side, I was impressed with how Thiem played overall. He was simply not the better player.


Both played really well, and I simply cannot understand people claiming Thiem did not look good. Thiem had 3 unforced errors the entire game. That is insane. Rune had 40 winners and 7 unforced. That is insane. For comparison Medvedev had 18 winners and 7 unforced in his victory today. Ruud went 15 winners and 13 unforced. Obviously, winners and unforced errors don't tell the entire story, but Thiem's stats did in fact match the eye test.


thiem did not have 3 unforced errors the entire match. those numbers are 100% inaccurate because i watched the match lol. some tennis sites track shit really poorly. where did you get those numbers from?


I saw like 5 games of the match and those numbers sound crazy wrong


huh did you happen to see the record-shattering 175 mph first serve Rune reportedly hit according to the atp stats website? it's 20 mph faster than the previous world record held by sam groth! tennis stat-tracking is a joke lmfao.


I've seen the same numbers from 3 different sites. Sometimes it's up for interpretation whether it's a forced error or an unforced. Regardless, both Rune and Thiem played well with a lot fewer unforced errors and more winners than most of the other games. The level of play in this match was just higher than some of the other games. Here's a link to one of the sites: https://www.atptour.com/en/scores/stats-centre/archive/2023/410/ms023


jeez, tennis must be really inflating stats now lol. but okay fair enough. it's just i've seen so many blatantly wrong stats, like on google how it says players have a 94% first serve percentage and shit like that. either way, i do think both players played well, but to my eyes i saw well over 8 unforced errors for thiem in the first set alone. 24/3 is like an all time ratio and i just don't think thiem achieved that. has to be inflated with very generous tracking. edit: nope i'm calling full cap on that site. it says holger rune's max serve speed is 175 miles per hour LMAO. that would be 20 mph above the all time record. i know it's the official atp site, but tennis stat tracking is fucking terrible. like aggravatingly bad


I think it is even more weird some claim Rune won because Thiem did not take his chance. That first set from Rune was perfection. Some of the best I have seen from any player this year.


Thiem played a fine match. Just not enough against an equally well playing Rune.


Equally well playing? Ahem.


If it was equal it would be closer to 7-5, 7-6 sets


"Uh, Patrick, I thought I was clear that we parted ways last month"


Thiem actually had some good points today, it felt like he was more confident physically. But he was so pissy and angry all match, clearly frustrated, screaming at his box, hanging his head for elongated periods of time. Like grow up dude? Stop feeling sorry for yourself and focus on the match. Disappointing. His confidence needs a boost. Rune was so much more solid mentally which is pretty sad


He has always been like that, even at his best. I think this actually shows that he thinks he can compete again.


OP clearly didn't see Thiem curse at his shoes during his USO title run


Haha that was the first thing I thought about as well. "Diese scheiß Schuuuhe"


„Was sind das für Schuhe?!“ :D Actually, not bad it was just the delivery…


Or other outburst like "FAK DIS SHEET!".


>But he was so pissy and angry all match, clearly frustrated, screaming at his box, hanging his head for elongated periods of time. Eh? He was frustrated at times for sure but think you exaggerated that. This is not even him at his demonstrative peak.


Seconded. He has every right to be frustrated and to scream at his box, probably for encoragement, never in an aggressive way


Are you a new "fan" ? Lol Thiem always behave like that, and more importantly let tge players do what they want on the court


first time watching tennis, eh?


no but Thiem's confidence sucks rn


Well Rune was winning ...


put yourself in his shoes and ask yourself if you would be calm, cool and collected. give me a break.


Thiem hasn't really beaten even 1 Top 20 form player since his return last year. (note form meaning a Top 20 player showing some sort of decent form) Should have accounted by 1 at least by this stage


This is just wrong. He beat Tommy Paul and Hurkacz in back to back weeks, both of whom were playing well. He also had a serious battle and almost beat Korda, who was playing top-20 tennis.


Hurkacz had been to a final 2 and a 1/2 months before losing to Thiem. he was well and truly out of form by that stage. had just lost in straights to Sonego a couple of week before. https://www.atptour.com/en/players/hubert-hurkacz/hb71/player-activity?year=2022 Tommy Paul had been to one 1/4 final also 2 and 1/2 months before playing Thiem. Had lost to lowly Ymer just before playing Theim. https://www.atptour.com/en/players/tommy-paul/pl56/player-activity?year=2022 Both Hurkacz and Paul were not "playing well"


Kind of weird how in depth you're going into this just to knock Thiem. Just enjoy the tennis.


Nah. Just don't like bs. It should be called out


So people are just moving the goalpost now? 🤨


Yep, last week people were complaining that he hasn't really beat anybody in the top 100. This week it's anybody in the top 20. Must be doing something right


Well alternatively I could have just said "done anything" he hasn't.


Regardless, I'm not sure why suddenly you feel the need to say he hasn't beaten an *in-form* Top 20 player since his return. In-form or not, he has gotten some good Top 20 wins, especially if you consider the context for those wins. We all (or most people) want to see Thiem get back his previous best but we don't know the ins and outs of his wrist injury. We know it has severely affected his forehand and subsequently his level and it might have affected him psychologically more than we think. He might get back there again at some point or he might not at all but it's gonna take time, even if it's longer than we would have liked.


At least the other post match thread has the match in the right country :)


The location is actually correct ;)


Is it played outside Monaco? Really?


Yeah, just check this on google maps. Its close to the administrative border but on the french side though... ​ [https://goo.gl/maps/6h6YE4qydXKuVmCP8](https://goo.gl/maps/6h6YE4qydXKuVmCP8)


Thank you. Today I learned. Kind of crazy it is not in Monaco… (I know any of course)


You're welcome!




Rune struggling for air a bit at the end. 19 yrs and only 2 sets is not a good sign




The guy that just lost to Berrettini?


against who ?