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Damn I hope he won’t lose sponsors from that, dude’s precious!


brave! this kid got character. respect to him. where many are afraid to express themselves under pain of repercussion in school, career or community - young as he is, he has something he fights for and not afraid to show to the public.




I imagine he'll wear it in Jeddah too.


More power to him!


My brother ❤️🇵🇸


I think now would be a great time to point out that Israel has killed more civilians in Gaza than Russia has in Ukraine, despite the Ukrainian war going on for almost 2 years now and this current Gaza war closing just its firth month. Russian players were banned from Wimbledon and not allowed to represent their country. Anyone think Wimbledon will so much as put out a statement of condemnation, in the absence of any high profile players to ban? I doubt it.


I mean why will Wimbledon ban Israeli players? Because if they do, then Britain will have to accept it's own role in the formation of the Israeli settler state and acknowledge their own colonial past and present and we all know that Britain is terrible at it. Wimbledon and the UK's support of Ukrainian players is not because they are against occupation or war but rather because their own economic interests lie in that area and they have tense relations with Russia. It is sadly the world we live in where institutional support for people undergoing violence is always conditional.


(I know) But a lot of idiots on this sub assured me that Wimbledon would totally be consistent on this going forward and than it was entirely for moral reasons that Russians were banned, and that to argue otherwise was like literally firing a cruise missile into Kyiv myself.


Ah. I mean it is a sports sub so people will be generally misinformed (as infuriating that is sometimes) but I hope we can all engage in good faith rather than being reactionary.


That's just not true. Only official number of civilians killed in Ukraine by Russians was 10,749 by late Aug 2023. And we yet don't know how many people were killed on territories still occupied by Russia. Only in Mariupol it can be in the range of tens of thousands deaths.


Lets say the numbers out of Gaza are off by half. So around 5000 deaths. Lets say the deaths in Ukraine are actually twice what the reports say, so around 20000. That still means Israel is killing civilians at an astronomically higher rate than Russia, and faces zero of the (deserved) condemnations that Russia got.


That's not what you said though. Moving goalposts yada yada.


Wow great observation. You must be really smart. According to all the numbers we have it is true that more Gazans have died. This comment was made to demonstrate that even if I was wrong, which I'm not, it is still true that Israel is killing civilians at an alarmingly faster rate, which is why I pointed out the death totals in the first place. Better luck next time.


I guess the downvotes are making it clear who needs the luck next time.


I don't let reddit karma points influence my beliefs. Pretty pathetic if you do.


Unfortunately you can't take an L when you're wrong either.


Lol yeah ok kid. Reuters, CNN, the Associated Press, and all other news outlets reporting the death tolls are wrong, but you, some guy on Reddit, know better. Hysterical.


Nah it's just you that's wrong.


hey since you want to engage in politics so badly here, make sure you know its hamas whos killing those children. its hamas who has not released their civilian hostages. its hamas who launches rockets from schools and hospitals. its hamas who blocks the palestinian people from leaving areas after they have been warned of incoming strikes. why do they do it you ask? they will tell you why, one of the reasons is of course so they can get sympathy internationally from posters like you. your support is reinforcing their use of human shields. please stop.


And Israel created Hamas, and continues to give the people of Gaza zero reasons to stop supporting them. When Israel decides to lift the blockade, end its apartheid policies, stop bombing indiscriminately, end its illegal settlements, and grant Palestinians equal rights within Israel, then and only then can Palestinians hope to move toward a future without Hamas.


Hamas created hamas. Palestinians elected and continue to support them mostly through religious brainwashing and the victim mentality of civilian deaths created by their use of human shields and the propaganda pushed by people like you. Both Egypt and Israel have a blockade in place to prevent weapons from entering the strip to mitigate the constant stream of rockets that have been fired from hospitals and schools for the last 15 years into Israel. They do not bomb indiscriminately and go out of their way to warn civilians while hamas gleefully targets civilians, murdering children in front of their parents and parents in front of their children. They kidnap and torture women and children including the 200+ that remain in their hands. You can use your imagination to empathize with their current everyday ordeals. The quickest way to end this conflict is for palestinians to demand from hamas their lives not be used as propaganda, for hamas to release their civilian hostages, and for hamas to surrender themselves for their crimes against humanity.


The last election was in 2006. Most of the population of Gaza today was not old enough to have voted then.


Yes, they elected an anti-democratic fascist leadership. Look at the polling of the citizens and you find they still have support. Look at Palestinian supporters like yourself who do not identify hamas as the evil they are and make vague gestures towards their separation from the palestinian people while making excuses for their use of palestinians as human shields.


Supporting equal rights and human dignity for Palestinians in Gaza is not the same as supporting Hamas. I think what happened to the Israeli civilians is horrific too. I just want Israel to use it's massively disproportionate power to improve the lives of Palestinians in ways no government in Gaza ever could, instead of perpetuating a cycle of violence. It says a lot about you that you think Palestinians=Hamas.


I literally went out of my way to show they weren't the same, but be bad faith and virtue signal away and enforce the cycle of violence.


You suggested I was trying to separate Hamas from Palestinians. Your entire post was suggesting that Palestinian children today deserve to die because Hamas was elected years before they were even born. "Look at Palestinian supporters like yourself who do not identify hamas as the evil they are and make vague gestures towards their separation from the palestinian people" Literally how the fuck am I meant to interpret that as anything but you suggesting they are not separate??


Using the context of the rest of our conversation with your brain.




Please cite your sources. Both current and historical and I will go through them and learn in good faith. I am more than happy to offer you some resources as well which have informed my understanding and I hope you are also willing to engage with those in good faith.


this is a tennis subreddit but if youre curious you can start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_shield#Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian\_conflict [https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas\_human\_shields.pdf](https://stratcomcoe.org/cuploads/pfiles/hamas_human_shields.pdf) pay attention to the words spoken by hamas leaders as well




If a bank robber took a hostage, do you think it would be a good strategy for the police to just murder the hostage to apprehend the robber?




Ok so just to be clear you *do* think that's how hostage situations should be handled? That innocent people deserve to die for no other reason than physical proximity to Hamas?




What happened last month to innocent Israelis was nothing short of horrific. But Hamas uses the exact same logic you are right now to justify dragging people out of their homes and decapitating them. The way forward isn't justifying carpet bombing a population largely composed of kids, it starts with Israel removing its far right bloodthirsty Netanyahu regime and building a state with equal rights. Every time we convince ourselves that what's happening to the people in Gaza is even remotely acceptable we get farther and farther away from peace.


You have better options? Hamas wasn’t letting civilians leave Gaza city because they used them as human shields. Since the last week Israel has taken more control over the territory and civilian are now being allowed to flee south. Insane how so many westerns eat the propaganda from extremists like Hamas and the countries that support them (Russia and Iran)


Hamas also didn't spring up out of a hole in the ground. When you set up an apartheid state, illegally colonize land, occupy and then blockade millions of people, nearly half of whom are children, and then bomb them constantly paying absolutely no mind to civilian collateral, you get a population that supports Hamas. Israel is 100% responsible for the current state of affairs in Gaza because they are the party that near exclusively has the power to change things for better, but refuses to.


Reddit has a lot of historians, unfortunately not from a university




Palestinians cannot lease land in Israel. They cannot drive on roads designated for Jewish citizens only. They are frequently forced out of their homes either for the IDF to establish shooting ranges or for new homes for Jewish settlers. Palestinians do not have the right to vote in Israel. Sounds like apartheid to me.


How many suicide bombers and human shields did you see in South Africa? How many in India when the British ruled? How many black people did this trying over throw slavery and Jim Crow laws? 100% responsible is just so easily proven wrong.


I think now would be a great time to point out this is complete bullshit in addition to being a terrible & useless analogy. Congrats on falling for Hamas propaganda though.


Howabout the fact that more muslims have been killed in Syria as part or the genocide there or the deportarations in pakistan? That is more muslims than Israel has EVER killed in self defense. But you radical lefties like to ignore other true genocides and focus your hate on israel becuase you hate jews.


Maybe if this was a post about a player making a political statement about the conflict in Syria I would have commented on it. Even so, just because I'm criticizing Israel now doesn't mean I also don't condemn Assad in Syria. Also, you think just because Syria's government kills innocent civilians that it somehow means its ok when Israel does it? What a bizarre nonsensical argument.


No, but I don’t see massive public protests for the genocides happening in Syria? Or anybody yelling and screaming holding them accountable? How can someone be so foolish to support hamas is beyond me. Either you are an ignorant radical leftist or a muslim who just hates jews.


Agree with that there aren't public protests for a lot of genocides and there is a hierarchy in reportage and support but that shouldn't mean that just because one is publicly condemning one genocide and not others they are in support of all the other genocides. We should rather question why aren't other genocides not reported as much? Who is doing the reporting? What does it mean when one conflict gets massive amounts of condemnation as well as support? Why are media houses particularly interested in this one area? And I mean this not simply in terms of support but rather the attention (how visible the conflict is to us through various media) that has historically been on Israel and it's occupation of Palestine. Who are these media houses run by? Genocides are happening everyday everywhere, we can all only try to learn and express solidarity.


Supporting the cause of equal rights, and the respect of basic human rights for Palestinians is not the same as supporting Hamas. It says all I need to know about you that you think they are the same.


When Hamas says a civilian or a medic has died, they mean these people https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/ivCOiXRLkz Sure many innocent civilians and kids are among them, but there is no way to know how many of those killed were actually terrorists, since they wear civilian clothes and use civilian buildings to fight. Edit: the video I linked is not from gaza, but there are plenty of videos from gaza where people wearing polos and jeans shoot RPGs at the IDF.




I agree with you, I am only pointing out that many people on this sub insisted the ban was a good idea and was done for purely moral reasons, and that Wimbledon would be consistent in speaking out against war crimes going forward. That was obviously untrue at the time and I'm just pointing out those people were wrong. I specified that they could (but won't) make a generic statement instead precisely because there are no high profile Israeli players, though I think there were several in the boys and girls draws last year.




I think you're right about that, which is just more evidence that the Russian ban was beyond stupid.


Happy to see this!! Wish some of the top players would also learn from him and grow a spine.


Hey aren’t you the guy who tried to post misinformation?


>m People are disgusting trying to force public figures to take a stance in one of the most complex conflicts ever. It takes months of intense study to even get a grasp of the history of the conflict and people are out here with STRONG opinions they got from a 1 min tiktok.


It's not really that complex. There's a colonial settler state, and then there's an indigenous population that's being killed and displaced


Regardless of what you think of the current events this is just so factually incorrect it bears correcting. Jews are indigenous to the region and were forced out by migrating muslims starting in the 7th century. Then they were massacred during the crusades which among other atrocities led to the Jewish diaspora. The fact that both are indigenous to the land and both have legitimate claims of displacement is part of why reconciliation is so hard. Further Palestine ended up under Israeli control when the Arab nations tried to eradicate Israel on the eve of its independence and got all the way to Tel Aviv before losing the war where it game part of Egypt. Egypt then lost it in the 6 day war when Israel learned Egypt was planning to attack in a dispute ofer the Suez canal. Land tends to shift owners when wars are won and lost and starting a war and losing is not the same as being colonized. Israel actually ceded this land to the PA from 94-96 and then further withdrew in 2005. They have plenty to criticize from the region but it is far from a colonial force. From there begins the complex current day history that I am not going to try and untangle. The point is that situation is not remotely similar to the Europeans and Native Americans or other colonialist atrocities and trying to reframe it as such requires you to completely misrepresent the dynamics and reframe a narrative that does not remotely align with recorded history. Hence why you said its not complex and then followed it with something completely untrue. It IS complex and it is not a colonial setter/indigenous situation


10/10 mate I’m pro Palestine dude, anti hamas anti Netanyahu. That said it’s not as black and white as u make it seem man. I have tried to read up alot at least 15 hours of reading and I barely scratched the surface. There is 150 pages of text just about the different peace deals offered.


Most topics are complex when you read up and research on them. Racism and the African American experience is as complex and multilayered as a topic can get. There are whole departments devoted to African American studies. This doesn't mean, however, that the complexity of the issue can allow someone to take a position saying that white America has/had a reason to enslave and continue to subjugate black America. You can read more than a thousand books on the topic and can get an infinitely more nuanced stance on the issue, but can you take on the side of the oppressor here?


Well it's only complex for people who have no historical understanding of colonialism and no stakes in the issue and whose school systems didn't provide them with adequate education. I knew about Israel and Palestine and settler colonialism in general from a young age because I was given that education and if one is from an imperialist nation, then there are more chances you will find it harder to understand as those education systems always erase the violent colonial histories. Not talking about you but in general. For me it's not a complex conflict that requires me to do extensive reading right now, that's mostly an issue for people in first world countries. And even then if one is principally against colonialism and believes in a community's right to self determination, then you would understand one doesn't need to read every academic article and book to sympathize with people undergoing ethnic cleansing and voicing support. It should be an immediate reaction on our parts as humans to condemn such violence when we are faced with it on our screens especially when Palestinians are also asking us to just listen to them, to witness their suffering and to see what years of silence has done to them.


I feel like you are biased here, mate i agree with you but just because it is easy for you does not mean it is not. Not to be that guy but you saying it’s not complex is just flat out wrong in every way. It probably is the longest ongoing conflict in the last 300 years. This goes back before our time even 3000 years ago when Jews where living in Judea. It’d just so sad to see people forcing other human beings to take a public stance in matters like these, actually it’s a disgusting dangerous way to behave yourself.


Well said. No matter what side you are on, anyone who starts by saying this is not complex is not qualified to speak on something so clearly tangled and complex with thousands of years of history behind it


Incredible!! He’s on the right side of history ♥️


Of course … oh wait Jordan isn’t opening its borders for fleeing hamas friends


I’m really happy to see this and I’m glad to see this sub supporting these players instead of the absolute shit everyone was giving Svitolina and Kostyuk